Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1962, p. 9

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the good old days back m 1912 simmn ftxim the imuc of the free pma thuraday may 16 1912 a jars b of cngincirs and surveyors have been at work in acton and vicinity during he jclc in connection with the new electric railway the line ire permanently laid out anil it is expected that construction will begin in the near future the first league foolbqll gnmc berween acton and gmlph was played here saturday ivning being ihc first game it took players on both liatns n while lo get warmed up but when iht did it turned into an ixcilieni march at the end of the frrsi hair the gome was sconkss bill ihc pagu hirsiv tiam irom guelph was rewarded in iht in si minute of play whin j 1 u h with a will directed shot scored the only goal of the garni with gratifying promptness iht government is already tnking ne lion in the matter of the propos cd new post of fit t and customs house to he enctid hen offtl lab or the public works dtpiu ment were in lovvn llns vvlii accompanied by d hmilirs n able sites in an interview lalir mr henderson staled they ilisir cd the central location on mill st in fhc centre of town but no definite decision has been m ide 1 the results or the first vnr is amlnalions at the sehoot ol practical siicnce universitv ol toronto show thai both harold nlcklln and warren brown p iss- cd with honors howard blatk who is now residing tn toronto also passed arthur kmmv whs also suceessful in the ex inun tions at toronto dintil c htji this quarttltc of hughl vi une men all took their mairkitl uioii eoumc at at ion high sehool h windham a laborer n mil ion brick yards was siruik b a westbound freight train vv h i 1 1 walking along the irmks ne ir milton un monday night an arm and leg wire cut otf and the in jured man was put on an eisi bound fncghl to be taken to t ronlo hospital but died b ton the train reached slrcitsvili he was 26 years or age mr james moore bower am who was painfullv shaken up when he rill from a sttp ladder a couple or weeks ago is able lo he up and around again hut lias bcin instrulctd bv his dutlor lo take things easy for a while back in 1942 taken from the issue- of the free press thursday may 21 1942 the ymca ureus siaged til el iy and stturdiv nights pleased the large iruwili in ntumlunei and under the supervision t eertlwry joh c aml twe ixpl uuiliuns irom imjmis lir chailes kirknev thj lour gioups gate an exeilleiil exhlhil ion of tumbling pvi imids dfilk lie thitjnadi a line pntgiam on hand to idd to the splendid show wen tuo elowns horn hi ihi y ken hass ird and uorge hoi linger who pul punlv if zip mio iheir p rfoi mane e the in nu il mill gies ivitmin nil eonneelnl with lc y in opp ir- litnilv to sec whit is lakint pi iu ihr mahout ihe veil il wis le lined fhis week ihit miss jessie youni lot mi l aelon who is i gruluik muse is tii insimelass il ihe si 1 li mis rt a f li uning seht i i i hospil il assistants sin e ihe public livatntiis op mid in iht ymca ughi e us igo then his been quite 1 nuis anee ereiled for llle emxliker to mitni nu ihi in see nimgh some people delight in crciimit a ptilv uiao jgjtj hm cime chrrngc to ptammrrjramr leeessnries the tlnnklill fotin lam al ihe post ollice has been abused ind it is understood th it gum is being pushed mi j tin drun holes eitising the w her to overllow onlo ihe sireet ii is t su ri polled ihi h rst tiugh is bunt iibssitl bv ehildar mil grownups ind h his bun 1 1 1 chief han op his been inhumed to keep i shirp w iieh ml fi i ol tenders ind if brought mlo i mil ihe peniliv lot ikliiiei r will be llleh with itisl llm dr i ill nip npi i it lh re 1 ci iss ail n in i hxtui him not rnclutl ilnrr ww mark low nil i tie s3 000 in in n letvievv with s une ol til in isniis this vvnk ihes il i d tin ii dis in il mint il ill i s poilm itl spitt nl i u spl ii lid si irt it i ks as ihniilh the tin ish is i i ne w i ill 1erhips vi iinj folks in lued o nin bul i 111 in it h ul i ik n nnmhiiiil iluu in quiie i mini hii i sul us m i li is md in men ntiil ot fnlmny lulus from km ibiiuh il linduik tin v ms rillv n ii n pelir wc i mrs h 1 11 mile mis j inglin mis r oil t i mis ii mainpi e mis 1m n ind mrs r m mil n ilii this sundays church calendar acton pentecostal tamrnacle 33 churchill road paoc rev kenneth j reid pastor 75 cook st phone 8sjlls7 sunday may 20th 1962 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 pm evangelistic sonne tuesdav 8 pm pner md bible studv thursday 8 pm christ amhts kadc you are always welcome baptist church acton pastor rev james m rudd 39 nhson court phone 8sun2s sunday may 20ih 12 9 4s am sunda sehool lor ill ages 1 1 00 a m morning worship 700 pm evening scrsiee wednesday 4 pm missi in band 730 pm pmcrmui ing all are welcome unffld chutch ot canada acta ontario minister the rev dwtght l engel ba bd organist mr george elliott ma sunday may 20th lsyo 9 30 and 1 1 a jn divine st rvues a nursery is provided for infants during the ii oiloek service the church school 9j0 am the senior school for those in grade 5 and higher 11 00 ajn th ju school for pre4cis5oters to grade 4 7 jo pm young peoples meei i rig all over 14 welcome all welcome christian reformed church rev j nutma bx bd minister 301 oueeo sl box 46 phone 8534137- sunday may 20th 19h2 1000 aan english serticc 2j0 pjn dutch service 345 pjr sunday school you are cordially inn ted to worship with us presbyterian church in canada knox church acton rc andrew h mekemic ba bd minisier mr e a hansen b orginist ind choir master si y m 0ih w2 q4s unhuiih s hml 1000 im minisurs li n ili bibu ci iss 1100 im divine jim sermon ihmu knpng lp with ihe h irsev i j u n i n i 0 miit hum fur hiivs iinl mn li irs nut is during sum m 700 pm with ill m ship meeting fvirvtint mosi wekome 1etter to thi editor reader questions editorial on n d p i in idiuii alton i in presi lir si i aftir rending vour rdituriil dealing willi n small t igi iph i ike ii irom a slilimenl by mr mim a i tme un ihe ii isons lor his rt signal ion irom the new omioei nu parlv i have come to ih on lusinn ihni imlcad of en th acton frqe pron thunday may 17tb 1962 gathers stones coasttocoast wi speaker makes jewellery slatr ihdo ken marchment is caught by the camera as he paints at a precarious angle wh le doing the s gns at the entrances to town the signs have now all been completed and are quite atlrac live mr marchment painted the individual plaques at his home but the overall lettering was done at the site of each sign attached to the signs are the crests of various organizations as well as the crest for the town of acton irvevrwr swwrirey ijet problems of downtown churches study of knox afternoon wms tlu pi ihlun of ihe downlown huuli w is llu studv ol the iller n ion iuihar w m s of knox inn ill a i n when the home ikiptrs hi id their innual meet me on miv 11 it the honi6 of mrs o m t in m s tlni m lh siuiiirs ol ihis group told ol l hi rh hieing condition in ihc iiius i id hi uehi nt tlu in in pi hi inj n ih i nu t i qius n is 11ns w i iiiswn i liotn i ute il ehlllih sillfiliril loss f lllembe ship ii m nm il i i munbiis i i new suhliv suns th ii him s in bun i ikm in i bv i iminuis wh i iiiuut liiiiiliis l ihe it wn ir bv pi nl i in lining f sueh shori pi ii ids ill it nil inni ti ins e in hi m id tr m llu e uiswirs mi le irn f i of tlu tnisii nine e mdiuon in i th minv w ivs ihe ihunh is living 1 lulp dunnv i li worship se n ki st n i p srrl win read in union ind pmv ir ofrered bv miss moore shi thanked mis moran lor her h inn md mrs t anderson who piosided over the meeimg honor memory mis andeison re id the hvmn 0 hippy luiiue when thou irt lovid the dearest as a tribute to ih hie mis d w iklic hi lorx iskmt ill lo honor her niemorv h i kvi moments of silen e mis kobeil algie leeompimed hv mrs o vlonn gave eiiuv ibk m indohn sol reports ind eorretpondmic wire ie id ind ikms nirkiininji supples ind fulure projuts d ulssld thi little fxlra boxes due it th s muling were given lo tin life membership secret irv ind an ippial made to report ill visiis lo the welcome and wei tare siinlarv during the social hour mm jessie ann davidson enterl lined wttti a ve p pi evangel baptist church ii ait m ymca pistor j h wilson phone 8v2h7 iv tourisis ind ill nu il all st i our holi i b rs ox w si da may 20th 2 4s m fimik bibk sthuol 1100 am the missron ol ih chur h cnnst pi in s 00 pmtht message of th chuib itixl iiiiuisl pisi ir imn al ii and 7 wil endeii n inf i r ih pllblle ihi puitxlsi s vilt i the projruii ol ihi t inge bapn hunh in k i n evirvont rs weuome uh may we remind you that it i time to 1st in clean store you valuauf winter garment for the summer months sak insuhd low cost storage servkf custom cleaners sum day sarvica excapt sttvrcuy in by ii mm out by 3 pjn cash and carry main st n phone t5311 so wearing i si u belt will sub siantially increisc oui h met or avoiding injury or ek iih in 1 ir erish sns ihe out uui safelv le igut in i eol lisifin il is olleii i east ol survival of the fitted iti iv nil mg lo prove what is run in doubt you were injnling into v un ii idirs minds t doubt us lo ihe deinoirille principles ot iht ndp you sn thai opinions may dit lei is to u he llu i mi argue in sluing i hat llu class lontrol f i niiional politic il parlv now i im ii nl within ndp eonsii hilts i dai k and sinister thnal lo di mm itli foveinment in c in id t w is 10 net i bil too fat ihi tliss conliol ekmint tit il mr algue wjh rtrining lo w is n i d uhl orgillleel i ihtii i i us evimiiu llus ginlip ll in oiit imation of can uhai m itkeis who lie llle ne woikeis al le isl 40o ot canadis men md wiuiu n do ihev eonslituie ihn it i i the dellioerilie pi in uplis ol inula how iiiiuh in in ol i ihiul do ihe powehul in uli m ch iiiihet of comiiuiei md llu iedimtnn of c muli in meitfbits lie he 1aekhone u tlu lid 1 lie p h lies in view il lite oigimxd btisi niss dimun 1 1 ion ol tlu si lillei put is i have no doubt ihil mv bllsllliss 111 til ol lllllllslll lllsl u til i li iu ti ilnis ab nil in ik iil i stiteiiitiil sueh as mi ar tin s kn iwuig he would be in v il in ulvitsi eiiluism or his own puis md mv mdignalioi or ndi ink would h will disirvid as i th v diditv ol mr ainu s siitttnuit i tun down ol tlu niw dun in un parlv mdid his i show ih il llu pnlv is m uli up ot pupli li mi ill wilks o itle a luitliii t inun ition ol llu ttiiinungot tlu ndp will show lh h the tn ioi e iniiihuu ins il i nol eonie irom the urn ins we onlv wish lh il wi hid mote sup pot t li im oit mied i ihor j ihn bnnd m ahirne the buxy bees held tlulr m iv muling on tuesdiv ivimnu u ihe home of mrs sinn robinton with ii members am iwo visil un pttseni the pnsidenl mrs m hnvwnrd was in tlu ihni and the mieling opened wilh all repealing the institute ode nmt minv st w irl gil iti roll fall wis answered by ruun ing i birlhsioni an in vi lalion vv is aenplid trom campiu ii villi w i in at tind their 2s h inphersarv on mav 2s at 2 pm delegate picked deltgiles wen piikul to go 1 the disinel anniiil on m iv 22 il boshin chlireh plans wort ilso pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 621 7580 homespun wool mi tnd mrs w a n hixy f motfil were ixhibiling ihiswitk il a mils displiv in kilehenu as well as iheir well known print id libit s ihev now havi wool hum the ir own ilucp spun into mule u mend tlu aihkvcment dtiv ot llu supper club to ot held on may m t the williams avmtie high sehihil in mllum mrv deck give ihc i hough i fur llu duv don t find laid i fv iroiii sing liptim through ihi jjltpt thi giust spi iker it the meel tug vvdh mrs pyull of r r i c imphtllvilli shi spoke on all thi dilfenni kinds of stones she h id uilleetid from coast lo ioisi md showed lewclkry she hid midi from hum htr talk w is most in resting lo everyone mrs a me u tin tlmnked mrs pviilt anil on be hull of the numbers prcsenied her with a gill mrs minn coc conduited i eontesi on si ones with mrs 1iinnk being llei winner ihc meeting ehisctl with god s ive i hi- otiren nnd hie 1 nit mule i ue mis d lluiderson ailed is itmrtisv lonvintr and lhank id mrs robinsoti fur ihc usi ol tin home ind the lovely luneh pr0perh fronting on a highway would a service station on this property interest you if you have ever wondered what 49 required to build your own profitable bos ncss on whatsmay now be vacant property we would be glad to discuss this wilh you and give you all the details and ass stance available for informal on please wr t giv ng telephone number where you can be reached write to box 74 acton free press the chutch of st auan the martyr anglican i comer willow and bower rector i the rr d h west ba lst ls- jcftm ave phone 8s2esuj fndav mas 1 junior conf r ma turn- cus 420 pm slda 20th 12 eaucr iv 8v am hok eucharist j 0 im familv eushanst and chunh sehool adult cont r mat ton clavs 1100 am choral euehan t 7 v pm evensong all are welcome j bedding plants annuals flowering and vegetable plants good short bedding geraniums available now nou dfsions rot au occasions caroie nurseries garden centre west of acton on highway 7 south side phone 9532980 opm 9 m til dark 7 days a w how many have u8ed a bank loan more than ever before because the chartered banks have on thsrir books more commercial and personal loans than ever before commercial loans to help keep the wheels of industry moving personal loans for a wide variety of individual and family purposes at last count more than 1200000 men and women were making use of some form of personal loan for some worthwhile purpose year by year more people discover th and s convenience of borrowing from a bank its good business to see your local bank manager when you stand in need of financial help the chartered banks serving tour community

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