Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1962, p. 11

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i may vista fwp i rwv 0 frfa it wai with some interest a few weeks ago we learned at a council meeting that the citizens band was contemplating the construction of a band building for their own use and the use of the pipe band at that time we hesitated to comment on the proposal since negotiations for land were being conducted at that time we appreciate and admire the enthus iasm which the band is exhibiting in embark ing on a venture of this type we are happy that the members feel confident enough to embark on a project of this kind however we feel we must here inject a few words of caution when a volunteer organization obligates itself to long term financial obligations we feel they are treading on very soft ground some organizations have built buildings the capital coif have been managed but it is the annual operational costs the heat the light the water and the maintenance which impose the severest problems on these organizations money which is raised through grants and donations has to go for these recurring cotts and that money is no longer available for the original purposes of the organization it is a question in our minds ust how much longer the annual grant of mill nations honor mothers the almost universal celebration of mothers day observed this year on may 13 is a fitting tribute to the inspirational life of a lihie known sunday school teacher who died in 1905 photo by elhar twlc will be available to the bands in acton every year at municipal budget time this mandatory mill comes up for some dis cussion the half mill represents greater portion of the tax bill than many items of the budget originally a petition was presented to council a plebiscite was held and an annual grant of mill 500 was made by the town a few years later this was changed to an annual grant of 500 after a success in provincial competitions and a need for additional funds another plebiscite was held to increase the qrant jo mill again which represented about 1 500 this amount was considered at that lime sufficient to operate the band since that time the town has undergone growth and a reassessment proqram which while it has been indicated that the has increased the y mill to 3 500 municipal grant money will not be used to finance a building program we fail to see how this can be the case as long as a municipal arant is received by the bands in the light of these almost crippling operational and maintenance costs and the certainly cloudy future of the y mill munic ipat grant we suggest it would be unwise for the band to undertake any building program a proclamation establishing the second sun day of may as mother s day miss jarvis who never married contmu prediction feature your candidates speak tib following space has been donated by the free press to the three fflderal election candidates in halton county so they ay prwnnt their views to the voters we hope readers will find ir weakly columns informative and thought provoking if you cflre to comment on their articles etters to the edjjqt wpujd bjl wifcornod 1 this spring i was confronted bv a difficult decision it in vol v etl mnking a choice beiwcin two vvavs ol life i wonder whpl voud hive decided hnllon conservative candidate sandy best says piiluwrv inltibuloiv pulsions tor ifl soitul hit iimsl imp il ml mini ktiislilion cut nlliiul in hindu ill l isl m i hum in i lu 11 h- iihuip mi 40 will in ml niduecd on nth bv i in oiisuvu mm pm l 11s soon is mum ol tlu unnkles n sli helium il mil thk nui40 ngc iiiip ims im n rmdinti il inuuisinglv dillluill iii ml 111 1 mill ihll llilplomllt lit simply bn him lh 11 iitu linl 1 imiil ik hlkd inin ilk piium ul mum mius indi pi nil nil pi 11 mini pi in lovic loinid tod iv in husiihss uu i inditsiiv liiinti a lv stum nl 1i11 st puipli vvcu probabh hi l lc 1 nlf in lot 1 pi n sinus of inv kind hid hi hi m kic iv ulabk the inlroduc i urn nl port ihh conhibtilotv pulsions loi ill will mike u unii ig un possible hw hum folk to compete loi miplm ith m on the basis uf jinn 1111 questioned cpcliuitc ilia indeed allow 1 he 111 10 profit thioiiili tin slendiniss ind 1 hi dcgicc ol m iuini 111 my lit pup tied 10 bung to i oh this proposed legishtion is hut mother re flee lion of the pirls diip lomirn for l lie indivldiid vvt ii in ol ill in ub ins ind us 11 ml in hie luld ol mkiii iisi iu 1 inn his bun unimikhed in i midiin llision llie si iiv nl ihi dufinbikii omernnicnt in uu titttl orsoei il liistut in i tniilv dlovvimi piv mil ills in isisl met in vclcnns in i in tyid ind in 1i11 uiiforlu n m is niu hi il si iks loi 1ls1fl j2 100 hh 000 piovidvd alone in i hi veil iisl pis iompjiid lo sikhkhioihk in 9s7 and all without inv liu ii ise in t txes liuliid hs pni nl ol tins 1 inn in s 1 ip ivi is will now p iv liss ih 111 lluv did in i9s657 the i sl m 11 of i ihii d inisdiiielion hill lu s 1 ikt 1 look il this re 1 on in ii 1ii011 iloiu win re we i ill uilllil llie tlolltis is il were 1 1i1 nl id the meisuies ol i la 11 lonliibiilion lo tin guili il piospnitv ol lulling in oik villi dcoijuhmn alton milton mil ilu ust ol the totinlv liom aptil i9s7 when llu ion suv hive loviinminl look of fie e niiltl m 11 th ol ibis yinr fimil illow inn p ivminls ifl ii ilion lolillid 19 781000 lo 26 100 child un in some 1 1 soo families halton liberal candidate harry harley says miss anne fta jarvis founder of mother s day grew up in grafton west virginia where her mother taught sunday school at saint andrew s methodist church it was mrs jarvis custom once a year to hold a special ceremony in honor of the mothers of her students after her mothers death miss jarvis re solved to carry on the tradition and to ded care her life to the establishment of the second sunday of may each year as a day set aside for honoring mothers dverywhere accordingly m may 1907 she arranged the ftrst memorial service for mothers it wai held at saint andrews the following year miss jarvis persuaded philadelphia of ficlals to proclaim the first city wide mother s dy at her urging west virginia made mother s day a statewide observance m 1912 and pennsylvania did the same the following year by 1914 lets then 10 years after her mothers death anna jarvis had persuaded the congress of the united states to pass a joint rwolution which authorized and re quested president woodrow wilson to s gn ed her crusade for more than 40 years when she died m 1948 in philadelphia at the age of 84 mother s day had grown from the first memorial service at saint andrews to art international tradition besides canada and the u s the custom is now observed m latin america end countries in europe and the pacfc oikvillc onl miy 1 cinuli ins liitli si indirds of hnllh cue this how 1 1 1 does not hold hue for ill can iduns bi e lusi ol the feir of expense in okicl some of these people would buv insurance but for a medic il reason ire excluded the gibirnl pjrlv he ilth phn is designed lo rcmoe fe ir of cosi ind mike ihe phn available 10 all bui compulsory to none the hosptt il insurince act wis first initnted b ihe liberii gnernmcni in 19s7 ind now is in ill provinces since ihe i ibenl ciomrnmmt issurticd power in ouebi i the libiril hnllh phn is de signed to cover doctor ind diaa noslu services in offiic home 01 hospihl by inv quilifad doctor 11 will not interfere wnh inv sihimi now in use the phn will be drawn up in full consultation with the mi dual profession it is proposed to provide all services free for children up in the age or 6 to most retired people and lo ih unemplovid t group previously fired badly bicluv thtv coulcl not pty their premiums for insurince ind hos pilahation bui hen no pic miums ut involved for all oth crs thi phn will pa all dociois icis our 1 low inn ml cost ih ise who hive no scrvues will h ivt no inntia eusi the hills ihit hive lo be pn bv the piiicrtt will be small but will sifeguard ihis p m igjinst unmsonablt dtmands the p iv minis will be irrangid with the pr ivmccs the are expected to 1 ur 1 itlui less hun hill of ihe loi il eosi of medical care the tcdei il government will pay the remundii iroin general ri venue this will nol mean in new large bin tttn on economy because ihis is iftx ulv being paid for in one wi or mother in an expanding liberal economy wi should be iblc lo alfurd the be si there will be no interference wilh i doctors irciimenl or with his practice of medicine where he chousis and no inlir finnit with patients choice of doc t or the libe ral pol ii v on schohrslups and loans will help lu men ise ihe number of do tors so that ireis needing midi cal c ire should be deeieisid mini il health is the most im purl mi single group of illnesses in public health thcv should be ire ilcd the same is anv olhir nl ness and thisc p mints nunc llie s imc benefits risnrth in all fields should be eneuur ieed 1 1 is known tha diugs tre art increisin as it becomes possible ihtpla will be inerciscd to include den il c ire drugs nursing ind olhcr simil ir features drug le g 1 si 1 1 ion will be strengthened lo protect the pub lic ti mm urgent needs ihe libiril government will pivun empl ivmini benefits to people wh 1 ire iirnble lo work beeaus l sickiuss the ohieitivi is i unprihinsivi phn of income miinieniiui during illness cktl wasnt a wiortd shak ing dielslun like giving up smoking or drinking or enler int a mortis t cry or anything is kinous as lhal but it did requite much mulling over and i d wnger that the old girl ind i got through about 4h nips of lea in the piocess ol miking up out minds it t nne about like ins an old icquainlance and a vity di lent ih ip had offered me in tx inmilv inkrcsling job the sal 11 y wis 1 hlg improvement over inv picscnl one the holid tys ind fiuigc junk were as good my h lining and background fitted me lor the job which was a chal luiyiiiofw green light nil the w iv yery allruulvc evin exctt h why drdpl i grib ft well is wis a rmrllcrof piling ilems on the scales an advantage h re a disadvantage there ind in the process my wife ind i learned a loi aboul what we wanted out of life tor our selves and our children i should rnenhon that taking tin toh meani moving lo a large eitv it me inl the second mior disloi mon of our children il ruiw vrrrrr r v v obttuaftv 47 years employee of beardmore co junes dobbie of 14 chapel st pins died in the willelt hospital pans on may 3 afier an illness of cighl weeks he retired irom beardmore s 4 vears ago ufiir 47 iars service and since then had been living with his daughter al clifford harnslon and pans he was born in 1878 al lime house he was predeceased bv his wile the former lena procter and is survived by his daughter mrs junes dobie agnes in pans 1 sislcr mrs willi im al len at mil ton brothers hvall dobbie toronto h k dobbie gioigitown and alex dobbie hamilton one grandson jim do bie ot simcoc and iwo great grandsons he was a member of the odd fellows and of walker lodge a f ind a m funeral in acton funeral semce was held in acl on on saturday ma 5 with two miniskrs from pans rev v smnh and rev e pmkerton pallbearers were fellow em ployces e rookes r turner john greer g mcfaddcn e lambcrl ind f anderson inter rncnt was in turvicw unuterv acton t biu imitt school within two years it menni saying goodbve to new mentis we had made and starling the pro cess ill over again these were some of ihe things lhat look 1 lluiiajiuuehu the p not in doubt the class control of a national political party now acquired within ndp constitutes a dark and smuter threat fd democratic gov ernment m canada thus spoke mr hazen argue mp n his statement of resignation from the new demo crat c party opmons may differ as to whether mr argue in so saying was going a b t far whai is not m doubt is the ind gnation and ridicule wheh any such observation would have evoked in some quarters had it been made by n industrial st or a business spokesman new democrat c party candidate garl rouleau says the acton free press published by the duu frinttnf ind fubushtat co ltd founded m 1575 and published escrv thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwna and the onianoouebtt division of the cw na advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance j0 m canada 400 in england and other commonwealth countries 500 in the tnited states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authonied as second class mail post office department ottawa the only paper ever published hi acton jnm g a dills editoimrvchief v david r dills managing editor tusincss and editorial office phone 853 2010 the most import ml issue hit fiee the canadian cleelontc in this cleetion arc those ol furnjn policy the uchnolugi il ind cionomic inurdipindanc1 uf thi modern world i so ill pirvaiu lhat anv pretense of ompkttlv independent action on the pin of our government 1- a enmmil misrepresentation there is no better lllustn ion of this than mr fleming s about face lasi week when he was forced largely because of international pressure to peg the canadian dollar 11 92 s cents in us funds since we arc not and cannot be an absolutely independent na lion our onl alternatives are to either seek union with the united stales or to associate ourselves yen closelv with some other re gional grouping of nations for my part although i am opposed to canadian antiamencanism as a means of expressing our na tional identitv i cannol acepi the possibility of the absorption of canada b the united states ultimately it seems to me hit the onl way we can hope to pre serve our canadian was of life ts bv making the maintenance and strengthening of the untied m ns lht fundamental pnn tipl ot out fireign policy the new demi rin parts is the only p it il pirv in this countn win h c ximsuntlv holds to ihis we in the new dtmocnti piitv he i vi thai ihe lnited sa- i n s e m never become 3 force fir w ir d neue ind livv until it is given he instrument neces- vv ti entire the law that is an inurnitimal armed services whi h will include arms nav and air ir ts at the disposal and under the control of the lnited bui the inned nations cannot hope to irulv representihe inter nitnmal community so long as the people s republic of china is excluded irum its membership if we bar t0m00o people trom rcpnrscniation in world as sembly when ihe worlds popula hon ism the vicinity of 2 bit lions then w run the nsk of be mg rcspunsible for ihese people not suhmiitins 10 intcrrntionil law it is pr this reason that ihe vw democratic pans insists on the admission of red china lo the lnited nations but there were many ilems for the other side of the scales i have nothing against large cities and my wife likes them they hive cultunl advantages the smaller centre cannot pro- ude there is a eerlain excite ment in the cflv with t good restaurants its theatres its concerts lis major sporting events there is i definite feel ing however little ii miy be justified of being at the centre of things taking the job meant siting money ii wont be long until ihe kids are re f unive think of whal wtd save if tkcy could live it home while attend ing college right now it would save me aboul 7 a week which it costs lo gel my son lo the city for a music lesson ciery satur day taking ihe job memt high er expenses parking lunches garage public transportation pre lunch martinis more costly tntcrtafnment all these would eastl neutralise ihuse vast sums we- saved in the lasl para- griph accepting the post lion meant moving from a house wc like very much set in a huge lot currently festooned with tulips and daf fodils shaded by huge spreading oaks we shuddered jt the mem on of all ih ise dreadful little suburb in buck boxes jammed in rows with just rwofh to park j cir betweet een pair i seriously considered with hair my life spent whether 1 could afford the sheer waste of time imposed by cily life hours are stolen from each week sjmply gelling to work and home more hours of trnf he battling and parklngfrtis traiions are snached from your leisure in the process of gcll ing placed whether its to visit trienas or go lo church ogo golfing or ga to a show here a minfrtjum of lime is wasted in the boring business of getting where yoii want to go i m five minutes from work golf course curling rink three mln utcs from church and shopping j0vcminuis4roitriqodwvvmtttt ing for the kids is minutes from i trout si ream taking ihe job meant gctt ing away from the heavy snows and deep cold of winters in these parts it meahl escaping the long wearing drive to the city so often necessary on the reverse side of the coin it meant sweltering summers in the city or the expense of a collage in the north country ind the long wearing drive lo the cottage this sort of dickering went on for weeks finally wc found the item that lipped the scales we decided that life looked a little belter in this land of trout streams and trees of black squir res and blue water of friends and flowers than it did in the concrete canyons and the self conscious suburbs do you know what swung the decision we rea licd we were 100 dam lazy to tackle moving professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral directors speyside school room i the pupils are bnng ing wild flowers lo studv they an icuning about the different kinds of camdnn coins eaih child has an individual paper dm it from uhirh ihny learn 10 tell time a bat ihii was brought around in a jar bv i senior pupil wis shown to everyone the class ts refreshed afier the easter hob davs rndv lo finish the list term room 2 snctsidc school has been working ind working it singing for the fisliva on tuts div morning the festival started spevside won a plat que in ihe iflernoon spetside won another phi que last y we didn t win anything this vcar 1 think we did vert well room 3 the junior hots have three baseball tcims two pi it while some of the other team acl is umpires in silence we are studying wild flowers and mak ing bookleu for them nature has kren brought indoors as we have tadpoles cocoons and wild flowers m our classroom room 4 room four enjoved a fairlv quiet week on vwdncs dav grade seven downed grade six in spelling bui on fndav grade six defeated grade seven this week room four received i chest of books from ibe tr ivel ling librirv room s we art back to school this week and working hird in guidance grade sivtn is leirning about the caust and cure of a bully and grade eight rv hiking about how high school is different from public school school news when spnng finally armed at speyside ps n was closelv followed bv the baseball sea son in a meeting in room five before the easter holidays the senior bens chose teams and formed a baseball league ithc league consists d three teams and mr leitch irrangrd a sche dule for us the captains are jim jewell of team one bob melan- son of teim two and don dredge of team three the senior girts and junior bovs have formed sim ilar teams we enfot plating baseball very much and most of ail the rriendh competition that these leagues provide dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 4m mill st e acton office phone 85321 tit t residence 115 church y phone 8531664 drd a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8534341 dr robert d buckner phvsinan and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8531240 office hours 64pm afternoons bv appointment appraising and insurance phone 8534350 night or bv bruce e shoeratker mgr optical and bearing ab e l bikhnir lo optometrist contact lease hearing xids 6 john st s ac oc in a too wednedjtj jedi 200 pat 600 pm for appoln men ptxxx 553imt it no answer phorw jto 4mst robt r kaawlton optevnetrtii 70 st george s square guelph for appointment phone ta hour ttotfr joomt wed st nort f t wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 850720 appraiser and insurance over so n in acton dr h ieib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours bv appointment telephone 83010 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mil street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesda afternoon telephone 831710 legal barrister and solicitor c f leatherland qc notary public office hours 10 a m 12 p m 1pm 5pm saturday by appointment only phone office 8sv1330 res8531745 atfotf 64 main st north geoftgetown for appointment pbooc tr 7 391 wednesday 9 ml 9 pm moo and fri 7 pm9 pm ttavaibty hum gray coach lines coaches lkavi acton davlight saving time eutbound 6j3 ajn dally except sun and hot 858 aaa it j j am 208 pm 508 ptn 6j3 pm 8j3 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 1027 ajn 12 j7 pm 2 57 pm 377 pm 777 pm 9 12 pm 1132 pm 102 ani fn sat sun and hot- canadian national railways davlight saving time eastbound 6v1 am lo toronto dairy ex cept sat and sun 7 38 am 10 toronto dillv except sun 942 a m to toronto dailv except 5tm 7j7 pm to toronto daily except sun 301 pjn to torun 10 sundav only 1020 pni to toronto daily board al george- 1 un onl westbound 8 01 am lo stratford daily ex cept sun 9 06 am to stratford daily board at georgetown only 673 pm 10 stratford daily except sat and sun 716 pm to g c w to a bra ida ba barrister solicitor notary public office heurs in acion monday fndav evenings 6 p jn 9pm saturday 1 pjn 5 pan 28 paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9ain 12 aan daily 9 a m 5 p m foid sucu ontyt73t p stratford dally except sun 12 59 ajn to stratford daily ex cept sat for further tntarntshon cam vour local agent 8332490 bubs- unlce nbttn atiirrfij im to 6 pia 9 ajn tolpjbv

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