Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1962, p. 4

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ob a approves changes in population rule pounding tht sports beat speaking or pnrcltmnk it n not too mn who hm itkkcd n hiuvj ux time up us anon bimijimmmni v iv wees in the inst luti months c hmni tutcmpliril to vtvp tviik of tin numtvt u jaituv thi i hiiii invulivh in wit 11 must in rim out at nknil thnv pu ivtv and now ttu r piling on in nihil satan in bull m iv i uu iiv ckuhcrc on this imi the da hcloiv iht shtv oil vuicmji the rv tttu to cunpt u in the out town lounm in rtmvctonn xwrrttm l in lbi hiwn l a i jjni nan in ttir hunch jum moihir sample ot hv c4kc jinves as tir i thr an iwvrn1 pbvinp in buffalo s hij mini nnal auuiltiriiim will tv a thrill and o will hc buffalo inrlind fume later bui lho hipjivsi j n bs1 r fir i mitm donm ikv hariloj is mnoriticd is lorfvinf aflor his ihaifrrs when lht hi the iapaia fimiit 1 hope sojtw of the bovs pat mis t liiwlc tolltldcd fti to iflis minhc tiwr ftc rt i mow rr thai wotiu tiuhn t mil kts ionsiderabli onb other nnthksn la equip ping ih bov with hoclccv panta of stmtlar make and co lor klfm dm tlm coum use a art tbctl be adverttxinf acton and environs over the border and ibey want to make a food looks uke oakulic oiks vi finrsh m lop ptoic in iv central onnn inurmodiatc hiv ko cwmii t kisrtv pursued on nf lh nlftr inhii i ihv hrnvm srmtm f lh avian teittn ivhhh his wlthvtl nritlh ru nintn mtrnvn litis n somv plwwthwitli mill ins plat on ntimhu mtmh id tum th daiv aiintt lliuln i- ivv nvv mill rhufmr him i ityitm trtih in milton i umortnl viihtmlum hihiw or tht intmtnd w t itll lo ills wttttnlo 1tmt ot lliu km uss tim nlm ms t ih ob a rw ww im fwto ihr vmsillullim lint m to ts oikil l hi oih voiutiii tkbmi mnh mill i aden pet weea to snuffle off to buffalo i a lulling to nltnw umlfnumi itntt oakittlt io thttni ilttii til tl ion thitlulio it s is ill ii lis i 111 mi mtnth tit htlwk wrt iimiuwl smulnx whin olliiinl ol ilu tttitano unsikill i mm in a ii i wh itvlwwii mil niriihh mill ttvvvthmil tlhtttiie mm llitic in ami hit tlir inthiilthiiil hhiiic murii ni tiki it til im i lie ac litn riult li will- it i in mint lllilv lltttw itlnvvil lit itn nnmn hiu itw itmv otil ii nil tumi nlmiiif wt11 mm hnrmvv nnl tln iihtiitiittu unit mmllitjfrll mhi lnnnn mini wtillrt knwhtl iii lltvll hhtll ftir lipihirltllllt tut lliv ailim hliu nflvii lihtkixl nihiij wns nskiil 1 isi mis iht hilt m bill ssxiiii mnll i takxilli inti itiiiliiijiion i a r boi1i v tl ni n pivlmlf in nit sports page iihiv mimii ul im flyers wrap up group title i lints ihvrs won lln iimnp simpioiiship lisi infill wtil in sdii iw mi hili xi n 1 in in i ti iln ihiul sii u in th btsuihnsfu o ikin mumuilim innls lrn snmlkst ii ol ill s i sm u itu miinninilv i iin tut in inuinnslttti iimii mm i lisi it ss hspln tnim ilu ion inh s ilui wdu town j i tis s hmi ihiii ls in i h nmot whilt th 1 inn ia upln 1 wuh mil in i i h ihipict i ii h urn mirrti tttitt hon u ion inl ron mil hn mi iln liritmp io iii jn a i ti im limn powit bin li wi i hniwii in bim easy 93 win riatt night lnlvil i n si nsiinibl iw v ml tiihtis ihu ill iln milk arton mttrkcm siu miiiiui sit i tin insi k i an 111 111 l 1 h mi ii in lul gcvirpcmuti r ndrrs mctiyun hair m1 mi plnr wtwtt n kxiis liki mired raurs ii i oi i ri hrv a quii mifh ux gi mj a ti s pirv iv lop jxl su li oikn lao wtik 1 a ru oik si lour p milton i fth besl for tanner ron mollon plnftl i sin illni tnj pjm tot lrn 1 mm s s i iiiij u om j il in i niisniii sciri i in ni b i lini piul 1 iw in nul jnkn miisu i s shorn i i ikfuisi thi rs 1 hi i mi uk ike iht mere out lot itu sk iu s i ixsii bob txibbu hnl i fit id tin t ii fttiis ripptnj in tour y is nut issistnii nthui kn it i tnttni wuh iwo nn ktrs dnd four issisis fcrjv- plivcd thur subcoil knpei j dusbn nul in w i- kb 5bwbr m lm nul but iln ii til tin sftxti noik its iiks int on ill puuoiis pi i in tin st ml pn i il i it ni in iinl inn issisinl in ii ii ltl lowllsltv lilt lit list ll h ol tht nilit snv bui linn is i iki pllll lllwsons piss hill dull il inn tin in nun li m tlu it i i sldt klus lit utllllll jilhilp ill 1111 pions on iht miits iln mioitil 10 nul niiifcui mil witt iu 111 mllollsu lilll llllllil ii 1111 nun 1 lit will hint wilkutm ion t i iln o a intunitl i hi b vh inipinnship a n tin tinmi- must w lit until mtntni foil st ind lisininl finish llnti pi noil suits tlnn thi nun tin winmrs in thi tirsi toutni ut itu wo a a inki iindiiii c 1 uor ilimiiiitmns luilil 111h m lti htmmahn hint ivilml ik si i 11 m lkn i lllli lkllx sot onil itrlml 1 lltnblll 1 s hlllll ill i litlm ill iii i imi ill 17 is ii 7114 ihuj s4 land i h c htm n h 40 pame iti s4s bn pc 1 v suf tld sr jiisn i b i j rsji htbif r 1 uk tsf jeipae dr 1 n 4 t n ind r asmsis jj kn prut 1 mil n is ninncrup im h pints th haic both been in 0 games the iwo doorm i s of iht league guclph and port tndit haw been 1 1 most lost m th scrambk for position although guilph has been imprming in the last few games port indit won onl one game this stmts tcr losing 29 wouldnt surprise many if milton withdrew from the coitly coju next scamn the ve loit money all season their imports have been second rate and the homebrews arc or ancient vintage maybe the powers that be will get wise and die an entry in the v o aa a cruc1ai pro gum on t and othet atinitus in imin ki pi liisi nights pliiolt wuh litmus crowd down to thi smilkst tot an iniirmtdntr t imt ihis vi sun wlntliti ii h id m ttlni on midgets finish with feast at home df bill buchanan thi tanners or noi w in n npiird lo sin trm smb wmt dow n o th commumtx ctntrr w tl hi thought thj tin an hi in would pull nit ol thti in ml games oui t ihi h t iht wirun i tui tlm i hi as i nsuit f v hi group i h im pionship i i il 1 1st itid 1 wl glt th 1in mis i ip ni i ks i i i vii ih gime ould t tslll hill gom i iht oihti d ntiii 1 si mth ihu pltuil llslltssll u t irtu but them t iht pin k in pss ed aim 1 opposition thtn iln luiuu up the at ion md what happened to their aplrtt the drive that attract ed the urges crowd of fans in the league to games tn the schedule lets hope they shake off this lethargy before thei meet the winner of the mount fonat ustowej aertea in the first roubjd of the playoffs briefs irxij s ih i sun h pt iht dotsii ill go d th n on tht is mi h it ilm botiom ul iht sttn fust plaii jot tht mini easut setil dnit nut nuili thi rol in ilub nnetint iiumii sutton igent dorjit angt reported tht weik thit nn ii tie tmernjdifcin ixitirred train schedule as a result ol 1 is fndai s smmsionn tht pirn erston nam suutdj mum n ran about one hour hie hui oih ers arnitti within i few minute df their tuicduled turn tht mil hoiku club luld swimming a gimi ol midi ihc i pul sumtii iihiiun 2s it p ip b ittli misphnt wilh jim iln h nn ut bill ind join binli hullnh dinm arbn ind miki in in in tnish tl itiur hk tluiiihill dnlind wimurs s s n misis ol h noi nut km iln tilth iliuikid join buih blow sponsor t ilnk im ptli in in tor i dilnious nn il nlso v ili man iter inii his wilt md join s inolhii mis 1 wlnlh tin birrv ins ik who nfiriid dur tpd mrs m buthinin ti r sen inj thi st ison thi mmu fot mi ind wiping hi tin kltihm iln diiimi w is luiku wilh irnn sptinl ihviks inn ipnsstd ti tilings ippk and pumpkin pu jin whtih mi who don hnl iht wuh ict in im ilso tiki and m suit drinks met hotilnn s b ikui tu im ind soft dunks tot n loi thin dilnious t iki lushmmt tin hois on ihi li im ilso atkr thi mnl minus win thinktd kin blow lur sponsoring shown two hlms on hinkii iwo thi u im ptti ik fot m m ig on wintu sports md om on mg and lino mun loi louhmj legion minor sports trade twixt leafs habs reverses midget scores a mit staon iratk bclwnn duclph storing issiskti in bilk munia tl mil tonmlo ul ihc u nimiak don dimbir mil cm iuu niinoi spliits tmn iiijhi misllv mil aniilhir b kin mil immphl lid iu itu hihs aikl sh ill j iku iiauii pitud ilu m i u ii lii ihi i its in hannltiin lillv wilh issisi llliil pcrliul i sinilli l ill i iiuiiii llllllss llllll i lsl 1 ihiilii imnkl 1 sink iknis uiilihi iv us mi linn kifus j dulilm vkt iln i- i mlmi diilibu i knox i i iniliin j k lull ji ins r tippui i bui ms ailim j mush ill i nn niniih im tnil i justin di i ii llnnis i k milliin s mi dun illl u b drnii ii liivinsln r phillips p mitilslill i hn illl r mikutm olluiils mikmnon roil hlinii will h sim 1 industrial hockey flourishes now iquippid with idinlilung sitiatus with muniy in tht b ink and amis um sundav ivining irom 6 to 8 pm iht at ton in disinil ikukiv leagui h is bun a sunissliil iinlurc lor the loifr tiams nnoliid tht k igui inluipalts punhns mt two iddilional sits ol suiat irs ihis si ison nixt it ir thin will iikih hi i muih laigcr en rolmnit ti ims trom tdtn mills md rinkwimd an snking mim hi r ship ind othirs in ilso inkr isltd lolloiiing ui a fiw of it itu s si iiislits for thur first im nights ot opu ition standing vp to ind iniludint gimi ut aflelil yliy ttlnyvil just hltlllll vfry ivhfrl vhllmhto iii mil nilt of ih wtnitls with mlifli stivvitm tliy rh n tlihtti wmiltl ih hi gihiri as n rnl i utiriiiiiiiitily wltsn an ttmp pr fnrutsr ithrrmln rvslilvnl mid fiiiltir ul phii kiir tllnilttu ilw at luii lliiilimmiitotii nt mlniur ilititighl it iniiltl run llilv nrrhiik n inhis wild a llurhtlti ifnin lliy nrgfil him to iinriii ilia iiiai lor art wtiiiw it n frlsnil if itu mi ills hiifrrilii l nvwa wliara tlr wm fiiriltsflr shijllity ctt tint frlmul iiil in itnuli with hit bran nf mia ttiirraln tlhiini whit mbtkiil lo rrrangv ii miiif lli iiiivimii arl iiv hihii llnil lit wutilfl proliahly haar rutin im nrruiai imiilnji weeks lirmilil nn rv tlv mull iuvmiuv of mils wk win ii arl ww in rrtclpl nf a l0lvilium mil from n ilu rft lo off liliil luiiflrmliiu the giimc hit- tliile mill thf flute hie llnffiilu learn will also pliiy u rvltirn villi in alton lliert mliloil iruviillvv fur the atlon hitys iheytl hr hiiisin of hie buflwlo idiom for lite amirliun lliukiy leugue pro itmnt inimcillnltly follow liih prospective junior club edges milton an art i linen i in it ir ri i ik jiriniui of n jmtuif n i nip im a ion urn vi t mm lut hui nu rifl iri iii imirtliv nliin tin nitt i iii iihm hv ill hill will ifi mhlllliilt of him iilitytimd il illh hflllllll lilt of lulo tii ttit i mid i fiit il at t nn 1 hi milton ol 1 1 tn i lit i milk i 4 t f lion iiiiiumv kin m in i mil lr1 hwtoii ml h i hi in lomtrtd tin lltii iln ip milton wuh iiliml 7 0 in it fliti iiuloil ol uoitu hv mili n fitml mkol im mik p il on in loi a ion in ih ii ml rioil 1iih h wis null u n pee wees trample toronto teams as they swing on exhibition circuit ihlhilloi b lu i a om i ikln i it ah iu i n iw loci i- hi il whll w sl iii l ktwjnu klo hv mo i ml v i i ih i li on hll i id ii rm ptlod i n fol hn h m x l i four tfoiiu nul tin ktiinv own ny marklay region red vn call fame u tfmr i i rtmdrk hi s v 1 tl mhk limrxl rn r lli h lufl whxh 1 il hi i iji few nhru rd jor benih iik pta jllloffljirc with sium rkl if r t hr cifi j hi in 1 ft- at 1 rl br irfaln irv i lih wnh t in mm rr frt4utr i jit r r p i 2 r i u t j th eori f if rm i 1 r v rf fr i m it v ttfltt t ljnny mt lrn- v ll lllll iiv ins ii t hallon towns request more govt aid for retarded m flinilil two goals evaporate i i tanners lose 52 friiv spoiling it iu tin ilu pi i ioik lo il mn at snonil linn ol up imals i rid i rims kudus buwus cm lorn s kin p s in 24 l t r apts i i 1 26 is 7 ii i 26 20 7 1 2 2 22 21 4 1 4 0 16 27 2 12 ii tin woaa jn nielli in iln toriiiniiriiii tirilri iln lutsisl uowd l ihi si is mi ii is on hind lo their on tht 1 minis who losl iln lusl garni ol hit suns iii i nuts iv i i2s margin 1 iha siw tin atlon tluh out pi i ihi i ivus in iln fust pt nod p ib i 21 kul ami ihi riturn to em iii ot nilimndu jiiku mir sh ill who luntd isidi tin hist 1 1 1 us ti ii id put him wuh corm tin si i ond pi i md howiiu pi i u iduilli i iioud tin flurs jhi look i 12 ii id wilh thin foils in nun miniilis in tin 1 isl uupltr tin usilors tddid i no moil nhilt at ion itnildii dint thi dur i igi in spitt of sun il ik ii ml ih inns both i mis win lind whin thi fin il wliistk bliw plavirs from ihc tirgus ilub pirliculark wil mud u undtr prtssiin from hit tinmrs binj on lung tht lud ln limt kttntrs itr fiw minulis in ihi list 10 mintilcs of thi gime thi tinmrs prtll nnr sohed hur dikmna of whil lo do wilh pud knox thi piski plning i torch or iln thus rimmid onk ihc om pink into tin nil trnl i in ussint thiiking hurt ml his shots ind ihu win wnk of tht mirk fir pis olhu big storing tlin it until bob dobbn os not so i isili moppid his ilmr pll miking figund in thni or the thus goils ind hi pnlkd iln irtfigu on oni himsilf lo pul thi usiiois ihiad for iho first turn in ihi ginu il 1 2s of ihi seiond scoring leaders b inset mn i vlonl i in iiluunis illl it lis t sow its llllm mk nng thi it t ihks hn onto on iht hghlid kks i pittfc ti two i sll ks i b h 1 ii g mn miki rn larl i cad s pi kip is bum wilh ii i i 1 hn llu si c i in ri lino i ith sin pi mn riult rs bui i s r shi phi rd r udirs w kilk 1 litis 1 m hunitr cmioius lj dul fu id bumrs d wilds riurs 1l b lohnson buzus 111 j 7 ip it titloms hinms viihrs tims shd jii j artitmburgh r ml rls j midonld rudus a ii for acton bud hunts polled g a pk ihi first mirkir issistid b pile 7 1 12 i iwson hunts chtcktd tht pink 2 8 iwa from oni fergus- placr 6 1 7 whirkd innind bthind ihc net ft 1 7 md stond from thi short side 2 7 sin midoniku lounttr wis q 2 7 stond whm he finfiid in on left 1 i ft uitl his nctirite wrist slnit from 1 ft jl ful out ctiiohl tlu fir comer 1 ft tipmn bitkhindid mtli 11 6 1 piss from dinclh in front to 2 4 6 1 0 sion iht first titans yoj tlnn kiiok i ok idviritvi t son i sloppy dtlinsin tkimg lo lit r tin ifmt up dohhu limshtd ill tht snorid pi nod with rvtriiiv piilun pla and put fir jus iht id dobhii sil wiiil up for goal iiimihu i ur ind wilh piti i w son looking on irom tin sin hm i indoni pottid numbir im i r lirgus alton s i nisi w isn i hilpid b ihi laduu ol thi anna managi mini to mood thi lit bitwctn tht siiond md third pin ids the i ii ii b ftrgus lorwards wire abli lo thw hi alton s ifruisu on slow u in summary first period a haints iptk uwson a mt donald hums ptli a mf nn mini ird x bll in hat half public schools mr adji n up j r a inrn n i jr f r n jrdid sr j a fot affuamcx amd tv upahu manning electric cad 1533950 i i son 8 41 17 10 pins smith mirshill fulton second period f tippin ltntl 627 t knox bibmsic dobhit 10 io f dobbn rndhoup bah instc js 2s pins himcs lindoni third period f vtin7il dobbn tippin 3h f i indoni knox dobbn 119 ptns bixttr ttintl pm lin son tippin micrbi in memoriam donations to support re search in cancer can be a constructive in memoriam your local undertaker will receive donations and give official receipts goodwill used cars biy with confidescf i do no kt tpilonur rnlta- age back we do not retail taxi police cruisers or can that have been in a major cohnrion we win supply name and ad dress of previous owner on request each car listed co under ojda giarastefd wawusty for one year 61 comft 2clr 61 pomtiac slr 60 vaixhau 4dr 60 postiac 21r 60 volkswagen 39 chev 2 dr ft buick mr 59 pontiac 2jr s9 chfv mr ii t is sws si 9j jis9s j 1 jo 57 pivwoith 2lr chev c in si 1 5 postiac v l 58 gm c tun pk up si 195 j795 si vs 57 povtiac cons 57 chev idr h t sit si 79s 57 ford islr 59 volkswagfs ian si 09s 57 karmas ciha 58 ford islr si 19 55 buck spcxu r s1j95 sij95 s995 1895 j695 two locations to choosa rvom acton gkjtgttown franklin prouse motors 351 quean si e acton phon 530450 u ul pm i i ii bli i th mnh l t ik i in lose contests i llllis 111 iii t lpll it it u i s niph i k himtltnn l tn the nrnter mi ii n si t hholl s m ktt p- su i ils 2 i in p i i i n ml butt il slut 1 r s i pfnaitifs in m1mtfs i p it buirs 8 t oiuii rudus 7 j dul tn id buais 4 d i 11 a i bumrs 4 m itiiiiui cnl nits 4 i 1 ullifir rmkrs 4 goajjffpfrs rfcords i tunning butt ilu in c p mils with rthisi in n b willi um fhirs 10 mw humps hi it 41s 0 b ith rnlits 4 1 i input in iht m mitiisiill bhats 21 i slu pin id il n s 2 ii b shmn n r ink rs 1 1 d ii ii i i nts 1 if pair for phillips douv ml ivrttd mii tl jtl robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists irormirlv f in head phone oueiph ta 43071 58 st gaoraas squara j hn m ihi 1 is ten hirlilei imt i- iv 1ttn pttu blum bobhv l mitshll look andn th m jonthejqb rep cross sale continues root hardware ockwood ont phonl 8569551 firemens ball this friday march 2nd at rockwood town hall sponsored by rockwood firemen in aid of junior ball fob 1961 season i cards 830 sharp dance 10 1 mink by howies admission tsc just arrived donald duck pencil sharpener he winks while he worksi a full size home pencil sharpener sharpens pencils crayons and mom s eyebrow pencil its newi 239 page boy folding b00kh0lder brings new coafot to your reading and studying tacky finger rn f nger mo stener makes a pape handling easy two months supply only 50c fot school ummr omci bargain special sheaffelts ballpoint special rg jlm si 79 now only 98c ano school economy special cartridge pen end 5 peek scrip cartridge reg alue st 98 now only 98c clearance special i new magna lock binders special to cieai 149 typewriters portables standard office models and reconditioned models budget terms arranged if desired ask about our uft rfjctau dills stationery 56 mih st pttoim assaom

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