Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1962, p. 10

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fecie- s sumnw shadows the good old days back m 1912 tatnm from 1h bu of the free frew thurwliiy june 13 112 llu aqunlk uub house it pnllv i tikr is n busy phuc ihcsc ttuv iwul nciulv everyone who il boat nullum hun lui 1 m t w in 1bt himrtrd of ihe county though 1tt o items lost to be getting up tlaam although reports from the south indi eft thvt hd steam up down there for rttlirrte ty alio have the heaviest con t ontrttlon of votes too and if the candidates hfv bmo scarce in these parts it s no doubt htotum of a greater emphasis on the vital th campaign generally has seen more cfef4 end snacks can be provided rum aw dollar bids are still prohibited fw tf you aro one of many who haven t yet ffched a decision on which party to support hi good time to take stock of what you dftajft for canada the basic decision behind wmmy little things this week the candidates in the federal etvction make their final pitch for your sup port qt the polls next monday through the campaign the candidates have assatled you with words and promises in the news and advertising columns on the hydro poles and trass throughout town you have encountered thflr smiling faces you may be almost sure thpfonly time you will read of their activities again will be when it appears the next federal eltctton is imminent with the pictures and potters on the trees we can only hope they will be taken down wfth the same enthusiasm a they were put up no candidate has made an election promise to take down the posters after the election is over it is our hope there has been enough en thussasm erected to that you feel an obltga tion to get out and vote on monday the arena pledge canvass is proceeding satisfactorily however it appears canvassers will not be able to complete all calls by tues day of this week if you have not been can vetted yet the canvasser will be at your door as soon as he is able photo by bmher taylor ktft k k kaw hmis 1ftaaji tfw prowi and debare all the tote partm and pemes tl the street cor r pofaajaig and back room planning will b tjtwiiwii on monday with a federal efec sou during ih campaign the counts has seen teeter nareon hs hop step and fump visit oqbs soulh end of the county friday tym mavsaar dfefenfctiwr s scheduled to imaan if fir ail at the brant inn before win up hrf campaign with a rally m haansldr tommy douglas was n the county fpr ihe norfmntng convention of the new dajmocrats test year an bttwen there have been senators olhar member of parliament other aspirants tp house aaats and an assortment of cabinet your vote is the direct on in wh ch you want canada to move towards the type of couniry ou desire wh le we hear of growing in terest in social cred t n quebec it is not likely to make any noticeable impression here the new democrats are st ii too new to have roned the problems out of the r own orgamiat on to tackle that of adminis trat ng the affairs of canada the conserva t ves have prov ded the admmstration for the past f ve years and campa gned on this record the liberals have also dwelt on that record with an oppos te attitude towards t the contest n hallon is really between the liberals and conservatives between har ry harley and sandy best between lester pearson and john drefenbaker some w ii make the r selection on the basis of how they have always voted some on the bass of having met one candidate end not another some will seek out basic ideas like dollar devaluation unemployment health plans construction of new federal buildings in creases in old age assistance or other items of particular interest they w ii support the partyrhatendorses their scheme monday is a t me of decis on for all of us your vote requires some ser ous thought it should be cast intell gently for the party whose purpose and plan you support above all it should be cast for the party you th nk can get the economy of this country perking again on a sound basis e l in lu i n i hoi i houu lui ii spin on llu inkv ilk linlluis nil cqimllv in icrcmtctl in llu i hilt hi him mul i minning ilihiimuiin oil binrmitii lawn llu hull ptinu insl wcdiuidnv between llu hnpltst niul pimbv turlmi dmrvlio was uimlhci wulktiwnv 4oi llu oainuiilers and llu until score wn tabulated n 126 lulilk rvdei was ihc miiin mn i hi llu wlnnus when lie mtmiktliiti iiiiin iml made hcv illll lllllhl slops nl mxoilli base h holims plnvni hi si base loi llu limns lathing iwi runs at ihe lltsl nl llu gmi cvervmi looked llljwlllll l ii llllsi glllllc i hruughou l as llu sltirc ivmaln nl tin hiii oiue ihtf oitmcalcrs u i going iluii seemed to ik no vvi ol slopping thrm on sniuuluv llu baptlsl icon 1l vlii tin mi tli ulisl nine ami y uiul up llu vielois wilh a 64 s ix mm i us mm dim iltl wis uiuplix lui rtu iiiinu utul maik uvnk nihil in llu inks on tuisdas ilu mijhu lists wuit tlimn id uk it it llu kinds itl tlu aiilu ins tn t sc iu nl km j t inki piklimt tm tlu mii in in h id llu bilk is biltkd tnd as i ilsiiii ul his hi its w is ihk ii ii ilil tlu oposiliiin t im hits tlu pi sink s in k tint in kinu mi in with i hi it wins mil no kisses due lu llu erowdeil londillons u llu sliukii and owirij to the lut lliu i b i iw in pmuk loi on idduion it llu siiiudi wis deli ited the boildeil ldue ilioil is lookinjj loi options on a building downtown to use is i i i issioom it litis nuieiialies i tuv kuher will be en iged i this loom b ard numbeis wue disippoinled at the result ol the mondiv eke lion when the inlaw wis deleiledbv onl t miles and it the room down town is ob lamed n will be mi iddid expense lo llu i ixpaeis a hrpt number of pnrenls ind tnends un on hand mon d i ennint when iboul 12 piano pupils of miss liurell i gra held i until in the preshvtcn in chuieh re j c wilson uted is ih nirnin for the program nnd miss berlie smith was guest soloist the work of reshingkng and painling the methodist church sheds has been completed and iboul 300 hns been exptnekd lor ihe work back in 1942 taken from the issue of the free prtm thuraday june is 1942 ftmgar i ilioning bveumts effce lie july 1 and unless everyone nti produee a cord they will noi he allowed tu purehuse any sf d sjuu yi in trying lo tkxldc who was going o win thin election i win eompkklv bamlihwkd by rxud ing tfe newspaper and llu poll deal eommenlnior on you know somclhlng those bird bui that dklnt mean they wuren i going to enoy every min- me ul inv eninpulgn argue iht intuitu holly and try i qtiv ii lllllc palnmagi om of i he lueal pnriy bo even if l amounitd in v isbelkveil ihe shortage will prel um many from hoarding the swell muff anniversary services ai rock wood united chureh on sunday were well attended and both morning ami cvenifw kcrvu were erowded dr brace for nutty ol ihe mission fields in china and secrelary of iht ym t a seiviets aeross canada and the united stales was guesl minislei owing lo ihe wartime tesliielions no supper was held monday evening bui a kpkndid pmgiam wat given for the large ditditike lajikendanec spoils rnns in this district le mud willi regret i lui i hubcrl 1 1 ink shcincy tom of george l iwn died while on aelive service wilh llu caniidian army over eiii shecncv wns mar ul ihe deoigelowii hoekey team for slv uiil years and played u few sea sons wilh the ac ion learn noiniun cutting age 71 is in mielph general hunpilal suffer ing tiuin gunshoi wounds in his loot he is bi llcved lo hive beet ii nulling i gun when tlu we i pnn ilxidinl illy disehirged llu sli t puieed his boo and pissed through his loot a iiibhci eolkilion eampiign slitkdtiv fooi gridi eighl hoys piovid quite suieisslul and in lot il ihe pupils gallured mime 1 s4h pounds ol rubber afler the snap rubber was sold it nctled j27 s6 ind h was unanimously i tid lo give ihe money to ihe ac ion ind viemily war services uague gi ide six won ihe com petition for gilhering the largest uiiounl and is i result ol win nmg lhe were given a holiday monday fiom 2 10 pm for the h ilanee ut ihe diy during ihe cuh jamboree- held at ac ion park on saturda there were jbout vi cubs irom lour com mun i tics in ailendanee when ihe points for ihe various companions weie lolalled at the end of ihe- day tt was found ihil aclon reeeivcd the highesl number milion was a close se eond six behind the leaders oikvillc was third wilh rock veiiod fourih johnn cray who has been sicrctarv of the ymca here llu past few jean has been pasted lo prince rupert b c anil will like our war services work for ihe duration of ihe war his wife will carry on here dur ing his absence ind mr gra will resume his position after ihe war t work at prospect park continues and each day an improvement is shown one of the best deals around and t s not an elect on pn m se is the 1 00 season t cket for acton re s dents to the park for the one dollar you get a windshield sticker that ent ties you to admittance lo the park at any time with summer vacat on starting m the schools at vary ng t mes over the next two weeks motorists must be ust a little more cautious and moderate n their dnv ng nab ts we can t afford to lose one small ch id the tragedy of small children suffocat ng m abandoned refr gerators can only be avo ded by actions of the parents its a good time now to make a safety nspect on of your property not w th gust refrigerators in mind and eliminate the hazards wh ch could possibly be a cause of gtef to you and your family news 4 district brampton pirns for brimpton s first skyscraper were rc- cikd jo council reeentlv the ijslorev apirtmcnl hotel will contain t toll of 127 suites located on george si it is expected to spur downtown development construction is expected to begin within a week ind be completed in six months cost of the project 1 116000 gforgetown when georgetown new post office is built on maple ac iwiv from the downtown section t sub posl office will be established in the downtown am exact location of ihe sub posi office has noi cl been innouneed by ihe departmcni of public works milton pre pan l ions for a commumu swimming pool cim pugn to raisi 6i000 ire in high la ir wilh some ol the final 200 c im issers ind volunteers being in list nl and prepared the 60 foot hv 100 foot swimming pool with ebinpc facilities filtration fencing and lighling is lo be loi ikd in rolirv park the compiign is pattern cd after ont in acton oakvillf apparcntk mill wing for est iblishmmt rcsciurt foundatuns new n land will be required i i the uuld n quirt hall of served v peiimentai pnie toronto township and oakxilk ire in iht ir municipiliu of the ontario eirch centre more than 200 acres of ilt the on i a no researxh foundation ind the rem under would be n use ut iiulusitid rei ireh iiedu ilh lovu iment i watrrdovmsi tw buffalo men were arrested a few miles outside of waitrdown when thev lircmplid to recover a eithi of nine on nits of heroin wonh ippru mattlv jsflooo m ihe underworld dope mark i rii i r 1 i t uhe veis stiked oul bv officers and markc ibi irrest m ue when ihe bult do nun retunud to reo strfftsviue the towns w1 supplv was hounditcd re- v tht issue of fl iiindaiitn hid betn votid on al the last muni election and ipproved jntjx vr rfjsi3piwi5r tk letters from mission fields of interest at baptist meet the acton free press muwhd fcy lha ook fitettef and pnblktfatauj co ltd founded to 1875 and published evcrv thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the cwna and the ontanevoueuee division of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance 3 00 in canada 4 00 jo england and other commonwealth- countries 50 in the united states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa tm only paper ever aublbbed hi acton g a dills editonnchief david r dills managing editor lifts and editorial office phone 853 2010 thi juni nuctink of the mir i n rudd mission circle was held n iht basement ol the baptisi cbiinh on fndav june 8 vue- timimt mrs c lndnborough led m tht injtmt of rjreaiht on mt breath of god and open ed ihi meitmg wuh praver m nuies of the ast meeting wen read b mrs g wagner followed bv the roll call and of feting miss alice pilkittglon read muthew ii 2630 as the scrip ture he familiar come unto mi ill ve thai labor from ihv text miss pitkmglon took points which spelled out ihcword missron messagi mvttttion eafc pcurirv instriplton of tend now letters from missions mrs h freuler read excerpts from letiers from the mission fields of bolivia india and ang ola a touching item was read called travtng hands which was followed bv a session of praver led b mrs- h helwig and 1p f hirrip txv in tns win mdt t bv singing o jevu 1 hive promised dunnj the s eial ttmt that f i tvvid mr harrap presented mn rv with a cup and saunr as hi s k iung iht circle to go t di tr i tea hostesses were mrs rmwig ind mrs wagner thi nexi meet ng veil be a punu in august pretty lazy none observed the oldest fn- habilani folks around these parts don t trv to work moch amrtnorc wtrv i ihinfc the tu iest man in he stale lives rtghl here in this ullage names will knott will knott ihe stranger echo ed ep replied the native hes so la be never writes his name in foil just signs himself won i hedging i him igi of iu mid whukv buis llu v in viu inble t om link ill it ihe fiovirnmcnt will lu it tinned wilh a iidiuid major phlu fur j ph fcfe- abuul eight 1 1 mm mil ul 10 ihey can i help bift in tighi bes uise the govenimenl is nl w ivs in the fuvoicd povitlon of llu ehampiui inking on i he chillcngci andwhtn iluv m wiong lis qilleklv loriioltetl hi the u nu nn m these prognostic ii tori in not something nw tticv hive luen hnvmg like tiiiknsses ivcr since onfedcrotion and thev on um is pompous ust as insolent and ttikt as when wronif loday as lliev were then i disioveied tins win n i dc elded i compile lodav elei lion c impuigns wilh i hose ol a jiiheenluiy ago mil dug up some old newspjptiv lor ilu purpose i u inud sirtuihina else lliu eleeluins like i ti in i ncial hive hctomc a i t mote iiimplicaled and eonfus ing in ihe past so car and like hie in general they e losl i loi ul their lun our fathers knew perfectly well whom they were going to vole for and all the speeches and slanted newspaper lories would not have budged them an lota liberal cavalcade prior lo the monday election hallon county liberal assoc la lion is planning a monster cav ileade in ihe interest il dr har ry harlev liberal candidate for halton tomorrow evening fndav ihe cavalcade will form al the shopping centre in mil lun around 6 30 pm and afler touring mil ton will head north on no 25 hihwav lo acton for a tour of ihe town after which it will leave for ceorgcttwn and other places in halton countv polities in i hone day mm hitiid llu noue llu unpridlel iibllliy and ilu culirmcnl of an indlun poilulih un lrlh wake and a i rcneh shlvaree in evuv stntll town ihere was a oi 1 1 ruwspiper on one side 4 llu street and down llu block on lh other ide a lory mwnpirhi they vied in hiiiltng lnllll sliimlel hid libel al llu opposing pniy ind each other j hey i nit uiiid such prifhlry nmjrks is flu editor ul our esleemed onlcmporjry the re t order nan ohviinilv hei slavei ing at ihe siiiu i rough as omc ol ihe other hogs who swallow the slop ihrown lo them by the king of ihlevts ensconced al ottawa his latest edlturljl is a nidsierpiik of mittnlorniiiiion plain f ilseh mii and downright depravily around election lime in those days every male had a eifiar ihe women were il horn liking fler th kidsswh r ihey belonged and ihe bjrs were lined threedeep wilh en thusiislle poll midi epcrli nobody went around asking plaintively well is thrre try rej ddlerence bitween the pir i cs as they do t day of course there was a diffcrcm- the t nes i r ihe frmi vscr ruin rig the e untrv and thjt w i all ihere wis li it evcrvbkl knew vyrul ihi issues were y u were cither lor rcciproc ty or aga nit il even ih rtigh v u wercn t t j sure whal it meant bang police in north york invcstigat ed the case of the exploding oul house it began with excited calls aver the cruiser radios about an ex plosion when the smoke clear ed a johnmont hespot portable latnne stood shattered pranksters had stuffed a lead pipe loaded witri an explosive under tfce shad m a seduded field and detonated the charge the blast showered debns and dirt 50 feet awav and over a car m which a young couple had parked a upeeefi when youd driven 18 miles wilh a hone and buggy to heoi li anything ihurter than an hour and a naif was a personal iniull and ihere was wtihhi ii rwmby about the stutfiients itspntmin the spcukct revealed pvrjtttaj knowledge ol oovtrnmeni kirii scandals and torrupllon jhai would curdle your bumd he didu l say it ftghl oul hit lu implied thai hi worthy n- poneni was an habiiuil drunk i known w itiun chaser and had in v ml l y in lh- firnlly and ihe poliilclfin promls in those day were a un ttvirr interesting lhm tfury c timijy ihey didfi t lak vvuely afkot voelal welfare an l promi n irurcjw in ihh i ralk m that they grfvc yo vfmnthing cm irclc like d rwrs u k tvl iff i e- vmefh ng y in alfd w bonumilvr whi str tnhn a did wtirr hie iryrrtg lo irv ihiic ot u tttt lfl tup otiv tilrwt trw t lhv 1 f yr f rnrfter r iul ijjfjn a wi n ral to itvr ki mi ltr itiftn mid rt ff tt 14 n rtff h ii hul j i j t lrftl rt it f it aa t hr ltd i cm hfip urrtitrrinif irfai in il rn c r n wnild htw rh-nrjr- wiasi alv pj jn h jiaal ng rtftx pjrtiei i r w anihifcwe t starcity a irt- n t4ic in i irrrpl aek hre banc clctnenu uf any diction h jp hi k i r nz cigars and a dten x andjl professional directory and travellers guide medical funeral directors writer airs views on threatened raise 88 guelph st georgetown 8th june 1962 dear editor re threatened increase in cost of bread this country grows more wheat than canadians can us canadian millers buy this wheat wiih canadian dollars thev sell their flour to canadian bakeries for canadian dollars and so far is ingredicnls for bread are con tcmed canada produces even thing lhal goes into a quality loaf of bread so i would like to know jusi whal the pegging of ihe dollar has to do wilh the canadian baking business as a bakery operator for 25 vears i speak from experience the trouble with big bakeries is that they are loo hoggish a bakcrv truck will drive up along farm lane to sell one loaf of beid in in hour or so another hake rv truck dot s the same thing the big bakeries must know lhal transportation of ih it one loaf of bread from toronto to georgetown e g costs from 15c io 18c or more per loaf flour and ingredients for a i i lb loaf cost about 745e the government of canada ind ihe devaluation of the dollar have nothing whatever to do wilh the ihreatcncd increise bv ihe bakeries in the cost of bread it looks io me as if thev are trv ing lo hurt the diefenba ker government and unfairly so and a lot of voters will believe this propaganda at the last min ute as escry housewife knows the bakeries put out a 20 loaf and a 24c loaf as a former baker 1 know that there cannot be a difference of more than one cent in ingredients m a it ih loaf so whs the lour cent spread the bakenes say lhe have to pa ixiri for spues weil ji000 worth of spices will do jtflooo worth of baking this 1 will kay if bakeries would sti in certain districts a man with a family could saw js0 lo 100 per vear on bakerv goods the same also goes for milk de liveries yours sincere h norman brown bakcrv oncmor for 25 veirs dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 8532111 residence 115 church st e phone 8531664 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner or willow and river sts entrance river st acton ont phone 8530341 dr robert d buckner pbvsician and surgeon 39 wellington si acton ont phone 8531240 office hours 68 p m afternoons bv appointment phone b514350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids dental dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment twlephnc 85310 dr a j buchanan denial surgeon office sa mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8s317s0 legal barrister and solicitor c f leatherland qc notars public office hours 10am 12 pm 1 pm 5pm saturdays by appointment only phone office 8531330 res 8151745 acton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday fndav evenings 6pm 9pm saturday i pm 5 pm 28 paislev st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 offic hours in guelph saturday 9 am 12 a m daily 9 4d 5 pra chiropractor david w gohn dc 25 mill st e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office hours mon wed fn i pjn to 5 pm 7pm to 9 pm tues thurs 10 ajn to 12 pjn 1 pjn co 6 pjn saturday 10 ajn to 1 pjn e l buchner r o optometrist contact lenses hcanng aids 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 if no answer phone waterloo 7428867 robt r hamilton optometnst 70 st georges square guelph for appointment phono ta 46180 hours daily except wed 60 main 6t north georgetown for appointment phone tr 73971 wednesday 9 a m 9 p m mon and fn 7 pm9 pm trayilurs qurde gray coach lines coachc8 leave acton dav light saving time eastbound 633 am dally except sun and hoi 858 am 11j3 am 206pm 5mpm 33pm 8 33 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 1027 ajn 12 j7 pjn 2 57 pm 527 pm 727 pjn 9 12 pm iu2 pm 102 in fri sat sun and hoi canadian national railways daylight saving time fastbound 6 56 am to toronto daily ex- cepi sal and sun 7j8 am to toronto daily except sun 942 a m to toronto daily except sun 7 17 p m io toronto daily except sua 801 pm to toron- lo sunday onlv 10 20 pm to toronto dadv board al george town only westbound 8 01 am lo stratford daily ex cepl sun 9 06 a m to stratford dailv board ai george i own only 6 23pm to stratford dailv except sal and sun 7 16 p m to strai ford sundav onlv 737 pjn lo stratford dailv except sun 12 59 am lo stratford dally ex cept sat for further information call sour local agent 8532450 appra and insu f l wright 20 wilbur sl phone 034730 ofersbttna

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