Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1962, p. 12

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st rhfe 5db old days m ack m 1912 titan ton the lent of the fit vrau thuhta may 1912 a considerable quantity of fall whwl in this section ww badly damaged by the latcfcost pejftfnwtt htc up ihfelf cfotfs and are seeding this spring again friday atternooh little hcrbic agile thfc youngest son of mr and mrs george agncw met his deatjt lh a drowning accident at fairy im when he fell in at the waste weir about three or a 111 it before he told his mother he was going over to grand mas mrs robert agncw s on park ave lust a few yards away after spending a little time at his grandmothers he left for home but instead of going there he went through w n andersons garden and on to the mill dam about half an hour later the poor little fellow was seen float fng in the pond near the waste gate by robert wallace jr who gave the alarm reeve hynds or holmes and chief lawson rushed to the scene and found the body in about two feet of water at the gate they worked over the little body tor some time in the hope of resuscitation but without avail in running down milt st to the dam where little herbie ag new was reported to be drown ing chief lawson made a mis step and sustained a severe strain of the ligaments of his left knee last friday he was- completely incapacitated for four or five days but is now gelling about on crutches the old speight paint shop on agnes st which has stood there for nearly 60 years was torn down this week a new brick residence will be erected in its place mr frank e holmes has open ed undertaking parlors in the arthurs block and expects a fine new hearse and outfit in a few rhe was apprentice under johnstone and also w r stone toronto and is therefore well qualified for the business mr r sinclair is building a garage on willow st for the new motor vehicle he expects to ar rive one of these days back lh 1942 taken from the tome of the free pttaa thursday may 14 141 this week red cross workers are calling at every home asking that acton and district give 3 the wounded tims prisoners of war and the relief of those who suffer most from war and its horrors splcn did boosts wen given frpm son knitting co who donated 300 wool combing corporation 1300 and canadian wool comp any 200 these donations an a rial stari for the project when the tempcralure on sat urday and sunday nights dropped to freezing and on iht morning following frost covered the giound and witcr wis frozen there was fear for the early gar dens blossoms and the trops that were this year exceptional well advanced at the time how ever it is believed the frosl cius ed no serious damage early pon toes coming up ihrough the ground were nipped but will re cover the season is fully four weeks ahead of usual and miplcs have been out in leaf for over n week the housing problem in aelon grows worse folks arc now oe cupying former stores where available as dwellings reports at the annual meeting or ihe acton women s institute revealed a most successful year new officers include hononr president mrs t lapptn presi dent mrs j f wilds first vice president mrs r l davidson second vice president mrs g lazcnby secretary treasurer mrs j e gimblc directors mrs g h lantz mrs h meculeheon mrs w mirshment entries at the halton counlv music festival from acton this year were limited due to war time conditions and ran sport a tion the simc was found with most schools in ihe count yis tcrdiy acton had only in enln for the junior choir undei the direction or miss muriel riekells musical supervisor in ac ion school the choir won lirst plaet and the trophy thuc were foui cnlncs in this contest tboresti3x9wpsfk8 35wtwtotsriaskm this sundays churtli calendar anniversary services on sunday at ballinafad united church were held both morning and evening pictured above left to right are don h smith of copetown guest soloist during the evening service guest minister rev william a g bb caledonia and organist mrs j black of ballinafad large congregations attended both serv ces the acton- free press thursday may 10th 1962 tt united church congregation holds anniversary service anniversary services were held in ballinafad united church on sunday it being the b5th mr beaton the minister introduced ihe guest spealjer rev james ormlstoti ba bd of toronto who was for sortie years a mis in angola and irt iidnary i sen t cor jrited mm film depicts universal problems during retarded association meet fhe church of st mean tkrtt anglican comer willow and bower rector the rev d h west ba ls t lfc jeffrey ave phone 8532694 sunday may 13th 1962 8j0 am holy euchanst 930 a th family eucharist and church school ikooam holy euchanst and sermon i00 pm children s confirma tlort class 730 pm evensong alt are wetaime t acton pastor rev james m rudd 39 neason court phone 85w25 sunday may 13th 1962 945 am sunday school for all ages 1100 am morning service 700 pm evening scmce wednesda 4 pm mission band 7 30 p m priver meet ing all are welcome onitk church of canada acton ontario minllter tfie rev dwight i engel ba bd organist mr george filltott m a sunday may 13th 12 9 jo and ii am divine services a nursery is provided for infants during the 11 o clock service the church school 930 am the senior school for tho id grade 5 and higher lljoo am th junior school for preschoolers to grade 4 7 jo p m young people s meei ing all over 14 welcome all welcome christian reformed church rev j nutma ba bd minister 301 queen st box 46 phone 8530375 sunday may 13th 1962 1000 am english service texl act- 9 5 20 1 am je sus ind he pixaihcil ihu he is the son of god in this service puhlic of tuih will lake place 230 pm dutch service this will be a prtpinlon service for the eelebrjlion of communion 3 45 p m sunday school you arc cordially ihviied lo worship with us the north halton association tor rctaidcd childicn held its general meeting thursdi april 26 at ihe w irlin strict high school in milton with g g ad d son president in ihe chiir those present were privileged toi see i new film iccently obtained from tngland where h wis pro- duceu entitled growing up with the mentally hindicappcd the film deill with ihe univcrsil problem ol loo m mv putcnls and loo lew on slufl in insitut ions consequently u is impos sible lo g ve the tndividuil 11 tcntiun nccessiry il ihesc child ron ire to rciih their potentiil in in experimental effort t rectifv this sum ion a hry c hinlry house u is purchased ind 16 childicn selected fiom in ins tut in these wcie then di uled ml two gioups ot cieht e uh anil ivvo house m thers wire put in elnrex of cich yc kip set up as two families thcv wcie then instilled in b h kl nuts the name jjun to the h isl where thcv w ic si i up is iw i complete i imilies hue the children hid freed m ot mm un nl ind freedom to iim mile mis punt sand wood wi ter wire it their disposil mil moie mporlinl i ht use mothci wis ilwivs re idv and willing t hilp or phv the project wis a hiile sutcess the children show ed lti h improvement both ica deniicillv ind socially this his nived hiv nil d mhi the home mironnienl s desirible the film w is followed bv mrs je mine h ill f burlington i jtltd speiker who spoke on rtseaah mt i reiirdition as i numb r i ihe onltno assocn ti n ftr ritarded childicn r sur h in 1 d i ipnie it cimm t it m hill is well inf rme i ml h i ilk i n h min ni is i ni h she sud before li id lime been such w ic spn 1 1 nln t in rescirch into rei uditi n ml il we an to help fuliiii leneiiltns we mim i pt t us ir h programs now mis hill spkc of i new lfct pei i k i i r pku it is i blood te i tikeii dunne the first few dis iflcr birth while the biby is still in hospital new techniques members ilso le irneil skull stir lcrv is now possible ind i lech niqill his been peifecteil lo eoi nc skull jbnornnlities if not collected result in miuivj mis ii ill said ex sludnaie being eitned lo ihe iluscs ol mongol presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rev andrew h mckenzie ba bd minister mr e a hansen ba organist and choir master sunday may 13lh 1962 1100 im christian famih ser vice w th prmt led bv jun ioi choir the saeramml ol christian baptism will be idmlnistercd rcgulir ses sions t church s h i withdnwn this sund iv on 1 700 pmouih fellowship meeting 7 00 pm guelph presbvten presbvierun mens annual divine serviee in cilv n lhurvh fdsinger roid and village street kitchener everyone mosr welcome in spciking of rcseirch mis hill mentioned the impjrtinie four piano pupils perform in recital on tndiv evening the four pi mo pupils of mrs o j m n in etilui lined then mothers ind l lew in glibis ind 1 1 tends it he i home on arthur street i the i mnuil recti il jesse ann divulsin john dmdsin ruth i imb ind billie hinsintive l lelithtlul ind c re il 1 ible pel lot m uiee in p an id ducts willi their tc icb i ind with one mother mrs robert algic contributed imhcni ed mandolin solus jc ip mied in mis moi in and s isibel anderson gave rtad the ch idren presented mrs moi in wiih a pot of pink chry sinthcmums md the girls assist ctl ihe hostess in serving a delici ous lunch of mtopsics as most discoveries have been made ihrough posi mortems although this is a deli cate subject puenis ire urged lofciu this st nous consideration in autopsy needs the par consent and must also be performed within six hours aflcr dt ilh cooperation tould re in a startling discovery wi might me in mslcid of three mentally ictirdcd children hundicd being born today only two in a hundred tomorrow this is the dm of ihe rese irch e uns much hds already been done there ire 175 known caus cs because of ibis large number m n icscarch is of prime impor tinee m addison concluded point ng out lh il the noilh h ilton associilions school is faced with the pi oh km of furnishing ihe new school with i minimum of funds public support is urgently icquesled cent congo crisis worked wit many of ihe refugees a male quirtclte from brampton sang also the junior choir which all enjoyed the evening service was taken bv rev wm asgibb who was sludent minister at ballinafad for four years all were quite pleased to see and hear him dg tin and to sec the family dun smith of dundas sang two solos mr and mrs gibb are now at cnledonia all enjoyed a social hour with mr and mrs gibb and family in ihe basement after ihe service to flnlfh road prepantions are underway to j finish the good road down mgli lo ballinafad valuators of ihe land were calling on ev ryonc lasl week mr beiton attended church at sarnta where he was licensed to preieh before his ordination in june it siult ste mane owing to the dental convention ncxl week dr rcid s office will he closed ominwkey men rewiring the town hill pulled out from between ivvo boards an abandoned pack ige ot sptrtrotsmomllg lull iclu low with ige and without i sit of fragnncc left the broken sc il informed them it was senc i9is name local foremelh for no 7 highway the department of highways- has recently appointed earl m brown rockwood to the position of pitrolman or local foreman on no thighwav guelph to no 10 mr btown look over the posiiion v icitid by roy young upon his relircment wiih mr thrown on ihesidlt at preseni arc elwood bolton truck driver hirry edwards william brennan jack ridgeway arfd fl wood tosh don l forget this sunday mothers day acton ftntkojtal tamnacu 13 churchill road pjloc rev kenneth j rew pkstor 75 cook st phone 8531357 sunday may 13th 1962 1oj0o am sunday school hj0o fcjmnarning worship 7j00 pjn evangelistic srvice trtesday 8 pm prayer and bible studv thursday 8 pjn christ athbio- youare xrways welcome evangel baptist church in acton uica pastor j h wilson phone 8532157 sinda ma hth 12 mothers dav 9 4s am father br n m the and the familv to famih fiible sehool i rev e a tomlinson cinadiin secretary sudan intcnor mission guest preacher at ii and 7 pm 1100 am arc the he it hen losi 700 pm hear a challenging message n the open d rs m africa see the film rip tide the familv that worships t ge- ther stavs together mcdnesdav 8 pm praver and bible study hour 46 m w bray place you and yours are not only welcome to these services but wanted free demonstration without obligation nothing down and no payment until june 1st 1962 mcmullens sales home improvement 107 mill st planning lor tba fataa or not to have the ability to plan tot soy future la essence the principle of fire automobile and casualty in flnrauce la that it is a plan for the future it ensures pxogitots by banding people together to share the expected losses of the few among the many because it allows people to aver oat their chances ol a completely crushing loss into a relatively small fixed expense insurance enables them to move ahead on a planned basis the fact that canadas fire automobile and casualty msurance f p are paying out more than a million and a half dollars every day this year in clcdms indicates that prudent ormnrtlrm mate salt plans for their furore cjumm ntnmmmtt rcdbuitto on bvfcair of onr 200 competing

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