Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1962, p. 7

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the former lime kilns at dotty varden near acton abandonded 30 years ago now a scene of bustling activity again flftwctonquaijy quality ba products save you money gatolin motor oils dfeml fuel fimi oils k57 dapendabla l service thompson fuels ltd phone 1532370 after hours 8532174 moffat youngsters assist in familyservice mcmbersof the church school look pari in the firmly sunday service in nassagawcva church on sundav cathv divics read the responsive readme dons robinson read ihc lesson fiom kanh 6 18 ind malthcvv s h 16 and dorulhv dicdgc kd in pravu stsiecn ladies ol s issac iwcv i picsbvlcnin church livid ihur mas wms meeting il he home ol mrs e donovan in gall burned out again another pioneer building of i nassacawev i situ tied m ihv c ist haii ol lot 18 concession 2 wis dc stmyed by fin in the early hours of sundav morning the barpjrt i the house was log and the 1 1 on l part one ol the first ce ment block buildings put up in ihe district mr and mrs frtnch have been living in it they all loi out saklv but one child is in the hospital with smoke on lis lungs it is hoped it will soon numi their close neighbors took them into their home ind found an other dwelling sevetal articles of il lilting ind furniture were galb uul up to help give them another si irt this is the second linic tint the french i imilv has been humid nil wc wish them better link tor ilk luture i ike supm r is the deepest or the dn u lakes whi return sttt eightyseventh year no 47 acton ontario thursday amy 17th 1962 second section jrbr- cr t tranquillizers turns standard diet as reporter tracks down scoop by don ryder so vou want to be a report was the startled reply i gave the young lad tagging along close at my heels as 1 hcidcd cast on mill street in sea re h of hat the boss termed a redhol scoop as ihe fast pace began lo bother hiv breathing 1 slowed to a trot and above the noise of the passing trucks shouted well son all is not sunshine you know ii entails a lot or hard work abuse from the boss and phone calls when a name- is spell ed wrong or an article left out of the puper only this morning as i was sitting with my feet up on mv desk shades drawn to keep the office dark phone off the hook and my swivel chair tilled baek t a precarious angle snoozing 11 pops the boss around 10 a m and shouts get going there s a red hoi slory about to break you know the same one 1 woke you for last year about the same time destination secret say mr ryder remarked the voung lad as he caughl up to my quickened pace again where are we headed now this was ihe opening i w tnted cint tell you son can t tell you a good reporter never gives irade secrets whenever an asks whal s new jusl sav not much we passed the town dump and he ided down the third line toward the steep hill k idinc to ward doll virden ihe voung would be cub reporter wisecrack cd how come vou are walking ear break down or something i never see ou walking- you re in at watsons rest uirant drinking coffee or sttlini beneath a tree al the park the boss furfeel to sign my swindle sheet and thi paymaster wouldn t divvy up any cash for gas and the tank s empty was my sad reply as i slopped lo t ike off my shoes and rub my leel as we headed down ihc hill ig am and nearcd i lie railway cross ing where the old haunted house used lo be memories ol younger das dulled my mind un til a fast moving ireighl trim zoomed bv and i dived lor the sulci ol the diteh is this one ol he haaids of beme a i courier chortled the youngster just one of the many son 1 sighed as i brushed the mud from mv trousers and picked up my hat over the barbed wire after crossing the tracks wc came to a new gate erected at the entrance to the old hmc kilns which have been idle for at least thirty vears seeing a low section in the fence guarded bv three strands or barbed wire i instructed the youngster lo hold ihc strands down while i sealed ihe fence jusl then the roar of a hcavv machine startled the lid and the barbed wire dug into mv kg mppmg a cood pair of nous crs is ihe vounslcr took oil down the road ii vou wini lo be a cood re porlcr i shouied ibovc the loai of ihe bulldozer you cottilutn lo keep cool and collected gel baek hen ind un mcjc me as we undid in a mae ol hurrs on the other side ihc kid pie ided how about kiting me in on ihe secret feeling sorrv lor the eager v iung be going to be a 90car sidine u haul the finished pruduc i out maybe thai is what the men are levelling for glancing over bv ihe lailway tracks the tired but interested lad tsked whit die men were doing up the telegriph poles i guess the wires md poles will have to be moved to make way tor the sidinc lo come in can t you see thiv ire moving ihcm from one side lo the olh cr look at those guvs ovci in the field near the esquesing dump shouted my compimon sighting gas line pipes mid niuh incrv he wondered if miybe the quuiv was going to lire ibejr boilers to melt down the rock sensing he had a lot lo learn 1 told him rock is not melled to make travel it is crushed i also said it wis understood this wis to be quite a different process from the normal operation and rock would be crushed and loid ed in one process ready for shipment peer and wheeze gelling back lo the gis line i suggested perhaps it was the main line from the eas well ind thev had lo move k to the north side f the track to clear ihc wuv for the siding where is this siding cciing i i run wis the nexl quel tossed in mv lap sec these rinrhuk cinbink ments here well once tluv ml cut down and ihe ctound level kd ihe sid me is likelv lo sun on ihc siraighl aw iv on the ini the cut ihe at- n 1 r miki be re and end up where the men ire kvcllin ik low those dills ol slonc the boss told mi lo look lot a number of hcavv vehicles i ni the number of worki i iled h qui umnicr the b heck runiois ibout n banc est tblishcd in th there it muscw in every chevrolet frame combining ruggedness and i lexibllity lor on- and offhighway use then there i more mutcit in chevrolet s rear axles husky singlespeed xles with capacities from 3 300 lbs to ib 500 lbs 2speed rear axles with vacuum or electnc shift and capacities from 13 000 lbs to 18 500 tbs and mighty tandem suspensions chevrolet truck hustle includes the industry s most famous six brawny eights in fact your choice of sii power plants from 235 to 400 cub c inches and to match this wide choice ol power you have eleven transmissions v table as standard or optional equipment including 3- 4- s- speed synchromesti and two automatics plus 3- or 4 speed auxiliaries to experience mansire buttle drive a chevrolet then you ii feel the sure touch of positive control that chevrolet has built into its steering even when heavily loaded a chevrolet truck is still easy to manoeuvre in tight spots easy an the driver on any kind ot road but that s also due to the chevrolet ride suspension systems that give maximum comfort maximum protection to the load fctrenw rim fpunnmlm rtttm m fl chevrolethrugks sel your local authorized chevrolet dealer a general motors valux be sure to aeebonaiinonthecbctv network each sunday check your local listing for channel and time arthur scott motors limited 61 guejph st georgetown phone tr 722s1 they were mum i told the sad tik ol huv at ihil lime llicrc wis mouch gis in the ill i h td it imped through brush mud and buns up to mv hips lo find a lew men peenne through transits digcmc li ks in the i hind mil m ik n neculi ir in irks on a ihail no hk would k ii un wh u wis ci- in on 1 siehcd i lokl the lid hiw i sn xp i ii hind ind neiilv km oil ihi elilf ml ihc gulkv he i w tilkcd ti maibv farmers und sensed there w is something bit n ibe wind by l no one knew ir ihiv wouldn i tell in i ik wintci i kept chckinc i that executive look siphon an important i h kmc mm in the dm mu 1 iskul ihe i ung lad i h ild mv put ml dene i 1 i better ink sh irp i r th s uv this micni be tbi h m nu in i irmarkict dtnnn min glasses tuirv g md n p i ii wru- tin glasses n iw nmi ni i i 1 i mv i imp in on i sir ughlin i il n in ind lighting up i p t 1 1 remarked ti w import in i it w ti look like an ivuuim n this ivpe i assignment wi qui kened iui paic never kn iw 1 makd tniph icn run ml important fcllowv like frcdefiik c gardiner don i ild gordon t r even ihc duke ol ldinburgh on this ivpc ol job i rca bed into mv rxkcl for an other tranquilizer pill looks like a sldm a- we plodded up a nrwlv graded road toward the lime kilns we could sec this imnor rant looking man watebing a hulldoer power shovel and see eral heawdutv trucks moving fill and levelling olf a large area what are thev doing m eunous companion asked not wanting lo plead ignorance i remarked i understand there is r t o any h a i ilk lo some me unporl int 1 whoccd is wc limbed baekoer ihc embankment there s a butldinc ivn the re win i s that queued he i id ll hi mid out to hi in ild hu t i titick van belli used tor an l flee occupational disease just al this nioimnl in ur compissor began lo hum md the rat a tat ihc drill himnui i lused both live lid ind mvsell lo tump as i rcaihed mi mv pocket for a lums 1 i pinned ittricl the mens mention i in haled some kind of fly and by the lime 1 re ichcd the group mv face was red mv eyes bulg ed md mv throat was hoarse one man in the group hit me a thump un ihe back and shook my hand one of the biggest i sec things ire lining up for the siding i rematked in a volte barely audible to the man with a scottish iccent md another who soon enquired it i knew ken h issard there s a lot of work lo he done yd one replied wheie is ken h iss ird new en quired the youngci of the two men who said he and ken room ed together dunng the war af tcr cxpl lining where ken was living 1 broached the subject of the assignment again going to be i big operation shortly i remarked one ot ihe biggest one man replied as he told me that as soon is the ga- unci and tele graph poles were moved the area levelled the work on the siding would begin great thing i replied what is vour name again one nun isked don ryder e ime the an whit compmv do vou repre sent lie enquired thinking i might ik from one of the comp- inies who supply m ilcnal or equipment the ailon i rec press tame mv hu inbli tcplv that a different cud tosh don l quolc us i gil i st keincnt tiom lite ptesi dent ibe tallest of the two pie ided i agreed i news release fiom die president was ideil 1 hurried huk to the voung ild okav son let s go cunov n v imiiuilialilv spring into his ivis s be isked whal did vou learn renumbering the duty it i g xd rep tir nevcrrt icll i re m irkc d nice me n nice nun i cot i i the lop in in on the udder won i be long now and ill tin f uls will he saklv tucked iw iv n mv pilvjk sale until publishing day asking if even the hiss w isn i going to he kl in on ihc sieret i temirked no c wnh any k ks this one icllv o iv newspaper bov in ulci seven i irs were 1 md up pi further down in ihc eh ired ari i ind i number ol important look inc men would talk clame it mips and gi alone a link lur ihtr what arc thev doing was ihe ncti question posed if v m iniend beinc a reporter son v u urst hive to put iw i and iw i i i- crihcr thu e inn rt it i i k k 4l si gtimg up iln hi i wud wn dump md gk ik i uh mm n i iiiquiied ag in you ii ml 1 i he i upon er u ih ciinic the excited re test his nose ts nig his nose lor news as e si ipped at the 1 ip f the hill mq nred what 1 ids h h id ac u ind hi his escapade wilh me al liiininjj we 11 there s go ng 1 be a 1 ill ihin siems like i m ling il i be their ms ind tele nph lirus arc be up moved sent il cs from the r 1 re pile 1 new cigar vhv il n t vou p vci in t t k to ihun ehalhngid thi ipsian sti uphtcninj mv m tossing awav ihe s icgv ugar butt and fighting a fresh one i nrd i red him to stav where be was 111 tackle those guvs mvself taking mv clean handkerchief imm mv nockel lo wipe dust from shabbv but polished chocs i grabbed ihe pad and pcnul from the kid and tucked them in mv pocket never approach i important looking people wnh a pad and pencil in vour haid thev think vou re out for an autograph or lo have them sign a cheque for some worthwhile chants i warned i strode toward tbc group coughing generously to order to i the i b ninori int 1 king rn plr are looking ihc plter over md it seems is ihiiifch planl quirviuni m dav hi rep in skine him tht a he mihlld the voung- siir whom i in kn imed hv this lime 1ilh stated be wihlid note h jw trns hid been ikared during the w ntcr a new piece of equipment tr r quarrv operation m ived in anil was being tee ted the amount ot potential itone to he used was unlimited and then wait for further information from that president vou heard about two week later the voung lad met me on the eneet stopped and enquired whs he hadn t read mv storv in the paper i phoned and t wrote and i went hack and hen started all over again but i m still waiting for that official news release soav still wailing

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