Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 4

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ttm pnut tryadey my 3rd i9m tournament big success gearfttowna bantam hockey tanned whoa hie final lame wa played tournament wa landing iiwceu by oui organlacn saturday over j joo fani jam mod oeortttownttwoa to nee the highly rated georgetown club freah from a victory over he handpicked toronto mariboros lay calt for the grand champ- ment1qnbd in ihla space tan week more or leu a an appen daoe was the fact that thfi scribe bad heard no news of possible minor baseball activity in alton it was the wrong thing to- say on two count first it was still cerl the snow had barely rncli ed from the diamond hockc was still vcty much in the con vcrtatlonnl spotlight second h produced a visitor j ho among other things chalk no- cd the item looked at u pecuv iarl and probably wondered what vt of drcumilancc cwr turned an ink stained printer into a ncwhound he came bouncing into the composing room and told it flat v there would be minor base ball in acton this war in fait there n practice on ttmrcdav evening may s at the rear of the high school for all bovs up to the age of 14 a coanmlttm of six which m only live at the ttmt mm lookbttj autr the detaib they featfosm to managa and coach n wot and bajitam h for tat we a boy must be un der 13 by may i bantam age limit b under h by may 1 eddie for it was eddie owen who sited and supplied the in formation indkateil the teams lost a little mono last war just me and pete vale handled ihem bt season and w had to dig into our own pexkets said ed on more than a coupk of l gait won the final in sudden- death overtime other winnerstoronlo maribo ros took the a title gnltcortur- ed the s trophy geurgeiuwn snafued the c championship and copper cliff wrapped up the d crown atton was eliminated in the early games of the tournamonl b wpodbridge nine people hear annual y report with only a pitiful handful o nine interested clllaans attending the annual murray memorial r ma mcatlni ion night wed neiday li wai trnpourale to elect new oltlcen for the year and a nominating committee wan ap pointed for this purpose of ihc nine in attendance five were directors of the y board two were members ol me vi club one was a v instructor and another an interested chl xen president bob fovers stokd the board wan lontoinplailng n lung term program agordlng y racllltlis hi ilnied ul though n definite plans hne been ftnalli ed dicuwhins hove wn held re garding the possibility uf install tig n swimming pool at ihc reur uf iho building j occasions thts war continued fd the committor inductee dtk lee dick fcittrt gorv coenden john huf lauxl and pete and mvself more pocket to di into i thought mutiph ihc number of pockets b ihc amount raised lost season and hell tell mc how muth ittl take to run the teams this season but i v i wrong then he said were kind of looking for sponsors know an one interested in sponsoring nun i or basebalp further conversation dislcosed that the teams would require ul tie money to run uniforms were available onlv bats and balls and equipment which must be bought each season would him to be purchased thats the story of snlnor baseball in acton to date and uda dont forget to be at the rear of the ugh school tonight thursday im to ngbter wtth the acton teams comtnunlty effort this would mean a commun ity effort ulcd iho president as ho suggested a financial mem bership campaign be adopted he noted that although the member hlp was lower this year than inst 7mb people had used the y facilities ihliycar when mr foyers read the fln- another activity one of the most popular with fins uas also heard from this week when the softball league renewed its charter dave madcswas elect ed to head the acton house lea gue which will probabu haw four and ma hae as mim as six teams entered this season the sofjhall iciguc amon oth er things was interested in put ting lights on the softball dia mond they had blecchcrs built and the diamond renovated last season last years champions beard- more tanners will probabh be back again this season as well as wc of the two hotel teams the ciuaens bond will also like- l haw an cnirs and the grape- vine says ledgers iga will sponsor a team the executive wmch includes harry lpweon mick hoboes awtiriinhag ta parts board bt hm witaii lay to ar- maroaret siaven daughter of mr and mrs t slaven r r 4 acton added five more medals and a trophy to her collection saturday evening when she placed first at th guelph district highland dancing competitions competing against 200 youngsters in the eight and under class she received four firsts and one second the young dancer is pictured above with the trophy she won and a total of 41 medals to date she also has two other trophies and a plaque for her dancing she is a student of dave izatt highland dane instructor -from- clarfcion l l t ii tlafkit amounting lo si 068 74 would be reduced somewhat bv a 300 donation tram the y men a club and other dunatlons 1 1 was learned kcrclury sli suit i is a patient in the hospital tlu ys men club vulunitcrtd lo patrol the y dining his ab- scmc with each member tuklng u turn one evening u week y offlcera on the hoard uf directors ore president bob foyers truisurcr blnitr smith locrttiirv munscll nellls publicity ihuirmnn clur- once rognvuldson p i o y i am chnlrmiin art cooper board members kav graham gnrnot mckanxic and farl miwutes vuhinteer leaders in the gvm arc vic roach and june david son swimming instructors tony hoppti chi is denny linda sicv enson woodworking kudu j nk blundcll weight tirtlng all m holmes soccer lorrv nolan ys mens club offktrs nil president doug copclmul secre tary paul lawmin in sura fred koch y lndlcs auxfharv officers are president kay grnhun sec it lory haul hudgson ys men eltes president is mary mckenit djel 1 nn and secretary is bea dubois on the staff wlihgenerol secre tary sid salts is laretuktr chat i u grlose i total meinbarahlp facts and figures prepared by mr flaliz show total member shin of 176 uf this 129 are boy and men and 47 arc women and girls -tirrer- nn of groups with enrolment ragu lurly scheduled through the year was 3117 persons uncf in groups without enrolment regularly ihcduled 479 persons auend once at special cvurms without n regular schedule was 492 and j roups tindur ulhet auhplcus us rig y luillltles leflilled i 21ftpt sons he points out at ion tlu smallcsl town on tin north am erlcan contlncni which maintains lis uwn supuinlc ymca mi sail wiiies in hffr a purl we un giattlul lo ihc press sohoou churciltch and many gniupi fui their hulp and eo-op- intllun we acknowledge with sinccit appiccluilon ihc suppoti or imal industiics the ert iris of the bcjaicl ol cliixelois out vol u nicer lohdurs and- our munv members ancrfrleiuls who helped the actun ymca to make uh past ciu siticcsslul a special word of l hunks iu uur y s men t dub ihc y ladies auxiliaiy and ihc yslvknutus who contiibui ed so genuutislv lu nuiimctiancc and upciallon ol acton ymca wc liusl i luil in ihc vcais head wci can continue to connl on youi loyal suppotl high school news by gary murr todnv is the scheduled dnv foi the actun high school track and field meet both uuls and hovs will be competing in such cvenu as ninning broad high jump imc in truk then will be uciifs ranging from 50 irds to 1 mile the open events which unone ma enter ire the rclnv the 440 yards 880 yards and the mile the meet is being held in ic cordancc with the house league two points will be licn for even meet sou compete in if uni place cirh in in evcnl vou obtain five points three foi sec ond and one for third the winner of in of the div isions cither bantam junior in lermcdiate or senior will receive an extra 25 points for his house at present the red house is win ning with the white second and blue third wuhw j ata haiton manor knox alert auxiliary dancers programs given by actonians intended for last week by mlas muriel thompson a group of ladies who contn bule gencrousu to the jo of the easier season at the manor even ear came again on wednesda night april ii to present a pro gram of both sacred and seculir numbers the fcroup of visitors includ ral gentlemen who came beat bits u tat halloa coimly baseball association also numbered 40 the ladies wen the members of the alert j evening auxilian of knox pres- bwenan church in acton their irestdcnt mrs j l daidson heir minister rev a h mcken ic and mrs mckcnzic came with ihc group since this was mrs mekcnzics first visit to the ma nor she received a spceial wel come mrs fred anderson and mrs davidson were the eonveners and mrs anderson anngun program in her usual ven f l humorous and informal jfa si ion mrx mel mccullouglr plaj cd most of the pian accompani men is mrs davidson opened the pro gram bv extending words of greeting to the audience as is the eusiom when these ladies eome even year the first part of the program was a devotional penod after two verses of the inusii was included with doro- th ann and karen orourke of limehouse accompanied b their mother plavmg violin solos and later a duct bv request mn orourke plaved a violin solo also two senous poems if i had ihc power read bv mrs j inglis and the lost sheep read by mrs fred anderson and a very hum- follow fts usual procedure h lmng frtt jcsu nad hctn opening of the intermediate sea- mrv r adams read psalm son should be the 24th of mas 23 mr mekenie devoted ms weekend acton intermediates punun of the devoninal penod as well as giving the diamond a m ihe readinj ih f ne espnss face lifting have been mdulgpng nm g r ur ven appropriate poems easter parade dunng the balance of the pro gram j wide vanets of vocal and instrumental selections readings and dances were presented miss bellamaw roszell mrs mcken zie and tan davidson sang as solos turn your eves upon je sus his esc is on the sparrow and the lord s mv shepherd n thai rder mrs davidson and ihc mamprixe bovs keirlr and mr tvroorkc sang tw duets in in a few throwing seuans the should gat down to scrraus prac tising next wrck quttr a lew fans from town attending the memorial cup fames w guelph most ant rooting for the west few nsfjanafn had much hick in ttus neck of the winds opensag day although those wbe travelled far aftdd brought taocae sparimem of bradlcywho hooked a 22inch the garden and in the swret rainbow in the thomburv disl bv andbs tu ung girk ruth rict baartara are tiemg on the and connie coles with their mo- feed b at annual banquets and iher plasing the p ano accomp- prcsentauob sujhla bbbaat ammenu sang the ninety and quote in tht jaaaor hockey flaab nine and beemd the sunset most haw been eddie bush s re- earls m the program mrs a the condition of ed- ben benton of lunchouse plav bbonton 00 tangs uniforms ed four selections on her ace-ord- haam any more about a junior ton- one of which wai the trnich teewi caa tor acloa moat song eaater parade later in the j nvbte pbrjtrf junkr program she plaved the hymn a in guelph last aeataon itake rime to be hoi violin l orous reading down with men nx i ted by mrs george young lent canetv to the pro gram a clever tap dance was danced to the music of a bicycle built for two played on the re cord player by carol ann masal- es and karen ashley who wore ven pretty blue and white cos tumes for this dance this aned program which t the same time so inspiring entertaining came to an v th the singing of the hvmn n him with mam crowns special easter benediction inetd b mr mckenzie handicraft gifts at the close of the program mn davidson made the presen tation of a large gift of articles useful for their projects to the handicraft class as has been the case on even other occasion the visiting ladie- sened a delicious luneii wh h in luded sandwiches- arts and un v small cakes whi h the themselves donated a un hap pv voual hour was ihen spent w ih these ladies and mans mphments were pa d to them fur the excellent entertainment thai they had provided fir ihe residents on this oeiamon as on mans other occasions i scotth tnuacara the thrilling skirl of the bag pipes could be beard and the soft swtrl of the kilt eould ncen m the auditorium on fndas night apnl 13 vthen 10 ladies pntlemen and children who are members of the aei n scottish dane club came to the manor to danec for ihc residents the preswent of the club dr r buckner of actorf and mn buekner were in attendance biu wilson was saaster of ccromoa- ies and dave laatt of ctarkaon the instructor was present to see his pupils p their dances in xer graceful and agile fash- i although known as rhe acton scottish dance club the club is nude up of dancers from port credit clarkson milton and nearby centres the residents sat in a circle surrounding the danc ing area where the dances wece performed to the raustc of the bagpipes played by jim izatt the dancers ntered the auditorium in a long line of mixed couples the ladiqs wore white dresses adorned with the tartans of their clans and the gentlemen wore while shirts and kilts the children were in full scottish costumes bucknera reel dunng the program several dances were performed bv the entire company these included the canadian barn dance the gay gordons and the waltz county dance six small boys and girls and jack mcgeachic of acton danced the highland fling and then the same six children danced the sword dance without an error eight children danced t ne duke of atholls reel three children and mr mcgeachte danced the highland reel a very interesting personal touch was given to the program when bdck ners reel arranged by mrliatt in honor of or buckner the president was performed by a set of eight adults at the close of thrs picturesque and exhilarating evening dr buckner and mr wilson express ed the pleasure felt b all the danecn in having come to the manor to spend an evening with the residents the heart round of applause that followed thru- offer to come again showed how eager the residents were to have them do so scatnah shortbread a bountiful and delicious tunah of sandwiches scones manv kinds of cookies and a special u em of shortbreads direct from scotland all donated b the vov iton was served with tea and coffee bv the adults and children of the elub to bring this most enjovable evening to a close the refreshment hour was sup- ermed bv mrs edirh wmney who is a member of both the nor staff and toe ha i ton mao- or auxiliary many acton people wene pleased to tee jackie dawe and tes mcfliedran on ken soble amateur hour on television on sunday dance tonight thursdin evening there will he a dunce at the high school li will begin at 9 o clock uid run through to 12 midnight link cicsnr and llu consuls wilt be featured the price ul admission will be 7sc single and 1 25 per couple the advance sale ul the yctr book is now un sale and il it is paid lor before ihc friday m ly 4 the price will he 1 25 aflcr that the price wilt be 150 lets everybody get out and hick the yeur book committee this tuesday may 1 the- stu dents no one volleyball team ployed the tcuchttrs the students were victorious by a goodly mar gin the schooj team consisted 6f freddy dawkins john leather- land brian cargill mike church ill brian sheridan and allan hayward the scores of the two games were 158 and 85 in favor of the students some students arc going satur day by bus to guelph for cwo ssa competitions noon hops arc planned to raise money robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists formerly e p head pnonc ouaph ta 41071 st si 0 square d naanwpraxy saftbahloop dava mama waaaucladprtal- dant of iha acionaofiball ua- fue at an orunlaatlon jnattbuj tuesday night bacratary irassv urar la han lawsuo and aa- slslant atentary mlak uolroea tt aucuuvt of ih laifui will alto inoluda iha manager and coach from each loam ant rod froidalon lor tlma on the softball diamond in the park la being sought and the nnu uv lo a the ticedfii number of league tntrlta naxt wadnrsday poets corner this poum wun printed in lurch ihe vciciuns public i lion fin tlu month of murcli it expresses the condition ol niuny ol us veterans and otheis and should give some of un u luugh wilficd coles i m ping iiuw about you theie in nolliing he nnittei with iiu i in just ji hctthly us cm be i huvc iiilhiltu in mv knees and when i liilk i talk with u whewe my puluc is weak mv blood k thin hut i in ii iuwill f t it triiupc i m in mv iccltt will cvtnlunlly h ivc l e ini out nut my diet i ink lo i hi iik ii boil i i m overweight mid i c in i gel thin uid mv ippctite is mich thin it s stile to win aich suppotts i luivc for my leoi oi i woiildu i he able li g on he slice sleep is denied nil every night mid in the morning i mn such u sight my meniirv is fulling mv huds irru spin but i ni iwlully well doi ihc shape i in in riu moril ol this uk wc un fold ihuforyou uid mc wli arc giuwing old its heller lo sav 1m fine with i gnu dun lo let iht in know the shape wc arc in jscsidciils of one laslcrn ont 4riu lown were confused last week when thur local piper urg cd tllem to turn their clocks backward one hour saturday mghl the editor apologized and explained ih s was bound to hap pen sometime its one way to find out how many people arc sandy best a square deal for veterans it for the aged -ft- for the unfortunate human jugn1ty depends upon adequate pensions best foff haltot published by halton county r association bowl lowl for mhmn iwl tor hmm make tt a dat go howling saturday afternoon or evonhtg acton b0wung ls ham ismih hembbt omtjl n kun st dance at tm kautml halton country club golfing and swimming resort shrift una noftfvwest or iwlton saturday may 12 daawhag a 12 mtfttt oood oatchistta admission 4 couni directions turn weal on fl nan eertfa of m tare rlasst at aaa at ul passing motorist oneman brigade a locnl dairy driver lloyd mc in tyre acted as a one man fire department until local firemen arrived when he used empty milk bottles filled from a nearby iiroom 10 douse flames belching from the rear seal of an automo bile owned by ross brit ton r r 4 aelon saturday evening on no 2 hlghwuy when the driver of the enr no- nulled lo the side of tlu road mr me intyre was pniiing and no ticed ihe ma when firemen arrived they douncd the remaining burning embers wilh wntor from ihe boo- mir llfuih mr brllton was able to drive his cur home sous ubbvel matiia guide rifws we sang the oneen and said the guide prayer we took the roll call and started lo go on a tree identifying expedition but returned indoors as the result of un unexpected thuwer once in side we made a game of practis ing knots and then we played two other gomes badges were given out to sev eral members of the company and the mcetirig closed with taps and day is done no twitting away when the twisting tartans dldn i show for ihe teen town dance saturday night in the com numliy centre among those dis appointed were the lions who htjiud the piano from the y lo the arena and had to haul it back again hrttatka germancanadian club of hahon county invites members and fnendi oetacquainted picnic on sunday mty 6 1962 at 3 pjn in poru park mhten kino thi family and join tftf pun goodwill used cars buy with confidence wi do not ml rprrfoiiiihr aav wc hack wf do nol retail laxla pollct enoun or tan that have bean in a major colllafon wc wu ettppty naane anal av dreaf of previous owner un rcqueel each car hated coverc under ojdj cuarantfed wafuumty lor one rear 61 comet 2dr kim 91 pontiac 4 dr 1 60 vauxhau bl wgr tl 195 vomc8 2 dr m pontiac 4 dr 11995 60 ford 2 dr 11695 chrysler 4 dr ji795 9 vauxhall 4 dr j995 38 pontiac 4 dr ju50 m meteor 4 dr 97 chev 2 dr 97 buick 4 dr 97 pontiac conv 97 plymouth 2 dr 199ford 4 dr ij95 5 ii295 ii 195 iiot5 i1js5 w95 1595 mechanics ikciau 96 bolck 2 dr 1595 1 94 ponluc 4 dr 1295 99 buick 4 dr 1395 99 cncv 2 dr 1190 94 pontiac 4 dr 5 two locations to chooao from acton qeoioetown franklin prouse motors 351 ooeen si e acton phone 1534410 tfatigtpmto com out nc f the urg selection of evergreen shrubs and trees fruit trees fruit bushes ready for planting dont neglect your lawn fertilize now i complete line of fextiuzets seeds and garden tools roses potted ready to plant hybrid teas floribundas grandifloras and climbers floral desions for all occasions caroline nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south sido phone 853wio open 9 a m hi dark 7 day a was free delivery to acton use your phone dial 8564551 orders rectwto iy thursdat noon wu if dbjvbuo thursday pjav orders received iy saturday noon wall m df uvetfd saturday pjn see our catalogue for all your hardware plumbing euctucal needs big c sale now on skoal on kodak cambas wiuithey last root hardware

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