Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1962, p. 1

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jac j i ssj raise 433927 with 5856375 mill rate chaitn jtfce aaon ontario thursday march 29th 1962 1 post otflm department ottawa twelve pageiseven cents baujnafad women were kept busy in the kitchen at the ml united church there saturday evening when they served a it smorgasbord supper to a large crowd pictured above heaping kr up a plate with meat are mrs norma sinclair and mrs csrrr it mcenery hold double induction during ys mens meeting a double induction isit from firefighters and a member of the fire marshal s olficc and a bust ncss session kept ac ion y s mlti on the hop thursday evening march 22 during ihcir regular meeting highlighting ihc tuning wis a visit from molfal hill inter national director from llobieokc who teamed up with irea vice pretidem g w mckenzic for the induction of officers from both the acton and brampton clubs fire services george alexander from tin fire marshal s office auompam ed by local firefighters attend ed the dtnnei meeting ind hi spoke on fin pievmtion ind mi vices prov ided b the lircmcn to emphasize the seriousne fires he showed in mmi the chic igo school fire doug copcland vice president william wilson secretary paul lawson treasurer fred koch sergeant at arms dave dodgson directors robert foyers and wal lir dubois brampton officers inducted presidcnl don lvons yiee presi dent stan maers secretary bill wcllarc and treasurer g b robinson town buys used street sweeper green light given water project does a new broom sweep clean within a month there will be an additional 4000 opinions on the sub ice t as a result of coun cils action monday night when it authorized the purchase of a street sweeper councillors les duby and ham peal reported to council on last saturdays trip to toronto to view used machines available from the city of toronto both men expressed their previous reservations about buying used equipment but on their inspee ion thev felt the 1000 cost of the equipment made it an altrae live proposition cost of new equipment is in the 15000-20- 000 bracket 500 for one sweeping the delegation reported the towns of ccorgctown and ajax hid each purchased one of the six machines avail iblc the ma chine ac tun will pureh isc is re ported to be in good mechanical condition and is presently being used two seven hour shifts dailv on toronto streets cost of the equipment can be absorbed in the ruad committee budget last veai j500 was expended in rental of a machine to sweep the streets once last vear the road committee is also in spotting anous air compressors ind pumps as possible additions to the towns equipmenr by laws occupied the major portion of the meeting construction on the water main and res project was authorized by the passing of a b law authorizing the signing of un agreement with the owjtc a letter from the municipal board gave their approval for an additional expenditure of 27000 on the project the total au- ihorrcd expenditure now amoun is to 177000 contract a loi the laying ol the cast iron water main cxten sum goes in james hoi inlay con struction ltd at 57967 contract b for the construction of the 1000000 gallon water res ervoir fcois to james kemp con strucliwild at 74 107 other expeiidilutes are land acquisition 2 jccs 3500 engineering fees 1000 interest and soil tests 6426 it is expected the water- main extension will gel underway crv soon lo take adsantagc of the extension of the winter works time deadline to mav 31 daylight saving ahead diyhght saving time will come into effect in acton on sun dav april 29 at 1201 am and continue through the summer until sunday october 28 at 200 a m these dales conform with the maiontv of municipalities which adopted the one hour ad ailce in lime another by law authorizes the installation of a dry type sprm kler system in the arena and community centre the gnnntll company was awarded the eon tract at a total cost of 8 720 the town will make an initial pay men l of 1400 this year and pay the balance in 48 monthly mstal nun is the monthly instalments will be less than the reduction in insurance premiums saved by the sprinkler system the town will install a 6 vvatermain to the building paint the sprinkle i pipes and do the electrical wir ing on the installation fire agreement a fire igrccmcnt w ith the townships of esquesing nas sagawcya and fnn foi fjn pio- tcetion in portions of the town ships was lulhonzcd under the thrccyeir agreement ihc rural fire area will piv 1400 per vear plus 100 per call foi mainten ance and upkeep of their truck and equipment the town will house the iruek and provide the services of the volunteer fne bn gade audit of the financial records of binds receiving giants under the hand b i iw which provides 5 mill innu illy for bands wis approved hv an intendment to ihc bind bv law councillor frank tolh rtporl eel complaints ibout meceh ints who ate not sweeping the side walk in front of their stores the complaint will be forwarded to the rclatl section o the cham 90 per cent of the home owners taxes will be lower qr cquftl to 1944 taxes ths year said mayor john goy at a spe cial council meeting wednesday evening called to set the 1962 tax rale this year the residential rate will be 58 5 mills and the industrialcommercial rate will be 6375 mills- last year the rale was 74 78 mills and this years reduction in the rate has been brought about through the re assessment of all property the 585 mill rale look good but the higher rate is the unc wc must watch the mayor eontlnu ed next year the difference be tween the rale may be even greater the difference in rates is a result of provincial grants which must be used to reduce the lax rate on residential and farm property only next year her of commerce loi their sug gcstions chlorine query councillor george barbeau posed two questions is tliechlor mator on the churchill rd well working is this the level of chlorine requited clerk mc geaclue assured the councillor the chlonnitoi is working and said the amount ol chlorine may be reduced later but no change can be made unli owrc ap proves this is the lovel they arc recommending now deput reeve denny wondered what steps had been taken on the stupip removal program the clerk said provision had been made in the road budget for a removal program but no firm had been engaged he also reported thtic is quile a program of dead tree removal to do were taking ihem down as the staff has time trim first ruad chairman les duby sug gested a tree trimming program in bower avenue befoie the new slreel lighting program is insti tilled he also suggested a cul veil should be installed and drai nae on churchill rd north continued on page five taerf- fcw4irjfejeaifemmm uaaiaiaas finalize wilchar as contractor for new post office a 144 300 contract has been awarded by the department of public woiks to wilchar con l ruction limited of dundas ont for the construction of a fedei il building at acton ont il was innounced today bv c alexander besl m p for hallon on behalf of the honorable david minister of public firm submitted the lowest nidyf nine in response to advertising for public tenders which closed on j inuary 24 1962 the hifejwsvbid was 172913 the work is scheduled for completion in 10 months an official of the wilchar com new ucws first project fills robert little auditorium monday over 100 basked m the aura of two stores arc on sun bright spring ind summci band apd clothes months cvcnine during the business session ihe thev tilled the robert little club authunid a donation of uchool itiditonum vclcnn fash 500 to he forwirdcd lo hie ion show commentator mrs board ind i s2s d trillion to be ewari levi ind introduced over sent to the judee piul alexander 20 models wc inng 72 oultits scholarship fund he newest clothing acton officers inducted during piulellc fashion shop n the evening included president mens and bovs wca thi hus of air and hen mrs paul nielsen and two of the n shop irul i iv s wca models then youngest children this wis the first project foil ihc rccenth lormcd tnncd church women cxpl lined pim dint mis h r lticc is she opened the piogrmi ind wcl i coined the cxpoclini erowd two tableaux the fiehion shm itself was dividcel injo two p irts with en giejiit sellings the first noil raved a virdin on a sic imv sum nui d iv ryom ihc tahlnu the models sli lied one it i lirlli down llu i imp wink mis uv land pointed out leatuixs ol theit iii men is in ihc second hall niurcf irm il clothes cie shown in an aller noon lei siinn this oik kid ed with perennii show stopp er 1 wedding scene this one wis eomplcmc wilh j ktss which bmucht d iwn the h uisc dunne the intermission ml in laufo plivcd in iroun t the w jrld iiksllev ind whispering hope on his harnuin c i thanks and gifts x at the n ol the show piul nielsen ps mrs lh is and continued oung mens tight trous iv id shirts aistasi ea pany was contacted cark in feb ruary shortly after it was indi catcd his company would receive the lonlutt for the demolition of two buildings and the con struction ol the new post office at that lime he told the free press if his company was the successful bidder work would begin within four weeks alter re cuving official word although the department of public works estimate the new building should be mdv for oc cupancv within 10 months the official of uimnr lold the free press he believed the building would be ready in six months successful contestant in the recent clerk of works compel hon was also announced this week by halton s m p alexand youngster fights for life after being struck by cur four vcir old michael rati is his eves lilhlmg in uphill battle for his hm if he being struck by a ear vudncsdr d flu her eognizcd ml ol his 4 acton urge own and div the he had snecnl ihanks toi cu ji lt lllseius whi supplied i1t llnsirshmljinc the pi 3 im mr- lines heller whplavcd i p u j a miklsi ind s n men t pei imp up and lak n j iwn v i imp mm n hard ill 1 r he n he lie ri htin suiid iv h inn at r rushed l if i h ispit i in simous condi ion ihi child v is trinstcrred to t ronii si k thildans hospital shutlv altei ednesda his par cnis wire ealled lo ihc hospital m in iiiempt io rouse the v uncskr but all efforts failed his condition is reported im- sur lo itn piovcd however mr and mrs ond afur rim vere inoimed by doctors seme he he is sutkiine irom a fractured ance t skill ind c inenssi n an opera in i laic i li m is ioi belie ed ntscsaiy at sick chit llu present mc cons jb the v mngsierv able lo take the c n liquids and occasionally opens vcstigdtcd fiui vtarold mi htel hid iust lighted trim i ear in which he wo istcis dircen and shinm ml his ei indniolhel hid rteeiv d i njt home when he ditrtcd il i ihc pub i a miihbouiid ar dinen bv ji k smiiii l v 1 i htllled ihc ground n hi bein ireaied is rushed bv tieoigelown i mnsfem i o lens hspij e bni e krcs opp dclachrr er sandy best he is e c rogers 33 edwards st george town he will be the govern ments representative on the site while the work is in pro gress the one storey building meas unng 80 feet bv 62 feetwilh par hal basement will be erected on the southwest comer of alice and bovver sfrec ts designed for a future second floor addition the general construction will be lone re te walls concrete column cone i etc beams and fhxir and roof slabs the exterior wall will ik brick veneer and the columns ind bise will be covered with can idtan limestone inside materials the inlcnor partitions will be m is mn construction ind the finishes will include phster ply iwooil terra70 linoleum and tile hours the postal counter screen line public willing desk notice e isc inlcnor and exterior mail riciivers littering and ihc exter i r ridings will be ol aluminum all windows except in ihc b iee mint will be sealed double glaz ed timls installed in aluminum frames i ij in ihc working spaee vmii he fluoresnnl ind healing will be bv a cod stoker itnd hoi witer svsinn a revere ihl ennvevor will he installed he twim the h isemeni and fust fliur wi iking area the btnldine will priule iv i v omrnodihon loi the pom olfice ikpuimcnt ind the customs and nung excise division of the depart head mint of n itional revenue th plans ind specifications wire prepared in ihc toronto district alchlticls ffiee of the dep th menl 1 public works j f kcllv ilistrtet anhiitcl f i the dtpait me n i at ton in li on t w ill be responsible for supersisum of the work s evelid pircnl appiien the g tothehtghr schoolwjh have the same stipulations and tile difference in rates will be even greater with commerce and industry carrying the higher rate no daflcll last year reeve hargravc commented this is the first year we haven l had to budget for a deficit wc have purchased- n tru and are looking at and pumps wc arc spend 4000 on sidewalks 70h more than we have ever spent be fore wc must give credit whan credit is due most certainly the public school has done a very good job in keeping this in line remarked mayor goy councillor barbeau said 1 think this is a very good budget nobody s budget was cut it fol lows that with no budget cuts nobody will spend over their budget where it comas from the lax rate this year is based on a total assessment of 96909- 656 50 residential assessment is 3 791990 or 3sh and commer cial industrial is 3117 66650 oi 459b a 40 industrial assess ment is supposed to be ideal 459n industrial must be utopia said -mayor-goyi- this year the budget has been calculated under four separata headings general administration publlu school high school and county rate the budget is sum marized in dollars rather than mills because of the change in mill value as a result of the re assessment program 1961 actual spending is in brackets par comparison receipts general administration taxation local improvements supple mentary dcbeniurt debt recoverable hydro water sewer grants subsidies relief fire pol ice highways lcbo county child rcn s aid licenses dog tax lax ncnatlus unconditional grant other revenues town hall rent fires ymoa warren grove sidewalks arena ambulance cemetery miscellaneous items sundry poll lax hydro taxes twp fire agreement robt little school warren grove surplus summary of final less per capita grant 6 732 37 i7 6502 386903 1303240 294950 460009 7 73046 7 514 jo 44310 12 21 462 jo 360000 1277200 1 431 73 450000 5046 52 14 40536 11504273 12772j00 administration total receipt jisbursementsgeneral council salaries administration salar lus pensions audit unemployment ins cemetery insurance printing b postage maintenance public bldgs office administration legal si court costs election expenses workmen s compensation dog control accident ins protection to persons property fire police division court street lighting public works roads miscellaneous roads equipment sidewalks sanitation waste garbage dump cunsjrvation of health insulin am bulance social welfare relief recreation community library ar cna parks fall fair planning bd urban board bands debentures except schools interest charges water sewer deficit taxes written off contingencies miscellaneous es- que sing debentures credit valley conservation ymca iaxes water works taxes deficit from previous year hydrant rental cemetery land acquisition si john ambulance retarded school dept of highways reserve for work ing funds summary of general mill rate tolal disbursements 30911911 total receipts 102j7073 to be raised commereiat industrial asses- 3 117 666 50 j 29 96 mills residential assessment 3 79r99o00 26 57 mills per capita grant 3 39 nulls 10227071 148 839 31 j52a9i23 41588 77 4014279 29s 6 70465 75000 50000 ww 8 419 os im 1000000 l3 2033 95 812 89 1648462 971337 53j2 1800000 1458083 7 47090 20644838 9340529 10075317 12 772jo surplus 20693046 8206 resident il asscssi ion assessment maintenance lew 42 772 debenture levy 23 437 66 319 high school summary nt commercial assessment leg 9 57 mills plblic school summary j ti iiri- the sh x f r ihc l b dcl hv pe he icw bv tight and bright hen it ihc- el m ski himi n t i m kc tru mqdblino clothes can be a lot of fun and three of the rnodejs atonday even ng are caught by the camera as they hammed t up prior o the fashion hov beginning shown are paul ellon bert halladay and mora wckelvey the three modelled fashions m the beach scene at the begmn ng of the show ramp vcne 3i in sru s j vinnc f r bllt n mn r s swisk r mix c de j ng kate gar bob duss mrs jjk gfr- dm pu mcvacite ricks cur r c and the ehef at the outdoor evirbecue ben halladav rcmarkamtr wvn the g uidv colors worn bv the votinc mm 3s well is the jir s outsund iii turquoise slims and orange em blouse thom low basked swim 179 281 51584 23065 11043 97 767 108310 resident d 4c commercial issessment maintcninec lew debenture lew less balanee from 1961 grant- lor 12 to be raised by i ixalion 122055 commercial industrial assessment 18 63 mills residential assessment 16 77 mills total l couniy of haltun lew 44 mills im2 mill rate breakdown mill rate comm res 3 117666 so 29 96 r 3 79199000 7 s8 460 78 6159167 122 057 15 33442 74 general commcmal asses residential assess per capita grant i 9405j io0 75l 12772 pubuc speaking contest for the two public schools was held monday mom nq in the robert l ne scsool eud tonum and the winner chosen was kahy wckenr e the contestants are pk ured above itn the winner and school pnnc pal nold ng th 8 d rachl n trophy given year l to he person chcse left to rtght ae chr st ne preston r ta mccrae nancy lauder kathy mcxea e robea little school principal g w mckenx martee mcswam peggy holmes and l nda ralston public school commercial assess resiejtrntial assess high school commercial assess residential assess county of halton commercial assess residential assess 3l7w 183 3 791990 00 16 77 j 3i3799iw 97 3791990m 3791990 00 sugicd nrsrvt lur wrkinj fund loul itexa 917 xjtlm j942 isjowji hjh 33 4414 j 5182jb u75 suenu3iu

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