Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1962, p. 3

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wxt bghlysvenlh year no 44 acton ontario thursday april 26th 1962 jfctt pft eight pages seven cents day this was the picture at the storey glove factory but by friday at 8 p m the lot at the corner of bower and alice sts was flat walls had all toppled debris was levelled in the centre and stacks of lumber were neatly lined up beside wood and bricks were dumped at the side of the hydro shop nearby to fill in the depression in the land there the foreman of kepic wrecking crew said everything saleable was sold to individuals and contractors the house next door went down too to come here the new post office staff photo charges propaganda enumerating start twomonth election battle hec in halton when conscrva live liberal and new democrat ic candidates will wage a two- month baltk lor the counts s lone scat jt ottawa poljilcal act vtty has swung into high geir in one corner a hrelcss liberal supporter is already waging a press battle against the ndp in the opposite corner the ndp and the oakulk labor council are retaliating with counter charge over in another cornet m p sandv best has started literature campaign to gel out the conservative olcs ind in the final but pet haps busiesi corner burlington s dick west haltons election returning of he er is busihkeurrvmg around the counts sol ting up the election machinery tor june 18 opening guns oakulk lawui fred m fen ton a lown counalloi number of halton couni law assoc ia lion and longtime liberal adtoc ate tired the opening guns in the allout camptugn lasl week when he wrote ndp candid he rouleau ind the counu pn asking rouleau to wilhdnw is i candid m and gel ihc ndp sun- poilinc the liberal standard 1h ii ei di ham hirlc or oikulk fen ton suggested ih it is llic fornici f pul onl polkd 10 pei iint ol i hi o in i hi 8 eke lion ruuk iu md his ccfcumndp lollewcrs bid n i ihc pmctbi tl sn wb ill s chance ol i uihiii ihe hilton scat it otlawa he sud ndp moiu penl on r iulc in urn paign would be to issist a c nidi dak who ut i in i win rouleau answers roiilt ui nutut ill refused w ih x tur ih il called fenton s ide i a thnp linnl attempt lo in to regain nopitt inn the ew demon it u pain notion uuil contention the ingest mi hiu or sien in this i mits his hn i hope of winning for the liberals said his note in harley for hal ton ihc liberals have a winner bul only by a plurality if the ndp candidate would with draw this plurality would ob- uously become a really subslan lial majority for harliy for hal ion disappointed b ruuk iu s and ihc labor council s slalcmcnts lhal liberals weren t fncndlv to- wiuds ihc i iboi movement mr imlon pointed otit ihe libmk iim done mote lor libor than am other pirlt onsen lines in eluded ind outline i the partv s pi inncd 1 ibor benefits for the coining sessions nt pntlnmciil 0ei m his cornel silling con sen ihe m p sunk best wis ge trine his i in i ion cimpaign and sent off a idler to all hul ion constnuenls oullining the progress ind accomplishmcnis ot ihtncfinsen jtivc locinmcni in the p ist four e us wcsl is working returninc oltlcct dick west working i rum hi burlin t hoim is lininc up ihe big june 1 i 18 election this week he s eon luting ihc houk ot enumerator ike the rounds begin iiuil apnl 10 counting and t ihu lilinj the nuinbct of c legible vol its then the ptintine ol otcrs lists begins then final icvision the official nomination day when the p ulics orhenllv sign up their eandidales then ihe advance poll arid ftntilh the election itself this is mr west s first election as a returning officci list elec lion here were 120 polling sub divisions while his sear h is spin into 220 wilh i correspond ing mere ise in tolirs they ii call on you hctc uc the names ol loe il mumu mots lsuucsing rov cunic tom jmu wm brim h irold mo er rn smith g c pitteison willi im lret mte spiowl isle some i ilk h miiehinglon mis g silent md mts m rnd aeton mis d kripek mis v pltllek mis m spuhucel mis i willi ims j hin si mis j smith mis r ailii mis ld lulkei md mrs c holmes millon mrs b tmn mis g cross mis d l wood ind mis mm clancc nassigawct onumcnlors iri il in be nmied ti west upon nt irrtwiilneittt advance poll the id hke pill is set i it tw divs saiiiidi june 9 ami 1nn d i june 1 fiom 9am t i 8 p m this u ir in on up it ion does not de let nunc whelhei 01 not you can vote at the advance poll anyonl who has nasqn to believe he or she cannot be ihere on toting thy can vole at the idvanel poll icgardless of lupilion mr west said ihe y advising scrutineers deputy re turning officers and poll clerks to vole at the advance poll as well grab cash tools re theft juith halton opp arc sttll estigiting i btcikin ind thctt il c imphcllilk sundiv night m which small imounl ot mo- ilc md some e ir tools stolen tlic llucus inkred george goldstnw s ii il estalc office ap- p irerilk through i window and i piled open i site tn a filing e ibinet a iii la rf t m the office which wis left opi contained i no nluibks ih owner reported a c tr owned h jack mcphail 4 nuthbo thru homes jmaj w is nken ind i iier round ahan i mid on the guelph line norlh f ihc ullil1 thc tools in the iirweie missine mr goldstraw sud siu il pipers missing from his ortin were lound in a garage down ihe slrecl curlers receive trophies w beatty new president ml i othcl itbelhk 1 so- berak we pe h ps sh include ihi c iis lit ul sinci u took p ae l the ndp si ind sum me e up his n ph w uuiion to ioi n t r halt wi h ihe ns liberal candid u the i jhor ci ii ol v act i letier n n ind ill i it nt i ih m e 11 the first hnvinv vi the lijjuil bniughl lln vitlur i it siippei pn phicv cleeli in i d iiking sh p is i ts the leek hllid the h i ik ill cenin o ihe skips ind tndimdu il it iphu hi cuilitil cluh in tih k mi meiiiher hill on morula mixed k ijm wiiiikis lonnniu loup to- theslei andetsm skip chirlnii engineers under fire during council debate faced with the problem of re ctifying trouble at the digester section of ihe sewage disposal plan sewer and water chair man j bert wood lold council tuesday evening thai results of his enquiries revealed the town id b oper hcpntt 12 years with a poorly designed sewage treatment ptanl explaining his tindings of in vestigatlun into ihc trouble at the digester plants since the noji ing roof capsized and his com mi i too learned it wis nccissaiy o clean the tank out by the bucketful councillor wood si il ed i think il is high lime we had a mi cling with engineers in volved and have things settled once and for all mr wood reltled sadly the dad burned lid it is been down here for two weeks ind ihcv still don 1 know what lo do with it the councillor told his colic it ucs he had been mfoimcd by thi manufacturer or the link cover it would he cheaper lo replace the cover rather lhan mike it- pairs he pointed out that during his enquiries il wis learned ihc pi int is being pushed to the limit l the present lime and mils pre nt condition the pi ml could nut handle any additional sewage new engineers tin sewn ind walir chairman ion 1 1 lined wilh ins lak of woe as he slated the hvdto mspccloi hid refused lo allow ihc planl lo be nwircd undir the speufii i i ud down by ihe consulting engincir instead he hid mom mended a diffenni lpc or insl il hi ion m lyor john coy iskcd if the hutro mspccloi hid dcfmilclv re fused lo aceepl ihc rewiring pro jeet as laid down by ihe engineers and when told yis si uul send ihc plans back to r v anekrson and icll them wi winl i set that will comply and llilt s what wi will pay for conn illor frank prouac supported ihc mayor when he stated perhaps clocks ahead sunday s ihc day to tamper ilh lime divlighl saving time st iris this sunil iv april 29 al 12 01 am and all clocks will hue lo be resnehroni7cd do it be fore midnighl do it in ihe morn ing hut nmllnbir sit them ahlad an houi zanew speed limits intermediate zone new speed limit signs ire up it ill ihi highwav appro uhis l lown the dcparimtnt of hil1i w is ordered them alter sursevs now irotn aboul i 000 feel oul side the town limit to abou 1 led inside the town limit there ts in intirmidi he spud limit one ol 4s miles per hour this ixoids the ibmpl iransilion from somitcs per houi in the countt lo 10 in town tucsdiv neninc council mlh oncd the police lo slnctk ell lone these new speed limils 1 15 lime we started looking tor new inginecrs ckik adminislnloi j ick me geaihii suppoilid ihi mgincc s is he reviewed the original instal lation of ihe hlanl ind lold c o il had been disignid for tjs gallons tnsli id ot imperial gallons and this w is clearly mark id out hi ilso slated thi ongi nal p ins had been ipproeid by i hi inch of ihc diputment of health which is now named ihe ontinu walt i rt sources com mission he nolid ihil several of the members of ihe origin il de paitmtnl arc now he iduig lln owrc uldi t ihc eounn discussed llle i flow of hwdlf i sil plant dining wci lustd by sctpigi mayor teiiiirkcd perhaps the hcsl be l we missed wis ihc propus il to survey the th ihe tv svstti w is proposed to council i ist yi ir by i htm prcpircd to instill i tv t imii i in thi linis and by mians of i monitor il would have been tbk torcvenl inv- bn iks hi i e thi srbk sewcrigc lint ipigc might ot the dispos il pi int nmarked mi mcgiuhn 1 im nol suing ihiv ins but thev pi inncd the pi int roads and ni inhoks md we have had lioublc si tied ihe mayor continuing his si mil on this subject mt gov staled a i though il apptutd it the lime il would be costly md might hue cost tn thi neighborhood of j2 000 plus maintenance n could tonccmiblv sac ihc lown i sibk itsoooo in fhe event iddilion lo ihi pi ml is n next engineers mr wood told council hi was no satislnd it in discussions wilh ihi i il1 titers decision to p pl in he lloiling loof wilh a snnilti lypc md was of the optn ion i peiminenl type root could hi instilled he ilso recommend ed the lit il cahingit should be moved lo i dilltrcnt lot a lion in the gov mginttrs ut hi uni itgaitling lln nol fulh tiouhle it hitk more effiticncy the sewei md wilci chairman w is instruclcd lo in ingc i meet in with ihe engineers to discuss lln piobkms t av m i a i ttommixmi8m rewire town hall upstairs for bands seek details on new tannery waste toi mort mt ilion ot new iro- on ol new ollkirs the i luh v in nihil 124 illilklid n 1 ulus auih ir 1 ible 1h lmis mill don rd men me btmiull lis llipe l del i i nu us w beam president cik a ii 1 kel mvhugh j tin 1 j i k bl w president s the j l k rklk ehsh lol trophs inpin in i lirmk m milled on a larj1 wi ideii bise flinked wilh cleaui iiil filunnes miniaiore cups wctii lo ecronc on ihc uinmnu if mv skip im biulli vic p jii len litell and jack lo- 1 j mlbi idki said lhed hli inihillin i lew trophv mi kikiiss mnounni dm b n nil iv it naluil i iniphv i h i 1 is linimin kajin seven fires keep firemen busy bunch fifchu ac ion s two bands kfl home less when ihe slum school was taken ovei by i he 1iilii school boaiil in oi del lo postpone a building progi im this vc ir will once ilnn sprc ul then music il notes oei the downtown section ol lown when ihcv lakt up icsi deuce in ihc uppci tlooi ot ihc town h ill i his iliismn wis muk tiics d ty eveniiil when count il agreed lo u win ihc uppet moor in owki lo piowdi adcquiti light lot i he bindsniin tht lown lull will he used b holh at i oh citims uul ac i on jtinioi pipe binds the upper llooi ol ihc town hill wis closed by council some lime ilo when the wiiiiil ind hcaimtwcic uns ilisfaeoi since thai lime the acton citicns bind pi ictiscel in ihc ucua unlil tin 1 1 out section was icmoed to make wav for the new com munily centre building and then moved lo the stone school tht junioi pipi b tnel prittiscd in ihe y mc a md in ihc public and hjlh school aprfs effluent problem juh in i ic ind 1 1 ink gent or the supenoi glove ri pnseni to uqutsi onsidtialion in h mil ling elllutnl i nun then pioposid linnny md gloc shop lollow inc i i ormer rcqucsl lo ertel i lioi shop in tin sic lie si ret i buildinc pcinut w is is isl f ill bin construction was withheld unlit sprint the mm told council ihc land intended lot the cloi shop w oiieel m i which conformed wilh the h law council w is told ihe eoinptm ilso his in opium on in ad join iiil piece ot propcils otjetl mjfltidtl assured ihetmvn would i itt eftluinl i mm lln diistt would ptoccxtl lo ell ise ihls tor llitii tanniiv sic lion the tw humiiissmin wtn in fottmd ihit the owrc would hue ihc tin 1 1 s i til iidmi h ind ihil ihc scwil1 ind wcic iskcd cheinie il in ihsis 1 quintits l ef thai ltd into the coow tins works m count lis sued rcqutsl council s lonsidiration to allow ihe use of a portion of ihe right of wiy lo ihe pionitr tctnelciv in order to proceed wilh a building prognm it ihc church al the lime the piotleci cum luv wis deeded lo ihc town a ifvtooi nlhlolwiv i rom knox amiiuc wis ilso lim to lln own liom hie chinch ii is i portion ul tins tht ehuiih n quires for ihc proli un a joinl iiitiliiii wilh ihc church and pi imictl lit net i luesdiy eui int urges repairs duiiiij ihc cnquiiics by mun hcis councilloi i cs duhy pom cd out the need for rcptns to iiil chutch sued wesl bridgt he sticsscd ihc need lor hunting ihc i nds ol vehicles usiiil the bridge md sullcslcd lln roid ip proaches to ihc bridge be re paired he lold count h ihc road budget would nol permit any ma or repaus this ye ir bu empha sittl the need foi this lo be done nt it vt u piopcrtv chiiimin him pc il ihc legion foi rcluibishing the cenot iph council agreed iu ob- t un i price on the job more chance for trees mi peal inloinitd his tollca luis liltk nsponse hid been re ceived liom iisidints on mill st foi the lite plan i iiil progr im un kit ikcn this year ihc invitation it p ii tic ip me m die piogiam has him imended to itsidinls living in mm i mill young willow john i lun rntkritk wilbur oiid tellows slrcels tinder lln recently idopteel prt liim rcsitltnts on these streets m i obtain i reel m iple irec ap- piomin iel 6 to 8 leel tall at a cost ol 12 so this imounl is half ihe i st ol the itee and council p is i hi h il mcc rievi jack hargr ivl acting c h in m in lot the nicciing cnquir id who would hi icsponsibk for payuietil of fees in the event a dog wis iniu rid by a car ind police t ilkd tht veterinarian he wis told lhat ihc dog catcher be called lo dispose of the injured md mt hiiltuc noted that dogs had been trueted lo pi until uuh injured to ihe point ihcv had to tile pm chase ol silns fc i ihe he d un iw iv with by ihc vctinn- tnuneil chimtbtr door and poluel hi in the police committee was ollni hi also tcqutslctl council insiiueted lo notily ihe police n lo considu sh irmg ihc coil wilh t tiding this hw rxsijrb 3r7 f srmstmmsmmm councils spring cleaning street sweeping garbage i il ti lulir liitikilini1 alt hi mi h irmmil urk rtrtl althotich countil was not tk i i iv down in the dgmps during ihcir meeling ihcv ttid agree to include extra garbage pickup ituouglioul ike- mimrau mont 1 submit ilt nie i v iti slci fu shin ghling spring week ind since fn kd one ehimncv and 1 iu hn k pi il l i b chulis kitkn ik u u ck rs 1 1 pud ulenl iotn dunninc fmun loliei slaumint ih it ih n d p dies not hiu iht supporl all th union is this munlv the lanr movement in hilton hid imkd rallied behind the n d p ind onh a minonts his rueelcd the sdp affiliation and ihis is their dcmiv cralic nghi said labor council president g g horn but mr fentoris pirls is no liuml ot labor at he claims tiv il il m is 7hee inills hv law kit iv u i k ixk i 1 his m ph tn i ih 1 h thi h m walk i ih i nh th il iltemne el ol lias- u kii lorwud re l thinkine n dl hue bi sgrtssluts good fricl is i t fire bla in oot ol eoniiol it ihe flvnn i ii ni wis hn uuhi under control shorlls ifitr hitmen irnwd sal urd i moinint ovtrheited slote pipes n thi honn of din camp- ix i e uised t i re men to miki in ciitl run saturday iltein n ihc siivn sounded ihnc m in times ind liitmm fought li iss fus it crew son corners ih ih r i lini mir ihe town lump ind rnc taim home of dun an motlu it mrs 1 replies to reply nol finished set lawer fen ion whipped off i letter lo the counn press once more repk ing lo candidate reiuuius npl mv request was not made on platers he i behalf of him harley tor the npnscnntitc purpose of establishing a meagre large iroph ul es ui iw nnn i on miiku mrs hi r holm is skiii iintmiius ted tkr me ni he rship frink in tttek ind pnptriies bi i ctxin c m niltlee chllltinil will selecl oih- ers lo ilw their eommiittts the tibphies in the mm s i i ik ind nned kiluewlre i lilted b adims distilleries md pis b munav ereard w ho plied hocki wilh ac ton or ihnc cirs and is wtl mimbend in sports eirek ormer htkki ih ison pi r ijn i is b i h el ihe i iw lortun ii i imlflelll i le dob lot th eainid well earned rest fighters nmnd l ids ii i l lc the and h i incd frank ai nnd now pins clusscs tor runnerslp runners up in ihe bonspitl ns ie d sue l gllsts w h 1 n iksicns the were skif mis ft i chipci john hulnatil im e leibs and fti somnxi 1 skip mrs dorolhs in wua re- j hn lottll beit hinton and h i mrs mint mephail bisvhi a speenllv mide businessmen s ompinv ehillenge tropht was won h ihi bute hers the flowe r bedcx ked to ihc ehamber pot was edged in lolls i on sundav when a i dimpened ihe gnss inn wis sikni mun i in ulur series of fires im oelock in the etc app k i ninl i gnass lire broke out at he saut the turn home of r mieachcrn present near crewsons corners tueseliv mornint bliing priss burning am me a re irrsntioa section in the creseent hid firemen out in lull force wilh reinforcements irem ihi bcardmorc brigade bit hint the stubborn flames rxfon iht win brought under con trol tucsdas cening firemen midt i fisi run to the farm home of o moffat lh line when grais burning out of control mgblut and mrs ct tight ud a pik of used ted j i phone poles near ihe barn hp hn hi wwk alaiels its in f r nvf lie w ul 1 issiime iu mix s woiel be membe un iki eir unless he was in i ni d hrtm balance on books j hn cui pc e i j bnet tie i uui s rep it sh iwing a balanee ol our s00 dim int wis to thi dcbonairs ml in lujc i sqoires polkas a sniwmii dann ind of course he twis spot clancc winners were lome mie simon church building iliktiiion from kno tn in thuith w is prf like most lidv houscktipers aiu n toumillors uc anxious lo h im spring tkining wounel up tjil jucsda nifcht ihcv ic irncj ihc strecl swecpti puichiscd utr beginning monday may 14 until si 000 i rom the lilv of ti rontu thuisdav otlobei 2s all areas would he dclitcrcd ihursdav il south ol mill slrecl from victoria lirnoon todavl sluel including carmron avenue haielk h ite llu sections cast ol ihe cnr ol time to e quired piece ol t be prcsstd inlo sersi the dust ind elchi streels thuisdi workmen vs ill climb opei uc ihc m lehine ihc nilht conlinue d i ind lhroulhoui in ordej lo make ac i pi ice lo hc i hi nodi hnieiv a ii 1 kks ih x ihe m ill ho bennett today lolkc- s oil ihi oiliu in is m lown will have iilhl town 1 iw ul iv garhige collection on aboard mil tucsdiv and fnd ivs beginning throughout miv i unlil fndav october 26 ill di fn afur ihis date collection will re nd iv night tuin i 1 one d iv pickup with n a cleaner j ihc firsi distnet on mondays and the 1 it it r on tuesdays mothers and daughters enjoyed a buffet supper tuesday eyentng at the legion audi tor lurrr when 200 guides and brownies and mothers attended guest speaker fbr the evening was william kinrade principal of the howard wriggles worth school in georgetown pictur ed above cheryl lee and gail mchogh help ihe guest speaker make a choice of food

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