Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1962, p. 3

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commissioners sharpen pencils to finalize 1962 capital budget hydro commissioners burned be midnight oil thursday jan uary 25 in an attempt to pare anticipated capital budget expend itures for 1962 and reach some conclusion on adjusting the pow er load on number one substa tton commissioners sharpenecmheir a repre present at the pencils when the capital budget firogram was submitted by super ntendent doug mason and after careful review approved an es timated budget amounting to 193491 of this amount the bulk wllj be used for the purchase of new transformers estimated at 2000 meters 1300 and street lighting estimated at j2000 the bulk of the balance will be used up in regular maintenance following the report during the lost meeting when the supenn tendtnt submitted prices for i had water heaters either on flat changing transformers at number rak- or non rial rate one substation from 25 cycle to superintendent doug mason 60 cycle in order to carry a was authorized to attend a super greater power load a review took v safety meeting in toronto place thursday evening in con l 2930 accounts totalling elusion the secretary was advised ig 12944 were approved for pay to contact ontario hydro to have nient next meeting to dlscuss the situ ation meanwhile the superintend cnt was instructed to obtain ad dittwal once for rewinding the program during this year to in i elude improved lighting on bower commissioners were informed by mayor john h goy that eoun il contemplated a street lighting transformers no hot water during the meeting commis sioncrs reviewed a recent survey taken by meter reader newt hurst which showed that 57 hydro customers were without hot water healers of any description of the improved lighting avenue an amber crossing light at ajix engineering to warn mo torists of the railway crossing lumin nrc lights at all approaches to town and additional lighting at the pirk cntnncc he request ed the suocnntindcnt to estimate pproxtmatc costs of these pro- total number of customers 1107ccts for councils approval all church officers reappointed 80 at meal before annual meeting about 80 persons enjoyed hot a w benton m a mino a c turkey dinners in the basement pit tcrson k c lindsay and dick before the annual congregational i apple yard the minister closed meeting in limehouse presbyter j with the benediction ian church last wednesday eve iems of interest nlng rovfn young was chair mrs hanty norton spent a man and a w benton secretary ftw d m torunlo last week tw ihn 111 linn ah n nnrlt chncu ri for the meeting all reports how cd a good year and all officers of j96i were rcappoinled mrs benton being added as choir leader managers arc ted brown lloyd mcencry a c patterson sidney kirkpatnck t h price and joe ross trustees are ted brown and joe ross srtcwaids arc dick appleyard neil benton tom ritchie bert benton ted brown and llovd mcencry a w ben ton is treasurer mrs roughley organist mrs bert benton choir leader and auditors nrc k c lindsav and mrs kirkpatnck mrs roughley is building fund treasurer owing to the considerable id dilkin to the building rcecntly thc insurance was increased board uf session included rc young t h pliec joe ross seek and mrs mr and mrs william simmons ind lamilv uf hamilton were also a quick recovery lor mr ben da jackson ol guclph end visitors with mi simmons we regret thai mi sun gisln is conlincd to huspit il in george town with an arm ailment we hope for his speedy improcmenl pilot off course sunday sets plane down in field also added to the absenteeism wj euchre mrs w awrcy mr htheukei on sunday aitemooir a light piper plane landed in the field behind h r howards bam near the highway the pilot was en mr and mrs l watson won ruutc irom barne to georgetown prizes at the euchre on fndav and had got off course and was i evening sponsored by the worn forced to land before dusk as en s institute plane was not equipped fur night flying h r howard attended the wednesday session of ific ontario soil and crop improvement as sociation at the coliseum exhibi hon park toronto new home mr and mrs r tucker of gucl ph have purchased the be ird wood house on the 3rd lint north of the highwiv and moved in i ist week attcndincc ut the loe it school has been cut due to a form of flu chicken pox and measles have yj- water reservoir tenders tuesday mis d w robertson uus in london on saturday uttendiug a meeting of the executive of the ontario christian women s lowshtp of the churches of chnst disciples mr and mrs reg carter i i lie and karen slrutfmd mr and mrs c l heimler guclph spent sund with d g and mrs rob ertson mr norman robertson a ton also isitcd it the same home on mondav mi ind mrs willkm sleen son mr and mrs gordon turner and children of toronto hi weekend visitors with the foi icis pirents mr and mis mcmillan with the walter simmons over the weekend hippy birthday to mr gilbcit sinclair of milton who wns ninety two on january 24 little bellv barbel daughter of mr and mrs harold birbcr is in hospital for an operation on a salivary gland m her jaw we hope for her speedy recovery mrs ziegler and babv diuhlcr have been visiting her siucr mrs allan lnglis mis jansscn visited relatives in oikvillc last week rcnnic linsscn wis with her sister at bowmanvillc on the weekend mr and mrs sandeison ind childien of toronto visited hei parents mr and mrs cohoon on january 21 this sundays church calendar the church of st auan the martyr anglican coiner willow and bovver rector the rev d h west b a l s t 185 jcflrcv ave phone 8sv2694 sunday ftbruary 4th l2 fifth sund i iftei epiphanv holv euchitisl pimih luchinst and 8j0 a 930 n chinch sihii 1100 im chord euchuist sermon 7 jo p m lveiisonc 8 00 pin- viunc people sm mi fridav tchumv 2 10 a til punlication ol the blc viim mm huh luc ha all arc welcome presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckcntic ba bd minister mr e a hinson ba organist ind choir master slnla ilbrlar 4ih 12 94s am church sehool 1000 am mimtu s teenage baptist church acton pastor rev james m rudd 39 nelson court phone 8s3092s sunda february 4ih 1962 9 4s am sundiv s hool 1100 ammoimnc worstup 700 pm eve mm scivicl wednesdts 7 30 pm piavcr meeting thuisdiv 800 chnstnn i lie and witness class iv all are welcome ffllowship baptist in acton mca for information c ill sund iv school superintendent mi eirl pixvkv si lonllleld rd phine 814 sinda rlbrlar 4ih i 941 im bible school classes lot ill pes 1100 imworni nc worship 00 pmev uilclimk sum e spckel 11 bllh setviees ml m bibu ii 1100 an lv n siiviec 1 hi hu i 1 lit 1j c bu id t i 111 1 u iv n tomnto i we lie m iv 8 pm c it i pi iv el meel nc holding i nil 1 the woid ol lite all are welcome acton pentecostal tabernacle 33 churchill road paoc iv kqnnith j reid pator uk st phone 8suw junu t i nciea ant litk m v etuim eiin n 71x1 p uth i 8 is pm 210 mi slsda i v mp i irbrlari 4th l ku it i w i he sin i i thru will a irrsirumcrtiat and vex il btt 1000 am sundav school 1 1 00 am morning w rhi the ialesl coein ti united church of canada acton ontario minister the rev rhvipht i engcl ba bd onanist mr georjc ehioit m a from moh tmmed i hr lre kudti cicn hi rn al ieum n ol his o in ion trom mohammejimii chusiianiiv levtv 8 pm bible s u k suvdm ffbrlr 4h 1 t 9 jo and ii 00 a m div uk sc i v i a nurvrv is provided or infants dunnc the 11 olockl kniu the church vhol 9j0 am the senior school for those in grade s and higher il 00 am the jum i svhkl for prcm hooters to grade 4 130 pmount peopk s meet nip of australia is spe i speaker ou arc ahavs welcome christian reformed church res j nutma b b d tng all welcome minister 01 queen st bo 46 phone 8s03s sld ffbriar 4ih 1000 im english scrvke 2w pm dutch service all are welcome all hough tenders for ue con struction of a water rcseivoir on chuiehill roid north will be opened next tucsddv work on the pioccl is not expected to be- colleen kenny and lvn ur kast two wtcks before the lender is let cngin cciii will studv the conliaetors speculations and a contract wll he di mn up miyor john goy councilloi beit wikid and clerk idmimsti ilor j ick mcgcaehic will be present tuesdvy when the tcndcis die opened in the ontario water resources commission of ticcs m toronto meharg vcho was crushed helping load a steer at his farm on mondiv annual reports given at pentecostal meeting the pen tec ihcic innual mr binnic mr barker and jim bukv tiuslccs ire gordon bow en lue notion ind lawrin cc kniluell ling or acton chuieh wis held tucsikiv evening jan u in ih when about 20 ol the church s 35 members were pic- bap tired sunday chinch lie isurci peter b nine sonv i j icquclinc bi cpuiled i toll of ovei j7 000 fo iplied sundav inomine af the build thuith ol st alhin the martyr i and h uk reeloi the rev d maid mis h west l f i the him is ilk duijitu ot j mi ind mrs jolnn bouvvman of gc uptown ind t mddauth lei of mrs ficd hunter ol acton mis biimmin is lh loimer mirlen hunter godpircnts tire jiequelino shephcid glorceluwrr and dvld elcclcd church dcmcons arc hunter acton v 000 went me fu id to piv oil moi ig ice hid j600 wcnl to mis sons th s ve 11 s obcetle fi i the buildini fund is 2 s00 mrs pelir binnic repotted fu the women s missionary council mr binnic for the sund iv scb l manlyn lemon for chnst ambv saduis and mrs percy baiker- for the pcntecuslal cmsidc s dont miss new life campaign sponsored by guelph ministerial association february 1 8th to march 4th speaker leighton ford assoc ated with b lly graham evangelistic associat on prayer meetings every saturday 2 to 4 p m at the acton united church oml ind pra1 tor 2 m1nlti s or two hours the acton free press thursday february 1st 1962 dance club honors burns acton scottish dance club held their annual burns supper in the ymca acton on sal urduy when about 70 members indfncndi gathered to pay tri butc to the famuui scottish poet robert burns in previous years this event has been held in guclph bill knowing that two bums sup pers had been planned in guclph one bv the royal city burns club and one bv the guclph scot tish country dance club the act on club decided to hold ihcif suppci heie in acton the scottish fl ig the lamp ml lion made a very approprnle bickcrotind for the he id t iblc guests scaled at the head tible were introduced by bill wilson ind the pit he ring was tormnllv welcomed bv or r buckner pre sidenl acton scottish dinec club the selkirk grace wis s nd bv r conn il guolph then the h itliis held aloft by r cumc ul guclph was piped in bv pipers lawance duby and robert roy crs jr february clearance saie used cars wt must unload these good used tutomobiles to melee room for others coming in on the 1962 fords der sedan auiomat c 1956 ford sedan 8 cl reg 725 00 sace 1955 plymouth belvedere a di sed i es dean car reg s545 00 sale 1954 buick special jd sedan ac omi reg s545 00 sale 1953 chrysler windsor sedan re n cc ransportat on reg 445 00 sale ad o tu tone j675 8 cy nfjpt good 499 ad o good res 5495 good t res 5395 56 ford sedan 54 ford sedan 56 ford panel truck at low pr ces make us your offer on any of these three you will re glad you bought at thompson motors acton ltd your rmmfty ford dtikr main n at oower phone s532370 the famous address to the haggis was given with ml by r murray president of ihc royal city burns club mi mur ray delivered this tnhulc in true scottish dialect and this was thoroughly enjoyed ilt hough not altogether understood bv ill the toast to the i issies wis proposed by bob fovers ind livviencc euhv answered on be h ilf of the lassies two of the quests mr in 1 mis g gilmoie suit two well known scottish soiijjs there wa- i lid ind there s m ic j nek ibuol the uose ihcv were le eompinicd bv mrs olivet moi in on the pi mo the hiltilichl of mv hums suppci is the i nsl t j ihe 1 tu uiorl il memoiv ind this w i eivcn bv bill wilson win qu it ed pails or m my futious winkft of this great poet pipe mior bob whiltl ol hit guclph pipe bind entertained the audience wiih a bagpipe hclec hon of scottish numbers a program of scottish country danc mg led by mr and mrs dive 1att followed the supper the dehcipus buffet supper was providtd bv ihc members and their ft lends fvcrvone joined in lo help with the cleaning up the supper wis convened bv mrs r g irdner assisted by mrs t slutn mrs w wilson mrs j mcgcichie mrs r foyers mrs w dumiisrtmrs r buck ntr mrs d lzin ind mrs s newton guests it tended from tinnto pom credit chikson milton georgetown and guclph before you buy your new or used car consult franklin prouse motors limited 351 queen st acton ponllac bulck vauxhall acadian tomato juice heinz taiuv 48 o tin 25c peanut butter ki itl sm kiih 12 o j ir 31c cheer llcllcllt glint sle 69c puddings or pie fillers jell j h o pkfcs 4 for 49c a salad favourite no 1 grade tomatoes u or cello pk 2 35c ci vp gmlui tk lettuce t i il tnn ti licit i i 1 tt cabbage tin thiltlitii no i i i it 2 for 29c 2 for 35c i t mzt 111- temple oranges 49c dz kralh h vlfta lb ikt cheese 33c we rccrve ihe right lo limit quant i lie reclcvc 2 00 in bonus tapes with tablerite wieners i lb ii pk choc chip cookies z margarine vibpk pe1 potatoes n tht parsnips 4 spy apples i l ttvbju t- buki n fhatlrl- vmillc or tthulc wvhi sliced iga bread each 20c extra specials pure pork sausage save 14c ontario potatoes save 20c mb pkg 3 25lb bag 4r

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