Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 29, 1962, p. 10

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the good old days hours of work about the only comment heard these dayi in north america on the subecl of hours of work is that while the 20 hour week it something to aim for the 35 hour week is a float that is likely to be reached in the immediate future it is taken for granted by the advocates of more leisure time that all this will be accomplished without any de ermse in takehome pay it is interest ng to compare this attitude with the record of what hat been happening elsewhere in the world the record covering average weekly work ing hours in eight of the worlds pr nc pal irtduttnal nations for the years 1950 to 1959 wat prepared by germany s deutsche bank in the eght naton comparison only can adit and the united states are in the 40 fltour week classification from 1950 to 1959 the average work week m canada declined from 42 3 to 40 9 hours and in the u s from 40 7 to 40 3 hours the two othe countries that registered a cut are nowhere ritor north amer ca s 40 hour week the average number of hours decl ned n swft zirland from 47 5 to 46 6 in west germany ffn 48 to 45 7 in great britain france and the netherlands there were fractional in crse to 45 9 hours in great br ta n 445 hours in the netherlands pholo by either taylor the remaining nation in the comparison is japan there from 1950 to 1959 the aver age number of hours worked climbed steadi ly from 47 9 to 50 5 hours no doubt this will ngness to work has played no small part n japan s re establishment as a major mdus tr al nation along with installation of mod ern plants and mach nes and wage rates that are lower than n any of the countries in fore gn markets there s one related stat stic that might be added to the canadian picture while the average work week was decl n ng here the nverage weekly wage n manufacturing was rsng from 43 82 in 1950 to 70 25 in 1959 that was an increase of 60 per cent the fact that pr ces and fhe cost of liv ng went up by only 23 per cent was due mainly to the factor of increased industrial product v ty ach eved through the investment of cap tal that mproved mduslr al machines and methods however such technolog cal advances are ava lable to all our competitors and if we ms st on hav nq even more le sure t me thai is less work for more pay we can not help but price our goods out of the mar krm arifctoui selves out of obs conservation the cost of saving the annual levy of the credit valley conservation authority has been rece ved by acton council and included n the 1 92 budget the one saving feature of the au thorityl budget is that it has not mcreas d over4ast year again this- 5 pay 69 cents per capita 3 742 45 to the authority the total 1962 budget for the aufhor fv il 177 800 grants from the prov nc al government reduce the amount to be ra vd to 103 250 estimated revenue from ill other sources of 12 000 leaves 91 750 to be raited by the municipal ties w th n the watershed already this year oakv lie counc i has circularized the counc is of the author ty getting 8 c a 1he autnor t s spending last year acton w ihout suppt t from any other municipal ties appealed their 1961 levy by the author ty before a hmrlng of the ontario mtn c pa board tv authority t levy was upheld and aoon s appeal dismissed actons appeal in 1061 was based o the fact the town would rece ve i ttie or o benef t from the flood contcl pro eo be ig made on other branches o be c rrf an h on the amount in the autho v s budae fo parks and recret on the amctit lev ed by the authority on acton was qeater h t p amount provided fy ci5unc i for the opera tlon of acton s own park eco cr ev l hep rich i ooe of al r c ll ir dcbftijf no i e ecoion- c of en i jn she d be i tch t ah es o ec ea c the acton free press published t dill printing and publishing co ltd r nin irt tn i and published am thursdas at sg tt 1 w v i h on inu m mkr t thi audit bureau t ciimiiui n thi t n a an 1 the ontanoouebei diximon i thi i a a htm nj rate on request subs npii ti pivihi i i ii i s x n canada 4 00 in ftit1 in i ml lh i t mm mi illh t unincs 500 n iht i mul m n in t ih r t rr pn countries mpl p auihviil 1 1 i ni class mail post oti i dtptttrmni ott m j the oalv paper ever published in acton g a dills editorinonef daid r dills managing fditor uslnes and editorial office phone smfwi d sfuu back in 1912 taken from the issue or the free press thursday march 28 1912 beardmore s tanneries ran out ol sot i coal last week and bv borrowing using wood and oth tr expmmenis the works imxx kept tunning- unttr-saturd-iy-nf- uiiium when tlit v shut down bv monday morning six freight jiis had tinvcd ind business pi igitsstd as usual the acton football club was rtorgini7td at n met ling held in the borden club room on mon d i evening the following offi ccrs were elected honorary pres ulent a o be irdmore pres idem john clarke icc pnv uk nl mm r iv wkdomld cap- l nn jaek wood viceeiplom p dickson steal irv c cridland he isurer a lmliv and irainei f stou word wns received this week thil lhe ltderal lncinmcnl has mtluded s10000 in the r supplt mcnlirv estimate for lhe crtc turn ol n ni governmenl build ing in aelon the new building ommunlv known is i post of lite and tllslnms orfnt is expttt td to idom one ol lhe eorners of out main slreet ii is undet stood ihil hit tsiimales also in tludtil js000 for milton nnd s25 000 iui builmtlun mi d hendtrsi n mp his tttluntv bein lyisv in h itlon s mititsts sinti ihi ifiei il tlttli n during the bo rftl ot i due hum meeting on mond iv mi john cimuoii pnsmitd pi ins u iht pioposul sehool uklilion ind me m in l s eki allv ajtxed lilt iiiillini would t lhe sthoo i inn h btlkr ippiui met ind of tir spat i tor ut lung tin pi in wis uloplid mil w ii now be stnt to lit edu t mi m d pulmtni for the ir ip pit i dining iht meeting it wis it ii tu d th il quile a bil ol liuiiuv wis goinj on the ini nil ollittl wis nolified lu lake hit proper it lion ind ste ihest pupils win returned lo school pi urn pi v mi a j lehmin or lhe div mmion hotil whost nse lor s hint hciiioi ilkgallv wis ad imnntd i isi vvttk timi btttir jusittis h p moore ind 11 w kttuii iv md vv is fined 400 ind tusis imouniint lo 20 so mi lin aikinson his disp isid f hi i un business lo john b it in md tin nivv owner is i puk i i i iki ovti his new dm i bv 1 nil n nexi a tin jutn i hotktv hjrji de- fi ltnl tnii on mundivevenint b i st tu uf 108 the game wis fist ind pjav vvis clean with onlv iw i pcnaliios handed out diirifn llu yimc back in 1942 taken rom the issue or the free press thursday april 2 1942 dr j a mcnlvcn for 25 venrs nn esteemed resident of acton who recenily retired from prae lite was honored last week bv ihtrcongrcgation of knox church the itnu ihosen tor this event vvns the annual supper held bv lhe congregation di mcniven was presented with a bcaulirul leather travelling bag by f 6 blow on behalf of the congrega lion and w k graham read a lining address mr f l wnghl has been sue ctssful in passing lhe examina lions and qualifications for a rtil estate broker and during the week received his cerlificile fiom lhe depariment reil es tale ho now become pari of the peneral insurance business car ned on by mr wright and lounds qui the scrviee he can jve in this work a toronto wedding of interest was thai of miss margaret isobel harrison ind herbert john win deler miss harrison is the daughter of ex reeve and mrs llaitley harrison tormerlv of aeion and now of toronto the fetoum is the son of mr and mrs herbert windeler toronto the dublin women s institute held their march meeting al the home of mrs c akins with the pjisidtnl mrs andeison in iliaige the theme lor lhe meel int vvns irish and lhe roll eall was answered by an irish joke during the business session it was learned lhat three quills hod been quilled il the home of mrs v in guozen last week plans were tompleted for the dance to be held in the town hill tn tht immednle future prior to lunch being served mrs bnlton ten tiered a vote of thanks lo the hostess for the use of her home mr gordon curnc has pur chased the house an frederick st belonging to lhe estate of the late mrs jennie modougall mr curnc md family expeel lo move to their new residence shortly eisier fishions this year will have quite a militirv flare cs pecntlv for lhe men quite a number of the aelon and dis tnct boys have enlisted and arc wearing uniforms now the lasl days before gas rat u ning saw a greai rush al the lotil fssucrs j k gardiner many were disappointed because ttriain books in caiegortes ihev desired had run out one gar ige operator reported the day rationing went into effect one i idv believed her coupon also pud for the gas long lntpr got you down feel a bit frazzled ulcer acting up worried about the bomb lets take astratght look al things and sec how we feol h people paid any heed to easter seal drive boosts new centre an estimated onethird of oni ino s crlpped chddren eannot take full advantage of the icehm ques that have been developed to help them overeome their handicaps they are the children who live outside of those areas where treatment centres arc located they are the children in those rural and remote areas of the province who require residential tare they are the children for whom our overcrowded general hospitals hove no room when sur gery or other corrective proce dures arc completed come to toronto in keeping with the demands being placed on those treatment centres already established in some of the large ontariepcilies a provincial treatment centre will be eslabhshed in metropolitin toronto extremely difficult eases wiil be referred from o pans of the province where their pro blems will rettive lhe attention uf leading medical dental and surgieal specialists where ihev may remain for i long term treatment and observation and where crippled children residing in a heavily populated pari of cenlral ontario will hive fut the f ii si time adequale oulpittent sen ices available these facilities will be found it lhe ontano cnppled child ren s centre the rehabilitation headquarters fur thousinds ol children during this easter season your recognition and assistance for the 1962 easter seal campaign is needed to guarante that more of our children will graduate to voung adults able lo take their phce in the woild by bill smiley the warnings dire predictions and appalling statistics with which they arc assailed on every hnnd the human race would be miuk up of drivelling eownrds t ringing under their respective beds reoeh for a coffin nnll with your morning coffee and papei and a headline hits you between the eyes smoking lung cancer linked tests prove turn on your cr radio as you dnve to work and tho announcer tells yoii triumphantly that weekend fut tl hies hit 72 bettering last years record by eight he sounds happy about it snrt putting away some ihmg for vour old ago and some cheerful vulture will in form you with itloncealed satisfaction that the human race will be obliterated by nu clear weapons within the cur ren l decade pul in in honest hard day s work nnd some magazine article will trumpet tht news that you re heading for a coronary besides ihcse turlv deadly forctisis we ire subjected to news rom around the district i otorgftown a movt whitf would release undeveloped ns t lhe dilrcx subdivision for home building received major il f eiiuriiil last week a developer would still adhere to i us nf i i9fd bvhvv whith controls tht residential industrial iijum i ilio howeui tht bv law s sliding scale of cash deposits i iepl ned b i fl u 200 per home plus 1 ptr si 000 eonstmttion ippi at the omb hearing t was vtated conservat on work n the l mehouse area was be nq slud ed wh ch would be down stream from acton th s year 4 000 is in eluded n the author ty budget for lime ervarton area proposed acquis t on at the february meet ng of the author ty m d scuss no the f nanc ng of ma6tsjems the secretary reported there were two meth od wh ch could be used the f rst plan would reciu re debentur ng and the unan m ou consent of the mun c pal t es involved tie second method would be carry ng it o s n our current f nanc ng program he app oved lev es wh ch could be done vi cu i av nqtq aet unan mous approval the m u es corn nue he he secretary i oq v e aed tl at only one maior proiect be c a r ed ou a a t me the f rut be ng the oa qev e reservor and sad that th s oi d be ca ed oui w th n th present ievy c c d ra present se v ces by ehm n v a r ht elpe vo k and eerc s n o op a o v lilt at ui u i i thin mi ititrv silos blriington bb hiwihorut has won the world combined ritv bait ind spin cisiing ehimpionship in belgium setting a 1 iee nl with iso mil uf 200 possible points as well as many other ipn n hips tit hi e in i seem to lxi his mme accepted for the inn spirts hill if time a world ehampionship is usually for ini irtt hill of fame bul bobs been tied up in red tape oak ii ix fi inhilccts i ii oikvilk s proposed niv lid be elhit mvc been asked to submit de- town hall on the old central planned but the architects didn t brw1pton since dtiembcr dogs have been having their day h r s iht it vms no offi nl dogcatchir next week however dog il ms lit il m i mis t in md countil authorised i eontraet with il 1 x il in m i h spu il for i doj tonirol service effective apnl 1 strrrts ii i f thi lounlv s piving for a new bndge on h n st ih s vt ir bet uist thi village s 10 ton truck has to use a hndpi with i tivt ion limit to get to firts outside the town the nn will kitk in v0o0 f tht 120000 expenditure with govern iiili t ub wlis idling ip tht nmamdir j mil ton hilt n countv jude george f elliott his been h in 1 ii us fir vr im i iht yiar and will be honored may h ihi srx nsonnj in idnn ltttin bnmh and officials of the i wn i i int ik wh i hwver w vcars in milton before being t m i in list klibir 15 3 2 0 10 world day of church kitchen i i i k t for list ukl si j na pnshunin wi- ii i n lillowship it fb- i i hlir ihi world div 1 ii i marr c impbell f i nj1 1 i sp il inspnaiion ii j n bh love lor the i vv it i is pi jktr for thi mrs m hivwird of i k w ml mrs c xi of assa jjw i r kid r t ir this sa i i l qi t nnd tainn mr fiwr an 1 min t i nassiiwtva sine a s in th bs u tu gir in f pi n r a companud bv mrs w rarlv it th organ k up f ii i was sen id bv the tbin ir la lie in the sthool i mm ittir tht scrvisc kitchen convenience two di uhlr sinks and hot wa ur stem hivt bem insialled in iht ikw kn hm f iht church this is a muih apprciattd con vinun i bv iht women of the ehureh tht cupboards arc soon to get prayer service party in news tinderwav mi and mrs william earlv r r 1 campbelbilli were tend en 1 a surpnst- party recently it hi ruimt it their son and da ugh u r in i iw mr and mrs don fitlv h members of the famih md a number of elosc friends op the ottasion o ihc 40th wedding annivitvirv mrs early was the former i jura locker and they haw lived on this firm which was the loek cr homestead for thetr entire mi mid life thtv havi i famrfv of two boys md f vi girls all mamed and m si f ihtm living in the com mtinitv thev also have 14 grand hlldren progressivt euchre as enioved and it was a complete surprise to the happv couple h a 0 8 o 10 6 4 c a 6 dealer north north south vulnerable the bidding north east south pass id double is 2c 2s 3s pnss 4s pass pass comments on the bidding easl cannot open 1 nt because of the weak doubleton spade south doubles easts 1 diamond lo show an opening bid nonh responds in her besi suit souih s 2 spade bid might seem like in underbid but rememebr lhat south has fortcd a bid from partner and nonh may have no points at all nonh has a nm hand at spades and makes a simple raise to show this soulh raises to four the plav is relatively simpk north loses only one trick in each side suit bridge tip if your partmr makes a lakeout douhli member tht weaker vout s the rn n impcrairve it vou do tike the double in nm week we stari on examples ot the plav t ibi cards so until then remember that bridge is a partnership game no trust one night in the garden v- eden adam arrived home late for dinner and eve looked at him atvusinglv late again she snapped and vou were probably living it up with some voluptu ous blonde don t be sills adam replied weanlv you know very well thai in this entrre world there is no one but vou and me that night after adam had gone to bed something woke him up as his eves fluttered open he saw ve hovering over him she was counrmg his rrbs i birrige or minor threats indfwn i rousing the insults most of them of a ptr with i bum tieke sonal rniurt the ads kaic no thing siered they shout thai we hive bodv odifr loost seoly dandruff unpleisani bit ilh slipping dtnlures tteieherous kidnevs leid slom iths ind that vvt are badly in need of a new truss for that old hernn they don i leive i stone nol even a gill slone un lurned thtv imply thai vvt ue sickening creeps fortumtcly there is i won dtiful tluelessntss a deliberate obtuscness in human nature that m ikes us go blithelv on our way ret king nought of the cassandras in our midst and a jolly good thing tou or life would be not onlv frightful but also frighten mg tharc is something gallant nnd ttashing about- the decksnday man who reads the lung cancer story pales lightly then lights o fag ind blows oul the smoke with the devil maycare smile the qui 7ieallv lifted eyebrow of the condemned spv facing the fir nig squad there is something heroic in the man who hears the weekend f hal iiy figures while driving to work nnd merely sets his inw tramps on the gas and bulls through the traffic with ll theskdl losm and disregard for danger of n ben hur at the reins of a chi not it is difficult to withhold ip- plause at lhe spectacle of trie type who disdains the immm ence of sudden annihilation bv h bomb because he s too busy figuring oul angles to cheat lhe government oul of death dut its on his csiitt and surtlv one cannot rcfriin hctr for the man who retired itffcr thirty years m n sedentary i oh immediately si irts slaving like i nivvy building tearing down fetching and carrying shovelling snow ind tuilinggriss ind generally showing a fine storn tor living to a ripe old age il must be horribly cxaspont ing to scientists traffic iiilhon ties temperance people nx col lectors and doctors but there s something unbeatable in hu man rature it s a son of mas sive charming stupidity a sup- erb recklessness that has made people ignore all warnings and deliberately seek out disaster ever since the day eve was wirncd not to fool around wiih that apple ilets phbrifc i by bui coats one of the most useful bids in bridge is not well understood and often not used by the average tniftgc player this bid is the in formative or takeout double a double of an opponent s bid at the one level requests partner to bid his best suit the require mems for this double arc thai the doubler should have an op ening bid and support for the un bid suits in this week s hand south was the author partnered with his vjift at north north s k j 7 5 4 h 10 7 6 5 d 3 c j 9 7 west east s- s 8 2 h9 4 2 hk j 3 dj 9 8 7 2 d a k 0 s c 10 5 4 3 c k o 8 2 south q 1 professional directory and travellers guide wvpswimpm medical funeral directors dr vv g c ksnnv physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 8532111 residence 115 church st e phone 8531664 dr d a gawvett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts enlrjnee rncr st alton oni phone 8530341 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington si acton ont phone 8531240 offiet hours 68 p m afternoons by appointment appraising and insurance phone 6534350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist contact lenses heanng aids 6 john st s atlon in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 si guelph 3k pass pass f l vvright 20 wilbur st atlon ontario phone 85w20 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton dental dr h leib denial surgeon office corner mil nnd freden k streets offitc hours bv appointment telephone 85v0610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closul wednesdav aficrnooti telephone 8531750 legal barrister and solicitor c f leatherland qc notary public office hours 10 a m 12 pm 1pm 5pm saturdays bv appointment only phone offite 853p30 res 8531745 attoi a bra ida b barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton mondav fndav evenings 6 pjfl 9pm saturday i pm 5 pm 28 paislev st goetph ontano prone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9am 12 am dally tia 5 pm for appointment phone j 46180 hours daily except wed 60 main st north georgetown for appointment phone tr 7 3971 wednesday 9 am 9pm mon and fri 7 p m 9 p m travnuts ouipi gray coach lines coaches lbav1 acton standard time eastbound 6 33 am dily except sun and hoi 858 ajn ii 33 am 208pm 508pm 6j3pm 8j3 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound to 27 am 1257 pm 2 57 pm 5 27 pm 777 pm 9 12 pm 1ij2 pm 102 am fri sat sun and hoi canadian national railways eastern standard time earn bound 6 44 am to toronto daily ex cept sunday 9 33 am to to ronto except sunday 707 pm to toronto daily except sat and sun 801 pm to toronto sun day only westbound j 30 un to stafford dally ex cept sun 6j6 pan to stratford daily except sat and sun 7x17 p m to stafford daily except sun 1229 am to stratford 7 dayi a week 222 pjn to stratford saturday only chiropractor david vv gohn dc 25 mill st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow sl office hours mon wed fri i to 9 pm tue thur 9 am to 6 pm saturday 9 un to i pjn uo jl v

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