Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 22, 1962, p. 9

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half on federal member sandy best gives speech in house on new technical schools mfelton ml sandy best gave a lengthy talk on technical school problem wednesday afternoon of last week in the house or commons mr best rose to speak during a general house discuss ion following a speech by 3 w plckcrsgill the following is the discussion mr beat mr chairman ii was not my in ten lion to participate in this debate but when i entered the chamber this evening the hon member from peterborough had the floor his comments were so fantastic that they aroused my interest and i fed compelled to reply to some of the fallacious remarks thai cma natcd from that corner of the house this evening 1 feel hat the hon member for feci in a capable fashion has put the record straight in clear and emphatic terms the hon gentle man delivered a hardhitting and excellent speech the speech by the lion mem ber for port arthur to which we have just listened was somewhat more temperate and perhaps more positive than that of his scat mate from peterborough most completely negative utter- anccs i have heard in thischam bcr for a long time if one sought to attempt to destroy a scheme and pour cold water on a pro gram one could not have suc ceeded to a greater extent than did the hon members i mum say i cannot think of an cduca tional program at iny level in canada which is is significant ns this concerted attack by the go crnmcnl in my own riding of hal ton in burlington oakvillc and george town three technical wing nddi tions to high schools hive been approved for a total fedcril con tributton of approximately j4 mil lion and possrblv there may be further interest on the part of other communities in the riding this is partially a sudden or crash program but in itw of the ar rogancc of the prcuous libcnl admlnlstntlon with its inicl lectnal wastelands and lost time and the hon member for tn nity who spoke earlier was a member of the fornur govern mint sureh wi hive some catching up to do in this country and must git at this rjlhcr quick iy the statistics used by the hon member for port arthur were i thought somewhat erroneous 1 do not have all the figures with me this evening i will accept his figure of between 120 million to 125 million as representing the money going into ontario upder ihc schlmc hi used thi figure j20 million for alberta calcula lions i made just now by asking my neighbours from thai pro vince indicate thai since alberta has approximately only one fifth of the population of ontario on a per capita basis alberta would receive very close lo the contn button wc arc giving to ontino to say that nearly all the monev is going into ontario is complete iy inaccurate and d nil thi hon members statistics are as wrong as those presented mhjs evening i think wc can discount almost all the remaining re mirks the hon member made nevertheless it is interesting lo examine the remarks midt b three ontario members ihc hon member for tnmly the hon member for peterborough and the hon member for port arthur do they really not wish ontino to accept this money do thc jcation and he provinonl depart ments of education haxe no knowledge of the scheme no basis on which to make deeisions with respect lo the pi ogram the statements made by the three hon gentlemen represent a signit icant denunciation or ill our municipal boards of edueition ind our provmcnl dcpirtmcnl ol ethic 1 1 ion indeed of i hi tiaih ing profession i wonder whe ther those two hon gentlemen who are members of the teaching profession could recnlei the pro fission todiv in view of some ol ihe comments the hue mule i reallv doubt ihil lhc could on the basis of the comments thev have mide about the schml svs lem and ihcir collcigues in the profession mr plckersglll i ibotight this wis supposed lo be 1 free eoun liv mr best some interesting re marks were made at the eonfer encc on cduca i ion at the recent conference in monlicil ind one quoiition used hv ihc hon mem ber for port aithur riumd to federal leadership ind inspna lion i hie he ud those remirks applied to this progrim in mv aie i 1 hue he ud il slid thit this sundays church calendar presbyterian church in canada knox church hcth rev andrew h mtkcnzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday march 2iih l2 94s am church school 1000 am ministers teenage bible class 1100 am divine service sermon theme sour grap es junior congregation bovs and girls 3 to 7 years meets during sermon 200 pm church membership cinss for young people 700 pm youth group meeting fellowship prognm 8 is pm adult stud group in the church pirlor sundiv apnl i 11 nm spring communion everume mosr welcome baptist church acton pastor re james m rudd 19 nrisun court phone 8sun2s sunday march 2h 1962 94s a na sunday school 1 1 00 a morhang worship 700 p m evening serice spiritual life crusidc mondis march 26 sundav apnl 1 snturdav excluded week das s pm sundav apnl 1 11 ajn 7 pm speaker rev akx b stein of hamil ton all are welcome fellowship baptist in acton ymca for information call sund i school superintendent mr eirl presley si longfield rd phoiu 8svi924 sunday march 2sih 1962 9 4s im bible school thsses tor alt ages 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic scrxice speaker at bolh services rev james wilson strxctsville wednesday 8 pm cottage prav er meeting holding rorth the word of life all are welcome acton pentecostal tam3nacle 33 churchill road paoc re kenneth j reid pastor 7s cook st phone ssvl sunday march 2sih 1000 im sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evangelistic service tucsda 8 pm bible slud and pravcr thursdai 8 pm christ ambis sadors you are always welcome the church of st alian the martyr anglican comer willow and bower rector the rev d h west ba lstc 185 jeffrey ave phone 853294 sunday march 2sth 1962 lem 111 8j0 am hah euchanst 930 am famih euchanst and church school 1 1 00 a m mattms and se rmou 7 30 p m evensong 8 is pm young people film the crucible tuedas march 27 annunciation of blessed vtrgin mary hols eucharist 11 a jn wedncsdas march 7 jo nm mission scmee the rising ihaw at the pspat all are welcome i united church of canada acton ontario minister the rc dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george elliott m a sinday march 2sih im 9 10 ind 1 1 00 a m d vine v r vltcs a nurscrs is provi id f r infants during the 11 kk sen ice the church school 930 tan the senior school for those in grade 5 and 1 higher 1100 am the junior s hool for preschoolers to grade 4 710 pm young people mcct ing all over 14 welcome all welcome this is an area in which wc must move with some speed i hasc heard ihe program charnctenred as being one of vision i em think of no program m any edit citionil fit id pnmarj see ond iry leehnieil or at thi uni vcrsilv levil tnlroduiid by mv mnmupnl provincial oi redeiil government th it eompires with ihi presenl program i mentioned thi figures for the province or albert the per cap ita grants going into ihil pro- inee arc comparable with those going to ontino the hon mem ber for port arthur talked about secondary schools i happened o scl ihc figures pist hi a this if u moon and although i miv bi miiiiirilc hire 1 believe ihil ne ir fdmonion there is one sehuol which is nxcning a total jinl ot something like 18 mil lion under this prognm this surely is i hrcc specialized sihool which hill gut detailed voeition 111 ind technical naming in some depth ontario perhips has been ible to make some use of ihis plan wiih ihe new robirts sireiming tichmque ii seims however lh tt many of the obicclions wi hai heaid this iflcrnoonthd evening in based on i detailed inalysis of municipal and pi-o- vincial responsibilities i do not say thit ihis matter should not be discussed lo some ixlint in this chamber bul sunlv wc must rely on the municipalities ind on ihc provinces in ihcu wisdom lo woik out ihe details of thise schemes veil inn i heir ptovmci il ind muntcip il pinsdic lions ihe province ol om bee ip i dlttcixni niuinci from itic piovmce ol onl lo wc lie not 1 consilium yiummcni here it oil m i lint wishes iodic late is 1 think ihe hon member for port arthur md ihe htm member lor peter botoiicli mil piobiblv the near soci iljsl member for tnnilv would like to do the edueition il programs and schemes of the ptoiinccs md municipalities we do not intend to do lh il we wish lo gran i under i genei il govern mchi and i lciui il scheme moncs to be used h the pio units ind tin municipdilies ac cording lo iht ir me ihods ind n cording lo ihcu best v ivs ind me ins this is our philosophy if those sill ng opposite disagree with it lhal is tluir pimltgt aeain 1 think this is i complete renunciation of local nsponsibi lil ll can only mcin as thl hon number lor peel pointed oul i complete i lek of confidence on the part of the n dp and the liberals in the auihorrty into gnl and ibililv of the local boirds ol idueajion and provm i departments of education 1 hue talked to guidance teachers in hilh schools in m riding and lo provincial inspectors around ontario ind i find that then is i whole hearted and warm ac ciptanie of this scheme some a muks wen made b thi hon 4mmbcr for peter boioiilh ih ml the re turning ol hi mal tea hers we know ill it ihis is lomj on then in rush pioe1 mis bunc carried oul i i iciiain ind further iram our piisciit uk uionil kichers in iiiiu lo bruit them up lo higher si ml inls lor these new elisses ind these new courses this is uni on undoubtcdlv new teach cis will have to be recruited as will th il is being done ind i im sure is mlied b the pn in es and municipalities in ques i im t id that ihc h n member for timiskaming in speakine lh s ilternoon wis guilts of i number ol in a uruus i ob- suvc ihil he is it hsi i stminl n w w ih riliul lo students buiil i billed t dee tdi in t dc b i ei nunii then lie s it un uisc or in nhci a nn i bcli cv ihe hon mcmbti for pnl h is mi oul ihe true scheme then one veir after which students guelphite hired by ice capades b rn and educaied in a ion ifc viarold piter gibbons now residing mgiielph has signed a ni vc ii ntri t wiih lee cap- de and will bet i n louring in april th s of mr ind mrs frank gibbons piicr began taking cifiun skiiml less ns tour uis ij i in giklph under ihe niitum t ross smith ol the guelph t illege figure ska tine club and list vc ir pnnd wiih carol pna n captiin i the wtmtrn ontino v i him ir pi 1 tille pelir is pi tntk teaching at kiiehen i i imin an 1 bciton ind will kv ii his tour with ice capad i n is be i finished teach- tnc may crisscross to different cours es and as i think perhaps has not been poirtleli oul this even ing really none of these courses closes ihe door upon gruduilion lo i varielv of college oi tcehni cil mining ihcrarier this is in encouriging ihmg then aje basic similnniies between lh4eotus rs there is only a pciccnflflsc perhaps 20 pel cent or spcciih 7e d riming in ihe dlffercnl courses then arc m my subjects whieh will be common nnis in the first thm stnums this will nut close doors or possibilities to students lo further their edu ent ion and their iramine hejuiul thi sceondirv school level i must id mi l lh il i w is iroubl id il lirst by this seeming inllexi bilil ol ihe scheme h luevit on bellei acquaintance 1 now tcal- i7t ihi inmendous flexibilily it his ihe gn il choice provided in ihi fid ihil sludinlsiin 10 on from ihin lo i vamlv ol things allei ihcu seeondaiv schooling the hon mcmbci toi pelci borough also said that we should be triinmg tnstcid ihe unem ploed or eouisc we in dumg lhal we arc doing lhal in mv ud ing in the towngf qjjjik province ihi fedeialovtrniiiinr and l hi municipilily ind the selukil boird as a mailer ol i id ihil much deenid school board iboul which wc heard so much earhlr this nenine halt 1 tktn il upitn iheiustlvis on then own initialive locooperate seeing the opening m ide bv oui mm stci ol l iboui he n through this pi o line ill federil scheme lo leti un some of the uncmploud in out ilea this sihinic is just stuhnc lo nith on then is not peihips i inmendous volume ol students is ul bill this is a vers healthv siln in the ti iininc ol ihe unem ploved we in tmnc lochssilv ihcm ind lo trim th ise who in mosl cipablc of icceivint th u ininingand to give them courses which will mike ihem ible t t hi into a uudcr varielv ol obs as i hive sud hon members opposite who hive spoken this evening hive i usid prohruns which in hrceh pi ivnuiil in mum the b isic conclusion to which wc must come is that this is pari oj u conceited socialist tiunnntrntlc nhaek on the pro blem ol idmalion in ihis eoun in 1 am noi one who feels thil our guveinment in a variety of w ivs should not contribute lo some eskni lo edueition however i nm fir from thinking that we at ihis level should eonliol ihc cur nuila ihe students the method ol study ind the tr lining ol ttach ers it ihe fedei tl level from some of the nnnrks m ide hen ihis evening i tan onlv conclude i hit lh s is ihe dine lion in which ihc new democrilic pmlvwoujd held as wis incnlioiie i bv the hon member im peel i llunk 111 u evervbodv would hive lo move to ollivvn we would id ill ihc liltle boirds 10 and lei the pio- vinciul depart men is go iind we w mid hive oni glorified huci bun iiuratie depiriiiunl ol idu c ilion licit in ottavvi i llunk thil is just is ridiculous is it sounds 11 ihev wish to volt il nn si th s piottam 1 think possrhlv we m iy see jusl whil ihen objec 1 ions in how i ve i fffe soi i ol negative umatks which we hive he ird ihis evening jmr fjcters yiifua hive made some mr best pi i hips 1 w is spued tin nuscrv ol he umg ihe hon niembei s n miiks made this ilk union i ikiici enoiilli in it mi its j think ut be gritcfiii lint i wis iw iv i mm the chimb tr il 111 it mm mr peters ii is lo hid vm wen not iwav lonici mr best i think the me ismc ol support md n iclion i i this pioli un is wilnt sscd hv the urv ipplic hums which hive eoun m lln pi line minister uul lo iht lulu il e ivtniimiii ihis is iht liui me isurt of its sueiess 1 un sine th il our niipji 11 ick on ihis problem will mean i gnu men ise in it mad personnel in tinplovment in pnmiry uul set unci hv m murmuring in ihc vt us iht id 1 wish lo eompli mini ihe mmisicrol libour md ihc govemmenl on whnl j think is one ol ihe mior kcvslones ol ihe policy mil prulice of ihis itlministrition by bui coal as every mililary strategist knows the besl dtttnce is lo i ike ihc offensive this applies in bridge as well ns in war on borderline hands il js beller lo bid lhan not bid beeause it puis the opponents on ihe tie tensive ind makes it harder lor them lo pass mfurmition u a low le ve 1 an cmieme but very useful ex imple of ihis is culletl pncinp live bidding this is in opening tttd ul lliree pr more when ou aeluallv exput lo be set y ii ni ike such d bid lo disrupt ihi opponi n i s line or c omnuin ic i lion and make ll difflcull loi ihem lo hnd their hist lonlncl south s hind m this weeks cximple was held hv bum ol lei hem a few weeks auo i iht aiiun budge club ixiltr soulh ntiihci side vulneriblc north s 9 7 6 4 11 a 0 8 7 1 d2 c j 8 5 west east s o j 10 3 s a 8 2 h 10 6 s 4 h k j 9 2 d 7 4 a 4 ca 9 6 2 ck 0 7 4 south s k h jyk 0 j 10 9 8 6 s 3 c ii 1 soulh west north fast sd piss piss piss souths five dt mi md bid is i pnc mplive hid dt signed to hi uk tin ippi mills oul on hi s hind i isi wcsl c in mike t u sp ulis bul ll iv t in riiu i bid this over ihc five th imm ds ciivc i isi wist un in ol he nls md l in v on id m iki sis bul un thtv tonld noi bid it soulh vunl down onlv two lucks whin wtsl opened the spiik still this cost only 100 points ii it hid been doubled it spiritual life crusade acton baptist church elgin sr 1 mill st acton monday marclhth to sunday april 1 1962 weekdays- monday fo friday 8 pm sunday april 111 am 7pm special minister rev alexander b stein pastor of pri ipott memorial church hamilton congregational singing special musical numbers all are welcome we bought it through lots of good buvs are being made every day under the bank of montreil familv finance plan whatever maror purchases your heart is set on chances arc ou cap finance them best bv month v pa v ments under this modem plan why dot talk to the people at your neighbour hood branch of my bank toon christian refotmh church res j nutma ba b d minister 301 oueen st box 46 t phone gswlis slnoa march 2th 1962 10 00 am english sen ice 230 pan dutch sexnee 3 all are welcome save build tour own boat sec us about sea king boat kits fvcrs thing supplied form sinvvs phwikxi prvcut and reads to assemble from i 10 ft tart op io a 21 ft cruiser at thompson motors i acton ltd phone s53237 aaon branch wrliam mackay manager the acton free prepa thursday jjifcn 1962 farm forums find waht freer commodity trade canada s faun foigms warn fixer trade un must tu ntnodiiics but admit th il the slult needs tu be a gradual nc if industiv is i u trove in this coiinltv i nil if cctlain farm pit due is lie i be produecd tliust vvlm like exeipl n til low 1 u if k uk dun pniduils giidtn clips md ititiiin ni inn ficluicd ittuis is l dvvliichi cfiiiii suinc liiniol piokiliiu in lin id i all olhti hems ihe belt i uould hive been wo points i sin ill cost li slip in oppintiil c uiie bridge tip nivci puimp ij i lew c uds in lie iihl pint h nn p ii net wi i id pi i lu i l inn in nn i il n v i u ikt i pit ciiijil hid in id pmk llll t 1 k ii 1 hi ii ml y uni 1 nm week rcmemhtr flnl bnli is i p lrlneiship t line hotild be ahte to compete on world mirkels without tariff pioicciiuti if ihe transilion is jmdinil a number of groups suggest lint stlitmi i lnffs might en i nn ilc yiciwth in eerl dn desir ible liclds thev do mil provide di tilled explanitions of this ptoccss bul support very low unci il i mils with only tempor u v and selected protection for iiiiliisincs which need lo be nur lured in their early stages of gmvvih musi groups fed hint tariffs i n be low e re d substantially without hurting ihc farmers posi in n aigieullure said some juuups his ilw4vs hid less pr le l in lh in indusirv reduce all i ii ills cii illv ind wt will be able u cumpcte two thin coats of white shell ic will keep lamp cords from fray me neai ihc sockets always be at your best at home at a party or ust visiting alwayi keep your clothes at their iparicllng btatwlth our modern finishing service custom cleaners same day servfee except saturday in by 10 a m out by s pan cash and carry main st n phone ssm1m theyll make 300 payments before its theirs now thev have a house and a mortgage but it takes time and monev to own a home completely you can t be absolutely pure of having all the time it takes but you can guarantee uv money through life insurance this is the only way you can be sure your home will belong to your family if you do not live to complete the payments undoubtedly you are presently mmired hut your circumstanrra are changing ao make sure your life insurance keeps in step with vour ide tell your life insurance agent what it is you want for your familv s future guarantee that your family will alwavs enjoy the comforts and security vou have pros ided for them make sure of tomorrow todav when people depend on you you can depend on ufe insurance the life insurance companies in canada only ufe insurance can protect you trtese five ways t guarantmd protection for the homa your ism iy rilj never inherit an unpam mortgaf i guaranteed immediate protect fnm th moment you quality s guaranteed protection no speculation na guessing you know exactly tttn number of dollar to come 4 guaranteed benefits at big can guarantee tunda for future as sending children to college 5 guaranteed retirement income you a income you can never outlive

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