Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1962, p. 8

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winter recession the goochdld days chipped amy a man s home is not his castle nor in these limes in canada is a person innocent until proved guilty those charges of faults in the law were made by toronto lawyer john honsberger to the recent annual meet ing of the ontario bar association mr hons bargars criticisms specified only the laws of hisqdwn province but no doubt the anoma iim apply generally juit a preliminary study of the ontario statutes said the toronto lawyer has turned up 40 to 50 statutes that call for reverse onus in which a person changed with an offence is required to prove his innocence and an other 40 to 50 acts allow a variety of mspec tors and officials to enter and search a pn vate home in the lawyers opinion the reverseonus domg without most families have proects fifed away for tha future things to be done when they can be afforded perhaps to buy a bigger house or a better car even a holiday excur sion to britain but every prudent person knows that first lyings must come first that the same limitations apply to nations and governments is not so widely recognized nor is it often publicly admitted by politi cians but former ontario premier leslie frost not only knows it he was wise enough to say so tn a speech at the recent opening of an addition to queen s university inthese days said mr frost there are a great many things we would like to do we have many pressures to emerge into a fullblown welfare state before getting into any of these commitments i think it would be well for the canadian people and the people of ontario to look at the cost of the bare essentials we are going to have to meet if we are go ng to remain m the race at all i mr frost classes education as one of these essentials fifty years ago he said the government of his province spent 1 9 million on education and today it spends feature mentioned as being contained in the medical act liquor license act milk industries ail motor fuels tax act muni cipal tax act and the insurance act may be justified in some instances however it is creeping into many statutes simply be cause legislative draftsmen are finding it easy to incorporate it in the law and of the statutes that allow various inspectors to enter private- homes he said that some sli pulate that entry must be at a reasonable hour but that these are in the minority the individual tends to ignore the warn inq that the extended activities of govern ment and the widened powers of the stale infringe personal liberty freedom it has been nqhily said can be chipped away and never missed until it is lost 300 million he might have added that for the whole country the cost of education pub lic funds only is about 1 5 billion our sur vival in the remaining days of the twentieth century he went on is going to depend on the training and development of our hu man resources there is the question of raising the money of the magnitude required for our essent als without any frills this should be done n a way best calculated to avo d riunnq e ther br productive capacity or our compel n ve position in rviy view per sonal income and corporation taxes ere al ready too heavy andjhey are not the source from wh ch to ra se the amounts that are going to brequired accomt for fmds raised we have a pet peeve groups and organ nations are usually cooperative and even anxious for us to publicise their activities in money raising programs bui all too frequent ly there is a decided lack of cooperaton when it comes to tell ng how much money was raised or m making a pub c accoun ng afterwards this is not a universal an tude s nee many of the groups make extra effort to qet such information to us however we believe f the public u to be urged to ass st n anv monev raiting plan then the publ c should be told the full and complete results actually drlavs n f iaiotals often occur because of the slowness of members nvolv ed turn ng in the t report nevertheless we bel eve that f nal repon nq should be carr ed out with the same d spatch as the prelim nary plan dr ves the acton free press published bv he dttu printing and publishing co ltd founded m lf7s and published evrrv thursdav at 59 willow si attoh ontario mi mix r f ihe audit bureau of circulations the cwna and the on tanoouebei division of the c a advert i ing rate on request subscriptions oavahlt in ad met s0p m canida j4 00 in fjiglind and utber commonwialih countries s00 in the inited stales ind ither foreign countries singk copies 7 authorised is second ci ivs mail post office rvpirtment ottawa the onls paper ever published in acton g a dills editor in chief v david r dills managing edilor iusiness and editorial office phone 853 20 10 j hvjujl back in 1912 taken from the imuc or the free press thursday march 21 1912 on satuiday af in noon mi b muiin or the fourth iim wns in own when on tht wa norm hi stopped in al ntlson und co for supplies hi had lei t his miiei ln i uionunl when his horse di ppnl on tht shalls and died imjfudi lkly the loss is a seiious i is mi merrill is but a oung i ii nn i md winking hird r m ikt mil lus go mi gilbeii cuamii s driver bt i iiiik 1 1 ighlintil s uurda il it moon and inn iwiy from wlim il was stunting on mill st bituu tht hoist could hi irtltfli i il lid quilt i numbet il lit i pus i mn iv i hist i oi inn hi k tht animal didn i hui i it sill in ihi rati iw i is ii is i hoist j 1 1n oil well stiuik in milton i isi week is tnlainlv booming md uiruling i lot ol illinium ii w is torpedoed lust week yvlth good result ind a sttond oni is buntt diilltd within 400 ittt ol l hi puscni ont mi w d anderson txpriss nun kit on situidnv un a ptosptciing trip to i hi west rje hi n sitlli thin mtanwjj mh mts9orrtn 1ir ispiiss htisimss dining tlu i mini 1 1 mi cling mond i tumni ibmil so wo nun ml i dom nun m pu suit i i pi i suit ii pi un ua i gnd nif u liiuin iht nisi ol luuisis loi s lime uuilus iild loh u ui ihi pi i u ion wis stgmd hv 400 iim luik mil ii id rii nlv 12 lui i minus nuliukil rn clinks i hi pu w is tlu spokisiun til tlu dili 1 1 ion ind p link i ml lln d nitn o miuiuskis in iiu ihk i pnuhisi uj uillis i j hiss hws pimil ind si il 1 lii u mill n i ix lomid miillv l sillnit tiguilhs 1 i am vouiilaili ind sujjtmid til h no otn itndu llu ii ol 21 should hi ill iud lo smoki mi simtnl i iiul suiskd ilx uonun worn m should ln uiii mud il hoim i i ill in up llu 11 hoi iv insli id i i uiniint o lounul hi st ikd in wis now 77 vi os ol nut md in i smoki i ill ins mi ml hidn i hi in huil h hi h ihit ri i hi tlu diltcit ion uli ritu ihnils issmid liuu th il un il w nil1 in lull lonsidit ili m lo un nihm win 11 minimi m i isln ol ih sin n h ul i inn hi on m p mo i id ii kuinuk i i s 1 1 iri luii ii i h ill ih is luiitl iht m iinmm l so md iosis mi miinif in tnw ik w is ili ud unh uipmg i tnmkrul ol hquoi loi llu purpost of silling ii niitin hollks ol uhiski iwo of gm md i fl isk ol tlnski win ptodund is imikiui mi 1 ish pltukd gml l lo tin ulfmst back in 1942 taken from the lacuciof ihe free prau thunday majfch 2a 142 tht vingu lout frnduy evening hv ihi employees aotiullun ul btordmpn and cu proved quite iin n i trait ion nnd n ipkndld mo rn y raising tvtnl loi wai purpos is ah result or tlu ivml ini loronio lvinmg ttliginms bn nsh war vittims tund wiin hooskd by j 117 nnd llu at ion ind distrut war smite leugui aiuvid s6s 18 sjxxlal oor pi jl wa won hv sliwurt rlvh irdson ol alton and mrs w h clivton won sptiinl draw ihi aitun junior rmnurs nnd loi nt lilttait sot it l v ik id thtit nil linn lorni sihool list in d i uul i spltndiil ptogi im vias niovtd with i iwood johnston tiling ns l inn man html din ing ini pmginm wis a piano solo in bitty allan i nading hv wil nitr walkins mil s ix iphoni so los b ltslu switkhmui who wis mompnntid hy his sisili isohil at tht piano during llu spttnl muling ol touiiul this wiik janus ftlooit w is hind as an assistant to cliul hui nip and will higin his duiits at unit allti sorting through utu rri3yammajohtoiis loi hit position khinul ignd thil ol mi moon s al j100 pti il iv is tin most utipl ihh coihuii tiso rmtwid toin pi unl ng tiding hi smoki tuns nut hui sinn inn is no in i iw ouniiig this hull uiiild bt is unit ii w is igiit d uf d sjuce ll llu news district in hi u omsill htmg id limi o tommil a pirkinj lias him tquipptd with i i titliss moionsis will ht ns requirement is fundamental in the changing cflfllfenqing new world there is no escapeif we are to be permitted to de velop th s half com neni of ours to accom pj sh our object ves in pducat on and to pay for them we are go nq io have to do w thout mirv tl nq vie would i ke to do it is a qood time for oi r people to assess what we have to do and what we can do f ret and then set aside the th nqs we can do w thout oakmli 1dnu hi il ti iiud 7t momshid m i uiv tuthhlt voiit tin nt i liullii molalion hut a polm uiiimi i iiiikpi iktt r hnlit mil wunins i luin ou tin sound ssiun fi org r town aiiommod it ion foi sin tor cilizins ind n form il oi dm u low itnl il housing will ix siudud b lounul through the mimsiu ol iionoiniis mil dtxtloprninl ftdn il md pionniiul m in nn nts pi mi 90 pi r uni il llu tost ol low nnnl units if a sutu pnnis ihtu mid niri incton rollouinp thirds i ist wnk that tolorid nurses it tin j i iph hi mi mi moil 1 1 hospn d win bmu nlusid anommo- liiini hj nisi l iluii i in 2s illus ol ittommiklaliun hut bem si i tlu 10 ijio muses iipoiud ilu trfid burrdisinmi ul brw1pt0n s lti i in mil w ii b niiiii 1 ll rdows irilurn elulni luli million ih 1 i i nfttrutl tin lnj1 ikktiii un il mutiny 1 i i t wnship i uit ii ih hi in ipilkil 1 h pr its ispll i uirri un lint j inns s uh lilt s nrun phut in bnmalca is illar idditiin mil up lo2000 uldkion m i nsuknis illtndtd a spc- i ol oint waiirdown and east simson counullors rtfustd to pi in tin n woulil pnibahh be mil los tlu i nlniiis itr tlu towns propir mrqc his b it v k it l i up suuh bisi mnouiitid list wixk tht milton wii i yu k i lus bttn ibopptd md lutuitiiih ihi town will he sniwn i mill i thi milh n wii wis idopttd is a posl il limyi i i i ir ij it i ml mixups in mnl n othtr milions hilt t w h n md milt m this week picture v the photooap hv pihe taylor on the ed to a paqe s week anoer v ew o axio s ovp y fa v lake wh eb has s cha mj even n off seasons valuable corner stamps coins papers in box th prx i n m tht torrur si n i h ih n s mw tourt h i i im i i in n hoildrftt i id i l s t r will k i x ill ih h f i in tht i mtr i fi t ih im huililint umkr i no i r m m li n c unn w irlui r or w knit binl of i oiks l tfutitt i it tht ior n ii n 1 u ij cii m n in m n i n m i h i 71 t i wmp is a list of the mi u n t xim ssion of apprrcn- li n ii n fqutsing count i i our ihi i i iihurrnu wanlm bird h ul ih h n r i lading tht stont on i- silur dolhr tlirutn poslipt si imps in eluding n iw ihnx four tin ecn 10 l 20 2 cm ind 51 dttmimini ins k ptininl t p i f tht c utnl cixin il mintitts rrpnns and bt hws fir loffl and lrl imludinp minuifs inline up to ihe pur ihasi of the siit hiring of tht inhittii muni sod turning n n mi in in i tgning of tht ion inni n i inn t in sottmbtr 11 with 7 pi c msirutiion of hn h n c pi i ill wixkh mwspa p 1 pi hi h i within fht iounn tw phi t is taken during the ifti nl iki turning ctnmom urs his lnm cath mum piln in thi iounn intludmg ihi lirmtr ttafalgar township gtfi fnm milton of asson td coins and a 1962 town tele phom dmsrton as thi wardtns contnbution hi gatt a sthir dollar and a note dirctting hat when the box is pentd thi sihir dollar bei imis ihi pmptrit f the wirdm at that nmt wirden bird ttrplamed thai jn 1 kiking air hi old retords hi was unable to fmd an thing per ttining to ihe comerslont in the prvsoni building in miltm cither ihe ihtt or thi coniinis of tht box 1 nsi thing in iht world i want to do in turn thin lulumn into i wtiklv hirum un iduiution whul i don l know uboul tht sub- liikkwuuld 111 tht sunday boots ol i vilops llu mvlhiiiil giant but 11 siims to hnvi it morbid i uiimilion aim this wiik will diop it lot a wink but i nulvtd a numtur of tluhigliliil jntilligtiii k tuts ilin a ittini tulumn asking loi opinions rimimbii llu itilumn tkalt with llu anion ol u high sihool piiutipal who susptndid lor iht rtst ol iht uir simti pupils ifll n pialtis mid nil uvlt 1ft who inn not doing llu ii duh in lus opinion i thought von might bt inlt nsitd in sonu fit ihothtns ol niidus hu nisi of spui limit ilions tint must in ml lo tlu ban boms most ol tht kilns ivtu linvi lb in thvoiigtnil iiilumn wtiuh iskid rtadns wh tl should bt doiit iboul tin iimligisiid lunjrwil voiingstus in tlu sthiml sstim i host whose tonlnhii oi lion oi iiious ii isons tolms i holding down a si il ind nold lug up llu piugitss of llu olhns sh mid tluv hi kuiiidoul or should tluv in put up with it iilibmiley id mi to turrit t the situation in my mxt iiilumn to luik with that tlu ituihus huvt a mining union ul tht m sut mi a malt it at hu ilainud hint if all tlu kids who an not winking wirt kit kid out of sihool tlu laboi unions wuuld i ilsi soth a hut and try about tht ixtra labor supply thai the pupils would huvt to hearts admjtlul bamilv wiilth i doubt sinn whin did tht la but unions start running llu iduiulionnl sslcm an ildtrlv montnul woman ahktd do llu iht i drtn or ihtu hi ins i ul k iiiidusi md lint a hot uinnol gtl iiinwlun without idoiiitiin- shi poinlid out thil vmrn io i ho toiild btgm ii un ing i li uk is in nppnniln il 12 hui tint s impossibli now shi wnnis that fl is iiuuhv xiunsivi lo fnd and i lot in i wiling m in ol 16 lo 21 who inn i gtl ti ob 1 btsl tiling to do in hit trnti is miiiv hu kid ofl and m his f ithi i iii i iw woirv jihoui him with llu husiniss ptopli in in illoii lo gim soim itluf al i ioiigrijilion il nulling ol kno ilmi h dining tlu wttk ti ill wis imiililid o rt loihts iliompson to issunu hit pislot il ii tlu ihiuih hut mi iliompson is otu ol lln ouiit isl numsltrs ol iht iliuiih ind is i ix on mud iim ik lus hid ih ii pt ol llu thuuh it linrs him and will assutiu his ntw dulus in atiun ntt month minibus ol tlu b innik idnirn i ittt ir sixut iniovid i biul piogriin it ihi tontlusion ol ihtu mu ling hid i inmj wlun tli uior anlhonv gut t it ii ltion ai ilmi j oh innt son did vkp d in my ind m ug tut so niumlli jiu toupli t inslu m in il iiitmbi ts bilort thi nutting loniludid i iiuut l is londtutid i liw imo dming lln m hitlih iiiiilint il tin duke ol diionsluit chiptu loni wiiliusilu tuninj n uwiik innmd i him bv ti ins cunuh an lints mlilkd as ross cin id i bv air ii was shown h mr hulmg ol trans c in ul i if u i hi gai in intir tsini ind i musing oulhni ol wlnl tca is doing to imthir thi w ii ifforl a modui m rttifnw out siitgisls tin piohl 111 s ng hid h piol ii tlkl- tin llll ol till si ul itlllt ftlls loo ninth iinpluists on diplo m is ind ikms i it i iiuigh on i u lung mil hod sill sivs mn niothus will his will htm liw a i iihu s will i v iiion 1 told im to st p ir ikmg i uk ibolll ii lihus md willi 350 newspapers join adservice hit ffltl c milium mwspipus im hiding tin y 1u puss llui to plolldi ihutisiis md yituus wnh i otioinu ilxind lonvtintnt un hi ul ol planng nlv tlu ii iniihtim with tin loimiliihiol cm uli in t omniumlv ni wstihpi is ripje sun iiins ulnrlispiv m it plui horn out o si vui hundnd ids moss canada wnh im otdtt ind inakt pivmml foi ill llu ids with one chiqut a uigct datu ul april 1 1962 has bttn sit by c c n r to begin oner it ions full support tht rcsulis or mtmv months of study md t inful planning h spttiil lommittti ol llu c in id nn wtiklv niwspipusassoui lion md h mimlxr publishirs of diss a niwspiptrs c nr is i xpn tid to ryrcii lull suppoil irom tin uhtvnisini igmuts thi mw toiuipt in iddition to owiioming thi burtlnisomi i isk and txpinst ol plannt ithtrlisini with witklv ind sm ill d ul ntwspipirs is also cxpitt id to hilp nduii tht iosis of igtniv midia ind mirkit rt starih timt txp mdtd ind nn ptottd si ititlit it data on all m ir kits served b number mwspa aiilibk a it ithr of the pirls ont sim who is in aunt olun litis hu opinion i tituin to tin pi itliii ol publishing sludiuts m uks h i uli ex iniiii ill in in llu lot il pnpir shi thinks this would prod 1 1 slitdinls and mon impoit ml inv pnnnls sht asualls tlu isintss low ud thlldnn thai is pi itlistd lodav il inning it sups liuu nnfial film and ulu savs dtspiti tin mw mil hud of ixouliiig anything that will upstl hu ihildiui i hi it in j lis i as in uiv nniroiiis md tompulsivt dimkirs is nti but sht concludes throw jug i itw out of sihool ont i in i whik dots tku tlu an ttnd nltivi hiltngs hut it is noi tin hist inswii trum bowling green ohio tonus a linglhy nnulyhls by n leather und tounmllor wllunm r gibbon who furmcrlylaiight in ontario referring to tnc ori glnal tulumn ht say unkss tht utliludnt point of view and behavior o thenc cven young peuple havi been ihunged by the anion this appruaih lo ihe prob lem in not only negative it is tullous und foolhardy the prublim bus nut bttn solved ii him only bttn unified from tlu sihool to hu toniiminly me stiggists thai this sort of nilinu will givt hindi nts tin grttn light lo luvinik dt iniquliuy making thim livi up io llu ink of inv and good ftirwiolhing whlih hns luui asnigntd io thim lit gots on tlitw kids at hast iikisi ol ttiltn don t ncid iii wluili iluv tun leant in ureas in whit ii hiuy un lapubk und in it n slid und whnt they tun nt hit vi and gain selftspttl 1 ins in hi done he implies by tlu provision of mon vocu hon d rnurstk whkh would tuuh hu voungsttrn u nkill saliahk oh llu i ihor market ifi indx hln inier schools in opt rand by h ilntd uilulls ptopk who uu huppuhid to ub ili rsl mil nnd lulp youlh wt are in llu tquippcd lo ndjusi to the kids bill too olttn wi rcquiri thim to ndjum lo us or ilie in wi i eould answer to init why not bui i wun i will then art some shnts on today s outh and their school ing i ignc with ivervbody but nol nrv muth whnt ibout you professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral directors dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon orruc in symon bloik 41a mill st e acton off in phom 8s3 21ij rcsidmct lli church si f phone 8s31664 dr d a garfien phvsinan and surgeon corner of willow and ritcr sts 1 nirancc rncr st alton ont phone sm14i dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon i 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8s5i240 i orficc hours mpm aflirnoons by appointment cliss a fsltwspupcrs who hott prondtd nation il salts np- nstnt ition for i group of wnkh mwspipers sinn 1928 and from 19ss or d ul ntwspipirs pisstd n solution in ftbruurv to sup port and assist in tht formation ol thi mw orginumlion tht 64 number pipers of ci iss a in iddition to tht cw na number papers thil hit signed t ont nils brought iht muni number to bt nprisintcd b ccnr to our 320 george m talhim publisher ol the listowil fonl bannu ind ihairman of ihi proxisional board of ccnr hasannounnd thi iprointmint of a j fpttt i slmt is gtntra managtr of ihe ntw organization mr esltng is well known in public nlations units as former pr dint tor ol cjihxhtar and fur tht pisl two uirs is in indipcndmt p r i ounsi i tht present siles md office staff of class a will mote ottr to ccnr and arrangements will ht midt with implomis of othtr salev groups mnkmplitmg mim btrship one order one bill advertising agemus wishing to list hit new swrm will issue one insertion order totenng a spccifu ad or strus of ads to ccnr with a list of the newspaper on ihe schedule ccnr will tn turn makt up the individual insertion orders and pass them on to the newspapers selected mtmber pa- ptrs will sign a nonanceliahlr commitment to cocr their na tional advertising rale for a one tear period and will prmidf three copies of each issue of their ness- piper this will enable ccnr to check insertions and bill the igcnuc epedttioush on re ceipt of proof of insertion and a single invoice the agencies wdl issue one cheque to ccnr who will mike pivtnent to individual newspapers involved appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st alton ontario phone 8530720 appraiser and insurance over so yiars in acton dental dr h keib dental surgeon office corner mill and fndcruk struts orriic hours bv appointment telephone b5vo610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street off u e hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday flcmoon telephone 85317w legal barrister and solicitor c f ieatherland qc nptarv pubjic offite hours 10 a m 12 pm 1pm 5pm saturdays bv appointment only phone offite 8531330 res 8531745 acton phone 8530350 night or day bruce shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner r o optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s aclon in acton wednesday only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st georges square guelph for appointment phone ta 46180 hours daily except wed 60 mam st north georgetown for appointment phone tr 7 3971 wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fri 7 pm 9 pm thavhlflts- quid gray coach lines coaches lcavk acton standard time eastbound 6 33 am daily except sun and hoi 83s am 1133 am 208 pm 506 pjn 633 pm 833 pm 1008 pjn sun and hoi j westbound a braida ba bamstef solicitor notary public office hours in acton mondav fndav evenings 6pm 9pm saturday i pm 5 pm 26 paislej st guelph ontario prone ta 42242 office hours in guelph- saturday 9 am 12 am daily 9 ajn 5 pjn 1027 aan 1257 pm 2 57 pm 577 pjn 7j7 pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 102 ajn fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways eastern standard time f easlbound 644 ajn to toronto daily ex cept sunday 9j3 a m to to ronto except sundav 707 pm to toronto daily except sat and sun 801 pjn to toronto sun day only westbound 8j0 ajn to stafford dally ex cept sun 626 pjn to stratford dairy except sat and sun 707 pjn to stanford daily except sun 12j9 ie to stratford 7 days a week 2j2 pm to stratford saturday only ctubotkactor david w gofin dc 25 wffl st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office hours mon wed fn i to 9 pjn tue thur 9 ajn to 6 pm saturday 9 ajn to i pjn

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