Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1962, p. 3

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stair ptimo ham radio operators and their families from the district held a picnic in acton parle sun day afternoon during the day there were races for the kiddies and their wives but the men spent the largest part of the afternoon chatting about their radios pictured above left to right are steve pitch toronto ron rupert acton ray jennings guelph bob wilson fruitland eric rush inspector from kitchener and wilo near acton c t j nttwtfnwkrtthvwumn r v rockwood young musicians in recital proceeds to help children tht piano at- nil hy pupils ol mrs d arm il rutin uul mrs ruk hum mttuelnifc iwo ol miiikn ktngsbui s in lh luvwi hall hi day inning as utll at knelt el hv parents intl fniuls of thi ounn musicians who show piumist ol grtiltr musn il taknl in tiis ahead tht program stirtid olf wtlh o cnnidu followed bv two thoi us numbers j urn is hut ami canoe song piano sclcctmns bv mint ik ginntrs connnt uul fki kikj1 with a duel n timber hunuiin milixlv hv nines lnjlt ind mm ivn kinshut followed pi in 1 numbers b mis aimshhinj s pu pits included duets b liiki i met carol peine ind no niimhn bv bndle allan md knih aim strung i illli woild the lire number was undei diteilion ol mi ind mrs ra dtsilv i pilmei little bunm red lux nt piano numhi rs b pupils of mrs ratjthim intlueket i duel hv john medoiilil ind m mhn kmisbur 2 little world the itrt tht lamb wis suit to go then lame piano siketions bv connie hind lev m mem bani di mile llmdley ind i itust w il son thorns numlkis the tom winds ind mkki niglii to you all lollowed bv a iivelv luiiubei in lniti world the itre mano- neltes pnneh md judv e losing luinibei ciuel save the outen tuvv ud ihe elost uf the pnr- grun mrs arimlrong lunded ihe proceeds of eoneet i to k pie suit i live or the crippled children s cetitrt guelph who spoke bntf lv in eonncilion ot i heir vvoik in be hill of uimg people mis armstrong wis pi mist ioi numhein on pi uyn in we llhci eoildlllt lis wile miv i ivdi ihle on sunil i i01 ubstn hue l hlen mills pieslnieuiii c inn eh cenlinnial seiviees tint win illended bv lue iiuiuihis mi nine tnd ei ninn guest mm istel tol the oecjslon vv is rljjnl rev dr fmhv mew in si andiivv s piesbvteinn mirth kilelienet rev di giuijie aitken mniisltr uf ihe eden mills ton tttilaliun eondueled ihe servue ind rev fad willi mison of guelph 1 former minister e tht flpffl mills and rut k wood churchts wis nlso puseiil in ufuvr to lettunniodiie the large attendance the sund iv sthoot room wis used and loud i oulslelc vv 1 le oveillow to lie ii spiel 1 lllllllbtrs tit tiltovtel bv till vood inlbllt sell 1 lis itltmkd loiel dime ii fell vhiol sraxjmaujwssss ttom j v ontario president is speaker junior farmers church service hilton junior ftrnuis held d ihur hth mini il 1 ninth ser viec it knov pieshvlen in chuieli mii millon on sund iv selt lions wen tht thou vvbi li wis led bv the male quirk 1 mis gcuijtt nlvm ii sine rio- llliw e x ki i ther jamis air ind w is done ind a skepv 1 1 bill maislull led 1 siiiv spt ikeis i to en ibk i itlv ml ije j the thou present nurse graduation cougi ilul uioiis lo m 1111 mi holm 111 on m isioii ol gi ulu rt nift 111 nursing profession hoin st joseph s school ol nutsinjt nitlph she wis letipitill ol li plonia uul pin also 1 1 nit 1 rlul 1 lions to htr brothel hmrv uho m ulu iled livim si mie bit is ol lege fin onto 111 bono s s uitlinj m ba both were loiinei stud enls ol rink md miuiei to 111 1 n cue iph mt md mrs j i111 b 11 low hivi ieptiieel i inn lorniei res i nil nil on hi livviv 7 ind liive mule some illeiitious i 1 stive thtir patrons horn 1 sunk bu miss hv collins m ol montii d is shlldlllc some llllli ill town visiting hti brother thomis md itntwin aeeiu uni inees ihe tirrrsmf- list wiwe vtr belief mil lu lirm andjtf dtn imps also lo lawns ibdin ihe llllje mt ind mis ailhui hill of kingston ire in roekwood visit uil then diujhtei md son in 1 iw mr md mis tied n1jl11nnk i ind 1 the mvv oitki iejudinj jirbtje eollettlon 111 roekwoitl ii nt llilmiii stirted ills oh ibis m iiin mi eiiit div wis in wind sol hs week lllelldlllj p 1st mis his miteitiki some 200 vvtie herman rody struck by car funeral scrvki was held mon dav uhunuun mar hanovti fur hcrmin man id rodv uf r r i acton who dud curly fiidnv morning aftn he was stiutk down bv a tai on higlrwiiy 7 ntui his home mr rtkly an onip knee uf jkjjjjjunn rimn i liid lajujur guy coieh bus fioni acli his home at tin hirst lmchlub w iv 7 intttsitlion mi ippaitnlh stepped off ilu bus and walked acmss tht mid behind it into l lie pilh ol m east bound tar dnvtii in fnnk stddon 18 at ad tmv rd geoikuovvn rushed lo gcoitlovvn intl di slnvl llospinl in royd tirv am bul met he di d iwo hou and ol atlo severe lit id iiijunt two biokcii legs const ibles llovvud colhsoii uul div rk hudson ol noilb llillun op i l eolled moo d im igt to tin seddon e u survivor nig ire his wife patneia lliui thtighjtis susan ind judith his nmlhu mts joseph riklv of llmovel biolluis melvin ailhui ind me in ol it inovei bun udl uf aelon md tuiu sislits mts an un diuk ol neusiull mis me linili sleuill ol aelon mis mir thi gilt in in ul i itmvood uul mis i dm vessie ol ii inovti tile stivlee wis held at lilt i uiliti in cliutxh be n i mt k i own ship ri phone for help to serve crowd the six ys meiitltts n idv lu nl is ikiks vvlitu lln ruinm igc sik benn in the y at fi 10 1 ist hr ul iv hid lo put in tush tails i ii limit help lo hiiulk all the eustome i s the v thoughi ihe i c niust hive been 100 people sliopp nit uhi miung the piles ol bonds ihe silt wis i ys men ys meiiitles iioeet he ided bv guv r iss tikuib in ihe moiiev vvtit mis wilki dubois mis sid sul mts loins bmnelle mis i ill mis lies mis c l ronv lid son mi rim ilds n mr ross sid snl j itk hlunn ninev rouv ildsou uul k ithv mektn it olbeis htlkd it ditleitnl si ijes ol iht pnittl about jis0 vv is lamtd some ellbing went toi fivi tents in it i it it old hits ind ound loetl i idles shoes i n oks 3wml f ykl lawn mov cimvilh tht the sitttiss of tht even w is in i be it idition ol hit giant tuitions held by iht ys men stv ir il i irs igo vote harry harley liberal whlell lllihltl 10night school classes before christmas planned there will bt 10 night school tlusscs next season all be fun chrlslmas with the annual display night tiltlv hi deeembet tht dtilslon tu hold all iht il iss is btfon chiislmas adiking the nu mlit r hntn 12 lu 10 made following a ttk phone poll ol list stas n s tutkiits the in juimv itvihtrd tinrtlrttrfti thsses vv ii be held utl tuts thy and wedntsdiy mghls itssbnswill start the middle ol stpltmhu ind tortliuut wiihoul bit ik loi ml weeks in piivious veins a tnuktd lit op in alien tl intt wis ilvvivs ippirtnl iltn lliitsitnis usual pi ins lor puhheilv ind re gist rat inn were made at iht night school commit ice mttimg in thi high- school tuesduv uibit e haiied hv mrs j crtigblon cjursts tu hi of lend win dt seussci more details later del ailed pi ins ivflil be inadi i il siunjnu g urge lowti vvilf not lyilil t night sibuul this loinuig st i son ind it is hoped some ol iht stu dims there would enroll lure lo int least illendinet classes tin only bt run willi i minimum nunibtt etuolkd ind e uh vt u sonit h ivt to ih eanetlkd sitte not tin ughpeople irv intensl td community health plan endorsed by physicians tho acton free press thursday juno 7th 1962 its official four seeking sandys seat its ollltlll illttt i indkliilts tunning nding leikr il t kill all vying foi iht ii tnoiis tluut thil smdv be iii li im vili ill b i iin hi hie hill n i r n on june 18 le pit st ol com iht s ills 1 us tail iv tbt i tbtials in ot hit new dtmotrit ml iv tig r wilson or id itdil pailv spetuli nl mt wik n vv nld not monlv ilki ii u ilu ml uiniiiii vv is iniilt ifluiii ton iat hll t liu i n ilh hi h h s sawa v its will i ikt ukk wsl held ill in il no t mik jum ik ir lt nitiuii tioui vvlui ilu imhdiits h ltl u 9 n astih lunded 11 linn t2udtp sil ml 2ftl i pulv 1 inn n oltittrs pnsihitd 111 mm 111 hi by 2s h il 2f md stvtril huntl 1 u i 11 i th 1 pitiv s ittimtus will ii ilpliibeli il uki hit n ik lih uj ill st diis tl ltlc mt s wit a smdv b st iinlv s s p ik md nine il ol the n lives dt h u 1 v v 11 t lis monday june ii aelon leskknls will bt eligible lo pu imp he in the lust i s i spun s ned eointmuirtv bt illli pj in lui this area at ion residents will piobihlv let ill ihe exellemtnl tit tied by the emoliiienl ol the towns ol ot mge villi milkdak i inds iv h inovti ind mono twnship in ll intl l2 die plan bemjj olft utl in at h n is uk hit il md is i be sunt eon 1 gt iiijuytd bv be employees of slit h m ij it uidusliits is 1 old tueiil mot is slutkbiktr ind iht sttel compinv ot in id 1 phvslelllls silvlets llleoipoiil tl lhiotilli whlth hie alton com imiiillv he illb pi in will be m uk iviilihk is 1 nonpioltl toipiti i i 1 sponsoittl bv i hi onluio mtdn il assoeliltoii ind tht dk i us of out n 10 md hit pi in his iht 1 00 ciidoistmtnl uf the phy slelllls t f at ion nii- 1 yiith a spike sunn foi iht totpot ition lold iht atlon i lee ptess lh il thts non ptofu toipm limn lytht i mesl of ms kttd 111 nn id rttiut eiiritntlv his ipproxim itely i sfxiooo people t vind in onluio ihe pi 111 is igutd to idiquattly lotik ifttr ilu mtdtial niids uf ilu avtrage prson rainedoul picnic united hutch tyro buys ind i ik 11 i illurs etijovcd 1 1 lined on i piemt in iht churth lutsdiy we mini wit guotl enough foi ibi ftlheis to pi iy 1 bill game igaih st iht sons on the school giounds llnil live ot the united churth wimtn ptuvided tht picttie sup- m iss ig iw v 1 township issued it side 11i1 tj hullding peimils ilfiiic 21000 duiing miy pollock and campbell m inufallurcrs of high grade mfmorials memorial engraving 62 wlr si north gait tclephont 621 75m announcement tht holy name soc ty catholic women s league and par sh oners of st josephs parish are holding an open house in st joseph s hal on sunday gune 10th 1962 from 2pm to 5 p m and from 7 30 p m to 9 p m mark ng ihe 40lh anniversary of the ord nalion lo the holy priesthood of the r pastor rev father v j morgan we invite all fathers friends eureka everything new to make cleaning better vacuum cleaner princess model 702 a for tha udy with neither tun nor clotet space to spare packed with power lower in price jmi 1 hp mir 1 i 1 ii s tu ti 1 1 p i ip 1 tl 1 w i a im i i it i i ugt sit mt 1 oidhdikr lldtidk dili m hii si f v i hun p i uiuiilg aet wiles mb kibk nyloi ii only 7995 gordon hardware limited 22 mill st e acton phone 8532720 voue tl sinking mutlwi wi l lksworlh n id iht snip tun ks sun thf tmiunl pi im i w is k i b jkk rtihtrlsun william dint ulh pu side nl l tht otn itio junior runiers j i mspiin itldtxss tniuktl ind john wil kmh oui anehr rn j k l migow 1 nunislet l knox ehureli pionouiited ihe btlledle lion fireside hour tilt eltuleh se m t w is i ill m td b i tiiisuk hni in ilu sun d l sihoeil stltellotls welt sunt b ihe mixed giiuieut whi h ineluded aiken h at i p jt h wud jobiiilsin ml 1 nn hunt tr this w is i ill wt 1 h t s i b ru in aiktl on 1 skit ind john wikm llun tnietluntd wllh i duel the tlltil whteb liu hided 2 nieinbeis suit when d h i dint b j w nil md john wilson the t i ipi iritltt eiileil until i t n with i s iii etiiiikii bill wilsm pisi pitsilu hilton jr faimus prosou numbets ul the quirlelt kitki mrs nnul ii ikm ot ippte i lehid shemint in ibis i r nn hunter pitsttil d tl w iii l sm ill i ike ii it i nit ii on beh ill l be tl le emlllllt w is bt llhl i with iht suit v ot oik i gel lit i d ih intl li out work on track iknieii ire iiillui biusli md k it nt the linl n hi silt il the c impbelbllk i lee it le k tills guelph kinsmen club giant car bingo saturday june 9 500000 cash includes im2 pontiac ok 1000 00 cash i jack pot 1500 mutt b a winntr 1500 in other prizes final games 1962 pontiac or 200000 cash admission 1 00 pj at guelph memorial gardens tabkt on floor children undor 16 yn not anowod to play pamper pop cool summer suits from 4495 full line of mens and teens wear weekend special tony day sports sweaters ri sc95 now 395 dappvrl dn or r- man the pr- feet gift for your dad it hen i featuring arrow dress shirts arrow sport shirts weekend specials 1 seam and seamless nylons 69c pr 2 tailored blouses re j2 98 jnd 198 now 199 and 299 es 9 vg 3 50 s immer dressi rvs t 5 now 500 to 1498 budget accounts charge accounts invited both stores refreshingly air conditioned j4g4ue mens wear gameo sufle suofipe 1

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