Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1961, p. 5

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large crowd attend masses at st josephs on weekend two life memberships given at alert auxiliary meeting large crokds attended christ bnng vou tidings of great jov nt masses ai st josephs for this rb is bom to vou a church acton as a spiritual saviour bo is chnst tbe preparation lor the feast of the lord in his sermon father jiatmtv nlacdouga said there is a note christmas e midnight high of jov tha prevails m he iee- mass was sung bv the pastor branon of christmas but spirit father v i morgan at which ual jo is tbe onh real jo and father r jttacitougal s j this is found bv bong loval to ottawa preached besides mid- chnst and histeachins night mass there were five low those who are ngh with itasses christmas dav celebrated god find peace whether thev at 9j0o 930 and 10jx dock bv lvne mu hoi and sjts the hih mass and the junior shor led bv mrs edward hefcnan sang chnstmas hvmns a th 9 and 1030 masses chrs nas das tradhkmal crib the ihunh lso has the ustla nb vhiih dates baik to the time of st franvis nb was a haio of the christmas dinner miiatu of hi a trt esentn auvil an ol knov shursh sas held at tht shueh vwth a loviu dinner ion incd and prepared bv miss emm j colt and her group tter ward the member adjourned to the classroom tor a fmi program m- mel msculiouiji pnsidid sicral chnstmas ijrols wea nun and a worship seniii was taken bi miss bellamae roszell father macdougal with a ser moo at the 9 oclocx mass low masses at 1030 and 11 o clock were celebrated bv father mor an at which the pastor wished all present and all morns ot acton r holy and happv chnstmas i j father naddouaal lock as his around the and mrs j l davidson a vixal liahis and l ln a was 5un flowrrs tbe auas and sancu b m and miss art dedicated to him or to tbe ar were most beautifu iv dei duties of their state fathers orated with a anetv of flowers mothers sons and daughters in wreaths and io ored lijjita ad living as thev should aicording the masses were well attended jiiaij wi m to their stae of life find the and greetings and brfssings wee vcufkijh the ughtthat shone io that this feast offers for extended to all b both the on gjjbim followed suih jov is from peace of soul pastor and father maidougal which was promised to tbose father morgan also extended of goodwill as the angels sang his best wishes to all the cii the senior choir under the zens of alton for tvt ao jus aermons behold j i direction of the senior id of 1 hoh miss happv new lear roszell mr george somerville lontnbuted a beautiful chnst mas poem his birjidav a oo b miss rosiell a dear little stranger and a reading b mrs lue memberships a pleasant feature of the ee and ning was the presentation of two iti mimberships one to mrs i arensi lolis pnssntei be mrs gex r1 oun and to mrs mel msculloujh pnsintid b mrs fxd a-iui- i 7 pin win primmed bi mrs rosrt turner thisi mu in appreiution of n wis nndered oir a lon pir iod of mimbirship the roll iall was responded bv ash one presin in a git tor a sik and hut in mrs george oung and mrs james inglis vol- unteind to sei that the were aven to thi guelph hospitals and o the halton manor thire was an ixshange of gifts with miss roszill in the roll of santa claus idslumt and all to tht tune of jmgli bills ennom rinmd a loeek gift an inuation was ixundid to hold thi januan meiting at the manse from mrs mikmzn organist f concert christmas afternoon at christian reformed church even try the twist at high school dane chnstmas afternoon the chnst ian reformed churth was filled with tbe voices of children when while their parents watched tber presented a program of recita tions and sangs tbe church base- letter of the word star reciting recuatlom songs storks grades one and two of the ll bible class told the chnstmas nlj t ii- m sion in song and then viiebe iiienkwasfilwd for the program j a ujhed which began w the sinpnj dt k a a jo to the world mrs loovenga q teaj puied the organ mui minha kimnunxa lhe tbe program was put ojn m christmas storv m simple terms the children of the bible class i for cbj aged from su to 12 who meet in the church ererv saturday morning which meets suodat afternoons some of the children who hie vsuh a gj prehohda atmos phin in the high school a fiw studints een tned daiking twist at the chnstmas i n a m the gvmnastum thursdan ca and of tbenamit mr nutma i osed nmt c the program with praser the teavhers handed out gifts to eaih su s plaed for the irowd a lstoot chnstmas trei in the hid little books and tc of the gm studded with lights arjd miialed with glowing angel hair was the highlight ot the ingenious deiorations with sil houettes around the vails chaper oms wen mrs j gallowav and i ross allen with other staff mem bers thire too bags of land from the ihunh mlud lp sanu earli in december when mr numas la eihism ilass held a parts the congregation s posi lion in regard to chnstmas tele orations was personified when santa claus armed at the the youngsters of tbe bible traditional dutih time earh in add sunda sibool joined the month with his iostume ana me ouncair oeim w uadjuosal hmnns angels partis dutih and panl cana from the realms of glorv and dian his dutih robe was lopped silent night b a red hood a charming recmation was voung peop e 1 good yule to in tbe country are unable attend sarurda mornings the minuter the re j nut ma spoke first and then the pa rents were juceh welcomed tr tbe grade one students of the bible class led bv stan xam- if garbage lolleition is am in duation of a successful chnst mas alton residents enjosed at this par the themsehis town workmen were exchanged gifts at liast two hours behind schel gien bv all the children in grade ihe had made themselves read dule vednesdav garbage collec j one when tbes all held lighted iheir original poems and plaved non was so heavv candles j in holland it is lustom j tni anc a f ctevt 0 lrs john loovenga told a for st to arrive workers iartid excessive loads s chnstmas storv tbe closing was t chnstmas and lo tht jump one after the other two given bs grade two of the bible chnstmas oav is a religious hoi as thev kept up a stiadv pan dav throughout thi dav bkldewyijaidj to ctwg nnytail edna may ladiu and childrafij ww minga next came grade who gave lar at chnstmas- 1 class when five girls draped rune with children having odt white to represent angels spok- i na family groups fill church for dutch english services the christian re formed congregational singing mr nut church was crowded with famil roa wa most appropnati fear not lor behold i bnng groups and theu- chnstmas guests for seniccs last suooav and on t fn i7 m t shlrtrsjn lili shall bi to all peopli mrs christmas dav two lovely floral arrangements church basement where services are held for the special davs vunsuuas i lag lint uirij h 1ri arrangements were placed in the a prt gram for the children oi the bible class and sundav school sundav mornings regular 10 i aan sernce was in english with t i weeid was quiet caspar pauw playing the organ thl streeb and pleasant in thi the 230 jun semce wtis in although manv were baik dutch mat mrs john xru at tbe tc 0 on bomg dav the holi organ the minister the rev j das bef chnstmas ws a nutma pjeached umelv chnst change which manv mjoved mas messages there was mon time for last on chnstmas dav at 10 aon minute shopping on saturdav and tbe sernce in dutch began with for church scmces sundav grants motors jii uwiim- jam sua sale qp 1961 chrj5tmas cards boxed one of a kind or assorted at vl regular price 3 days only december 28 8 dillsstationery store pounding the sports beat t third straight win tanners clobber breslau qiite a diffmnci in thi re- por s tha naih this pi from m nor hockiv ilubs now than from those that appi ind urlv in v season wins tor thi ac ton ilubs win lew and tar bi twien in thi iarlv par ol sche- du is now the caniakir of this pigi no iv wi h nlish mou vims an biin recorded and fivvir losses thi seltionfidcnie ai qumd since the communitv centn opened has servid as a spur to coaches and local clubs an beginning to ilimb liagui ladders plaving on homi in has al wavs been a great stabilizer lor tiams espeiiallv amongst thi minors clubs that must plav all thur games awav irum home ranlv do well practice time acton teams are able to slip in now and the comfortable feeling boot k gives a team is already paying off tbe lime when acton fans had to apologhte for ibeir club showing because of lack of practice b in tbe past acton youngsters have tht same ad vantages as those ln other centres now elora rocks gave tv so sons larist irowd at fugus a few anxious moments this week before bowing 3 to miuan flv ers in a oaa intermediate contest thi win ionsulidated thi fivers hold on fust place and lilt them undileated elora s loss dripped the rueks diwn 1 notch in the standings caving them in possess on uf third place while ei in steppid up in to second fergus i an up a 20 lead in iik first two piliods but the rocks cot back on even terms wi h twvi goals in the first si nunu is of the final kn gave firgus the lead igain at 10 minutes jnj dobbie made it 42 at h sjl bui elon kept ptg aw iv uintu 1903 whin sihaeler narni ed the margin to one ill j sith keating rocks miniiml ef jut i n an extra funsjrd knox siurid the loose puck and drilled it into the mntv net with is seconds remainnic to vi rap the game up fur fer tbe elora club anilouj to gel back in second place vis its acton this fridsv night fergus roeanwwlt hopes to via their last two games o i9al with erin and breslau io keep their win skein intact plenty of hockiv in acton sinei hi lommuniiv eciitn op ened its facilities but wi still don have an industnal liagui to remedv this a tew intensted sportsmen an sailing a meet ing in the fin hall next tuisda evining at 8 p m thi object is to form an in dustnal or bush league n i give all the frustrated hoikev plavers in alton a ihann t blow off stiam aituallv thi first meeting ol the kagui was slatid tor the tuesdav just past but our forgitfulness and the chnstmas mcrrvmakinc produc id onlv sparse attendance all those interested in plav log industrial hockey referee ing or potential sponsors are urged to attend i m sure there are many in this district who would like to give lhe game a whir again before ibey hang up lhe blades for good who knows maybe theyll call you up lo lhe pee vices if you re good enough beat bits in spite it tlu lad thev plaved i nal banc up came alton businessmen s pn wees wen shut out 00 bv the strong georgetown squid lis lllght i wedllesdav paul coop er plaving in the acion ml p led 1 fine cuiik bill 111 t hi ii taceriless i ele ir the pil k lhe loial kids knocked abuut i iui in their own lie a bet e llldl 111 ii i of the plav would have bun a 20 scon bi ivv press mielgitv lost a 0 diisi n 1 1 pnsi n last thursdav and in the pi eess pluekv mike prvsljsz w is ellt willi a skate 111 llle head the w nind icqilmi i if sill his a tuns game utih brampi in n deicmbcr 30 is ff hut mill n wsits on tuesil i januiiv 2 il 8 ujxk iiualk praetiee lime i r lhe mlli happ1 sew near to ail wmle ss o tar this se icon bus in bombers wen shit down lg mi rtivtiv niht in the new e mrmmitv eeiitu hen li i the seel lid iii1u within the week hv a 1 l t i 1 lels filled n wed nesdie tht belllhels well ii ii lulled s2 lndav in the tvel mi pn line t hitlers 1 llell w is ml v 1 1 1iiv ll llhl ml the utei me tin tinners crab hil a tt in inst peitik lead lellclhe hell it t i m m thi see on i si in 1 tud su nil ihni more in the ihird lor a veuli margin it wis the third siriicjit win li r the aeton elub which is ni w billing s0o lhe six le 1111 oaa mierniidiate iiieint the win did nut ilteit the li igui standings howiver the tinners remain in lourlh plan two points behind thud pi iee fnn whteh has i lour win two loss mord bombers crude big and eioidi the bnslau elub did not eurrv muih favor wnh thi piitisan pnsholilav iruw i thev usnl thiir stiiks like shilliliihs uid bitwtin thein thi tw le mis si iv id 24 pun lit us eiihi mi uli it tin thivi runihls the omteiils brookeil mi nun seise sealul bolh plavers in llu sin bill when ihtv ellcjged 111 slkk duels double pelllltlls win iii queill hill neither elub eapit lllell on lhe manpower margin spiel ttuis hid banlv takm the ir sells when mu mcdon ild pm tlu tamieis alii ul it ihi i vl mark ol the tusi peiiikl aeton it i- ta bantam hockey standing i is 1 ikeiinber 17 11 l t pis u igitjwn soi ii oikulli 112 8 biamplon 13 1 7 millnii 1 i 0 ilispelir 2 2 0 4 pnsi m 0 4 11 ait n i s 1 1 sioring fi a pis 6 0 is 7 7 14 x s m in into a rish of pinalliis at hit point when julian 7aae and pi i 1 iws n sliced a contest to sei willi el ulll spend the must time ii suk oth lawson w m hv seivnic ihns penalties to ill s tccej iimiiiis n bixlir midi ll 20 i ii tin i urn rs with hilp inim h jiwn c nun ngtiani il 1 1 vj in i pit 11 pissmn flv fid ihul v in m t net ill handed in less ih in i iiunule lilir in in billlllil he ml ll wis lhe lllsl ol lw the tinners popped 111 iii iii klllll i llle e ice ha 1 i t wnslev combined with ivni 1 milsae in the first two miniiiis nt ihe sc mil st in i to put a li n ilu ul 40 then john lunniughaifci tried his hand at link shm tine mil diiphe itnl mil list ill s u it with i goal limn belniiil tht net the puck hit iik aac ii plenl ee d oik line r ui blair a e i aiehilekm r bi i 7 s 12 miesall b oak 8 1 ii baku b oak i h ii sheppud 1 t i 6 i ii black r bi i h 11 pee wees swamp erin 91 friday a i 11 bllmiilnmiilli n pit tl piuiil it lx i ni imivh l si hiiu i in i i l itin i t in pn wti- in in ixlnhni n v mutt in av i n i iiul it nijjn tlu lxil kub mi pniiik iti tink uul iwjmpid till imt jls i bpinlv mki ik stunt i iur ut tlu av tun guils uhilt r umi hat nil i ri n jiihnvt n ji hn msim ii uul all in mikliik miijxii i ik ipilvi ui i in kiuhk sjvjilnl dunn h ii kk v bui i i sliui uiil in tl i atli n iu is wii j miuiij pti ki k i il i i i mm ali n wuit j tu id vo in the hil piiinl with miki ili mui i ilk w i iinassisitj ku ik mil run j hrimin mu i liir kin owtn s p i s i it i in u kir kdmlsrtv hiv ufhikll till siioihl pt ii il with llu 1 1 in lh aklnn pi il si ul h j hn lj nn hi n liki ik pi pptil in iwo inuitj tin lnsi unismskil and in it on i isiisi 1 h mi in mtktnit i 1 n m is n iiuik it 70 in nit tl i ii it niii in ik siiuiul ii in i r miv jl n issiikil n h s 1 i l llni 1 piil d ii i i n i tl i i iv h nkliv s l is- i i n iki ii h i tntl mini mikinii inn h il ii lit s iitik wild i uhjssiil i k il i j i i i i i lions roar to 41 victory consolidate hold on fifth act n li ns rjartd ihtir wa t a s nuikin 4 1 win iur pn i juuniks in a tu c j in i v t n tsi m tht t mrnunitv tntrt htri i i thursdas nifchi in hai must hjt bttn unt ul iik v l rust games a thi slj njt n iwu ptnjl us utrt stt 1 iht li jns jrtd a pjir t jis in tht u nd and th rd p- d afltr a s iriltss first mt j n ukt tht win prts tun e iheir unl e in tht t jnd a lr marshall firxd tht t rst a i n junttr at 7 15 jf tht set big games crucial conlests fact at least tuo acton hocke clubs this ueek in ibe tri county juvenile series acton lions meel he speler one of ibe better clubs in ibe league al the commu nity centre here tonight thursday the lions he been playing pretty fair bockey of late and fans ihlnk ibey are due for a win over ibe hespel er crew ho so far ibis season hate been annoying on ihe heavy end of lhe scores uilh acton game time is 9x pan another big game ln ibe com munity centre friday night when the tanners play host lo elora bocks in tt oaa intermediate tbe bocks shad ed acton 31 in iheir first ap pearance here but since that lime the tanners have chalked up a three game win skein game time is m3 on i is isied be rm ki1 n re i nan u i i up it j minutes la er in n the uuk pu k i iht e pi 1 b i in l ir si i 1 siib- st hi m 111 llle i i n i 1 1 ilun i iniiiu e u er j jhn 1 1 g n jr pot llle i i in ihiad in s i shell lie i i he 1 pe e marks pas acton go ahead marks return i lhe i imp iment 1 1 g i at 6 12 of lhe lnul hapler il en he heal a 1 ii in 1 pas tin ne s elejr ll a pjl eilh g n men mjrshjl us uell a openin the s in i ei ised it ihen he jnd ian johns n nlla h irated on lhe llnakiial ol thi tame at 7s2 of the pir od the win s ilulifie i aek n s h ild in fifth pla e in the eiht team iea in six c lies llle i ions hale s 1 ml ted he al 1 i s iree b jirrn in heads le i ithi h is uim d 1 biih jueni e a an 1 b ealls hespel er i in se lip e oikulle ih j orar evil f ir h tjen a i n mill n x h ij uen seeiitn and pre i mi e un he rear as in b m crista 1 ane bnsen b djiki d r n mel n e r n male m ian j l ii u rele msrk n e r e de g hh n r ll bav e j nn on m rf mai hall tip top tailored free cnl dur nrj fh s i me of ire yew a tip top ta lorecl sale free so ada s largest select mpcrted prefer cnanged regular 69 93 lf ss 20 alwas intended to start sour christmas shuppm tarh didn t uu tvlii this is ht atck 10 j bian 11 then arl just 253 shop- pinj dab left tip top 17 mm se i

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