into history the good old days supvt d sftiat jm jpnag 7ffnr fere the lions club skating carnival on sat unlay evening marked a high point in a very successful season at the community centre while the financial rewards to the club may not have been as great as they might have been the experience gained will undoubtedly assist them in presenting the carnival m future years the fact that there was ofte of the largest crowds in the arena snoe the georgetown acton milton hockey era fifteen years ago speaks well for the efforts of the club in promoting the event it a our hope and we are sure the hope of the cub that over the years the participation by local skaters wilt increase until acton skaters predominate the seasons activities at the arena we feel have been very well accepted minor hockey sponsored by the legion enjoyed a full schedule as well as play-offs- the younger teams competed in their leagues end while no team advanced too far into playoffs all completed their schedule with out postponements due to unsatisfactory ice conditions the intermediate club in their first year back in organized hockey had a creditable season curling back after many years absence attracted an enthusiastic following with the interest shown this year and registration for next years curling already on hand tndica tions are that the popularity of this winter activity will increase the operation of the centre by the parks board has been satisfactory starting m mid sea with an unfinished building was one of the mapr problems of the board another and equally difficult problem faced by the board was the fact that no person locally had had any experience in the operation of an artificial ice arena we feel the board has done a creditable ob this year with the ex penence they have qamed in these four months they wl be better prepared to pre sent an even better program in future years the boards financial operations have been most satisfactory also and early indications are that revenue received will meet all op eratmg expenses incurred we think back to last year at this time when the skating carnival had been can celled because the nafural ice in the arena went out when hockey teams finished the year w ihout playoffs and when activity at the arena had reached a low point now we have developed a feeling of pride m all the citizens of acton who have attained a new high in community spirit through their sup port and participation in the new community centre we cannot point a finger at any m dividual or group and say this is the result of your efforts rather we say this is the result of the efforts of all actons citizens it only shows what can be done when we are alt prepared to work together we would suggest that the fund raising committee study the feasibility of asking the vontrlbutors to the community centre to con tmue their pledges for an additional three or four months if the majority of contributors are inclined to do this some of the frills could be provided at the centre we feel that a defined park ng area would be a maor asset to the centre there are many other small thmas that could be done with increased funds that would make everyone s back in 1912 tnktii rrunt lh issue of the free press thursday april ii 1912 i in hliukniiilthh ul i lie mm have hi m 11 million mid mi il uiiipluiy in adopt n tmituim sulk ul pikes lut lmiiesliimfnu i ik iikiumii iiutl ul limit ti il uitioi mid mil ul livinu ims linv- ul llu blaiksililllis id incieiisi dull prices atumi 2 within llu sun minding mi ii i niiiliiulh tigienl in i in ikw mihiiuii iitnui cultf enipluue t ilk blltlilluuli illllllllv whs i might hiivvmi tin huivv inm mils in iitu ot llu w i limits ill tlu tili u tutu t i hi l siiluulnv morning ind wiis lurhblv luiiud ul mil iluil dining llu nlthi although mmiiii wuikus win i lose bv ihi uni kimws csmllv how llu mi kk nt on in 4 il i it si liuliiiillun ul tuivlhliig iiiusswim llu seteiitiis hum llu hmltv iiuiniiliil wntkei s in wis in inn limii lulu tin mill is willi ii huti ik vv is pulinih lliioimli al llll islllllmug uouid ul hull th nui t inn insi ihuisdiiv tin tin minis pissul n bv law wherthv all dogs in llu lovviislup would eilhet luw lu hi locked up oi mukil llu winii sunshine insl iuik nulled tlu snnw urv swiltlv mil ns i result mimrlnifc conditions win pioiniiunt tluoiiglioui uk mill vilk ate i bv the tiul o llu u i ul luiv il llll m tin cicdil w u- nun is llu swill tin bull iu i ul i ik wuu lotiul tin lootings u ejvi tlu il mi n alum w is sui pi asiik is i 1 1 still ul llu last moving witu combined with liuci i hunks ul iu tlu mw stiil counlv htulni it glen willnms lill pu to llu f ist mm ing wait i and k i is will iiml il collipscd min ul tlu oldtmjcis lissul llu i loud llu wuist in 34 vi irs ii uis rilhcr disappointing lu tind ihe thermometer duwn lo 10 degrees and thi ground covered wilh snuw agim mondi morn ing of course it didn i 1 ist long as thi wirm sunshiik soon milts tin fluflv white slufl word his him received thai beginning mil cir silirics of mrul pustmasliis will be incrcas id from ihe pa suit nlc of 3s to i proposed 0 omit i ftw ingkrs ire git ting thur fishing iquipmml m u uliiuss for ihi troul season wluill opens tn ihrei weeks linii an aelon resident whu vcjitui id to guelph good fndav to eekbrate ihe he ision found himsilf loekid up in j ul our nichl lie was illowid lu relurn to his homl the following morn ing members of town council arc beginning to think of cleaning ihe streets alread and with the lack of rain the dust has been a problem to most of the house- back in 1942 taken from i hi issue of the free press thursday april 16 1942 tin uhillntiouii breaking ur mm i llilils tiilghl nl insl he i ink d i wo voung hnvs wi ii caught in llu ael tills wiik mill tlnli parents minified ns well ns ihi oltitukrs inning l pny fui iu w unit siipnliiuiiiknt limits wilson has bun kipi hiisv ihniiighoul i u i uphiilng hiok in hull ihe million nunh musk resll il wlili ii hud him m ranged lot 1 hin sit iv mid tiui iv ul iliu viiik luis hem likklinllelv pus i poind on iu i mini ul an epideink ul mi isles qiilli a million ul i hikhiil piillklpnlhik hull i hi nu islis mill oflkiis in ihiuitt iu lusituil lo inw llu ills is spii id to ulliu mas situ llu kk illoiilng iimi ml i iltit llu piikiiit i k 01 l il iiuluslns iu not ns nmvd id as llu huvik i ieks man in iple an w ilkmg lu wink atul s vu il him pintfvsid a hie ye k minv ol llu liu im is in the n i aie gilimu shntid with spiiii sliding and limn all a pills llu 1 mil is in good sli ipe ki pmls huvi eunu ill 111 k si vet il iildeiis inu been dug nl ii idv uiild it ik llu opening iii in 1 1 mi l sl i si in th il hid hiv iihiil lo do wilh il linnet lddie jumiesm who wuii neisi is wild ihe fust inidiin cuniingeni his riliun id home this week he ll is been hospil ihid in i ngl mil fur some linn wink in alton lu is visit iiil wilh mi mil mis ketilner mil is hamg qui 1 1 a reunion wilh im me i aelon ft lends ailon town hill was idled lo iipieitv indav evening for the luphoue and d inte sponsored in ihe seoul motlius auxili irv dublin and bannuikburn worn i u s institute the program in e hided old lime fiddlers a inagie t in odeki b igpipes and an iirobal when the proetccis were i ilhed oer j8 wat handed over lu thi dislnet wir sereiee 1 i igue at ion ha bi igide members m spruemg up ihur equipment this week nntl ire installing new hosi mil extension hdeki seer il lights our i on t nils ind t rack o euiv ihe lidders on lop of ihe truck msti id ul il the side rubbii buols uul eosls hue hutj numbered to make cutam rhe ire worn onlv during fires uul mueli of ihe equipment has bun p unled up chief fd gam bli ind his men deserve t lot of cudil for iheir efforts a scrip drive is being handled n town in order lo gilher mater i fur use in war work al nidi quite i number of citizens hiu telephoned tn si tlu hic ekaiud out iheir biscmcnl and inu irlicks rcadv news from around the district georgetown councillor fred h irrison predicted a seven mill incnase in the tax rate this ynt as he proksud i wigi- pro posal for ihe local police assocntion it truv- jo highir th in tint hi said tuwn fmanees are in bad stnpe oakville a lad hen his piuliskd the ixtnimh si ppv wi in whieh flags an being flown on some of oikvilks publii buildings it is a bad example for nui ehiklitn when nut flag is nut flown properlv she points out enjoyment of the centre a little more pleas- ant those meatless speeches hava you ever noticed that the speaker who has nothing to say does it so well while the speaker who has an important message bores his aud ence if you prepare to take notes on a speak er at reporters do you often f nd that afler the first few okes ol introduction there s realty no meat a neighboring da ly recently summed up the situation ed tor ally this is one of the most d stress ng fea lures of modern i fe when there s so mmh emphasu on the techn ques of commumca tion too many persons who have noth ng to say say t well and too many who must have plenty to say dor t mow how to say it what is worse iome of the snsooth and articulate commun7cators are tjtv ed fo 1 y millions and many r bemq ovet pa d fev their small ideas and the th nkes ariorq us often hide away n the r do stored h i unw ii ng to master the art of communication or expose their wisdom to a critical world come r ght down to it we should be moe cf i cat of ihe scholars among us who v i not bother to be heard than of the ones who ane heard too much what of those who have been endowed wilh w sdom and been pr v loged fb accumulate knowledge the b ble of couise says stern th ngs about h d q i qhu under a bushel and burymg nns n a f eld as for the others the experts at passing on th nos that don t matter the intellectual haberdashers who dothe their cliches and a handsome packages they do have the r temporary regard but they seem tre q c too full of personal ty and aaad sji ave ultratngs siqtv q noth nq happy babt is who ike le ch caqo pol t c an d rb to l gher a id h aher ptt tudes of sue brampton svmbuhe ol brimplorivru ircln sntus is-the- prescnt tnnd towird high ns ipirliiunls a 77 suiti building torn pkte wilh pthil was irveled m 1961 nu with 71 suils is neinng com pktion and a permit his pist biin issuul t r soodt 72 suit apart mint building stun stores high bl rlingtos a s22oo0 idmimslr hum building beside the new m m robinson high sihool on llu ulph line is being pro posed b the board of tdm uion h nuui llu rnnih uluptid mis kr plin provides lor puhlu buildings onl in thi duwni mn iur ul ihi town virtualh ruling uul thi ciulph lini sir strfftsvhi t tomnlo township ntpiuis from rnpdali wkkllands have askid tounul lo pav ihi si 200 ixptnsis iiuuind in fighting a azomng apphulion u thi omb th ntpivers point d uul thtv ubeetid to i hi ifiii in of m hotiiis in i etuiibeli an i and iliimeil the tost vsas councils fault in old iutslik pi ins to milton councillors in lunsuurin ihe in puhc whrch would illuw the town i silfw nu i i the town we hivi thi water and in h u1d link nu help ihe people who an mtiastut mkiruh c miinn umchoust wa menuettes meetings reported in weeks events ll mnv hu ullll knowing in 1 whlluhoinc though i hope tor lliilr nkc ihui ll uln l bin thi unpridkliihlc huy would efkll bad wont i ruin a halnl you don l know lo whom i tn iif lining i in huh youri piqimlnled old thing die ludy whime name i am durrlng n ureekd with rap hire us spilngl and ihais priliv honlbk dog guel bui ll iiprchenls my long lu id mid mrwfy eonildered opinion of the chimiclcr of thai pm tieul ii seiuion whkh is nup- pusul to fulluw on the heels ol wlniii bui is uniuilly so far hi hind that she s uul ol sight 1 1 iiuh been my euslum to wille an annual and exireme- lv iii lempered column ilbout spring fur yeurs my opinion ol ifns greatly overrated sel son has been similar lo thai ol a dying man who urlls lur w iler and is given a healthy slug of vinegar lur years i hive longed lo gel hold or one uf i hose poels who bin ble about ihe tiny crocuses poking llieir heads up lo the sun uul show him some ur the sluff ihil pokes us head through ihe snow around our place in the spilllg xj this year we ve had such i delighllul spring here io fir ihil 1 hnd mvsih in an un iisu il lv mellow mood this ye ir i cannot bring myself lo vililv sptuig even thuugh 1 know petleellv well thai behind thai disguise ul ehasti ind genlle iy itu imilby maiden wilh the warm hwecl bioarh k a cold nuurtcd old hurrldun ilvcn though i know that hiu will probably produce u wind t ii n l would frecc the hralni mil uf a bramt monkey tilung wilh opening day of ihe iroiil reason it mum luve been hit wonder lul month of march that sullen ed me almoil every day ihe yel low nun nibbled daintily at the huge cruel bunks of ke and snuw until lhey were suddenly gone all except lliu big one behind ihe garage on lop of ihe picnic lable it will be llure until july i h ile lo destroy a iradilion ind i m doing il with my fing trs closed which makes typing rather awkwaid but this year i m going lo write a salute to kpring im going to say nice things ahum her shell probab ly be io surprised that she ii blush and weep all over ihe place so gel your sump pumps ready lu s tacc it were it not lor ihe beliel thai lite will return lo our fruen land annually every body north of the 49 in parallel would he running around drool ing and gibbeting by the middle of march 1 i lets play bridge by bill coals lim week wc men honed that ihe imesse could be used as 4 me ms of gaining a trick tins week we look at another w iv ol t lining ineks the rvflf one of the reasons for pitying in i suit contract as opposed li in i no trump ton trie is the added adantage of eonlrol through ihe trump suit this eon hoi e in be ised to ruff sm ill cards in a side suit if one hand is short in lhat suit do not plan on ruffing wilh your good irump let us look al this week s hand remember to form a plan as to how vou would play the hand deikr north norlhsoulh vulnerable north s 9 6 3 h3 2 d a 7 4 c 8 7 6 4 3 west east s8 5 s7 4 2 h 10 9 5 4 h a 8 7 6 d 0 9 3 2 d j fo 6 c 0 j 10 c 9 5 2 south sa k q j 10 h k 0 j dk 8 5 ca k north east south west piss pass 2s pass 2 nt pass 3 s pass 4 n pa 6 s pass like of hntrntted f lat w ilhir i- hi r m vnston on the acton free press published by he dills printing and publlshlnf co ltd founded tn 1ss and published even t3iurdav at 59 willow si aeton ont inu member of the audit bureau of ciaulahons ihe cwsa and the ontanoqucbw dimmon of thi c sa adxertimng rates oa request subsinptions pa ihk in jdwnce 0p in canada 4 00 in pn1 int ind thir commonwealth countries 500 tn the i niied slates ind other foreign countries single eopus 7 authorized as second class mail post otfke department ottawa the only paper ever published in aetata g a dills editorinchief david r dills managing editor iusiness and editorial office phone 853 2010 miss minora hill ol ail n mm led her hint mis lane utu the wa met al the home of mis k t imdsi tuesdix eve ning lai wtk bikne was on sen oil in mimon of the laie mrs fred bnmn a valued mem ber when she wis will mouth to like pin on march 2s the limehotiso minueiies mil at the home f thitr leidtr mrs wilson thi ft were 12 girls present mrs wi sun dimonmratcd how iu maki baked nee and eheesc and a seallopcd dish containing ispira gus and hard boiled eggs thi next meeting is to be at the home ol jen patterson mr and mrs mckehev ind sharon visited mr and mrs sim mons on sunda mrs e san ford and son bill attended the diamond wedding mniversan of mr ind mrs thomas lane at the home of smiril iv veiling mr uul mrs wtllnd grecnlees ind mr ind mrs jai k wood of imphelhilk vviteei ihe a w benton n sunil t mr in i mrs vs t mills ir nvd h nu this wik ift r three numihs it st piiersburg flor ida riv norman oung conducted communion stnices at lmie- houst prxsbvtenin church on sundav vt amtmso ttsnmefm red white and blue iode dance colors red while and blue streamers small flags on tables and elusl irs of billoons made a ga sett ing for ihe dance which mark ed ihe 44th anniversan of lake side cbapur iode on fndav evening in the legion hall guests received at the door bv regent mrs w l sproston and mr sprosjod danced to the nous ic of men tollon there were pnies for special dance ind ihe door pure a poi ted mum viasjeon b jim in ghs spring is like sanla llms she has something good it r everybody she brings pure de light ior the kids skipping ropes and marbles and mud and mud and mud and mud and oft with tin rubbers and mlo il ihe minute our hick is turned for the elderly perhips more than jn itie the icngthcninc d iys the wat mint sun an i blessing and a oy cold and dark ness and the eternal encmv wh i lurks in the shadows are beaten again 1 ife however tremulous blossoms and fear and pain re treat for mother she hnngs gills to offset ihe tracking in ol dirl and the constartt battle over wearing enough clothes with ihe kids there are iho touches of reprieve fron mad ness a goofy spring hat l flower peering up from ihe eirlh a wild new shade ot paint for ihe kitchen dad gets his present too cir body rusted in spots a fuel bill uke the nationil debt april 10 and ihe receiver general lying in wait but he can stand il the ke on ihe lakes is gone the golf course is drying up and a sun d ty jaunt on ihe muddy stderoads h is discovered a new troul stream of superl ilive potential teen agers turn peculiar in spring as she pours potions inio iheir blood and bones tyes gaze vacantly at teachers bodies are one moment utterlv listless the next supercharged with energy there is a great increase in bunlmg and push ing and hand holding and stand ing about on corners and long loolu but the trollop has only be gun to distribute her largesse when we list these there s the loiclv smell of rolling earth com ing alive as il crawls from the lomb there s the chiller of birds and the chuckle ol running water there s the grand spnngv feel of vulditig ground underloot again gone is the sombre charcoal sketch thai was winter here s a touch uf grein ihere a flick uf yellow yonder a smudge of brown how warming ari truv rrr eves rrrar tiavtr g told and pale with looking at ice there how s that for an ode in spring and rf it s snowing when i slip out tomorrow morn ing vines me right professional dfkectory and travellers guide loevtormgwa3resdkett3 medical funeral directors drwgc kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e aeton office phone 8532111 residence 115 church st h phone ssjidm dr d a garsett phvsician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st aeton ont phone 8sv034i dr robert d bcjckner phvsician 3nd surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8s31240 office hours 68 pm afternoons bv appointment piss piss west kids the queen of clubs i do nol neeessanh igree wilh souths jump to six spades north shows ihe diamonifacc but there ire still a few losers lo now plan vour plav this hand is odd then appears to be on 1 oik losir ihi he irt ice but there in onh 11 winners when i in i 1 2l h inck come from the answer is a rult not a hiari vvhieh would alreadv be a winnci but a di imond the problem on this hand is to create i diamond shortage m dummv bv pitching ihe four of dia moiuk on a heart so kid i hi irt 3s soon as ou win the first trick fist will like the ice ind probablv relurn a trump lo utt down declarers ruffs tw i more rounds ot heirts ire k i and thi low diamond is piteh d now ihe diamonds are led and alter the ace and king thi tivi is ruffid with ihi nine spicks in dummv afler this teiiirtr drivvs irump ind claims appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone bsw20 appraiser and insurance over 50 yean in aeton dental dr h leib dental surgeon ofhce corner mill and frederick streels olfuc hours b appointment tkphotu ssv4kuj phone 8530350 night or day bruee e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner r o optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s aeton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 831041 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st george s square gufiph for appointment phone ta 46180 hours dailv except vied 60 mam st north georgetown for appointment phone tr 7 3971 wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7 p m 9 p m travauts ouipe v gray coach lfnes coaches utavi acto standard time eastboeind 6 33 am daily except sun and hoi 838 am ll m a m 08 pm 6 j3- pan 1008 pm sun and dr a j buchanan dental surgeon offuc 1a mill street office hours 9am hftpm closed wedmsdav iflcrnoon tekphne 85v ivi thl bilinei bridge tip dnw irump unless vou have a g kid ru n n it to and so until nci wiik re member that bnd i i part ncrship game legal barrister and sluiir c f leatheriand qc notarv publu office hours 10 am ppm lpm v p m saturdays s appointment mlv phone offuc 8 mw res 8nvp4s acton a br a da ba barnster snuhor notarv public office hours m acton mjndav fndav evenings 6pm 9pm saturday lpm 5 pm 28 paislev st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9am 12 aon dally 9 jm 5 pjti 308 pm m pm hoi weitbouod 1027 am 1257 pm 2 57 pm 5j7 pm 727pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 1h am fri sat sun and hoi canadian national railways eastbound 6 44 am to toronto dally at cept sundav 9 33 am to to ronto except sundav 707 pm lo toronto dailv except sal and sun 801 pm to toronto sua dav onlv westbound 8 w a m lo siraifurd daih e cept sun 6 26 p m to stratford daih except sat and sun 749 p m to strarfnrd daily except sun i2j9 am to stratford 7 days a week 2j2 pm to stratford saturday only chiropractor david w oohn dc 25 miu st e phone 8531 171 entrance on willow st office hours mori wed fri i to 9 pjn tue thur 9 am to 6 pjob tnntay 9 un to i pin