Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 2

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tj actori free press thundy may 3rd 196 htmt cltimt mkisttr tories pick sandy best candidate ufehted u a young capable it intelligent worker i alexander sandy best 31 was named friday to carry the halton progressive conserva tive banner in the june 18 feder al election mr best was tint elected hot- toavl mj at ottawa in 1957 and swt ftr 0dd pt c a martin of milton made nomination and it was secon by mrs j lehman of oak- before a arowd of 250 con mvauvotf who attended the nom hutm convention at the milton fqwtl hall officials explained the troall crowd was due to the flict everyone knew in advance that sandys nomination would not be contested there wcro no farther nominations i mlnuter guest speaker was the hon da vw walker an mp since 1957 and canadas minister of public works atoce 1959 sandy best oh a bright future in the house of commons he will eventual ly without a shadow of a doubt b a cabinet minister the guest speaker declared he comes from eight genera- huns of canadians the first of whom was a member of canada s flnt bngtjthspeaung legislature bl ftova scotia i worked iwth htm on the governments agricul tural committee and he more thap miyone- e canada is re- ponslble for the humane slaugh ter act he was very highly re garded in his representations to the united nations and when i se sandy coming into my office t might as well say yes sandv hghon gets it because hell keep at me until he does get whatever he wants the speaker said rdy on record uc walker as other speakers that night verified the whole feel ing of the conservative campaign the present government is rely ing on its record for the past five years in its bid for rcelec tlon he apoko of the millions of dollars poured into halton coun ty in federal public works in chiding additions to old post of fices or election of new post of fices in all halton centres work on bronte harbor loans for bousing totalling 66 million over the past fnc vears grants to conservation authorities and the technical school aid fc programs vj eottr horsemen twmlng to ms opposition he callad the liberal party the van ished pomp of yesterday thev mint the four horsemen of the 4qltptemartm pkkersgitl chev tw and pearson all front-bench- and all vying for pearsons job tinder a liberal regime the dollar slipped down 38 cents in that between 1945 and 1955 but tttdtr tha present government he want on the dollar dropped only twelfths of a cent last vcar tight money is a thing of the past are you better off nou dam you were in 1959 if not youre tha exception unemployment mr walker omttaiuod is not a serious prob lem tha government is at temp t- ato tram the people for skilled to get them and tw tncreaw ck to work i hi winter work program to increase em ployment and build the necessary buildings tor you cosatrvatve progress other cdnservativrrgovertmicnt sjocoapuahmenu he listed were an increased import trade a sur pitta tradt balance of 89 million last war lowered income taxes for m per cent of the people low erad corporation taxes increased old ag passions increased veter asl pensions increased children allowances and childrens income tax exemptions more loans for until businessmen expansion or the oil policy sales of 425 mil uon worth of surplus wheat last yaar and the opening up of can adas north via the transcanada algfeway- ntna recession has been brought to an end we are in the best period of proaperitv this country hag ever vritnessed he stated let our record speak for it self wa dont need to make anv promises we got vou out of the recension now you dont want to radect the people who got yon into the recession tirade on press mr walker closed with a tirade against what he called a distinct liberal was in the press the press he suggested- has leaned on a liberal government for 22 years and cant get away from its lean- perfence to be in parliament and he looked forward with confid ence to another term in the house but he pointed out help was needed to ensure his return to ottawa in the next seven weeks until june 18 you must tell your neighbors and friends he storv about our goemmcni because it h not apparency well enough known report on spending in a report lo the people of the countv he pointed out some 10 million pouiing into the tmin t in family allowances 13 mil lion in old age pensions up 1 million from five vears ago over 1 million in hospital construe tion grants a surge m housing that saw nearly 6000 new homes erected in halton state i9s7 4 million spent on the burlington bridge and bronte harbor and other waterfront projects two major railway grade separations 25 sets of railwav protections school and hospital grants and many other improvements in hal ton this is all part of our nation al program this is happening all osprlnol saadn hkewaa was madak la scattkh dance coatast ocr he explained we dont play off one purt of the country against another proud or leader going on to the national cam paign mr best declnreo we- are j party thai is proud of its lead cr p hue ml baker is an individualist a re nunduus leader a man who lias suffered in the past great dfeats a great humanitarian and i great parliamentarian we must gel used to a con stant criticism but we must real irc it is naluril and we must fight back with a presentation ur our record we tan expect harsh tatties and slander from our op positionbut we will realize it is a sign of weakness on their part i wish to assure you of a con seivuttve victory on june 18 wild promises ontario member stanley l halt spoke on mr bests behak and brought greetings to the meeting from the provincial house he referred to the oppo sition making wild promises thev will never get the privilege of using refreshments were served at the conclusion of the meeting mrs a bulloch ami willie mrs ross mcewan sandra cnrulyrt and peggy attended the guelph highland dancing competition on saturday sandra won four sil ver and a bronze lujdul miss muriel mccutchcon spent i he easier houdnys with mi and mrs george mcmillan toronto re w and mrs dm id slewuil included mr and mrs alex tmcll owen sound mr and mrs s baldwin and children ancaster j mrs jack kerrigan of sam in and mrs harold btute ol saska loon sask spent a fewdavs last icek with wud and byron bruce nd families mr and mrs frank fein and daughlers who sold their farm on llie town line moved lo is lington on tridav wlu re thev pur liascd a home mi and mis s pmksm i of patterson new jeiscv visitttl for a few davs with mr and mrs klooster and family back at school mis n ralhbun resumed her dulus as teacher in the senior room at the local sthoul on mun- dav following a lengthy illness from an ear infection sunday visilois with d g and mrs robeitson included mi and mrs llovd robeitson guelph mr and mis allan robertson of hamilton mr and mrs george young of atton anil mi and mrs reg cartel and karen of straf fold mr and mrs william steven son of toronto spent ihc week nd with the latter s parents mi and mrs w mcmillan dancing at ranch mr and mrs robb baikv and a group from mimosa attended the dance at mart kcniuv ranch on tridav evening and wcie seen locally on tv m tnt di hian was ahti leave the guelph hospital last week following several vt i wish to assure you of a conservative victory on june 18 helton mp sandy best declared friday ntght as thaj countys pcs nominated him again fo contest the county seat at ottawa in the june election the shillelagh in his hand is not particularly designed for beating ihe opposition he used it to prove a point during his speech of acceptance the weapon was a birthday gift from his irish wife z ta silver medal sire for r e johnston brampton naomi s beacon very good a jcrsev bull has been named a silver medal sia- bv ihe canadian jersey cattle club on the stnngth ot ihe re cords completed bv thiec of his daughters these daughters are clston naomi beaton linda as a senior iwo vear old with 9 116 lbs of milk and 481 lbs of j and has been used and owned b r e johnston o av ion he- i s a its eil sue with a rai ing on 21 us ed daughters of 7 942 lb m ik and 4s7 lbs o ri ith an wiage list o 5 76o on i m lure oqim ilen hdsrv a t it nt friends following ihc honeymoon lhencwlyweds will rciidc in brampton where the groom is mployccl sympaihv i extended to mrs j sharpu and family in the tra gic death of mr sharpe who was severely burned in a grans fire and died later in guelph nvjspitbf mrshstpe iiud irt ed a fire lo bum off grass art his hurrie on the corner of the first lino and seventeen slderoad and fell into the fire where he suf lered burns to his body the prompt action of erin fire brigade saved the building when fire tiimtt very lose to the house mrs sharpe received se vere burns to her hands in an attempt to pull her husband from the flames she is at a daughters homo in guelph where she is in late of severe shock wedding friday wilma klooster and bcnklum penhouwer vveie married tndav evening in the christian reformed church in aelon with rev nut ma performing ihe ceremom a reception followed altemkd bv members of the families and 9wmarinmtxr kttt heres chance to meet mike mike will be in halton wed nisdav mav 9 ifvottlike mike the hq lesier pearson you can meet fiim at the brant inn burlington around 4 30 and 4 40 oclock dr harry harley halton s li bcral tandidale and his organiz crs will meet mr pearson about 3 30 o clock at ihe junction of no 2 highway and highvvav 22 a cavalcade will be formed and proceed to the queen flizabcth to ihe seienlh line then to the oakqueen plaza there mr pearson will be greeted bv mav or anderson of burlington the cavalcade will leave tht shopping centre about 4 40 and proceed to the brant inn dublin 4h girls entertain mothers the fifth meeting of the dub lin 4h club was held on satur day afurnoon april 14 at lorna macphcrsons home after the business part of ihe meeting the leader- mrs wilson read notes on the value and use ol vegetables for supper in the kitchen norma moffat and baibara bntton made some sajad dressing mrs wilson made a tasty tossed salad containing various colorful vegetables it was served for lunch along with lolls and freshie on tuesday evening april 24 the sixth meeting was held thi bntton home the club girls decided to serve a supper to their mothers and past leaders on friday april 27 it their leaders home after a de licious menu had been planned tonjiurung some of the dishes that thev had learned to make the club everyonejfcas assigned some of the food lo prepare and bnnglo the meeting the girls i planned to take this oppor liinity to present their past lead rs with a present showing their appieciation mis wilson gave notes on hicad and cereal for suppei mrs blvth ihc assistant leader dem onslraled how lo make tea bis cuits lach girl is required to take four standard tea biscuits to achievement dav at the end of ihe club vrrth3 n a v p flston naomi beacon lora as i senior two vear old with 9411 lbs of milk and s22 lbs of fit i wilh a icsi rf ss1t elstun naomi biuoiv rose with 8 0 lbs ot milk and m lbs of fat as a senior two vear old all records were made in 30s davs brampton naomi s beat on was bred bv b h bull son bramp- tk sandy best in accepting his domination said it was a wonderful and a heartening ex- serpent mounds story in park serpent mounds provincial park at lindsav this summer will boast an unusual attraction an exhibit centre prepared as part of the winier works program whkh port raw the serpent mounds mots as revealed h ar khaeologiial investigations these were made during the summers of nv1 by the roval ontario museum in itineration with the serpent mounds foundation peterborough ind the depart- meni of lanets ind forests a booth loniaintng five self cxplanitorv panels will tell visit ors the storv of indian culture which flourished here 2000 vears ago photographs excavated arti facts and diagrams help explain how investigators concluded that this rarlv indian civilization was known as point peninsula vacation bible school please enroll your children now ail children ages 6 14 years to be held at robert little school july 3rd 13th send this coupon now to calvin christian school seder of acton po box 548 acton ont parent s name parent s address child s name age grade attending all welcome its free en koi l now crop demonstration program outlines improved techniques during ihe past wechy the hal 1 included in ihc demonstration tejn soil and crop improvement pro are procets to demon assoeiallun in eooperaliun wilh tanncis in mai ion has been set ling out crop demons i rations the purpgseof these demonstra tions is to outline improved crop ping techniques tbis pfogramift carri ut bn ic ussoclution in cooperation with ihc extension brunch oni ario department of agriculture and the soils and field husband rv departments of the ontario agricultural college in order to obtain mure useful results ihe halton soil and crop improvement association is co operating with associations in peel went worth and lincoln counties the wcalhcr certainly chang ii lute wednesday and thursdav ind everyone was either wearing i heavy sweater or hunching heir shoulders with the cold mrnte the vuie of soil testing in upplving commercial fertilizers variety demonstrations of bar lev and on is have been set up to fulness of each ctuyiit hamaequntyother thwttn programs include weed control demonstrations pasture manage ment and crop management various projects pasture management is one of ihe most important facets of livestock production tn halton county to focus attention on this the association is now ao eepting entries in n pasture man agement competition informa- informa- available tulension branch ont- mo department of agrnuliure milton for that special photograph please call s531700 stevenson photo studio we specialize in weddings passports visas child studies commercial and industrial photography we wish lo thank our many customer for their past patronage to all those who have articles fo be picked up please call the above telephone number help help sandy best building the nation 6500000 spent on public works here in halton since 1957 best f0rhau0n published by halton county conservative association save 10 on every dozen eggs grade a large 36 jeaiv 5 grade a medium 10 oz pcxy bag spinach 19c 24 oz poit bag parsnips 19c green onions 3 bunches 25c acton creamery ltd na oawky phonc 5j110 acton firefighters solicit everyones assistance to save taxpayers money nuisance calls lives and property if acton and district residents would kindly limit grass and garbage burning unless properly supervised we would be deeply grateful area residents are reminded to give clear concise directions in the event of a fire call mick holmes chiff acton firefighters wf all want to make sure profits wl all her uk assurance protection you ra assured bohvm a ft si ikkaasswmce ctrnprn limited dttal puttpose investment plan isu4m acton you are cotdkhy invited ft atteaj the newly organized fellowship baptist church shv1cb in kmsn limt school auoitotlum sunoay may 6 9 45 am family bible schoolrev a capon ma 11 00 a m rev a capon m a 7 00 p m rev b woods b a m th s 30 p m community singspiranon rev brace wonb ba mjh minister of maple ave baptist church georgetown musk all services provided by use rull efosjejph vecal mbe musical sw mvtalx elonci w organ stylmss kev aimtgnt caton ma general secretanr of saiptorc umon for canada sprinc is the time for that pepup and checkup treatment a motoc tunc4ip of a ofnhlal ovrhaw job vlflu do wonobts km yoim cab this smuno wfathbl hav thi thain1no and tht tqoipmiht k dbpbnd abu sttvrct battery oil change radiator carburetor ignition brakes let ui keep yei car operating effkienflyl your impfahal esso dealer acton motors tout stuotaakk dbau fo s yiact 6 main s phorw 853128

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