Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1962, p. 6

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mind your moples gardener bruce pargeter reveals trade secrets in various areas throughout own bruce pnrgcier recently retired trom bcnrdmorc and company where he won gardener during his years or cmnloymcrti and kept the jrrounds in beautiful confli tfon assisted in the tret planting program during an interview this week mr pargeter offend a few heln- jul hlnth for residents to keep he young trees healthy and grow ing starting at the beginning the gardening expert pointed out that turf was removed around the area where the tret was planted in order to allow the roots to breath and obtain mois ture by doing this water can run down the trunk of tht tree and seep imcpthc ground direct ly to he roots soak the earth it won emphasized thnt during the drv weather residents on whose property n trie is phi n led will be well advised 16tuwifcthe i rletctmicc- or rabbits roam it scottish dance club stages wiener roast variety program last saturday evening at 6 00 pm the acton scottish dance club hosted a wiener mast in the garden of mr and mrs jack mc gcachie some so young people attended and later wenl on to the ymca where the annual ceil idh took place at 800 pm a ceilidh pronounced kay lee is a gaelic word meaning a suns and dance gathering and a live ly program was arranged for tht youngsters parents and guests attending the ceilidh is n familv affair and is usually held as ihe closing event of the season bv the club the program for the evening was directed bv date iran ihe club s dance instructoi and mrs r buekncr the tmnnv hop pat hctrkc polka canadian bam dane and the dashing white sergeant were a few of the donees e special k lor the voting iters btil man parents were up on the hoot also with their children the sailors hornpipe and the irish iig pcrlormcd b tour voting ladies suzanne and sharonwmvftisjimwilfo qttflhfti of milton and penny iratt were much enjoyed lively program a lovelv vocal solo bv miss lnurecn rcnnick of acton the sailor and a demolish hi ion team of youngsters from the lome park public school who danced two square dances be tween those ladies stand and old fashioned danee were all enjoved the children liking pari in the square dances were don nn heck knthic chandler pen nv izatl denny hare david wc- myss jack dclnney and neuon bovko mrs iwict dimed wnh the group owing to the nbsenet of one of the girl dana rs of special interest lo the mem bers and friends ot ihe at ion club is their own tumor demon si rot ion team which is entering i c of th dante fcflival in hamilton th coming snturd i this leshv il i of high standard and the aclon children will be competing in tht first time compete in festival the dance they will be pcrur ming is machine without hoiscs and they have been praeiicing di hgemlv for the past few weeks the club is very proud of ihts group tht group which danced un salurehi night wej healher mcgeachie heather ann dum anh ann mcmillan margin el slaven margo chirk son suzanne and sharon riekells and pennv izall owing to illness gold nied alist imit grit i sluven wis un able lo be present mister glenn rnkitls diinied in her pi in andlher highhghl of i hi wind up program was ihe presenla lion of a cheque lo dime in structor dive iatt and mrs 1 nt dr robert bui km r ptevi dent ol the aclon club address td the couple and thanked ilun lot then outstanding assist inu noting that the gift was onlv i small token of the clubs appre nation the popul r temple re ceived a standing mat run irom ihe fnemheck nnd guesls aviettv bled lunch committee the lunch committee for the evening included mrs t s new ion mrs lionel hurst mrs mike mcmillan mr jaik mc gcachie mrs bill dumarsh mrs terry slaven mrs dave- 1alt and mrs hilda gnrdrtr a spe nal mile of thanks lo mi md mrs jaik mcgcachii loi ilu use ol ihe ii home and lawns wis tx tended alsoto tht eipibli ium mitlee of mrsbi m jh mis m memillan and mrs bill dumaish who helped club members vute united lo ihe unnu il business truelm on miv 2o 11k evening i line lo a tlost with ihe kinging ol auld lang sm ind the hopi that hel season would see ill the fanuliat hues baik iguu md some new laces loo gu an iiiem seni irom toionio milton ill gmlph lome pirk ind ci irk son is advisable to project th tree with either a chicken wire feme or tarpapcr approximately to three feet in height ivkrep ic animals fnm biting it ftrunk acton councils tree planting area around the tree thoroughly program initiated this year has with water a little dribble of been termed a ig siuccess by water is no good stated mr project chairman councillor hanv pargeter as he related how the ilton peal to dale approximately xoi imbedded undergrou rsfawranvvtlbeli p1tnroit tfir tmtrkhnrrgfterrer us areas throughout town surface in order to obtain mots another don t which i turt keep thildren from swinging on ihe tree was another im portnnl muni in order lo pre serve the voung tree it cording to the gardener when necessary tree can bt slaked but one must be tarcful noi to bruise the tree and also mnko sua the ties art loosened pruperly as the live btgins to grow trade secret another hade secret is lo save the cuitings from the grass make sure they arc dried out thorough ly and then when dry weather sets in water the tree proptily and spread the dried grass cut hogs around the base approxi mately two inches in depth this is done to keep the moisture m to the roots huve a chance to grow properly in tht fall in nrcas where ginss h a tendency to grow tall nnd mpoi ant is to make sure tht lue not dbtmgctl b lawnmuwci when tuning the grass if everyone who has a voung tree planted takes propu and gives tht tree lots of at lion alton will in the neat lure be once agun noted fui shady almospheie shot the hitho carol candler guides choice carol candler of w lak drive dorv il his bee n e 1 to rcprestni tht gul guidi quebec prov nice on ilu ir til st grand iniernaiion il tom this lummi r carol whose guiding life stirt cd in the brownies in at inn ont has been a nodi tot live h irs she is the duighkrs of mr md mrs gerry cindler mi cindlu w lubdratoi u s last ycir she i imul her all round cords ind has just gimrd herwrild con award in fluid mc carols nurnt vl irts jucv ft when sht will leivt un the ss ivtrnia tor hngland alln i lev days stiv ai out ai k the guide hosncl in 1 findon ilu pun 12 guides wilt le ue foi rvtris they will spend sever il il is there before going on lo swilcr land hen thev mill si i lui ten days at out chile t the guide hostel m adelbodin duniij this lime carol will visit swiss fn end who si ivtd with lui on i una sptmsoitd loin of north a mem a tours fngland on hit teltiiii lu lond in mil will m ike i bncf visit t i hei grandparents who live in siis sex the put thtn lesm i moiorniuh loin ol i nfiuitl ind scotland included in the inmr nrv are oxford sliaifird on avon chtsler tht english h ike i strut gutiu mm rilmhurgh the trossaehs stirling cisllt avr rtnd the burns enuritrv the guides will sad for mont real ttoni jieenoek s oil ind on tin ss cinnihii oi iv in ant us t 29 carol is now in her find vi ir at laehine high sehoul she hopes tq atipnd univtntm next vcai and evtmuilly become in nterlor decorator progress report on post office sldewilk superintendents ate becoming more ami nunc inlf- rcslcd in the pi ogress at tht site or ilu new ltdeial post oflici as eonltaetois excavate for the foundation md puui the loot ings following the demolition of ihi former glove shop ind home eie eupied bv mi ind mis kxn yix fit pirtwf- aa vnutiun ljj constue4ioii compinv if gtorgt town moved in their lu ivv equip me nt and begin txeav iting toi the foundation s ind nnd gi nil were hauled lo lite neailn prop eii owned bv tht hulm foi hll and a hulldotr levelled ilu lien aspen tonsi rut lion cunip in cooksvllle 111 tllllge of the loot ings moved us workmen to ilu site ind btan ininudiaielv pie putng the forms h idv loi ilu eoiuiete john i un work siipcimumkm mom tin m lonli ktinn firm wikh u c sliiillion compmv dumlis is eh ii ge ot the ope r moil and outlined by rev c de castro vinu ilu uk i gove mint nt inspei ten p 1 rogers of geoigtlownts keeping i wllehflll evt oil the pi gl ind is on the site liom t moininy utinl dusk high schools news sful fulddr ml iv anotlui sit lh 111 i hlipli hitler eold d iv tlieln t himpei ilu ilhli les loo mil li illhoiitli lie u lv ivnv ir nu hiding speltaion hioke out ill gitusi pimples d in 1 mis e ipiiurd ilu bui tun thimpionship i n tin se nnl eonsttllllvi mil mm g 1st how w in the biniim yiu in tlu tun in division ill impi ns wt n anne vile md john gov wink in the inieiinedi hi division bonnie miedoutil nmi out on top tor tile ji k md sheldon rl w 1 i the h vs svlske bt sse m nil peter 1 ms m were stin n dnin pions mtr mil m iis i tin lilt dlllee ululsdlv llltllt w rev jelle nutma addresses 900 at federation meeting thi first general meeting of the canadian federation of christian reformed women s so cieties vas held yesicrdav wednesda at mcmaster untv ersiiv in hamilton the date eo- inciding with the same meeting of the longcstartlished group in holland a letter of congratula lions from holland was read to 900 delegates from all over ont ano the morning session was in dutch and the afternoon sevsion in english first speaker was the rev jelle nutma from thechmt tan reformed church in atton who addressed the hd on the theme of praver life in the after noon vmrs witt of flint michi gin formerh of trenton and well known to mam of the lad ies was speaker a busleiad with about two dew in from georgetown puked up 12 more here for the trip at tor j representatives were mrs nut m i mrs k kamminga mrs j ios mrs tom de viie mrs albert urcnnr mrs s pasma i mrs t oosi mrs h krense mrs j vin arragon mrs dm ktr mrs aan looveni anc mrs john loovenga good news for trout fishci men is the announcement thit the george low ti game club tt king wo spttklis below the paper mill dam on tht credit river organwtrs pi in a survevl lo chart tak ties ind issist in i planning luluix stinking of ihe river more mw buddings stoek piles and i iads art being iddtdi lo the dulft i in qu irn on ihe nassagawevafsquesing tow nl line at the estarpment on mondiv ind wedn s 1 iv 1 h igt torn ii w i ind ivi jl ii 1 hiqii tile v limit t i stuca 1 el lilt s iml that md l e il h in ordtl to i ii se lunds loi it hoi niihliution w ii the bheknii eiut nns ins 1 ill c i ih di nttrs thn mo 111 light mo id the elisiiki r id 1 iv htlfl mfldelnliivkihliv mil h l nitnories lo aclon mudmi is pi iwson eiipluied tile distriei se mo thanipionship ir d j in gov he turn i aclon in islud in thud inn spot w sim md th gcorfctlo md mill n all 111 loilil w llhsilv eve runt iht slnde n toon l sllg d i movie unit t iht pel it i furlough stjn j me 1 t ind tony curtis u luie mov is lie pending nl u stills ol iii this 1 i pioettds w tor ii le ind r i aw nni j wtls ukes ir tltn shovels iht we c u a hi ke lid w lk iu a tlu aleii evening auxiliary of knox c sponsoied a de lightful missionary progi im nt the church un sunday tvmlng mws belle mave roell eonven ei of tht program pnsieled ovei the woiship service assisted by mis gto yeiuug who itad three juiaijll4miaiaacis ullxiflxwx and mis hi masters who gave the olfeiioiv pinyti native of british guiana the guest spciikci rtv cle incut de casiio of british gin inn v is fntrodiittd hv mrs i andtisoil who sliessttl iht 1uc1 wt hiivt often returned mission iries and speiikeis telling ot the woik being deiiu but mr de cas tio w is i iiuin who w is bom ind hiought up in biiiish gin ma ol i isi indnn i lee he eonussis lu lot sin know wh it lit nnglil h ivi bun had ilu luisii m churth not eoim to llieill lit is insults bt inu i niiiusu i depiltv pillltlpll ol tilt bllhilil sjmul ik w is piolld to till how so m inv had gi idu ilctl mom this sthool hitl hid lending positions 1iidts liwvtis it uluis mid hit bun i titdit to llun toiiiiliv i irsl mlkalonary the first mission irv time to them mts8 rhijnan s mint wis j gihsm c tlu veils he wavs and bywayn telling ihe gon pel message knew mlu anderson mi c castro paid tribute lu the sueillict unci scrvlee rendead them by tht lute miss ellen an dtrson who itfl many bcuutlful memories with tht many chrl 4ott frtnht shimrtid- wijiv one cuuld not listen lo this man without the rtulliition that mis sums aie wmlhwhile junlorchoir the junieir choir were in at lend met and sang an anthem lanltt bells a lovely duet un dti his wings was rendered by misses ruth and connie coles with r a hansen ai the console ot ilu oigitl mis john i oividst pit stele nt ol ilu gniup i h inked mi de t islni i ti his inspiring uitssige intl ill who isslsted in ltllt tlu lim mints md the d foi sending chiistiui hiueli i flu in he asks foi tlu privus ol ill n send more help to them in the w iv ol t inset i itttl nun md wo men who c ill go out in ilk high lo tibt t hltlh lellowship up lilt u jun is usln nig j im i kennick bob intl lo allkell dotlll i i m jr and bairv ciclabd lollewing the closing hymn thnsi loi tlu world wt sing tlu rev a ii mekciilc close with tin benediction meet mr de castro i vtivinc wis muled to th classroom lo enoy i peiiotl of son il fellowship during lunch md intel lilt gucsl spe ikel mis j is inghs wis milled v ii led iflie ftenil ollur th aetoo fre pris thunday may 10th 1962 wood georgetown acton baptist and united churthcn rev de castro was entcrlalned the home of mr and mm c coles with members of both ihkr families during his stay in at ton quote of the month belongs lo wilson m liner who said flu mom effective water power in the world is a woman s tears mitted moppets start swinging the swings arc up nt ihe park lis always ihe first sign of the mw season the children are swinging luailltv with iilllli on hoy anient stalled woik mou dav mmx the swings and letter lutter were first on ihe iui hi s i leaning up generally nuiiiht i imrl bit ids le i vint tnd harvey laverty heating ptumbino and eavtstiouohino repairs to all makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and gas furnace installations conversion burners sales and service main street n rockwood phoni im9934 hockwooo 34hswsrvk summer sked twrcest vsek garbage codec lions start mondav fer the sum mer months pixsurds wrni oui this veeik innountin the dass for householders during the winter collet tittn was just made once a week but when the thermometer gets high st does the garbage reminders about your ontario hospital insurance shortill sheet metal bama1atebibmmhmhmmlbbbmiiataaika fiumuno ano katmo contiactois mr ww99m urn ot i fwmmks 4 sheetmetal fabneaung of all kinds eavestroughing atf e necesssry pipe aad ftaings f4r the hat ia tndc ob burner sentce e pumps pressure latin- drv and samp hot water heaters water softeners complete stock of pipe and fittings septic tanks and beds shop 59 willow st n phone 8530270 acton ont surprise mother on her day with one of our thickly frosted mothers day cakes she h be del ghled with such a tempting i real cleliciously frosted order yours today hotchen5rbakery 1 1 wlllow st phone is30710 weekend special nylons seamed or seamless 69c pr cotton dresses for mothers day ind summer to give and lo gather cotton fa shions beautifully designed for now and summer living choose for your self gift mother from our array of smart sheaths superb shirtwaists be guiling bouffants low puces are added delight take advantage op our convenient budget plans the cameo style separate premiums are reeniiml for your inturance from now on oma a application form at a hank a hos pital or the commmioo the family premium must he patd to cover husband ami tfe icii vour group or tf you pay yenr premiums direct aoufy the commiutoo di follow carefully the initructtom on the baek of the certificate of payment form 104 wtncti yaw employer n required to five you offtnuo hospital somces commbskm sim t0hu stout toronto 7 ontajm0 oral polio vaccine dr bull of hallon county health unit hat announced tha following clinics for the adminis tration of oral polio vaccine please check the schedule for your nearest school all age groups should receive this vaccine whether or not they have been previously im munized with salk vaccine maximum immunity is obtained by the use of salk vaccine and the new vaccine and it is hoped that poliomyelitis can be eliminated entirely by the effective use of these two immunizing agents please urge your friends ind neighbours to attend one of these schools adult clinics will be held from 700 to 900 pm at the schools indicated on the schedule there will be no evening clinic at the high schools schedule for georgetown milton and acton date area may 22 georgetown esquesing school harrison school quatre bras tigney milton heights school pupils 91130 91130 91130 91130 preschool and parent adults speyside 91130 1400 7 900 may 23 georgetown park school h wrigglesworth 91130 91130 1 400 900 nassagaweya kelso campbohville brookville 91130 91130 91130 e milton w 1 dick 1 m denyes milton high school stvdwits a taadwrt only 91130 91130 9- 11 30 1 400 7- 1 400 7- 900 900 may 24 georgetown glen william norval chapel st 9- 1130 911 30 91130 esquesing bannock bum blue mountain timehouse pinegrove hornby stewarttown 91130 91130 91130 911 30 91130 91130 acton robert little 91130 m z bennett 91130 1 400 7- 900 may 25 georgetown geo kennedy 91130 holy cross 91130 georgetown high school 9 1130 studams tmchan nfl milton holy rosary 9 11 jo bruce street 91130 may 28 acton acton high school 91130 shkbfita t tcachm w

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