Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1962, p. 3

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personal notes of actonian vliltlng outoftown points end of vltitors in acton home bro norman hinlon spent sun day visiting his mother and friends mr and mrs harold baxter dwjny 5x k sunday n a motor trip north mr and mrs ernest anderson and family y gait visited with friends in town over the weekend mr unci mn harry macleod and mr and mrs arthur mac leod and harvey left april 30 on a trip to the west coast mr earl vincent of toronto uho learned the printing tndc at ihe free press visited in town this week mr and mis hairy noble of toronto visited whh mr and mrs a m macphcrsun und other f riuids hen during ihe p st week mr and mrs allan uishmun drew and allann and mrs mary guy of bnrric spent mothers dav with mr and mrs cam uishman mr and mrs robert hall of wingham and mr and mrs n pj tor wc rt visitors weekend mr and mrs john chapman rockwood entertained several members of tht actun friends bowling league following the banquet saturday night mr and mrs harry nobk of toronto arc spending tht week with mr and mrs a m mae pherson on sunday they spent the day with mr and mrs ross gedur j rucfrwood- mr and mrs gamct rose visit ed on sunday with mr and mrs alon rose of port hope white there they also visited with their niece miss marv rose who has completed her year at mcmasttr university hamilton dffliel harklcy provided un scheduled excittment for visilors ai the georgliown hospital op en house saturday afternoon when he was admitted with a broken leg he was playing ball when the aciiilcnl happened mi and mrs laird mcdonald ol allen park michigan mr ind mrs norma small or nuigui tails and p w t a bell ind miss kalhcrine bell of toronto were visitors with their molher mrs r m macdonald on mo thers day mr leslie ballentine liaknow n ipivim niaijyeqiigulluauoiu n his nmmniiim n i e i wine a aim of lonireal to manager and will he imsftrred to ihe new bank or montreal which is being built in ltitowel sometime ia the neat future mr balfcntinc sitrled his apprenticeship in acton 14 veurs ago halton bounty work crews at 25 sideroad no 25 sideroad from the first line of esquesmg to rh fourth line of nessagaweye ts under going a facelifting by the halton pounix woiljfiy sbowtwia the top photo men drill holes in the solid rock ready for blasting pictured are jock cox stan wil son maintenance foreman and harry robinson in the lower picture men machines and trucks remove a dangerous corner be tween the fifth and sixth line m order to straighten out the road when the ob is completed there will be a 66 foot road allowance compared to the present qiven road of 40 feet trees have bee cul fences and hydro poles mov m ed to make way for the w den ing tv ictth to thi iditoh dollar devaluation flemings downfall the editor the canadian champion dear sn the campaign in the egiinlon riding in toronto is an interest ing one mr mitchell sharp n former lederal civil servant and deputy minister h on the llbeial cicpuiy minister is on the llhcial l i mis noun in swkernymjosmrrotiewrrabnr hdonfrr- f- c tmrvttitmeon donald fiemrm hhnu m mh tht iiuliih ri honors graduate in fashion marilyn young at stratford in an impressive ceremony yorkmintster baptist church on fndiy over 400 graduates of ry crson institute or technology re luvcu their diplomas among these was manlvn young daught xr of mr and mrs geo young church st acton who complet ed the three year fashion course she vas the only one in the course to receive honors hencr about 2 000 attended among ihcm mr ind mrs young md marilyns aunt from buffalo mrs elmer pfmn at festival she started work this week at slruluid with the festival comp any where she worked last sum mir this vearshc has hid spet ml trmung in millintn md will be in the hat department lor tin pi us her work theit will he our irboui july i a graduation binquel w is he id i last thursday ai the roc i yuik hotel toronto with i dime tn dav there m the cimdian room maiilvn made her white giuhn lion dress and earned ad ruse she also made her full lengih eu mng gown or french blue pcaii dc soic donald fleming sitting membc minister of finance and ininistei ol all our woes in his peeeh accepting his no- m i rial mn is conseivativc eandi due mi fleming slated that mi shaijis icisuns for seeking elec lion were puielv personal ind iddcd mr sh irp winls inv held in a speech delivered the ncsl ick mr shirp replug that it mi rieiiuncs he id th u he w mted it wis mi i icming s i inning is going to be i would like his gill there is quite a bit ol n ii mi ed up the acion free press thursday may 17th 1962 welding sparks ignite partition during second nassagaweya fire spuks hum wcldlnu i units i spuks mm welding equip men being used in install ttion i a bathroom weie blumd sunday iifiunoon hi ie when ac ton rirehghtcrs saved hie i in himc ol mi and mi the guelph ruid alter spulliug smilke in llu p ir tilion wink welding mr ii ihs i lust id him in eiilluig acton tin men whu icspurukd immcdi n i ik ol bitlling in nil night hi ic it ii house occupied by mi ind mis wrlluil i ruuh on the next luu i lne to pond using the wnlei litiin the kk gillun icscrvc lank sparingly i nl in uuxiliu pump mil ihoui i mile ol hose well stiilehed uul in i in ii bv pond nictiicn con fund ilk 11 ie to llu itlre see uluujlukiiuuuijulhtitigh nttfcr l mi it ippiurcd as llu ugh ui mine iinf khild hiusi out in hums huhghtiis kipt hunts uiidei iinlmi g i in nun utilrid linn i i w i i i i svslim to i ill i v 1 hi in i rush nons cabinet ministers diefenbaker visit halton before jane 18 woild luminal clicks in ontidcuic in the c in idi in dull i nd so diovc it down m value l lie point where mr fleming s government wis forced tu like action ind peg the pnee it 192 so amcnc in this wis done 111 ihe middle ul an election campaign t iu mi eicciion nv jti circumstances pui pfltltc htii- 2wtwnfnrrrrerarnirrrttitip pntnrministcrtohn this niuch is ceriain tiwas noi ci it l i i -i- l gcnernincnl policy it wis a dcci i mm ait skaas marilyn young the diplomis were presented d the speaker or the house ol commons the hon roland mi former ys men champs at bridge stacn cx s men guesls at the regular meeting in ihe y thurs dav wire challeng tu a bndge maleh with the losers to trtu the winners to kmeh ilicrwirds the former members who won ihe most points were ken knox now in oikville chirks he ird charles leather ind jack crtigh ton mike bennett claude cook and jack grver doug copchnd presided ind gu ross was hnesmister pi ins wen made lor i idles night i weck tiklw ii the parkview motel gudph dunne the nicminc stsn1 irv sid sin phoned irom georgetown hospit il io ihink club meinrhrs lor dnving his famils tu visit him and fur i ik inc oei his dunes each even- n lome doknhicn brought a bell telephone co film on sife- t put out b ihe ohio suu police lornhn weekend fornewskien on fnda and saturday or ihis week members of the ontiim weekh ncwspiperv association will be mending their innuill eonvention it hold london lon i don oniino when the premier ul the province hon john ro- baris oc will be one or the i speakers despite ihe pressure oil clciion rpinhng ind idveiiising adv mee regis nit ions arc eompir ibk with former vears ueording l the minager wcrden uvns of ihe bolton enierpnst the prcsideni of owna herb campbell of the advincc dm ton will preside it all functions ssskd bs bert smith of the weckh port credil report on c canjs is nn lahbniok ir ik- m auction sale reports project highlight greenock wi meetina mis will butler wis ihe ciki ivumus prokus undcilun dm i hll p mis will butler w is ihe t ous hostess lor the m i meeting of tin gieenoek women s insti tuk on wednesday cvniini as this wis the i rum 1 1 lmkn mcclinj each memhet hioudii hoicc house plinls bulbs puui nil roots uul shiuhs to be sold in met ion the pi needs ul this vne vci l ililvnn md llu i idles took holm rn inv dil feierit v uielies ot pi mts tu hi hi n hunks uni y u delis prep ir ilron loi sluncnls detlikeii dm rcl nit i ii m spring clem week the ii ahlch ttisspons led in the well ill the hstcss wis th inked oil iv i hi ciunlv s lie j l ill ik i a liilnlt ol ihe gioup by mis l illeehon ul pennies lot fiiend pat ilirp w ts ni iile mi then loninbu smn forced on the guveininc yel mi finning has the gill to pretend ill it the guvernmcnij look ihe mum in oidcr lo give clinch in l oils in idv ml igc un the fotcicil ill ukct he neucets lo iiienlion th it mv sug it mul is scs lei collec spices ol lilies and tuin ue toinc lo cosl moic i feel especially bitter iboiil ihe i ii vulc th ink you liberal in hal ion youis very liulv i ltbet it volci the pu ick ul leder il cibnietj n miiiisui tu hillon cnntv ihiii suiul iv willi in ippi ii uiie ill geuigctovvii ijv c mulls 1 u ign all ins mtuislii how ii 1 1 green all ins mr mui wis lit i de mgclown liv mi i it n i mi k spoke il lllieiiiies iii sindv best sml tint ih will continue wednesdiv m i 10 with ippe ii mecs in it uk md tommcici mtmstei il m geuid hcts it alton md mill in in tin in hunt 1 i oikvilk n m i imiiheun md il i hiitltnc1 n icccptl in in llu iflenii m sicielrv ol st he loi i xle sh mil ik he i l i ilinin nidiil jill istll iii june ilk eleclion bv diluibk mr ii t s ii iii i it ii isl two mul n i minis will m kc itcs in h ilion l nmly i lie jllik ihiliellun dance club member mrs currie dies hei m inv h lends in ac lon will urn the death of mis m iiy lie whu p istted ii milph general hospital on m iv 14 mrs currie ihough a resident ul guclph luuk a keen inlcrcst in ill hie ill ins ol acton she wis one ol the oilginil nicmbcis ol the aitm suillish dinee club md w jrkid tirelessly on bell ill ol the club most reccplly for llu clubs cllori on bchall ul ihe rciirded children s new schiol n the ailun pirk list suinmci mrs clime e line to c in ida si ll ind 14 ye us igo she mimic i to h ii lions lo the p ipt h in ic uh loi usdiv son rved by her husband md ml the lolluwtng mrs leslk piisidint mr r ikinskv ml jisli el duee allkill wile lll ill met- lies i the c e 1111 wellllluull i rodncv is the cimu m hurmin the delegates will he it progass report on cinidian cummunits newspapers repn hues who aa mlruduemg i pnness of t ilitatint for ul 1ijemrics phctmcni of mtionii newspaper idvertising in week jlies the will hear publishers who hive changed to oft set pm ess it printing and view thi o eritun of eloelronic equipnun 1 tor mikmg printing phtis ir ukhtion pkniv or ttmi will jx devutill to the csehince uf uk is belwiin those aitendine hosis u xial furu turns w ii be imperial oil cu onlnu hv dru inron gas co rovjl tni i co the london free pres the prenmec or ontano and the oni no division or ihe dominion brewers association it thi distiki annml luur hou lull m hillshi i widmsdivi quels suit ibk i use n t ill inn j mn 21rd rnoin ibk weie ihsplivnl mi 1 iiumiii i ikillhtirj members uisweid ihe lull e ill bv no i hi i n the buikiwi i i dv n in huiiuullui il hinl lkw m nl h spn 1 to be i mis t hellish president l i si i mis c mil e undue ted the ipclljill luk sis j eiiei hed news md thi husimss tin 1 psilm mis hi litis sew wis fe 111 in mis g wllllec gu llfcs on ihe eeislll the uk rubers replied tu tin a tli nil sidelirv mis 1 pitteisun the tr spin c inning u ix mi c itkcii mrs i ii the rui ti uk tt thi his been kd this w clo o pirk i s an automobile is only as safe as its driver is trained halton driving school 8782051 govt licensed graduate of o s l dual controls bnn iht d for free evaluation leon l collect the puk hne ihsipik reel vhkh to k pi in it the w ik sh p ii hill buicli wliuh slu iiuil pbt c pe ii 1 hi i 11 llded rotary speaker chalks sanderson ihe supcrtn lendeni irf thi guelph rerormit orv spoke lo the rotamns tms div on eapual pumshnunl a guest was hams stock e i guelph back today fred daw kins choice for ihis vears rolarv sponsored trip to ottiw i returns todav thursdas b plane anut five o clock he hew from malton sundas he will be writing in iccount or his experiences for the free ptcvs give your wash a whirl in our worksaving machines i fp for just small change you can whirl your wash to sparkling brightness and have it huff dried ready to iron bring in your blankets drapes tooi if open round the clock acton eze wash mill st west asphalt shingles 3 id 1 200 lbs cash and carry 595 thau am not srands coior turquoise tenpr0 distributors limited 1m mam st n acton phone tsmmo bedding plants a full variety of vegetables and flowers excellent quality 3 boxes 100 flowering shrub5 evergreens geraniums rose bushes gladioli bulbs dahiia roots perennial plants dutch onion sets and multipliers hintons 5 1 store see our c selection of gardening mods seed fertilizer garden tools insecticides and sprays etc acton ont ministerial meets the ministeitil of the uilpl sou ilion ol biplisl ihu elu niel il kilcluiiu biptisi ilmtih on monti iv en ikijviikn mil unci wives met iokliiiu uul h i i lunch which thev h ul brou wtlh ihcm ihcv espimllv cussed bund iv school puhlii robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists i ii iik 1 1 i p hml phone guelph ta 43071 58 st gearga square mackays fashions for the young at heart economy week girls short sets 2 14 198 boys i girls shorts 3 6x 97c bathing suits girls and boys 1 98 2 98 3 98 ail sizes your huby iliiniiit cheque ouei i urthcr ifcn we cimh ii und ulluw you 10 oft all regular priced merchandise stockup and save now maytimeood value handbill extra special turkey 6 lbs broilers

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