Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 1

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ht jwtim jlfcu ft elghlysvenlh year no 43 acton ontario thursday april 19th 1962 twftlve pagaslsoven centa crikn of wt yl miss madeline gibbons received her engraved plaque al the annual chamber of commerce dinner thursday of last week the popular clerk in coopers drug store is pictured with chamber president bert hinton she was supervisor of the nursery of st michaels hospital toronto for 14 years see front page second section school site ewmerinfi newest public school will be um at room building on rite on five sldcrottd at the seventh una school board mem told township council monday council granted approval in principal ot the constiurtkm and tentative approval to a 12w0 debenture the site is the claude pick elt farm board trustees told council it would be in opera tion by early ihs or christmas of this year acton artists in shows best of the 84 canvases in the five counties art association exhibit at i hi robert lhtle school ap ril m 19 win chosen to proceed to the ana show at brampton on may 19 and 20 among them wen i wo bv acton painters mrs l e dnimh ami mrs j whitham the lumici is in the class for punlcrs who began their hobbv since i960 and the latter in the class foi those who have been painting longer other ac ion exhibitors wen allan lauiki ami mrs vera mai locks in ihe beginncrs class miss mini cnpps mrs w b dn bois george golden miss bella mae rosell bill smc mil dr v w fciin for ihe other class judges were mrs margaret lewis guelph mrs orccn campbell fergus and ctcr goct kitchener george bowman was in charge i of the exhibit hen residents to be offered benefits of group medical service program council supports the principle s3 00 pc community participation in a group medical services program was the motion passed at the rcg ular tuesday meeting of acton council when physicians scivtc es ine presented a plan to olfer prepaid medical eaie on a noil profit basis to ihe people of ae ion with no restrictions as to age or health jcrrv li nth of ps i was pit sent seeking councils tndorsi lion of ihe principles and outlin cd the proposal to be offered to citizens mr linen said theon leallv subscribers would nc v cr sec another doctors bill previous experience mr linen repotted ihi community enrolment plan hul been olfcrcd in oi ingeilli on sear ago 8wh ol ihe pcopl had joined the plin in mono toiinshlp 681 hid joined the pmgi un his been instituted in lindsay and m ukdalc ind will he ufkred in hmovci in iwo weeks al the present time the pi in would only be tiftetcd to re si dents ol the town ol aeton but as happened m oi ingi villi would be ulfercd in the town ships next veai a iiiniiiniini ol 60 of ihe residents signed up is required before ihe plan comes opeialion premiums u rlerlv ind aie single ith two people in fimrlv 700 pit mohlh lamilv 10 00 pet month untie questioning m lnuh levelled ihe following icalurc ol llic plan all doc lots in acton puticipatt in lie phn 90n ot i lit doelois in onlaii pirticipitc pavmenls in made loi doelois services pcituimeil drugs and ptxsciin- tions aie pud lot by the patient di ignositl i i is luniled to iso per pcrsun per cir ive exami ii iimns bv a quililicd eve spec talisl ire paid lor oikl in the hisi 12 months ind once every 24 months ihtreatlci schedule of pavinctil lo ihe dottoi is hascd on the 1962 stln- dult of larifls which mosl gen er il prachtioncis accept some sped ihsts not iblv in loionto ill not accept the ps i sehed uk and ihe patient pas any fee over and tibove the ps1 sched ule no dental work no dental work is covered bv psi no medical ex imination ot sluiemcnt of health is required irom subscribers at the time ol application present group plans are not heeled childien attending school ano l he i inumcipalilv wilh their home in ac ion in ly become mb- sinhtrs unmarried children un der 19 years of age may be in cluded in the rumilv plan dep endent fathers mother brothers sisters uncles and aunts cannot be included in the famliy plan hut iniiv be covered as individ- u il subscribers the subscriber mav choose a mm puiliclpating doctor who will c p ud at the rates set out in the psi schedule the plan pivs foi uflice and house calls doctors submit their accounts in psi who then pay 90 of ilic iccoimt the remaining 10 is assessed igalnst ihe doctors account for the operation of the pi in j6ww wpwtvjwrwwwwttfi i payable q nil in ii mw mi mil isjiiaiianiiiisiiiiiiiian aip i i fc election machinery starting to churn three in june race council learns r expensive headache at digester plant councillor frank toth ehuied is in secure puns on the iipurjil the broek m un st intersc ihe committee ot the whole sec ot the lop it will ilso imstigik tion lion of aclun counul m tucsdi moils methods ot tie hint the rem j hujjive ui evening m un item ot iwunn nuiil lo iiduie hil lelion ol the wmks dip for council wis coutuilloi but rust ind hulton s election machinery be gan churning tuesdav lmmcdit tick lotlowing piimommistcr john die le nb iker s announce ment in the house that a fedcnl election would be held june 18 all three local parties say they arc already gearing for battle and preparing an allout cam p ugn to have their man elected to the scat reserved for the hal ion candidate federal returning officer dick west burtington- has been doing preliminary tasks for months now preparing for the pm s announcement of ihi due list voters rnumcfitois will visit cerv tesultnt of ihe county between pnl m and mi s 10 prepare logan might will be a doctor in the house dr hur c h tries 1 medic il practitioner in an oakvillc pirtticrstup will carrv the liberal banner in his try to unseal ihe sitting member ma ined v 1 1 h two boys arid a girl he s a former rcaf and canadian infantry man dr har lev has been organising a cam paign since he was awarded the nomination several months ago the new democratic party in 11 illon is hae king carl p rouleau i of oakvillc who teaches high school in streets ilk mr rou a new c indidat commission rejects unions proposal counters with existing agreement l hi is acton hydro commission dur me llicit muli light niceling on ihmsciiv apjil 12 tinned thumbs clown on a submission i nun the local union which included id till kins deletions and rcmsioils lo ihe existing agiecment ah a count 1 1 proposal ihe commission ollcrecl to coniimu with the pre seiil agreement wilh the deletion ot ihic pnagriph which re ids in the event ol 1 i im1i the 1 1st man hind will lk the fltsl i ild of ptlscilt 1i1011 ot ihe revised sub mission mil ihe present eon it let kit si mi ol the commissioners spieehliss while otllels staled i hui disipproval one ol the uk 111 be is lolil his colic igltcs thil it llu propos il was ineptcd the commission mijit is well hand on the kevs to the union and let the 111 lake ovei 40 cents more k the international btothcr hood ol llcctne workers pro posal is accepted ll would me in a 40 cents pel houi across the board for the journey man linesman and linesman a a jouimvman linesman would reel is e in increise from the prc- scnl v tgi ol 2 19 per hour lo i s2 w plus inngc benefits bring line the weekly mlc to 11670 woods report o llu prohlcms which have arisen il ihe s igi ojilv treatment plant nut si at last weeks louniil nuctuil upoil the hvdn inspectors upoi dicated a rcwiting ot all lh tors and outside tuns wis oec ml t cssarv this uk the ciul urn i ev tinuts with the ihuimin s npint m mil n that the wluk digesu 1 tank will wi qu have to be leaned bul nul ill pi m the guk 4hkvi4 i b u a jill quoin ion tot the unsjvorv ebon c mil had been received fiom toron ihuim lo fiim 11 1 pit 1 ol si 42s il he one bright spot michl sp r in et de pail me 11 i ihe etcik ol his hid ei on the w itu el the eleik tepit ill i me i ll iii i w llks i ni ill ol be nd co lu e in u ud lo ei il ihtv would be mien sud ip js slsltllt ill ihe ele 111 up the 1 k 1 k 1 mind d eomu il hml topping tf the etuuis on bi nk and thouh sis hid been in liuliil 111 this ujrs budget wud m llu del 1 hi war tcran h lencc ind it voters it is expected inivcrsiiv and received his ma id uiee poll veiil be held a from umvcrsilv of toronto or so before june 18 the c h holds i ind sin sands nsir line party present the power in hailon it june 1957 c a best has been the coun the 11 pilgrim n toiujiklej t id ilu mv i p sill l i representative at ottawa he is i m lined veilh two bovs and i c ines with his wife and familv sweipu has f ne ir georgetown ikilkr dubv wik i he uims pnt lilies and in 1 1 ihlint- pint hml pigs sandv is vue- ue has bun ihiimim of itu governments lui jljxcd tejwtjitb eoiunuucc and has ser plus 117 so slindbv piv hnnging p rln coui lo is 000 8 ionsll1 a hnurly nurcisc from the pn 207 lo 2 47 plus benefits for a lolil weekly wigc amount me tu ait ar 11 ms plus 17 50 standby itine making a total yearly wage amounting to 4 762 71 bmpluy ecs affected by the union agiec me nt arc dot son ti luell and hen hodgson other employees or the com mission who arc not affected by the union are supenntcndcnl d m ison secretary tnasuier mrs audrey urquhart and meter lead el newton huist new seniority clause pioposid additions in ihe sub mission included a iuw el uisc on se mom benionty is ilifined is the luiclli ol simu willi the commission sciuopiv shall gov cm 111 eases r ijvllf and recall in the case ot promotion proud cil an employee is capable of pcrlorming ihe work av ulable ihe stniui employee shall receive the promotion in dealing with overtime the union s proposal asked foi time mil a half to be paid from 1pm until midnight and from 8 am until 5 pm on saturdays ac tordiiig tu the agreement double una should be paid from mid night until 8 a m on sundays and statutory holidays under the ex isting agreement workmen in paid lime anfi 1 half for all work pcrf untied alter nonnal working hours n hlgherstandby also suggested in the proposal nt 2 1 ate tu 2 so per night for he period from friday to fri d iv also included were provi sions to allow employees on mdby duty saturday sunday statutory holidays to be paid s plus the appropriate overtime ate lor all actual time worked i mployecs required to standby sh ill line phones paid for and be provided with a truck while on duty provisions wen made in the new igi 11 mint to allow employ ecs an extra days vacation with p i when a statutory holiday jails within n employees vaca tion also revised in the new ag iecment were annual vacations suk pav and pensions and work el issification ih inclement wca ihci under the classification ofvagc rites the following clause was created by the commission that idded any new classifications nut covered by ihis agree ment shall be bargained for and shall become part of this agree ment within 30nlay the commission stuck to their guiu and gave their approval to accept the existing agreement for another twoyear period the commission also received a letter of thanks fmm kalhy mckcnzic winner of ihe hvdro award in the public speaking contest agreed to invest 10000 in hoil term treasury notes jjkj v eantewjeiiief- revision for standby pav wilh in ineicasc from thev prts- ndid un sii dexidid it omiial li hiu ihe i mn wi crew do ihe spnng h usi li ing cover requires overhaul k ml eiim i dpes n iluru t hurrh mil 1 viral other committee k his five vears in the hekise the s n ot dr charles best lovcier ot tnstittn doctor in if ill 111 liberals 1 uldiil hi 111 this have 1 election counv it con inui j when h tank hiul whkis 1 hi to cx mxjxiivxt 13li4iv th hi k i ir hil h k wi hive 1 taken oil 1 t ipl i ti e necrs iwu iii 1 in be upm the appi ixmiau nisi ot t 1 lop is s000 uzjkv it pi ir ti be m l p a u il 1 pair 11 than bus a ne- one discission ot ihe subum cred m inv fkids irom ihi p j const nut 111 thnmgh t breakdown now tv inotoi cmity mores iker season dcsplie requests from two sportsnicns sssoctaaions snd smkbrr counts hslton counts council tuts ruled agmlnsl n op s deer season to tton ihb issl tuesds- al tbe council april bitting the agriculture com mittee recommended no season letters from halton sports mens association united sportsmen assodalkm and handntaod county had been re- ccrecd asking for an open sea son but the idea was nixed we cant have an open sea son without all the doundart comities being included said reeve john milne of hassapf weya chalnrnan of tbe commit tee depotvheeve cordon gat- ingber ot burnngton pointed out it mrouk be prettv hard to run a deer hunt in burilnglon and onkride where the poputa- adjudicator praises young singers during north halton music festival lui in the 1 uesd iv competi u 1 n m the north halton libin vur dusk fesiit at ihi robin ln v si te sihivl m alton the two v jene on sihihils netied a total ol l hil hvinls with ihe rolxn littk noli h to c uninv two firsts ind 1 lis ml nut the m 7 btnnvil n 1 i winninj tvei itrsts fi h lis 11i h ii ihxll inn pi t the 1 7 h 1 ill s hh i aeion utid is kv wil 1 ik t s m i h 1 11 hi ihiimj the attimoon sesonds scorn j l ul i 1 t i hisjxvtoi o g mi v 1 111 i vit 1 ii hjirmun dunn the 1 s th sbts iiiiis n k 41 nkinppm in the t 4s p s tv 1 m it v m l inspcsl rs s i sh i n v inst ij ki r x b rnh id s sss in bnki viii s h i m m js 1 lhv convimr mrs nv vs nd ind the 1 miij appkvard her sihi i rvmivoe one ses nl mi- c f uatherland tb l intntxi siun un miss daisv fett hoo ind handed and painted bv mr a iron 1 sidi aelon was won bv brook villi in the junior choir class the tropbv donated bv the lake side thipur iode acton was presented bs miss d folstcr and angers vein b the robert little school ktal the shield donated to second flmir plan winner j m denvo school m 7 w is don itid bv miss ruth ewns ted bv mrs marv il biiiqoiis 10 musii super dr fiuwuk told the aud it intirested parents that n c hints hid ilwavs been i tor hivmc exituent musk bank of montreal trophy was won by the m z bennett 1 willie assistant manager of the acton branch the youngmrs school when the boys unchanged voices choir placed first at i are pictured above with wlr wilhe after the presentation the music festival on hand to present the trophy was dick i t i rlu ni i bin idm kiilnev in th lass lor the junior ir itrst pliii intphv donned appk produtts glen will is uas vson bv norval and smii 1 b airs tarp apple r mrs 1u sihiiintk second place issisiint shield dmited bv norval busi d seen ihwimn vvas pnsnlcd bv mrs andreses campbelhlllc and s a lisj th tl rs mis pa k nh 1 t hal j ni present 1 in-ph- nv spevtd is il wat d inmidlv inplc dm t wmn t r nil i ittle vhw n iv i in m i n kimttr t lob nsiphv pt snu i b jjlrs c f snuviliti as n seen p six nds 1 t slii nd b the bank v vi 111 mi in w is wort bv the i pi k svbihil and present s1 bv cns vnckrson aeton present trophies trophv t ir tbe winnlr in kir donned bv chapiir iode fifth milton and ptvsented hv regent mrs john ernon milton was venn hv ihe 1 m dcnvcs school tmjav tbe shield for wond plaee win events dr c rov finvnk of ner donaled bv thi duke of dev toronto praised the voutu wns emshire chapter lode acton m threx vusses vn il neited ri re first ind rn sisn n s1 o ne tss ci n wilh ins wfl 11 h sltvll rv nits vi ih one tirsi t j oui ihi pnm t thm com pi u ns ml red he j h oi in pnllville w is tbe siheiol en ired in this si erbal boupueu ore awards ihe tuple tnei winners irom en williams roectved the coun- ot strathtnore iode geor tropmbshlch was pre marv kidnes mrs the shield tor second place win ders trom nqrval was donated bv the halton music festival ind pnsinied bs inspector r f bom bold in he vivs unchanged voices elass the trophv for first place was don tied bv the acton bank of memreal and presented bs assistant manager dick wilhc of avion to al z bennett school i c cm tin sed o pmgr eight 1 robert littu school unor choir won first spot in their dasslroy fenvfaick adiidcator praised ell tbe singers and music during the festival tuesday when they competed against brook- supervisors for their excellent performances and told the ville and milton as well as the aa z bennett school dr g i audience halton county has a fine repcrtatxjn for its festivals

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