vto choose halfon dairy princess af annual hornby garden parry the murch is on for a hnllon bolry frinccw to represent the county al the nnnunl dairy prin- cess competition at the canadian national exhibition the halfo p itic hi firm represented of the dairy producer group in haiton the federation offericul- ture onl the hnlton junior farm vcr association following a re cent meeting of the eommiilec it was decided itifli this years selec hon would take place at the an nual hornby garden party to be held on soturday evening july 21 the contestants from hnlton will be selected bjijnlcrvlcw with a panel if ftirca judges in addi tion each contestant will present hort lolk related to dairying hal ion county contestants in the competition must be between the ages of 17 and 26 war and from a iliiry lastly at the cn ii t the delegates from each nniniv will lompeic for the onlaini lille in addition 10 ihe iiiletk- and rtceih euh umuilant will personally dlmonstiile milking nnd leaning pnxeduies a de- inilcd basis of awards is used foi the competition to indude uppenranlc depurimcnl ihki self lxpressiun the bulimic tit the store tard is set up to inte tlu effkientv or milking and clean ing dairy equipment all entries for itic halion am awytajv f- uttft to thg editor exavro worker says govt acted in majority interest dear sir i read the letter from i vote liberal re the cancellation pf the avro arrow by the dicfcnba- kcr government and 1 wish to point out a few important facts which were of course omitted by this biased nnd illmanncrcd liberal in the first place the arrow was a luxury tosiing the cano dian taxpayer millions of dollars surely the government acted in the interests of all canada when it cancelled this contract i know that avro was given at least a a years warning by the govern mcnl that rhc contract was going to be cancelled so there was plenty of time for them to relo cate their employees in other work but the company strong ly lfnernt balked the govern ment on every turn and or course we all know what hap- nencd i am an exavro worker my myself and i found mvself am- ong the unemployed alter the arrow com mil was cancelled however 1 hope i am sufficiently fairminded to admit thai tut manv avro workers were rccci ing cxhorbitnnt wages for doing utile indeed end at ihe la payers expense of course thi sort or thing would not conccr i vole liberal for all he tares about is collecting his paycheck whether oi not he has really been worth il i would remind this liberal thot this is a democracy afier all and if the government docs not act in line interests of the majontv of ihe people it is no lungei the voice or the people and is not a democratic govern ment mr snnch best has worked hard for this county and fur from bragging about what government has done in creating jobs through winter works pro gram v as merely hating the facts and good grief thats freshing change from the wild promises r the liberals the conservatives hove been moffite just five years following 23 years of liberal mismanagement and is unreasonable to expect ihem do everything at once i feel they are trying hard alter an other term in office surely we can judge them more faiik lot north halion votcis te member thev are voting in a federal election not a municipal one thev should be more oh jective when it comes to mallus affecting till canada alter all they nre canadiuns as well as actonians miltonians geuige owners ek yours sincciely george marlov i vote conscnitue my mother is a libeial and she says all good liberals will be ashamed ot ihe poor lasie ol 1 vole liberal in his sanastu use of his relercme to saruk besl us min f the odismvciu of insulin we are mi ediioi who we are as an accident ot birth we do not choose our pai enls mi best is an individual in his own light nnd i should have thouiiht if i vole liberal was lacking in humanity and lisle here your own delt blue pencil could have i directed that dairy ptincess competition miisl be made li the tumniillee by monday july 2- application forms and inlormalion may fee obtained m the extension brnmh it ice ontario d of grumirc miiim letter to the editor no comic strip council instead l tttets to fdildi at ion five pi ess at ion on i lixnl limen while oln weekly papei cvir li ip lui a i s d pi nil i i epulis ol iikii iouikil his inuii willi an assessmrni ol 690965650 is big biihinesn ami tlu elciled ndniinisiialiin should flunk and ml as cxemm es nl a nimpanv willi sunilai as si is id imagine the- bnnrd or a torn pany debating ilms ol as small uiliik as sji dot control hoisc tiouhs dooi signs fit would iieuc a teeliim ol mm conlid ence wliuh in tum would mean a new boaid by hold iui also otli debatir and iking dept asks deer season in s ontario this fall desirability of a short open sea son on whitetailed deer in the ttmniks ol southwestern ontario luti been suggested to county ol ikluls hv unds and foivsis mini ster the hon j w spooner the minister staled that there had been a steady huild up or lilt iff- nnnniliiiaal areas and an intreaw in report oftullisiuits irop damage and the threat of disease to iruituck sim i 1 eptosperosis one ol the di siaxes causing hoiiion in ciillle is widespread in deer while there have been mm fled deer seasons in the pttsi main ol ihe area- had a long hislois or closure he point nl oui a siason would he es tiblished extept in those uninlie where siionn ohieclion develop- ed made comeback the while lultd deer virtually cxieniilnntcd i mm nil ol i lie 11 null in al pin lions ol southun ami soulliwisiein out ano tias ilui nii the past ttw iki ados made rem ill kabk i umehhk throughout nun li ol this uea the minister said in a kiln it oiinlv ofduals ni total levels ol abundance proach and onellmtt exceed ihoh- of the main deer range in tfte more northerly forested amis of the province 1 1 hui nuw become abundantly dear thai deer can be lolcralrd in agricultural nnd temlurban areas only at llinijdd levels of abun imneei ja nctwwv theivlorv to begin now to fwftt s4iuri annual open season foi deei through all of those portions of miutlhin and southwestern on alio whkh are mil already li eluded in ilu regular schedules the season whk h lndtfest for the lali ot l2 is desigwd to keep oveicomenlialioii of hunt ers lo a minimum ihe suggest cd dales are november 9 6 and 7 lo cuiiuide wiih the firsi week of the deei season in the adja cent regularly hunlea areas when hinders from large urban tent ivs will be away in the run ih die season would he 1 1 mi i oil to usul nls ol onlatlo only a shoii annual open season im m- ex pei led lo hold tkei within rei sonahle imuts ihe use ot dogs would not be peitiuiletl ami fitiuins will be lestiicled to slmlguns onlv w jtsiwwi milk producers district 12 hold annual ladies night memorial gift sends retarded to camp five retarded children will be sent to summer camp through a donation of the georgetown retarded chil drens auxiliary to the north halion association the donation is in memory of mrs roy ellenton of mil ton a pastpresident and one of the founders of the north haiton association who died recently eis ilia i tnoie him planning should go in a pioiiussivi adminisiiation lot uisiame oui new mill rale ol s8s luuei than last year is ihe lesult ol a ipnivinual sihool til in i and i ik tail our sihool boaid kepi within then budget ii it was not for lliis our tax would not have i hanged in spile ol reassessment in i960 oili iotil assessment was s4ih02y ih which is 1491 627 2 less vu our debeniure levy ins uu teased horn 8 87 mills loi ihil un lo 14 mills in 1962 in otliei woids wi hae made no headwa i havi taken a span of two uais betiuse with exception ol two louniilmcn the same mi nimistiation exisis today as ihin so vou tannoi blame laik ot tirm these hems uv what ue should be vm irk inn on this is the l ol menial lod ihe i k led idnn isiiaion should luklt the annual lathes night pi eiam of ihe distntt no 12 to- lonio milk ptoduteis was held in ihe psoiicsing lownsrnp hall at siewamown on widncsday i veiling may 30 ihe piogiam was untlei hie chaiimanslup of don mekersie pivsident and aiiangements hv john und seireiary the guesi speakci laveine dv men i fusl vicepiesulent ol the on i i no whole milk piodineis vouis irulv i matdonakl 39 mowbiav plate i womlei ivhat tlic tlnnk age tax i tire depl wlntli is volunieered sud denjy wciil ptojciional and we had to pav for services rendered 24 ihrs a day our mill rale certainly doe noi indtimlt we art benefitting a n is higher than many place with this depl paid lor of tourse public apa i h is ti he laktn inio consideialion wiih a low average vole or 39d plus ai 1 1 im hums it is obvious all ihe tax piycis mv nol doing then shaiv eilhei the wriici does not htlieve w tan create a gaiden ol fdcn bn hi does helievi m could progres tlie th acton fre pratt thunhiy june 7th 1963 is iumum war on weeds by v e mcarlhur weed inspector dfweeo uwn8 if yihii ijwn is entirely free oi weed vou nre among itje minor iiy group ot local irtldents of i itumfniibjvf hrnllh irr stands of grau than others but i will wuger thai lurgr pertenlage are constantly slriv ing to improve the quality of theii lawn this can be accotnpustted bv cultural melhtnls such as re- novullons whh the nddiiion ol new will and feilihreis rolling cutting ett bv entiniruging vig orous gniits gmwtli weeds an- ills ivtlirrtli littwnn ihy mtwr i eague and n member ol provisional milk marketing boa in was introduced by j w iawlev sciielaiv manager oi ihe tnnt milk pfodmers mr dvment dts ttismtl ihe milueit a milk mar kttintt plan loi onlano koige pelletteuo toronto du- ei tor outlined ihe advei using pi of i am presently being tarried on hv the ptoducer groups a lilm ihe business of 1 aiming was piesented by j allen fran us attiiiulluril reprcscnlalivc ilitei tainment foi the evening was provided bv misses domlliy mil kuen okouike wiih violin sell i lions and miss joy hay waul ami mi john wilson wiih duets mffjrfffmw ftfkt t mk ft stti geurgclovsn is paying too much towards cosis of ihe old north malum high school disltitl and lite low n high school board dicvv ibis lo icoigclown count ils at lenhon in a letter rccenlly when ihe district was disband ed in tivoi ot itircftnew areas tikhu weie assessed by ihe counlv lo tontimie payment for schools buili in fieorgeluwn at ion and millon deorgeiowns assessment has imitastil more lapidly thun ihe olliei louf iitinicipiljic involv ed and council will apprmiih the county lo rev isc ihe basis ol chaiges made for amiantt and tvkovaiis manning electric call mjwm make their uppcaran ufu n id spile of our best cffoi is if dandelions plaiilains nnd similar hroadkaved wetds an i in unwarned intiuders in a lawn tin solution io iht- prolijiin is itimpaialtvclv minpte spray with i 241 limine al ihe in ot i ol active uld mixed will 4 gals wutei ki lxin squat feel ol luwn area this pra can be applied wiih a kmipsatk spiay er wak- ring i an or a n nozzle ivpe iiinlifd lo the gaiden host this method is thtoniing inort tpuliii whh homniwnen and initldiiit it gel rciulu it pcr- lkip i be easiest way io apply wrof ihrmlcalt lo lawns i have however not been able to secure diialls of the rem ii thli tvne ol upplitnliun wlulevci method we use lo up- plv 2 44 weed kitlei we musi cxcrxisc mre ii is inie llinl it i a selective weed killer in thai ii will kill btoiidlcnvrd weeds and t r i tflf i alv ciiuse serious damae i nhnciilal hhmhs and flowers when used improperly the safest wt is lo piirciire a well known iiaiiu hiand lawn weed killer and follow the direc lions on the ton tamer vote harry harley harvey laverty heating ptumbino and eavtstmhiohino repairs to au makes of furnaces custom sheet metal work oil and oas furnace installations conversion burners saies and service main street n rockwood phoni 1564914 rockwood 24 hovr sfvlc4 what has been done is proof of what yet can be accomplished ijitsworlhhavingits saveat bplmk the bbnk of novfl scotlfl look at the wonderful term low- cost lexers cirvy d nova 400 convertible life takes a sudden turn for the better the moment you step into a new chevy ii heres the car that combine sensible size and sensible price with a wealth of luxury and glamorous styling features unrivalled in its class chevy ii offers you full sixpassenger comfort your choice of a spirited has taken six- or peppy fourylinder engine body-by- fisher craftsmanship and technical advances that have won top engineering awards and there are eleven exciting chevy ils to choose from see your chevrolet dealerjoday do yourself a good turn a statement to the people of ontario from prime minister john diefcnbaker five yean ago the canadian people gave me and my colleagues a mandate to end the years of indecision and neglect of liberal rule and nuke a start in the new national policy which werput before the canadian people in 1957 you gave us a renewal of your mandate in i95s in the succeeding four years we carried on that policy and as a direct result of the many bold and even revolutionary measures which we undertook the recession of 1957 has been superseded by the boom of 1961 and 1962 our energetic trade policies have produced the first favorable balance of trade in nine years form cash income has reached an aotane record high prices are now supported on 23 farm products old age pensions and old age assist ance have been increased from 146 to 65 other pensions have kept pace ontario received 607 million in fed eral payments thu year a huge in crease over l9sts 215 million take a turn at the wheel of a chevy u and see a general motors alue be sure to see bonanza on the cbctv network each sunday check your local listing for channel and time- arthur scott motors limited 6 1 guelph st georgetown phone tr 72251 canada stands today at the aimmcncement of a great new era of progress and prosperity first as a result of the action we have taken second on the neces sary condition that the plans we have made and announced for ine next five years are carried into effective action five years from now canada will be celebrating the 1 00th anniversary of co our plans for the future are already five years along the road to fulfilment and they can will and must be realized between now and 1967 what has been done in five years is proof of v hat yet can be accomplished in the next five yean yoif progress conservative mm in haiton support for reelection best sandyx wi mm it haiton conshvativi association