Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1962, p. 1

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vote monday for the candidate of your choice evhtystvagth yar no 50 acton ontario thursday june ulh 1962 twelve pages seven fonts hbsbib- sutf photo father v j morgan celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination into the pr esthood sunday and was honored by his parish after the morn ng masses pictured above left to rght are john mchugh who read the address janet braida who presented a purse on behalf of the parish mike bennet jr who presented a gift on behalf of the altar boys and father morgan more pictures and stones appear on page nine wftjbbss5wwbfcst atoiwrkwik 3st hockey players receive jackets as intermediates stage banquet ac tun tanners intermediate hockey learn wound up thur season in great style wednesday evening when they staged a ban quet and wen presented with blue and gold windbreakers at the dominion hold dunng the dinner w j bcatly honorary president and general manager of beardmorc and co team sponsors first apologized to the ttum for nol huving seen any ot their games this season atl then told the plovers how proud the company was to have them wear the familiar blue and gold uniforms emblematic of the compum mr bcattv retailed a lew vcars baek when llu at ton tanners ut that lime romped home with a championship we were proud uf them then and we are lusvt as proud ot vou now hi stated he explained beardmore s onl spon soietl tin te mi to the extent ot equipment the onh compensa ion given playerem pknecs was allowing them to leave work carl be tun i he odd impott int game wc think vou lor tin oppoilunitv ot hiving oui n urn earned on voui sweileis he loneluded mavor john go i tornict wc itxr til the blue ams gold 0111 form noted ihe town his vmh known lot its ihimpionship ho- ckev leant ind he tell proud th ou i being iiuvor of a champ town for mais and vcars wc had u haid old core around lown who kept pi iving hocktv under iht n tnte ol the tanners ind bv uitd bv lew ta es appeiied mil now i h i i hird hew e re t earn n si hed the mav i he recalled how ler 10 cars avion didn i hut muih to otter in ih hockcv field and when beard more s w i approached lluv n h onh old red moral but financial support this team has planted the seed for another championship foe alton ll may take some time but it will be done i cant think of any team thai wore ihc colors any better than you fellows and on behalf of the town council and citizens i extend my appre ciation staled mr goy president rav mason laid the players the executive had felt proud to work with them this vcar and recalled the beginning of thi seison nhen it appeared il has guing lo be diflicult to ice i le im iho mil7o agreed to unic out md cu ten beardmorc and co supplied equipment and the mayor made certain ihe ice was ready in turn for our gam cs said the president secretary george haggebt treasurer rae west and presi dent ray mason handed out the jackets to the players unable to be present on account of sickness were beaver banter speedy centre ice man ron phillips ana bud haines be tore ihe dinner meeting ad journed the learn expressed their appreciation lo the executive by reluming litem lo office for an other season modern design for new church construction is expected l begin by the end or this niifctth for completion of the chrutfon reformed church in acton sal urday evening during a congrega tional meeting approval was given to engage an architect and proce ed with the work when completed the new brick superstructure of modern design will have a seating capacity of 380 in the main section of the church sanctuary and scat 120 in the balcony aho included in the plans arc rooms tor the mini ster and a meeting room for the session the new addition wil be added to the present basement area used for sunday school class rooms stained glaw of ihe lalctf design ihc new church will have stained glass windows from ihe peak of the roof at both front and back to approximately hair way down and plain glass the balance of the way aloiit architectural company has been engaged and tenders will be called ahnosl immediately when the new building is com pleted the church will be known as bethel christian reformed church completion has been set for some time in december m mnmammnm mtmmtmtmm canines motorists come under fire when council hears control bylaws acton dogs and motorists can look forward lo more rigid re mictions this summer providing coal approval is given control by rws tuesday evening council members gave two readings to a flog control by law and one to limit parking on certain streets 1 according to ihc conditions filed out in the dog control by i owners will be responsible registcripg their animals wilh assessor and paying an in creased price for lags next year anyone falling to do so will be subject to a fine the bylaw was given two read fngs and is expected to be ftnaliz ed at the next meeting if ihe by law receives final approval ihe price of lags for male dogs will pc increased from 3 lo 5 fe males from 5 to 8 additional dogs in one household will also be tagged accordingly tags are to be worn by ihe dog at all times or the owner will be sub ject to a fine animals may nol be 1 1 lowed to run at large other than on thtii own properlv or thty will be impounded owners will hi given three d ivs lu reeovu ihe dog und piy i piniltv al the late of j3loi ihe fits 24 houisand per dav thireiltir in ihe event an unim tl is not pieked up by the owner wilhin the ihleediy period ihc dog control office r it is ihe uilhuniy lo either destroy or sell il immedlale notification councillor hamilton pc il sue gcsled ihc bv law whin ipproved should be published for ihe bene fit of everyone utd council agreed this would be done according lo an agreement with cecil robert son glen williams engaged is dog control oil lie r the ownci must be nolrfied immediately of any dug picked up which is we n ing a dog 1 1 undo remnetions hid out in the lunirait the eonl rol officer must mukc frequent patrols or ihc town supply its own vehicle and mike cverv pos sible attempt lo notify owners when a dog b picked up the officer will be pud al the 55000 may vote in halton monday county sees first four party vote seek managerdirector speeders and vandalism in from 11 am lo 12 noon each day prospect pirk continue lo be a problem ind ihe subject u as igain brought up sit the parks boaid mcolinc on wcdncsda iv i mint the board decided lo aik lor ihc cooperation ol the pol ice committee in an effort to i etiib ihe dangerous dm ing go ing on in ihe park mis or johnnv gov pointed out ihe police department wis well iw in of the problem at the p it k lie ilso pointed hi i thi i inv itien could 1 iv i chirgc against a diner ol a ehclc hie tkinv am et the i tws a bv taw sets the speed h ml within ihi piik tt 10 miles per hum thi boird decided lo hold a spec i il meeting to eonsder ihc i t m hi in ot a reeled on coin in ssie il it was eli ide t t idvei 1 sc t i lull it lie ire m mana j i in i rein tiioml d n i ir the iiistallut n ot a p a letter irom the acton hvdro it main md kno v c mtimsmon give ontario hvdro s euvsed ind the proiutit will tn ippruval for a reduciion in the i discussed ckclnc rales lor the communitv millec of ceture the reduced rate is proval irmkdun the u iderstanding ihe operating a ouni elesttic power will be shut oil ed tor pivmmt during the a ixquesi irom ihe ministmal association i hold vesper ser vices in the pai k on sunday iv enings fiom 0 30 to 7 pm was grained the seculars rcpurtid a ven dors pi mm for the booth at the pak ind community centre was applied tor on ihc advice ol the it il siles t i inspector an ex haust in will bi installed in the patk booth pool filtration paik committee chairman c bitdlev reported ihe miration n stalln on il the w id ng pi 1 was progressing ant the pen i will be pun led as s x i is wea thcr pel mils the bandstand anil liiket ofjiie al thi park eni im has been repaired mil painting is undirw i the iiistallut in of a p k in ith the properi council lor ihur more than 55 000 halton voters monday will decide between sandy best progressive conserv ative harry harky liberal carl rouleau new democrat or-flrv- mg wilson social credit as the county s member of parliament monday is election day bahots will be cast at 252 poll ing places in what is current ly seen as an election difficult to predict no party is overly confident campaigns of the candidates will be grinding to a halt on sat urday prior to the monday ote big picnic last saturday the conserva tives staged a monster political picme in low nllc park de spite intermit t inl rain a crowd uf i 500 attended er fctt3bjmkmfbahm three day lions carnival begins tonight ing 2000 hot dogs a quarter ton of watermelon and 1 000 cups ot coffee labor minister michael starr attended and with sandy best spoke briefly entertainment was provided by the sweet adelines and the georgetown girls pipe band rite appearance of prime mini ater jomwiofcnbakcr at the brant 4nn on friday is expected to clmax the conservative cam paign efforts harry harley liberal candid ate for halton attended a busi ncssmens luncheon in acton re cently and hai been making house to house calls before his campaign winds up this weekend toronto douglas at centre high spot in the campaign of the new democrats was the ap pearance of their loadir tommy douglas at tile o keefe centre toronto last saturday 1 e 11 cavil cade loured all the eounly ur ban centres headed by carl ruu leuu in ait i there are 2206 elig ible voters booth open parks board member mis geo fryer is supervising the p irk booth hekjjnyiddiughlcr dar lenc johnston is hertping ind la uric bennett will assist when schuol is over the booth is now in ihe chinge sllllon but a see lion uf the buildme h is been re served in e ise someone hlshes to cheek irticles 33wwrfs rate or 25 cents per capita tor the year this is subjeel lo review eueh year parking by law motorists accustomed lo park ing on certain streets for more than i wo huurs will have lo change their methods according to rcstriclions laid down in 1 by law which was given two read nigs tuesday evening ii final ap proval is given die by law by ihe department of tr msp rl il w ii be adopted at the next meeting or eouniil a former p irking bv law pre vents parking north side ot mill slreot list and acton boule laid and tuesday cvimng this was intended to include othir ire is in town also alfeted bv ihc no paikinj bylaw will he ihc south side ol knox avenue irom mun strcel north to pirk avenue eisl side of park ave nue rruin knox avenue to mill slreet west north side of mill street wcsl from park avenue lo main street as well as the north sldc uf the school lane lor lis entire length two hour umlt twohour parking reslnclions will be placed on molonsts pirk ing on ihc e isi and wcsl side of mun slrcel from mill slreil t church street east side of m un slreet north from mill slrcel to si alban s drive wcsl side of m un north from mill lo knox north side or mill street cast from mam slreet to elgin and the south side of mill street easl from main to elgin streets when the by law was present ed councillor j bert wood ob jected to the parking regulations being enforced after the business hours the mam reason for the reslnclions is to control traffic during the business hours he staled councillor william denny slated we could go lo a meeting in the lown office at 7 30 pm and nol get out until i pm and find tickets on our cars he was informed bv m tyor john goy that was absolutely correct but there w is pa 1 king allowed on side si 1 eels fveryones benefit mr w kid suggested it seemed 1 mid ridiculous to enforce no puiking atlcr the main business hours weie over ind said he und usiood i ik intent wits for the main bnsmess hours only we ire not enforcing parking foi the benefit of the merchants only hui for everyone in town wc h ivc lo start somewhere staled the mayor count ii also giie support to establish inc a countyendorsed von branch lo serve the eounly approved 1 resolution spon- soied hv georgetown lo request the dcpirimcnt of education to piv the schools for retarded child ren lite simc gi int as other pub lic schools were receiving deel i red approximately five icrtsuf hnd in ihc glenlea sub division is park land and invest cd control in the acton parks board gave permission lo the duke of devonshire chapter i o d e to hold lag days during the two- day fall fur ihii fall a list pplling places for monday election oppose capital expenditures proposed by credit authority taking a lone stand one eari land for a purchase price not to ago the town of acton headed exceed s45oo0 bv council opposed the annual mr mcgcichic also told coun capital levy of the credit vallcv ed ihe authe nly was consider c u conservation authority at a mun i inc the purchase ol 1 school ol icipal board hearing acton was building and ihree eics ol land b t dld the sole opposing municipality in re ir the erindjlc conserahon the authority and losl ihe tp- area in order lo pnvide access peal however the municipal board recommended a closet t watch bv the luthontv on ihetr spending fur recreational pur puses tuesday evening councillors had their memories refreshed when clerk administrator jack mcgcachic reviewed the conscr vation authonly minutes which disclosed the authority is con sidenng making three capital ex penditurvs for recreational pur poses nol justified during the review il was not ed thai actons representative on the authority r r parker re ported on his visit to ihc hutton- vilh park under consideration for purchase and informed the itraws will be made auhtontv members ihe acquisit aflirnoon beginning at w f the park b the authority i the last pnze ha ihc astern portion c nservali in area aflcr hearing the report i the clerk council sponsoicd resolution ohjcclinc lo of ihe ing the portion south of mill strcel north of queen street and easl of the cnr main line will vote at ihe residence of tom jones 290 peel street pulling subdivision 22 compris ing ihc portion south of queen strcel e 1st of the cnjl main line it rlh ind west side of rose- lord terr tec and norlh of west coll road lo the east limits of l wii will vote it ihe residence ol george higgelt 321 westeolt ro id j polling subdivision 23 compns- i ing ihc petition south of wcslcott road south and east of rose ford terr ice c si of ihc cnr main lf line and wcsl ot the eastern limits of iowji will vote at the rcsi f deuce of cril leigllton 125 long- freilcnck street will otc in ihc field road north end of the y gymnasium polling subdivision 24 compm- polhng subdivision 20 eompnv mg the portion north uf mill ing the portion south uf mill 1 street south of fairy lake and street easl of frederick and school creek and west or john i be irdmore clcek tnd west erf ihe and alice streets lo the town lh nr mam line will vote in the limits will vote at the council voters in acton will go to the polls monday lo mark iheir bal lots for the candidate of their choice nine polling subdivisions have been set up for the election for the possible 2206 voters list ed flowing is a i si ol the poll tng subdivisions dislnels they iii elude and pi ices lo vole pulling subdivision 18 eompnv ng the portion of the town south ol mill slrcel nest ol mam slreet ind ihc beardmorc creek lo the town limils will vote at ihc front dooi ol the v mca polling subdivision number 19 comprising the poinon mill slreet ac ion park will be buzzing with aitivitv this weekend when the lions club stages their second annual carnival midway ndes and games have already arrived u the park and children and adulis ihke will be able to en lov themselves lnterlammenl gets under wav thuisdav evening al 6 jo pjn and continues until ii pan the same lakes place fndav but stnrda 1 tiviiv on the midway begins it 1 p m and ihe threeday aftah ei is w in a public dance in ihc communitv centre auditormkn sumer south end if the y gymnasium polling subdivision 21 compnsl hambers town hall continued on pag eight s a turd 1pm ixi 1 we n proceeds from the cai n mi ui 1 be used tor amfnunitv betterment kidses pkywvmd ys meas acton lox 467 held their annual church parade sunday when they visited acton un ted church the parade formed up at the park and marched to the church for the 11 am service the band it seen above leading the parade back to the park ild nut tc iiisiificd either in ihe respect lo ihe quanutv of wa ter impounded or in ihe cost of i the project from the standpoint uf flood control and water con i servation council members learned thai i during the mav 10 meeting of ihc authority the members held a ac ion ys men are intercmcd icngihv discussion on mr par n makiig a kiddies plavfround kers report and then referred in the glenlea subdivision pro he hutlonville park situation to pumj park irea parks board had a 101m committee for their con- infurnud the club white the ap sidcration pi oved th idea the area in quev 11 m had not been designated as parkland doug copeland president of the w leslie lub had informed the board meeting numbers were anxious to make discussed the possibility of pur 1 stria 1 kid lies puvground and chasing a piece of properlv wis assured council would be from mr leslie north of the asked to lake some action on terra cotta conservation area turning tfk land over to the consisting of 174 acres of land board h was noted that mr leslie tuesdav evening acton eonncil had received an attractive offer agreed to designate the area as i from a large mercantile firm parkland and turn over the man- 1 who wished to purchase the pro- agement to the parks board ap j perry for an estate the author- pruximately five a arc in vol- uy agreed to negotiate withmr ved m the parkland i leslie and take an option on the mr mcceachie also rcporied to ouneil that authority member ithdrcw from ihe hile other members intermediate hockey i nesday at the dominion hotet during me evening the received pekett and wet prataed bv members of me executive pictured above left to right are w j beatty of beardmora and company team sponsors ed footitt manager harotd towntley captain john goy mayor and ray mason president h 3 1 w 1 r n i

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