Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1962, p. 7

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mm m the good old days r boto by tatbet tyir dustup while it may have resulted in sore backs and strained muscles ihe grand spring weather we have enjoyed for the last two weekends has been a great boon to the mnual spring cleanup rakes and paint brushes have blossomed forth to take away the results of the spring thaw elsewhere throughout the province various covins have endorsed beautification programs which last anywhere from a week to a month main objective of course is to wheedle the citi zens into a spring cleanup the mam device used to accomplish this seems to be a high pressure publicity campaign to get people doing what theyre going to do anyway instead of issuing proclamations and forming more unnecessary committees the council here has shown the way and started the annual spring cleanup without a great fartfcre of publicity street patthing fits started n the surfaced roadways in town the new street sweeper has arrived and gone tti work like a tornado apparently the watering system on the sweeper doesnt work too well in fact hardly at all and the approach of the sweeper has been liken ed to a texas duststorm however after the ram on tuesday the dust created was considerably less and with the repair of the watering system the machine should do a good job tuesday the stump removal program be gan when the tree experts moved in with equipment that chews the stumps into saw dust after years of growing and providing shade the trees were cut down for one rea son or another and again for years the stumps remained stumbling blocks to pro gress the tree planting program announced a few weeks ago has not received the public acceptance it should have under the plan the town will supply sixfoot to eightfoot trees the cost is 5 and 2 50 is absorbed by the town while the property owner pays the other 2 50 after listening to the talk that occurs when a tree in town is cut down we expected there would be no problem in finding places for 80 new trees the program has been expanded and is now available on more streets the cleanup at the sewage plant con tinues end while this can hardly be classi fied es beautlfteatloh the fact remains thamt is a cleanup the brush and foliage removal at the bridges on brock church and mam streets will improve the appearance a re building and paving proect on main st north will improve the western entrance to acton an expanded sidewalk repair pro gram is something weve all looked forward to for some time however this is the towns contribution to beautification your contribution is going to remain those tired backs aching muscles and rundown feeling you end up with as you continue your beautification back in 1912 taken from the issue of the free press thursday may 9 lu contractor mackenzie la busy remodelling the front of the jew eller and fancy goods stare dwn- jtwctethytftb plofargtair window will be installed with a large show window and other improvements mr hynds has occupied this premises on mill street for over 30 years during o meeting last thurs day evening the aclon lawn tennis club was organized for the season with the following of- fhers being chosen president john cute vice president j c matthews secretary treasurer miss clara e moore greens committee william burling fred smith and w pel kins soc ial committee miss minnie ben nett miss florence holmes miss bertie speight miss mae moore and mrs dr holmes purchasing committee miss b r humph rics miss r clark and j c mal hows b f caldwell nairowly escap ed serious injury while splitting wood on saturday the axe he wait using fur chopping wtlh caught on ihe clothes line and fell on his head inflicting a bad gash fortunately it was more or les a glancing blow and the wound was not of a serious nat ure mr robert wacpherson has purchased from ernest macklna his residence on bower avenue at a cost of 975 also purchased by harry walls on bower avenue- was the fume house owned by i he muses lit leys for a sum of 800 ciltens have been complain ing that mime of the men and boys arc loitering on the streets at night and some of them are making impudent remarks to or about women and girls who have to pass them these offenders might be well advised that a by law forbids this and if it con tinues immediate action will be taken there is no reason why the women or girls should not be able to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors without being offended by loafers the vote on the church union at the methodist church here was announced as follows offi cial board for union 18 against 4 members over is years of age for 97 against 52 members un der 18 years of age for 4 against 3 adherents for 17 against 4 total for 136 against 63 number of votes crfstt99 votes possible 300 the buds aro beginning to show and the flower arc stick ing their necks oul of the ground officer harvey has the streets swept up and ihmgs arc really looking like spring i lack in 1942 takan from the issue of the free press thursday may 7 142 while seeding on his farm on tuesday mr george nellls nas- sagawcya had his left kg frac- 4uidljhe inkle when thii wheel of thentele-passislnuyl- it the accident happened when the team became frightened and bolted following treatment at ihe hokpltal he is at home and friends wish him a speedy rccov ry last thursday evening was a big night fur the young hockey ists of acton when the y s mens club was host tu them nl a real fcsys banquet and presented the winning teams with champien crests members of the ys mens club did all the serving decked out in chef caps and white shirts the menu was made to order fur the boys wieners and buns hot beans chocolate milk and ice cream the senior championship was won by llqyd robinson s team and he junior chitmpion ship was won by martin mccrls tall george mason led everyone in a singsong and ihe boys weie just as hearty in ihis pari of ihe program as they were in the eat ing part rev forbes thompson the ow minislei at knox presbytei- lan church was inducted at a special service on monday even ing when the auditorium of the church was filled lo capaeitv following the service the ladies of the church served a bountiful lunch and short addresses of wel come were given by other mm istcrs and members of knox ses sron dog owners are being advised lo keep their animals lied up un less they are prepared lo forreil a heavy fine deadline for allow ing the animal- to run at large wah may 2 and ihe town office has been notified to take ihe necessary action following ihe resignation ol e t thetfoid as secretary of ilie pall fair board who has so sue ccssfulfy earned on his duties for the pasl two years c w swack- hamer was chosen lo till the pos jtiun the board of directors ac cepted the resignation wtlh much regret mr swackhumer has been a member of the board for sev eral years and has carried on the duties applied to several offices and his appointment was well deserved in order to aid the campaign to encourage recruiting for the army for home defense a par adc and band concert has been phnffcd tor satdrday cvtfiiog following a parade from the ar mouries to the post office square the band will play a concert and information regarding recruiting will be given oul 5 suyvt xd sftict two more milestones of 1962 easter and opening day have whipped past and i managed to come through if not with flying colors at least without disgrac ing myself by bill smhmy hour later you groan out of bed totter into the cold black ncss and upend he next 14 hours lurching through nwimp frown frustrated and wishing you were 18 again etntfr- go around our place this year with an organist an altar buy and a girl chorister in the fain lly and about six church serv ices on ihe weekend the dog the cat the kittens and myself hud tu walk warily as the bod les hurtled by at the speed of those in an old silent movie lhmux of ihe weekend arrived on easter monday when kim smilev made her television de bui with a recorder group i drove a carload or ihe kids to the studios my ears ringing with lusl minute instructions from the boss about combing ihe childs haii milking sure her slip wasnt showing and about 14 other ileitis i did my best but id like to see some of you fathers trying tu comb a kids hair when shes wild with cxciiemcnl about ap pearing on tv in a few min ules its like trying to lasso a humming bird with a lawn hose and sure enough her slip was shuwlng nunty of it during the eastci holidays les girls weni ofl to visit granny while- hugh and i stayed home to work something was proved which we had bolh suspected females are directly responsible for 97 per cenl of the noise- and confusion in the average house hold ll was us peaceful as a lumb while they weie away and just about us interesting then along came opening day of ihe- trout season the an nual shedding of winters ecrc- menls usually its an exhaust ing ordeal you stay up until two in the morning the night before making plans for next day over a noggin with a eou pie of wildeyed friends two trrtrteatrttrfevrttcwnvcmff que and it was the best open ing day ive ever experienced i passed up the nighlbeforc ses sion when the alarm went off at 4 im i shut it off chuckled fiendishly and went back to sleep i rtrse at 10 had a leisurely breakfust and arrived at the trout st roam about the jimc the others were going hume three hours later i had bad a pleasant ouling had taken as many trout as any other year and dldn t feel like the wreck of the 99 now that those- two land marks in the year have besn successfully negotiated wu can turn our though is to more hi vial thing like polities for ex ample yes gentle reader ihe mighty- airings of that big lazy hlbcrnatur called dcmotru ey arc being heard in the land the big game hunters are sharpening their spears and ar rows and the beaters thats us voters nrc being harangued before we start oul to flush the beast into the open as nearly as f can make out from listening carefully lo spokesmen of the various parties the tories are going to be turned out without mercy the liberals are going to be turfed out with a shellacking the ndp hasnt a hope arid the socreds claims arc in ihe rculm of dreamland if this is true why have an election that will cost the voter 22 cool millions why not just go humbling and stumbling along everybody says the yanks will own the place in u lew years anyway i have a suggestion which would save us all those millions as well as a lot of pot cm till eur- mhe its simplicity itself every fourvcars tot each party nomin ale its choice for each scat in piirlinmenl then we accept them nil this wouldnt cost a penny in this way wed have about i 100 candidates all good men this is loo many we dont want to huvi- lo build an addl lion lo ihe house ol commons willi all those sthxj additions still to he built well heres whin wed do wid have the 1100 draw lots lor the scats available tin liukv hi k el holdiis would become mps fuh would retain his own party membership so thai wed slill have a loyal op- posiiion the pailv with the most iuk would sorm ihe government wc d save all lhit election money and we wouldn i have all those- broken hearls on election mghi there d be just as much sus pensc under my plan as there would be with a regular elec tion and i ii het you a spoiled hallol to an ancient senator thai wed have usl as good or as bad government thl only improvement i can see lo ihe sygueslion would be to lomhine the even with a nation al swupslukes based on the draw all profits would be appli ed lo the national dehl who ik wilh me in promoting this sens ble policy professional directory and travellers guide news akmmo the district i lets play bridge i by bui coats bridge players even with years of experience ofleyi underesti mate the- power of distribution in today s hand ihe combined potrtl count is only 23 points in cluding the usual count tot dis tribution and yet game is easily made with a finesse in ihe irump sull dealer south nurlh south vulnerable north s 8 7 3 h a 0 j 7 4 d8 5 c 9 6 4 medical funeral directors warningprotection ahead oakville half canadas chambers of commerce have decid ed lo support an oakvillc chamber resolution calling for legalized sweepstakes the proposal witl become the policy of the national chamber and will likely be placed before the federal cabinet georgetown council has declared war on delinquent tax payers and fixed an eight per cenl annual interest charge on overdue taxes uvcr 1 000 they arc using tatf money for other purposes be cause thev can borrow from the town at a lower intercut rate said finance chairman bob mcncilly brampton miss helen wilson 90 who died recently was a teacher in bramptons publi schoo for over 45 years 1 would i say wot east sk 0 9 s a 10 6 4 2 h k 10 h 3 d 10 3 2 d9 7 4 ca 0 8 7 3 c j 10 5 2 south s j h 9 itw d a koii ck the bidding south west north f 1 d pail ih p dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 6532111 residence 113 church st fe phone 8531664 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon comer of willow and river sis entrance river si acton ont phone 8534341 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton onl phone 8531240 office hours 68 p m afternoons by appoinlment appraising and insurance -4-h- pass pas pass ftm f i wri 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8530720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acton dental dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick street ofticc hours by appoinlment telephone 8534610 maj buchanan dental surgeon ofl ice 3a mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner r o optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 6 john si s acton in aclon wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 if no answer phone waterloo 7428867 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st george s square cuelph for appointment phone ta 44180 hours daily except wed 60 mam st ndrth georgetown there is one wellknown traffic signal that is never likely to be described in official driving manuals that is the flicking of head lights that many drivers use to advise others that there is a police radar speed check point ahead helpfulness towards other road users is a very desirable attitude in drivers the ontario safety league stresses and enlight ened police authorities make no effort to suppress this camaraderie that has saved many a speeding driver from a ticket but is there anything really commendable in shielding other drivers from deserved penalties for breaking the law or is it good fellowship to band together to outsmart the police in their work of trying to reduce the kind of driving that adds unnecessary danger to our streets and highways is it a matter for praise or self satisfac tion to encourage disrespect for the law and the men who administer it to help other drivels evade the correction they merit and knowingly risk to protect the operating permits of men who consistent ly abuse the privilegeone of whom next week may use his car to mutilate or kill we make traffic laws for our own pro tection we appoint police officers to enforce those laws to make the protection effective and in ontario there ere thousands of po lice thouqh still not enough doing a fine lob of intelligent enforcement to the bene fit of the great majority our roads would be safer and pleasanter places to travel if more people believed in cooperating with authority instead of dodg ing it the mature driver realizes that we are fortunate to have police officers cruisers and radar sets ahead she- taughl just about everybody m this part of town said mayor carman core who was her pupil in 1914 streetsv1lle cecil robertson dog conlrol officer fur gciigetown and aclon has been chosen this villages cuntfu catcher councillors agreed ihe dog population has been getting oul of hand in the past toronto township the society for the prevention of crucllv to animals has condemned toronto townships dog pound and the- method for killing unclaimed animals in a gassing chamber milton hanging baskets of pretty flowers new trees to line ihe mai tin si entrance street flower beds town hall flower boxes and a complete town wide cleanup are slated in miltons may is beautilicaliun month campaign ettorielbrkk trouble that looks like a mountain from a distance usually is only a hill when you get to it temptation may be strong but it seldom overtakes the man who runs from it some orators don t seem to understand the difference between eloquence and en durance today s youngsters don t leave footprints on the sands of time ust tire tracks floundering ship mpp stan hall lashes out at opposition in government hahon mpp stanley l hall pp said it is a shame to see who has represented chc county such bright intelligent young in the provincial parliament for men joining the crew of a pohi 18 vtars look a long suing at the icat ship of slalc thai has hound lo p oui i do not agree with soulhs first bid or 1 diamond however ihe bid did work out all right actually if south is going to op en ihe- bidding it should be 1 heart or else- ihe suit can never be shown by south over spade or club responses by partner west has a good informative lakeout double requesting partner to bid her best suit wuh 10 points north could redouble but loo much strength is con centralcd in one suit souths leap to 4 hearts is a bold bid poiner has shown less than 10 points so south knows lhal thev do not have ihe tvquir ed 26 points lo rtlvkc game however nothing vcnlurcd noth mg gained was souths motto the plav is casv three tncks arc lost in the blaek suits and with ihe heart finesse working 10 tncks are assured in ihe red suits when vou plav bndge alwavs ards the acton free press publtihed by the dills rrtnttnf and publishing co ltd founded tn 1875 and published every thursday at 59 willow st aclon ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwna and the ontanoouebec division of the c w jha advertising rates on request subscriptions payable tn advance 300 m canada 400 in england and other commonwealth countries 5j in the united states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa the only paper ever pobbsned to aetna jaam g a dills editoriibchtef v david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 8 5 32010 liberal opposition s political ship of slate thai has floundered on ihe rucks of frustration in a recent speech in ihe house on the budget fxplaining vou vc got lo spend moncv n sene ihe rapid papula mm boom with highways schools hospitals and public buildings he claimed ihe opposit lion s charge thai conservative povernmcni was thrusting ihe countrv farther into dcbl was tar from ihe truth the bjdgcl he said as mure than a balanced budget when vou consider the assets that hae been created by this government he listed the schools hospitals homes for the aged and other assets whose values cannot be counted in dollars and cents then swung back in history to the laving of the c pr the ont ano northland railway the ontario hvdro all established under a conservative gpvermcni and other accomplishments new members lo the opposi tion bad bis sympathy tbe m cred on ihe rocks of frustraliujt wllh our partners eards this there is no hope left the crew has joined the order of doom gloom and despair the port holes of this ship arc so bamaclc infested ihat the crew can sec no distance into the future even the hon member for york centre the sclf-apnoinl- cd king fish and his vtvstie knights of the sea are providing little assistance to their captain turning lo the new democrats he recalled how thev orce referr ed lo the conservatives a noth ing bui the dregs i would say thusc dregs were vcrv potent for that political part in the last i years has given the province of oniano the best government it has enjoyed since confederation it is much different with this political party that has recently changed its name there arc no dregs left just the roth i am sure lhal little bit of froth cannot last long against the blast of hot air we have to listen to from that section of this assem bly- way vou ean belter evaluate the- potential of vour hand bridge tip even though vou hold onlv ii eards vou must build up a pieture of the partner ship holding never underesti mate the power of distribution so long for this week and while vou plav bridge alwjvs he considcralc of vour partner lor bndge is a partnership game legal fruit cocktail fruit ocklait one of todav s most popluar canned products is a mixture ot diced peaches and pears segmented pineapple halv ed maraschino chemes and whole seedless grapes in defi nite proportions lis forerunners were the 18th century melange of the french fresh fruits in sea son preserved in brandy and su gar for the fruitless winter months and the i la han tuiti frutti similar to the melange ex cept for the substitution of rum for brandy barrister and solicitor c f leatherland q c notary public office hours 10 a m 12 pm i pm 5 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office 8531330 res 8531745 acton a bfiaida b a barmier solicitor notarv public office hours tn aclon monday friday evenings 6 pdn 9 pm saturday 1pm 5 pm 28 paisley st gucfph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9 ajn 12 ajn daily ajn 5 pun for appointment phone tr 73971 wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7 pm 9 pm tkavtlltrsoulde gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard time eastbound 6 33 am f daily except sunr and hod 838 a m 1133 am 208 pm 508 pm 6 33 pm 833 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am 1257 pm 2 57 pm 527 pm 727 pm 912 p m 1 1 32 p m i 02 a m fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways davlighi saving time easibound ftvi am lo toronto daiiv e ccpt sal and sun 7 38 a m lo toronto daily except sun 942 j m to toronto dailv except sun 7 17 pm lo toronto daily except sun 8 01 pm to toron to sundav onlv 10 20 pm to toronto dailv board at george town onlv westbound 8 01 am lo stratford dailv ex ccpt sun 906 a in lo stratford dailv board ut gcorgcumn only 6 23pm to straifutd dailv except sat anct son 7 16 m lo strat ford sundav onlv 7 j7 p m to siralford dailv cxccpl sun 12 s9 am to siralford dailv cv ccpt sat for further information call vour ocal agent 8532450 chmopracfoi david w gohn d c 25 mill st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office routs moo wel fri i to 9 pm tue thur 9 ajn to 6 pjn saturday 9 lei to 1 pjo

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