Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1962, p. 9

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may crowning- photo by esther tkylor fkish h now decisions of the parks board hrtkweey occupied by the change stations counters should meet with widespread local approval the revision in the charge of admittance to the perk on syndays and holidays is long overdue local residents will be able to ob tain a season s parking ticket for the park for one dollar any other person from outside the municipality will be charged one dollar per car for admittance sundeyipr holidays the move away from all other cknqm to only one chsrqe for parking will simplify prob lems which have been encountered through charging each adult who entered the park seeion tickets for local residents wtll soon be available through various outlets in town at the berk the board and the work staff ere busy preparing for another successful year the track has been graded and well bjchlhoutclreducejhe dust problem iir jt i been rtpalfatj and are now being painted white the barrel booms across the lake at the swimming area are being painted and when installed wtll make the area much safer for swimming volunteers have been working on both baseball diamonds and have made a decided improvement the grass in the park has been cut and last week was a fxclure to behold however the hot dry weather has played havoc and brown parches are appearing at the change stations workmen are rushing to complete the renovations which will have the refreshment booth in the area formerly bre being built and the interior will be re modelled and painted plumbing in the building is being overhauled at the west end of the park the point has boon levelled ond with a few loads of f ii a very attractive picnic area will be pro vided buildings of cement block the change rooms and the community centre building ore being painted and the improvement is quite noticeable if a few drops- of paint can be found they will make a decided improve men if applied to the ticket office and band stand at the park entrance mr o lamb hos volunteered 1o repaint the stone pillars at the entrance to the park mr lombs father built the original pilars and his interest in maintaining them is indeed a publicearvjee night lighting at the community centre building has been improved by the installa tion of a mercury vapor lamp additional i ghts are expected to be installed the finish it now campaign for funds to complete the community centre proecl is well underway the successful comple lion of this proiect wh ch can only be sue cessful if every citizen takes part will make the facilities ava lable in acton for recrea tion second to none when the volunteer canvasser calls at your door we hope you w ii g ve him the same reception and support which has made the program such a success your choke on election day pre election feature your candidates speak 1 mv mm tumbv helton liberal candidate jdarrjdarleysays one of i he mun disgusting symptoms uf approaching nenil ily and ont which should be it silled ktuully is i ik tendency id don nimculuiihl jjiusms cveiv lijmwc l bnu o hood j iy up imiifir distributed but sadly manly canuck hut high standards or health cart this however dots nui hold true for all canatlluns beeiiusi ot l ik fear ol expense invoked some of these people would buy instil unci hut for n medieal union air excluded the lrbci il piriy health plan is designed lo remove leai uf iusl and make the plan avail able in all but compulsory to none the hospital insuiunec aet was iusl initialed by 1 ibeial government 1957 and nuw is in ill provirues the libn d health plm is de signed lo unu dot lot and ding nosiu siivlns n office home or hospil tl hy any quidimtd doetoi h will n i inki lore with any seheme now in usi the plan will he diawn up in lull ennstrilation with ibe medii il profession ik pioposed to piovide all services qecfoi chihl u hf title of in lo mosl ietireil people mil to llie nnemplovcil this gioup pieilouslv i nui b idlv beta ust ihey muld no piy then premiums foi insurance und hospitalization but here no pre miupis are involved for all oih 01 s the plan will puy all dikloi s feei over a tow annui i eosi irtoc who have no scrvlie will hav no annual eosi tlie bills thai hive lo be pud by the patleni will be small hut vylm stifeguaid ihe plan agtilnsl unreasonable demands the pa nienis wtll be minngcd wllh the pixivfnics tliey ire ixpeelcni to euvqt lulhu less thin hull ol ihe total eosi ol ltltdliil care the fedeial govenimeni will p iv the lemtindei horn uncutl lev cnui this will not iik in inv mw luge burden on uunumv because this is alreulv being paid lot m une way and inoilier in in eipmding i ibei il ci in only we should be ihlc lo ill id lhepen there will lu no m terenee with i elihln men oi with his pi uiu medieiric wilh p hauls ilmue u di leui km t4ie other day loi example i was about lo launeh into a column nibou ihe good old twenty toutlh of may you know ihe mirtjjp thing nouiil gie and sloprar all uboul whal a yinnd iclehiullon ihe twett ivfouilll used lo he what a pity tliey ye chiingid ihe diti lo l ik nearest oi i ur i hist oi something monday ami iusl llu mhllllli inee ot llie ojiglntll hoi id iy how the kids nowndas don i luve the fun we ufced li hive on the twenty out 111 and all 111 u sort ol thing i o tun tlely seekliik i illtu t x i i hukgioond 1 isktd my wll wh il she did when she wis i kid on llu glonoiis twentyfourth nothing she replied sadly 1ut suishly 1 rt ihed ihtt whal id hi en ilxilil lo wide wits pule piifle flleie wisn i 1v gti u ittnirvi nirt iwrfri tvflmitfnntf wihm 1 w is a ehild it was ust i wehoim h did i when eveiyhod willi tisluntt n il uiv une lu i pins loi the i lei tlul ii wis oiliill vuloii i s lii i lid i new democratic party candidate carl rouleau says wlin hm link the liberal eandulite has suil etl in his eadumn ih il ibe main issue ol this election is the re und ol ihe onsen ilive govern mint this is out simplifying hie e ise tin oikvilk journal leienlly idmittetl on its edilonal p let lb il i wis ihe onl eounty iiivsspapci ihil ikhi eoiiimilied itstll to the letuin ol s truly best lo p il hamuli as i iviall that s une iiiwspipet m ide it clear lonf beluii ihe tin lion was call ul ih 1 1 tlihoiilh h buked sandy hist this wis nol heeause ihe jihiiual vupportenl ihe dielenbak ei ulmimslialion therxlore il is eleai to me thl llu main issue in hallon us in llie li 1 1 inn is a whole is nol ihe ciiiisei v mvi retold bu i whether llie 1 rheials will do any belter in sbuit aie the libeials going to repeal the cunsci vulve laetie of fnnwnytiftiiut iirorrrfsea during an election and then ignoring these problems alter the election on the grounds ihut ihese buve i been misinterprelexl by ihe elce lot lie this pussy looling on mioi is sues ts eiy ubviotis when in eonsidei ihe old p irlits si mil on mule ii urns mi fmui cotisii e ilie mmlslei ol 1 mtinil al i tits does not see in lib in i i voi of nue li ii ii ins loi mad i mi lliikiuss consetvilive mm isteti of define i sums lo hi in lavoi ol mil lent ii ins tin n ada mi diefenbiku on llu othn h ind i in not m ike up his mind ind his slilenunt in hunk vtlle two weeks ago does nol il ler tins si he ol indecision in iny event the constivilivt gov emmcnl is not snapping llu do maie b ises the 1 1 hi i il party pol i v is lv en moix noiuommttt il 1isl fall ihe i ibei il pailv w is in i ivor ol nufleai aims lui canada it ihev regained under us control thu rtlfm reeent liberal statement on the subeel is th it they re serve the right lo acquire nuclear tims in hi future if cireumslanees m ike it neeessary in tie kills u iw ul is 1 is niuib lun is wi exttpl ihil ihey il i more sopllistii tied ih out m lihkuig buk ill 1 i in it nu mhi i iimhii llu twenty louilh is ni old tiiui hollering in git it exillemenl ul link ihui you kids d un it gil hiek is he lighted ill llu iusl ul llu liiewotks now i days llu kids holtu u hiek ihui did we know wh il we it dointi is i dilui iniuiul i he un k ol bodies ihiii uvtr some uf uur monllii aie fine in july for ixativpk we have ihut great nttllutwl holiday thai stir the blood of every canu tflhrt ine i ol july augiml hasrilial deeply ifttiirieniit dih of nn known m uvle holiday in september wc all quit woik fng on ijibor day and oeiobei eonlafni ihe ihty in whieh we all heel hetulhy about how tut we hum lo ditvi lo ste oiii itla lives and guzzle hn ki y thanks giving dill how uimiiii ihil eituuhy novemlwi thirty ol tin mosl dismal depressing days of llu ear and not a single holiday lo lighten the gloom why uini we have i holiday on ihe sti mid monday in novuiiihi ind e ill ii 1 iihl call lot i lor m windows day in deeeinbei the pieluu i a fttlle brlnhki with chiisinus day boxing duy ind only week lulei new yen s i iy wi neid tin in nil but long daik mil eold loom jtinuaiy and lebiiuiy wttltimr ir tnvt nirntfpt nr them wi xhtiuld nun li eouplt ol mondiy holidays hi tlieu in j miii n v i l insliinec wt n lild iilihitiu hoy am i skk ol uns i ousy wlnlii day ithrunry imdjl be broken tip nieely by moving viknihu duy lo ihe neuiesl monday ind tailing ii love day al pnianl ihui isn i a single dty sit iisldc foi kive whlih is surely more impoilunl ill m ilviis oi i ihoi we eould love oiii ueiglt liors our wives our ehlldnti oui mltitlbois wives ind my huidy elite who w is in hie mood mueh hid apnl rithu rftftry waraw ntrffflity erer- twrnw to kntrw when baiter 4 going tu be bui if eiititcr eume in april we could have a mun day holiday in marih eulled maieh mine duy we eould all go mud wilh dt light at gelling ihrough llu win it i ming off uur oiitir liuhnimentn and diinec in the filnets in oui overshoes and long undeiweui sort ol a eutiil vu llllll it 1 isle i e nut in march wt d mill a spinal monday hohdiv aboul llu middle uf apttl vh mi is tin qruikst inoiiih iiixoiding to t s smith wt might dcumtuiti 11 as april i ml liy it wotl id ik i suil ibly joyous oeeasldn and i have no eompimeliofl about bilnging il up wllh mi eke hon in llu oiling if llu govirn mutt miuked it by donaiing a lo id of luel hei lo every loyal illleli jusl enough 10 lurry hi lo llu flfmvfa july wlilntil em let hit fur ih il i ikes une ol every month hoc jiiiii 0 you re ille liens isn i a slngk lung weekend in june oui most dellghlfu1 month and oiu ol out inislost months on the highway think of ihe tilumph wilh whiih our daily pi pirn tould irumnet unit june ling wnkeiid kills 10ft yis wi must hive i monday holiday in june what shall wo e dt it uls sit j tint in the monlh of miniage we lould hivi a initioiiil holidiy on llie sn md moudiy and eall ii aimistke diy idled hut imp elll i mumluy tkindisi lley itil lll die ding li i kls nui liinf ihinti s pop helton conservative candidate sandy best says i tr vo f t ma ra- ther than the party you ii find the answer to the questions you ask in the field of person ahty personal achievement family back ground and any number of other factors right down o what the candidate looks like if you fit more easily into the category of the uncommitted voter then the task you face may be the most overwhelming of all in making your selection you w ii have to sift and weigh the facts as they bre presented by national leaders and local candidates you ii have to look into programs that have so much similarity in many respects ims d f ftcult to distinguish one from the other how are you going to vole on june 18 if you re a parly man you made up your mind long before an election was called by tradition you ii vote for the party and not the man vou can look back into h story and find the basic differences in pol cy end program that effected that dec s on to support one party over another tfyou find yourself at the other extreme with neither interest in nor concern about those distant development n ottawa you may dec de it un t worth ibe thought and not bother to vote at all fo w think frhc t ma crf- ltherals ire dom this eountry mlinite hum in iheir ellort lo p inn cinadian voters wilh ihe speitre ol miss unemployment whieh his no basts at all in real m this downgrading of ihe nat h4b ol i w sinet wink c mid i s ee net it ee onomy has boomed as never be lore lei s look fui a moment al un employmint the unfortunate jobless are large h the unskilled and ibosc whose skills have been eftdetxd obsolete by the tng advance in scientific proce dures these people must be tiained and relramed to jeeom plish this purpose ihe dielcnba ker administration has alreadv invested more than 4000000 in hallon county done in new leehmeal inslitulions this is nu promise this has been done otherwise despite liberal loom the prospects are bright sinee 196 labor i mottle has in ueased nearlv w per tent hard k a charjeierisiie of bad times progressive conscmlive pohe us hue kept unemployment il i pereentjee lower ih in lhal in ihe umtcd stales and ihis has never happened be i ore in history in the thud pint i ill u in exeelknl uka lo move 1 wuilv foiltlh lo tin put monday whin a hohd iy h signilk inn hi the lusloiv o dition of ii nilioit al kits have il tall on i monday ui iki i lontt vvitketuls if ihey ilse help reduie the stirpli ulation as suouge pill i the whole eoneepllun ul llul iduys in this country is sorely in ulc1 of in overhaul i m i gre it believer in holidays but ours ue a hiphazatd tnd unteliahk is the canudi in we uher undir our present sel up ihey are nol only poorly card table covers donated to manor the m inor auxiliary mcl in ihe auditorium reeently wilh i good altmdanee the presidenl mrs s allen was in ihe chair and re p tried that i ird i iblc i overs hul been donated and gratefully retell id ind would be put to t lod use bv the resiednls who en joy a game of cards a a port on ihe tuppcrware parly held at the home of une of nhrr w a professional directory and travellers guide medical funera1 director dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon omiic in bvmon block 4m mill st e aeton office phone i5mii1 residence 113 churwh 8t phone mj16m dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sl cnl ranee river st aclon ont phone 85w341 dr robert d buckner physician und surgeon 39 wellinglon st aeton ont phone 8531240 office hours mpm allcrnouns by appointment phone 8534350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchnerro optomclruit contact unlet hearing aldn 6 john si s aelon in aeton wcdncuday only 200 pm 600 pm lor jppomtmcnl phone 85j1mi ii no answer phone waterloo 7428867 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st georges square oublph for appointment phone ta 4180 hour daily except wed 60 main st north rrnprptn voters are in the uncommitted field and n the present campa qn we feel there is an n creasing amount of interest in what candi dales and leaders are say ng th s is a heallhy atmosphere in wn ch to operate an election and one in wh ch the maor ty decis on can best be rendered those uncommitted voters have a respon s bil ty however n genuinely looking at the programs of the parties seeking elect on to render the r dec sion mtell gently voting for one or the other because he s going to w n a yway sn t good enough vol ng for one to make the elect on close isn t good enough the man you name in halton and the leader you send to ottawa is going to have a lot lo say about how you i ve r ght here m canada for the next four or f ve years and above all please don t g ve your voe to the h ghest b dder remember the cand dote o party that prom ses everyth ng s-go- g to be us nq your money to pay for t after tak nq a percentage for the operat ng expenditures of government that are not al ways the most effic ent how arc vou gomg lo vote on june 18 it s your dec sion you know eluip polilieil idctn to frighten the oler al home is hound to d i sum ran he inusimeni of oui suit e ipit il whieh ihis eountry tuiils io proude more nibs and ul luithei yur prosperity and whit is ihe 1 ibei il mswer to llie emploimmt siluatiun su h is it is nolhine specific nutik the same nred out pre mises ihese people had ter op- pitlumlv tu put into praeliee but didn i lhroueh 22 iais of dreary un ryfpireil idminisiialion true th iss unemployment was a distinit possibility in i9s7 when c hi ulians tumid ihe lrbcrals till bu progressive conscrva tiu initutive his assisted in the ereation of 500000 neu jobs a nice sum realized an invitation u as reee ncd from ihe si josephs home in ouilph tnut tny the auxiliary numbers to a it i a eirloid planned lo allcnd the iikius lommittee conveners giu fine repiris two new members were tddtd t ihe visiting eommillee but the handicrafts can still use more help the handiiralt group mcels every thursday from 24 in the sewing ntom if anone ejn spare a lew hours their help would be mueh appreciated haiton social credit candidate irving wilson says the acton free press publbhcd by the dill printing and publishing co lid founded th 1875 and published even thursday at 59 willow st aclon ontario member ol the audit bureau o cireulations the cwna and the ontanooucbec onvsion o the ctt njte advertising rates on request subscriptions pasable m adanet hoo m canada 4 00 in fngl ind and other commonwealth countries s00 m the i mtcd stales and other forrtgn countries single nipics 7e authorized as scvond clasj mail fw otlux department ottaiaa the only paper ever published tn acton g a dills ediiorsnquef david r dills managing editor buslkless and editorial office phone 853 201 with the a dial ulue of a pc iprh intmeni t ihe c ibinct tn mint ioubi k us peruse some ol the maten il presented hv iiiur pc eandidile and lr lo iv ess iherebv iusl how much wisdom and how muih politics is behind suih a baiting supgev n m e will irv to assess the sin- et n ot al least one uf the 16 points punt i alter t ve wars of ad ministration wc hnallv admit or s ihat ihe la struvturc is not fair and equitable that there oupht to be a roal commiiwon ie review and rexamp it the onh possible and lcfal purpose of a roxal commission is to investigate and rtvummend i ornithine in this cast unnoccs- siri s r val commission has an authontv to revamp am ihinp it nvnews to place the on- u of revamp upon a roval com mission would setm to indicate that ihev will be blamed if noth ing is done and that nothing will li is indeed unfortunate that honest hard working cost i v roval commissions with pigeon holed reeommenda lions seem ra ihtr to be methods of gocrn mental firocrastinalion ihan cf de me means of decision lo ae hon point 1 is in sueh error that it it musi be the result of oeron fidence eanhcssncss ignorance or whal have ou none ot these arc scnousls a lcrv high rccom mendation for cabjnet material cxpcetations the reason that neither of the old line parties can do nothing to reduce laxes is simplv because nnh arc commuted to sectional interests these are huge pn- va e corporations doing he 101 that ihe govern mem and ihe bank of canada odghl to he do ing creating monrv at cost remove these interests and we will immediately lower the costs ot municipal borrowing from an estimated 5i to approxrmateh 2s childrens aid report shows work of staff hallon children s aid south has spent j30jt86 of us approv ed j3s499 budgtt for the first quarter of 1962 director j paul jollilfc rcportid lo hallon cuuntv council tuesday may is he explained the children s aid would submit quarterly rcporis on its work to keep councillors betier informed al ihe cas pro gress duong the first three months there were 139 new requests for service from famines unmarried mothcri and adoptive applicants on januarv i there were 92 child ren in the care of ca s and since then 30 were admitted lo care and hi were discharged leaving a current list of 104 the children s aid installed a direct telephone line lo aclon in fehruarv giving toll free calling between the office in mil ion and poinls served by acton george town and rock wood telephone exchanges boarding rates have been increased from si dailv tn st jo dail for children 12 and under and ji50 daily for older charges accomodation is needed for extra staff the director pom ed out dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets ofliec hours by appointment telephone 8534610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 legal barrister and solicitor c f lea ther land qc notary public office hour 10 a m 12 pm 1 pm 5 pm saturday by appointment only phone oflice 8531310 res 8531745 aclon a braida ba barrister solicitor nourv publie office hours m acton mondav fndav evening 6pm 9pm saturda 1pm 5pm 28 paislex st ouclph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in gueiph saturday 9 am 12 am daily 9 un 5 pjn cnntontactor david w gohn d c 25 mill st e phone 1531171 entrance on willow st office hours mon wed fn 1 pm to 5 p m 7pm to 9 pan tucs thurs 10 ajn to 12 pjn i pan to 6 pjn saturday 10 am to 1 pm for appointment phone tr 7 3971 wcdnclay 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7pm9pm thaveium ouid1 gray coach lines coaches leave acton dalight saving time eattbound 6 33 am daily except sun and hoi i 8 58 am ii 33 am 508 pm 6j3 pm 1008 pm sun and 208 p m 8 33 p m hoi westbound 10 27 am 12 57 pm 2 57 pm s27 pm 7 27 pm 912 pm 1132 pm 102 am fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways dasltgh saving time eastbound 6 56 am lo toronto dailv ex ccpt sal and sun 7 8 a m lo t mnt i dailv cxscpl sun v 42 a m to toronto dailv except sqn 7 37 p m lo toronto daily cxiepl sua 8 01 pm to toron to sundav onh 10 20 pm to toronto dail board at george town only wem bound 8 01 am to stratford daily ex eent sun 906 a m to stratford dailv board at georgetown ontv ft23pm to stratford daih except sat and sun 7 16 p m lo st rat ford sundav onlv 7 37 p m lo stratford daily exiept sun 12 w am lo stratford dally ex cept sat for further information call vour local agent 8532450 a amp insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8534720 appraiser and insurance over 50 years in acto

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