Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 26, 1962, p. 9

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jccasslflfo advertising hf rates amp tor anouuccment sl blrtfe utrrtagn- dealhi i taftjmu in meraor- rf 46c plw wc per une for k artldit ttr lc rent jc wortwlnimum cih m bum be bm no to 3c jtse 2 uldilianil coodbg svenu 75c minimum mitt ave itaei etch additional tint 10c cafd of thanks 75c for ilnt i up mcb additional jlne 10c accounts are rendered month fo l a wajut ad pay for your 1961 income tax i would like to thank all those who rtmtinbcrod mc with cards and flowers while i was in hospi tal and special lhank to dr garrett dr scott and dr mac kinnon thank you 447710 mrs charles allen i wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the acton chamber of commerce for the honor bestow ed in naming mc citizen of the year 1962 also to my many friends for their congratulation cards letters and gifts i am deeply gratcrul au7804 madeleine gibbons latest insertion time m ml wsdjwsday births marriages f engagements mr and mrs thomnsc lang hlluburgh announce the en mgentonheiraaaghwi syl hajune to mr robert edwin brown son of mr orvllle r ftbtowta acton wedding to take ipjace may 19 knox presbyterian church acton bqbm 15 elleroeck4kk and colleen are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at guelph general hospital on april 24 a sister for carol ohejlly mr and mrs mich ael olreilly ore happy to an nounce the birth of their daughter suzanne jane at st josephs hospital guelph on april 19 1962 weight 7 lbs 1 ok acton wj will hold a euchre and penny sale in luxtonmem orial hall friday april 27 cards at 8 p m good prize lunch ad mission 50c a447792 euchre and penny sale friday may 4 s pm lgl hall crew sons corners good prizes and lunch admission 50c proceeds for jo l 45 a442 7801 the bannockburn women s in slitute will hold a euchre in ban noctflnim school on saturday ev ening april 28 1962 at 8 30 p m admission 50c a447713 acton scottish donee club spring dance modern square and scottish dancing acton le gion auditorium friday april 7 dancing 9pm lam to glengarry dance band refresh meats admission si 00 04376934 halton centennial manor aux diary is holding a spring bazaar and membership tea on wtdnts day may 9 in the manor audi torium highway 25 at milton 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 home baking candy handicrafts and penny sale conducted tours of the ma refreshments 35c dona ff db0n- at the georgetown and district memorial hospital on tuesdav april 24lp2 minnie lambert wife of the late ro- ttrt dron formerly of acton cdear mother pt elmer of georgetown and melvin of port rowan sister of herbert lambert of guelph and mrs james forbes clara f lon don rested at the ruraleyshocnia ker funeral home where funer al service was held today thur sday at 230 pm interment failview cemetery d4hkhokiam denny in loving memory of a dr husband and father ev erett denny who passed away april 29 1961 a precious one from us has gone a voice we loved is still a place is vacant in our home filled seafii lovingly remembered by wife 1 family and grandchildren 0447795 ay in loving memory of grandfather samuel h who passed away ap ril 2s196i time may wipe out many things but this they wipe out never the memory of those happy days when we were all together ikdiy missed by marilyn bet ty mae billy bob wee janette and billy a447797 lamucan id loving memory of our mother mrs olive lark man who passed away april n 1961 in our hearts your memory lin gers sweetly tender fond and true there is not a day dear mother that we do not think of you fondlv remembered by winni- fred mary rosa and herbert and families a447793 lindsay in memory of our fa ther samuel h lindsay who passed awav april 27 1961 the days of sadness still come der us tears in silence often flow for memory keeps you ever near us tftpuzh you died one vear ago sadly remembered by jessie and morgan hattie gertie and dave- a447796 dairsy fa loving nicmorv of a dear wife and mother caroline a darby who pawed wa ap- this month brings back sad memories of the sorrow too great to be told but to us who loved and lost you your memory vnu never grow old each flowar and aaafnay wither bach evening sun may set- but nvhcaruof those who jove you are ah aues ttjto never forget iateaiy xamembered by bus- s44711 cards of thahb coming events tions welcomed a4427787 canadian federation of univcr sity women milton ind area charter organization first genu al meeting wednesday may 2 at 830 pm al home of mrs f s mcoual 93 victoria si milton mrs r l mclean provincial director for this area guest spe ker university degree graduutcs invited to attend b503026 for sale for sale frig and 2 electric stoves reasonable phone 853- 2744 a447809 for sale i green chester field and chair in good condi lion phone 8532074 a447808 for sale washing machine bedroom suite folding bed and carpet phone 8532025 a447802 for salf 12 laying hens just started phone rockwood 8564362 evenings o447708 for sale 24 westinghouse 4bumcr electric range phone 8564390 a447788 for sale manure by the load bushel or basket gardens plowed phone 8531387 0432 7771 for sale 1955 meteor 4door low mileage top condition i own er phone 8532896 a447712 for salemccormick d ing w4 tractor a i shape new rubber milton tr 84739 a44583l for sale quantity of quality mixed alfalfa and timothy baled hay apply j r sprowl 8531298 acton b442 78l2 for sale sheaff er pens ways a useful gift for any occa sion a complete assortment at dills stationery 56 mill st ac ton 0464351 tf for sale seed grain power cleaned and treated garrs oai grown from certified seed and herta bartc phone 8sew41 for sale well rotted man urc for gardens phone 8531639 a44mll for sale treated govern mem inspected no i gorry oats registered certified commercial priced to save you money gor dun leslie acton phone rck wood 83mb14 b442 77l4 beejay car sales 39 oldsmobile sedan 59 dodge v- mdan 58 ford icclon 58 chevrolet sedan 58 plymouth v8 sedan 57 oldsmobile sedan w ftllirk aator hardlon 57 chevrolet sedan 57 plymouth v8 hardtop 56 oldsmobile hardtop 56 studebaker 55 oldsmobile hardtop 55 plymouth sedan 55 chevrolet sedan 55 dodge custom royal sedan 54 chevrolet sedan black 54 monarch sedan 53 ford scdan- 53 dodge sedan 52 chrysler sedan all beejay cars are safety checked and guaranteed ross ballentine and herb jobb ouccn st at churchill rd phone 8532940 open evenings for rent for rent 1 single room for rtnl phone 8531540 a447810 for rent available may 15 3room apartment separate lot ranct located on highway 25 phone acton 85m708 b447807 for rent 3bedroom apart ment apply mr fong acton home laundry church st a447800 for rent apartment 4 rooms and modern bathroom central location moderate rent gab rangl included if desired phone 8531380 am7806 for rent 2 room apart menl water and light supplied cun be had with frig and ilfcctnc range suitable for young couple phone 8531310 a447805 for hentccnlrally local upstairs apartment heated 4 moms and oath heavy duty wir ing television aenal s65 month adults preferred telephone 853- 0874 after 6 pm a44 ertpbymeat warn jumaymbnt wants 25m 44to4 bmhaythut mitttbd high school by age 17 yam requires work for mimnur phone rockwood 8564362 even ing 447709 miscell laneous dressmaking and altera liona mrs j van opttal 90 main st n a4147m2 kitchener upholstery ex pert reupholsterlng tcfinishlng and repairing of all kft nlture for free estimate and prompt service call waltbo t groceteria 8532830 acton atf fteuier upwolstery-spe- cializlng in reupholsterlng all typps of furniture blsi quality materials tine workmanship prompt service also furniture refinlshing and rug cleaning phone 8530310 marks grocery ac ion a tf floor ref1nishing wo now have a modern sander and edger wc will rcfinish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 8532040 47 fred crick st 5 ac l on a tf paconi dead stock removal 169c62 109rp62 highest cash prices paid for dead or disabled horses and cows small animals removed free of charge old horses 5c per lb 7 days per week dial long distance and ask far zenith 97950 a it baynes deadstock service highest prices paid for fresh dead or disabled cows horses old healthy horses bought phone guelph ta 28061 or fergus plant 932 licensed dealer 159c62 b33 haimtjati we have good liailngs of 1 2 and i bedroom homes in different styles and price ranges please enquire fur details mary tsffibins 274 arthur street phone acton 8534160 victor mccallum real estate real estate consult us before you buy or sell luxurious rune her with uttaehed garage attractive settlni anclng arrungtd 2 storey brick furnace and bath good chicjten house gurage well lota l id on paved road near ae ion i uuc good gurdi lund 9 500 open fur ffcrs choke of properties in i ukcvlcw ur glenleu subtlivisiuit oi new home custom bum i yoiu individual lutu wm j mcleod broker phone roy goodwin acton 8531630 new listing bedroom bungalow all modi convenience busemcnl and reere itlon room situated on i acre of land workshop inelud ed siluuted in ihe town limits this unrivalled properly is list ed at a low price of 11 500 hurry lor this bargain farms etc 98 acre farm situated jusl few yard off no 7 highway asking only 12 000 full prie foi this valuable property building lots 1 acre building lot si 200 11 property wanted for rent heated apart ment 4 moms and bath i mile south of acton on highway 25 hot water ind electricity sup plied heay wiring 60 w l him 67 queen st guelph phone ta 29635 a4 1 57666 wanted wantedto rent 2 or 3 bed room house phone 8532025 a447803 wanted canadian coins sil ver or copper entact after 6 04337767 wanted to rent beginning august 1 1962 small furnished apartment in or near acton write box 69 acton free press 0442 7790 wanted halton poultry products dealers in live and dressed poultry and fresh eggs custom killing phone milton tr 84401 help wanted help wanted woman to clean 3 or 4 hours a vcek ap pl wiles bus depot a447799 for sale surge glass or stainless steel pipeline milkers vacuum pumps bucket milkers and doane designed pole barns sales and service horace tom- hnstin brampton glendale i 1275 b693tf help wanted female lad a447789 1 es necd monev sell avon cosmetics we have necd for wojnen in limehousc crew ons corners ospnnge area for further information write or phone mrs m stock 78 duch ess st kitchener 6427350 for sale- i9s3 buiek road- master automatic power steer custom radio needs ring j best offer children s out door gym set 7 phone 326m after 1 a447798 for sale rubber stamps made to order fast delivers stamp pads and inks dills stat tonery 56 mill st phone 85v2030 a4fr349tf for sale surge glass or stainless steel pipeline milkers vacuum pumps bucket milkers and doane designed pole barns sales and service horace ton hnson brampton glendale 11275 l6w3tf for sale typewriters by snutbcorona portables as low as jttfljtrypewnter ribbons for ji faaxyfifej carbon paper sev eral qualionk typtag paper and scratch pads enquiry invited for typewriter rental dills stat looery 56 mill st acton a4m35rtf recent sales have reduced listings and in anticipation of the usual spring and summer inquiries wc arc in need of listings of farms homes and acreages wanted to rent by local business man modern type home 2 or 3 bedrooms excellent references auction ialh fcaaahatuaad auction sale or dairy cows hatfan awl faedar calut wlll held at the brampton livestock exchange 3 miles north of brampton on no 10 highway al snelgrove friday may 4th at 7 jo pm daylight saving time consignment sale of holsielni jerseys or any dairy cows pure bred or giudes hulitcin heifers ull sizes here turd und shorthorn feeder cuttle ii you have uny cattle in thl line hut you wish to sell bilnjf l hem to this sale all cattle must from free ureus remember ihe dule friday muv 4 ut 7 30 dai terms cash nolc our regular wtdncxduv sules slarl evenings imuy 2 htmu m rfinhart auctioneer b44 snelgrove phone 8431071 iiiu scoops from speysme school legal i of act 4 to whlciy on tuesday april 17 the mi nuul halton music festival wus held in the auditorium of the ruben lllllc- puli iil school in ac ion a kin i with innnv o hei sch mis spcysldi loliutl in the spliil ol friendly lompi tlilnn ii i enteivd rfiiicsenliillvcs in in dlfleieill clissen the liinloi i ml senior ii ill bfurtllv e lor hiinglng imtiic the lion it both gixupt weie prcscntnl wilh shields lor taking sec nd pluec n euch oi iheit lesneellve classes allhough lite v did mil place tit incmhcis oi ihe triple lilo unci triple duel uie to be eoinineildeo fit their vuliint effort on bclittl ol i ch i l ihe il local man required i need a representative for im firm in this area the opening in this area may be worth up to 8 000 00 veariy for the right man can sou make short auto trips full or part time work can vou call on rural town and cit dwellers are vou prpepared to stan at once are you between the ages of 20 and 65 write sales manager box 817 london canada a432 country home j5w0tull price rooms newly decorated close to highway and acton small bam 50x25 2500 down or best offer wartime house rooms modern renovations have been made wall towall carpeting new oil furoai lovely 4piece tile bath kitchen cupboards etc only 800 down balance on 1 mortgage at gen erous terms lots for sale 4 building lots side bv side resi dential location well treed near lake may be purchased individaullv or cnbloc further information at the office 84 church st reef east john r holmes real estate help wanted women required factors work no experience lecessarv appk in person standard products georgetown limited 346guciph street georgetown property wanted have client with substaniial down payment requiring 100- acre farm clay loam stream will pay up to 20000 hive client with gcud dencn payment requires home on 10 acres vacant land 10 to 50 acres sec nit wilh stream alec johnson 853 2086 sydmyjclamb realtor insurapcfl and mortgage broker 8 mill st e- acton ontario phone 8531030 auction sales livestock auction sale received the undersigned has instructions trom andy la1ng to sell by auction et his farm lot 24 first line nassagawca twp 4 miles south of eden mills 4 miles north of moffat on saturday april 2sth commencing at 2 o clock sharp the following hereford cattle herd consists of 16 cows with calves ai foot a choice lot 30 head of stocker cattle weighing front 600700 lbs terms cash with clerk on day of sale wm a gibson auctioneer a4m phone guelph ta 41478 the corporation of the town of acton notice is hereby given thai the c uneil of the corporation of the town ul acton intends t take into consideration on the i5lh day ol may 1962 ul the houi ot eight o clock in the ai tetnoon ul its meeting in ihe town hull ut the town oi on such other day such meeting may be adjourned an intended by law for stopping up und conveying to david fd win coles a part of the unopened section ol victoria street south of jucln street west more par liculurly desctibed as follows all and singular that certain put ecl or tract ut i ind und premises situate lying unci being in ihe town ol acton in the county ol hulton and province of ontario bcirik composed of part of vie inn street according to regis lend ptm number 772 in the said town and which said par ecl or liucl ul land und premis es n ay be more parlieulaily des cribed as lullows commencing al the wester ly angle of lot number forty two 42 according lo said reg rstercd plan number 772 thcnce south riflyone de grces six minutes east s5i de grces 06 ej along the northcas lerly limit gf victoria street one hundred and thfrty 130 reel thcnce south tpjrtycight degrees fifty four minutes wesl s38 degrees 54w sixty six 66 feet to the southwesterly limit of victoria slrcct thencf north fiftyone de grecs six minutes west n51 de grccs 06 w along the said south westerly limit of victoria street one hundred and thirty 130 feet to the northerly angle of lol number forty three 43 ac cording ju said registered plan number 772 thence north thirtyeight degrees fifty four minutes east n38 degrees 54 e along the southeasterly limit of ouccn street sixty six 66 feet to the point of commencement change for a comcyancc by the said david edwin coles to the corporation of the town of ac ton of lands on plan 772 at such meeting or adjourned meeting council will hear in person or by his counsel solid tor or agent any person who claims that his lands will be pre judicially affected by the by law and who applies to be heard dated at acton this 12th dav of april 1962 the corporation of the town of acton bv ms clerk treasurer j mc gcachic v434 all wh i look purl in the festival should be proud shovyiiut l hey mink lui icspcctive schools filler 8 lory room i the diss is puitny foitb ii lod clfirt in nrlihimilc mrs rognvcildsoii iciul the i as ui siurv und miss mclncry in i ed it mi i on llu flannel b mid which everyone enjoyed uli pupil made in f inter bonne i ul ol pipcl pie pliles straps lid ctepc panel wimli untied oui wry well tiny ire ill eigeilv iwuiilntc the 10 day tuski imli div rioni 2 this rrld iy fni uri we tnude punsy willows wc cul ml picture or ptimtlrii colored he m und ptil the in on colored pupvr some ol ihe pk lures wire put cm ul i lie buck puul newell ind jiurrv biccn iiuvl their pie luiis on ihe door there u a ihkk right ubovl i hem i think i looks uiy attractive bomball teams r uin 1 i n pt we have e lntmtk h fbb- n lines uic spcysldc flirts slug gets hulton county olunts und ihe i ittlc llcaveis a schedule bus been iirrnngcd mid ihe best tin i u will gel u pilrc ul the md ul the year the grade foui pup lis fiom out room who were 111 the jutilni elioli weie very happy when i hey won sieond piic ul ihe musjc feslicul room 4 l isl thursday for ull we 111 ide filslci decorutloilk most ol ibem were very intmni inu i ncly mm kidney ha been puving us qulle u tew visits in piuetlsc lot the frsllvul room 4 is 1 kikiny hirwtit ui fit euhtir h lld ivs room s in history giuile 8 in icuniing ubnii wh it tin briljsh niiih amu ki act state uboul cdueiliin in c in ida grade 7 i luklng a bun i ihe ledcrul govern menl l llu unilcd suites 1n ihe luu 1700 s grade 7 is studying ihe topic ol hcef eullk in scffltice while giude 8 is le ihibig about pi nils and guldens two dancers guests of unit four ucw pctci and sharon marlingeli i meed in the members ol unit four of ihi united church wt men wednesday of last week mrs mel mccull ugh utcumpun led ihcli iw j ninnbcis mrs a on t ok ihe devotion al membeis were usked to bring articles ft a balcmfcing pack his week the ki up is lais mg mincy llu nigh a it ivelling plant manager to visit europe meetings reluiing lo i arm ing i hushing material und equip ment in germ iny prance italy ind i ngland will be al tended by w j be j my prcsldeni and gen crul manager of peurdmorc und cu ncxi moiilh mr and mrs beully leave from maltun airport may i lor the five week trip in genu my mr beally will be meeting wilh ihc inventor of the slurlighl patent leather pro cess iyjd with supplier of chemi cals und ma i trials used in the tanning process in acton in fruncc european hides for the development of new types of full grain leather will be sought much of the title oh the trip will be spent in ixmdon ai the showing ol canadian leather by importers meetings wilh repre sentatives ol the shoe industry in england und bcurdmurc and co distributors- will round out the itinerary clearing auction sale property of leslie giffen lot 8 6th ime esquesmg on 4turiuy aful atth at j o clock no reserve as farm is sold t cash frank fetch auctioneer telephone 877 2864 seoift vne lertl away off just hou agricultural is hal ton make a guess uhat percent age of the population is farm ers sandv best asked this one at the free press office this week and got answers awav off onls 3 9 percent he announc ed crown attorney county judge die w 1 dick 93 wh had operat ed a legal practice for 59 years and was halton crown attomes far 45 years died at his home in milton sunday a school there was named for nun retired halton county judge wilson ttdsdn robmson 68 a former asayor of oajmlle and halton county councillor aho died sundav in oatville hie retirv ed in 1961 and was replaced bs 44 judge ceorg effio umehouh magazine crackdown by district police north uaiton opp have bent checking local news lands temxhv ing for und lisling lewd or ob scene mugnjnes in a crackdown i objectionahlc literajurc their findings arc being report ld lo crown atlorney p k me williams and if objections are registered ihe books will be shown lo a judge and a warrant for their burning will be issued crown al lorncy mc williams said this week thai most deal have shown excellent co operation by taking these magu zincs off ihc stands sgt c wilkinson of north hal ton opp said his staff had checked all outlets in north hal ion and found nothing objection able about the books being sold campaign quarters chosen by parties ouarlcrs in oakvfllc have been chosen by halton s three polili cal parties as headquarters for the current federal election cam paign and all three parlies will have suboff kes in towns throughout the county as well conservatives are at 83 col borne st e with other quarters planned in burlington milton gjrorgeiown and acton the lib erals set up shop at 50 colborne st w and hope to base subof fices in the same four towns ndp backers will work from 2364 trillcr si bronte with sub- offices at milton and georgetown the conservative campaign manager is e w catanaugh ofilv oaksille while president bob mr william kim and mrs blake of halton young liberal t monroe of ingjewood and mrs association wli be conducting bun of montreal visited the the liberal campaign and mrs i kara s here on easier kav spies will orgame ihe n d p rands scott has been in to ronto on houda s i we are rfeascd that mia w mitchell is lablc to return ttome i from st mkrshs toronto foi- mjwing an eve operation a few weeks ago linda farrel of samia holiday- ed with uv arnolds recently menuettes meet visitors in news the limehousc menuettes met at the home uf eleanor karn saturday morning with j members prcseni maureen wil hams demons ta ted a table sell ing mr and mrs john gohm of bayvillc vim led mr russell kay cs over easier guy i angllle of toronto u hdl daymg with the vance langilles alex cedes of toronto is holi daying with ihe jack nobles mrs gordon ouinion of mo- ford has been visiting mr and mrs btri benton mrs gisbv and fred visited at beeton on suadav we arc pleased that carry pool s home and well afler a month in hospital mrs pout is also it cuperaling at home following surgery in guc ph general hos pital a coupl of weeks ago mrs gear and daughters of toronto wr with the james nobles a couple of dav recent effort calvary vbcn jesus went to calvarv to hang upon a cross the triumph of the cocms was but rheir deepest loss then tortured him with nail and taunt their hatred black as hell and at fulfillment want thes murmured ii is wrell i thev did not know the majesty of his redeeming grace nor could thev in their blind ness see the beaut of his face but he though standing on the brink of an inglorious tomb in agonv could onhr thmfc of their impending doom and setflcssh could not con- deina the tragedy ifaey wov his supplication was for them his heart so full of rwe fnow that spring is really tf itwir summer are begfev incir nng lf apprat wednesdays warm sunny weather brougnt out a few brave souls in ber muda shorts h x nm69 eybexam1nh giasses fitth mchfclhl guhph tayter 17150

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