Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 10

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that aprils here the good old days back in 1912 taken from the luut of the free fran thursday april ii 1912 i i wis reported on tuesday of this week lhal mr a o t beard- more who had been in england tor several week was a parson ger on the illfaied titanic thlh was not the case mr beard more had booked passage on the steamer hut later cancelled it having decided to return home on a inter boat dr coxe is out this week with a new ford motor runabout ttuvpherson for 17 new vehicle k allijcllng quite a bit or attention as it pisscs along the street after hauling logs into hender sons saw mill ill wintci the employees have begun the sum mer operation ol sawing the logs the establishment ik u s u a 1 1 quite busv foi i hi entire sum nm- nint iflnrds good em back in 1942 taken from tht luue ot the free prat thursday april is 1m1 the comfmtnllv and o wide circle of friends were knocked to heat of the sudden death ol ro- bcrt j mcpheisoii he had been about as usual dining lite dav and retired in the evening with out mm plaining of ill health during the night he sirflered n hurl mtlme and passed nuiv suddenly no cli7in lii a ton was better known than bob mi he served municipal olllcei and chief ol police and all olhei duties ot i in incumbent with that position air joe whllluun was appoint ed as scciciaiv dining the mouth meeting ol the mutton guiage opeialurs assihiit ion the ai ion man leplnies a benton who ixsigned i mm tin position t jy iiatrmrr i look forward with the keen est anticipation o the annual entire h drive for fundii eve rv you i i volunteer us a can vainer bemuse the experience provides a capsule commentmv on hum mi nature concise but lomnrv hetislve und i enjoy every in in ute ol it 1 ike everything cite the diive for tunds hus been cle valid just us the cureiaker has become a superlnlendenl ot maintenance the battle uf the bucks hus imunied the dl guise of a sector pro jet l or a visltulloii or an ingathering bui the victims arent fooled thi recugnlie you ihe minute lliev open ihe dooi just as read- you penetrate the hullow- photo by avttr taylor lets finish the job k the decision reached last saturday by tht community centre fund raising commit- tee ia encouraging the committee decided to reapproach the contributors to ask that the pledgei made in the campaign be con tinued for an additional two months the committee decided such a canvass could only be undertaken if every contribu tor it given a complete accounting of all fundi raited and the method m which they wire ipent to produce the centre we now have preliminary discussions indicate such a itttement will be given every contributor those contributing by payroll deductions and bank deductions will be requested to con tinue their pledge for an addftionol two am opes letter ehaainlirer of national revenue hear sir for some years now like a host of other email businessmen weve been your unpaid collector of a thing called federal sales tax it has been c little inconvenient for us met it has made our bookkeeping invoicing no collection a little more complicated but jpeire tried to be pretty reasonable about we have to keep a complete set of in voice of every job weve printed for your special purposes and they do crowd us a bit but we havent kicked like every other businessman we re- gwrtably dont get paid for ail the work we do but we still have had to pay the federal seles tax ev though w not only g jtuck with the cost of the materials and labor but also the tax we haven t com- ptewtod loo bitterly except perhaps under our breath we haven t objected to the arrival of your auditor on the most inconvenient day tylthe week because we realized he had to tpafntam tome sort of schedule we only had a newspaper to produce and everyone ffjgtrda that at simple so we didnt register ny dismay getting fined because we were in a hurry one morth and neglected to file a return didnt upset us too much because we reelbe the government has to be pretty strict with the small businessman for hs tardiness we patd up and shut up without struggle it has always bothered us a little that your auditor appears only every two years but then canada is a pretty btg place and big government dealing in mjltons can hdlyb expected to drop m and tee us lust to pass the time of day whenever we trunk about it really about the only thing that got us months cash contributors in last years cam paign are asked to make an additional con tnbution while final accounting has not been com pleted because the deduction time has not finished indications are that there will be a deficit of approximately 2000 this is the amount of pledges which have not been honored as yet if the campaign for the additional funds is successful and there is no reason to sus pect it wont be the deficit will be covered and funds would be available for painting parking floor and the multitude of smaller obs required to give us a final and complete community centre let s finish the ob upset was a recent tetter from your customs and excise department it told us that back in 1959 a customer ordered work from us and certified it as tax exempt we trust our customers and delivered the ob without collecting your percentage now you tell us we have to get after that customer colled your share and pay a pen alty ourselves for not having collected in fhe first place and when we phoned to complain about this situation we were told there was no such thing as appeal we should write to you personally we also suggested to your representative the problem was between him and the cus tomer your auditor was dismayed at this suggestion we were the vendor and collect- plosment to a few resident the case agiunsl sidney thur- low for illegullv selling liquor in acton was dismissed when he up pcarvd before justices h p moore and a f nkklin morris saxe the main street ineahani was the mam witness foi the pro secution he deposed that he was driv ing up main si reel one morning when sullies thurlow goi in his rig at the post oluce mr saxe said when he remai ked he had a toothache sid produced hoille of whiskey und a little glass and treated him he staled he diutik the whiskcv right there on the rig and mi thurlow put the hut tie and glass back in his pocket mi saxe dialed he did not bio ihe liquor when questioned bv the counsel foi the defendant when he couldnt recall theexact date he was gien the liquor and slated no money had changed hands judgment was reserved and then la lei the case was dis missed on lack ol evidence the amendment to the liquot license act pussed last week prohibiting the sloiing of hquui in municipalities where loeal op lion is in force is vers nrneu it forestalls ihe proposed acuon of i waterloo brewer from open ing a waichouse here in ac ion the concert sponsored b the womens institute in the town hall on monda evening was a huge success and the members supplied the laient for the een ing cili7ins are read v ing their gar dens in anticipation ot planting 1 lowers and e gel able s lor t he- summer uhcad custom receipts at ihe local ol lice in acton show a gain ol nearu 1100000 oyei last eai the increase in business in ai ions mdusines accounts loi tin big increase and customs olficci w middleion has been kept quite hus dining ihi uioiiih among the giaduates as bomb er pilots who last week received l hell wings was jiunnie jones son of mi and mis j w jones aclou the class giaduaied al the rcaf living school ai bum i foid the suppu or maple srup in ihe district ended loo lapidly foi most consumeis und supplieis eomplamed ol the cold snap which slopped the flow of sap youngtenv coles had ihe mis foi tune to be struck bv a cm ilttcen bv a milton man on mill street vesterdav aitcrnoon he suffered a ininoi scalp injury bill foittmaleh escaped moresenous iniutles the dances being held at the ymca base been greatly ap predated bv the youngci ciowd and everv fndav the ate out in good numbers lo ciijov themselv es it is a credit to the seinemiv and his wife mi and mis john n gra to look after the voung slcrs and keep the in off the si reel the limehouse womens inslil- u tc has been a busy group the past while and has certainly done us share as far as war work is concerned the number of quilts socks dresses and olh er knitted goods sent to he red cross is a grcal credit lit the small organization news rom mound the district burlington the final miss canada pageant here may have been the one last year the pageant has been beset bv troubles and several directors have quit since last years miss canada was dethroned for noi living up ii her commitments georgetown nigh school classes have folded up through lack of interest after nine years of successful opeiahon however the high school board has been asked to offer nighi courses in art and sewing due to a demand for these subjects brampton whats the xurrent p assessor bob kline declared it s 19 185 while a sign on the west side of town says 17500 and one on the south entrance calls it 18550 oakville the local coin club has drawn up a medal com memorating the amalgamation of oakville and trafalgar which will be struck this year the club has asked council for a 50 grant to help circulate the coins streetsville the public school board has decided lo noli f the ontario municipal board o a 1961 deficit totalling j462 board members blame the recent construction of kindergartens for thi- dffirit or he told us we had to collect of course he may not be quite as aware of the im portance of customers in this day and age but we would like to think you might have some knowledge in this direction now we re prepared to admit the amount isn t larqe but quite frankly were a little tired of being on the losing end of this ob of collecting your funds and if the govern ment is goinq to keep pushing small busin esses around and offering the incentive to the big boys pretty soon we ust might be a country where the little fellows have all lost their initiative end desire to operate a business as canadians wed hate to see that were entering our appeal perhaps on be half of a lot of other businessmen who usf may be aggravated at increased demands and arbitrary decisions we re writing to you at the suggestion of your representative we will appreciate the xwreyofvov reply ande milton its white hat week in milton and 10gailon size hats are flooding the town as ihcrotarv park development fund swells rotanans arc giving a white hat in receipt for every s3 donation to their park fund with childrens sic receipts for every jl donation fitting finale to years study on british guiana on thursday r garh of- the ncjghhorw-ftrrlc- gul ihe minute she hdvn twlck oi tweet mr smiley i bet you don i know who 1 am im mary theres nothing new about the church needing money ill lav odds thai st paul wns tell ing potential cluistiaiih to pul up ot shut up a couple ol thousand years ago jicuilv ami he piohahlv gol ihe same uiisweis then such as well weve had a lot ol expenses ihls vein willi llu new hnusr and it seems the i hull li is alwavs looking foi mo nev and we donate pretty heavy lo olhet chanties y know and seems lo me ikii preacher has a prellygootl thing tree house mid all and i ain i foimi mgn no pledge und n i mulled and lorly otheis as civihaiiun has beiome niou complicated the need of the ehuich fot moiiev has be come grealei maintenance costs vveie low i understand in ihe catacombs light heal m insurance didnt umouni to much and i lie icdoi didnt need a cai allowance and the telephone and ihe oigan weienl invented yii and sun day school supplies consisted dl a mick and some sund llmehousg menuettes meeting festival in news intended foi last week the llmehouse menuettes met al the home of joy patterson on april 7 with 12 members prewin t maureen williams eleanora knrn diane riscbruugh and bel tv anne brown all helped to make a lossed salad assisted by their leader mrs brown top singers congratulations to all who look pari iri the music femivil last week especially lo garry heislcr who won the gold medal mary bos who won the brone to mary lou brown and margaret am okl who look third in a duct and lo the double trio who won the shield this group included mar garcl arnold mary i ou brown linda williams rosey gat h1 mary bos and janice riscbruugh we are pleased that mrs w mrtchclt is making satisfactory progress in st michaels hospi tat following an operation on her eye wednesday of last week mrs s smith mrs les hutch inson and son jimmy of weston vutied the pattersons on salur- dov then the chrutlun made ihe mi take of moving to such incle itumt climate an tfiat of britain und thai wui the end or ihe infln itenlmnl budget they hud to move indoor and prompt h walked up lo the car into i mo rn ol carpel and nvv roof and muliicd gltum window and f unmeet und seat anil bupiuimil fontk und choir lofu and uch a if that wuint anuugh along emtio ihli craiy suclalu lie idea that mini tern and their fumlhc should eut as well or nearly on wall an the rcm of u bvei since moil churches huve been daggering along in huiiy financial condi mun when i was a boy the prob 4emwainlumpedm the lap if he wanted lo cot he preached some ol ihe mom fiery hermans 1 heurd in mv youth were ihose based qn the need- nay the duty to give more ihun twobits a week lo the church the minister would work himself into u tegiilai puioxysm on llu mibleci while tils flock just mil the iv and looked ill him coldly al it ihis system piowd to be an ultei mop ami the faith i ill piovcd us bloodless its slone ilk new method cuiu lino lis own ii hus luined out in lie immensely nucecsslu hutch revenues have skyimk eted unloituniiielv vvhii with inflation and the like cluiih expenditures have managed to slay aluuid of revenues until h now losih as much lo opetale a lairsicd church us h did 70 veals ago to operate n hut sied town todays campaign is highly or giiniul the tnde plllan ol ihe church and a few females are wheedled into declaring their willingness ly jerve there are training sessions which are a cioss between a sales meeting and a pep rally loi these volun leets tremendous enlhuklabm is aiotised this is tanned into a yours truly jim dills dave dms the acton free press u mtis and i puhaabnl by um otha mrta and pubttafeftag co u founded tn 1s75 and published every tbunday at 39 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwna and the ontaiiooueber division of the gwna advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance j300 in canada 4joq in england and other cotnroonweahh countries 5jm in the united states nd other foreign countries single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa the only paster ear published in acton n g a dills bditohnchirf david r dills managing editor editorial office phone 8532010 spring flowers decked the class room of knox presbv icnan church lasi thursday afternoon for the easier thankoffenng meeting of itu afternoon auxili ary of ihe women s missionary society the devotional exercises were conducted bv mrs o j noran mrs r r parker and mrs wm mcleoovand included portions of theam storv from the scrip tures with a beautiful poem b susan coolidge based on the storv bv si mark manv guests were prcmvit from ihe lixal churches and those ol jifci a t were gathering smd during the taking of the offering mrs m mccuuough contributed fine pta no numbers mrs shorn ii of bal- linafad rendered two greatly-en- oed solos the lilies and god speaks to me fitting fbutc the highlight of the meeting uas the visit of rev r d dun- canson of norval mr and mrs duncanson and family nave re cently reiumcd from british guiana where mr duncanson was formerly on the staff of bethel seminars georgetown and laielv teaching in berbice high school the presbvtenan missionary studs for this year has been the counts of british guiana and mr duncanson s visit was a vers ruling finale all the more mie- cesung was the thought that the duncanson familv were fneods of the late man ellen anderson bv picture and comment mr duncanson showed the condition ol the country and ihe life of ihe people as exemplified in the elevated houses and schools the stores markets and bauxite fact ones the holefilled roads and his filled trenches ihe sugar cane and rice plantations ihe vegeialion milch of n vers beau tiful and ihe appearance ol the people he told of the recent troubles he ween the local government and the new progressive panv ik i isioned bv the tension exist ing between races and answcrcd guvs uons asked of him bv the audit net a delicious lunch brought the arte moon of interesi and instrus hon to a close with none to thev bear- or whoc last brcaihe i and on ihrslgo through valle fair veiitnble flame by a ipt kci who iclls he canvbsiora how lo truck ihu liuhl nuts rverybodv agrees hat k ev erybody elw avo wtth ho should the ihuroh would be rolling in greenbacks the lli of church member is produc ed it u huge 1 1 looks us i though iheroif huve lo be an i tuldiuun built tq he church by the lime the campaign is over about here ihe mlnuier tries lo point oui lhal ll is the miss ing members suul we are ft her mil hi roll bui nobody pays hyutnu when the volun leer canvasser ure in a fine frcmy of unsolfklt inspiration their own commh ment cards or pledge cards are handed out tu them if the chair man is on his loos everybody d- jlintly increases his giving hy u buck oi 90 cciilh a week glaring al his fclluwvvorkeis and ilghi iheieihough not too many icalire il is ihe ell uitix ot the entire campaign oh it tuns lis couiu like a spent nickel returning lo tut li thet ddvatkcr arc bio- id on sunday morning thev have a lunch aflei the service and i hey go out in pulrs deter minedly rtutihlnit their imnln and l lie i r leaflets to their amazement as the fig ures are tallied they learn that the campaign has been a com plete success shes gone over tin lop lluw come because they and iheir blunvcanvassepi cat lied away by the spirit tern- poiarily had increased their own donations enough to make the total before they ever went out but its good run good fur the soul and good for ihe church so im looking forward lo next years campaign professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral d1rectobs poets corner leaves of time the leaves upon mv garden blow and cl it is not time fur spring is here and autumn now is for another clime but leaves of history ever blow in autumn rain or summer shine and on one fragrant windswcpi leaf the name engraved may well be i think arboui the leaves of lives which ever pass our way to scnle oer the distant fields and on the mountains gray dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon blue 43a mill st e acton orfkc phone i5j2111 residence 115 church st e phonc 85 j- 1664 dh d a garsctt physician and surgeon corner of willow and river bis hntrancc river st acton ont phone- 85hlm1 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 83120 office hours 64 p m afternoons by appointment awrai8ing and in f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8sw720 appraiser and insurance over so years in acton dental ire whose name breath thev oh h leib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment telephone h3o610 dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office a mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 85vi7so bus tour halton hoisiem breeders irxft their annual bus tour on tues- 6av april 10 this sears inp centered around three leading hoktein bcrdsirst stop was at danehill acres this herd is re centls established near ortllia dunrobin and errrxrolt farms at beaverion was ihe second slop the owner george mc laughkn is the immediate past president of the holstemfnesian association of canada final visit in toe tour included theherd of roy brook farm at brookhn this herd is one of ontarios top show herds and breeders had an opporuinuv to sec some of ihe famous show nng caitle as historv forms its wreath oh mas ihc all mv garden pass as on iheir wav thev go and touch each loving flower and grass the wav gods leaves doth blow for names are nought engraved by man on leaves earth winds have blown as ever since the world began the lord engraved his own avid e cohen phone 6sw350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l bu r o optumctriit contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 p jn 6 00 p m for appointment phooe 8531041 root r hamilton optometrist 70 st georges square gue for appointment phone ta 46ih hours daily exwyt wed 60 main st north georgetown for appoint meat phone tr 73971 wednesday 9 am 9 pm mon and fri 7 p m 9 p m tkavkiau ouim gray coach lines coaoss lsavs acton standafd time pt 6j3 a m daily except sun and hom tm am ii j j ajn mx p m m pjn 6j3 pjn 8 j3 p m 1008 pjn sun and hoi westbound 1027 ajn 1157 pm 2 57 pjn 377 pm 777 pan 912 pm uj2 pjn 102 ajn fri sal sun and hol canadian national railways eastern fthlhlitd ttrrrf legal a kavak is a canoe used bv the eskimos worlds princrpal commercial fruits include the grape apple orange plum pear and banana covering iiriquitv will present prosperity and the ultimate uv umph of any cause barrister and so i a tor c f leathfriand q c notary public office ho ts 10 a m 12 pjn i p m 5 pm saturdav bv appointment only phone ofrce u330 res 8531745 acton a braida b barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings 6 pm- 9pm saturday 1 pjn s pj 28 paisley st gutlph ontario phone ta 4222 office hours in guelph saturday 9 ajn 12 ajn daily 9 ajn 5 pjn eattbotnd 644 ajn to toronto daily ex cept sunday 9j3 am to to ronto except sunday 77 pjn to toronto daily excpt sat and sun 841 pin to toronto sun day only westbound 8 30 ajn to stratford dafly ex cept sun 626 pjn to stratford dairy except sat and sun 7j7 pm to stratford daily accept sun 1329 ajn to strwfotd 1 u2 pja to stratfofd sntunlay only ludm wdo st iso wpftctloml lacunar tm to js-

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