Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 5, 1962, p. 2

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fairy lake tuhmmmmmm jmmmmtaxiiij the good old days sufljuht sfriu depreciated dollar there was a great deal of nonsense spo ken in the recent election campaign on the subect of canadas dollar in particular many speakers urged that a cheaper dollar abroad should make no difference to the value of the dollar at home price increases they charged would be solely the fault of profitgrasping businessmen a 92 5 cent dollar can help export sales the canadian goods for which the foreign buyer used to pay 1 00 are now offered at 92 5 cents but we must pay for imports with the same dollar and pay an extra 7 5 cents for the foreign goods we used lo get for 1 00 whether he is bringing in ma tarlals machinery or manufactured goods the canadian businessman who has to pay more will have to charge more it is not a matter of higher profits but of higher costs in world markets any countrys currency it went that way at one time or another most families put their hand to keeping a budget as much to try to find out where the money goes as to try to keep it from going for those and they must be legion who have given up on the bookkeeping as a hopeless if not an un rewarding task there may be some value in knowing what the average family does with its money the information comes from a sur vey of 1672 families residing in 60 cities across canada it has just been released by the dominion bureau of statistics although it ts based on information collected during the year 1 959 the average size of these fqmilies was 3 7 persons onequarter of them had a working wife their spending on every thing from personal taxes and insurance to liquor and rent averaged out to 107 per week or 5570 for the year food and shelter took more than a third of their money food came to 1323 for the year while housing including fuel light and water cost 911 surprisingly the family speaking of safety traffic fmes in vatican city average 40 cents a violation and the automobile speed limit is an unobserved 18 6 mph says the ontario safety league plans are being con sidered to double the fine and raise the speed limit to a realistic level photo by either tylw is worth just what other people will pay for it if there are many buyers the price goes up if there are few buyers the price goes down in fhgjm mediate post war years there were so many outsiders particularly ameri cans eager to invest here that they bid up the world price of our dollar but we did not manage our prosperity too well production cosis were forced up faster than the output of wealth government expenditure pyra mided with much of the spending going to welfare programs that cost more each year even when revenues lag in time a lack of outside confidence in canada was reflected in the world money markets pegging the dollar at its present level will be no simplebanker s trick if it is not to depreciate further with resulting higher living costs we will have to convince the world that ours is a compelitive not a high- cost economy back in 1912 tulhmftwnmlwlaau utilhpnw prow tliiimlhy july 4 itll ihe hum huiiiv ut ivumv nel its wl desinmll bv nu mi minion when itiv til mi kumui oikgln xlttilrtt l ho hwi mi nhkk who luul juki loitini ed 1mm nun til whs witiul at lilt dlunei table hut tun null when ii nelghhoi mn in tu ull him the house was un llu wlun he iikiil uuisltlt lu noiktd llu tun ii was inutility llu hiki ninny with seteiul iiilghhurs who until eiid hastened lo hil mil llu humes i ho house whs ikvoiui mi vlng bin soumi til i ik iielghhui won able in save some ul i lu luinliiiio inn ihuiitili ii was ill muged sllghltv b hie on the lusl plav ol llu- luuil tuning ol i ho hull game saluida in aiion i ddte wiuthi ot llu at ion team sustained u bud luu miv to his ughi uu he was plaving ihiid huso and mughl the bill thrown b the piiilui his hrothet les m pul out llio run nei who slid to ihe nine in the slide both llie ninnoi nut wid ell won iniinvd ll was luiiiul later lhit two nines in his tight ankle uoit burke n uid inkiiiil lniuiios ju loiud on wednesdav ihe btpiists and ihe anglicans niel in llu church league and al ihe lupin nmg ot ilk game il appenrul as though the anglicans win to hi llu rlois howevet uiue llu baptisls gol rolling thev seoied six runs in a hurrv to win lhc game h holmes certainlv was llu hero fin the winnois as hi craeked out several long hils lo lallv inns geoige hvnds the pili her was slow in gelling his arm in eondition nil when he did the anglicans had trouble getting am hits on saturday about nine oilock a oung man from toronto was replenishing ihe magazine of his aulomobile vmlh gasoline as il siood on john st with culpable- foolhardiness he neglected lo extinguish ihe reai lighls adja cent lo ihe tank in the twihghl he overllowed the magazine and the rear lighted lamps ignited the inflammable liquid a boy was sinl to raise ihe alarm bul foriunaieh hefore the fire bn gade armed a few pails of water had extinguished the blaze the damage will eosl al least 100 the dominion dav celebraiion under ihe auspices of ihe fire bngade was a big success and the baseball games and athletk con tests were well allcndcd several outsiders were in attendance and took part m the activities as well as ihe local men car was the next item at 518 this was a bii more than the average expenditure on clothing 508 personal taxes- which of course covers only individual income taxation were a noi inconsiderable item 378 household fur nishings and equipment came to 277 se cunty presumably insurance and pension payments lolalled 271 spending on medi cal care was nearly even with spending on tobacco and liquor 237 for the former and 230 for the latter household operation cost 214 gifts and contributions 170 recrea tion 160 pergonal care 118 transportation other than by aulomobile 112 education 39 reading 35 a final item described only as other and perhaps money father invested at ihe race track or mother at the bingo table accounted for the remain ing 69 the survey may or may not save anyone any money but at least it proves that there are people who can keep careful tat on where it goes five states in the u s now have laws re quiring installation of front seat belts in new cars the states and the model car year for which the laws become effective are wiscon sin- 1962 virginia- 1963 mississippi 1963 rhode island 1964 new york 1965 keep your eyes on the road is a piece of good advice lo drivers however the on tario safety leaque poiqts out that the road stretches behind your car as well as in front good driving requires thai you check your rear view mirror repeaiedly every few seconds lo keep aware of th movements of following tratfc on super highways seven out o 10 ac cidents involve only one car each dr ver on an expressway has more to fear from him self than from all other dnveis combined the acton free press pumwhed b the mlu prtnunj and publishes co ltd founded m 1875 and published every thursday at 59 willow st aeion ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the c na and the ontanoouebcc division of the cw na advertising rates on request subscriptions pavable in advance 300 m canada 4 00 m england and other commonwealth countries 5 op in the united stales and other foreign countries smgic copies 7c authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa the only paper ever published in acton h a dills editormchief vv david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 8532010 back in 1942 taken iroumh itnu of uw ere pmi thiradny july 9 1942 mj hill ulu bake ul diilhous if mil in him hern engaged tu fill i ho mieitiuv un the siatl ut the ontliiualluii sihool caused h tilt ivnltiiuitlon ul miss pinnies hill pel rev c l puule a former be loved mlulhtei ut aeton united chtiieh retired lusl week ironi ilk ehniiti nt ridge way and from mllve ci v it i in ihe ministry of the ehuivh lie his seived ion iliuiuiisu liu 40 yius seven ul uhkli were in alton hutili a gioup ol ailon cubs imdei llu lemluship of rev ii a lliooks spent llu weekend t imp ing al the aetun tiuop hui al ulue sptings viiyonc rcpuiltd the vvealhei as line and all enjoy ed ihe outing lhlel lljiiop is pieleiting sev tiil ihuges agunsl u guelpli wo man who was summoned to pot no tuuit this week and failed to ippeii on ehaige ol diunken inss ihe ohiot ilso intends to inetei eliuges igunsi ihe othets vvhu look the woman home and pi unused she would tppeai in luuil lo answei lo the thaini satuulav moimng iais dir en in bowmni nunn and william midoiiald collided at tin eoinei ol mill and john streets but neillui ol the dnveis was niui id mi nunn appaieuily was nuking the lum onto john si and tailed lo see ihe mcdonald uu and his vehnle struck the light lelt fender eiusing cxkn sive damage wiilime iistrielions have af feeted almost everything but in spue of ihe in ihe united chuieh hi lei their pieme al ihe park those who like sugar in iheir lea drank it without and iced cakes were a thing of the past mueh liked salmon sandwiches were missed from the suppei but in am event everyone enjuvecl themselves both wuh ihe races and spoils events and the pieme supper following ihe episode lasl week when dogs killed secral sheep in ei in township erin township council passed a by law this week imposing severe fines on owners allowing dogs lo run at large at nighl nearlv all the stores in town are now selling war savings stamps and patrons making pur ihases ean obtain them quite readily the lome scots co held a church parade on sunday trom lite armouries lo st albnn s church thcv were led b the lome scots band rev e a brooks conducted the service it may seem a very pour altit ude when ihe flnunelul expeiln are erying blue ruin the news papers are demanding uctiun the prime minister is running tu the htiekshop and everybody in be ing warned to tighten his bell bin im just obout tu commence two monthy holiday their will he n short pause lure while nil my old eolleugu es in the weekly newspuper husincaii venl their reelings 1 inn hear the cries jusl un well as though they wete in the loom ol good old bill he dc si rves ill and congratuln- liuns old boy i hope you en oy every minulc of iii and a few other ihlngs never mind chaps 1 know how you lid and i appreciate il but i eont help it just be- eause i decided my true vocation liv in guiding young liven la nurturing ihe lender plants ot dui youlh in bringing to bloom i hi personalities ol uur richest resource theres no need lo car rv tin so and of course you realize itial these holidays ure nolh ing bul a nuisjnce tu the dedi cated pedant we deeply de bited leaehers feel noihing but intense irrilutmn al this unfor- lunatc summer interruplion in tfuf calling caused by the ab sence of pupils most of us can scarcely wait for labor day to mil around ajter all you can get pretty siek of tramping around some uld golf course day arter day and you can fti mighly bored just sitting there in ihe hoi sun drinking beer and pulling in the bass perhaps my real trouble is ihal i m nol used lo holidays as any weekly editor can lell ou theyre almost nonexislent in thai game in fact i havenl had a decent holiday in ihe last is years im like a man who hus nccr been farther than ihe ncxl lown and who is suddenly offered a plane ticket lo any place in ihe world he wan is lo go hes bewildered hes scared he doesnt know what lo do with news r district georgetown perhaps the fact ihe taxpayer was an irish man prompted him lo ask council for permission lo paint the fire hvdrani in front of his house green bul ihe request found no support even from councillor bob mcneillv who also hails from the land of the shamrock brampton the 29vcarold lest pilot was killed last week at brampton flving club when his bush plane crashed into the ground it was the clubs first accident in 14 years of operation the test plane built in malton had been up fhing ihal morning but on the afternoon trip it spluttered then crashed into the runway near a school burlington aldershot residents are vigorously objecting to a kiwanis skahng rink in the neighborhood of their 20000 homes to ihe citizens dismay the quid residenltal area was transposed into an area or a iarnial nalure said a spokesman who complained to coumtl of bnghl lights leiorded rock and roll public address swim and four hours of hotkey a night oakvi 1 f the 600 fee the planning hoard charges for sub- dimsions should also be ihargid a person warning to separate a lot inunullors agreed m a 64 vole lasl week counul ruled alf jennings a lornur bionte ullage nee must pa 600 for ihe privilege of dividing his propirlv strcetsv1llf certain sen ice stations arc displaving a flagrant disregard or our laws according to a 1 akeuew hardware mi n han t who anused a maionl of 31 staltuns of difung toronto townships zoning m laws he bases his charge on ihe fact the sta turns haw ink rid ihe hardware held selling lawn chairs picnii jugs and hshing iods thi ii be silling huller and eggs next he said milton an oakvtllemilton amalgamation proposed bv a mimbir ot oakwiu tounul lasl week wain t readiu welcomed bv millmians ru carl martin soggesiid instead thai ihe whole of halion couniv should be- merged into om muninpalnv i keen sportsman mike bennett dies during fishing weekend th suddm detth of mkhiol josiph biimiu while on lish iiij tup on situtdav was a shixk to his laituh and man tnends in itu iiimmunitv pun basing igtilt h burdtikin and co he was pariiiulailv well known in poitv on lis hi liked fishing and hunnng and wes on the tiger tais txwhn uani ik was kun l iniiresicil in basiball hoekes anil toolhatl mi benmn was a memnor of ihe hub name six ten of si jo- seph s church a pasi pnsidenl of ihe y s men s club a past member of alton legion and held am his executive offices in min or sports he was widely known for the help he gave problem drinkers through alcoholics an on vmous on ftsntng trip he died at picton at m ear of age on a weekend fishing trip with friends he is sunned b his wife ka thleen good 155 poplar arc aiion ihwr five ihildrm at home mhncl ji uirne paul anm and charles his moihir mrs annie bennett guelph siv ters margaret madeline irene tomnlo kaihleen mrs stan hawker i guelph alice mrs ken liadlao halifax ms man mis john reilerl guelph brn- thers john p bennell rr 2 guelph and george bennett guelph hi was bonn in guelph in 1911 son of the laie george bennett and mrs bennett and had hied in aeion for ihe past 21 uars he- was married in 1941 iti guelph many al ftmer man attended the funeral at st joseph s church on tucsdav morning juh 3 when the rev v j morgan officiated inter mem was in marvmount ceme- terv guelph pallbearers were tom daw kins trueman spence ro goodwin bill duval archie papillon and ezio marzo al of by bill bmoey becaum 1 itaow its going be a iraumallc experleme ive had lo do a lot or mrelul planning otherwise i ust know id eraik up under ihe pressure ul oil thai free lime al first i planned big wrlie u novel laue a trip lo the went const or the east coast canoe through algonquin park but ii wasnt lung until i rea llrcd thai son of thinking was pure ekcapum trying us il were lo deal wllh the giganlic men uilng vitiation with one blow no i hud tu face up to il there- was no easy way out i knew i wuuld have lo suffer through ev cry une of those 60odd days as they advanced on me in indian piichhitting constable moriey leak of the burlington headquarters de tachment opp is pinchhilt ing with the local detachment while constable men in harness enjoys his holidays file- its taken me about a week of hard work bul i think i ve come up with a creative ud venturous approach lo the whole t roublesome problem the first ihing i realized was ihal id have to keep busy ev ery moment with this in mind i drew up the following sche dule leap smartly uut of bed no la ler than 10 every morning un less im 1 1 red slraighl oul into ihe gaiden in bare feet and shorls to read the mail while drink my orange juice half an hour of meditation watching ihe black squirrels eating wifes rad ishes walk fno driving downtown purchase morning paper and peruse same over coffee in res taurant with prettiest waitress in lirwn walk home under ihe maples wondering whal ihe pooi xupli in doing lo dliv remove bcaeted hoi lie ftom tetiiyi mini deiaeh inn eunsiiiik uilllellls slow i v luneh in gaidui shoi i nap in lawn ehau wluli son pism nith waken sliiu rlnss hitil if ler noon obligation boat riclf ihfough the islands tfne ot jolt fitting jaiinl ol swirn uid sun hafhinu home shw r till tinkling dunk diruur rv d oulsidi ol hirhti nr d n ik hik id polalo lush ui i n ik ms r young lairnts s i l bruiidv read now i nntt r hi mk lulled hv vjuriili imin r smoking good dertng wiys ol mil all f- bass for breakfast for young peoples there was freshcaught bass for breakfast two mornings when presbyterian young people spent the holiday weekend together at trie collage of mr and mrs dave clclend near bancroft altogeih er the group caught about 50 bass swimming and boating were ta vortte sports the girls cooked the boys washed up and every one had a terrific time there was a shore supper saturday night and ihe group went to church in coc hill sunday they slcpl in iwo cottages and a tent the clcland parents and brothers all have collages togeth er with mr and mrs cleland mr and mrs danny kociuk were jojce and donna rennick juncl ailken joanne mckenzie nettie tnssenaar mike rogers mtlion ball barry cleland brian shen dan and sims mcphedran all of acton ian pennycock and chad is tully of guelph children smoking blamed for fire children smoking are believed to have caused a fire in the bush west of the c n r track offing field road after supper saturday the fire truck had a rolling route across lots and down a steep hill to travel lo reach ihe side of the tracks and another wav back up the hillside had to be located af ter the fire was doused pressure hose was laid underneath the iraek to reach the fire smoulder inp in a thick layer of fallen pine- needles this i know is ih rmlv i ean llghl nil ihil wdl 4 vim lo gel hat k into triil i ir orii and manage ormhow to m t through i hose no rfniclinj months i ean onlv ijvt mv sm uv il i sliek ilomlv lo mv pf- gram and i inieiid to do just thai provided ol morse lhat i i an dispose ul the do and e il sell my two ihildren inlo sbv erv and send mv will to vimi h r unele in inland professional directory and travellers guide foiwwnhaxwwaiwflaraw medical funeral directors school year book full of pictures the 50page high school year book is being distributed ihis week full of pietures it men lions the names of all the stu dents grade h siudcnis have in dividual portraits while class photos were taken tn ail ihe oth cr grades all ihe staff were photographed too wilh their pet peeves revealed terr hamilton headed the ear book committee and mrs jess gallowav was staff adviser there aa accounts of highlights of the sear these are the books lhat will cause such hilarrtv about 20 vears from now as h5 students read their supposed fasonle saytngy and their ambitions dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 8532111 residence 115 church st e phone 8531664 dr d a garrett on vacation june 30 august 6 inclusive office open mon wed fn mornings phone 8534341 or call 8531956 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont phone 8531240 office hours mpm afternoons by appointment dr t b aacore phvsician and surgeon 2 main street north corner main and milt sircet aeton onlano phone- office 8532180 res 8530115 dental dr h leib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick streets office hours bv appointment telephone 8534610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 legal c f ieatherland q c barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 a m 12 p m 1pm- 3pm saturdavs by appointment only phone office 8531330 res 8531745 acton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monday friday evenings 6 p m 9 pan saturday 1 pan s pjn 28 paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hoars in guelph saturday 9 am 12 ajn pailys am 5 pjd phone 8530350 night or dav bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner r o optometrist cunlacl lenses hearing aids 6 john si s aclon in acton wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm for appointment phone 8531041 if no answer phone waterloo 7428867 travellers guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton davhght saving tunc eastbound 6j3 am daily except sun and hoi 858 om ii 33 am 2m pm 5us pm 6 33pm 833 pm 1u08 pm sun and hoi westbound 1077 am 12 57 pm 2 57 pjn 527 pm 723 pm 9 12 pm 1112 pm 102 a in fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways davhght saving time easl bound 6 s6 a m to toronto daily ex cept sat and sun 7 38 a m to toronto daily except sun 9 42 am to toronto dailv except sun 7j7 p m to toronto dailv except sun 8 01 pm lo toron to sunday onlv 10 20 pm lo toronio dailv board at georgv town onlv westbound 801 am to stratford daily ex cept stin 906 am lo stratford dailv board at georgetown onlv 623 p m lo stratford dailv cxcepl sal and sun 7 16 pm to st nil ford sunday only 7 37 pm to s ira i ford daily except sun 12 w am to stratford daily ex iipi satj for further information call your una agent 85v2450 appraising and insurance i in a f l wright 20 wilbur st aclon ontario phone 8550720 appraiser and insurant over 50 yoan in acto chdujfkactor david w gohn d c 25 mill 9t e phone 8531171 entrance on willow sl office houn mon wed fri 1 p jn to 5 pjn 7 pjn to pjn tues thurs 10 a m to 12 pjn 1 pjn to 6 pm saturday iqasujo jiwk

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