Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1962, p. 8

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path of he aboittfriable snow man the good old days when down b up this yar the towns assessment has been dramatically increased unfortunately that increase has not been a result of an influx of new commercial industrial and residential buddings it has been quite simply a jug gling upward of the assessment figures on existing properties in this increase there is an inherent danger the increase has been largely achiev ed by raising assessments on commerce and industry now in the field of municipal finance we am inclined to udge the health of the economy on the basis of the mill rate if a town has a high mill rate taxes are high and a low mill rate indicates taxes are low however the value of a mill is determined by the towns assessment so increasing the assessment can achieve a low mill rate but that mill ratewtiipwifuce mortf rtovenuajfot the town s in acton last year the mill rate was 7478 on an assessment of 5 540237 thus a mill jast year was worth 5540 this year the mill will raise 6 850 on an estimated assessment of 6 850 000 unless the mill rate drops this year by several mrlls little will have been accomplish ed other than a juggling of figures and taxes on an individual igroperty will be increased in direct proportion to the increase in the assessment of the property photo by either tay however acton s last year s budget raised 417 433 this year that same amount could be raised by a mill rate of approxi mately 61 mills on the new assessment costs are bound to increase to a certain extent and the new mill rate may not get that low indeed the mill rate now seems to be only slightly controlled by council debentures and education costs the largest items m the budget ae figures over which the council has little control committees and boards making requests to council should however keep in mmd that the public purse is not bottomless coun cil should keep m mind too that a drop in the mill rate must be generally expected it will climb back again all too soon it is unfortunate that commerce and in dustry have had to bear the large share of the assessment increase this year besides that they must pay business tax of from 25 to 60 of their assessment beyond what the homeowner pays then for good measure they have to pay three or four mills more than the homeowner on the mill rate little wonder commerce and industry are so widely sought by ontario municipalities they are far less vocal in their demands for additional services than homeowners and far more liberal in sharing the tax burdenl a the towns mill rate will be eagerly awaited back in 1912 taken fami the luue of ihe i ree prcu thursday teh 29 1912 llsl hlusda alhul hun sha pitl mini uii liiismit the it iik- il hu i it mill ii ihe uliiilmi imii i sum iitsttl him mil ii tlioujii tl li iln u iv i liming in mi llu ni mi 11 llltl sll ihi i i llll mllll ihis wis llu ii u ilu l lld ulljiiu tl ii iii hill llll hii ullim wis muck iml hui imi inio i mim i- ink il mills ml in i i ii lv h sum un i ii mimhis llillls llll us m i llil ili mi mll iu it llu stuinis i hi im nk hit iulid llu i ik iliix i initissill hi mini mi is int nut mi lluii imp it ml miiiilh ps si i m i ml i nl ssiu n n urn h lulll oil i lo ii ill i hlliiifj a i n willi llu iii iii 1 jlllllsht llll u is llll ihl i m ktnlhlmll t ik iluiiks ill lairnus m ik slmiilil i k in iiihisi in i i iii ill is iii i si 111 hull wint mi lum- i inn ii mu in uh i si ii i ill il uiiluiitii ii mi hsi lul ulul il hid slltlml i i iiin i iittlh hip i hun i i tow husdiv liu su im ill pisi tmlu ni inihs in ill iiusniii ik is mill ini lum a iidnu i i iii ii in su will mku llu inn nuiiluiu kilu is w iiim lluii l 1 inmnliil mum r ni ti u iph in ii t i ill i hiis in aili will in ill i ul tlli i kllllls in iiimh it itllmj limi ii iph iu i m to ni iinu wiihm lu hums mi m kt nit s ml iln t i nl woiim ii t lu huili with riw l iillim ii h h iuj111 hum l i m il iu si uh dpi i nun ausiin mini ui i slum ill wit mis lium alull lu ui iph ul im hid i tiuiuw is p it m s is uiiu ilus w k wlun h ui mptid lo bond i lit lllli 11 llll ui losl ids i 1 iii illlllv i 111 iklllul siw hill i u1jiii1 oil lllllll honi llu rt uh i ul ui i limkl lum ih i ml llu it mi looking ahead m spate the 25th anniversary issue of science digest published an interesting and inform ative article by mr wifiy ley entitled the next twenty five years in space here are some of the points emphasized by mr ley by 1970 we shell know enough about the two neighboring planets mars and ven- us to plan manned expeditions to both the travel time with minimum fuel consumption is about 260 days for the trip to mars and about 145 days tor the trip to venus a dictate poky for the past several generations the leaden m india have professed firm pacifist views condemning the use of force in the settlement of international disputes now however with trouble in the portuguese colony of goa the government of india used armed forces by land sea and air this confirms the view that expediency is decisive end that policy depends upon circumstances such a state of affairs is a serious obstacle both to disarmament and the reduction of armaments came el accheats recent tests by the institute of forensic medicine m bonn have shown that alcohol causes over half the road accidents and that crashes caused by drunken drivers result in three times as many kitled and twice as many injured as other accidents th experi ments showed that accident proneness starts with only a half of one per cent of alcohol per thousand m the bloodstream the result of drinking one pint and a half of beer columnist anthony terry age january 24 1961 the acton free press pubttahad by tin dffla prtaitng and pubtbfalnf co lid founded tn 1875 and published every thursday at 59 willou st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwna and the ontanoqucb division of toe cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance coo id canada 4 00 in england and other commonwealth countries j500 in theumted states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorized as second class vail post office department ottawa the onty paper ever pubsbad tn acton g a dins editordvchief david r dfus managing editor business and editorial office phone 853 back in 1942 taken from the imuie or the iree prras thurmlay munli 1942 aiiiinlllih id 1 1 poll i hiu tilt iiiruiiik mllv n ii sfm 4 sjuu by biu smiley ni mil in 111 idiimik sli 1 1 loi vv ii jiiii msis iih iiinkii will be pined i h u l i h vhl i i ni l it h pin- jill ions nl si i ui iuiimi iiii tin iln pm1 lil- ml ihii i will ii ii m i dirtilm lillnil if id ii muitinikliiiin s hihit wliui il vml i v iilih lim srh w h n lv mis wiimh i will ml mss in wihsht ithns li mis ml tnplilin mi villi mil i w is nwul l miss m it ltd sijmhiii illd will 11 tn mml hi inn llu n ill nil a llll til simllm ins iiii ii i iii by 1975 the earth probably will have several manned space stations in different types of orbit by 1987 that is m 25 years from now the space stations the lunar base the martian colony and the probes circling jupiter and saturn will be taken for granted speculation in 1987 will be concentrated on the first intersteller expedition to the nearest star m the category of the sun which is in the alpha centaun system a luir iiiwl iiiiiiii iln i hii h ill in s llu pi pul u ill a ln s mitis in mjjll an ill i il i il ill pisiiml ill pi iv mm li i 1 iiii i hi uuli in i iii wimiii uhlltlltll it ilh j ii iti nllfnl aioniv u int itit i wmiij kii mn ilih iimiii ilolill idh imts vtiln i ii ittts muli ilmiili i ois hituins i i hi is h twills mil l k mls is limn ill iliv will ik nuit to smui lull t n in siiiniui t imp 01111117 lill sllltul hlmii llltll ih i in sl tv wiling pun ip il w mikni inliniiki llu in mix is lit il sin plus mom y i nsi i lv tin pupils liy iiu ins oltiiluils hid l vislil hi i j i hi vklurv homl llu huixt lotllllluhllli ilk lilllillui llll iinu lull illiiii iii kit pnm vmiii hi viuiy rimkl lnv iii mlciiiiiimjii ixmlnik mi spiiail mil i si 2 i win mu ih hiijili k mi in tin in iph nllltlulu k ljui ilk sl i illllll ui i in now uiilnn wo points nl lop ijii tin v must win i lu i uius in xi mi k lo in ihk i in llu nli il oui him k m i it lusl pi u l unit nn nliuirtt riluhl nlic- dulifl lot ill in ioiiiiiik july ihwl i il llki tit il lakliik i iiiid nil ttlltlll ii 1 il lllltt kit i vi il i ho mill i day item tin uh lorn- lu muli uf iht piltuiiri nl wur assitiliitloii suiik nl i ho hivh uiih llnlr wivti nn ihtitiilnif ii pliuil iii luhc litem in tlu hull il kiiitfriom win it lluv will 1slp iilil llll nil in im iiu i pruuikth uf tin nr unuii uill lliiiusilvih kilck ls lis itn ifhhuvliillun mi ilk tuttluill wind klkastfl i mum ii soinmhlnu ul ilk son it ii lu i llwlv jtiunt mu ii is lu ik i will sloikit iiu nltoiiiil i i in vlsil illi hit uilks wlun miiik nl i hi old kiliulis ijil inl iht gnpi at out i ml l iiu urn ill die sulcus will hi mimiuiihk oki li ys diuiftlkr mill ollii i indict ol tliil ilk in llu imiiiv minn hilv will in luixiiijj up i kiuuu iki piilviilul isnnls powil iiil milk ii if p mil piunis i lu ii w is iu vi i it iki iu ipi in ik it ll ni lot sin i i w lull 12 pounds lo tin sipnt tiot ynii i in it hi yoiii diiiu ui hinis nix soitn ullur ihirii t r will lu- siltinu mil i limh ol pun un ilulki mil knikk linw hi ni nit itcin pul itms tuinips minus iu uivtliuik 1 1st ill il will ttnmiit oik hookir nl iii il stuff mil in uiil i in turn in his wink hi ilncsn t ikitl tlilin my iiioil risfwhtn in llu lirtrjft vimi did iinu r will ik hirnimrinjf iwiv il imply powdi rtd nrilk luis tutuiiik ilktn iiim i lips news district hrampionmu fusi lijhk1 stun signs h iu ihui insullcd m itiwn an inline to ik ih il indio supuintitiikiii brnnpion miv ik tin litsi imn m fmiji tu nisi ill iluiuim iiiil slritl stuns of this kind thiv n m p vll ip oakv11 i i gum nt popiil ition i msis pniwmg piins sihool tiusitts u 1 1 nitin ihis wnk thm s news ol i mu publn sthool tin ilk loom r ill in i bionk isiim iki to nisi 1260000 anil plins foi inmhii mu hih silionl vvhiih will proh iblv hi ntiikd m four m us oiknlu s ihuil luyh sihool is prisnitk unilir mnslniilion buri ington an irsmil of 12 nmis w is uni irlliul hmiath ilk si ii uf i la nikiui township ii ill iitising town oflinils to won tin il tln h id i ik rn ikms i h uhion n ihur li mils tin hnaih inulini luhild muk lis insi issuiil to bntish iniiips in 1850 wire oniutkd fin dull pmposis toi nilson township civil gu ird ilunnii tttlllil u ii crorgftown conmillor frid ihrnson fnk csqucsmp township should ik lonlnbuiinj to llu upkup of thi cuorituwk ann i hn nisi i i itji nimitxi f township ixsulints usi llu facilities without himy in i i to imir tin usi er1ndalt inst wiik w is trtplits wirk fur hofh soutj hospitil hut ind ihi oikvilk tt if iljit mtmnrnt hospililvlr uiu horn lo mr imf mrs jlh micuthv of tnnd iii jffoodlinils mil to mi mil li- bunud milhu il of oikilki hrsi lui i uh huspil d miitontopii of imm ncint tounul uthiti inforiinuni if iht lowiis ntiinj b i tin ilirk town solkitoi uni plmnuil imird sutitan of iiim to iiimsiijui dktd u htions of tin i9s7 h i r t r i halton junior debaters will compete in finals thi hjlton lounti intrv in llu onnno junior tirmir iniir ciuintv dih uing confpi nti n wis munssful in miknil thi li n ils in tin simi mil muntl llu ti mi difi hid tin nhumlki i iml mlr it i nutit tfihik in bowminilk thi find dibiti will tx hid hiiwton halton and wmrloo tuunt on fndax mirth it tin ontario apniultiiril col it pi guilph thi final dibiti will hi pirt if tin innnil ionfircn i in thi ikbitinj projirini thi mui unii tsin vikm is im i md i uh niunt proulis in il turn ilin it mi md i tnitiu ti im thi countv truing thi hiph igniiii sinrt in holh ck kits is didmd tin winmr tin first di hi u m thi fimk wii ht bitwtin thi ilnloo it ftrmitim k im ol ruh vvi lur ml risu bos mil iht hilton neginu it im of man lou tn lormd fd stgsworih the siconil tkhik will he be twnn thi hi ion iffirmativc it im of jjik rornrttion ind tom hunter anil thi wakrlim nrgi im inm of dauk rndlc and pml biur thi lopii for thi tin il debit i is rts ind thu limitis should t kiss irm prutltk s 8800 acres halton delegates attend conference light reprtsinl itlvts ol iht hilton pnm safclv council at undid iln onlit in ium saiity t unit rum id il llu on 1 1 no atiiiiiltiiril colkt ui ouilpli rihniiiv sth to 7th tin ciiiiliuiki wis muji up of diltgitin imm ill loutilils md tlistnils in oniiiio indwis sponsoiitl by llu rum sifity count il of onl irui thi confiunii odjiliivls win ihniiold to foius atkntmn on the extreme urgency of tht frm aciitunt problem to mnbi lite ef fee live public bupport for fjrm aieidcnt prevent ion aclivi ties to encourage organized rural groups to develop lontinuous and effective farm salety program johnston nil lands ihairman of tin tlilion farm sakt coun nl prismtid an outline of the tirsi aid coursis sponsored by thi safety couneil in hallon one irf the prtijcdv of the farm s ifely council is lo promote fii st aid courses for farm pioplc in halton during the past year 40 per sons have taken the course ol l ruction oftered in coopera lion with st john ambulance the conference delegates were iddressed by the hon wm a stewart minister of agriculture mr slcwart re lewed the need for farm accident preention pro- prammes in promoting prosper nus ontario agriculture in out lining the need he pointed out that it docs not help to hac a successful farm operation if it the end of the rar profits are drained by medical expenses or propcrlv damage or if injury oc mrs to the farm family h dlon s rcprcscntaliies to the confirencc were johnston nee- hnds j ft tajlor mrs a r coulter mrs velma morns mrs b oalcs mic sprowl a r coul tt r ind j a francis agncul turd representaiie plates jiwilrv nnd liiglipnwir- ed miuhinery bui i tlouhl if the ctpcdl lion will ever make it lo the 1 k some kritule who cut his wiy ihroiitfh u nlxlrlih ion i left wall with u null mir 20 v iri tio md wu mi ihe iihim lm ihnt iliivs before lie wis i iititht will intm un lemon in ulng imw lie did h and wlun the whole hot loin falls mil or ihe alrerafl llu olhus will have in ircc tint lie h isn i lost his loin h iviiy old ktlijflt k lunciimih nl in ui and tlu pilot nl tli il llu i ill ii ifilng tn ii ivt his li mils full loiivliuliig ihuii i iml hi hiisii l mum on llu return trip fi ftw llmiks lluv in knl up m i ludind siith is llu i wit if i minion cum i ss m uk in i 111- llni md llu tnlin saloon im ol llu iit hmtfs high or llu ditlv hoik j mutt i in h i itrrid t uni ui pm i y in i iiiuimii with fminii kai kiugits riulll h i kod out 1 wmiiiiii il wii li k will in una with ins in vc i im ss longiii llu i eotild pei i vom hide will iiddy i m ikt it ind il ik dots will lu gu bunk md wint to light evi rv hodv i wonifii d i ivi will show up md mliiriilt mi uul ii with his t dm fnglkh vuw tint it s unit soimhodv look tlmst tolotii its in h uul iiu in inrf us i itoiihle is t mc thtm ind m my like them is ihcv win ihen wei jotk with his nubbly sihiilhov f ue piddy is lining is i hull md qukk ujt i rahhil slim blond davi wllli his lasuil m inntr it in f iu huge must uhi and all of hum just i vut or iwo oldir than tht lads i in ti ithing in sthiol right now wouldn t it hi urrihk if thty mtmitf up lor iht reunion party looking pis hki thi rest of us iltltk around the middle and thin on top i whole lot hss interested irr staying up til nlghl md meekly imumuiuig yts di ir lo some slringi woman with i cold suspicious eye in lur hi id tit 1 1 letter ibmit the trip bniiiglil haik a host ol mem miis of piisoni imp divs all of ifiini wm good onts flu l s i ih iiiiiful putt til m it him i v hollt inlo us hum ms tin thi lily to loigtl ilk hid times mil iiimnihtronty llu good ones in rilmspti i i hi hie in puson i imp h is a gn il it li ii lion lot old krkgis rh t tson of urst is llilausi ii w is imnpli klv irn of mm pin 1 1 mn flur wit no ohs no horius no iiimtgigts no mrs no vhililn ti ind no wo- nitn lo wot iv ibmit ah iht ikeisums wire link onts vou hid in iki idc wheihtr to h ivi turnip soup or luinlp slew lor tl ti yum had loy die tile whfmin to go on smi ii ing hk i go it or io hut i mid winter bniii willi ue w ilir in ihe unhealed w ishhouse you hud to dtitdi win tlu i to geibhltr youi sllit of hit id in one gluttonous mouthful oi nrbblt at il lor an hour looking hiik from ihe wel it r of piyments ind problems i ml ihllttren iml wives in whlth iht v ire firmly morass id ild ty il is little wonder 111 a i old kriegks lu ivc i sigh of rlosl ilg i for ihe simple ord tud ixlstinee of the camp i nn ihoiigfi hiyd hive sold their own grandmothers into tl ivery lo gel out of the pi tee while they wire thi ic professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral dfrfxtors finally cot there a tombstone salesman and a widow were discussing thi epi i iph to be inscribed on the late husbind s grac how would a simple gone irrimi do asked the salesman 1 think thit w mid suit nut h teplud iht wi low it w is iu us tht last plate he thought 1 1 g im mott cale breeder wheat production ud to s at meetin halton counts whnt pneuiirs held thur innual tounts milting idntsdis afti rniwm of last wiik at this p irimmt of aprt itillun ft i in mlion rov c rtdiir timpbellvill stkind kivhnrmin of thi on irm whi o pnidiuirs- mirkiting b ird addn svid tht muling wii h wis ijllid to prmii mil urn hiti nini in marki ing whi hoard a mn ind iwt tht 1 cnmi when pni- tfiims i mm iu nd ilikji is to iv disiti whiai pi kjuhts committee two delegates reeliied ti nprtsint ha4ton in district 6 win rov coulter ind ft tiler rosli oakulk and as llcstid diligaks wilt aitmd ihe disirrtt writ it pnutiuirs c immitttemm s annual pnmn- nl truttrnt i i ht htld in turon t i 1mji 2f and 21 i i ls st i isin show thit whik ihi neimber of whnt pi luvirs in hi in wis s ighllx li s m isw thin iht pniious uir iinagi production and m it ki lings imriasij total ot ssoo iins pnxlused 278 100 bushek of which llfolfl bushils iix marktted i figuns were ares 3 01 production 101000 bushels marketings 81 187 btfmels led h iiikr will be the guest snea- kjr at ihe annual meeting of the i milt n lmt of thi tmtral oni arm cattle breeders associa t tim thi meeting is vhidultd f r thursdas manh 8 m thi hall mtlion before miu cntuire the old folks remember that ce e n though a ilock is rundown it s nghi twice a da during the morning thi 3sti uius of the halton lnn will be pnscntcd there will be a re new of the tontnhution of an fuij breeding in raising the qua lm of halton s in es lock in addition to mr fraser s ad dress dr c r reede manager of the central ontario breeders will address the meeting hal- ion s representatives to the assix lation and delegates to the an nual mcertrig wfu be selected dr w g c kennpr physician and surgeon office m symon block 41a mill st e acton offiee phone 8swiii residence iis church st f- phone 8i31664 dr d a garfieh physician and surgeon comer of willow and river its entrance river st acton ont phone 8s303jii dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8531240 orfice hours r8 pm afternoons by appointment appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 85w720 appraiser and ibsurance our 50 years in acton dental dr h leib dental surgeon office corner miil and frederick streets office hours bv appointment telephone 8534610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office t mill street offue hours 9am to 6 p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone swo legal c f leathebland q c barnsur and solicitor oiars public office hours 10 am 12 pm i p m 5 pm saturdays bv appointment onlv phone offue gsidm res itt745 aiion h a bra ida ba barrister solicitor vefljrt public office hours in acton mondas fndav jxenings 6pm 9 pm saturday 1pm 5pm 28 paislev si gueiph ontano prone ta 42242 office hours in gueiph daily 9am 5 pjn saturday 9 am 12 ajn phonc 85w350 nfght or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner r o opiomclrisl contact lensci hearing aids 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st georges square guelph for appointment phone ta 46180 hours daily except wed 60 main st north georgetown for appointment phone tr 7 3971 wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7 p m 9 p rn travbiay qutdt gray coach lines coaches utavi acton standard time easrbound 6 33 ajn daily except sun and hoi 858 am 11 33 am 208 pm 508 pm 633 pm 833 pm 10 08 pm sun and hoi westbound 1027 am 1257 pm 2 57 pm 527 pm 727 pm 9 12 p m 1 1 32 p m i 02 a m f fn sat sun and hoi j canadian national railways easicm standard time eastbound 644 ajn to toronto daily ex cepl sunday 9 31 am to to ronto etiept sunda 7 07 pm to toronto dailv except sat and sun 801 pm to toronto sun- das only westbound 8 30 am to stanford daily ex cept sun 626 pjn to stratford dailv except sl and sun 707 p m to stafford dally except sun i2j9 am to strafford 7 days a week 2j2 pm to stratford saturday only chiropractor david w gohn d c 25 mui st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office btours more wed fri i to 9 pjn tuejthur 9 tin td 6 pjn saturday 9 ajn to 1 pjn

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