Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1962, p. 10

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t tbjp acton free press thursday february 15th 1962 tse buggy theft gave group incentive to protect farmers from loss of livestock by lobne oundlack sometime around the year 1 907 either w j clements or jthmc raid depending on which story you believe had a horse and buggy stocn a group of hal ion farmers got together traced the thief and recovered the horse nod buggy the incident made some of the farmers think that perhaps an organization for and by farm ers to protect their livestock would be a good idea thus began the halton pro tective association from the files of the cana dian champion january 16 90s comes this paragraph the annual meeting of the hal- ton protective association was held on tucsdav afternoon at the royal templar hnll the attendance was large the olli- cers were all reelected many new names wore added lo the membership which i now awaj over the 100 mark this is un doubtedly one of the best soc ieties ever organucd in halton for the protection of proper just think uf it if you arc a member of this souet and ou should haw a horse stolen in less than 24 hours ou can have the assistance of over i0o men to help to run down the thief and remember it casts onl 1 to join and 25 a car afterwards not vigilantes the protective association was never a group of igilant es who relentless ran down horse thiccs and then strung cm up from the nearest tree it was a well organized assoc iation which when called upon by a member would get the members together and begin a svsiemanc search for the stol en articles inhke the police the anises not the thieves were their mam ohiecme ii the hor and bugg or what ever was stolen could not toe found then the association would bring ihe incident before the annual meeting and usualh grant remuneration on a set basis the oldest records owned b the association date back to 1918 in 1910 a membership of 126 was recorded the high est on record membership fees wrc raised to so vents lor cur rent members while new mem ben still only jtald si the same year a committee hfcjtj noted by the annual meeting fouhd a heifer which had been lost or stolen trom a mr cooper jn 1920 provision was mode for the protection of fowl the next year a member lost some chickens and was vcmimcrared 1921 saw cars added o the list qf articles which the societv would aid in finding if stolen the following vear saw mem bers paid for sheep and robes which had been stolen or lost a motion was carried that the societ pay nyothlrds the l ue of horses cattle sheep hogs harnevs buggies and rob es the alue of each was vl as follows- buggv 175 cutter ebentzer 40 single luihuss 10 duulil hnrtwis f who si2 nvp 12 hogs luothiuk niiikct value membership wis dnwii to 17 1920 siu the mssthiailim pn r bush 8 lor j rolv wtilili hiui bit n stolen fium him un- next eu the immbcisllp lid fallen lo revises when the tviucd nmmirul dm i piintid in im the in cixmsc of uillu on loads unl hrghwms wis ol obvious mn can toi siclion 20 ol the cihlmllllliin sljlid fins is sociation wilt not be in un urn n sponsible lot un uu mal oi uiimils ult minimi il lii ge on puiilk lugtiwins when the lonsiituimn wis ucw start new study book for soulsearching times intended for lasl week mrs h pnce was hostess for the ebcnezcr ucw february meeting and also led m devotions the devotional theme being prai se e the lord for his holiness mr m hayward uc w presi dent opened the meeting with a few thoughts toward the future mrs w tarty read the scripture and was accumpunisl for the hmns a lengthy business discussion eluded plans for an irish stew supper and program for the 16th of march in the sludv book chap ter by mrs a normh taken from signals for the sixties were these lines in these soul search iswq8ws3ctjqirx wvshwwtsl- osprinoe mg tmic the ihuuh his i ihijui lisk to thklc il wi would niiki l he church i vilil loixe in inn united nation mrs m hiwvard mis a noi rish mrs m mollit md mrs w dunbai were appointed as ikic gates to attend the annual picsln tonal nut ling of ucw the mnutiuiid dedication sen lu- installing olfueis ot ilu new ticw was held during ugulai undn morning seruce in then cr chinch the re r hadcock was leader for this sen ice trunds ol mrs aithur dia mond who is ill in gcneial hospi tal in guelph wish fur hei a spctd retoven 4igaln rmuod in im no men lion wn made or aid given in the utoveiv ol molun cars in 1w2 th tncinbt nhlp him stirunk lo uiidei v there were iiiiimenln ihl er when the itifl ol ihe uskuilntlon reined imminent fui the tlrst nine in lis lilstoiv the iissoclntlon s annual niecllng iihii lo ih- post poiiid due lo the lack ol n quorum i here arc more dlr lots now limn i here arc mil 1 1 inembeis in this dm and ngt- the hal ion pioktiiu assoiialinu is iimqiu i ui mi inilinl pavtucih ol i and an ntiniuil payment ot 1 ihe ineinhoi litis lln pin hi gi ol lun inn the uni pit ie uu iirlvi ship of ihe nv si ii l inn aid him in n setirili loi losi oi stolen ikisiock if uu piopun is not recmcivd in- iniiv applv tor irmimciii lion win linn are there not nioie laiinus inkrested 1uhaps ihe many and aiicd insiii iiue polu its nalluble have mjuted the pt out live av soiiition pel haps laitmis kel h is outdated and has oiil- iivki its uset illness ll lould he also tlui l he assuitatioii is not will uioiigh adveilisld whakui life uason h sums a shame thai an oigani iluin vvhiih stalled is well and as siiotig as did the pro- kctne asstkiation should naih a point vvheie a quonipm is not ptisciil at he one meeting a vcar it someone tras no hi aid ol the association unlil now and is interested thi ma contact president al lan dixon viicnprcstdcnt rov clinic oi sccielaiy jim biown- rulge guelph rector guest at st aiqads guild the fcbmary meeting f st atbann guild wat licld in ihe nurhh iwll with the preitldciil mis w denny in ihe fhitlr ihe meeting opened vllll the tiuld tiniyvr the niliiulcs of the jim uiuv meeting were read by thr seirelary mnl clarke and ihe hvniurr repprlwiis given by mis rl penny il w deilcjcd llial the iulld would payfor the umteilal tr new iillur tningliigii wlikh will be made up bv the altai guild an appllialiuii form hni wen rctctvcil from the svhiieldet meal co inviting the cuiik to lake mlvitnlagc of their ufler lo supply cold cut and heese lor a mipner for tit leail 71 persons they will also show a film culled the modern hostess the rev wesi csed ihe business met l lug vvirh prayer curat speaker the members weie linn hiippv lo welcome ihe rev mcmulkln ol sl patikks anglican cluncli in gqelph vvlm gave a virv inlet eming and immmalive talk and demoiihtrjilon on ihe church veviments the rev wesl acted as his model the significance of the priests veslmcnls and ihefr origin were explained atki several questions and some discussion rev mimulkiii was lliankui hv rev west and presented wilh a sniitll gilt b mrs nellis on behalf or i ik lad ies present lunch was seivcd by the ladies in charge no compliment motel guest these llowirs an for vour telephone guls hotel manager thanks thai s lovely compliment to out ir hotel gnevt compliment no- ihmg i thouglil they were all deatl annual reports elections at presbyterian annual meet intended for last week the annual meeting ot knox prcsbwenan churci ospnngl was hold at mr and mrs oor don aiikens home with ihe mm ter rev t maxwell as chair this sundays church calendar chustun reformed church rev j nutma ba b d minister 301 queen st bo 46 phone 8sw37s sunday february 18ih 1962 i0o0 am english service z30 pm dutch sen ice all are welcorne baptist church acton pastor rev james m rudd 39 nelson court phone 850925 sunday february 18th 1962 9 4 a m sunday school 1 1 00 a m morning worship 6 30 p m ecnmg service wednesda 730 prayer meeting all are welcome premyter1an church th canada knox church actow rev andrew h mckcnzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday february 18th 1962 945 am church sciiool 1000 am ministers teenage bible class llix am divine service sermon theme eniuuraging a failure to stage a come- hai k no s in senes on encouragcmem tjunior congregation bovs and girk 3 to 7 ears meets during sermon i boo pm new life mission at physical education building oac guelph transpurta lion rendezvous alton tmt ed church 7 is shatp evrrvone most yvelome fbxowsh ip baptist in acton ymca for information call sunday school superintendent mr earl prcslev si longfeld rd phone 8531924 sinda february 18th 12 94s am bible school classes for ah ages 1 00 am morning worship 7 00 p m eangehjjc service speaker bt boih services mr bnxe lev of toronto wednesday 8pm cottage prav er meeting holding forth ihe word of life all arc welcome man the minutes of the 1 ist annual met ting were read bv o aitken tin inasiiivi s financial repori vvhi ch had been punted was disliibuled lo all picsuit b bvion bruce the ladies aid nport was giv en bv mrs g suntcr missionarv and sundav school report was given bv mrs g aitken these ie pons proved highlv salisfaeiorv the following are the officers as elected envelope sec re l a rv treasurer gordon aitken set re taryrensurer bjron bnitc man agers ward bruce allan mc crae bvron bruce gordon ait ken bam clarke stan tuller nonnan mekenie geoige jack son ralph sine lair auditor- barn clarke norman me ken 7ie trustees gordon aitken norman mckinzie stan fuller delicious rcrrcshmenls were served bv ihe ladies present lo conclude the meeting taking course james tanslev who is i pin ior clerk at the roval bank hillsburgh is attending a course in banking ihis week in toronto mr and mrs- chffntet storrv accompanied bv mr and mrs fred storev of caledon attend funeral of the former s cousin mrs beitha leighi at oiilln on mondav miss wilma monster and ben khiinpenhouvver ot bramplon speni the weekend with relatives in i islowel miss anne parker rn ol cimpbclmlle visited on sundav with d g and mn robertson many iii vern stewart is confined lo his honu under a doctors care with a severe allack of flu olher members ot the family are re covering from it cameron fraser has been ill with the measles which he con tjeted fiom the children mrs frtd archibald and rtnltliui are also recovering horn ihe flu mis robb bailey and children who also were under a doctors caic with flu and sore throat ne much improved achievement day a group of local 4h hqmcma king club girls and their leader mrs ken stubbington attended achievement dav al ihe oac giulph on saturday ben sinclair runirned to aj- ax on monday following a two week vacation at his home here unttid church op canada acton ontuto minister the rev dwight i engcl ba bd organist mr george elliott ma sunday februarylsth 1962 930and 1 1 00 a m div me ser v ic es a nursery is provided for infants during the 11 o clock service the church school 930 aall the senior school for those in grade s and higher 1100 am the jun jr school for preschoolers to grade 4 7 15 pun young people leave for new life mission gucph 8 00 pm jirst meeting of newi life mission at physical edu- 1 cation building o 4 c guelph transportation ren- danous icftw united church 71 itnup i aujkdfome acton kntecostal tamrnacu 33 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j reid pastor 7s cook st phone 8531357 sunday ffbrlry 18th t2 1000 am sundav school 1 1 00 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tucsdav 8 pm bible sludv and lmver thursdav 8 pm christ ambas- our great annual one cent sale of wallpaper 1 rous for the price of 1 pius one cent also special values in paints sale now on until feb 24th kennedys bookstore opp post officeguelph coffee is grown around the world in a bell aboul 22 degrees noilh and south uf the equator see parade of garments at 4h achievement day o atlructivc dliplay of cqtion scpniaten ottrocted many people iu ilu wullumw ave lilgh schoul in mllion un saturday february 1 the oualon vvas ihtf 4h monivmaklng club achievement buy luhninuilun uf the project fur halloo cqunty 4h humemak lug hih muinucis hi separates for summer in thl project each thrh member made u nel oj col tun sepuiulei u kln and top and if they wished u pair of bermudu hhoils these were displayed in ihe morning along wilt the tecurd books eon tainitig iccuunls ol ijie metlltigs held by cudi club in ilu ullernoon lh gnu modeled their separates lur the laige audience piescnl for ilu pioin un as well as the parude tl gu uu ills each one of thent 14 cluhs presented an exhibit or tlenionslrulion on a topic related to ilu project club exhibit attractive exhibits were scl up by ihe followinjj clubs ban notjeburn linda swackhamcr lomnitntulor scutch bluet joan mi dun ild commentator silver wood judy norton comment a toi dublin mary moffat torn mentaloi horn by south ruth mason eommetilatot ashgrove sandia cainey eimimcnlalor ndson margart l donaldson tottimuilulor palermo south faith dovis lommenljtor dcmoiisl rat ions or skits were presented by i ouise snow dianiie snuw carolyn mt entry ballinjfil club on the topic measurements and pal fjbrn alteration willa mclcet ers and sharon joohcrl paler mo club on the tupu i ook right for play all members of lhe humby north club on the lopic look right for play nil members of the nmiagavycya club on sew and save on piny clolhci patsy hamilton el len kulnlcs and claudia blihup neuon west club un the topic lyuasiircmenlii and pattern al tvratiunsand all members ol the llmoliouse club un the top ic separulc lor summer awarda fot completion path of ihe 118 club members who completed ihe unit suitess fully wus awarded u silver home making club upoon by the de- parnptnl jf agriculture linch club member who had completed iwo projects received a cerllfl cite ol achievement riltvcn club membcis lecclved county monor- certificate and pins signifying six complekd piujeils tliey wtrc maiymnllil doima kingdon ag lies iciicoi k i vmic roberson bevetlcy hocy btlly 1 awrtuce maiy alkins i aura howdcn m irk ne living judy newell marilyn matill betty ann brown joy patterson barbara kcrlon rive guls were presented wilh provincial honors certificates and pins these girls were ann baleh und paula jelinck of the nfllituh club marilyn wilson ashjruvc club margaret atkins palermo club and judy brit ton dublin club provimjaj honors are presented on the completion of 12 projects two assistants the program was under the di rectum or miss fruntcs lamp- man home economist for hal ton county she was ussistcd lor ilu day by mrs nciljjtivcr un- lonville and miss ilcinur kldd supeivisor or clothing honu i conotiiics service tonjnto mis luis sin i li home lconumisi york and ontario couniies in lit iltcinooii club members and leaders those ihe procel which will begin in the fall of 1962 it is being well dressed and well groomed the project for ihe spiing for hume making club number will begin in ebrviary the lopic is this supper club any girl who is iwtlvy by march i 1962 is eligible lo lake pari in this project milk for health relrtsh wilh our dclicioni guernsey gold 2 milk ci inula s finesi able milk only 22c quart for prompt courteous delivery call acton dairy phone 85mh4i don timmings prop jack ridley cartage llmlld concrete blocks concrete brick cinder blocks clay brick sand 9 stone livestock and fertiuzer farm service and supplies t dump trucks for hire pcv cli kt fully inwrad phone 8530730 acton north halton association for retarded children general meeting thunday february 22 it 800 pm at st albini luxlon mtpiottal hall auun out guest speaker miss j e manson suptnnuiidinl metro sihtxjl or retarded chddrcn subji ct shi 1 1 trfd workshops also film got a hardtoheat room building a reeroom work shop attic room make your home complete with a iis h sadors ou are always welcome the church op st alban thi martyr anglican corner willow and bower rector the res p h west ba ls t ts jcffrev ave phone 832694 5lhtmy february 18th l2 septuagesima sunday 8 30 ajn holy euchinst 9j0 am famiw euchansiand church school moo am choral eucharist all art wclcoel goodwill used cars bl with conhdence wc do nol act speedometer mile- aax back r do- oi retail tarts police cruisers or can thai hx been in a ma ior collision he m1i1 suppl name and ad dress of previous owner on request each car listed covered under 04da giarstfed u rranty or one year 61 comet 2dr m va hall kir m pontiac 2dr m qlkswagen 59 chev 2jr s9 buckdr 5 pontiac 21r 5 chev 2jr h t 59 volkswagen chevjr j3iw ii 19s si 89 s12s si 595 j19s slr9 1 79 109i 51095 sr chev cons 195 58 chev 2r ju95 58 pontiac 4dr 1 49 58 gjic ion pk up jl 195 57 potlc cons jl 95 57 chev 4dr h t imqs 57 ford wr 99s 57 karuan ghia t89s 55 buck special 4dr 5695 two locations to chooa from acton georgetown franklin p rouse motors 191 oawm si e mwna t54s0 economical 1nstallatioki with fiamdesa electric heating units you dont have to extend or strain your present heating sys tem no duct work or expensive structural changes are required to provide maximum heating comfort in the added living space youre planning because dectrtc heating units operate entirely independ ently your qualified electric heating contractor can install them nywhere at any time quickly and inexpensively caravrpe comport flameless electric heating units provide the ultimate in heating comfort with an individual thermostat in each electricallyheated room you control hotficooiiort and cost justaet the exact beat you want when you want it turn it down when the room u not in use heat is provided aj most instantly no need to wait for heat to build up in a central system electric heat is as clean as light produces no dust no fumes no products of combustion the air ts more healthful and drapes rugs walls stay dean longer look at these advantages with nameless akotnc heat no beat is wasted up a chimney with individual thermostats theres no need to overheat the who house to make ana room comfortable weather and wind direction wont affect your comfort its the ideal answer ior hardtoheat areas is jpurdresent home that cold bedroom a draughty bathroom beetnc heat- ins units can be installed anywhere anytime quickly easily and inexpensively in a sue and cjmcity exactly tuited to your particular need there are many kinds op electric heating units to choose prom radimtt tii if mid ineonsjnewmi mttal bpt- wr isfemi w rtilmg board umiu rrptoc trooorn mrfl hl un turn udoaru uaovtmutora fcroap tt room sty ifcauaqif wwdroaaku e f t rmasmf la taatwfsr ww trnmpmt hmig cowort n mm po it mowiltvna9 to mar 10 bretlicaj coptactora and hjdn an worfcinr tocsihar in ooojunetioq with the coventmeaf s winter woda pro graao thalr sfforts aimed at male lac it aaay or jau to eajoy um av oatacasotalastxielaatsitaont delay yow qoaluvd xurtalc bnoni cosr toactortabaiihsltoaicwtoa ran aak him aow r can do it now w4 fit uksti make your home computti hif h6at mnomt

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