Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1962, p. 9

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a the good old days the age of the survey pttftlo by cathar taylor this is the age of the survey we have surveys to prove readership of newspapers to prove product acceptance to prove listen ership of radio to prove the level of mtelli gence of this group or that and uit about any subject that might be open to some question whole businesses and complete organiza tions are devoted to this business of publ c opinion sampling they carry out their work by telephone by ntemew by contests and various other ways the questionnaire and urvey have produced the basis for business decisions and policies countless times and th s business of surveys disturbs us first of course it cannot always be red able despite the tremendous research that goes into it secondly if it gets to the point where it is completely reliable there wouldn t really be any need in going to the expense of having such things as elections but right now the survey is not so fantastically fool proof and the conclusions that are drawn from the surveys are not fill as conclusive as some would like ut to imk a good example peel county council circulated 900 letters to oniar o councils proposing the legal nation of a national hos pital sweepstake of the 900 letters 300 replies came back of the 300 260 favored the legalized lottery this was an 83 per cent endorsation of the lottery by those who replied the proposer of the move in peel county had predicted that 75 per cent of the people cd0led would endorse it d d they well it depends how you figure t f rst of all only one th id replied th s is typ colly can ad an if you don t agree with it don t op pose it so 33 per cent replied now if 260 of the 900 asked for an opinion expressed one and favored the legislation it gola 28 per cent endorsation of the ontario munici palities most surveys can present some facts but it is in the interpretation fhat the diffi cully conies in was the endorsation of ontario municipalities 83 per cent or 28 per cent in an election you don i count unless you vole so the result would have been 83 per cent but n adual fact it was only 28 per cent there s always a difficulty too in sur veys of groups and organizations supporters of the proposal would undoubtedly suggest in subm ttmg their program to legislators that 83 per cent of the people in ontario indicated their support in fact however it would be 28 per cent of the councils and they probably had little time to ask even ten of the people they represent building up survey conclusions is ex iremely treacherous ground there are un questionably some experts in the field who can exerc se the necessary degree of cau lion n reaching their conclusions in the hands of the amateur though the survey can at best be misleading th s s the ageof the survey but there has never been a survey yet that didn t war rant some questioning before you accept the facts of any survey for the gospel truth it doesn t hurt to do a lutle question ng you re entitled to that back in 1912 taken from tht imu of the free press thursday feb 15 1912 tctnpu alums tell below 28 be low 2iru lust sututday lliomliik all moid fur this arinity wilt biuktn by this extremely low limpirniun tor the first rimt in so days ihi krmniralun sou rod above jur un tunday morning and iveivum welcomed the rise un llu thirmutnuir frostbit tin iais noses and dinks wen in tmundinee during llu weekend ind almost lviryum hud u mut ikr lied uruiind thilr iuh be- loic luy ventured uutside ilk keiiun me htivmu busv se isiin j ml finding il pluily cold iulhny ki on lln pond thiy re- pot t mi of tin btsl hops 111 ni mv viiis tik i old widlhir ins mull tin thkkest in iu d ill rnve hvnds hus indirect ihi lonsl ibks tu pin i stop lo iliild iiuplaying lunkiv un the struts si vi i il ot lln liams loimng lo town hivi bun inurfirid with mil ihi ilnvus hive iiimpluiiiid to tin invi quiti i number ol ikitislii in ti ivi loinplanud as will md i in slop his bien oi duid ihi inn lint i ilk il lortutsdiv lulling in i ik town hill bv rum hvnds wis witl attended uid iliiiik puscnt voticd t lit 1 1 pkisiiu in ihi euiurele m plan iiuin riyaicrfnjt adopting lhdio ilntrii puwir reeve llvnds wis tin sptikisiiim and iiu t deluded and loiiipiehin sm upuil at ihi eomltision ut ins t ilk hi ik id a question and mswei pmod bet i in ihe mut intt lotkltukd t molum wis ptssul hiving ippioval lo the inom nid iffinng ihi support ot llu bv i iws mil ihtir tnlm lion ot il in t- in fivor of till initio ium muiki iv 1 o ids ot luis bund h tilled u llu s m null hue last weik hid lo bt ill itiduiiid links from lown un i mimbir of ou isioiis dm lo i ik ik ivv snowslnim ind eold wl itbu ti ims wire tiuhiulud bv i hi dnuis ind ti km u i hi in in si bain lor shil in i ikr m thi loids win pukid up it 1 1 u ind biouijil lo llu mill sin d m miming sk uinl on i ik fushlv itoin siilion of llu pond wluu in uiltiis hive hem busv lor dus this pitlietilur sutioii is ihi sanoollusl and frii ol snow thui is litlk danger ol imoik i tiling ihuuigh is i test ot ihi thukniss nvi ikd the in lo bi 18 imlic silii id s suyvi and sfuce back in 1942 takfn from the issue of th free press thursday feb 19 1942 a hockiy lium from alton continuation school broke the friday the 13th jinx when ihiy defeated a team frum roikwood s2 both leium played a ikim fast game of hoi key with only oni pumtliy being handed oih to chin lie ruihimre fntnk fowke upenid up the storing for rk wood bui soim iiftlr r vekhiuis ind k meplmtl iaih siored one tor alton olhir siorers fin ailonwtrec rushmtu r veld luiis md k ihissaid wliik w donbur tullkd the othu rutk wood guut gioigi ii lliitgit pktying in the nets foi llu ait n team turned in a rjju u k ibk peiloimanii and sand his it mi riom deiutl timi and unit iiium on wednisdiy of i imi wnk mr i inest rogirs i squesitik lowpshlp shol it wolf on his propel ty weighing is pounds thor farmer hns ipplnd for llu bounty on tin animal thi meculijuon bowling le mi from alton inluid in i hi coin im itiil bowling ksiui il uilpli tihtk an undispulid kid in llu k igui this wnk whin they raeked up i 30 tnumpli ov ir l hi gilson iiam tin alton bowlers are now in hi si pi in hv i one point in irgin jim ad tm son was tin big sioiu tot llu nigh i whin he m it kid up i 7s1 itipli whik montv root i mil i i lose siionil with a 689 blinked bv tin he ivy snow ill list wclkintl roids it tding to 1 iniihousc win fmilly opuud up on tuisdiv ivening tt tfli was hahid lo ind from un il 1 hjl and il kmk bulldous in i hiinv iqiirpiiunl as will is i hlg iuw of nion quili soim him bii iking thiuugli llu iu ivv ddris thi gin ph ailon wool cotnh irs hong up lull skills ind pul thin unifotms iw tv m inoili balls iflu llu iwo difnts ol tin p wnk th il illininilid hum hum die bi ihrn intumidi ill a itnip milvuton difialul ttu coniturs si mil liki in iu wirk w ilu 1h eami through with i diusii 85 milury lo oubi i hi im its supuinmuktit chtiks wilson of ihi publu utilities cumnus sioii ins bun busv dung wilh hi min instilling new trinsfor mers at tin substalion in order to supply adiqo he power tu us eis in town news rom around the district mom and mom or less and less much differ rguution of munic dalit es would be subject to a indment but the could resuli from the inquiry nto affairs of ihe townsb p of m rr co t has been specu lated if the reguljt o is become any st ffer than they are at present there will be little value to elect ng a municipal counc i for istance the town counc i can i nstall a stop sign uni i a by law has beerr passed by the cquiu i approved by the department of transport and the local on descr bed n detai a rujop eetmc c i jtm deben tures tor a p oiect w thout the approval of the ontar o wuu wl board vvhcb eyes the indebtedness o ibe mumt p ty on an as sessmc t rat o if the n un pal buduet ends the vear w th a iu plus that supis must be nduded in the iet year j budget in othc words the mem c pal t can t save tor a ra iv day or a b g p oieci on luh ttev m ght mate a do i pay lent and reduce the r tees charges a town cant lay a watir ria i w thout the approval of the ortar o water resources gorvtm sson a town can t ssue a bu u ng perm t for new industry no matter now many would be employed f the land s not properly loned the ion ng by law and land use map process often takes three to s x months tt e ra iway and town can t install a level cross ng signal it takes the author ty of the board of transport commss oners qu te s mply theie are already so many don ts for a municipal counc i that it s m tttfs area thai much of the trouble n ontar o centres stems wc have ofien suggested that the prov nee should prepare an outl ne for mun cipal counc llors on the requ cements for each of the various types of leg slation ti e problem of course s that th s m ght not be foo popu lar a document w th those who hold there s s ii some value n mun c pal autoiomy tie fact that mun c pal autonomy s al ready well bound up m d str bui on of qran s n akes the s tuat on the more d tt cult to resolve w th the nd v dual the nd v dual loses h s merest too n the local goven me it wtien he fees assu ed that t cant go too far w cm g unler the paternal supers son and restra t of the prov ice indeed th s may eas ly be one of the sources of d ft ult es n st mulat ig merest in mun c pal eec ons much it ffer regiai on o mun c p t es could certa nly result m rwuch less ferest n the r local governments buftuygton dancers al the bt int inn ire claiming a new iwisi lo tin twist tluvvi gor i an ition i ailed ihe pulnesi in iwist nctied by i hamilton dancing insttuttor g10rg1iown rtpiesentitivis ut gmlpli oakulk ind bi impion undid appi il gruups spoke hue i tsi wuk whin llu ehimhir ol comnuiee hi id t laellinding huiiiiil lo disuiss p s mhililvol i lin d uiiiuil ippeal all ihi spi ikus piidrctcd it w is b ml woik bin point tamp ugns usuullv proid woilh the elloil oak illl phoin ehiquis m no lontir a prubkm in oik villi soim slttis use photograph miliums whuh snip t puluii it inonc dshing a cheque n surchre way tu ward off imbtkrs othu stores nquin ituqui passers to till in pusonal iksciiplim hums including phsiu appearinn ulduss ind heinii mitiilur 1 elit im he shoppers app utiilly don t mind but nooks m bpissitil tin l m1 strti rsvili r tin illati vi ikr supply will hi lliiiinlmd h enk m i niuniil wis mrotnud list wnk riuondatnl w ltir was ippttied h t iwo lo oni man nlv la diumkr brmpto like i stem fr un gunsnurki two nun mime lursis md it ithnl i puk horse mill ink llu i is ind f i mn i iste id ol hi ldine i u llu stlihin i ii uhtski liowmr lhi stopnid t t i eiiltei ml hi tik d m alonl ihui 4000 imk uutniv tinni u hn in to cilitormi biolhus wollgini uul pikr sukkiiii jh m ikuij thi ttip tust lor uliintuns sjki mil ton milton pistiut hospital is enwikd and thins a w mini hs jt pitunls tin board is poiukiitu nihu juldmt a miotul st m ii ist lblishtiil t ihrunii and psehl hue wine receive museum key at ceremony monday the acton free press published by the dills printing and publishing co ltd founded tn irs and published evers thursday at 59 willow st alton ontario member of the audit bureau ot onulnions the cwna and the ontinoqucbec dmsion of the c na adcrtivmg rates on request subsnptun- piabk in adiamc s00 in canada woo in england and other conimonwiallh ctuntnes soth in the imteil staiis and other foreipn court tnes single copies 7i auihoned as seeond clas mail pdii othu deptrtmenl oiliwi the only paper ever published in acton g a dilu editormchief dasid r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 853 2010 a tin ki t r ihi mw 11 illon unt musiuni on tin alexand us tm i dm i trui it kilso wis itluiilh tunied over to ihe h ill i miimtini assoei ilu ti mon d i tibruuv q in biiel eire m in il the sili w itdm wilt rid bird presented ilu ki ti lkputv riivi hirbert mitts ol oikvuu e haii man of t tie ni vvmiii ii ind pr used ilu ln up t r i hi uuindwi rk ihu h i km i ud i r h ltn s i vi h st iii il musium thi i i m n t m k pi ki outsidi ihi i rujati t bitavehiih will h u- the exhibits ol 11 ilt n s latlur diss m p p to donate u lit n mpp slinks hill ipnmii h pk isun it the hi in ol this 0- earold barn is a museum sia ind pnimtid i nn i ui s tm histom il iutm ir m hi- mn hirne mr hill p nit d nit thit the hist irual displav it the nxml slum ind antique num in in mifti n hid pn md i hi re wire mim pioneer hirm tiailibk f r l mmum r kirt mn shall ihairmin of thi li mile creek conserv mon authints whuh owns ihi brn ind um und np 200nerc i urn ti id of ihe auihortlv s plins tu fl xtd in 8 ierc villev nit spnni nd f rm i wttir ci nservition raki hi wished lh niw board iiirs suncss in isnbhshing n mfiseom of whuh the iitlcns of hilton eould he proud following an inspection tour ni llu huikluil wilh f imu u dntt aksmdir tt hou i hi ud how ud nh idm nisiri i r of the doom piomu mikium ixplun ik sitting up md mam un inn 1 1 a musium by bill smiley tluiis a iuw movitiunl and u f urhy si long oni afoot in juebee these dus lis adherents lubelkd sipnriitkis ate urging i hill la bilk pruviiiei seiede i rum ihe te si of tumid i and establish a septi tie fruuh nalion on tin shores or rtie si i awrenei i tloti t knrnv llu ins ind ouls ot ii btil poison illv i think its t splendid idia tn lut not unly do i wish thim we ii hu i i hope i iu si iu tm hi i omt s i in nd lha i will sweep ninth amerieu lis llu tm i v hung lh il eau birtk up tin isl tu il hloeks mto whuh this lontinenl is divid id mil em us i hodgi podgi ol untidv innusling littk si itis kiuulriis ind pnmi pihtus siuh ts ihe olhir iifiiiiiiinls boast as t ir is i in mi briakiiig c in id i down linm it hugi nidi gislihk i hunks lo 40 or 10 juuy ilkstibk moisils would solve most ol out ptohliins in a twuik imt inst ol ill il milhl slop iiilliueil i mope ins ind ihs ii until il homebrews irom uti lies tboui ihcgotui gi iv ci n nil ins 11 si iinim igm itivi loiisin iltvi loloikss pymk who itvi mumwhen noiih ot diltoil nui mtil their iiikiioiiiv uullpilx i lu so suk ol this slop i eould liy lluv icitldnl iu i use us ol llu si mgiliu villi is my mon it wi wm suddmfv ii tnstoniud ml i sii thing in iss ot repuhlus piopks de tm hi ulis moninhus mil whil not you su il i ins wis d in ivuvihiiu would tu iiiiil mil ihi oviipdwiiing dtilliuss ol in uti ill lifi would be re pi u id bv tin lomuitk exolu ixiy urn nt llu nihu lonlimnts wi d hi ibk lo enjoy nh fisimitnifc ihnils is raolu iiluees llnuil moss hotil lis sludellts noting 111 tile tf wl ti jr bj vi credit authority names officials ro k memillin t blnils villi his been ekitid ihairman i i tin cudil v ilkv coasirva lion aulhunty lor ihi euming year it was announced following the inauttiral meeting of ihe au thority al the yellow briar inn it br imptun mi mimilhn who is t mini hm of the tonuimi township counul md a k iiiiiil lytmj in lonserv tlion iitivitus in ihi cu d t vilkv im simt 1 vi lis sir mils h a filiim tv uf pi it cudil mr onmw iv hid bun ih hi m n sum i9s7 md eon tin ins on tin i ii i ut im as p ist ih u r in in i m wh ie uf mom townsh p wis ilntid vkiihiimin ind w llmer wniht p rt credn re ippointid snrclarv trc isunr app intinnils win also mute i i lie f illuwuil advisrv bonds ii n i c ninl ind pillutnn r r pirkcr alton t inn pi tnn me ind kind usi akx milinn gnrptnnvn histnnnl re iiii d id lilhlu i isl irafi t i puks md run ition j a piwk briuipl in puhli rili t uis r k h irns m i orne p ik ri iiistiiiun j a can sliiltsmlll c i spe nil i the ont it i ixp rfmint t i inds md foui i minus a fell ih ir ii i hi t wi n 1 rm p irk w is t ippi nil 1 publii ul ill ns i lh c n v u n a lb i iv lis ll hm 1 v til till piimi l ii ii 1 up x m nt t i in is ind is in s n th u0oo i un i ii t r 111 r w 1 islu i uni ui i n 11 i ii tv i or n i t ili ii imu uih it v il t i r 1 m il 1 e till i i pi ilutt m duel ipiiunt it rviti i 1 n oi is h m d nt i 1 pr 1 i streets military juntos carry ing out coups detat vidiwiilk infes riddledwith spki unll ed notions aid ibuting the amerkans and nil ihe othir hner ihings in itfe another thing cunadi ins pro- bibly irtivel muix miles pir ve ir than anyone else yel most ut us have never bun outside tin lounlrv what eould bt mon h r itig lh in lo elrmb on a train rtdi il for ihe best part of a week i limb otf and still hi in llu sum eounlry thais whit hip pens now all tit would be ihingid with all our new countries ind bordtr a irossiounlry ii un trip would beioini a thrtlling klvmturo we d nud piss polls und vis is wi d havi l p iss bolder go inls with tommy guns our travelling coinp in urns would be myslei urns sli angers esplon igi igenls diplomats nitslrevsis wikkvid anniihisth mstiad of i ilk i live elderly i tdies going lo visit l lie ir daugh liis young inolh us wilh damp wluny ihild rm ind exhausted middle igid mm luading fur home utlir ihe haiirwaie eonwnlion ijiiinrploymenl would hi solvit ovimlght there tl hi eountkss i iw goviniimbt jobs unit in eus lomv immigration post olfui tivisury propagmda ind sciret polite departments smuggling would provide t teftige tor llu liw adventurous souls who ii pudfaled uffieialdoni there d be no more tuvcnili dehnquoney as hill a hundred iuw armies would piovitk m ouliit for high spirited youth and a lot of d indv little wirs would keep ihem on their lots but there wouldn i be mueh fighting suppos tig tin new mon irehy uf pnmi tdwaid is html deehand wtr on the new union known is the unilid counties of ihe oil iwa villi v theyil havi to hgrrt then way through the new nations ul piissunrnquuddy gaspe beaver brook and nova iiunntla lo gel it null ulher mv pi in would hush up those hoies who luntinti illv agll ili for i i amid i m nitiomil anthem and i distini live can uhan tlag riuyd hi ii busv wnlmg nn tliinisj ind designing flags tor soih niw nipons is the yukon kipithhi ihi pcue river pnn upiihlv wiskrti norlhern oni ino md prim t rupirl s land tin sm ishing up of slodgv old c in ida w ink ilso give us i ehiilei lo intrrkliin some lim new simiii kgtslallon that tin piisinl fnkril uivernmint ret use s to i onside r slircrv minn ir our hi ivt- new nations would le id the wav in sueh pro- jr ssivi sot i tl me isims as homis for unwid fathers a tut fix i tfuv for dent addicts b mdyd indy divoree by vend uig in khun thi red he i bit of tonfuslon it lusi of ci nisi f manually piopk would hive lo do without ihur heir when the h ihy bonus i iu hit s railed tit appear tins hoiviur i on id be solved by hav nif th niw governminls distrl imte iree beer onee a month but ihe n d biauly of the si heme is this do yon nwl ie thai instead of hung i big il prosperous peaeeful kiunlrv we eould suddenly be mmiie a whole miss a small p xir struggling aggressive i ontiiisaii wi d hive tu do is ihohsji the iniomi lax then sit bjik ind seiiam for help ind the y inks w mid nish in tnoiigh foreign ud lo keep us in luxury professional directory and travellers guide medical funfrat directors dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon offiec in symon bloek 43a mill st e aeton of rke phone 8s321 1 1 risidenec 115 churxh st l phone 8s1664 dr d a garrett phvsiuan ind surge in corner of willow and rivir sis entrame river si alton ont phone 85w1341 dr robert d buckner phvsleian and surgeon 39 wcllmglon st a t ui ont phnnc 8sji240 offiee hours 6s p m aflunoons by appomimenr appraising and 1nsurancf f l wright 20 wilbur st alton onljii i phone 8svo70 appnikcr ind insuranc over 50 years in alton dental i port workers topic of daughters study tin fihnurs nieitine i the lmthiits t kn w is lull n i ik hm l mrs muinv s mi 11k n ii ii w is t mitiul w ih in tern i nt n t ti m i th r i nirv ii i tin untiu u presented were cuba jimmi i nund beimuda eiih isl k t fi inn ptmpei jipn j r usilmi un iv s tlind 11 i i in i turki swii7erlmd i s md canadi mis a m miiphus n in m ih i ulu all w is 1 jlk t in 1 the nuilhiers nf kn i hl thi pi isun t sirvrnf ihe i id us ihur suppir thi lattir pait of febru ir the firou pi ins wen made t r tbi worrttdii i pnvir srsue n minh jl ind ihi liu i p ik ir is t i hj mrs f r phillips of cnlt vnirlp womnisw rk sein uiv f i pnshminil the studs ind w irshtp vnin wis condiulid h mrs m seosm ismstid hs mr c kin mrs j pnk mis k livermore ind mrs a holmes thev told ibout the mans was the port or1tcrs assist the immigrants coming to our country nil i is n i in t i n i hi r u m i n i p i i n i h l i s j i lu i n i ifu publ in n v i i in jii tu nuns un n 1 i ik auth ts a if v i rn vi i p ik tell t l 1 be i u t i w h t h i i tii 1 o i 1 dr h leib dent il surge n olhie c rmr mill an i rtedeiu k streiis offi i hours bv appoinlmen tdiphonc ssvflmo leader moved scouts reform f w n i innl r i no m rk t t nmir s hu 1 i k r ill i mv ir int bain i jm on v n si iuts win lilt v h u i si him is r in enm nin uni mil the viu cr up c mm n bei uni akirm t i aftir vuiril it imits t i find a mw lukr neil mihcr ttreem a i umporirv iiiimi u wi h a ian cipperussis int n d iv even n i rn rginirmg m i nip w r- h 1 i md neiirol kukrs and si iuts wm prevnt seouts will mccl temrirartl on mondas evenings at 70 pm until final arrangements arc completed dr a j buchanan dental surgeon oil i 5a mill stmt olt c hi uia 9 a m i 6pm c si t wl inesdav nfkrnnjn ti cph ne flsvrsfl lfgal c f leatherland qc barr sior ind vi h r notars puhl i oh i h mrs ft i m p pm i p m s p s ilur itcv bv appointment n v ph nc oh ec 853- it vi res si is a t in a braida ba birnsirr snluitor notarv pub i ollue hours in alton m indas fnd is cvinms 6pm 9pm salunl iv i p m 5pm 28 paisks si guelph oniano prone ta 42242 office houn in guelph dailv 9am 5 pm saturday 9 ajn 12 ajd phone 8sv03so night or day bmei f shoemaker mgr opticai and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist c intail lenses hearing aids 6 john st s alton in alton wcdnesdivs nly 2 00 p m 6 x p in i r appointment phone 8s3i041 robt r hamilton opiomciriii 70 st george s square guelph fur ippunttiuni phone ta 46180 hours dailv cxeel wed 60 mam si north georgetown i r app jinlmcnt phone tr 7 3971 acdmsdiv 9 a m 9 p m m jr and fn 7 pm 9 pm tkavtlilks quid gray coach lines oache8 lfavt acton standard time haubound hi am t daily exiepi sun and hoi i iw im 11 am jofi pm s08 pm ml pm pm 1008 p m sun and h i l westbound 10 27 nm 12 s7 pm 27 pn sv j- pin 9 12 p m im2 pm i 02 a m fn sa sun and hoi i canadian national railways astern standard t me f jst hound 6 44 am to torexiln dailv es 1 1 pi sun lav 9 13 am to to r n o exiept stmdav 07 pm i i t mint da h es ept sal and sun ml pm to toronto sun- 0a onh wrsfniund 8 v a m t i statford dt v ex eept sun 2 pm to stratford dails exiept saj in sun 7 07 p m to su ford dails eiept sun 12 29 a m to stratford 1 dav a week 222 pm to stratford saturday ofvtv chiropractor david w gohn dc 25 mll st f ph ne 1171 entrame on willow st office houn mon wed fn i to 9 pm tup thur 9 am to 6 pm ty 9 un to 1 pan rs j i ia i r n j

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