Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1962, p. 2

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the acton free prem thuridoy my 17lh 1962 scrap closing laws urban board suggests mtirhnnif taould holavx lhe respoditblllty of store closing faouri rather than pass the buck to ttwir albnkipaj coundh thk waa the tone of several opinions jatum tor url meeting this month stort closing hours bytaws were one of several items on the agenda ai the board composed of rdgxeseatatlves of acion georgetown and milton councils met in milton chairman norm pearce stated that milton had a problem with fringe merchantvjlpt subject to the towns closing bylaw being in competition with the towns merchants it rather unfair he mid that businesses in town have to hold lo ibe bylaw und others can ignore it 1 would rescind all store clos ing bylaws aod let ihemcrchanis tort this out among thcrmelve mayor doug sargent of george town commented georgetown councillor jim em- mersod agreed a a vtor cloahu by4aw nmlti win- rijjtiotnserruviiig ja bja own way he said acton councillor frank prousc pointed out the difficulty of get ting the merchants to cooperate and agree on store closing hours nothing was settled on this istue vjon the urban board did agree however hat the service or vict orum order of nurses might well be worth while in georgetown the board decided to invite a vom repreaantatlve to a nesting to explain the duties ot the order lr was also agreed that board member should push adoption of u resolution cqlling for mure grsllth to schools for retarded in spilt of premier robarls pro tects thai i hey were getting mure per capita than public schools nuts say jim commenting on a letter from ihc minister of education read in georgetown council a week ago councillor jim emmcrson said that mr robarls made it apncai as if the schools for ihc retard id were gelling a better deal its noi m he told urban only four animals to help hum i- do ihi work thi lmmik arrnv board representaltves mr ro berts avs they are gelling a so per cent per capua grant com pjred to a 30 per cent grant for public schools i d r tarucd school grants an ottiigir js a third of lhe public school s mr emmcrson pointed out thai the high cost or transporting re tarded pupils and starvation wages paid lo teachers of retard ed children had not been taken into account by the department chukchiu plan congregational picnic during united church meet thcsu c w met at the home of mrs russell on mav 9 the meet tog was opened with a praver bv the president mrs f mcarthur minutes were read bv mrs arm and numerous scratches when he fell off a tractor while helping his dad on the weekend many friends from churchill called al the home of mr and jean leilch the treasurers re- 1 mrs robert mcenery of balltna port was given bv mrs r dennv fad on the occasion of their soih a picnic for the whole congro 1 wedding anniversary gation was decided on for june the bannockburn 4h club girls 24 at homb pork the devotions haw completed iheir course on were given by mrs butler and i supper dishes and arc now await mrs frank freeman the scrip- mg ihar achievement day hire was the 90th psalm intended for last week roll call was an auclion of mrs c b swackhamer of ac plants and bulbs the meeting i ton spent the weekend at home was closed with praver and a dc- of mr and mrs h griffin lhjhtful hmch was enjoyed b mam of the churchill congre- as i gallon attended anniversary sen garry dobbie suffered a brok ices at ballinafad united church rtajwj scoops from speysme schoo vaccines could wipe out polio entirely free clinics held in schools next week jmjtjeiniu5flroil- ing for spring flowers and birds thev welcomed a new pupil on monday miss mcenery und mrs rognvakkon arc taking all he pupils of their rooms on a hike lo ducour birds und wild flow crs room 2 in social studies wc imu been learning ibout tgvp or the bible lands at tho lup ol egypt is ihc mcdilerranean sea in egypt running down imu africa is the nile ricr beside egpt is the red sen aloiiy the side of the nile river is an onsn in egypt ihc homes arc m ide of mud the roof is flat with i mod wull sometimes ihe use it for a porch the stove is mudc ol mud the farmers m egypt do the work the animal camel donkey and wilcr buffalo three months in the year ram falls the nile ricr then flows ti id iv m ly oier it guc iu fatrmgrn jrraifi n jiid jjtvev the- hcltl rich soil the rest of the time the farmer has lo move the water he due this with a shadoof or a sakai or a water wheel the water buff ilo pulls something like a sleigh to knock the grain out then ihe gather it up to make sure theie is no dirt or anything in with the grain ihcv toss it up in the ur for ihc wind to lake away ill the dirl miss mcenery said thai i long time ago the people drank the water the people and lhe am mals washed in then someone told them the best wav i im glad i don t live in egypt areii t you room 3 this week in lhe rt period we drew posters for ihc conservation of wild flowers in one of our science lessons planted vegetable seeds and when uvejj sefl-ep- wimmyi frcsif vegetables lui lunch room 4 lasl thursday for art mum four did pulalo printing there were very many interest tng p litems this ycir children fium roum four m id souk olhei rooms will he going on u nip which i um sure uill be vyiv in teres i ng since sumnur is on lis wiv everybody is studving tut exun iniliuns and hoping in piss routi 5 in lilt this vveik we made things uill ul usheslus nut pasle faees ash tniys nips ami sjik e rs we re hindi nc xi week we will paml ihc ill south anum i is lhe new lopu grade eighl ire i iking iibotil in geogiiphv gride seven is letmi ing ihuilt the south saskiklie wuu rivei dam our second annual edue ition il imu is sliud in take pi m on id the pupil rijtrighiu31ui toronto tlnv uill it line til i um i al been hindi tour the proviiiit il buildings and cusi i nilaincnls h nc ds lu visit jn museum pleasant niemoiics or list vurs edtie ilional tup lill in mv minds vvilh happy expect ihons on last veirs loin the pupils visiied ft york high puk ind llu mu stum the juniors pupds or jirade four five ind six will bt visiunc the mliro plisties plant in acton thcv will itsii be visiime ihc dis trie i dtv isiun of ii k porlci cmado ltd on iheir inp list vni they we re cfinduc let through lhe bcirdmorc tannerv in acton we hope thil spevside will lung eon limit to eondutl such edue ilional tours as thcv ire bmh interestmj and cducilton d 345 in seven weeks if evenonc is immutiicd with both salk and subin polio te eini i ihiuk we tun wipe mil polio eiuiicly deelutd li at ehli bull malum connie midlcul officer of health as i wu week lilted ol tiet pulio clinic- uwrictciiffltv climes which ik tuiiik lu id n the iurti othillon mxi wtil have begun ilivadv in liuilintitoi and oikvillc ind lespunse is wr e lose lo i lull mtitlpaled oc d pci tin ol the poputiili h almosl km pn mil uf llu stlmi thildien in dillon will men ihis ilu sweel pink dost next und i imllv limits are ill lined up pur dole and lime or free pollu clinic fb mlvcrlltc metil 4n thil page thojwwhlyjd tntx71ln vanlta wis iisi li used mil lelcisiil idi jiitm i i si liy in kueiil hip rlinm l iu illh the lust il miv if ie i i had ht t n u sitit imlipi um r itlltelrv sle l wis nsid ii wu iiiiiliulkd lxpuinitnlx ii ind in llu m hi sskllkllm units when iiivii ii tj ii i l pu yp meeting baptism sunday mothers day visits in news riti ui il lllll llsltlk iismliik llllc illi lll i kpurtmetit ill lite viteint pi ltd ik i links villi till eivonc wlm dm mo wjijl mf- ftretnm1crt11sejst blllitma alrcudy hllliiils il dusts hut tlrcitlv in n iiiktn in kussh md jipm tv petipli wiiu had n it pun jus h liil silk vuiiiu m i iiuo ipidemics no iii tleets in u poitul aiivwlicu willi sulk md sthin huh my llllllll li hull lust llicte ik pt we u viu lit iii llll lilt family pun sliue the mjiuoi children re i ivi il 25 per ceni ol lhe pop- ul ill in litrhl there llulr pur and prtth brothers and hit cliniis m entire i imilles urt immune 1rtmhqpi hlldn ii untt parent art dosed i liiiiki pc imed in tlir lurge ad tiilsimtiii lhl wk wild adult iiiik in llu tvtninfco a si i ml dim will hi available ili r dl likely at i irnllar imu m th wli mu ha v jiii lit i itilt ui laimlv ilotliio hit silk die tomlitiutl yiiiimm ptoplc h giuiip ol i i in and xspi ingt ehurthts imi at llu lucid tluueli on stiuidiv n tiling an exeiilu game ul hall pieccded lhe legu lui seiviec den maishull of i iln is piesidenl ul lie gmup ind ml nhnn leader vistlins im mollici s lty with d d mil mis robulson im 1ml id mi nut mrs km rohtiison ivndi md donui il rcxdilc mis done i is rohtilsuil simon mm ray and dailtiu mrs htiuy jackson mi md mis hum lei ill ul cuclph cungiaiul ihons lo mi ind mrs vet non slew in on the irti vil of a d mghtci on m iv it giiclph hospu d mrs wmi rohttlsiin is imiuil it the home ol hti hiuuur md siskrinliw mi md mis david sit wart john md shtrlutk ailktn are liuiiie i torn wcnleiti univctsliy i iindtin loi holidays sheiluck leaves llu end ol the wick lor six weeks ol tiaiiliiik with the ait foil i il ceiiltdli pilot tu ii tve llns postinu ii winiiijicu jolmis to imvl bttu jlcjp4ldll j i a s i i will be jibli polio mm hi wlih an mind 11 hull mid w v i n ill llu iimiliiiiilv wi e in recommended for all ht uiiiinmt lids the d iu tveiyiin m the i unlly md sabln i iteiiit- hi bold cl leilive igilnsl llu ihite lypiauf pt llu i muni ii lien tint the su hin laetine ilso piittiitu itoe ujni tiikt it liimi lieuik of lilt hi us i veryuiit it ivi ibis wilt i hi i ui ii h llu y ininuiiklil by jte ndthrd ihixkt i bul j i ii lai mecca fatt hwllng for ua1i s html l ii illuii s piilallii ittun and arid ilit htalih ijtiu mis a cooke ol isluigtu miss w robinson ul ouelpll jlvt 8 000 do vveie mullurs 1 iv visitois wuli mis 0 simla and miss f ilild bupllim sunday dtirjny llu special mother s d i st ivili it knox picshytcnan hureh rev t maxwell baplts t i jubt gill tliutlilli ol mr md mis fred arelnhild speei il iwaitls were prtsenied it sunday sehotil loi perfect at tendanee and miinuiy woik to i number of schools pee pick verse speaking winners during fashion show at ahs volunteers help nurse hand out sugary doses actons public health nurse mrs edward schnarr of the hal ton county health unit will be in charge of the polio clinics to town and in nasagawea while miss violet hands is in charge in esqueslng vohmteen 1 franklin in acton and will in clude mrs j htbbitt mrs r wil he mrs harold denny and mrs i mick holmes mrs don mcmillan is team captain in nassagaweva assisted b mrs fred edwards mrs dan volunteers wdl be keeping rec mullcr mrs wm frascr mrs ontl i murrav mahon mrs geo thames each person to be immunized mrs jim watt mrs clifford receives a hille paper cup in young mrs keith dent mrs which h cc of vaccine has been tom manes ind mrs dclmar diluted with sugared water to i moffat make the taste pleasant those who arc unable to come when the acion school children to the clones as specified mould receive their sips mrs ron lewis be welcome to come at any other and mrs rae west will be assist time such as preschoolers to inf for the adults and pre- ian adult clinic or adults to he school dmes volunteers will be afternoon clinic mrs schnarr under team captain mr f gy wi 111 i m ohkhl ceremony opens ihhoa fin radio system rabon countys new twroway radio system which bnks all fire halls trucks and some of the fire chiefs can together was offi cially opened monday as two test calls mere given over the air waves calfcag from the main county headtowrten at the church st fin hall in oakviue warden wil frid bard seat a message to mrs f vganoon who looks after the radio bssst in milton fire hall pal and county councillors oak ville reeve alex phillips and oak vule mayor william anderson al so said a few words and ontario fire marshal martin hurst con gratulated lhe hal ton fire bri gades on thejr initiative hal ion is the first county to be radio- equipped on a county wide basis closely followed by wellington county plan bylaw to stop needless grass fires the fire departments m ha ion ing of ihc hallon tire prevention bureau lo drifl a model bv law which eould be suitable lu all municipalities vtas sugttsted restrictions should be imposed to force residents to obtain a bum ing permit from lhe fire bri gade btfoic ans gr iss or rubbish could be burned then if the fia men have lo be called tu assist in keeping the fire under control or if the fire damages pninerlv o a neighbor lhe man holding lhe ptrmrt would be liable fot i fine of probably 50 countv virtually deluged w ith asleful timeconsuming grass fires since the starl of the spring ttlitiur have bunded toguhlx lo draft i bv law governing the burning of dead grass since march ii the nine bri gades have responded to 345 grass- fires at a total cost of over 22 000 in firemen s wages alone this figure does not include the cost of operating lhe finefighltng equipment firefighters term 1962 lhe worst grass fire year on a curd oakville fire departments had 118 calls at a cost or j7 628 while burlington recorded 101 calls at i cost of 6 100 both munuipali lies on vvirm w eckends w he n the grass w is cxtremth dn re ported as manv as 13 tills in one day sometimes four to five requiring at lent ion at once georgetown fire brigade had 55 calls at a cost of 4600 milton had 51 costing 2900 and acton 2 c a tommittce of five fire chiefs was named last week at a meet child struck a seven earold bannockburn school siudenl received a bruis ed fact fnd iv afternoon when she was m collision with a ear outside the school sharon elizabeth ellcrbv 7 or r r 4 acton was struck as crossed the relad from school const ron hudd of morth hal ton opp reported drive car was gordon b elhutl wood tif the rotk u fox bounties were paid last 1 v esouesmg council on tire loses and three pups dev iiiw the second wave band tned bs mm- alnanw on the radio system when he s n atexanocr cmwd thtwllns b k mondays kwegree tempera f the emwtre mr turc was a real change from uv a ore dapmtmc in halton wan rcbrsented at the cere- lake superior is the deepest of raongr sa wdt as aeveral munio- 1 he great lake shortill shbt metal wriwwaimlfiss il fibricaung of ar umte dry and sump bwmttraoduftf hot water heaters ad the neeessarv pipe and fittings for the beat water softeners complete stock of pipe ing trade and fittings oil burner sersfce septic tanks and beds shop 99 wtuow st n phone 8530270 acton ont notice no garbage collection on monday may 21st holiday due to the monday public holiday the garbage collection schedule will be al- terh as follows garbage normally collected on monday will be collected on tuesday garbage normally collected on tuesday will be cobected on wnesday there will be no alteration in the thursday and friday collections j mcgeachie sliidcnls ol at ion h school he busv ptcpiiuil for in al ihitiii of a i inihined piojliam of i tishon show and vcist spe ik me on tlmisdiv m iv 24 home rtonomit sluilenk wil in del clothes midei in mi ses luting lhe veir in 111 ursi spe ikin e impeliiion su stu dims will be ehisen lo hm n tints tnj1 tied on a pi iqtu ided in lhe students coun i mis mtnr iv i tdi ill again adpidua ills 1 mill llllllll iiiltksted p i sns o illtiitl hit pi it ii ik bt tin n lid en h i 24 in cmi1ii rclieshincnls will be sen d gutsts in lilt h line i t inomi room i iiiowjiil the pn i mi f ht it will ik i displi i ibk the flonit itiinoinics room other w irk done during lhe vc dependable used cars for sale 1959 pontiac sedan 6 cylncler automat c power steering reg 1 595 00 adio salf 1959 ford 6 cylinder tudor aulomal c rad o transportation reg 1395 00 good sale 1495 1295 1955 chevrolet tudor a neat little car 545 thompson motors acton ltd phone 532370 oral polio dr bull of halton county health unit hat announced the following clinics for the adminis tration of oral polio vaccine please check the schedule for your nearest school sabin oral polio vaccine has been used in large quantities in several countries and no harmful effects have been reported as resulting from its administration to any class of patient all age groups should receive this vaccine whether or not they have been previously im munized with salk vaccine maximum immunity is obtained by the use of salk vaccine and the new vaccine and it is hoped that poliomyelitis can be eliminated entirely by the effective use of these two immunizing agents please urge your friends and neighbours to attend one of these schools adult clinics will be held from 700 to 900 p m at the schools indicated on the schedule there will be no evening clinic at the high schools schedule for georgetown milton and agon de may 22 area georgetown esquesing school harrison school quatre bras ligney milton heights school pupils 9 1 1 30 9 1 1 30 9 1 1 30 91130 preschool and parent adults spevside 9 1 1 30 1 400 7- 900 may 23 georgetown park school h wrigglesworth 91130 9- 11 30 1 400 7 900 nassagaweya kelso campbellville brookville 91130 91130 9- 11 30 1 400 7- 900 milton w 1 dick j m denyes milton high school studantt a tmdwfi only 9- 11 30 9- 11 30 91130 1 400 7900 may 24 georgetown glen williams norval chapel st 9- 11 30 91130 911 30 esquesing bannockburn blue mountain limehouse pirwgrove hornby stewarttown 91130 91130 91130 911 30 91130 9 1 130 acton robert little 91130 m z bennett 91130 1 400 7900 may te georgetown geo kennedy 91130 holy cross 91130 georgetown high school 9 1 1 30 staahnta t tuchan only r milton hohftosary 91130 bruce street 91130 may 28 acton acton high school imm 1 txdmn 91130 m

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