Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1962, p. 4

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well win the softball chum unship again thin aeaiwin said tnny maiafe initemw of iht benrdmurc entrv in n surprise prewason ronxam ami vou uin quoit mcl throwing down ihc aminlkt in thi other teams in itk it ague tinny was imiacd h ttn utvni blagi or hli uwn plmers thi nodded utscm vdunnly cvtlng this scribe before breaking into wide trin confidence iht tanners haw in ubumliinct how about ih ottur teams in ttn ltaut preudenl dim mams innouni ed thai another club hts joined ths kugui this uexk xrundlnt the iirvu1 to si then nu hint been a shortagmof plimr list season but lpparintk its king spread mr m teams this semis 30 gome schedule softball loop expands the acton satiball auoclailon ivlotued lu 30gume scheduk this week on ihc heels uf another ex pttiihluii jviddtnt duvt manes announc ed that brutuh 197 or ihi cantid mmm kb a v im has tnivivd a uam hi 0 pcim i 1 numlxi ol irums filing iilrict to thev iikiuiii last cars thorn pious betrdinoa tannors do- mlnion flokl junioi rirmin fin men and mw mirks troin ledgers iga and hit 1 tglon gaines will bt phtved on tht mitt ball diamond in pmsptit paik mondms tut vims and thmv dns extensive niuivmlons him betii madt to iht diiwiond und b opening ganu oil mondav mn 28 whin ht tinallsts of lust stason nut l it should bt in lop shapt addiiionnl veiling is also being acquired for spoil hots who toiind il it a pitmuim i isl sm the leafueleaves the wi on lay j opetzuig game pits the beardmore club against dominion hotel tough oppon ent it will be their first chance p back up their boast ed owen puihtisi foi iht pec wee and binfini biwbill kams dialed tis last nihitosn that the bantams would bt known as atton mi mullens hi said thit jul mimulknhid agreed to donik uuurs to iht club ind it would bt numid illn his firm ht also had fc kh ruws fur pir cms ettr bov who phs base ball in tilhtr ihi hintinis or pot wets will bt insured iiinst in jury at no tost to iht pirmt the tlub will pi tht frught just a link extra simct anolhir link ilri his htm thrown in b mr f sampson prudential insumntt ayni in a ion through his compim ht is snpphmg titktts t week id milting thildrtn to mipk lcifl stadium for torontu bisthill ginus pitt ili is looking tftcttlistn but urn how ibout adull idmis sions none now said ed but i m working on it jjude lindsay will unvul the 1962 edition of atton s bastbill intermtdntes saturda aftcmixm knowing dudt vou ii lvm to ag rec il ii bt inolher good oni ht ii hit a mixture of iter ans youngsters ind imports fnim which to house his ttam who knows it may be the start of an other chimpionship vear tn b-se- bill the hst ont canx this uav bitk in 1947 might mtntion that dude wis one of tht nrunsfns of tht last championship tlub in ihnsc davs he wis known as old 750 georgetown will ht in town sup plying tht opposition lnn mc laren is ngam it tht helm of the cottons so dont forget all you ball fans for a real good game of baseball the park this satur day afternoon at 130 take your son and your daughter too if ht n minded 111 hf a good lollowing is tht ctimpliu sihe- duk mondav mn 28 dominion until s bi irilini i tutsdn mi fiumtn s jtituor farmtrs i thtiindn may u ka yv ugion i mondn juiu 4 dominion holt i s junior fiirnurs tuesday juiu 1 btitrdmon ts ltgion thurstln jiint 7 tiixnun s iga legion vs monday june ii dominion hotel tuesday no gome thursday no game monday june 18 junlgrfar mer vs iga i tuan ju 1 be vs firemen thursday june 21 beard more vi junior farmers mondayjunc 25 iga vs dominion hotel tuesday june 26 ltgion vs firtmcn thursday june 28 rircmcn vs dominion hole monday july 2 no game tutudav july 3 junior far mers vs legion thursday july 5 iga vs btardmoru mondav july 9 legion s btnrdmort tuesday july 10 iga vs firtmcn thursday july 12 dominion hotel va junior farmers monday july 16 dominion hotel vs beardmore junior far tuesday july 17 men vs firemen thur j i le ra iga monday july 23 dominion hotel vs i g a tuesday july 24 firemen vs ugjon thursday july 26 junior far mers vs beardmore monday july 30 junior tur mtrs vs legion tuesday july 31 firemen vs dominion hotel thursdoy august 2 beard more vs iga monday august 6 legion vs dominion hotel tuesday august 7 btardmort vs firemen thursday august 9 i g a vs junior farmers swws tlub manager ltn andrews re ported this week the club is losing slnrry pluh cr garry field who i heading lur greener fields in guelph with the senior intcrcaunjy leagut font of last years rosier bill cairns lloyd early jim jtrusillu and lavernc humllton hae retired newcomers in their plaee fans will see lir ry mephal buek after u tlitte yur ubstntt lurry phillips biuk in the vlllugt after a slinl in die navy gk nn gotdsi ru w an 1 8 yearold tyho tiinii up lluotigh ht minor ranks big bill nimii who is batk wllh tht ttam alitr brief retirement and dun joyte u tatehir from fsuutsuig who has plavtd lately with mil ton red sox otherwise the lineups the same repot is iht manager his planning lo have jaek laking al wingrovt und don joytt handle iue the acton free press thursday may 7lh 1962 dude lindsays merchants open season saturday georgetown cottons with lynn mclaren former acton i righthander at the helm will i visit acton merchants saturday afternoon to open the 1962 hal ton county intermediate base ball season the acton club has been prac tlstng for the put couple of weeks and with an exhibition game with guelph seniors un der their belts last night should be in pretty fair shape coach dude lindsay and hap old townsley have been bear ing down in their last few prac tices weeding out the players they anticipate player help from guelph seniors who cut some or their aspirants this week two of the cuts pitchers howie cain and bob brattaln will likely rejoin the acton team this season cain a right hander hurled well for the mer chants last semester and brat tain who hurls from the fork side of the slab almost chalked up a win over campbeltvtlle in the early part of the season a feat only jeff fryer has accom plished in the last two seasons the rest of the roster will likely resemble last years club i with two or three of the youn ger players stepping in where veterans have retired most of the better players of junior age however are again lining up wllh guelph s junior a entry the anthonys these in clude pete lawson dennis gib bons and don lindsay georgetown himlabed pretty stiff opposition in their fresh man year in the league last sea son and the addition of two or three of their bustling minor leaguers should put them in the improved category 8 interest on back taxes the interest rate on back taxes in esquesing township was hiked from six to eight per cent mon- div council set that figure for arrcirs of over 1 000 council decided to have comes of the quarry and pit by law mi meugraphed and sent lo all the quarries in the township they will ilso advertise in local papers that dogs molesting sheep can bt shot a five per cent salary increase was granted to clerk k c lind sav his assistant the road su perintendent and the two assess ing officers outing for everyone beat bits rumors circu latmg thit t minor ieigut bise- ball kagui will operate in atton no conhrrmtion from inom so far piter lawson don lind sa and dtnnis gibbons are again lined up with guelph junior a ant horns news of in snort ing estnl citl tfu fiii pnss or dill biu147 ifur s p wt ii bt glad to pnnt il fishermen art having lots of link with pike at fairv lake one nn son of mr and mrs darlow johnston hook ed a liic oni sum i gt kirs anr bus consoling gotfnjul iws now the warm weather has arriv ed the widtms m eompinv with ihc dulters ire wishing a golf coiirst could he construe ird clo er lo atton just to keep m louch date for open artcr storing golf clubs dur mg the winter in favor of eurlin stones acton golfers are looking forward to the annual acton open plans have been flnalizee ind the tournament is sehtdulcd for the georgetown golf m country club saturday june 16 teeerff time will range from 8 am until 10 30 am and tiekels ire now on sale from commiutt members pntt of the tickets in eludes green fees pnzcsinri turkey dinner good or bnilrti golfer will to home wilhoul prize and folhose in lop bnc kets irophicswtll be awarded annual trophits will be li tnded oni for the low giovs second low truss 0 g a handicap and al lantic ssttm individuil trophies will also be given the m un win ncrs committee chairmin rev a h mckenztc and his group consist ing of jack drysdale andy no lan chester pcvcha george wit hams alan hughes and john krapek have all the details iron ed out and assured all golfers the georgetown course is much im proved over last year and is a real challenge to anyone it has also been suggested that golfers make up their own four somes as well as possible bul anvone unable to do this is nsked to drive to the course and arrange ments will be made there at the time of the tournament f bvrwe83taw3p0ues35 f t possible new record set by john goy at hs meet county workmen widen sueroad trees haw been upnoicd hvdro poles mnid stone blit ed ind imbankments moved to pae the wn kr wukn m 2 sidiroad from the f rst i m ol esquesing to ihi t nirth lint it nassagawwa tn hal n ouni work crew during thi winur month lind was puruuiscd along ihc present given road whuh is 40 feci widi in order to m iki a w foot road allowance rixk was strut k near the first hm i f esquesing and workmen had to drill les ind blast hdro poles and fence lines have been moied back bulldoz ers are tearing out embankments and grading and levelling is being done hazardous jogs along no 25 sideroad from the fourth to the sixth line of nassagaweva are being taken out and the road straightened slated for some time in 1963 is the hardtopping of this section of the road from no 25 highway acton high school athletes con tmut lo pile up rceords john go is be lit id lo hat stl t ntw cwossa retord in ihc pole ault ind high jump when studtnts from at ion placed set ind in tht centnl wislern ont ino sccon d ir sthihl athklie meet it thi oac saturdn thi voutii ithkti who rose to hughts thi previous vveck dunng in iniersihixl metl with george town fnn milu n ind acton when ht bnke the pole ault rec ord last saturdav topped what is believed io be cwossa rec irds whm hi ilnixd the bar at 10 lut t m his in the pole viult and s fotit one inch on the hith tump to win iht umor eham pi mship pi tir lawson inolher actonite w n ihi senior kivs pok vault w ih i possibk record for tht men si i in this ilass with stuan m m di nald plaung second knih rinmv led the field in tht 880 ard race and placed second in the 440 peter lavson won the senior boys high jump and plac ed second in the shot put acton runners won the senior bovs relay race taking part were ptttr lawson bob foyers terry watcrhouse and jon hurst andrew smith came home in first spot tn the intermediate bovs 440 yard race and came in second in the 880 vard race shcl don blow won the intermediate bovs high jump and allan hall came in sicond in the one mile race upholding the girls section dur ing ihc meet was bonnie mac dougall who won second spot in ihc girls softball throw these winners arc competing in tht a school meet at the oa grounds todav thursda ind those who art successful will compete in the o fssa finals for all of ontario ma 26 it guelph dunng toda s mctt twin lakes barn dance ou tvm and moofkn george wade his corn huskers sunday midnite may 20th1201 to 300 am saturday may 26h and every saturday square dance instruction- p m tlwraday may jill and vary thunday sunday june 3rd and every sundayjoo au lo 540 tun rock n roll rhyrim in him un rlijlraii two and tho latott tomvaqo dmcos to tw vonahto corvettes sunday june 3fd and evert sunday mo to 1 1jo pm washwn amahkir show and banc frbay june 15 and ever frday om tim and modom danang mlessoutholactcaomwaysthbaaal acton is competing against schools with an enrolment of 600 students or over igeofljf old woodbine may 7th to june 2nd return fare 325 includes adm ssiun express buses saturdays and monday may 21st leave acton ii 25 am dttytlght time return alter last race ask about regular daily us service to toronto tickets and information at wrles cenfechofwry phone uumi campbellville loses five players the acceptance of six new players has partially balanced oil the loss of five of lust years hal ton county champions the camp bellville intermediates so 1962 nfts if gnd year fur i ha rtoberls a rtal veteran with this winning club and right hander s stun henderson and harrv ham illon will work on the pilehers mound hcndersim his been used sparingly as a pitther for the past tour years but he s coming along well hamilton missed a lot of ball lusl vetr with a broken leg and didn t rtjlly start pitth ng until august howevtr the kg is fine and ht ii see t lot of op position on baiters this ycir earl at first lanky earl ctfrns will be hold ing down his usual first base spot while slu king who plnvs soft ball as well as hardball will be at second tarrot opptd rcguhr elmer dredge will be al short stop and stan henderson when he s not pitching will be on third base utility infielders include larry phillips ind ken moore regular outfielders will be a wmgrovc ken mooijc rcorjii chester bill hi oil ljrrv mt phail and john nicholson red sox mi i ion s intermediate bill team the red sox open their rcguhr season next snturday ngtinst ac ton in acton the red sox executive consists of don toletzka president ron shannon secretary treasurer and executives elmer hornby doug hyatt butch riddell and glen dincc c nth for this sen son is cliff houston present trophies prizes during bowling banquet the acion friends bowling league held their banquet at tht manor in guelph saturday m ly i2lh approximated 50 attended alter a delicious turkey dinner iht pixsidtitt alite wilkinson pre senied iht iruphles lo ihc follow ing ladies high average sheila hm llj htl ihpli ffjfr burn s 111th indies high singlt fililh jennings mens high avtr ngt john cuniunghum men s high 1 1 ipk harold i e rguson nuns high single r iv atkinson winning it un i hi unloueh ibles eapl iln bemf bixitr icetpltd llie trophy on bthilf of the itam individual kum trophits wtnt to rcjvcr baxitr bonnie blatkley mirion coylt sltiari mtconnell jean wilker ci 11 1 tavlor and kny atkinson aflei hunk ng the ttnm tnp- tams joan park ernie lawson garry dcbruyn hnrtley defor rest anne thompson beaver bax ler and john chapman ihe see re inrv treasurer the president turned ihe remainder of he eve mug over to the entertainment tommfttti riy wesl ganv dc jki park and m 11 ion ovli tin following pri7ts wirt won door piit slttla brunt ik mil k iy ntv ladies mop d tint ann d ivvkins mens mop d met don defortst spoi dtnees kav ross ind sam bi untile b nme blieklev ind reiver bixtvr l wist eoniest juan pirk md m irvin delvveeltr climm it ion dance b irb in smilh md jim gunn lutkv ttnirs ci 11 1 1 vioi and velmi west breaks aakle in car crash a jammed accelltralor was blamed saturday when an acton man s tar wtnt out of control ind hit a feme as 11 tnlcrtd the shell service slition i j on high way 2i south ol atioi donni yale is f rr 2 acton ftw xnw trr irr fra v- t j pedestrians allowed in free pirks board wednesday even ing during 1 special meeting re scinded a former bylaw per lulling to park admission chare and aulhoncd new charje tu z 7 provisions under the proposed new by law will allow evvryone lo use the park facilities trom monday lo suluiday inclusive it no charge ind on sundays ped isliians will bt idmitted free of eh irgc but motor vehicles will be asssesscd it the rate of si eich acton residents only will be given the privilege of pur ehismg a seasons ticket stiekcr for ihcir motor vehicle at the tale of si on mondny to saturdiv mclus ive persons reserving tables tor 55830 voters there are 35 380 people elegl ble to vote in the coming june 18 election halton returning officer richard west reported this week this is an increase or 12 000 over ihe 19s8 eleglble figure or 43 467 in the 1958 election only 34 960 persons cast ballots there will be 252 polls this year 75 more than in 1958 peo ple who don i find their names on ihe voters list have from may 31 lo june 2 to have it re vised prcnies will be charged il rait ol si per tabic with 11 nvali 11s inadi i r 1 ibles sund iv s thi new 1 hiign mil geeiulu ing iht iln cormnu itv ctnlr 1 1 1 11 v ill hrcilc tn rthi inkle when the eir hit ftnet the tin vtr wis h in w d dds 22 dim igt vv is 40 wool anv government deficiency pay mtnt will ipplv onlv on properly gi idtd wools stcuit tit ulmosl bv pdlroni7ing iht rj 1111 iti n ihil m ide this- possible ship collect to our registered warehouse no i weston ontario obt nn sacks ind twine with ut ih 1l1 f m archie kerr rjjtarftcitin 01 b writing to canadian cooperativf wool growers limited 411 si tlnr am fait tininlu 7 onnno for appliance and tv repairs manning electric call 8532950 jill new all electric fully tiibmtic cpkyj s keith your telephone manager we wont be satisfied until everybody knows a lot of people in acton have heard about our night economy plan that wonderful money saving plan which pro vides you with double value on stahon-to- stallon long distance calls of 10 minutes or more between points in ontario and que- hwr any swiping afr pn tit wt vt adding machines wervra hm pria ndr itnllai w oil ar avaka wmumm oylparloro xui jihokj far blgjitr chack aa imrw mtnar4oucli action on urota mol trora- i il mt altlmt nopnt t tajwav ac or dc opwohoo arltlnb color eying 9 column for everybody who figures fetation tawkkmawn prafialoiol officii easy terms at dills stationery it mu st phone 1512030 goodwill used cars buy with confidencf we do not ai pedometer mile age back we do not retail taxis police cruiser or cars that have been in a major collision we will supply name and ad dress of previous owner on request each car listed covered under otda guaranteed warranty for one year 60 valxhall stn w blue md ivorv one lunu 60 pontiac 4 il hir lutu ridia ymd rubhtr 59 ciiryslfr iclr into ridio ps pb ckin 59 valxhali 4 dijor onl ownir i 58 pont tdryi mrinl hluk an ridi in 58 cmc tin ont unir 57 nilick roidmimir 4dr i ii t blk md liw i m k i 57 ford tudnr v 8 i sid inn rid ind i these and many more to choose prom two location to chooo from acton georgetown franklin prouse motors 351 queen st e acton phone 8534450 bell lines heard people around town talking about it and we know a lot of folks have taken ad vantage of nevertheless a recent survey showed that there are still a large number of people who don i know about the plan people who are missing ihe best bargain in lung distance calling ever offered by our company we wont be satisfied until every body in acton knout about it so lets remind everybody one again about this low cost long distance service it s available from 9 p m lo 4 jo ajn it applies to stallonlostatlon calls it is effective between points in ontario and quebec heres how it works the first five minutes are charged at low night rates there s no extra charge for the second five minutes after that every two additional minutes are charged as one this accident need not have 1een fatal how mam limci hat iouhiard the vsordi hudidaliiaca thimi he wit in iht duth- m11 ci sc lyimiiratioti jf ihi taumintmdiciics that the cause of iniun v not the impact iivll hut the ustling around suf nd as a result of the impact how do ou regard tlm lata ward the safety branch of iht department of trtnport ha the answer and the facts to bak h up scat belts statistics prove at your chances of bting killed arc s time greater if vou re thrown from the can 1 ire itun i 000 people killed in auto accidents in 1961 would be alnc toda if they had been usuig seal belts recently our company announced that all new bell vehicles ould hae seat bells tn them and a programme was started to x install belts in the drifting fleet we urge all bf you to consider ihc peace of mind these belts would give to your family renumber scat belts save lives

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