Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 1

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wiii nirtnimwiwiais eiflhtyjaventh yrno 45 3t jvitfam snt ft ulrids 6v pound rainbow after tussle at fergus trout season for 1962 will hold t m44ound memory for one dis- i fisherman reg french of 0ifad- and the rainbow i trow be landed at the fergus mill dam will deck the wall of his home for years to come the ballinafad resident an cm ployee with shortfl sheet metal in acton decided to try his luck sunday evening and after cast ing a few times upstream decided to move closer to the dam where two other fishermen had just left emptyhanded shortly after mov tng into his new position the fisherman noticed the trout break water twice and decided it would make good eating gam nr escape his nineyearold son wayne was standing on the bank above him when the trout caught the flat fish lure a fishing compan ion was nearby trying his luck still in deep water the trout gave the angler a tussle and battled the lure 15 minutes before it was landed not until it was brought to shallow water did the rainbow give up the battle and even then it was game for an escape lack ing a net the fisherman summon ed ihe help of his companion who caught ihe fish behind the gills to lift it to shore the helper can verify the size of the fish as he has a red welt where the fish closed its gills on his hand after it had been stunned on the back or the head saturday a threepound rain bow wds hauled from the water near the same location and veter an fisherman familiar with the area claim the 6wootmd rain bow to be the largest hauled from the water m fergus in the past 21 years mr french is having the fish mounted but will still enjoy tasty morsels of fillet before the mounting is dpne union coiftnlissioft deadlocked following twohour meeting union officials and hydro com mission were deadlocked at the end of a two hour discussion thursday evening april 26 when 9 new union contract was discus sed during the last hydro meet ing commissioners turned thumbs down on a new proposal and agreed to continue under terms laid out by the present agreement with only a minor ad justment j lcblanc from the toronto of fice and a green from oakville along with local hydro workers were present to discuss the union contract chairman gordon bcatty of the hydro informed the delegates the commission had rejected the re cent submission as completely impracticable since it could be interpreted in such a manner there would be no limit to re- iponsibiliiy and costs to the com fetation he suggested the union aubmit a revised proposal for comiderationat a later o vbrmmsssfmra iwrfwlrflwr employees affected by tile union dorton frizzed and ken hodgson were in agreement with the on glnal submission after discussing union agree ment until ii pm commissioner ted tyler received the unamm aiaamiaiwmiijuiitmnawhfttjwwl frg stibcoatrattors for po homed wheels are beginning to turn at the site for the new federal post office on bower avenue and gen end contractors wilchar comp any have equipment moved in steel on location subton tractors engaged workshops sci up and snow fences installed to keep people out lu of t a s ous support of his colleagues for a 10 o clock curfew on future hydro meetings supcrlindcndcnt doug mason was authorized to make the ne cessary arrangements for the grand valley metermcn s associa lion meeting to be held in acton may 30 mr mason two em ployees of his staff and meter reader newton hurst received the blessing of the commission to attend a water heating servicing course in the near future it was agreed however they would at tend in two shifts in order not to leave ihc town without workers accounts totalling 1792166 wero approved for payment acton ontario thursday 3rd 1962 ten pagesseven cents real whopper of a rainbow trout was caught by roq french ballinafad resident sunday evening at the mill pond at fergus mr french is pictured above with his son wayne as they admire the 64 pound beauty the angler played the fish for 15 minutes before he was able to land it he will have it mounted for his trophy room rental of school auditorium to church for regular services nixed by board and excavation of the foundut are undcrwav and immediate pro gress is being made job supermicndcnt at the loca lion is john uiur of the wikhar companv and he slated this week lhat suthunlrdtlor for arious stages in excavation din let construction companv george town tkiindl work bruno e lee trie toronto form sit ting and pourine concrete aspen ton struclion limited cooksntk and curkrele suppliers pnmier build ing supplies georgetown mi lour also pointed out lhat as far is possible suitibk local i help would be engaged dun rip the nwiion of tht post ottue whili the work is in progress resident arc able to watch thcjrui a work at a sale distance r pumk sehum mmuu members ttoeadfly tuned thumbs down on a request from pastor j h wil son of the fellowship baptist church to rent the auditorium each sunday for scrvues until such time as a new church is erected mr wilson was present during the meeting and failed to see why the board would not rent the auditorium when told requests from other churches lo use the auditorium for the snmc purpose had been denied and thc would wonder whv the policy had been changed mr wilson slated you peopla an prejudiced i am not disagreeing with the board policy but tf the auditorium is emptv whv can 1 we make use of it it was explained that in the event the auditorium was rented the caretakers must be present tn supervise an clean up and it wen now obsolete as a newer type must bo lnstalbd on learning this wry unites broke out on the members faces as thev recalled how determined the inspector was to hae the present valves installed vet he now has suggested i dittereni tvpe replaee the present ones the board igrccd to eontael the ehiel inspector ind suggest if the change is impenme the bond would be pleased tb hae the change mode if the tost would be underwritten b the deput ment of labor members puzzled expressions changed howeei whin thi learned that repairs io the roots at the robert litlk ind m 7 bennett sehools would be m ide at no eost lo tht h nd bolh roofs had tiusid considerable damage when wikr seeped ml rooms which had to be v it ued zie when the board was told mr smith had done a terrific job as president of the north halton music festival association approval was given principal mckcnne to attend the interna tional ys mens convention at banff during tticyecond week in june mr mekcrttfc told the bojid arrangements had been mule lor marking examination pipe is dun iij ihe time he is was asking too much for ttum io work every sundav they arc entitled to their weekends off one member remarked asked whv he did not wish lo continue to hold senicis in the ymca the group has been meeting in thi bisement ot the up in the present time 1 mi wil son stated the room was not suil ibk for divine services trustex vie bristow nmaikcd ii the members an dedicated enough the should be witling to hold se rv ices anvw hen ap proval was given the church lo use the uiditnnum rem tree for the ma b special services onlv board members wis i bit an noved lo learn that valves rciom mended last war at ihc m z bennett school bv the boiler in speetot had been installed and tcmporaiitv prepare stone school it was dso it mud iht si m school has been v it lied bv atli n cilicns band hki ilttrilims would begin ihts month in pup- arat ion lor the httji sthool h ild ing tl isses line in tht i ill in unlet lu postpone i hiiikliiie pi i ram approv il w is ct n t the christ mi red i nnd ihiiuh i hold a lealmn bihk sji m 1 dui ing the htsi tw i weeks m juk in live tlissiooms il the rohert lltlle sehool prou line e mdm laid down h tht boaul wire he red to principal i linn smith t m i benin tt school uuiia pat on ihe haik frun robert i tie school pnniipil c v m k membcis ili sharon lemon been tng iged 1 mil school sht sheila bcuhmc also eng iged b item in of si pi his mrs a teaine the r board numb socctor n l i learned miss ol annun had r the m 7 ben will replace miss who is leaving is garv wpvne 1 1 itloid who re- andrews who is ibei t little school k irned thai in mcneil and board gals join dads and lads for 23 annual y banquet hu niki ctilt bi ulii id tin home leon nine and in dustn il aits uljsirdliun tut next viar and reportid that eom piml to ihi tin grade 7 el mil three gride 8 classes hst i it then w iukl ik live er uk 8 mil thin hi uk 7 classes mxi m ii keludnil ilu gradi 7 pu pilv turn the sismtuecvi in i i wis point d tut that crack 8 students w mid teccive in exlia le vhour pi nod which vcould ri nt ii issiiwcv i hivinp t i rni ek i ti i ii i ot ifieir own 1 hi si ieiii w is instructed i a tradition through the past 22 years was bruken in i pleasant and charming manner thursday evening april 26 when acton y men s club included daughters at the 23rd annual faiher ind son banquet about 100 intended ihe event in the y master of ceremonies fur the evening elub president doug cope land welcomed the fathers sons and diughters lo the ban quet he introduced ymca boaid chairman bub foyers who added wordbpf welcome lo the guests mrv foyers outlined thi y prugramxancl stressed ihi need for more inarest he in vlled adult lo participate in thi program as wells chtldien stdl log the biumfng and i iciliues belong to zffie people and we vvould likttt see the people of them o the sons ind rs was given by y s man la re nee rognvaldson js he not tl the importance ut the part played by women in society to day he pointed out the lads had a job to do in exploring sp ice as the world progresses in ihe spdec rtce mr rognvaldson slated behind eich successful mm stands a successful worn in the young men ind wumen of tod iv arc the cornerstones foi building world peace michael cooper responded to the toast on beh df of the boss and janet rognvaldson inswind foi the girls both stressed the need for tonliniiuil tin fuller son uid daughter h muiicts nt ordci to piovidc more together ness ys man dmei smith ter of ceremonies for tin tainmenl which consisted of lo- al talent he introduced joe pel nc who plaed selections accordion enlilled olow worm mexican hat dance and the thunderers linda ralston sane iwo solos hiawatha s melody ol love and around the woild the triple trio from thl roberl little public school winners in the halton county music festi val sang their winning number oh where tell me when helen benton sing chapel in ihe moon i ght ind oh whu a beau iful morning to conclude the enleildinment assess575daamge la two- vehicle crash dannie amounted to in estim ued j575 thursdiv mglu april 26 when a ear duvcn bv a geoigt town voulh and onednvmbv in acton man wen in collision with each ot he i at ihi coniei ol queen street ist ind churchill ronri t hound eai dnven hv glen winlu ot georgetown and i vcliick eli iveii hv don gum ol ac ion southbound on chunhill roid win in collision il ihc in leiscction mr rugnv ildson showed slidis fhfeft unmeiit thdinn m y s ol a recent trip lo euione vi in adhui coopti who m ide sldted guest speakers frid the irringc mints for ihe guest hunt minster of the bufl do spe ikers si ued this week i mix bisons ilong with pltver cluco up ikciined when ihe buff do ri maki and forme i american i id sons hid i scheduled gdmc wnh ics figure sk itmg ihunpion ann springfield the mini evening deckop wen unable lo ittend however miss deekop and bill entertainers during the father son and daughter banquet slaged by the acton y s wen s club thursday evening april 26 pleased an audience numbering 1 25 pictured left io ght are helen benton vocalist joe petric accordionist and finda ralston vocalist standing in the back is doc hark manager of the acton pee wee team who spoke on sports in acton russell were lo attend the din ner the htlcr two were unable lo fulfill the engagement when the developed ear trouble short h ilicr k iv ing buffalo praises youngsters curnct doc h irklev mana- cci ol the loe it pu wee hockey tc im w is introduced to ihe group he oul lined ihe busv pro- grim inleicd into bv his team during ilu p ist hockev season mr hirkkv st ued his pleasure in working with ihe voungslers tnd urgid pirents to give them mine suppoi t and encourage ment the hockev te im man iger sial ed ihu when the boys were ra veiling to ouioflown games some ot them it a distance of 100 miles the conversation invariab ly turned lo lathers most of the bovs in proud of their falhers he slid hut noted they would like to see more ot ihem at ihe anil i minor hockev in acton is go ing lo progress now that we hive artificial ice ind here is no ixa son whv wi un i turn oul some good hoi kiv plivers dnd fine voting i mik mm he cmphasiz ed mi h irklev also suggested somi other ue utivilies such as ligure sk hint he girls he id i ible guests iniroduvcd bv y s mm lorne doberlhien in eluded c rognv ildsun janet r cm ildson helen benton doug jumelmd joe petru rev a h mckcnzn who snd griec prior l i tin dintut his son allan bob i ne is ind daughter chnsline md m iiiriin row in inclusion ui ihe turkey lend tor hv walson s kisi un ml ys man david gohn nl ilu ludicncc m i rousing singsong iccompanied hv school music supcrvisoi ys man glenn b inks at ihe piano dinner wool spinning industry comes here this summer acton industrial commission h is announced it is expected th it j avon textiles ol milton and gioilatown will locale in acton sunu negoliilioiis uc unik i w n it i he present ihlle lo k isi ippiol m itch 8000 teit l spice in the cm ill paikus builduv ind it is ixpee led th it in uiptnii will lu completed shmh to ihk v ik lo slirt on itteia which will lu requiud j 1 ion results is i w t ihnshtd e imp mv in op i i some difficulty has been en iitinteteil ill iceomodiling somi i piltes ot illichlllciv whuh will incisuie ippiomin itclv 140 toil in itivlh bul once lliesi pro i l plans jll pioellss i ii ope i i oils mil nee ippromtn ilch in auc i i old ind til hnu ihni custom u ml spinjiuil pu hi n with kmiini ol mnis so ks thi compiuv will l ittpi miiiilk in l hi iuichbouih i d ol pj n lilts huiklitic ik i tc idv i lutmhii ol dictrsiliid intusiks mthitiry bulb v 1 lleil flltnilull i milted kt lies oiein contpun i imitnl thu ruoul division of h k potter c i nidi i id umtidc in idsienci tompmv ol c in ula limited ind banquet convener oniniul lr swims seafood company stor- ile spice is dso being utilized by a p green hue bnek company limilid wul corona shoe comp- inv imiied gt minds no king well mam l lined mil liter hi ns are contm u illv in pt lriss io accomodate im nits bolh with regards to n unit ic luting sp ice and also the movement ol tiaffic and park mil i niki ti nsukialion at the pre sent tinit in plans for ihe instal i in hi l i innn employees en ii inn n iht liont of the build iul iitw imkptndciil lite escape siaiiwells md j no i ireight cle s 1 1 i to stivici ihe basement m i ih id 1 hu if he main build v ihis will in iki av iildbk iwo i nth iwe him i t ihi sun n ion ppmv il w is eiveti tor use ol the iw i sthixils on miv 24 foi oil polio icehie clinic to be held accounts totalling j4ws2 vm ippiivtd i ii pavment call bids on track chairman re i tor the grading uid ilia preparation of the s3mt m campbelhrnic night harness racing track were called thurs day by proctor and redfern rnajmsi ing toronto imitation bms said project launch 10000 may campaign t to it or ii the prices are dm may 1ft mr rtadcr said the grading and it work wul go ahead tauncdl- atdy after best tender b accepted but the buddtag con struction tender wfll not be call- td until later posstbty uds ss ii tni n april 17 permit issue after issuing onlv 15000 m buikltng permits in the first three months of 1962 the township of nassagaweva issued permits far three houses and two cottages with a value of 32000 total in april this brings the years total to 41500 il is a pleasure lo report to ihc were invited to submit proposes t m i vouinbutors and nends who sei sugestinc iixas in wh h i in nil wholeheartcdh supported inir mies coufel hcetu u i in ihi el ommumtv centre campaign ii sjrutuon ot iht c minium i 1 r is a report of susses of gcvier centre building ippt ous suppjin of a new feeling ot ahci e insukriblc discussion it eummumiv aeoumplishmint wuh the proposal ol j b mikeiw i hi wtiich voei mav be lustlv proud and son wis keep id ami h i i the first phase ol ihe pruet eontnet was ist trded o his mnv was the manual pledge dnvc firm tor ll4v instruct i m l i held in mas of last vtar the under the niratt wis omplet campaign re ifhod its 60000 ob- od in jinuarv ot thi ve i in tht jecrrve just 21 short davs after arliticiat i i nsiall itt in ind nn the tirsi pkxlges were made ovauon ot the o d mna est when the final accounting hid mated costs were excelled ir been made a total of 165 40091 rwo major vitas had been pledged approximilclv s3 s00 in a lib in the second phase plans pre- tonal expenditures was env urn in pared bv ihc architect for ihe tered because u beeimc obvious community centre building were that the arena lighting would given out on a tender call and have to be replaced to meet hv 1 bids were received when hose ro specifications v will jppms figures were reviewed m conoid imatelv 2000 euhic v irds of a i e ration of rhe amount pledged it dilional e and fill were was realized changes would have requinid to ensure i proper it i o be made in the communitv tihcial ice insiallaiion a thouirh 1 centre building contractors we had a contingenev fund we rw pi i ululv noted tsptnsts and n and id isirative t sts jtet toialled asun i p irts lhat to s his hetn re ive i t m pic lgt in the dura- n t in pkdfit penod it is pt us1 tht mi iimt of w22j ii iv ii ml whuh will bnng i i ilwlsh re e vtd to fc1183 the bilin t 2777 s i the a imouni i t the pledges which hivx not been honored a ernt rim ihc communiiv c n re- branch ot the dcpar ncit ot gntultun of 10000 was fanud vaith these nseipts and an iv continued on page three stuff phot excavation started for the new water reservoir being expect to have the excavation completed by nett wednesday bu it on churchill road north this week and power shovel when thi phase of work n completed footings will be poured and bulldozer operators have been kept busy james kemp steel has been arriving at the site thu week and engineers ara construction company are the contractors for the reservoir and on hand to watch the progress amivs o m d i w irni

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