Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 6

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221 along tht election front nolke the tulip uooflfnt ttwae daya there ha boon a plague of fir in georgetown two ins pect are being watchoh summer cloihca tame out of mothhalb in mord time on the weekend some ymngiter even treated inch bathing nulls and xncakt0 etver to the pond saluixlax was iho hoiioit m1ng da in vcar you could titw1 lt and watch the dafto- dfk rtmtk- mil in bloom if wu had lime to sll mom wen him wilh lawns gnixlens and ktorm window the tfphtif iambi in bather taylors photograph thli week were at the home of mr and mrs bill dobblo application for treea mill at cqpt y are among hc many who moan 10 ace one tut down help re- vcrnc by applying if you arc eh glblc this week a lady rirvmntcd l he free pro wllh a inrgv hug determined with our minimum knowledge a a scvenleen year loctwl it it nvnllnhlc tor nnv one lo noo and contradict om flndlngk at he dtlu stationery slot on mill street halton manot two isquesing institutes sponsor the april blrthdav party held on thursday night april 9th was an occasion of great pleasure not on i for those whose birthday come in the monlh of april but also for flhose who birthday occur in other months this april ruirtj w snonioml h ihc llmchoum and silver- wood women s institutes of fs quoting township who yen re presented h 15 of ihelr num hers nloni iih their two ptxsi- dents mrs j e roughlc ol the hmehouscwl and mrs clan wilson or the silverwood w i pncc nguin the head inhlc looked vcr at tractive with its linen tablecloths bouquets of tut flowers iapc paper streamers and a birthday cake with pink candlcv mrs s allen opened the pro gram b welcoming thl indies of the institutes and extending spe- eiul greetings lo ihost residents whose birthdns oecut in apul mrs george ironside then took over the duties of mistress of eercmonles duties which she jicr formed in very gracious fashion enjoy music mrs ironside announced i pro gram thut gave great pleasure to the audienee mrs herb reid plaved si vend accordion sc c lions two of which wen tipper- ary and put on your old gniv bonnet earl burt accompam ing himself on hts guitar sing four voeol solas among them i m sending you a big bouquet offcast and auctioneer h song mrs karn uceompnntcd b mi roughlc nt the piano sang how great thou art and bless this house mrs roughlcv also as companled two sisters betty ann and marv lou brown when the sang whispering hope and now is the houi a singsong of familiar uld hal lads led b mrs don lid llndsin und min herb reid was eiijovcd bv tsilors ami residents alike then came an hilarious skit n mock wedding cercmonv with ladies taking the part uf men and iee urit the costumes wen verv amusing and the din login oxtremth witty and ongi mil the skit was put on by some of hi limehouse visitors although 13 residents wer el igtblc lo sit at the head tiblr for nfnshments only five wet able lo do so when ihcv were se hed the happv birthdav song vmis sung for them and ihe e indies on the cake wen lighted each of the five received a btrthdav card and a gift or an dv vcr tnst ind atliaclivc rv- fnshmenis wen served by lite institute 1 idles these weie dale loaf tans and birthdav cake dun ited by them and tea and eoftee those residents who sat al the head table us honored guests wen miss k bonus and messrs william poster william wylic william donnghcy and kenneth walsh terrific year recent rains have mide ihe grass greener and lungty already several residents have been seen cutting their lawns biw flrtirwiiimiiinaiimiwwiimh urn i i few more charges more electioneering what vouw turn out lo be the llvettttf elaclkm battle since ihe good om daya when heckler attended political meeting in hal ton county remember when la nrutptng up today at ihe three and pouthly four panlei of the county got their thl camnalalu officially umtni way the liberals reallv began two week ago whan an oakvllu lawyer councillor and t ihcral ir fired ihe eampnlgn open ing gun bv xuggesllng the hnl inn new democratic party eandl dale withdraw and xwlng oume posmlble nop voles nvei lo it heial candidal di hairy liar- ley thl touched of n minm eruption as charges replies eooulcrchaiqcs and iplls to u pile were nanrilrd ubeiiit like fenthcr en the wlnl name real while ihe grim and new pail its were i him squutlnu nil iht lot it walled unill frldm nlghi in moke their eamnign ollulil as expected ihcy tcnumed the personable sanity re si mp lo again etiniest ihe riding midei the pc banner a hill repori ol hie meeting ik elsewhere in ihls is tea baking sale illness visitors judge and mrs geoige i ii holt and mr and mis chlf tight ami bnibv lvnn and robbie visit ed on sundav with mi ind mrs william mi don dd guidon mi willi im thompson and fred thompson speni sundav at the collage in muskoka the churchill ladies held then h ike sale and lea on friday ul the united church in aeton friends und neighbors an sorry to hear thai mi robeii kcrr sr is in guelph general hospital and wish him a speedy ncovcry mrs jack ford and john of sumc crock visiled llus week end with mr and mis tom ruiz nut firmly friends ire soirv lo heir mr charles griese is buck in hospi til mi jimmy rol7 is m guelph st joseph hospital wilh an eye injury he is processing iavur able mr and mrs hanld rosull spent he weekend wilh his moth ei mis winnifred rosztil exclaims board member i flunk we hive hid tlmfic ycltt t xe lunicil cltfl br idle her yic had he ird tnasunr j k hurst of the parks boird report on ihe financiil operations of ihe communik centre mr hursi said i ihink the revenue from the industrial hockev will be ev en better next year i ve pul all our outside or aelon kc nntil in ihe figure but if ihe industri il league is orgintzcd for the full season next vear im sun it will be even heller john gov iiil the npoit tewks verv en couraetng but two mior expend ituns we will hive to w ueh verv canfullv in vv iges ind hvdm the report shovv m operating defielt on the vmnlei se vs n ot 28s3 whieh is inenased to 1841 t bv ihe uliliiion ol c ipit il expendilunv mule trom eiirnnt nvenue the b kith shown t 26 pel eeni pmhl ol 67ft s7 on tolil siles of j2s0sl it wis tleeldetl il i lie nieetinj to punhise i protective wire serectvfor the vvinefovv in the equipnieiil iikim which wis ov erlihiked when scivens wire in slilliet in the commuimv ceillie bill id i ul squirts pettv cish lions club pirks bd metier il defieit gross expenditures pettv e ish ice m onteninee si 1 1 lights relngeralion main buildings mam housi keeping administritioti heit int hvdro telephone music pirks bd general usheis ice euntrul rink rals wiue- 6s00 100 00 3 54 i 5 77197 i 84157 22179 102 74 44ks9 booth 1962 gross receipts 2595 91 dufbuncments stock j 1 144 is siiarils 37519 town workmen arc eulling down several dead trees through t town 19 29 4s37 369 88 148436 1000 150 70 3s4 162 00 2 88s78 578 1 81 35 divs it s a sure sifcn that trout sejsun is open receipts boolh skaliiie curling intemicdmit hikke pee wees midge is bant ims juvvmks minor sporis aeton high sehuol industrial figure skiltiil skinv elub capltml expenditures out of current revenue bxilh 294 81 window seneiin 120 9 pi nine c c 98 75 18176 cupbuatd duuis 4149 893 1 3 1 i4s0 0o s 14 operilions deheil 285 93 170 00 12000 1612s 120 00 4s 00 wi25 4100 182 c keys hihtons 5c1 store made whu you wait shortill sheet metal humuno and heatmg comtracfors mt iwiw m flnr ms fwnmkcs l 1919 34 j 676j7 sue that night the conservatives tame out with the oupeeled earn palgn iheme reelect us on our five year record wllh inllmale comnarihons between pc govern men l progress since w7 as com pared to the liberal regime of the previous 22 years wink friday thai he and his frl low dlcfenhukei follower wihitd be suhielrst to huih eiltkuni und ii wisiit lung in nhiiing chargea no jobs this wvck tit noil pc iml lie opeiud whcti munyhpulo vlecpieslikni ot the mill in uitu nop gioup und nil csihiillvr iliellihei of i lie llnllun ussikiu lion ehargrd mi besi s tttm irlli i rti eoiisllliients lulled lo it 1 1 ihe whole slisty while uullnunu h iw inueli motley hud uin wnl on puhlie wotks buildings in ul kin elnlnis ml vupulo ml he si i ills lo csptulti how inany llul l ni i tall slur n m luhouis vvmc iliipliived i i unl i in hulldliius wliul i want lo kn w n ihu win luivini hilton itiuitv pe ill been tilled on thise pio- c is llalloii luhoi itmlils imve lobhled ihe mp wllh im ifsulls sandv lie si isti i inteiesl cd in eiivploynicul bill tu- should ik ilndlng obs lot the hulkm people no help here mi iipiiio wi in on i poini nil llul w pel eetil ol ihe eul kis jhing h imhm nrrmrh eiliploviel vtl iiielph iml haiti ii ton in i i ib in is tit being ein ployetl on stub obs as new post olllies tin sthool foi i und tin halton couirly eotul house snndv sivs i hi wik loi ihe oulof hdlonwiikeis is hhp ing tin i oiiirniv on tin while hut lies mil pioltiimg his eon siilutiiis who died ihe wink chained capul we hiu vvilllen leltels i slan hill ptovineiil m p p iboul ihis ind in h i mi i evtn got the courlesy to answei out lei teis he idded -1- mike visits here orfth il end of the im putii big ihings in in si tie or it le ist the 1 ike shore municipal lies as national parly leader lest er b mike pearson is tehedul ed lo make a ffymg villi through southern hal urn next wednesday may 9 on his way lo a speak ing engagemenl in llamllion dr hariev and fellow supporters will br on hund lo woleoine mike mthu luuiilutj klatliuylflj county slntr the tou tairrpalgii when he wcnl hnnd shaking in mlllon in uld cnudldnie kcnticlh y dick in his tttmpalgn hr 1iil ley on luusduy seodul ul illinois ilinl he u lllllo tale in slaillug his inilipulgn mi iwlmll ot the hheiiiu wants debate a sliotig hivh ik il ih i 1 imi his plifosed lltxll ul luullh plnti he mud oil ihe lollowliitf ulminun lo hi hun w mon kill ledelul mllllsll 1 hi 1 he oust 1 1 nit vi govri iiiiirnl has not pi ivlilid ihr kuplc ol utiadit willi a itirdliul luullh plan ihr iiikiu puly llus fnidlcul lictllh plin delgiuil ii mill ihesr in ids ugjilless hfullh ni we ilih i ptisiiiully id vile you to die uss wllh me in my ildlny publlilv in mulls of out hcullh pjn und youi jiluir t i implement unv leullh pi 01 i it the beiielli if my unci hum is und for ihr ptoplc ol miudi bth couscivdtlvr und liberal panics have held t uiiltirni cs wllh th nln ill iiinly s wmtt e died lo hueting in ruilingtoti muyii owen muluns h nut to discuss ediloiid plley lltws i net igei jnd iiiettlkiny loi the libei il c impulgn c ltcc hid e ike weie served di harley wasi t i hen bring home bacon monddv mghl in 0 ikvllle sandv rest and county pc prcs denl pelei tully threw a press re eepliun lot eounly n pullers when smdy insweicd questions about his policies bajckgnjujicl and political interests were served along wilh let lunch md each newsman was person illy pnsenied wilh n piece of hark hicon from ihe best luinis lmdrace h gs qnnics tfiut new and used cars may day specials 1963 fairlane 6 cyl 4 dr raven black red trim std transmission elec wipers and washers aaaassssssssasviviasssbsas 1962 falcon 4 dr sedan beige std transmission deluxe package 1959 pontiac 4 dr 6 cyl sedan automatic rad o power steering a well looked after car 1959 ford 6 cyl tudor automatic radio new pa nt mechanically good 1955 chevrolet tudor in excellent condition thompson motors acton ltd phone 8532370 your friendly ford dealer the n d p hasn i as ye i pre pared lo woo the pron beginning next weak in ihls paper each eandldala will he given space lo prosoni hj psrly national nnd local views lo ihe ithiiuis ihc kiluinns hy snndy mesl di ftailry t snd nop miui he nrsi u wooks piaiadlng jim spiev ilonalud by llie iu bllstiri hat up hfkas the- till eei pm irs aid filially sal ling up htnpulgil lieu 1juji icis iii villous hullon eillllt lltrst luys muln rkill n luiiiiiiiibb i till lure ktoiips uu lo oak burned bunt caum alarm although flrvnwn arrived wo lough lata for a bun fead ihay ware able tu uk bumtd buns from ihe uvtfof a iiovt ai the homa ut fred hepburn it ft t ac ion after rashwiu hama alarm ml whan iho roim bn to fill with smoka uodni ui imum fireman iifl ijli iellloitul puge foi ai hi n hint n fktma ihoy llli and is ihc nth ty in miinliiy imi lusl t uk wh i siipp lis ihf sotul iii pniiy elulins die fs ruin wilt eulri a llulliii undldblr hid io diiu hi s slill looking ui s im hi u lake on li h ii bus in mi iniifiv umiv ye us siik shu els mii u hill in i oidldil toi the cedtlul counl moms aii i isn i lie tuiniy liondteds of f nu nit ml us nn in ihi tluocrs ol tliclr picclci lion iuttii itinl tlsl int i hi iliglblf viins in it iiiininti ulcer ihek vist hull inylon soon vur lists will be prlnled und posted mackays fashions for the young at heart itw b lichen fiilod with smoke lnvcaiikllnk closer i wry he hm nutttthkiinp boos li waniiirih van of ifw slovt apparently lh hufia ht imen i pltuad m lha itten mid tigiiei arid ifw residen u teaie i ilur auvi i wna tauslna ihc iwuu i 7 mist mmi hrst acton nraftfhura were led on a merry chaw monday afternoon v whan a person repori inn a gnu fire in ihc k4en mills area gave ihe wkmn illi e lions after imlfiik lo i tut seen first i idpoi vd fli cinan stitrltad ihe hoinv ifwnci vnimti they drove in ilia lancvay drivlog to lb mt irtltkiiglitin el ilofiluifm psraror wtw in hud lesldflll 11 lh 4ra uiiol ih chjui ufltttuti of the fu w umnninttti ilia lanaway iji itv afllvlok dl itu vtsii niteff mint itu hmtr fsfj4itmuj ntui iclkld 4xl44 u nn lh i i i he itu mfatt 4ifts an automobile is only as sah as its driver is trainid halton driving school 8782051 oovt ucinmo otaouaii of o x dual cotfrtou hn ttilt td if fw rujhu ittmt i prclly llolhts to bedutify your biby girl or boy play logs that go from backyard to blath and trior wonder ful things for baby and ihe teens to wcat this surnmcr here now is a collection priced to gic you top value short sets or sums 1 98 498 boys heavy duty jeans 2 6x 2 9 special boys striped t shirts 2 6x 7c others from 1 49 1 9 new shipment of dresses 7 14 4 9 lo m 95 your baby bonus cheque goes further here we cash it and l yuu w u all l priced merchandise ontario hydro notice of power interruption guelph roa thr will bt a powar interruption on ttiunelay may is i94j horn i 10 pm lo4pm idst to adktata annual malntonann work on iho rochwood svsothmi au customers in the fouowino fownshipj and the viuaoe of rockwooo wiu m afffctfd nassagaweya township concession i 7 inclusive esquesing township parts of concession i 5 inclusive lots 19 31 eramosa township parts of concessions i 7 inclusive lots i 7 erin township parts of concessions i 3 inclusive lots i 7 parts of concessions 4 6 inclusive lots i is ontario hydro j e morgan managor ouoiph roa taylor 15071 f young fryers or roasters average 3lb chickens 33 maple leaf mb pkg wieners 39 4tvaz i staffords shcumcoil fabnitttirig of all kinds i eavrstroughing all ihc nctwsan pipe and ftttmgs for the hcal- in trade i oil burner service pumps pressure laun dn and sump hot water hcaters- water seiftcner complete stock of pipe and fittings septic tanks and beds shop 59 willow st n phone 8534170 acton ont i apple juice 25 straw jam 39 ltnn valley maccheese dinner 27 peaches 229 flouoa juice mafleleaf pear shapes l th oranges 39 hams 139 whue they last mother parkers walkers save 10c i instant coffee 99 jsaltines 29 stays potent longer to fight crd stress and other diseases cat tot pap from your doilor nd h rour frvmarohiki lino h w rou ntmd torrwnre th mtlmotk tht tartpatamiongoc you re ture of a potent longertatting diteaae fighter in terratnycin poultry formula with ant germ 77 terramycln a unique potency protected molecule give prolonged broad pectrum action itayt in solution even in alkaline water terramycln poultry formula will help pre vent or treat crd in brollert laying flocka and turheya combata strtaa due to weather changes vacclnationa debeak- ing moulting helps maintain high egg production it la also very effective for prevention and treatment of bluecomb infectious synovitis in chickena and tw- keys and hexamitiasis in turkeys surt chicks and poults on the road to hearthynhormgrowth a appo tites promote early maturity with terra in vein poultry formula with antigerm 77 complete directions on package other dotenuteftramycin animal heat products jbtmstmulm u fermeatws a 4 d sc4mn tetma to spbcial j flttmtth ohlt um mm tee effmr twrrnvtim amlmmlhmm i a aufiif m coopers drug store ii mru st e phone uv0u1 aq0n farm supply phone svitm

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