Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 11

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12 jvttatm iwwwnw by sandy best m p the prtme minister introduced fftlne tope c commons recent iv notice of motion for reform of ac senate of canada most 1 would agree that ex tensive reforms in this body are necewary and possible changes in tnc senate might include the retirement of senators at age 75 the senate has in rc c e n t year performed tome useful functions particularly through its committees the senate corn mittee on land use in canada compiled ohc of the best collec tions of information on conserva tion in this country its commit t on b abouv useful and detailed testimony from expert witnesses across the country however the government has had legislation blocked at more than one point- by the senate one such instance was the im portant measure generally des cribed as the class or kind made in canada legislation enaction of which would provide at least 100000 additional jobs for cana dians the application of the closure rule during the pipeline debate in 1956 served to terminate dis cussion on that matter in the house of commons when the government took office a year later it was its intention to study reforms of the rules of the house and the abolition of the closure measure several chang- jin procedure in the house have made for more rapid and cf flcient debate and a committee has been established to study the elimination of the closure rule grain for china further gram sales to china have been announced by the min ister of agriculture you may re member not so many years ago the tremendous wheat surpluses which plagued this country ag gressive selling and export have v helped reduce these surpluses and indeed there is a possibility of insufficient supplies for all trie markets and customers that have been developed frank magee m p toronto yorkscarborough recently in troduced bui to study the pos sibility of creating the office of speaker of the house of com f permanent position as was the case with his prcdecei son the hon roland ichcner of st paul s riding toronto has been prohibited from campaign mg politically while he holds tlr office of speaker the opposition nominated an opponent in hie riding some three years ago who has been campaigning since thai time mr magee s bill would change this unfair position of the speaker and proposes a permah enl speaker for parliament hill itself halton on the local scene i have add ed up some figures on ptnsioni in hilton county during tlw past five years since 1957 13 i mil lions has been paid to halto i s oldage pensioners the two in creases since that lime bringing the pension from 46 to 65 per month means that in 1962 o d age pensioners in halton will re ceive one million dollars otr the amount paid in 1957 old age assistance payments have ountcd to 100000 in the sarin period and blind and disabled pensions amounted to almost 300000 since 1957 the government has paid almost 10 million to 11300 families in halton for children s allowances you nny remember lhat swift action was brought about on a hospital insurance scheme soon after the govern ment was elected and 1 estimate lhat this year federal contribu lions to hospital insurance coser age of people in halton wll am ounl to some two million dol lars hospital grants government grants for hospital construction in halton have more than doubled in the past fhe years in 195657 grants from ot tawa for construction of hospi tals in this county amounted to 6j million dollars in 19601961 they amounted to 173 million dollars with new hospitals com pleted in burlington georgetown and milton and an addition made to trie oakvrlletraralgar memor lal hospital halton received one million dollars in federal grants to its hospitals since 1957 grants from ottawa to the halton coun tv health unit havt amounted to halton manot c6ix bingo baptist church choir on manor fare by mua muriel thompson a second visit this season by the choir of emmanuel baptist church in milton made the chapel sen ice on sunday after noon april i an inspiring and outstanding one the 15 ladies and gcntlcnun of the choir and their choirmaster r brock came to the manor with their pastor clayton coles directed bv mr brock the numbers of the choir blended their sokes in lovely fashion in the singing of three anthems though your sins be as scar let it is will with mv soul ind his love is like a flower the choir also led in the spirited singing in unison of seeral fam il hymns mr colts based his interesting sermon on the first seven verses of chapter 2 of revelation show ing how christians in our present da and age can draw inspiration from the lives of the early christ ians described in these verses mr brock played handel s lar go as a postlude apjcr the service on monday evening april 2 a number of residents travelled by bus to the catholic centre audi tonum at bronte to sec the beau tiful colored moving pictures of the beauty spots of new zealand and of its native people the maoris explained in person by bathic stuart who is herself a new zealandcr it made a dc lightful evening for those resi dents who were able to go 275000 over the sime period of time your letters continue to reach me concerning various problems and also containing many sug gcstions and criticisms which have proven most helpful i wct come vour comments at any time and they keep mc informed as to what you are thinking about various matters you feel should be brought to the fore at ottawa this sundays church calendar lti 7 church op st auan thi martyr anqucan corner willow and bower rector bjl l s iv 185 jeffrey ave phone 8532694 good friday sen tee 11 ajn holy saturday esensong 8 pm s sunday april 22nd 1962 easter day 8 jo am holy euchanst 9j0 a m choral euchanst 1100 am choral eucharist tuesday after easier 730 hoiy euchanst all are welcomcl fcm- chrtsttan rtformrd church rev j nutma b a b d minister 301 queen st box 46 phone 8534175 sunday april 22nd 1962 00 am english service 230 pm dutch service 345 pjn sunday school you are cordialh invited to join with us in worship in acton y mcjl pastor j h wilson phone 8532137 sunday april 22nd 12 easter sundas services christ the lord is risen toda 945 am familv bible school 1100 am the lord s rrin indeed special mume 7 p m hi inr and my god wdnes- apnl 25 8 pm bible smdy hour 95 agnes st to pic training in church membership tenter into his gates nh thanksgmngaand into his courts with prtlse baptist church acton pastor rev james m rudd 39 nelson court phone 8534925 easter sundav sunday april 22nd 1962 945 am sunday sehool 1100 am the resurrection obsen ancc of the lord s supper 6 30 pm pre service pracr meeting 700 pjn a christian lavman speaks wednesda 730 pmcr and bible study fndav 6 30 explorers 710 biptist high fellowship all are welcome prisrytrian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master faster sundav si 4day april 22nd 1962 9 45 am church school 1000 a m minister s teenage bible class 1100 am easter worship scr mon theme the spell ot imm trulilv spoeul ehun mum j unmr congregai ion bos s and girls 3 to 7 years meets dunng sermon 2 00 pm chunh mmlxrship ci iv for t iiing people everyone most welcome thu was the lost of the series of travelogues sponsored month ly bv the kiwanfs club of oak vllle at which the residents have been guests and they arc grate ful to he klwanldns for having given them so much pleasure kinsmen bingo eighteen games or bingo were enjoyed by about 60 men and women residents on wednesday evening april 4 when the kins men club of milton conducted the third bingo in their senes of monthly bingos at the manor this bingo had been postponed from march 28 six kinsmen came to conduct the bingo among them their president john wingrovc and their excel lent caller dave brush mr brudivfmc crenrvotee and suit able timing and the asslstanee given to the handicapped by the other five kinsmen made this bingojjtke the other two a very pleasant affan the prizes were supplfcd bv the kinsmen and a gnit number were won in the 18 games win ners of two prizes each were mrs e bond mrs a agncvv miss h marcv and g willnms those who won one prize each were mrs w mathlas mrs b wilson mrs a collier mrs e flaxman mrs r tlnhm mrs m walters mrs m forbes mrs a cumm ing mrs m shaw miss m moun e dovdk and w richards h cancer film shown st albans guild st arban s pansh guild met with mrs w denny presiding the meeting opened with the guild prayer the minutes or the last meeting wen read by secret ary mrs l clarke and were sec onded by mrs c lealhcrland treasurer mrs harold denny gave her report which was sec onded bv mrs e blunn after short business session mrs denny closed the meeting with prayer when a delicious hinch had been enjoyed the members were privileged to see a color film shown bv harold dennv entitled the woven thread it was the siorv of the cancer society in cinada woven into a delightful travelogue from newfoundland to british columbia showing points of interest and beauty across the nation mwwwvw scoops 51fr fronrspeysme sthool irftcnded tor last week room 1 the children rcccly ed their report cards and were erv excited about ihem in sci ente thev are looking for signs of spring they bate welcomed three new pupils in three weeks room 2 miss mcencry asked the children to bring branches with buds on them we were tb put the dale and name on ihem the childun did so nou we have t he rr apple and almost ail rhc branches vou can think uf most of the branches have green showing a few even have flowers on ihem room 3 for irt this week we did sketchings of pupils on fndav wt saw two films one eilled the beaver and one in colour named common birds of canada last wednesday we received our easter report cards we have a bird c and each tlav the pupils areaading fotff nimes of birds whieh thev see room 4 with the festival coming we have betn practising oftenwith the assistance of our teachers on wedncsdas we received our report tards with rhich most ol us were pleised all in all it has been a rather exciting week for room four room 5 in arithmetic todav wbdmro acton mmkoatal talnacti 13 churchill road pjuxc rev kenneth j reid pastor 75 cook st fllone ss31i57 sunday april 2nd 1962 70 mrt sunrise service lftoo ajn sunday school lljom ueralng worship 70je service k ta t njo ttjr arrf i pan christ atnhav sessw aann hnwanw united church of canada acton ontario minister the res dwuihl i engel bjs bd organist mr george elliott ma good fndav service of devotion and meditation 10 am sunday april 22nd l2 7 v a m youth son ice moo am divine scrvree a nursen is provided for infants dunng the 11 oeloek semce the church school 9 jo am the senior school for those in grade 5 and higher 1 1 00 a m the junior school for preschoolers to grade 4 all welcome mvfflatims amouncem94ts accessoks come in and ask for your fftee bridal gift dills stationbty hum s s grade rfghj jearnestabpu jttlljs in science grade seven l learning about the breeds of cat tie grade eight is learning about air masses and weather school news during the fine spring weather shown us last week a welcome event took place at 9peyside ps on thursday the principal with many assistants laid out the new baseball diamonds mark ing the opening of the season at our school four diamonds were laid out one in each corner of what used to be the senior boys soccer field the baseball fever is spreading fast mvhwooo thtratfoivfwt pw i thwwuy april ipih 9o2 pay wi dues for m call new slate of officers named cgit program a erv pleasant little evening of eniert unment wis provided for the residents on fridiv ning april 6 bv 17 fnendlv voung girls who belong to the senior and junior groups or tlu atlon untied church canadian cuk in tr lining the guls were iicom panied bv their lenders mrs d engel mrs k allen and miss r small to open the prognm a double io of girls unueompiniecl sing the song the bluebells of suit land ttwsgirk were n dub j dub c blunn d iionside a trjli and e heard other musi eil numbers were given at inter vals throughout the program these vveie i bagpipe solo by b cook dressed in i seottish cos ume i piano solo i chopin pre lude bv r lamb and an aeiord ion solo celke lindo bv j vin den blink severil readings wtie also given these wire a denomi national ciiden tmin mis wiggs of the cabbagi paleh bv d an gel the owl and the pussv cat bv s irwin and s winters and a robinson crusoe bv r el liott the last number on the pro gram was a graceful ballet dance from the sleeping beautv per formed by g lauder who was dressed in i cry prellv pink and blue ballet costume for hei danei at the close of this cnjovable nogram the young girls with irs engel it the piano led the residents in i singsong to whieh thev asked mr n viggers to con tribute by playing the bones these kind and thoughtful young girls added to the pleasure of the evening by helping mrs allen with the serving of cold drinks and cookies to all present this is the second ociamon on which these young girls have enl eriained the residents in crv pleasant fashion eloquent sermon an eloquent sermon on the top ic the paradox of the cross by rev j k l mcgown minister of knox presbytecari churph in muton marked the service m th chapel on passion sunday atur noon apnl s after reading vers es 3444 of chapter 27 of st mat thew s gospel mr mcgown chose verse 42 as the verse in which the paradox is stated mr mcgown said that it would have been easv for christ with his omnipotent power to come down from the cross he did not do so because his death on the cross was the divine plan for the salvation of mankind with mrs s lockic playing the organ miss elsie jagt sang a love ly and appropriate solo i love him because he fjrsl loved me mrs dave williamson was host ss to the members of silver wood women s institute tor the innml meeting on april 12 four- tteii members were present with one vfslior roll call as is usual with this meeting meant the payment of dues l or the coming year in the nbsenee of ihe president mrs wilson through illness mrs george burt took the ehair it was decided o renew mem bershlp with the children s aid a subject tor the training school was decided upon and plans were diseussed for the halton manor birthdiv party on april 19 to bif put on jointlvbv limchousc w i md the ladies of the branch mrs w r norton gave i repoil on ihe recent distnet meeting new officers officers for the coming ycir will he president mrs x avil son tirsl vicepresident mrs george burt second vieepresi dull mis t l miller secretary hcisucer mrs george henoer son dislncl director mrs w r norlon bi inch directors mrs tied cimpbell mrs r r cor belt pnnisi mrs donald lind s iv luclitors mrs g burt mrs ii m irehington gonvcneis agneullure mrs d lmtls iv cinadian industries mrs russcl miller citizenship mrs h liiidauer historical re se ueh mis marchington ur rent cvtnts mrs williamson home economies mrs d peek health mrs k c lindsav pro gram mrs wilson courtesy mrs t applevnrd lowci and foil lund mis l i millei tweeds muu historj mrs k c lmdsi mrs marchington roll call mrs w r norton mis a mcciurc ind mis geo henderson assisted the hostess in rving refreshments mr and mrs clare wilson al ictvand mr allan duncan were visitors on the weekend at the home or mr and mrs duncan s parents mr and mrs floyd dun can of hopctown youngster at christmas dinner i dldn t like the turkey bar i like the bread the bird ate foft alnujamoiand tvutaim manning stktric call umtm milk for health refresh with our delicious guernsey gold 2 milk canada s finest tabic milk oniy 23c quart for prompt courteous delivery acton piiqne85wm41 dairy don timminqs prop service station for lease in acton full information such at money required terms and profits financial assistance etc apply john ultafi box 308 ancaster ont phone evenings milleft 81656 days jackson 72901 palli mckiv of spcyside was n inied umoi reserve jumper and rosemary campbell of mof fat won the 11 to 14 cars equita lion diss in the can idian horse show 1961 championships u was announced last week h s hoden optometmst eyes examined glasses fitted 36 cork si bit guelph phon taylor 271s0 ifuswyrthhavingit8ioorthsavingfor save at brnk the bank of ndvr scotir shoatjll sheet aaetal plumbing and heatino contractors gv vim oil aod gas funaces m pumps pressure laun dry and sump hot water heaters water softeners complete stock of pipe ind fittings septic tanks and beds shop 59 willow st n phone 8530270 acton ont f shectmetal fabricating of all kinds eavestroughing all the necessary pipe and fittings for the heat ing trade oil burner service annual father son and daughter banquet thursday april 26th 700 pm in ie acton ymca fred hunt quest speakers manager of the buffalo b sons chico maki forward w th the buffalo bisons ann deckop former american ladies figure skating champion tickets may be obtained at the ymca say it with flowers lor easter we have a urge auortment of easter uues hydrangeas mixed pans potted daffodils and mum cut flowers come out and se 1 ttofl of cwtqfvemmf and fruit urge sctao floral designs for all occasions confine nurseries m4en centre west of acton on highway 7 south sde phone u3mm opb am th djutk 7 dats a week fresh roasting chickens fresh turkeys 6 to 8 lbs avg 6 to 10 lbs avg afuuunc of smoked easter hams readytoserve easter hams smoked cottage rolls bradleys meat market hee muvry momus1m0

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