Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 3

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personal notes of actonlam vliltlnfl outof town points and of vhttort in aton homes mr and mrs wiltam mackiy are back from a holiday in vir ginia t rev brolhcr norman hinton and mr shinorohn visited on slinday with mrs h w hinton we 1 known uuiuortlir mr ruv hindlcv is visiting in johnson ctty tennessee with his nephtw mr j h damptcr mr and mrs wanxn wood and sloven of st cathannts visiltd with relatives in town on the weekend mus mar waisop daughter ol mr and mrs tom watmin had her tonsils out in st josephs hospital guelph wednesday friends here were sorry to learn thai mr dean leslie was taken ill md hospitalized in st petersburg florida he is out of hospital now one of thi stars in the george town revue operation 62 was mrs ron rupert of aeton 1 1 wat put on by the rotary club in aid of the georgetown hospital david w gohn dc was the guest speaker al the circle k day at the weekly luncheon of the downtown klwanis club held at ihc roval york toronto wednesday of last week when the south western ont ario weekly newspapers associa lion met in exeter on saturdas mr henry deeau and mr jim dills were there representing the aeton and milton newspap- milton hopes to raise mono for a community swimming pool some of the men on the commit tec there came up to acton sat tirdiv morning to gel from the reconvened a rem committee some hints on how to run a sue cessful campaign demonstnting a durc for an other young skilcr in george town ircna miss srnron brad lev caught the pick of her kau in the ice tripped and fell break mg her ankle so the skating sea son is really over for the daugh ler of mr and mrs cliff brad lev she had rust made her hrsi appearance on home tee in the lions carnival one week before peter andrews plates third in district speaking final peter andrews of campbcllvillc public school hull on hopes o capture the district public speak ing final it percv mciry school on tuciiduv placed third behind a york cotinlv boy and an onl orio county girl jack hurst of york county s speech on sir john a macdonakl won him the honoi or represent ing york onl ino hihon ind peel counties in the next speak off setond w is f luiiccs maro osis of oshaw i with i talk on schools in the ve ir 2000 peter andrews wis ihud speaking on the grcatesl invention in the pai 100 years tckision eich spcakti received i gift icrtificik it simpsons from the onlano pubhe school tiustces assoct ilion and the lop thice contestants were awarded clock from ontario hvdro other speakers were k i sinn ton or ncwmarkel pilmir i nucci of cooksvillc philip ames pick enng andmdjriljjn methaji oi jort credit inspdioxj afltortinaf peel county wiscralrman and judges wcie inspector t hough ton ol ontario count mi runs burs of lnkeshorc ti uhiis col lege and pnneipil n m 1 1 hi sun of port credit i lakcvicw cent ral school during the lime the judges were making their decision the three percy merry fcsmil choirs sjnfe the numbers thev gac at l be recent festival ind the grade eight girls and boys did two folk d inees grade five to eight siu dents ul pcicy mciry sal in on ihc speeches grass fire acton firefighters battled a gi iss fire monday uftemoon that raced out of control in two dif icrent locations along the third line ind cnr i icks opposite the lirm borne of john r spiowl ul r r 4 aeton the fire was noticed fits from the home of mr spruwl and alter it wa rcahid the flames were quinine too much hcadwa i i ill was sent to ihc hremen 4jwmjoo4cr jincs and brooms firefflanr6tight the blaze under ifinffa flames wcix licking into mimic hushes near dolly varden it is believed ihe fire was start d h someone tossing i lighted iilhi hi out oi i car mndou mmvxmwi aj taartfikijfumsms council briefs tuesday afternoon at the april meeting of hal ton county coun ell county assessor j ford rog ers was delegated to altend the annual conventions of the asses sors of ontario and the canadian association of assessment offic warden wjihnd bird of es que sing and finance committee chauman reeve c a martin of milton were delegated to the ont ario welfare council conference in may a by law was approved pros id ing for financial grants on ihe construction of retarded child rens schools it 1 so per squaic foot based on the cxtenoi mcas urements of the building the grants will be paid only on new construction members acknowledged re icipl ol the hnal payment of 16 s25 provincial subsidy on the h il tun manor extension the lolal cost was 928 298 lev 117 451 led eral sales tax provincial subsidy was 1452 106 and the net cost to ihc county was 1458648 paid from current revenue over the past three years the agriculture committee re ported weed inspector vernon mcarlhur had submitted his year ly report on weed conlrot open tions and a booklet kit which will be distributed to hauon schools he noted much eoopcia lion with highway authorities ihc hydro bell telephone co and conservation authorities but ex plained he was still trying to se cure closer cooperation with rail wiy officials on weed control on their right of ways accounts totalling j7s43190 were approved for payment a request from the crown attorney s office for dictating equipment was held for consul cration when equipment is pur chased for the new building 95 in fox bounties for the town of burlington wirc authonz ed paid and deputvrexve herb mem ol oakulk announced he was glad to see all ihe fox popu lation wasn t in esqucsinj the manor boird reported ihc payments for boarding out of residents in special home eaie hid been in icastd b 15 a month lu 90 monlhh the bo ird ilso informed lounul thev were calling foi tendcis for remodelling ihe spec la care wing at ihe manor to pimidi mure iceommod itiun engineer r smith and ro ids foreman stan wilson were an i ho ri7cd to attend a weed school in guelph april 25 the purchase uf cighl tvpc writers al is0 each a sjmoj of 14s on e ah w is luthoned the will he nit tit d in the new bin ding lor tanous administra hon and justice offices mtmhirs ic lined rni i rsckman ol burlington a uuniv councillor who has bun hospn i ied since oeiohtr with i brken kg wis operated on last wick for i kidnes ailment and was slill in hospital firefighting hydro workers fan blazing midnight session sparks flew as mayor john gay and other memben of acton hy dro commission locked horns in a heated debate regarding hy dro workers taking part in volun teer firefighting this happened when the commission burned the midnight dil thursday april 12 during regular session kindled by commissioner gor don mcculcheon the debate went bick and tutth across the table as each commissioner stat cd his mcws mr mccuteheon had enquired why iwothirds of the ihicc rmn hvdro slnfl were away llghling i gmss fire he pointed high school news engagements mr ind mrs f hutsm in wish m in mm mi thi tnitnitn i the it dauliur thcicsa tu r ilph fkrddemmmt nd mi john fleddeus m nn plan in acton m n it 1962 like by gary murr due lo circumstances beyond the control ol the student coun cil ihe dance planned for tonight thursday has been called eff the second tcim is almost over and when it is most of the students will heave a sigh of re lief easter holidays begin today and no doubt most ol the stud enis and teachcis will cnioy the bncl resl the curctakus will probably be ihe only ones who will h ic lo plod along with then dailv routine on tucsd ly the boys lrom the giadc 10 shop ehss enjoyed a tour ol ihe h k porler plant ind illu the lour ucre allowed lo b rouse itound al their own leisuie lor a few minutes a tnp ihiough the ford motor plant al oakullc his been added lo the agenda lor the boys physical education classes aie taking adantagc of the pie i suil wi iiher ind students ire piactieint toi the li ick and field mul earls in may rclaii u tiain ing period for the trick and field is being held at 4 pin ind anyone interested in joining is welcome lo altend volleyball priclicc is also bunt held it this umc things aie buzuij around ihe sehool these days as three hives or ippioxim itely 45 000 bees hie irmid and ire bcing caied for by the uade 10 agn eulluie science eioup each imc h is one queen ind 15 000 bees ind the gals have made up a su gar solution for feed until pollen time at leist the greenhouse shouldn t require a watchdog with ill these bees around the made science group have dso plinted seeds in ihe i lowe r beds around ihe sehool in order lo beautify the school as et ii as conduel experiments in the event an sludeni s pir mts h ie slips from plants they do nil icquire the seunee diss would hi hippy ti reiiim them vandalism h is been causing himk to the greenhouse and on ue unl of broken yundoyis si mill pi mis ind lowers ua list n mount ol frccinj just reeentls i stum w is heaed so h ud u broke ihi greenhouse win d iw ind earned on through lo puieti hi thi inside sehool win dun ni ill pride oursehis in ntr nehttmf iitul the u shi old ix ilii soim d iy ttuv too will be in hilh sih ml out a recent visit to the fire hall following he standing of the siren had revcajed this the su perintendent and two staff mem bcrs arc firefighters what happens to the ruling that one man should not work alone when his two partners are out fighting i ires mr mecul eheun enquired chairman gor don beany wondered if there weie anv particular terms hid down rcguding all or the hydro stafl joining the fire depart mml commissioner r iy arbie sliled he was sympathetic with ihe fire department but eoutd hirdly agree with lvolliiuls ol the staff attending a grass fire at the s imc tirne i feel doug doug mason hvdro supenntcndenl should be present at fires in the ntnl of an emergence to giye instruction but i am not agree able to losing men at grass or chimney fires however i will go along with it for the sake of good will he stated not out of town commissioner g mccuteheon warned his colleagues the hydro workers must be ready for ejn cigency line work in the event of i serious ire but siid thcykhnuld n il go oul ot town and lease onlv um in m viet ehaiiman ted tytei said he hid no objeetions lit ihe thru employees belong ing lo the fire dcpirlment but w is uf the opinion thev shouldn i invc town to light t fire while the round tabli diseus sion wis in prugt ess mas or go lapped his pencil on the table unlit fimlly he gave nohec he w is gradually losing his temper m spile ol effi us lo nnh it af lei ill our superintendent did not nnke the rule ibout one man standing bv while i fcltuw woik cr was up a pole if these ei ployees ire members of the fire deparlnunt why shouldn t ihcy to lo a hrc 1 ean i see this is a very serious thing you can al ways make a mountain out of a mole hill if you want to the mayor exclaimed mr goy told his colleagues he thought one hydro worker left in town to look after hydro problems would be sufficient where responsible chan man beatty enquired il the eommission s responsibility was to the consumer or to the tire brigade he received a euil reply horn the mayor who slit ed show me one instincc where the hydro custumei has been hui in the past and i will go ilung with your line of thought maybe some pails ol the pres ent setup are not quite righl but is in eleelcd group 11 is oui duly to lead the way lor others to lo low rem uked mr gov chair man beaily said thai only one hydro yvoiker should attend in outof town fire while the other two remain in town i cant think of any other business which e lusis down completely sy lule employees are off fighting files he stated when asked pofnt blink he though the present set up wis nghl and propel mayor guv re spomled with an cmphuii yes no novelty hydro superintendent doug misuil expl lined ill it willi in newly installed twow iv i kiio svstuii in the hie trucks and at the hill one ot the hydro woik ers might cuiieteyably rem i m it ihc hill to mswci cills to tins commissioner mccuteheon added the ndiu system is a bit ol i nuilf just noyv mi m ison s face teddciled is he tuuk exeep hon lo ihc eumment i ircurdcr to scltlc ihe irgument i hireom mission approved a reso lution instructing the supennltn dent to send one man lo oulol lown fues and two men lo lircs in town tha acton free press thursday april 19th 1962 fred dawkins rotary choice for fourday ottawa visit tred dawkins a sludeni ac ion high sehool kaus mu 1 ton by plane some lime about ihe middle ol may fm his ad i yenlurx in cltienship which will take the torm ol i fotu diy event filled yfsit lo llu n it ion s eapitil he is toeing spoil sored bv ihe roiarv club ol ai ton l i paituipik in litis i2lh hi mill piiin t il llu kut ny tint ol ott iw i along with 220 uilui h i i 1 gnls f diii tnv iiiadi in pit v inn thi nuiih wist i i itoi it s hid die yllkltl i leh or sp ii sied hy i rot in club i led will turn the p irli inn lit h nld iti visit tin nihoml ilkts ridi hi hill tin usidin i ot llu goyernoi genet il ihe r mp tr lining ctnlt il rmklitu pirk ottiwis ily hill and other points ul inlnesl preview of capital untie i the gtnd line r the nit ion ip c ipit il coiiiiiiissi in tin young y isiloi s y ill be show n sighls of pitsint d iv oil iw i ind a preyieiv of ihe nitiunal i ipil il as it is pi inried loi ihe lulim thev will lake pail in ci nip dis ussiuns at carleton university beiniig on ihe suhjects of gov irnment ind political silence a lefton ol ihe trip will be the r eeteitiotiv un i he list day of the isil diiiiiic winch etuh boy and tirt will iieeivi ii c inidiun cili itisliip itiilu hi fiom ihe hon i lui i iiiiloiigh minislei of cll tenship ind lmmilr itioti hit 221 students wh m i ik ing put i ihe t62 oil iw i visit eke id ihi h i of si hoi istii t iiidnil piituipatfon in ilioiil i timlus mil ability in piihlu spt iking af le i their ad e n tin i in eililiishp i oyer e li slidtll is seheduk i lu des- t i hi his ii h i ixpiniikis and iinpiissiuns id ii mie town aud it ik is i net is the sou uf ml ind mis 1 i diwkms apius st is 16 years old nd n li idi 12 hi will be twit c mat hint t ins hip for tin hit puss l annilut den yvas killed by a hi mijhu iv 401 nt it the kel lliuisdivul list week little ihmige to the may we remind you thai il is rime to lei us f v jidbvtj clean store p- youk valuable j sztaanmbll winter garment s for the summer months safe insured low cost storage service mmswm custom cleaners vnmssrnffljijjji sm day scrvlc exnpl sslurday hlh8bbils in by 10 ajll oul by 5 pan xbiihht cash and larry mm main st n phone 8531 180 aylmer fancy ntt photo triple duet from the robert little school placed first tues day durmq the hatton county music festival when dr g roy fenwick was the adud cato the srml nq and exc ted girls are p ctured above w th their trophy left to t qht are linda lingham josit murray manlyn cripps jacqueline lee laura ironside and marianne coles music sukkvlsoits end the adjudicator review one of the songs following the conclusion of the morning act vities at the hatton music festival n acton tuesday pictured left to right stftndinq ai me rear are mrs janette ledwith mrs mary kidney and mrs donna manes dr g r fenwck adjudaior and music instructor glenn banks are shown m the front for easter from hintont flonst department they make a lovely gesture whether t be flowers for your wife your mother your swaethaart your fnartd graves church or home cut flowers easter lilies african violets hydrangeas rose buds polyanthus begonias geraniums pelagoriums gloxinias boston ferns potted mums cacti phhodendrons rubber plants assorted succulents and tropical ptants ai it 1 mialhs i r t io in i i i in l r rirrumhr inn remember a sick friend or shutin at easter ftmm qualm slk irvim dik i btanipt o b t ir thi taitm aoitmmtt jilil iunl i prtiv hinton s 5c to 1 store florist department we deliver tomato juice ttor 9w drijmontf fancy fruit cocktail 39c pfar shaped maple leaf hams 139 iga i lb bag royal guest coffee- 59c burns shamrock skinless shankless smoked ready to et whole or half hams 57 grade pndrptt fresh remly for oven turkey broilers 43 tahlertc rlndless i lb pkg sliced side bacon 65c maple leaf pure pork i lb bug sausage meat 35c extra a total of 28 in bonus tapes cigarettes receive 600 tn bonus tapes with salad dressing all popular cm i 100 recelc f4jt in bonus tapes with t iquid n f jim dandy cleanser bttk orange juice olh 6 receive 2jm in bonus tapes with greetj giant peas fao 2 tablerite wieners tomatoes- v jx itnuz swicl jar miid rose pickles margarine strawberries tulp c jul ouik llh pk i i i t i lrir lk 2 or 55 3 or 00 sweet juicy jaffa oranges 69 so i gradf pei potatoes larg six c t fix idib bag 33c green tinder no 1 rdi bl mh broccoli 29c trisp fresh so i grdf carrots 2 bunches 25c we reserve the right to limit quantities store closed good friday april 20th

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