Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1962, p. 2

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hollyhock time the good old days photo by pfhtr tyor the place en the flagpole one of the things thai disgusts us most in travelling almost anywhere in ontario is the number of tourist establishments that fly the american lag usually of course the faq is accompanied by the union jack or the canadian ensign but the effective purpose of the american flag can only be m the crass commercial in terest certainly united states and canada are friendly countries certainly americans feel pride at the sight of their flag but sure ty as canadians we are crawling to an un necessary depth m the interests of patron age when we fly an american flaq to attract the tourists attention now its quite possible that those who fly the american flag will defmd their ac tion by suggesting the flag of canada doesnt exist unfortunately this is a widely held misconception canada does have a flag the flag may not suit everyone but we are not a country without a flag an order of council dated september 5 1915 says thai on any occasion when it is desired to mark a canadian significance it is appropriate to fly the canadian red ensign this is the flag that was flown from the peace tower of the parliament buildings in ottawa on v e day 1945 in 1946 a select committee of the parlia ment of canada examined over 1500 de signs for a flag and no formal action has ever been taken thus the canadian red en sign is the countrys flag the flag of canada deserves to fly from rny flag pole in the country and those who usurp its place wtlh amancan flags except on ceremonial occasions are stooping to a new low m commercialism our american fnends set a far better example they fly their own flag skuth cars vs death dealers in the first five months of this year 520 people were killed on ontario highways this is a horrifying rale of slaughter three deaths a day 1 000 a year and the carnage is continuing despite increased patrolling police crackdowns and intensive safety campaigns traffic deaths between january and june this year were only three fewer than m the same months last year ontar io road crashes involving both mury and deah went from 35 602 in 1960 to 38414 last year what more can be done than is now be ing tried to end this slaughter one suggestion offered by the ontario police commission is that unmarked police cars be used to patrol provincial highways the proposal will undoubtedly stir up strong protests the practice admittedly isnt a very savory one but neither is there anything wholesome about the way some of our citizens behave on the highways police in unmarked cars are not victimiz ing the innocent all who are caughi are law breakers and some of them are puhl c men aces if the opp are permitted unmarked crui sers to pounce on speeders and reckless drivers the commission must ensure that the purpose is fully understood by the of ficers te reduce accidents not to fallen traf fie fine revenues commission chairman judge bruce j s macdonald gives assur ances that the only motive will be highway safety it is a question of whether to play a sporting game with the pohlc or tale steps to get results he slated speaking ol salety try this self check to see if you follow other cars too closely when driving in traffic thnk back and count the number of times someone cut m ahead of you from another lane last time you drove through the city if you drive carefully several other cars will cut m ahead of you every hour if no one ever squeezes in ahead of you it probably means that you consistently drive dangerous- l dose to the car you are following the acton free press tt published bv the dills prtnttatg and pubhshtng co ltd founded hi 187 and published even thursday at 59 willow st acton ontario member of the audit bureau nf circulation- the cwna and the ontanoouebei division of the c na advertising rates on request subscriptions pas able in advance 3 op m canada moo in bnifland and other commonwealth countries t500 in the united sfates and other f countries sinclc copies 7c authorized as second cfes mail post oftki- department ottawa the only paper ever published fai acttn aam c a dilk editorinchief david r dills managing editor bjjsjj ess and edmorial o ff1ce ehqn e- 8532010 back in 1945 taken rrom the imu of the free prwu thuraday aatutl 6 191 the furm labor problem while icrluus in the itxnlllv i being helped oul hy urrungemenls ol ibe locnl form emergency com mlttee secretary fredwrlghi ie ports ihnt much help hns been directed ihruugh his of i in io far me in and netiilv nil icinsis hnve lietti nu i 12 men wen plmeil un fnrnik yesieuliiv yis leidnv umr of the at ion husi nessmen look tlieli wednesdav hull holiday nut hulhd un ilu fnnns on lie n number of lout fishei men rvpnri good ink lies ol buss hi fnlrv i nke i he piisi week one rcpoit ieielveil sinied n 16 inch beiiutv weighing nentlv iwo and a hull pounds ii llns keeps lip everyone wllh n lulling pole tot fnllet around will be visiting the lake rev forbes thomson hns hem appointed seoul tnnslei of un ft im at ion tioop mk i ceding pte f citlschuw who is now setvlng willi llie at live l fouvs un nn fling wns in id tuotilnv evening nt the home ol president j hon non with com mlsstonci creorgr mnson iillmd ing rev thomson will iihsurm bis new tin lies immidtntelv mid il is hoped thlil one in two lu lp en ttfll he available ihe yml a suiimiei pmgrtini nt alton pink is moving qui popiilni wild holn oimgt1eis mid pitrvnpt an irunngc ol is 40 ntiend ivgulmlv mil up to us iiiim us wl hnve hem pivsetit il one mini the pmgitim is undei the illntlion ot mis johnnv iiiv who k looking nflu the y dining ihe iibsriue ol hei hns hind who is seiving meisens the voiingei gioups have iwo ul lei noons n week mid llie older gioups lliiff evenings the pin giun ul ihe pink icplms lhil iisuillv lomlmled in i hi y and cv m line seems io be cnjomtig ihe outdoors and well planned u hviiies the womins assouit ion ol ihe uniled cliuuh lire husv quilling ihese ilns mil dining iheii meet tug al ihe home ol mis r agii ihis week il mis learned llitl seveiul quills mill he ready m the near futiiic dm my the jnlv meeting of the duhhn wl membeis heind in ml cresting and humorous ai i ount ihnl two girls vcinn web ster and belle bntton had on mmling the streelsville flour mill the girls aie memheis oj the garden brigade membeis are mnking jam to send to ihe armed seyvlies overseas no doubt a lol of the present golf cnthusinsls dont icalm that alton had then own gulf links 40 venrs ago back in 1912 taken from the issue of the free press thntvaay aiitutt i 1912 furly suntlnv morning ih lines broke into ihc grocery store of r stiithiim nfler a vnin attempt io gain entrance at ihe renr pin ullv i hey smashed n front win dow to gel in ihc store nnd run milked i he counters thcv mole a iiiniitv ol valuable tobacco n hull doen tins or sardines nnd oihei lummodlnyh in mnking iheli geiawuv i hey spilled jorne ol ihe tohncio illmbtng fl rrnce and llilm whs tnovcivd ii ik he lieed ihe iiilpills were young bos who knew the nren tpiltv iell tot ibis kltufol ulmlnnl aiitoii ihev toe linhle io n vein oi two in ten lull pilson the depiiiimenl ot pdiiinllon on saliuunv nnnoumed llie re stills ol middle sihool cxnmlnn nous toi enirnmc into the noiv itial sihnuh ini hided in the list weie the following pupils lnm at inn flctlhu i ill own mael v hind rfhle b mullln finn es i mtillln nnd i ruin nehon mi dttrwln tlipps is operating hie sienni shovel exuiviiting fn ihe tanneiv and resldenls wiitth nig llie upejiiliofi ndiniie ihe ftp iinlois ability to hiimtli lln mat tune the ptoprilv il lontmetoi j b mmkenu bus hi en pun bated as llie site lot ihe mw sluioii lot llie iiidiil mini win h is io inn lluoiigli ai lou f is ck pi i led in otdei io iiionmiodalf ilu siaiion ihe planing mill will hi rviiind to move oir the ptopei h in ihe evini ihis lakes plate mi mutkeiili has pun hnsed lln loiuei pioxilv on willow nnd allies sliuls nirn john spughl hogus m hills havt in en tu tut iieil ihioiighoui ilu aui and teivone is laiilioiuil to in on ilu lookotil loi ihitn in duelph llie lusl ol llie luik seviul uue passid on uiimispei ling im n hauls io date no liaie ol tli ofruideis has hem found one oi llie nutos irom lohn stones garage mel wilh in am den i neai geoigetown stindav evening it was dnvtn by wil nam uoughlv and loaded wilh live passengers appaienlly the aulo hil a bad spol in ihe road al ihis seiliun and skidded inlo hit diuh kissing oul all the oi i up mis porlunatelv no one was setmuslv hurl unil esiapid wilh ininoi bruises the var was put hai k on lite roul mil driven back in town by l he dnu two voting men from guelph wtto buill their own glider and a irtend who wenl along for the airplane rule narrowly escaped serious inpirv when the glider suddenly ooined lo the ground the commission must also justify un marked patrol cars to the public as a method of lessening highway crashes there is evi dence that it does metro toronto police force has used plain cruisers for some years now and police commission chairman c o bick credits them with reducing fhe number of metro traffic deaths the presence of conspicuously marked police cars and out mtheopen radar traps on our highways does have a salutory effect on most drivers but the trouble is there cannot be enough police on display everywhere at all times to keep every driver in line an inveterate speeder may behave well for 10 blocks within sight of a blackandwhite squad car and be a dangerous demon in the 11th block hes the kind of highway cowboy who must be nabbed before he commits mayhem even if a camouflaged car is necessary to do it news district burlington two parties of american visitors have complain ed to the chamber of commerce thai they didn i receive exchange on us funds they spent in burhnglon the chamher members tau liuned all meixhanls that paving ihe pnmtum on the uniled states dollar will assure the lown of a big influx of american guests georgetown the town has 67 new residents all of ihcm from bell island newfoundland following ihe dismissal of 1 200 men from the dominion steel and coal co they had nowhere to go so lhanks to graham pied piper porlir or gtorgelown ihev were in vitcd lo sel up new rools in georgetown oakville a new branch hbrarv in western oakville has en rolled over i s00 new readers in jusl ivvo weeks repoils librarian mrs irene stark in ihe fusi week in ihe new woodsnk ltbrarv over 4 001 books were circulated brampton check first before digging a local gas cnmpanv warned lasl week after a backhoe digging machine ripped a hole in a natuial gas transmission line there was no fire fortunaiek but the break caused a supplv problem for the companv the hole was punch eel in the line less than so feet from a blaing trash fire milton the lommiilei ol aduistmmt granted a side lol van ancc lasi week to give the green light tin an ifuuiie aparimeni pro- teit the ihreestorv building will include brhilor om bedroom and lv bedroom suiles ladies aid summer meeting held on shady country lawn knox laches aid and a num her ol triends met al thi home of mrs a j murrav somnd line ninth for then annual summer pcnn mctting tuesdav attei noon mrs murrav was assisted bv her two daughters mrs m smith and mrs rubs hansen her daughter in law mrs h murrav and granddaughter carol h tnsen in making evirvone wekome and lomfortable on the luvetv lawn surrounded with huge evergreen trees flowers and shrubs mrs a m mphervon presided and wxkomed all wiih an appnv pnate thought for the das and led a worship senile including a hsmn the lord s praver in unison and a sinpture passage read bv mrs jas van fleet a short business session in eluded plans for a visit in the near fuiurr to oakville to mmi mrs e i hassard and have a picnic in the park greetings were revcived from mrs c t jones who is on a trip abroad it was wntten while visiting vienna woods members were reminded to savt the canada packer labels as before jaftrtbngn a sports program of contests and games was enioved b all ondikted bv the president as ststed bv mrs j dennis mrs f j mccutcheon and mrs f an derson with prizes foi the win in is special prizes were award ed to mrs peter murrav lor be inj ih oldest ladv present to mrs c hansen tor having the most grandchildren and to mrs moian and mr george sijmer ville tor having ihe nearest bmh das x bountiful table of fixxi was laid loi thi imovment ot all and htfon deparing miss isabel an deron on behall ot the group ex pressed a simere thank vou to mrs murrav and her familv hurt in accident after staving four week in the recovers rimm ot hamilton gen eral hospital mrs derk timmer man was last saturdav moved into a regular room she was m- lurcd in an accident rust south of town on highwas 25 when her son was kilted her condition has improved and she is conscious her husband expected to have a cast pql on yesicrdav and wnll soon be able to walk sftfvi d sfuu saving goodhv lo n house full of inumoilcs k like inking kiive of i friend who hns been wllh you ihnnifh thick nnd thin nnd wmim you will never rc bfaln wt did tl the other day when wr sold the hotiw in which we hdri lived during the venrs when the vld were nmotl as wc wtni thnnigh the burr hul rnitifflnr niorns n crtrhhlnn ton f ftrtectlon nnd undniss rioortco over un to me at lenm thlil old houw hud nt wnv had n rcnl persuniilliv unn usi now ii seemed to he living lo kmv humelhlng at flini i imildni quite av ihe mrhngt wtui it mutnly plendtng ihnl we return wn it whimprr inl rhni wed heflm tfd it was it bfneechlnf m nol lo lenvc it lonely nmld itronaetsi oi wnv it jtitii fivlng mc wnnlfot heinuhe i had brought thnmt on ii hv letting ibe tnifh gel in in rents a i nnv rate ii whimpered wordlessly ns w mnde the lusl inflnniholy lout in emh room llir memones t time rowdlng hnik good ones tutd hud ours il is only now ihnl i reiille ihc n fioiise wns rvmemberlng irwi li wits saving tlrlngi like this lines mv lig tirighl kililn n how innnv thotrtftnds of hours did you sir around the old white kililiiit tabic wilh convivial torn pinv mow ihev used lo pile in on vou ihe tnnil fishermen and the dink hunters ihc irieruls and tin- iflnlivfs ihe lonunettiil tra villus and ihe summit visiiois remember how von i wo us d lo dame in the kllitien io ilu llllle old loy ictord play er white kim i rowed with de light in fur bighihalr re inemhei ihe mghl firordle toss ed a huge frreiiatker undei the ynlferlng females remein bet ihc night the fishing gang dropped in and i leaned up your entire stoik ol home brew i0r hollies and you qun making il fori vei cnmc on inlo my living mom now yes u shll has the hav window where you used to erect i hose huge spniir al christmas i never did hear a man swear io mv handsome slim pillared man lei rs still ihcre over ihc fireplace letter to the editoh writer claims town shirking responsibilities atlon free press at ion lclter to editor gentlemen the enclosed report printed in ihe toronto telegram regards mrs dodds trouble in obtaining a ambulance in acton brings io focus once more a situation that has happened in the past and will be repealed in the future it is even more upsetting when yuu remember we had a ambu lance but sold it as a loo exptn sivc burden m other words mo ney before human need yel on ihe other hand our administration has purchased j used road sweeper that toronto did not want we put into effect a more ela- borne dog control svstcm and pass ihe cost to the taxpnvcr wc build recreation centre with donations asked for then ask for more then turn around and say we need 3 director which will again cost more monev v we put radar in our police cars and before the sets are warm suggest we use plain cars true these sen ices are used elsewhere but those who do use them should make sure the basic town s needs are looked after firsi so we have taken care of our dogs we have planned for our voung how about our senior citi zens o4r ill or tniured human beings it seems logical to mc that we should be in a position to puk up a human being faster than a dog vhvor gov recent is quoted the law of the land m refusing union recognition lo town employees this is quite a misused phrase so it ould also include the ad- ministration nsponsibilns to pro vide proper emergence service lor ihc town tt is also a moral r mcdonald 19 mowhrav by fclu imiliy i hul doesjil lutvr u hliuiiey theres whrir ilu pliiuti nr hi member ihc slngiongi wlih people l deep nioond it ili go un my big uirvlng ilntnime preity graivfiil totn pmrd lo i ltd i poky lllljr oti vou hnve now imtni lt thrrrv ymtr old room kcmcnihci how the kid used to pnddlr in hnrr fooled on sunduy rnorn ing nnd ilnp you grnflv in ih fin till volt groggily nt up lo bin ton rtint will oi tl up l hit i pony lull all at k lied i nun it alliir iuk portable instruments for music at service there was a congregation of good sire at the church service in the park sundas when the rev st an lev gammon spoke the rev j wilson was in charge the bnd had a week s hohdas but george elliott plased a portaofc organ and geratd wlcck the comet the two missionaries who ire conducting bible hours thts week took pan too one with an c cordran solo and the other with a brief talk hiivs hughs old room fi looks smnll io htm now bin li vmed huge then remember rv ntghi you iwo put flown iht un rttcum hetv tihd nhnost ngrrcd to get n dlvorxr before the oh was dnuhc rempmhet t in- time hugh lied his wheels loge thcr nnd shtrintrd out hi window nnd if ferl to ihr ftotind when he whs 10 kirns room looks about ihr siuire theres ilu new plnsli r in the iclllng retmmbri tti- nigh i nhoul v poonils ol n iimr down unci vu ibouiyhi ihe fiirnmi hint blown up hi membci how belplfss you irh when she lay there- mtsrrnbli burning wilh fever i iim kfl t ii irs im lo vis the halhroofti is pnlw isnt hhould be it osl yoo pl my i mill don l think rh pink mother ol priirl loilet srtti was essential but vou enjoyed ihnl wide lidgi on the hnhiuh i ve set n you soiking i hire wrlti iigarelles mini lies book snnd professional directory and travellers guide flnfrai dirfxtors drwgc kenney physician and surgeon office in symon block 43a mill st f niton office phone 8iv2lll residence iii church si hone 8svj664 dro a garrett on vacation june v auust h inclusive office open mon wed tn mormngs phone 8smj41 or call rvigw dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton 6nt on vacation call dr brewster 877 2ssl dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north corner mam and mill strut acton ontario phone office 8s12180 res 8vol3i phone 8sw3w night or das brute e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e t buchnfp r o optometrist cental lcnset heanng aids fi john s s aeon in acton wednesdass onl 200pm apm foj- appointment phone rvkmi er phone waterloo 7423867 for app it no i the youngster in the editorial photograph inis week is monica hcancs daughter of mr and mrs a heanev acton dental dr h leib dental surgeon office comer mill and frederick streets office hours bv appointment telephone 8i306lf dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office sa mill street office hours 9am to 6pm closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8svi7so legal c f leatheriand q c barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 a m 12 p m lpm- 5pm saturdavs hv appointment onlv phone office 8s3i330 res 85v174s acton a bra ida ba barrister solicitor notary public office hours in acton monttev fndav evenings 6 pm 9pm saturdav 1 p m 5pm 28 paisley st guelph ontario phone ta 4222 office hours in guelph satunja7 9 am 12 am daily 9 am 5 pm travrlflk ouipc gray coach lines coaches leavc acton dashght sav ng tik eastbound 6 33 am fdailv except sun and hoi i ssjam ii 11 am 208 pm sob pm 6 13 pm 8 33 p m 1u08 p m sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am 12 57 pm 27 pm 27 pm 7 27 p m 1 12 p m 1 1 12 p m 102 am tn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways davlight saving time eastbound 6 am to toronto dailv ex cept sat and sun 718 jm to toronto dailv esccpt sun 9 42 am io toronto dailv cscept sun 7 37 pm to toronto dailv escept sun 8fl pm to toron to sundav onlv 10 20 pm n toronto dailv board at deorgc- lnun onls westbound 8 01 am to stratford dailv ex cept sun 9 06 am to stratford dailv board at georgctusvn onlv 6 21pm to stratford dailv except sal anil sun 7 1ft pm to slrat ford sundav onlv 7 37 p m to si rat foul dailv esiem sun ht am to srntfrrd dailv ex cept sat for further information call sour local agent 8 appraising and insurance f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 8510720 appraiser and insuratict over 50 years id acid chiropractor davk w gohn oc 25 mffl 9l e phone 8531171 entrance on willow 5l office hours mon wed frf1 pjn to 5 pm 7 p m to 9 pjn toes thtars 10 a m to 12 pjn i park to 6 pjiu saturday 10 tun to 1 pjn

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