Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1962, p. 1

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ht artim mftt t eightyseventh year no 36 acton ontario thursday march i si 1962 ten pagesseven cents suff photo scouts cubs and fathers who attended the ballmafad father and son banquet enioyed a talk by guest speaker ed joyce of milton mr joyce is a rover scouter and he djave a most interesting and entayable talk pictured above following the dinner are the guest speaker with some of the leaders scouts and one cub left to right are mike norton gubmaster bryan wood mrs l young district cubmaster allan jamieson mr joyce ross mclean and scout master john handcock mzvmtmmrlitejmsmi discuss nearpeak power load seek solution from ont hydro faced with j- mar ptdk load on no 2 substation and in ovei load of 10 per cent on no i subslatiun ac lun hydro com mission spent i nut midnight session thursday february 22 in an attempt lo solve the prob lem howard king onimu hv tiro representative wis present no conclusions were reached bill ontario hydro will study csti males and two phasis or in creasing ihc power load and make recommendations al a la icr dale during the discussion il was learned that no 1 substation on ss w kmsforaicn woutdburn out and commis queries failure chairman gordon bcatlv en quiicd whai might happen in the cvcnl the reconnecting ph ise laded and was loid bv hydio superintendent doug mason iiil cried in giving lo the aclm thmbu n muec loi llieit chtisini lighting prugr mi lie ni luditots hul brought tin mention and iccording ail the pi uliee w is ne ed chaiim in beam e sere told in hive llle ll id 100 donation lib i ol com move one classroom duo to leaky roots pimuipaj g w mckcnzic- of the robert lltlk public school is having his heidaches these days and it is not with the pupils it s the vvcathei out ol 12 classrooms in the new suction six have roofs leaking oik ejassroom was va c itcd wcdncsd iv when a eotn blind glide v7 diss moved to the old stone sell mil grade live m i possiblv v ic he their class rooin lonionow pie c isl coiicielc slab rool mi lelial seems to buuii cause n the trouble nut both the robert liltlc mil m 7 be unci i schools lie hiving tile s uiie pioblem pnileipil i iiiki smith it the m i bennett school dels moic lot tun hi hoviiiir in that onlv thicc leaks hm ippiaud and thev in in i pt lie white vv her mils down provided llooi di nns not onk ac ion schools arc pligucd with k iking roots the pioblem exists in m inv other icn lies architects foi he schools hue invesligilcd the cause md st hcd it is impossible to m ike icpms until ihe we lthcr cle irs c of c hands bouquet to workmen praises men for snow removal method a ictlet appiowng ol tin m he i in which snow tiniuv il i keen e lined out tilts e u w i minimiiiu ol iricunviniinii i lie business distitct limn i lhainhn ol cuniiiniei w is viewed bv council luisdiv c rung reeve h ugi ic s ud h w put ill tin woiks dcpiiinu oh but lln h im gone ovu tli tub council diukd to p ilong tin p it on i ik b tck lo i town si ill couiklllot dllln dsr npolkd several eongialul hing c ills ii hioughl up i ik m illn ul ilkg i mn nighl puking on tin simi whili gie illv iiiikicis the plow thi police il ces mule ikpu lmenl lo ihc mumcipil assessment hearings over community centre accounts replace trees which have been cut uouiiliiig lo j is 079 96 were an- down mid acion will pirliupile rn ihe duinv ientirled r 1 p iirg workshop bc- ilu c lei k ipor d oniplction ol the ik ismiuiil ipkals bv jiulgl gcoit ihoit revised nmssiiutn no lis inu been sent otil uid llm s now i 21 die peri d in win ikpuu r ik li id iccc smoke moi lllse the kidrnliir id in tin i kn n h iv luid 1100 in ippe il mumupil i mill 111 gl it li lompl unls iboul tin dump replace trees iiuriillor pe il sjiggestidsijn- should be iiiilnl directing piople to llu pollie olllcc he llso i pi inling pn kiel this gelown uhiikiiiois md tun plmning bo ird members will attend tost lo ihe town is jio the first ses sion is on vtireh 22 a migccmton ihil the town pro- vuk i no puking in i ol 10 feel continued op p igc five snow ice storm slows traffic git nil liinlis 111 plii lihinl in liiul jhin1 hinkliins i i i ik mui si i iiiyj j- 11 only two accidents reported ul ll mumtlil piikine i i l viw7ik ts lh i ing oul with llu plo the police eominille ballinafad scout week highlighted by banquet manv of then own substations and although this method is not entirely recommended it is quite possible commissioner f g tv icr sr asked ihc rcptcscnl ilm il ontario hvdro would be will ing to lake oci the enure pro ccl on the substation he was lokl thev pieferied nol lo gel in olved on this basis with local missions the don f i ion h id hem madi ihe light ot i piomoiioti mi tvlci enquitcd it ill here wis in difleient tttm anv pioinotioii il scheme dueled bv onlatio ihdto mil slated ins intention ol sponsor ihiuiii1 nvu un uui ing a similar motion another kva arrrrtc normal capacity and mrjmh units would have lo be vear for the same puiposc pn- no 2 substation located near brought in rf a breakdown oc viding he was still a membu ol the cnr tracks on queen si ic comm east was opetatmg lit 1000 kva in lt mi k with a maximum cipeilv ol st m 7 sk cd peilups ilu uim involved ann kva epresctilnl v i onl in hvdro 3600 kv ill p llnll hnllk durerenl pluns thl llln u ipm in uid1 ul suisuj commiskinrv 1 irmd in sn iliiln i liki n 1111m inu pirlnns i ililkinl lim in pi sokillon would h lui onlutu in iul in nipli hi nu njikn n umi u hjdro l inniil lh pnsinl lh l nuld llui ii 1 u rnli lnnsrurmrs 1 nu i snhsl hon lslnk ll in mausmrjsooip nd ill p ph switihgi1 hnl bu insmlld jsooo ihjlliiii the lulal osl ul lh piuil llp lo minium ul h2ihh1 new uniforms would h s 000 i hh i hun build j mi sulv1 1 hulius mln n uui sup i in an ullniitii pi in piisinlid nun i 1 lusl slim hid aiuunl undnl mil linisniin ill hi lo lh inmmissiun tnluilid t sw0hi iquippid null lliu m n urn winding lh il insloiniun h i m j kd lo mum linnis is imiii is ihil m mil priial onipim h in slim mil i onl inn llsdi i uilh ill llu ihl lullouin lh oinniissi n lost ot ihlwiin slfllwo mil ru 1 p ininl tluiin luuuli limn in in hi 1200 tins nisi lihludss 111 iuk ioniiiiimialiuns on ill tal djkl paul niislii ul pull swilhf ir is il p iqup 1 is in i b is tt mr kini iillurmd niinlhis unl lh oiuloidiili pi il tusi ul lh implit tun urn thaloiilatio huliu tttuniilil lin ctniuniri nn page fur boy seoul week was observed b ihe 1st hallinal id cub pack ind scout tioop in various ways on suml i kbiuaiv 18 they at iciidid the annual district church p u ide in knox church ceuige lown it 1 pin and on february 22nd loid baden powells birth hi ihe boys woie their umfoim to school on siliiidav ihe cubs were all i ul in lull eoiec as good tuin in when snow shovelling was the mosi popul ir dul lu perform ihc scout molhcts auxihats suved hoi cllocolilc hid dough mils to the bins when they were 1 imishid to his j suniln moining ihe 1st o the r illm il id giotip ilictuled church illovv i p uk in llieir own chuixh mr be hon pre idled i very interest pi iimd me md nnick seimoii entitled no ih s ark and the astronauts he w is issisted in the worship in cub john grace and seoul anih spiccc display in store the scout troop put a fine dis plav m smith s slore for the week showing some of the work done at meetings and on outdooi iciimiics they were disappointed on situidic when the district cookoul hid to be cancelled due to llu sim m on tridn night on i nd iv night it 7 is l2 i u oijgmil 57ooo0oo ililv 16 81 ikk it ill ii gravi charges llll ihilgs levud lo rpi nings il in nfijcdf mil ud i sk ii i t4ii k d s4s lo 1 it j ing 1 nd iv mghi shiirn when niids in ihc rur i ini were plugged in sonic si lims molonsls in town el t- iu ul lo md i mm ihui homes siiiwplows md s hiding ci i- wui kept busv thioiighoui llu pi ss up aluid iv mom pi f g tvlei lull bring s elling md mil up mdii lip llll no ob hut hi i did to he pro- hquor bv i iu and i ids s it dow hit he i ind son binqiicl the hies weie ikioi hid willi tin i wu eolois ol the loc il gioup md ihe pi ice mats ind su vie i lis win 1ml most inlet est ing with siouliti let iv i lies on the in ihc he nl i able guests included the cub and i k seoul leaders mrs j wood mike i noiion john hindcock ind hud j ip snow mis young ihc disti n i ll proner he s i n 1 lie v akela ld jocc ind chas he hon 41 1 bellcglnm llu distiut coin i mssoncr wis un ink t illeiid ji0oo0 arrives due lo illness in his iloiik a lillu lioiu llu dipiilnnrit lollowmg llu itinnei iiijmo ol ajr iuiiiuic w is received ilong showed eoloiid sinks ol ins tup wilh i cinque i r sidfkkl llic lo norw iv m 194 to tin knvci ci ml in llic uiminl on the moot jinvv commiinilv cenlu a kllci new group j su ihc scout molhus aumiiiiv l ugulu in i iw ufiucsltii which did such i line ob ol cr mts cm tin inlkipiud in on c iu ring lo tin h tuque i willi mis im irui uisis ol mils md r iieneh as socil convcnei wis bndgi i workmui winked div r111 iii hi lllcllipl ii 11 llll iw iv hum ihc m un i streets and hirdlv hid thev finish v id when 1 inolhii snow sloim nmr v h lig lam plug 11 tlt tl gun fog comes down mondav morning s ficcing i i hindcri-d- g irh ige collection u vvoikmen weie behind sehcdul i ti illic was rcilui iwl ind tnoli cir lights on wink instead f d eh incc on tin is dnm log big ii is vv 1 i hid ihi ii hands- tut il routes in ac ion di high sehoul is ireetng muk ro ids trcichcrous in spois onlv i hole wis hid llii nigh tin roid where s h id biokeri hrough alter i isl frill iv s snow storm just is mins late in spite ot the lev conditions students inivid it lln sihool in lime loi their lusl morning diss even though the buses i m ap- prtimin iielv ii numilis behind i he ii re gul it schedule under noimil condilions buses urivc it ihc siliool imuiil 84s i m in lime to givi students i ihinic to gel ndv loi ihe lust 1 1 iss im il tluiv ijhi 1 us wire ihk lo loiiipkl milk dks mcci abou i month ill mill l hi olluw ngex cciilive tppointcd pics idcnl mis angus v lee pic si dill mts kod u sceic u v mis s snow tic 1 uiei mr 1 mc lea 1 sewing mrs w s inder son soci il mr s ik rich membei ship mrs black cisitinc mis r short ill rs blown mrs p wh ti m s 1 j mi li si n phon mrs smilli mis cudin v mis gic goose mis r swindle l id mil passu milling i si ho il bus mi n n roids is i hud inough clinic i bus inidcd with school siu i weighing hound 18 ions irnvcjimg over uirai ro tils ing wilh ne is beyond llic ige drivers scope llll ihell j took i i within hi md hid hllk itllllililh milk in iiistuinirs litlsv is si vii il people us hi l ik g uage ind i kousi wivis s ivcd uiiinds ol lh ir homes iholullv hul lo go hoi hilduii hid i slipping arid sliding llu londiiimis board considers reducing ice level seeks means of cutting power costs didsl hurst mrs g spnci rnnrr acton junior farmers stage annual banquet dance friday winn i ion junior farmers hie pn kid then nnu il hi nqucl anil 1 hi held d itiei i isl i ml iv evening ibout logdhci vcdoug bin nl w wik s0 eniovcd ihe e v luikiv dinnu i biinir church ji in moll i w ivpomid on llu iik nlniturif lln i nl oik i hi minibus jm h 1 ihi 1 idns ino win il sldl horn rved in mipm s indv buch in in p isl pn adv ind ol ii illon jum i i it tin is tns havwaul ih inked lln 1 uh ihil muli tin im il mi hu aid i piisinilii lln si hi ol mw nil in trie pown until the end ol ihe season ll ann i assoiialiin this group or cclltle cice lip- w is diclded lo ed estimates on 107 number irons holds 7 niccl ol tin iuks lln eost ol ihc ob liom three nigs vc u onl sponsors courses illllg mnnd iv sijijiccs m lelrlger hloil hill itull mail s i i the pn no answer iginnnl aririu il membership ip win eill i iprlv chiirmin nino hi nil i is 10 pil vi 1 invisir iiinii tprted in hid neeivcd no n tye sportktlmer i mv ih in spnnsi ti his ellquliv lor heaw piogiess w is irithcalcd on llic link o iik s a mn tor thi windows ot lh illoik bung in ide lo nquiic a hi m itiiiii u 1 iinldin ll w is dso suggisled sp risiinni loi il ios ul thi in led lo advisi llll ille lllllces oil llic hlscnielll si ill hi in w mill hi appioxim he pt ip s 1 wmdws ih ehingid to i fix iv 50 an iitunpi ishungmide l lo 111 ikl till idnpc tin mo dt un is lo hi to hnd sponsors 1 u tin mstalla md lo hdim emclldcd s ille w llll will 11 h lion ihtougli lln s ik l idveil hi lln rlng mil down ille side nl the build isin sp in in i iiiiinnlioii wilh vs lip to d in- lln mill invisli hi in is bung li ihu in ii mrs hii 1 1 polled lln icivl it uk hi hi illimpt li invi i ss of the lee ol i r stuic lui liii buulll alia ihlbiicjikliyss sysljjil inslalkd ui tin phut in ill trie il uk stfrrnt tin sum tun inions ire illnmilk ll w is decided lo 1 iki oul aiiounls iinouniing lo si 13054 m z bennett operetta days o kerry dancing packs school auditorium last night jl rl jb t fr iv w mt sars kvi rferst a- 4 i w as izijm the robert little school aulli ago when the wrn in inland is ind rtlas m it ii i k n liicn dipmeu bv t trv si iv ui k and pun 1 bv i tl iv 1 vn i bui nibi 1 i iiv pan with 3 t i il east ol 58s ham mrs j downing r pnk tonum was pas wed to eapajiv their aitcnmc grandchild noi i and rijuiiii s1 i tniiu la i is d wd n is di innv in her vuun ink kimall iipcir n 1 mv in tns in 1 f s ik her me credits ei ind rae wesi m mv 1 ih last night t i jin stl iv t is pa rents and truirds w inlud the plavcd bv bevel ev brundk us med s ihi eurtiin rusi tm iht d pie ltd tv vuu p nl us un e vi us and she wceps over the vliv m 1 i n iliein it h istk lor i ti ihi i i n t pi i h pu hs m j me i ri p v i tinui ii fuiv musk supervisor gknn b inks tt tlid thi opt it ii i and pi vs mothers made ihe nir uim is imns with s im ol ihc in torn presentation bv m 1 benin it 1 ii ui oi innv and p rnk iljct the liuim 1 lit is 1 tx wishirv vii longing lor pats r i v m 1 i in i ii i tii m kt 1 ktii tn h piano mrs sonnan turner ing li m tim k school pllpl s of ihe opilett 1 lit iisiin vomltrtibjv in n 1 mddmnv she l tv p s w lh u n hti i lis ul hkv nugit also uki v p ih pi ti m jm s u im i 1 urn hi i in tha jt ot si tll dirctli n wilh no audiiirrum i 1 the ir dass 0 keirv ijuuin t 1 r nit iv hur tell soim noi i i a w kt 1 1 wi it il m i i 1 in pi iivk ippear- a un vitt pupils li m t k n k i i n tt si i mli the iharmin s na w is n own m binnil siuknls oul erowd is ivpiiik 1 iiin it it k i thiltthiknj davs in hu mikt ki nan pa p iv in i tt i i unt 1 the led t n t 1 111 iss mh pllk j1 ul l jtii iv u h ip piu 1 uda uvsd iindei the dltetlion ol pi i tmd m ihe tlassnioriis and night ithuijav loi tht ond 1 i md when patrick w is to riu id bv bob hir insnt jpvu is t ivtre 1 tl ni ihe whell a 1 1 mrs ijer grade m s atli ji m pi 1 mi k llu si mikt mis chirks 1 nhtrland ami detllv overe line ihi litrnhj ip ot showing his donkiv iklid b jimms lor the me pi s red fin whnh p tied in pal s head does he tu iv re ivtr h senses he cult s on ind e ide 4 troup 1 mrs mo hnnn i u 1 urns ehrvl mrs wilttr dubois ulwsf hus- onl iwo practices on the c mil the wcdneselas mghi vist win md pitrnk ik ij uiim he tttjr tons m v m puitiv i n bent m li rr mus higgrns don u hnd rs also helping as a stiff si igl pleased ihe llldlenve is 1 inriv ht out owned bv dmnv shtekv jguns turns is i ml ih iii md wins rtiuth lo the children t ik ng put in pt r dm j in biilnur trent ander m mbirl choreognphy is b make up w is applied ind t hild omalks plived bv ru hum p vtd bv jnk bird s e v n v the w tth pil s de i i i ol evivom ormineeh boh mghi miluk s n h uhti nn dum irsh in h s miss jaeksein earl ren dresed in rooms in rhi stone lcathcii md and hi i ivulvme fnh husband pun plised bv whisked aw jv init the rnivns cprthauns jimmu me ke wn thi e horns is t impnstd bre s m1 al capper lighting se hoo choirs w e re n c ummo- tale depleted sv the 1 urns whe re he is made prince and princess mnle sunnm brbiri h nm i nmg studn ir un bv v dttr dubois makeup hs dited in classrooms in ihc mai ge drge wailii rcjikd zq ears i the acii eoupk m baek a star h ij the ooiden pnnecs plaved bv jrowne marv de bartola lenora trades 4 lo 8 evcrone is lak mrs v spros ton mrs p dun- school uelion

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