Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1962, p. 5

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peering over the hog line with acton curlers acton curlers who jour neyed to erin last week for friendly match turned in top- note pcrformapcei afcainst the much more experienced club er in curlers wen the first to ron gratulate local players on their adeptness at ttic game in spite of it being he locals first sea son with stone and broom according to reports some ol the acton curlers believed the shamrock banner iptathed- ound the arena had been laid out especially tor them for vour in formation sam and andy it s in irish town to begin with had an opportunity sunda afternoon to join in gamcat georgetown club and along with six other locals manellcd at the icrtecl sheet of ice georgetown however his a separate arena for curlers and little maintenance is necessary to keep the ice in good condition sitting around sundav ccn ing this senbe dug out vc oldi crystal ball and after dusting it off quite visible was a group ol acton curlers busy tossing stones on a sepmvitc sheet of lee in i building adioimng flu present arena this bit of thinking might not be too premium it ihe prcs cnt rate of interest is maintain ed many centres boast their own clubs and others ire anticipating them due to the current upsurge of interest in the sport however before this materializes hen in acton serious thought vail hae to be gncn regirding tlu eeon omlcal soundness of emiblishing a separate curling rink and rrnin taming the present communis centre on a paing bisjs monday evening the mixed league plavcd their second game of a nineweek draw as explain ed last week learns will tx itlini ificd by their skips w stands tor win l tor loss t for lie ind tx ginning this week standings ull be listed monday evening 7 9 group brvdon hunier l jim hibbiit w cliff bradley l dorulht vun wvck w alex zbcilnoff w bert wood i jtss gillimn w bill mackav l dr buchanan l den nis rowley w 2 pomls for i d rowlcv a zbcelnoff d van wyek b hunter j galloway j hibbiit a buchamn c bradley b wood b miekav in 1 point for tic w l tpts 2 0 0 4 2 2 2 2 0 0 4 2 110 2 2 110 2 2 110 2 2 0 111 2 0 111 monday evening 911 group m holmes w m oumarsh l e holmes l c anderson w h holmes l d wuldis w c rogn valdson l a mekenie w g cooper w irv dubois l p w l tpts c ndcrson 2 2 0 0 4 d wiildit 1 2 0 0 4 a mckiii7ic 2 2 0 0 4 g cooper 2 2 0 0 4 m holmes 7 110 2 m dumarih 2 110 2 w dubois 7 0 0 0 0 e holrms 7 0 0 0 0 c rogimldsoti 2 0 0 0 0 tuesday evening 79 men b mackav l h homc w b hunier w a mcktimr l j hibbill w a buchimn l i w l tpts i hibbill 2 2 0 0 4 h holmis 7 110 2 a mlkuizil 7 110 2 b hunlir 7 j 1 0 2 a buthman 2 0 111 b mnckiv 2 0 111 tuesday evening 711 men m holmes l d rouk w a 7beclnof w c bradlcv l c anderson w w dubois 1 p w l tpp d rolev 2 2 0 0 4 a zbietnorf 2 2 0 0 4 c andci son 2 110 2 m holmis 2 110 2 c bndkv 2 0 2 0 0 w dubois 2 0 2 0 0 tuesday evening 911 mixed 0 7bitlnorf i f cooper w d wlddis l e holmes w a kilkntss l g i til i v p w l tpi r holmes 2 2 0 0 4 l 0 opi r 2 110 2 a kirkmss 2 110 2 g cooper 2 110 2 0 7bcctnofl 2 110 2 d wlddis 2 0 0 0 0 acquire oil gas leases on 1000 acres at hornby realm mining corporation mlted has acquired additional tc rcage in three bloeks or oil and gas leases in the hornby gas field the company announced to day approximateh i 000 aercs in the hornby field adjacent to the anthom gas and oil compan s discovery gas well ha been ac quired realm said realm has obtained an option lets hope he doesnt see it friday the tig day yh friday february 2 the lowly groundhog according q myth ta euppoeed to awaken from a long winter sleep be- mth the ground poke hii mm out and scan the weather tbe legewd say if he sett hat ahadow it means we re in for another six weeks of bitter and if this week s cool t many clime is an indicat if friday 1 dull i bro groundhog casts hndow winters over and letfi aty outside his burrow i the coining of spring it never fails g- teacher to ilais n un i i me what hippeiis whin b t bod is lmiiuisii in ai it ffllpil n vr he ph m m before you buy your new or used car coniuli min pfouse moton umitfd r queen st aetna bulck auxhejl acadian t r hamilton frd a hoffman optometrists former e p htad moni ouant ta 42071 m si gaornvi square to purchase approximateh 3000 additional acres of oil and gas leases in ridge town and diun townships large quantities the companv pre ious i quind oil ind gas leasts in two bloeks in the gobels oil and gas field in blenheim tow nship w hi re g is and oi i h j e been found in impotent quantities reilm is continuing negotia moris to acquire the anthom gis md oil company which has 14 producing wells on its 13000 aires of leases in halton and wellington counties negotiations have also com imneed for a drilling program pqqixb cmmlww urban bd debates aid for retarded councillor norm pearce mutun was named ehairman ol the north halton urban boan1 at its 1962 inaugural nieoling on wednesday evening appointed iccrctary treasurer tor ihc year was jim costigan eleik ol the town of milton representing the various coun eils were georgetown jim fm nierson jim brown bob meneil ly and roy cock milton jim bell george putdy and norm pearce acton lcs duby w h denny frank toth tv ink proust and ham pial aecounts for 1961 lotnlling 1 23067 were approved chairmnn norm peine in ac cepling the position of ihainmn thanked the members fm his eelion and briefly outlined the aims and objeits of the hoard he suggested i nil any council whieh had a subject to diseuss should notify the secretiry pre vious to the board meeting and the subjeet would then be plated on the meeting agenda help for retarded mr emmcrson introduced the subect of the sunshine school forirenrdcd children he i pressed his opinion thil the school was not giliing enough support from the province- 1 feel the province is shirking us duty in not providing this sup port to ediililc ihel children lo musk festival music festival lime is just around the corner this week the halton music festival central committee in nouneed the dates for the 31st annual festival and sent out lei tcrs appealing for donmons lo issist in the work list e ir 8 870 halton students look put in the festival and the entries have grown so hrge in recent cirs it has had to be spin into three seciions the nonh rural festival will be held apnl 4 it dtookvillc school and this w ill probjhjv be the lisl run leslivil in hilton due to consolid ilion ot schools the northern urbin us tival will probnbk mcoiporilc rural singers next veai day and night north h illon uihan singers will cempitc ill div april 17 ind then in ihc evening ot april ik at ihe robert little publk school in acton dr c r fen wick will be the adudmror the southern urban festival will take up four tins april 1 il imunn s school apnl 4 it flm wood april 5 at biookdjlc and april 6 it maple irovc earl terruwill adtudicnlc these com pculions honor vets continiipd jrcrm page one itcd church minister rev a h mckcnk legion ihiplun m iv or john mv legion picsuknl jim milne fust vice president jack bulloiigh second ice president jim gunn secnlirv gordon mccutchcon ham pe il poppv fund cli urm in ind tnank spielvogel enteruinment chju m in ladv members iko intro duced were mrs h lamberl mrs r miriincch mrs j mo knight and mrs r smith norm pearce urban board chairman bring them to the com mum i v useful etlens he said as a result of the discussion which followed the scertiaiv wis instructed to collcu minima lion aviihblc which c in be dis cusscd it the next meeting ii is possible the municipal councils will then be ciicuhned with a motion suggesting the prov aovcrnmeiil be requested lo p kgislalton pnividing addiiioiul asilsuiilc fui retarded schools mr purdy jjitrodikcd ihc sulv jeel of planning and suggested the meeting held lasl ear hid proved valuable ind the woik in this field should be cuniiniicd this year ward system mr duby queried georgetown members on their experience with a ward svstcm of eleetint council georgetown members div ided on ihe answer three ig ainst the sslcrn hid one for mi emmcrson said i m opposed u ihc w ud svsicm 111 inv muniei pililv under 20000 populilion i hope i m wrong but 1 leel tint wnhin tour oi live vc us the belli hums will ll 1 come i i wild toi orfuc ind then will be in lie and nioic acclimations mr bnmn said by dividing into lour w nils the town goes into lour areas the ward elect ors feel the elected reprcsentnl ives must get whit thev w ml regirdlcss ol the three olhei waids the next meeting is sihcdulcd fn gcortelnvvn on wedtiesdiv lebniny 21 it 7 30 with id pin closing tig dime ys men tour west indies via members expert account pes he cull lo order dt ihe y s mens meeting ot janu ir 25 is the h igljs vv is borne 111 by y s mm bob fovcis to the bipipe aecomp initiieiit ol bob ovcis jr ind pflceil be i ic piesidcilt bill wilson these thice n ulily illued in kills in honor of rob- ci i burns u1dcd i touch of mid scoihntl in ihe exc ision t fur the i tin sliitimcnt a liu b burns w is fcivcii bv y s man glenn mcbanks the fines mister of the cvemnc w is then intioduccd mil turned out in be the p isl pi i suu nl ljii m is iks two quests l the evening hone will di md mike bc in weie inlro i uced to the mcmbeis in thi husiniss ih it f ill sued scvuil mm signified their inten lions nf visiting ihc bi in l ford club un tuesdj jitmnrv 10 ll vvs decided thit mum neil be the aeton elubs m nun ilion fur inlei n vii in il duiili i lor llus region the y s men were remind ed of ihc ys menellcs bridge- fuchre lo be held in the y on fihrulrv 1 ind jiic s mens bingo on fcbruarv 1 tours west indies thi gin st spcikcr if the eve ing ys min guv ross wis in traduced by ys min li footitt guv took is his topic the west indtes and life in the west indies dnvvinc tip in his person il ex pciicncc guv toured the islands one by one giving his listeners an expei l account ot the y t iphv people and economy ol ihc wist hull in lecki uion some of the highlights he hi night lo hfeht wcu ihe lnclnn i puhti m ol the isl inds is onh 12 ol the enlue populilion 111 it most ol the aiieestois ol till white icsiduils i ime lluu during ilk ti nc oltiomwill oi chillis i eillur is isifes i 1 i the n he illll iiiihm ilnlihcii to tn sell mil hie msi tllcv hue i vvbui is wcsl indi in students go bv chytti to imptxnc then positiun in life this pin pose h is been sn success fill thil tod iv 60 ol the doctors in inm 40 to w nt the i iw vus md iiilecs ire now c li led pe iple compiling vv il s with tlinsc in cinidi he slid ihit lihorcis u ukul i il 70i i d iv enginecis lor 1 so an hour ind plint o i seers wen pud ll m 200 to 250 i month al the present lime the tourist industry is second onlv to ihe sire u industry the spcikcr ended his remarks bv sivine thit tic hid onlv yne tcgrtl in i nmint to c mad i ind ihu was thil he did noi come aftir i considerable qucslion and answer period mr ross w is banked bv ys man mansell ne his ind presented with i y m in s letter opener tender messages gloving art gibson valeniinei tell shthebrti ou selected the finest see s complete display st our itore dills stationery phon e532030 announcement the jimmy embr0 accordiana college of music c embro hespaer ont uetph fergus arthur elm r is opening a studio in acton 20 years professional and teaching experience instrument supplied for trial course for information and free aptitude test phone 6589927 rockwooo th acton free press thursday february 1st- 196 st johns annual meeting preceded by pot luck supper ihe annual mealing ot st j ihiis church was held monday evening in the pinsh hall pre ceded bv a pot luck supper which w is well ilkrhlcd b i reprcsenl tivc number ot church mcmbeis when nil were assembled for hi meeting rev allen f cook led in pitiur before business coinincnccd ruben vmcejil read ihc minutes ot list ve ir those who sat al hcadtoble wen dr k b waller dr anlriunv kingseotc wardens mr winch ireasuici and r vincent wcrctjiv lor tin meeting considerable discussion kxik place in conneetion wilh diffcienl departments of church woik mr which and mr d mclson were appointed wardens fur ihe recloi ind congregation mr winch over 3000 tons of sand used in 50mile stretch of highway tivc smiling liuiks and dnv us md a piwci s1ioli opci ilor hi on 24 lioiu si indhv dutv il ihe dip ii tnienl ol ihghvv ivs sanding slalion thice miles wcsl ol ai inn n idy lo load up and sand an appioximalc 50 miles ol highway to make certain dnv mi cundiiions uc the hesi possible lot molonsts depulininl ol highways m sp il jis pilrol ihe me i in ndio- i qui ppi d l rui ks whi n i in v is hi lain mnding is neicssuv tluv i idio buk ti the si ilion and the sanding cievvs nc ilcitcel duhni ihe m mih ol j inu irv no 7 hifrhw n horn ihe c isle r lv outskiils nl guelph ii bi imp- ttn iiiihlion ind no 2s highvv iv tw pile nno hive bun smdtd with over 1000 tons of s ind ind silt half stockpile gone al ihe lie tinning of ihe winter lpptotimiklv 9480 tons ol s md mil 100 tons of suit were mixed uul stoikpiled for use this si i son alu ulv wilt omi hilf this amount h is bun used cliudi t pickitt hornby is i he gem nl con t ricior f or ihc s indiiv ind in turn hues addi ti in il tiuckirs ind i shov isl i op n u one drp or sind is dump ed on thi hichvvavs until ohiual word is iccinid horn d h o in spiel us but whin the word mou is t dnvers don for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 8532950 heivv mats warm bonis l limb uboird hi ir inuks huek in vvcnlhcr in oi ler sand ihc mails ihc flnanciul report of ihe ve ir owing to much bimiwiv in the meeting it was a late hour when rev a f cook closed with prayer sympathy extended svmpuhy is extended to mrs fiauk kelso mr harvey lover- iv and other relatives of late mrs john grindell guelph former rachel laieriv sister of late gtotgc 1 ivcrly also tti mr and mrs thompson in ihc passing ot mrs thompson rctcnhv iniermcnt was in rock wood ccmelerv rv dr george altken eunducled the funerul ciroh services arc being well ni undid on sunday mornings sinn rev dr an ken came to rock wood presbytenan church more mterlsl is apparent milk for health refresh with our delicious guernsey gold 2 milk cm id is finest table milk only 22c quart tor prompt courteous delivery call acton dairy phone 8534441 don timmings prop learn to play bridge class in the bidding snd play of contract bridg will im conductad by wm d coats 6 lessons on bidding 6 lessons on play fee including text 12 00 registration and first lesson thursday feb 8 time 830 pm at the scout hall please do not arrive eerly there will be an opportunity to play bridgo after the lettont for information phone 8532225 acton ys mens club bingo saturday feb 3 at 800 pm at the acton ymca grand two prize specials 5000 1000 each refreshments admission 50c another new type acton home reinsulated by brandc0 with blown glass fibre insulation we do have something to mow- mouti e ve up to 30 on fool costs e enjoy greater yitarround comfort e astura yourself greater hre protection e older homes also our specialty join the many satisfied customers in acton namb on teouest ask for our pay as usave plan cau brandco insulators ockwooo ont phone s569971 to the bone winter coats beautiful winter coat trimmed with genuine fun 50to40 off dresses regular up to 1 8 500 party dresses regulfk up to 29 98 u 15 00 1qoo e use our easy budget terms paulette fashion shop coknel mm net main sts phonkmmii

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