Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1962, p. 13

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u j2 l the acton frea praia rhurujayiaay joth mo ret at tub acton bowling lanes j kmhultord 1 hlnh school a pinfall of 2754 paced by wan i i fciosjsdihcnrt iiij sir april second and paced by ted sltt 211209 were rolling much 7jwti2t-won-4he-thlndan- nexed the odd point for kststbj ham bu cfl roscs for a four point win and nailed whh a scctmd down top spoi in the finale of n h cffor of 27w a the league schedule ekctras knocked cornels ff the top rung and clinched the third spot with terry mosaics 642 jim jennings 2062dsitrlfrnna pendleton 221 heading up the win rockets al though out of contention took a iwo and totals affair from dun blowins who won the second game when ducky harris came up with a hot 321 final league standing h o t dogs 120 cornels 118 elect ras 116 dunblowins 110 rockets 104 fouters 62 uglon ladies april 30 with one night to go legion ladies arc having a close raa to hit the playoff spots flip flops with a two and totals win from jets hold down the top spot no blows with a like win from the watch outs have the second slot with jets and watch outs in third and fourth places respectively the triples wen popping up ivy martin 620 do ris angell 622 phyllis angcll 609 and sylvia foley 682 hitting the single plateau were jean bui lough 215 lrl bradshaw 201210 and helen jocquc 215 luunic landing fljp flops 105 no blows 102 jets looi watch outs 9ffm blue springs may 1 violets in the fint three games of a six garni block rolloff lore into an early lead of nearly 400 pins paced by lil wagner 707 cheryl phillips 656 lois gordon 643 and a solo of 231 from mart gough thty had no trouble in piling up the pn fall mums arc in second plan getting then with tho singles of nancy jensen 224 acilic nolan 232 audre urquhart 229 beitv hardic 203 wila hewitt 207 with a ptnfall of 2744 mums have plenty to pick up eleanor goy with 207 and shirley hunter with 229 headed up the rose roll for a pinfall of 2589 camn lions checked in with a pinfall or 2564 uith wanclta- smith 2s3 and millie sum 234 grabbing the tingle honors with a 621 from sophie ochiriqh to gie them t lift glads made with a 1908 take the edge over asters in the consolation beryl jondm made j with a 612 iricount for asters second block mav 2 going into the second threegame block violets who had ncarl a 400 point lead never lost command of ihe situation and wound up champs of the blue spnng nursexv league vio j lets did not have the big triples of the first threegame block but with chcnl phillips posting smgl es of 241206 ihc wound up with a pinfall of 2635 to go with their previous 3141 for a 5776 mums came closest to giving violets a run for their mone wiih a total pinfall of m04 but wen still li plenty short of taking ihe crown kaixn jensen 200203 adclc nol an 216 audre- urquhart 225 and peggy dcbrmn 220 win mums barpshooters carnations with 1e old woodbine may 7th to june 2nd return fare 325 includes admission express buses saturdays and monday may 21st uavi acton 11 15 am da light time return after last race ask about regular daily us sbtvke to totonto tickets and information at wilts confectionery none u3s2m but violets big lead was much to overcome joarine ins- eoc 668 eleanor goy 213 marg woodhouse 236 shirley hunter 205 and janico w 1 1 hers 211 lop ped the roses final effort glads with sophie oehlrich 667 and thelma vale 207 finished out the season with a 2658 pinfull fur a total of 4566 this completely swamped asters 3720 and glads were winners of the consolation micro plastic may 1 rolling three gimes in the 900 bracket saw hi impacts hit a 2815 pinfall total to leave the rest of the pack behind in i the first threegame block oi their playoffs mary cooncy roll cd a 660 tncount with boots grischow 212 elsa macke 221 and paddv dick 203 getting the singles flexible tned to eatch the impacts but wound up with a 2679 pinfall a few tricounts would have helped their cause but they had to go with the tingles jim gibson 238200 and fred mcllor 221 bob dnnkwihi ler with 208218 and audrey gnsehow with 201 paced the ge- ons in their 2632 pinfall roll pi em in the third slot despite 687 from leo mcgilloway bell ringcn had trouble ringing up a substantial pinfall and settled for 2464 with hank earle spill ing the pins for a 705 triple scrappers should hie had a bet ter pinfall with 2273 but the pins were stubborn for the rest of in scrappers and the neccssarj bij gimes were not forthcoming die belters must be saving their big games for the final ihrcc tames because lhc did not chalk cm up in the fust three their pmfill being a 2370 mi 1962 1 early lead over ihe lamb real estate and were never headed macs rolled a 1097 in the first against the lambs 918 and tho lambs got a few pins back in the second with a 941 against a 914 but the third garne was all mc callum s 1078 against 907 and it was a case of wa till next season for the real estalers cameos with a mixture of tnpl es and singles wrote finis jo lovcll bros hopes of making the finals marnic mcllor 670 joan barr 656 jean mcphall 245 and marg toth 211 headed up cameos roll of 3018 although outpinncd injhe first two games kept on trying and thtir third game was a real effort 1023 but cameos topped em with 1051 and it was eurtains for the meat maids norma robinson 617 li sic swift 260 and georgint vim fleet 202 lopped lovcll s trundl ing cameoi take finals may 3 well it s all over in the acton ladles cameos came saw and conquered with mccallum being the victims in the first game mccallum s with peg bil lentine 226 and marion pope 206 doing the pacing sneaked an 18 pin lead from cameos who h d mamie mcllor and joan barr go ing with 222 and 222 the second game saw joan barr betty oak and jean mcphail rattle off 201 202 and 223 in that onlei beat mccallum s by 70 pins ind take a 52 pin lead peg balkniinc kept mccallum s in there with a 265 mccatlufhs tried hard in third with pat fnzcll heading them up with 234 but mamie mcllor 219 and helen otlcrbcin 208 came through willi some nc d clutch rolling and it was cameos by 51 pips to make their lotil pinfill 2848 as against mccal turns 2745 and its new champ ions for the acton lidies lc tguc the excited squeals of joy irom mimic mcllor joan barr betty oakcs jean mephail marg toth mamie schonop and helen oi tcrbctn left no doubt in the minds of the spcctalois who were the champs were clara taylor 649 ray at kinson 641 and beaver baxter 636 popovers best was a solo ol 205 from dave peal sugar jets signed off their efforts with john cunningham 629 and aud rey allison 230 bell buoys tups were singles with hartley coles 208 joan park 200 and win brooks 205 a personal triumph for joan park wis hci 200 game this was a first for joan so now beaver baxter tan relax all his worries ure our his team made it and said beaver wilt probably pop u few shin buttons when he struts up to receive the hamps trophy at the annual teen n under rolling very stc ichjy in their two games of the final- devils added lo rhctr 161 pin acton udis may 2 it ii be cameos ind mccallum s in the finale of the acion ladies lenguc mecal 11 wiih a powerhduse roll of 3089 for three games paced b marion pope 661 pec ballcniine 60s and manort storc 600 along with reia dwcr and pat friz2tl tossing in singles of 257nd 261 in lhat order jumped into an acton friends may 3 hail the champs un touchablcs thai is ovia cumin t the almost 200 pin lead popuurs set up in the first three g inie block was a chore but untouch iblcs did it they rolled g lines of 800984 and a rousing fmishei of 1071 while popovers wcic floundering with 818 and 811 ilh 771 scaling the verdict su gar jets got into eonlcntion with a roll of 957 but their next two 867 and 791 dashed their hop es bell buoys never did gel tin tracked and their parties of 789 800 and 885 got them now he i final six game pinfall wis un touchablcs 5590 popovers 5326 sugar jets 5230 bell buis 4999 sparking the untouchables win lead which they established last siturday ind added to it to liu ish up with a pinfall of 2817 tor four g uncs and lound themselves ihe 61 62 champions with ill the youngsiers doing the r best it would not be i in single ul inv one pctloriliu we ii hill tile eh imps mil s i ell dont lo dull mush ii ink minion b ib bimvnc he len ii in is kiren pet kins i vnn vile wendy almond ind guv tuik is luckv strikes c imc closest to lliicalcniiil ihe eh imps but their pinfall ol 2s80 w is e i i sulci ibly shy ot in ikmi ihe grule miuniks rolled helm ihe i polinti it and finished up with i 2s44 flinlstoncs wctl oft the pice ind stilled foi i 21 j pinfall 1 igles flew nvav with the eons l it ion htpliks wen onlv 40 pins go ng m but ut i n uiuttiv they were plenly dwn at ihe finish t iglcs hid 1918 ifciinm repliks is09 mikine ihe big un loi ihe i isl hnu llus sc ison were boh fink s i68is7 32s rnnk motion 140- 178 018 i vnn vile 162139 301 helen minis 1s2 144 296 jim pcvchi 162 131 291 bub mtfiehcin 148 149 297 june wallho 13218 270 lum pit sons 19276 268 saudi i franklin 107 156 261 loriu macphcrsun 129127 256 remember mother on mothers day sunday may 13th mothers day special snapdragons reg 4 00doz 200 hau you been out lo see our large select ion of evcnjnmm shrubs tnm fruit tnm and fruit bushes reedy for planting roses potted ready to plant hybrid teas floribundas grandifloras climbers dont neglect your lawn fertilize now complete lin of fertilizers seeds and garden tools headpin hilites with most of ihe bow kis fin lied with lheil lejaihr sthe dults ind ph s ihtir if hiljiis peihips nun lournanitniwi e ind lilt lilesl ont lo be sihedul cd is ihe oconnoi bowl ladies five pin open singles this n goes miv 27 1 md june 1 2 3 lis a si 400 shot knocking the annual birthday supper of the marion rudd mission circle of the buptist church was held on thursday may 3 the tables were decorated with spring gar ilen f lowers and looked must at intlivc practically all members weie present and iwo visitors attended aflcr a delicious supper mr rudd olfitnttd ut the installs irwnh rfhoemty coming year include past presi dent mrs h he 1 wig president mrs j chapman vicepresident mis m landsboiough secrc- lars mrs l wagner h casurer mis ii lllsley mis ikiwig tinned the meet lllg net to llie new piesiddil program preicnled mis ch ipinan led m the sing me i breallle on me bie ilh of toil minnies ol the list inecl ig tuic llien le id by mis w ignei ind diseilssl n of i hilile sludv gioup lollowed it wis deeded to hold these study tioups on the ihud thiusdiy ol c ich month al the huine ol mrs g h it i ip mis kude ind mis 1 anelsboi ough then lii the hiejil ghls ol ihe spnng r ills ihcv hid ailend cd ihe div ik i nc mis biothers hail sp ken on india ind mi 7cm in g iu the evening i she said mission circle members were like a tree that couldn t move but he shadow of the tree could reach over the fence inlo ihe next yard so each member though not able to go personally to the mission field could reach over the fence by helping with pnycrs and fmanejul help noted this is a duty and u lege u with prayer gc oil the v le ii ink i ule he piufs mens rfirmc mtlln nieller loi the 297 the ids his niest h 70s to win we ir vqutlui pitktd up iki icdgci s la slrxelsville div cleineis seniles were won in iii wilnet wuh t 707 lncounl w miiiil hit rcficshing itlrtsr minis 1 reinhirls cutacola ind seven up t n howling best iivci iui ilc weie i ynn p u sons barb u i me i attic rn jim icvtha ind iry turkosz in line si inky cup tradilion at ihe indtishiil commercial banquet m in iler due m ines of lcdgci s 10 a tilled ihe trophy with ihimpignc tor his champions ti quoll in c ise ihe younslcrs i njtl whih i doubl we w uld piants ol the teen n unders tint ihe kids banquet is it the ymca rridav niln 6 10 p in mav 18 supper will be i umieeessnv ih n n the i kids ii lel plenty to e it that winds n up aminos adios many winners at l0l euchre winners ul ihu jol euchre and penny sale held may 4 al cicwsons conicis ire dn piic polled chiysiintlic mum donitcd hv uolim nuscr cs won by chll mcdonald lid its high mis jirntl ruse lad cs low ally lountun mens high llovu arnold men s low joe mcdon ild penny sale winners embioi dcry riyagncw men s h mkies mis m anther wileib and sail and ptptv set h dcve in tak mm and pin maiv sag iskie mluns idilh cjokioii i idles flmkics mrs margucl ditksim llishlighl w coils glass ind ntk mis l k mills tuwtl m ixint dough lowtls soi heltik htniv bath sills helen hcniv grikcrics m ly foujii ui wash dish and lowel mary os borne cup and saueei joan glenilcnning half slip jean prcc lous groceries h bogcrl glass dish md pears r uph b irlow thermometer lylid smith ipron minon schlcgel ashtray lloyd arnold cushion mrs a me don ild muffin mil and tins mar tiret me don ild tukc dish mis h lloyd houseclcaning suppliec jerry post leapol mrs ted li boll casserole ralph barlow weodina head for the sightsthe lakesthe fun ntario v ii hotal disions fox au occasions carotme nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south sid mioim 5j1w0 opw m iu dirt 7 dy a wmk e nvhatibns announcements 9 accessories come in and ask for your free bridal gift registeji dills stationery 56 st a mothers guests of casseroles on sulurday may 5 the nuv sagawcyaxcaiscroles held their eighth 4h mccling at the home or ihelr leader mrs malcolm moflul this was tin muling at which the mothers md smaller sislers ol the gills had been inviled lo eh their supper all the mothers look id intage of ihls invitation md it s cluck in the afternoon they irrived local their suppvt with mrs moll il and mrs heiiiy prcpircd i louly suppei lot the mothers the main coiust tonsisltd of lish siallup huuer cd c irrots u lossccf sal id and lea biscuits lo he htui ige fi lie w is loin hi u lit ti i mothers ind milk loi lis the desseil wis lovely hull inil with icl etc un nice ling all igelher it ill iheic w is 14 pi nle pretty lazy old inhabitant nope lolks around llitse parts don i try to work much uny more why i ihmk the laziest man in the state lives right here in this village- names will knott stiangcr will knolp inhabitant yep he s so imv lie never writes his name in full jest signs himself won i i fast healing for cuysmimmbouj inncnonf soothing antiseptic ifitsworthhavingitsworthsavingfor saveal 5brnk the brnk of novr 5c0iih tax notice- 1962 municipality of acton first instalment now due attention is drawn to the payment of 1962 taxes which are now payable in lour instalments municipal treasurer al the t payable to the town of acton municipal office ymca building instalments arr due as tollows first instalment second instalment third instalment fourth instalment may 15th july 16th september 17th november isth atiorclinr to the tjx collection b ijw per icnt per minth will be iddcd un the unpdid alter the isth div ul ma this penalty applies tu eaeh ins dment in a similar manner the attention of r ilenavcts is duelled tu the penalties and oilier clauses as printed on ihe reicise side uf cscry tax nutlec and explained in detail un etcry tax bill make payment now and take your tax notice with you when making payment j mcoeachb colbctor penalty of i uf i niuunt remaining know ontario belter its all yours i ontario daprhhirt d tend ma psuctty hon bwnlcuhcart uinlilar ontario travel literature mntlo ontathttrml aiu pulmtnt wis tonah optltia the conservative government since 157 has provided a reduced tax rate also a winter works program for halton county which provided 40000 man days of work 1200 jobs which totalled 300000 in federal contributions sandy best vote best for halton published by the progressive conservative association notice garbage collection all residents of acton please take note of a change in garbage collection effective monday may 14th through to october 25th the following sche dule will poly- collectionmondays and thursdays cameron mill from victoria westerly only victoria cook cohbubill main south only church brock ransom vimy agnes willow south john south elgin south frederick south wilbur south fellow eastern york all of the crescent hillcrest all of glenlea young queen street east wellington acton blvd peel arthur mill over the tracks from young to the school collectiontuesdoys and fridays all of mill street from victoria to the tracks park lake knox all of lakeview main street n scene guelph river st albant bower willow north john north elgin north frederick north wilbur north alice wallace perth warren grove churchill rd north on and afhar octolsar 29lfc ona couachon anh will apply for tba w m aff monday and tuaaday raa individual neheea ara bamg mailad out nowavar you an raquaatad lo phono b5m220 it you ara in doubt as to your colloctkn day j mcgeachie oat a o a d i w i r n s

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