Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1962, p. 2

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s0krnpkt at the acton bowling fanes high school april 9tlectr needed their two and totals win from hot dogs to stay on the top rang at that they have to share it with comets who won three games from rockets turning on the winning switchfor blectrasrwere terry maltt 629 and oonna pendleton 275 donnas single in cidentally is a new single record for he gals keith andrews with a hot 76 trlcounts was a one man gang for the comets in their triple win gary masales fashion ed a 207 single for the rockets dunblowins made it a two and totals win from foulers bans triples and singles- a nexed the middle chukker by 10 pms when murray smith by name unleashed a 207 solo leafioe standing blectras 109 comets 109 hot dogs 104 dun blowins 101 rockets 85 foulers 59 btardmoro april 9 ermo favro 607 and eddie jank 602 plus tyle cnpps 219 solo paced hep cats to a twb and totals win over tne hi hopps who on the strength of phil le- sueur 686 ben bavhss 243 and harry mcfadden 210had to be content with winning a single primroses hung onto second place with a two and totals win from lucky seven almost won three but missed out in the third game by 16 pins arlic white 654 frances crooks 653 helen u- sueur 202 and dennis crooks 205 tripled and singled for prim roses pat waldie 626 john den nis 221 helen yateman 226 and jake vanderkooy 232 were in a jikc category for the seven mug wimps bumped stnke aheads out of second place when they came off best in a 52 go tinme masalejr 778 315 bert tire- man fowler 666 bea anderson 230205 and sonny townslcy 200 headed up the mugwumps win strike aheads were not amass for triples and singles roger mur ray 650 big al pavli 615 wild bill howell 210 getting em johnnys crew cakewalked to a seven point win from the shorthanded untouchables with howie janks 282 solo standing out archie paplllon 208 and chuck suntcr 239 gave it the ojd college try for the losers league standing hep cats 132 primroses 110 mugwumps 109 strike aheads 108 lucky seven 85 hi hopps 81 johnnys crev 70 untouchables 61 legion ladies april 9 flip flops cut watch outs down to size when after dropping the first game toy nine pins they swung into high gear and won the next two and totals helen jocqucs 233 solo was flip flops best phyllis angcll tnpled for watch outs with 6 no blows were also on the two and totals kick with jets bemg the victims ivy martins 685 triple and dons angells 211 solo along with jean bui loughs 213 lew up the no blow pinfall jus third game win was headed up by the solos or marg coker 207 and fern shultis 208 league auuidlng watch outs 96i no blows 95 flip flops 95 jcti 91 vi bins springs april 10 carnations are still leading in the strciuli run iwo and totals win from violets k ing ihcm three point ahead of the mums jennie clcndenmng and millie stitt were the top- flighlcrs for carnations with 612 and 651 in that order wjlh wan etta smith singling a 221 for good measure the gough gals did their sisttr act for violets with maxinc getting a 216 and marj a 272 chervl phillips round cd out the tno of solos with a 236 glads are still making a bid for the fourth playoff spot thev won the first from mums but mums shut them out in the next two ofr the big share bf a s 2 go adcle nolans 687 audrev urquharts 620 and naiuv jen sens 280 for mums didn t give glads much of a ihanie sophie oehtrich 636 and verna church ill 209 tripled and singled for glads asters did their best to clip the roses but after wanning the first game fell b the side and it wa ruses lor two and totals with joanne inscoe 208 shirley hunter 200 and jan 1 ice withers 210 sparking the win asters top scores dm not make the mentionables league standing carnations 123 mums 120 violets 103 roses 92 glads 88 asters 62 micro plastic april 10 hi impacts are in high gear for thai first place fin ish and a two and totals win from die beaters keeps em roll ing mary cooney 635 kurt haefner 236 herman bessem and elsa macke 238 were im pacts highs herb schutjert 234- 208 cyril leighton 211 and bill eiling 258 were on the single tta teau for die beaters elsie sfh 229 solo was flexibles top score but they made it a two and totals win from gcons geons had the scores but not the games joan knight 681 and bob dnnkwalter 223 bell rangers rang the winbell for two games against the scrappers but scrap pers had the pinfall for the odd totals point by 29 pins lea mc- gilloway winged a 797 358 for the ringers with bob allonby soloing a 204 in a like vein for scrappers were hank earle 657 ena gibson 250 and hugo schmidt 206 league standing hi impacts 106 flexibles 100 geons 100 bell ringers 97 scrappers 94 die beaters 92 industrialcommercial april 11 it was a rip snorting finish with the industnal-com- mcrcialists ledgers iga grab bed off seven points from the firefighters to finish in a top spot tic with als snack bar who went for a two and totals win from reliable taxi al delivery and pauls mens wear who start ed off the night in third and fourth spot respectively finished all snarled up in the second spot when the haberdashery boys slammed the aoncrs down for a no count low this necessitates a special rolloff lo decide first se cond third and fourth spot seems as there is some financial rewards in the order of the fin ish to dwell upon the individual performances in the ledgers firefighters go it was bill shan non 743 308 martin ochlnch 618 and wayne kelly 620 copping the tncount honors wth the luncheon and taxi outfits af fair it was don grein 717 bill williams 707 32i ross morion 652 and jeff fryer 62 for top triples hilling the lrupie plateau in the v1 pauls mens wear hassle were ducky harris 682 scutch mccutuieon 723 316 leo mcgjtloway 663 carl defor- cst 609 bo taylor 604 had de- forest 641 league standing als snack bar 128 ledgers iga 128 al delivery 120 pauls mensiwcar 120 reliable taxi 114 firefight ers 20 flash in a spctial three- game rolloff first place al snack bar beat ledgers iga 1320 ptnfau lo 3044 ihhd plate al del i cry beat pauls mens wear 3091 pinfall to 2727 acton ladies april 11 lis still anybody race in the acton ladies and ca meos regained the top spot with a iwo game win from mccallum services cameos grabbed the se cond chukkcr b two pins and mccallum s with a big first game annexed the odd point for totals pat fpzzdl 656 marion storev 216 peg ballcntme 219 headed up the mats storing cameos went on a solo hop mar mc mellor 200217 jean mtphail 249 marg toth 246223 prouse motors did a little free wheeling at the expense of the vets with nan hurst 200 slef pevtha 218- 200 singling verna arbu soloed for the vets with 214 this ii please svdnev k lamb his i tie iambs were the big winne of the night wuh a sevenpointer bros ina mellon 655 dtanne splelvogel 231 kitty allen 210 and stella wasowicz 201 paced the win norma robin son got a mentlonaible fox lav- ells a 226 v league standing cameos 101 mccallum services 98 prouse motors 98 lamb real estate 98 jtovell bros 97 the vets 96 f acton major april 12 acton billiards al ready had firsl place sewn up but that qidnt stop them from winning atwo anbvfotals go from the firefighters the hose tot- ers surprised the cue boys when they won the first canto by seven pins fred kentner 680 leo mcculoway 662 and jeff fryir 675 were the tophigh tent for billiards john krapek 720 and jack pink 625 were up for fire fighters triples tiger cats made it a two and totals win from ten- pro with bill williams 814 jock bullough 686 and norm morton 640 heading up the win tenpro were not adverse to the triples with phil lcsueur 711 gord cou llghan 706 301 and ken john from lovell pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memprials memorial engraving 62 water st north gait telephone 2175tt t em la nolan- gave his soccer club a show or leadership with 669 but it was to no avail they dropped the works to dominion hotel who had hank earle with 660 pacing the win league standing acton bil hards 173 tiger cats 146vi ten- pro 112 dominion hotel 95 fire fighters 84w soccer club 19 acton friends april 12 popovers are popping off the points and they picked up another seven points at the ex pense of the yakkcty yaks had- dcforcst 247 beth brears 200 and stella bruncllc 205 singled up the win ernie lawson soloed a 209 for yaks bell buoys woie a two game winner from un touchables but they dropped the odd point for totals by 20 pins harold ferguson with 276 was top solocr and the onlv one for bell buoys untouchables did better they had bonnie blackley 207 beaver baxter 272 and ray atkinson 206 219 sugar jets grabbed a 22pin win from slow pokes m the fiirsl won the se cond by plenty and then dropped the third john cunningham 630 and anne thomson 242 tnpltd and singled for the jets on ihc solo kick for slowpokes were gary oebrvun 203 and ken thomson 225 league standing popovers 124 untouchables 106 sugar jets 103 yakkety yaks 99 bell buoys 97 slowpokes 80 thursday toppers april 12 tiger cats three game pinfall of 2409 gives them a nice to carry into the final three games verna arbic 616 nancy jensen 224203 and marg guest 225 highlighted the roll camtos with 2307 hold down second pot ada peals 203 solo topped cameos efforts wishful think ers sans the topics and singles big ones that is are in the third slot with 2211 happv hope fuls 2040 roll gnes a slight edge for the fourth plate 1 marlins 212 single headed up their trundl ing not too tar behind are blowers with 2020 who failtd to track thehnple or single barrier last but not least are busy btes unh a 2015 iount who if they tan onlv get the tnplts and singlts they art capable ol will gic a belter acount of them selves in the final ihree games mecca fast healing for cutsbmumboils infections soothing antiseptic buy toc in tin or tut acton mixed i april 13 a close finish in the i acton mixed seven points dif- ferente between top and bot tom raiders grabbed the top spot withja two game win from clippers who added the odd point for totals uttheir one game win sparking the raiders win were sophie oehlrich 643 gerry funk 624 lei gidman 212224 pearl jackson 215 spotlighting the clippers bowlingverc john foley 79 308 don 206 jerry martin 214 and tjottttomp- 213208 look tare of forbes coles 203 and slraggleis trunk- ry game a winning one the had a close shave in the second six pins lowing jhe winning mar gin eagles were doing some high flying wtnwise they won the first two from turtles but miss cd ihe brass nng in tht third geoige gidman 663 bob lazenbv 633 lntounted ior the eagles h bettv cole getting in foi a 208 solo up tor thl turtles stores were ron whilham 64 and bob martin 205212 league standing raiders 108 stragglers 107 turtles 10s eagl es 105 atoms 104 clippers 101 teennunder april 14 flinlstones were a 13- pin winner over devils in the fipsl then devils tame up with the big one lo make it ont and totals in their favoi mavtrkks plntkcd a few feathers from thl eagles in the first seven pins dc tiding the issue then completely defeathered them in the second lo win all the marbles reptiles finally found themselves and tame up with a double win from the lutky strikes who wore wondering what it was all about oui big ten rollers this week tropped up in harry ochlnch 168133 301 helen harris 112 171 283 jeancltc spires 166116 282 brian dunn 18298 280 bob turkosz 159 113 272 frank moiton i06iso 256 bob andci- son 101 147 248 linda vaiev 13599 234 cncll marshall 92 138 230 ciaig perkins 111 119 230 league standing dev i is 93 riintslonts 80 mavericks 76 lu cky strikes 75 eagles 56 reptil 55 ictttr to thi toitot seek donation to send retarded off to camp 55 stevens cresc georgetown ontario april 12th 1962 the editor dear sir holiday lime will soon be here und we of the north hallon as sociation for ralarded children are making arrangements for pup ils of the sunshine sthool to al tend summer camp previously we have shared the facilities of camp bellwood headpin jhilite w cleitrflpg tha etatr lashoit or det adcle nolan stoieil u double hei 687 triple which included a 286 single won the strtitsvillt dr cleaners and ledgei s iga awards big red williams hit the high spot with his 814 triple to ptek p tfe pauli clothing- award willi the ttmnunders in the matter of bowling best over their averagts to win the le- frcshmg refreshments of cota cola seven up and reinharts il was bryan dunn gary turkos jcanetlc spires and knen per kins with most leagues wind ing up their schedules and hit ting the playoffs bowlcrs thoughts aic turning to thtti banquets and tournaments and there is gold in them thar tour naments if a bowler tan gel hot a favorite with ihe sharp shoot ers from atlon rs the oconnor bowl open whfth goes mav 12 may 26 its a fivepin scratch singles with ji5 000 up for the taking that winds il up igos adios guelph but due to the many com munities sharing camp bellwood only two pupils have been able to attend from worjh halton for a fee of 75 each tor a three week period owing to the fact that only two pupils have attended in the past tl has not been loo dif litult to meet this cost this year tor the first lime we are invited to send as many pupils a we wish to camp westall ayr near paris ontario this camp boasts a water front for safe bath ing and a sandy beach excellent supervisfoii js provided with one tountillor lo every three camp ers activities include swimming crafts dramatics games and na ture study there is plenty of free lime and rest chalet type accom modation is available with all bed linen being supplied by the robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head phone guelph ta 42071 58 st gaorges square for sale family bungu0w camp laundry is done wlien ne- tcssaiyand good food in plenty at an inclusive cost of 60 for a three week period it is our in tentiort to send as many pupils as we can afford as everyone is aware the as sociation is presently engaged in furnishing the new school which is now under construction on the seventh line j due to these cumstances jjray i on behalf of the vwjfuut make a plea to all service clubs church groups and individuals to make a dona tion if full sponsorship for one- child is not possible any eontribu hon no matter how small will be greatly appreciated contributions will provide nol onlv immeasurable happiness but a chance to swim give them a measure of independence an op porlunity lo develop good social habits and provide further op portunities to develop muscular coordination these children need and will certainly appreciate the opporl hold annual banquet members and supporters of the halton junior farmers associa tion attended the annual banquet and dance held in the masonic hall milton on friday april 13 this was one of the highlights of the year for the association where everyone enjoved a turkey dinner and selections from the celebrated halton junior farmer mixed quartette the male quar- lellc and the ladies tno bill wilson as his last official duty as 1961 president acted as chairman and toastmaster for the banquet following the banquet rasberry s orchestra supplied music for dancing wrrcmwirnna nity of suth a beneficial holiday will you please help mrs p hurst public relations chairman for nha for rc ps contributions may be sent to the above uddress 7350 monthly including tixei carries above 46 x 24 six year old brick home in acton 3 bedrooms specious living room dining area modern kitchen tiled bathroom full basement forced air oil heat number of extra features largo fenced lot 148 deep fully grassed full price 10900 one mort gage only 5 nha terms to be arranged phone ron or joan smith 8530934 flowers for every occasion gmenhoust resh greenhouse pmces for the easter season easter liues potted mums cut flowers hiww i5312q0 rower display next to loveu bros corner of mia nd alice sts mill st w em mr 30 tun holiday turkeys a tender meat for your easter treat schneiders and burns readytoserve smoked easter hams cottage rolls pickled rolls rump roast 75 boneless 79c prime ribs roast beef e free delivery love ttvftjto s 77 mill st e acton phone 8532240 makeswe youetyom atlas mirawst safety lantern its k uhtemi iprudlng a brlahttfight tvinly h owatargtirm its a seuchusnt hh pomful long nng b bmm q its 1 siren 1ek0h tth nd itathlng nghl r for amrgncia m whether youre at home or in the field on the road on the trail or in a boat youll lind the atlas allpurpose safety lantern the handiest most useful lantern youve ever seen this offer is for a limited time only so make sure you get your atlas allpurpose safety lantern soon 1 yours now for only rpr mostjb much rtlow its actual retail valui avaiuble only ntom the imperial csso aqent whose name appears below angus a mowbray milton always look to impkftlal for the best i now is the time to paintup save now during our if each spring sale of paints gallons 250 each biabjilmjbill canadian pittsburgh discontinued colors flats semigloss rubberized 207b off our regular une during this sale buy now and save j b mackenzie son ltd 12 church st phone 8531660

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