Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 1, 1962, p. 6

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poinding th sports beat two teams fall preytopeewees in exhibitions prenping or the ntavuha whhh thvy started lul night wedi dii aston uusirtosxncn ivc wees polished oil holh licttiv- town and cuoksilk in exhibition ixhitcsi duhiit ihc week plains in i ik ivmmunilv cn in friday mil aetwnslub cilutid stftange things are np- geytumn houe ickik ill pentng when a fellow wanis io j j u sv b iv tec ihejwmc in box pla ho- xjmiuin u 10 lut imiod k d ckev voud expect all fttd hit vvhiihsiikhi up until the hint to do is traipse down to the uamc in ilu loeul kids mail rink thcre plasiruj thirc al i i ix least once a week i 1 iim john m ison issisiod in in ihe sasc of avion intcrmcd run johustiii and ken owtn aiui iatcs however a fella d haw to thin ron johnston aided h miki wait until hilkburgh made anvk polled nuk to em vion appearance here thi win only three pitnllus on the hitkhwfh squid aix w lu wikl rwo hlavcrs who graduated i mm l lco1 minor hocke ranks in avion thc re two of ihc belter hdls burgh performer in team pd hm t took hhh surpnwd aston lans nnd team with their ahilitv 1am 1n u w lh dyncn n tvh h one n t andeivw a pep- am lmx mou per pot who has yivcn the potato hm tounlrv cjuhslnmeth m in nets sd cookvtltr kod satuidiv iik humik moltui t si llll svmiv in i in two acton men on roster hillsburgh handful for acton tanners sliiltiiuid b ihv uridtllim ul hires uwi lunn omnywllli shiliioi ii s ntnl iwn lot ilk i anon plmis llllsmiinhs unit phui iiuutiudliius ihililtii avion i minus all tin ww in i wo aa eontisi ikk i tldnv nlutu 11k iiuiiuin llist mi uptd ihiouuti with mi s win harold luwiiskv ilu i itu nln nuilt tuiil with hs linn ilu mtmilo uh m plu ind ilu lnu mis siunvsliillv ihwuud am tm ilu i moiinn muiupin h ihi ultii- ll w is lounks s ihlul w tl ilu vinktii monti with kd loodlt uid s uil m hvt til on i hi wliij tin liiu lkimut vliuiui imouthlm llll tli uotlls ilu mi ipp ihlkhiiitih jul i urn li i k linn nlli i tlnii it u i noi in luiul olli uid iii 1 i i il 1 h u willi ilu a ion diluim iiliinidlv oul o ohi mi lln d lu ihi won in i ihli dm u tl i i i j du id p il isiuindui iiii i i u ii i luti ilu inm ihmiki hut ihui i until ai um k in llm likk fin htmny ul ift 2 mill in i n mli imi a lliuiil ivuv linn h utipiml on hit u mikuilo ol uh vkltois ill kid tin win tli anon u un mi lid l ihr lilt of ilu ml noil mud ii hlslii lu ihi tin i mi nit whltli jnkli mu1idl hid no ihiiiii on in iniki ll m kili iwkini oliol nt iv wt nmli l tli wii nomolid hv mik thllmoild iii till l ho lulioii in i i ilu l uiiltiliiid ii w nli uid in k mull ilu tiul whioili a pin 1 1 r v in sin mi don ild wlih onlv n nil midi hll lo pliv mw iliu hinnlr mi ophn iiiuiir 1ml ihi v llllllll lo ltjlll ol l llll u hill imh ll mil i ml h m piinllli- su ul uhi h win ii iv id hv ilu i mm i i in plhi piltjlli will lol i ijj ll i i l u hll i hespeler takes home 3 goal margin by ihi w 11 mlt l ii mllltllul yl in luu a i ii hutl i win ii vi i null iinii likv c i i uiu i ilium liilil bui f li ml i iw liivl iii i li mil uill lvlm 1 iv l vl ii w t in mt in iii it iii ll i i win i i- sl v ulllll i y iii mil wi ii iurw uu un ill n a i i acton minor hotkey clubs poised for playoff series imir at lm iiiuil ih tin tft lrv ntuy lookd hnrp in ui oililtv rulfioi hinktv itfin ilihilttuiio tin i w h lu v0 khillil hfloul on ilu itihiliuhl ul lliiyii h ilu iluyolt m ltl y ilu in it tl pliyll i llokkv wlii m w tl ll j willi w iiiilil h i i lilltlll iwiiiiiiiiivi all linn lj luini i aim ll pi in in iim hum iii u il wlii i hull lii 1 i s ih inn li ll 1 w iil lllkl v i lll ii ii ml 111 mi thr ninl m i 1 hii i it ih it 1 i 1 ii m aii w competition keen in h s basketball v i i tw jl mv ii t 1 f 1 lillfl ii il imi vlil i ll llll i llll iii i ii iihmllllllll ii iii flu ll i injitiil i i mil liiiioil pill llutu luliliul 4 i n sur milh an1 nim i llm lull nniin liovuwi inl l v tv oihcr i ed molod a do- p 1v ik i iil vn1 hi ii in fennnun ho loilcj pl whlc k m rim if not bctlcr ihn amihin ihc h fl final riln u m anon dclcnst snl fnaa 0 av1 jlln m 1m11 w h 1 l plll i i in frthpa afaansl a dub mch to lton mixi uh ivn umk v in lln 1 il ikiihi iiii i iv i amain ama in ibhr 1vms1 nann llukl hi hi tinn hnl ukilvl h l m voamm it tww on low wt iwi mmv haikli kn iv ih ilu i lull 111 jmni v u i blared mtte kmler than ua- tvn jnl kn milih iimi ii i mk hi i ul m ilu h uu m ii hi 11 aan whatever the paaamc this dd av isskjkhecaad aciihc b inclined fergus here fri with two unilfhl wins under ihctr collective bdu acton tanners ahould be in good hapc to meet the league lead ing fergus flyers this friday mght in the community centre fivers defeated once this season bv runnerup elora were pressed to drop the tan ners in their last meeting ural pink in nl i midontld u i uu i mini ilu inm oil ll him i uid i lllki 1 iwkin sumiih jin mi iu ii ilius lu liunrl iwl wnh miaiiinn il miknii i ippid in iki it i i i to attik cither one would have laoksd food to an acton unt- formetitlav- or ts this town so brtattol at nodtcv awurv that w can afford to stssngthen hun i i p kuiiv oik u ttu bim dt llijis huikli kiuilliil tlu lotutt iili wlun lu w in iill iiikovuiil in trout ol the nil 1 m unison h i lii put vion in liinl il tin i i luiiulk i1u1 hut lilklt i lit up um hildmi imior htikd w i uaiihui pis to lu it up loipvlkii tli uh u 1 i i ihlmmikli niniiiti in ok ptil tin i innrrrhfti olinl h ilm l uu s 1 ml ml si i mis in 1 mm ill pill a i id on i l willi lid lotii lispnkd noil w is i ihrtt-btu-tv- tin 1 utiiiis two nniitikj ui i lit si i t in 11 i mi si v n mlv hi k i ih a i ii itih ln 1 1 tlwysdlkifllih mktii hlshl n 1 i mlk indn i 1 pi ii limy wis on 1 uu ik ll i visilm 1ik j w iwlih andnv mololy wtlsoii lv id lll h imi iii mm s i hy j kid mii1ihs oul h n mi hn 1 v pnhilv iiiioukii ilu kiim wh n h a l his kjnlus hums k i mii i hv k ii i in i oil i lh- fhilir wj 31 fudavs wik against burgh nut ibr tanners in ttic belter than 3w las apatn that record to dale is soven wins and a ne agams seven iovsls games in ihc win nilumn how ever were chalked up against itu -i- u i league two button teams tnk i own league mockey fridav the tanners lake on league leading ftrpus in alton m the lasn and what promises i be the loughev pan ot the sche dule wnhm h tic bt ir than a m oun htu mt lssls mm rwoeek span the kan w 11 ii ims lhl pinun thl u u 42 li t tk vll lhl urtk blioit sainrduv minukmtrkof ihdhud jiipl burgh and elora uni thi last jfl in auon ugion minu meniionrd is the on awav i s u jtllon game all ihc others arc sihidul ed or ihc communitv tint re guvlph tdgid himillon 43 n jpj i thi nmuc tliss st c ithannv how come the acton club dtkad nia falls 61 n th sltlanerlsrt of tbtcbsule burfallo 31 jn bjnnm and niagara downed a uttfe bit of jugguof by the hul i n i in imi i i tin tillti hnu in tlu t thi sliiit w is sii un iwn slis ml mil ik lit ik honi lo nuki il diivitk in liiml ol rid audu lutih shnuiil ih sm in tlu hillshmiil mis rid lih hul uil inolitl ikhij with id molodv inotlki in ilu ilm in k iki upp iss ii p2s iv up il u is pill 1 phillips turkosz haggett top marksmen in hkii loust wiili ruclustir hy si oi in i ik in st pi 1 1 id s onl toil bi i u phillips domj ik hill sloiuii in un is lion ns issistid bv br ulkv ltu- siskd t h piomil lo ik ik mis ulilui tun ikk tit it wis ilu winiili whin hamilton s jimim onh liim tin bisons win hiaid skmiison popped in anollkr fin imullips ml john unilliili i pliv hvmmxh irm period an i in is vl i w dv wilson tttll vim wson s 2 ml s molodv jolh mi i ml i iws ii cooniv sicoiul pirlid wnsliv lo im mttisl a m 1 11 iii jl- mi k llil vi ii w il iii in i lv k n mlil ii n ii111i1i will hi mil i illi unl i r al a in iill a mitnl ill i mil a lliilu iptie i 1 1111 ii i uilli mailhui a iimlmi ilulhiis ii mkuii ii kilipki imkuiu vn aiukrsiin hi ii wlivli ci mtmlill i 111 11 11 lulu 11 r ii iii hi llllll i mil iv band played on j ccy would waltz with ihc 1 nsl strawberry blonde and the 4 04 band played on 4 u the tanners canjlght with i 2 2 all thilr might and the 16 04 bund pi ay id on 16 2s alton citizen band nude 17 44 thilr mrnt appearance iif ihe u 36 reason at the intermediate li 1 hoikiy game friday night the lions tanners tie a t i o it 1 ui v ir 2 2 it ii iniilton bar al 9 00 dun that trick during the drawing up of the trhrd- then surmise that jnoviu the tanner would attract more interest as they went along proved to be correct now all thats needed is a lit tie more cooperation from the players rolhimn bitted in two go lis in i in siiond pu rod fi mil lln sinks ol john i iuiimmi and d tug allin in ihi thud jtitui liny addid oik more clnrlu millie ihe niirwsniin tiuvcliurih tid bv d pii vtn sieliun roihistir dron- ped buffallo 31 in bjnnm and montreal took torunio for the i bl1 n fl muu dl fourth siraght week 7 2 1 s cithanms was a yo 1 it was louih and go in ihi b dtifcald duk asisted by r t j 1l seaion when himillon hibbtrd in tin inst period tlu two pin illus went 1 tlf whipped in iwo goals in ihe i ist si kills g ing lountind wtllt d uul rvdet and oari t ul period on eftoris b gordon las tour mrs rxnud mutfcis jd jj jvuil ii n li and datd dunbar who also wo more in ihe seiond i l assisnd om mother howivir bobbv tutkos was iinntheii two tw toninlo wavne defonsl baggid a pair ol big gun with lour lo lis wlnkl jii gun s montn il ilub ag nn goals wnhm two mmulis ol eaih uuhiil miller mil bim dunn p lt toronto max ollur to lie it up dun dunbii e uh shol a smlilon bn in ilso llvii r irtkd 111 1 three ioal and km m irsh ill issiited eiillniid in issisl is did imi in ihe sieond periudguetphs mmintill penv cooper im ihe only got buffalo bhked it the 13 minute mark don dun 1 bull do n oil to t 1 is si ir first of many a familiar ritual j al iier hotkey game in the third period ira of gnal intermediate team risky mecnstill f ul fans win glad to sec them back s4i itu jwit like old times wluiki said one enthusiastic fan ii im lndetirrcd by the lack of a baxier midunakt ii 24 bundroom opening on ihe aud lerteh meanlnn 12 n hurutm hockey official have luwnsliy micrrsl ill ts 3 allotted the band seals they 11 1ms miaithur mcdunald be then again this friday 1 a i 111 ii i mekeni a ii wiiuh st uu 1 ji 1j 1 p rr tl it 1 1 j j jn jack ridley cartage limrtad concrete blocks concdete mick cinder blocks clay mick sand stone livestock and fertilizer farm service and supplies dump trucks for hire pcv clan fs f phone 65307jo fully inturacto acton tdav 3iaalaaieafe asjssweimirws s seems as if the plavirs ham been amg thnr worst gamis this reason for thi consumpiion of home town fans thnr bist efforts to dati ha lho marro ma edy for thatknual this fndai ers liaguc club must b plasoff time hit sas he in i tends 10 ope 1 ale unl two tor ward hnis earrs a utih in in four defensemen md a goalkeep er that means eutlinj ihc qirirj ttc rtcnime ot ihc hnlron lion- iim yvtr tlu itttmial giimi tn down hoiviver hi also would coontv bseball asmnnlion niel whleh pltveis iron be sum thi wednesday niht 111 1 refill 11 u mis in the k igm eontpiud niiintn 10 did ih ihe past lg lmsl galt tlrikrs ol lhl thatknualion on mw s- h i i r if propose guelph entry x tut down lo 12 plavirs i i county baseball loop hil tn k u 1 ul in ih 111 tu ih 1 ii ul ou 1i1i st rrill in d iv linl ihil tnk s11 111 j llll 111 in k 1 up lour nu ii hum tun ol 1 mill md ihr ll piul phlan ilutol 111 iii 1 11 1 ll 1 in co mil dun hi ii llppl 1 puis il ii ink im 111 ii ml d11 iit b x p mil 1 111 ml loin 1 j t 1 11 1 ilu lu 1 j hn dunn 1 in john in b irn in ii and j uhn guv i ud ih you can save now during our do it now like to mike use of at inst 1 of the bemr plairs from season s opera lions an applie uion lot 1 guilph mm tn ilu lutnniedi ill svius was sludkd and the team will be juvenile ilub as an extra forward line one of the biggest crowds of the season will likely be in at tendance at the community centre this friday to see how the experiment works fergus has suffered only one defeat this semester and it by a one goal margin to second place elora the other teams in the league have been gradually narrowing the gap between the flyers and themselves it may be the tanners turn to erase it altogether tomorrow night beat btts a km mm pre side nl pi posed ot former alton tanners hi hid twn 1 takes on hot a old b s it m kt 1 ciulph ki eanmil in h 1 t ittilu mm vi 11 unrdmi possibk mm night milit k an idea as oik in iru k ieiu md ihi prist km sniioi inmeounlv was pitied it c unpbellwlle gum pnkceds hi luw mis iidnil k 11ns ui ik iniitor hi tekit who inki out trio hit time ol the jmuu pixkmk t nk tinui will n dnl ilkil the milling of the ailiaiti tits loi thi muni iv mitri opining h tddti owm m should hi ti the thi motv when 11 iiums 10 lu blsln 1n j pnntmg stones ikwit txtinxs h rw dl rvxnpts ni mm the were hsuning tddie p ml ejni il iseount ot ihe is knot will be ihe obicst of min cms when hi htms leilpkd lur lite 12 inum pnv pi 1 mlhifc kiltie qmtllti ilions im be mil in tnu at pnvni seven annual mwlln turns mike up the league with aiimnl iruiltn ol ihi milton red bos imnbellvtlk w1 n ln millon thi meuhmls eion mere hauls vl n febiuuv 17 ihe ro d brunt 1 bi ms oikvilk oiks t m idian lin n mill oikvilk dundis aibliiiis iiklgcoigiiovvn w k iik 1 t t ihe uinuil t toll ns mikim up tin lutd the in sl ltim civot 11 town eiiiti was mw in 1m president pitu kmnlku wis hut it id 1 ikm 1 111 1 u ptit m ihi he eh 111 tin the itteeliuj and tllk suilk m e lls betoi dsu ui ulelulliue mill lust vlees contacted earilcr vctt witeulown seiond vue pustdent r mi mullen noted j escnuivi numbers junes r bluk oikvilk l si l i u mil on uou hvkeiu t builm due nduw of id atihle iiillk f n ted bv hp milion eonvimt burs ix uon if 1 1 uk- in md s ia utis si u um bilke m kki i id numbiis willnmllhikl md ollte j hn sn if oikvilk ils uknd 1 the hksiiij w in uid i 1 whik a dpiikt it lliwih mi lisijl crs in 10 1 iwn fturn the fit berts nvdit htm lor fksrs last start this h im whin the bush league kams um nun cs instt id ol numbers will tii 10 earn mime kind ot rspoit tl thttr gomes on these pijes tw casualties mn rvpoikd limit last sunday s operations sxms wilt dual andmulfhunici kk ed heads tnmiul of boms wilt escaped with five situhis mull with a mre head lihais tw 1 words mr cnnttr ohm efficient and always n d lo help the su juhn ambultnee brigade arc a welcome sight at hockey games and other auiv tries at the community eentn a man advertised for a wilt nd got 200 replies most ofi you can have nunc i acton junior pipe band will hold its general annual meeting in the aoon ymca on sunday feb 4 at 2 30 p m all people interested m the future of the band are mv ted to attend the committee february 210 txcept sunday n hkkj wondctftil pre seaion shim ng of he nc est ind jinesi ot tvetvthinfe in hulls tncimv hirjwarc and ccessorks for l misers run ahouts aehls outlsoards and marine engines the canadian boat show weekdays 12 noon to 1030 p m saturdays 1030 am to 1030 om admission ad1mts 75c childen 25 do it now waterproof poplar underlay only buy it now 4k4 1 28 sheet 1 05 cash four ways to buy charge account revolving credit home improvement loan pay later 316 natural mahogany 339 4 xt sheet regular only j4 29 insulate your basement floor with insulfelt only 5c so n n 250 sq ft rohs no 1 spruce 2x4s 7 lengths 49c 8 lengths 56c fir plywood good one side tile sale armstrong vinylasbestos floor tile 9vi 2c i popular colours in stock aa in s carton lots canadian manufactured ling tile tongue t groove satincote retj 14ic only microacoustic tile odd lots ceiling the 12ttc 09c ft 18 utility board 4 s sheet nula jl 76 156 ask for free booklet on how to improve your basement 250 limited supply of mahogany plywood cupboard door stock only 1408 tn 13 spruce la spruce 22 spruce 23 spruce 03c in ft 02c in ft 04c in ft 06c in ft oak grain 4a7 snaet ragutar j5 60 limited supply abitibib0ai s4 76 self storing winter seal aluminum door a regular 3294 valve owt 2995 free estimating planning for all winter projects j b mackenzie son ltd 55 church st coal lumber building supplioavo pbmte 6531660 amivs ochiiw i r n i

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