Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1962, p. 10

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mmmm the good old days r i an absence of fewer if election fever is to set in it now has about one week to catch hold strangely absent in halton during this election campaign is the arm waving on the street corner the heated political meetings and some clear cut issues there seems to be nothing in halton that has caught the mind ofthe electors ofcourse there ere the national issues of dollar de valuations deficit budgeting britain s entry into the common market the stature of the country in the eyes of the world and general economic management of the country all the parties are paying lip service to the problem of unemployment there is the condition of the unemployment insurance i charts iowr on reserves and there are special regional issues m every province probably jhe record of the diefenbaker government is the only basic single issue the prime minister has been defending it photo n mbm tayin with considerable vigor he feels that his government s record is good enough to earn the conservatives another- chance but voters are really concerned with what is ahead and no party seems to be coming up with any vision or even imag ination to spark the development of the country s potentialities everyone is so busy criticizing or prais ing the past five years that little in the form of clarity mixed with imagination has yet materialized what the country needs is a good plan placed before it with confidence and vigor by a party wh ch believes in itself and this country s future only an exciting party can stir up the voters and leave lethargy in the lurch and right now there s only about a week to play that hand of cards fmish it now thtt week the volunteer canvassers will be callingat your door to solicit your support for the finish it now campaign for the communny centre while the objective is not great neither is the amount being requested from each individual citizen hovvever un less everyone supports the campaign enthus mttcally there is nd guarantee of success it is the hope of the committee that this cam paign when it is completed will provide the funds necessary to wipe out the construction deficit and provide a few of the features found to be desirable and necessary after a part season operation that the first campaign and the first win back in 1912 back in 1942 stcyvt u sfuu taken from the luue of the free taken from the isiue of the free preaa iwaday june 6 1912 u preu thursday june 11 1942 mr gordon bcordmoro launch- uuring the council meeting tu cd his 40 tip gasoline powered esday evening it was decided to and has been having grand spoil to establish since the boat is a fine ernrt and 4how plenty of speed on tuesday evening wink a fruun of young lads wen plav dg un bower ave opposite the residence of mr o henderson mjp master willie akjivt caugtll hold of a chain hanging from e lec irk street lamp and in stunt ly received a charge of elec trie current he was unable to let go of ihe wire and writhed in agony until i passing citizen wis able to free him the pain and shoe it stayed with the youngs tu for some timl nricrwartls the past week has been rather fateful for ihe physical comfoti of si venal of our baseball players jack englin third baseman uf the methodist team had the mis fortune tu break his right ankle during a game on monday when acton was playing hillsburghai that hamlet blllie laird was struck on the nose and right eye by a fly hall he wns endeavoring to catch he was blinded by the sun at the time jnd lost sight or the ball is he was about to catch h the bndge or his nose was broken and his eye badly blaek ened in spile of me injury and loss of the player lo tfie team acton eame out the viclots with a 17 7 score the new overhead bridge al miria street over the beardmorc i ail way crossing is now corrtpkt ed ind all that remains is for the si rue lure to be painted the new bridge now supplies a bciler and more convenient access to ihe be irdmore crescent of interest to actomans this week was the marmgc of mary lee monn daughtct of ihe hie col james c monn to dr cam eron wan en of toronto the couple lch on ihe evening i run for new york atlantic city and oihtr eastern points on then return thev will take up resi denec in toronto dr warren is weh known in acton and his manv friends here extend best wishes to the young couple butler and eggs are down to 20 cenis again the cxhorbifint prices being charged for these commodities wen itot acce in the besi manner by must housewives b ihe looks of the meadows this year it is doubtful if farm crs will have to pay 25 a ton for hav this season fortunately the rains have kept the growth active and caille and sheep can graze in the fields fellow suggested i write a col umn this week about the election you know the sort of ihing he suid airly diefenbukcr drivel itirewffirtwiaw douglas drib- aisles out wesi and the cruci il a curfew in order to traj ehhdnn from being bu s ho1 cohyktwkmtduwn in quebec ta at night the draft sl who ls lff u olftnd by bill 6miuey confused all they lell me is ih u diefenbukcr is go i hiring momeii turn pearson is gaining strength douglas is rolling them in thi 11u control the on ihe streets at nigh by law is lo be ready for eoun eil s consideration at their next meeting oui of a flock of 70 sheep on on the farm of fred nurse in fnn twpdogs have killed 20 and injured 40 when they al lacked the animals while they glazed in ihe field albert wheeler sheep evaluntor for erin twp described ihe scene as the worst he has ever seen and ex pressed the belief there must h ivc been six or seven dogs at the meeting of acton and district war services league il wut reported that salvage sold during the month was well over the 200 mark this is the high est proceeds to be- made from the silvage to date mr george swiltr who has been instructor oi manu il train ing at five windsor public schools has joined the navy and prior lo le iving he was given i money bell by ihe slalf uf ihe king cdwird school he is prcs cnlly visiting it his home prior to leaving foi esquimatt bc miss hazel a wilson daugh lei of mr and mrs charles wil son was the winner of u splcn did scholarship and received ihe i ward when graduating as a nurse in the ejass fo 1942 al to ronto western hospital there were 44 graduates in the course tjast thursday evening a com rojllcc of local citizens was foimed whose purpose it will be to endeavor to assisl the farmeis in the disinel lo secure assist inee in gathering in the 1942 crop everyone is aware or the shortage of labor especially un the farms with so many of the hoys ml i med and the committee with reeve mcdonald in chaigc will do their best lo orginic a labor forte during ihe atlon wi meeting on tuesday aflcrnoon when mrs h mccutcheon and mrs j j stewart were hostesses the ever ion institute were guests and pre senied ihe prognm which was enjoyed by eveiyonc at the eon elusion of the program the hosl tsscs and their committee served i thintv lunch and the acton lad re thanked by ihe visitors ing his read besides m not that type of fellow i have enough fuults of my own without picking holts in dedicated chops who are ready and willing lo give away every nickel they c in squeeze out of us why should i admit that every time dlef shakes his wattles at me on the television i almost burst out laughing why should i confess ihat each time mike iips another platitude i plunge into despair why should i come right uui and slute bluntly thai tom my folksy manna ind carefully studied anecdotes bore me rigid there s moihcr eh iracltr i rem ml there somewhere e til ed johnson or swanscn br cjompson or something bui i li iven l seen much ol him and i don l know much ibuut the crucial septic parly or whit ever they call it ffe s he hcsl looking one of the lol bul i quit voting for ihe best looking candidates in my last year in high school every day i read the papers and iry to iseertain who is ahead and every day i become moie local winner in moose draw mrs gertie wilson of 163 robin wood crese milton won i 10 consolation pne in ihe ontario moose association retarded child rtn s draw it was announced this week members of the norih halton association for retaided child ren were assisting the moose lodge by selling tickets locally in their annual draw top pne winners were r ci irk ol stral ford c j donkervoot of london and stanley cowley of hamilton there were 10 other book cover winners for a mosl enjoyable ariernoon ht moose association turned the scout mothers association jtvernj7jj0 to the ontario as- are very active these days and ujj uu during their meeting this week made plans for a drive to raise moncv league lor the war services sociation for retarded children s summer camp the north halton association also received a por lion of the ticket sales approxi mately j3g0 ters operation were highly successful con not be denied the community spirit devajop ed during the first campaign and the knitting together of the c tizens during the winter s operation was one of the marvels of 1 96 1 the small amount of the obective n the finish it now campa qn s perhaps a source of complacency to many but even the small amount will require the support of everyone f it is to be successful to cont nue the de velopment of new commun ty sp nt which was started last year should be the aim of all we urge you to support the campaign free choice by citizens how to elect our government this md not the volume of the letters to the editor durjj the past few weeks has been most encouraging however we have- come to the conclusion it may only be a temporary situation which will disappear with the elec tion posters after june 18 during election campaigns it is the prac tice of some newspapers to publish only a representative selection of letters to the ed tor because of space limitations however the volume reaching us has not yet reached that quantity in the meantime the only re stnction placed on letter wr ters is that the fetter most be signed by the wr ter a nom de plume may be used for publicat on but it is our feeling that any correspondent must be prepared to back up his v ews w th h s personal signature we are pleased to receive letters to me editor we will publish them we do hope they will continue to come during the per ods between federal and provincial elect ons the following summary of what is involved in the june 18 general dec l ion brings ouf a number of interesting and littleknown as pects of the canadian svstem of parliamentary representation it is reproduced from the bank of montreal monthly business re- thc process employed to pro vide a na with government based on iree choice by vhe citt tns differs widely among the m inv democracies in existence this week we were rather surprised to be stopped on the street and asked where overn ght accommodat ons could be obtain ed after list no all the establishments pro v dmg this serv ce we were told they re all full only then as the weary traveller bock on the road to guelph it seems with all the construction going on in the area the local accommodat on is booked solid the writer of a letter lately rece ved by ihe ncorrte tax comm ssioner oi the central afrcan federal on had th s to say sr i am not nterested m this ncome tax serv ces of yours could you please cancel out my name n your books as this system has upseted my mind and i do not know who reg ster me as on of your customers m th s matter ah f only it were thai easy the acton free press published by the dius printing end publishing co ltd founded tn 1875 and published every thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations tht cjrv na and the ontartoqueber division of the c wj4a advertising rates on request subscriptions payable io advance 300 m canada 4 00 in england and other commonwealth countries 500 in the imted states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa the only paper ever pnbuabed in acted g a dill editor4nchicf david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 853 cintdi was the first of these to adopt parliamentary government as derived from great britain lo a federal system developed in order to conduct cf fluently rhe affnrs of a people with varied ethnie backgrounds in a countrv with distinct geo graphic ind economic ireas voters choice i nder this federal parlnmen tary svstem the canadian voters are asked from lime to time lo indicate their choice of the re prescnlaiives who will be respon sible tor guverning the nation sueh a cttoiee is to he mide on june 18 1962 then is a d sttnction some- times overlooked between choos ing parhameniary npnscntai v cs and choosing a government this dual ehoiee is achieved bv i dual pnxeis basea parilv on law ind partlv on custom the purpose of this review is in out line the m ijor procedures f jftovc ed to determine membership in the house of commons and to i up i government which is reponsirie to this house of com tnons with power and authoruv bomowrd bv the electorate the ctcxulrw authority of suvh a government is legally vest v id in the crown represented in x hv the governor general who kt as chief of state tht governor general however cus tomanlv acts only on the advice of those members of the prm council appointed to the cabinet of the das head of government one of the members of this cabinet the prime minister who is ihe leader of the political party with the hndiest number of seats m the honsc of commons is the active head of gov and spokesman for the nation hh powers however are purely tra ditional jegarly speaking he is just one of ihe 265 member or the house of commons like all the orhcrs he owes his seat lo the volers of the parliamentary consliiuency which he repre- sents one of the most important powers exercised by the pnme minisler is ihe right lo ask that the governor general dissolve parliament and give orders that writs of election be issued ac eordingly on april 19 of this year ihe writs of election were issued for a poll to be held on jufie18 in this manner the machinery for conducting a general election in canada is put in motion on instructions from the governor incouncrl in older words the cibinti ihe chief electoral of ficer in independent official cho sen bv ihe house of commons issues the writs of election to the re turn mg officer in each con siiiumcv or riding these offic trs u reel ihe preparation of vol ers lists ippoint deputy return ing i ifieers for each polling sub- d vision in the constnuencv re- icive nominations of candidates ind provide for ihe printing of ballots enumeration the voters lists arc compiled bv enumeration of the electors which begins 49 davs before the eliclnn two enumerators rep- re seni ng the two opposing polm il nie rests that rceeivcd the highest number of voles in the instuuencv in ihe preceding el e mn make a door todoor list i uiban voicn lonlv one mum tiitir s required in rural rid mgs l pre minors lists of ekcors n posted in public places sueh is un lelcphone noles so that anv v iier mav protest the inclusion or omission of ans name the of final list of eligible voters musi be compiled at least 2d davs he- fre th eleelion date final revis ion of voters lists must be eom pie ted 16 davs before the clcc i on which meantby june 2 this sear the returning officer in every consntuencv designates the loca tions f the polling canons in the last election the number of polling stations within each nd mg ranged from 27 to 48 and the number of voters who cast rhctr ballois in each station was between two and w each dep- utv returning ofifcer and hts poll clerk supervise the conduci of the polling on election div un der the scrutiny of iwo agents for each candidate official results afler the poll is closed the ballots arc counted by the dep uty returning officer in ihe pas ence of the poll clerk and party scrutineers and the ballots lock ed in the ballot box are forward ed to the returning officer al though the results of the election arc usually made public on elec tion night the official addition of votes for all of the polling sub divisions in rhe constituency is made by the returning officer who subsequently issues a declar anon of election in favor of ihe candidate who obtained a plural ity that is more voles than any olher candidate in case of a tie the returning officer who is nol otherwise permitted to vote mav cast the deciding ballot this candidate will become tht parlti men tary representative for ihe constituency in federal elections in canada the ballot bears in alphabetical order the name address and oc cupation of each candidate for the house of commons in rhe constituency the partv affilia lion of rhe candidate is not giv en there is a storv ihat one prime minister in ihe early davs listed his occupation as cabinet maker rules for candidates when a person wishes to be come a candidate for ctectmn u the house of commons he must like eeruin fe rmal steps in or 1 cr lo have hs name appear on billot to assure his indidio ar eleelor that is a person 21 vears ot igc r eivi r who is i canadian citizen or ulher british subject who has been resident m canada for the proceeding 12 months must fdc nomination papers endorsed bv 25 irtur el eclors and make a deposit of 200 with the returning officer for the constituents within the time prescribed in the elcetions act ll is possible for a candidate to seek election in a constituency in which he does not reside the de posit of ea h candidate is refund ed rf he polls at least batf the number of votes of the winning candidate if less the deposit is forfeited lo the crown in the 1958 election such forfeitures totalled some j75000 in the first two dectioos of 1867 and 1872 nomination meet ings were usually held m rhe op en air any elector could attend continued on page eleven as tor platformsi thev even mure contusing the whole thing reminds me of one ol those three stooges comedies one of the parties nails a pi ink into his plaiform as soon is he turns his hick to gel an ulher plank one ol ihe olhci comedians walks away wilh ihe one he has just nailed down while each ol ihe thiec is irv ing lo build a platform wilh plunks swiped from the others iheir idiot cousin is down in ihe b ist mini eouslnicling a mas sive pi itfoim which he will never be able lo gel cilhcr oui of ihe cellar window or up the cellir slairs the giveawa y program have ilso become nexlii ablv inicr w m by tin time 1 ha cut 1 clue as to wh ch pu v is fcivinc ihe biggest old ige pension whieh is giving awav ire ill da me which is giing io r ducc 1 ixes or which is t ing li end uncm pi vment by s ending all he un employed io chool and piv nt them a salary 1 go mgtlfrrif7m fiiiun he the uchi one p irly sh ml i ifvr il nati in il pension of me d ll ii i month for e uh vear i vnur ilc i h s w uld thmmiilc i lot ol 1 he sqinhhltng over the old ilji pension ol course lo get l p ting on the right tool wed tin nv out the baby bonus i hose kids tie gelling so much inotitt when ihey re little that most f them ire ruined bv the lime thev re bout six cais old fheii we d give everybody a striighl doll ii t month pel hinh d ly ii vou were 7 y hi d get si von smickers i m nlh ii you were 84 vnul gel w4 a monlh whal eoud be mure i nr and it s the onlv lhingjucvirhitrdcifthit might c isc women ovei thai 39- ni uk gi ic lullv and in u seems i be mv only s it id lonliihulion until i can spend mother week i so uialy ing ihi c imp ugn ids sec n jw it wc c in gel things sli ijlii lc 1 ml a jh before we leave il the soctlslsnrc indicpcc the crik al scptics ire going to put ihe dull ir hick up io what us worth hi iv tcnls the 1 ibcrils living up ti the ir nunc arc go ne i jmc vs l cvlivihing thit isn i nailed down the tones are going lo run jn their rec jrd ind brulhci ihev d heller get about ill ih it 1 have been able to giiher in concrete inn is ihe wliulwind e impaign kicks up the chaft is llial all parlies arc in favor ol the com mon man and molhcrhood and thai ill pirlics ire ig unsi wat lung cancer sin crop lailure and ihe ilhcr llircc putics trick shjes n we were trv nc to s irt hints bv ci rge il is i lol clearer out il ihe dinner i ble the eilhei when iu usi sit d wn nd nighi w son who is 14 came up s in of think aboul il for a with ihe ide i thai suggests he few minuies isn i i roycsirgg professional directory and travelleryguide funeral directors medical dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill sl e acton office phone 8532111 residence 115 church st e phone 8531664 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8530341 dr robert d buckner phvsician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8531240 office hours ftpm afternoons by appointment d h tftb dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours b appointment telephone 85wx10 or a j buchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 legal barrister and solicitor c f leatherland qc notarv public office hours 10 am 12 pm lpm 5pm saturdays bv appointment onlv phone offi e ksvulo res jlllv phone 8530350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner ro optometrist contact lenses hearing aids 6 john st s acton in alton wedncsdavs only 200pm 600pm for appointment phone 8531041 ii ni answer phone waterloo 7428867 robt r hamilton optometrist 70 st georges squar guelph j for appointment phone ta 46180 hours daily except wed 60 main st north georgetown forappotnhnent p wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7 pm 9 pm travellers guide a braida ba barnsier solicitor notary pus office hours m act in mondav fndav evenings 6pm 9pm saturav lpm 5pm 28 pa sh- st guelph ontann i lone ta 42z42 offi hours in guelph salu lav 9 a m 12 a m daily 9 un 5pm ii chiropractor i david w gohn dc 25 mill st e phone ku 171 entrance on willow st office hours mod- wed fn 1 pan to 5 pm 7pm to 9 p m tues thurs 10 am to 12 pm lpm to 6pm saturday 10 aan to lpm gray coach lines coaches leave acton davlighl saving time eastbound 6 33 am daily except sun and hoi 8 58 am 1133 a m 208 pm 5 08 pm 633 pm 8 33 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am 1257 pm 2 57 pm 527 pm 727pm 9 12 pm 11 32 pm 1 02 a m fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways davhght saving time faitbound 6 56 a m li t iron to dailv ex cp sat jnd sun 7 am 1 1 t m nm dailv except sun 942 i m lu 1 ii n dads except sun pro to toronto daily cs ept sun 8 01 pin tu torun 1 sun in on v 10 20 pm lo i i n la k tx ard al ceorge- i wn m v s hound 0i am t i s rati rd dailv ex ept sun y im lo siratford da v board at georgeiiavn only 621 pm to s ra rd dailv except si and si n 7 p m io slrat i r 1 sundav onlv 717 pm to straiford di iv except sun rwam lo straifird dailv ex ccpt sat for fur her in forma non cad vour local agent 8532450 appraising and insurance f i wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 850720 appraiser and insurance over 50 yean in acorn

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