Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1962, p. 1

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it rfim mftt ptt eighty eighth year no 8 acton ontario thursday august 16th 1962 pott cxiic department ottawa eight page seven conti start photo umehouse central school now under construction is ex i office and staff room as well as boiler room it is of cement pected to be completed before the fall term begins pupils block and brick construction and is being erected on the former from bannockburn bfue mountain and gibraltar schools will i ball park attend the building will house six classrooms a principals saagguiewaafflsmjj ju list grade 13 exam results acton dislrilt high school grade 13 examination results arc as follows barbcau brian g eng cump 54 eng lit 65 algebra 76 geo metry 82 trig statics 71 phvs ics 74 chemistry 79 fr auth 58 fr comp 58 bcsse m sylxke c zoology 57 colkll mis vidian b eng comp 63 cook carolyn j eng comp 71 eng lit 78 algcbia 59 geometry 65 7oulogy 80 physks 6 chemistry 72 fr auth 73 rr comp 61 cook joan m zoology 77 croft marie j eng comp 55 eng li i 55 zoology 55 dunv lesley a eng comp 70 eng lit 84 algebra 59 bo i any 58 chemistry 53 latin auth 57 latin comp 63 fj fr comp 58 gi elliott norman r enc comp 56 eng lit 52 history 54 zoology 56 force ehzabc th j eng comp 67 eng lit 69 algebra 65 trig sialics 61 bolanv 78 physics 55 chcimsirv 62 latin auth 78 litmcomp 78 fr auth 62 tr comp 71 garret l kalhciinc e fug comp 75 ene lit 58 zoology 51 gibbons denis n eng comp 51 ene i it 50 htslurx 80 gcomilrv 19 lttin auth 81 latin comp 85 1 1 aulh 61 1 r comp 78 havwaid aim f bol un 62 zoology 68 clunnslr 56 kirkmss kiihiiim f alji bia 74 noniiirv 69 phvsics fto lilin auth 51 1 um mp m law son ilit n tn in 54 himoiv m alecbi i 56 ln 4 statics s i comp 11 lidki i buti uhi 1 in comp 71 1 ne in 11 alethi i h geonkj4 ii die si itiex 11 phvxic 12 lumtsiix ii lands iv donild i hisiotv 61 gamuin 5o 7o logx 14 phvsics il li omp 12 megcachic paul j eng comp 58 eng lit 66 history 53 botany 51 mckelvey moira a eng comp 64 botany 53 mcphedran jane f zoology 53 moflal jean r enc comp 63 rid wayne j eng comp 50 algebra 53 geometry 59 physies 54 chemistry 56 swaekh liner ross r i iil comp 50 lng lit 54 albia 54 physies 51 wasowui berniee eng lit 51 algebri 56 7oologv 66 williams andiew w lnc comp 54 hng lit 55 histurv 58 fr comp 52 top students receive high average marks guelph results result- of acton students at lending grade 13 in guelph fol low riehaid curne eng cump 52 eng lit 55 atg 66 geom 60 tne 52 phvs 67 chem 53 robot ilinton eng comp 70 lng lit 55 alg 97 geom 76 tug 90 phys 79 chem 70 sherron hibbil eng c 66 eng 1 68 trig 61 bot 83 zuol 68 lai a 73 lai c 64 fr a 64 li c 64 ka lliume kennv hist 54 bol 75 ool 60 giade 13 results released the week show several acton high sehool students with good re suits bl firsts and an average of 6 per cent she also has zoology which she wrote two years ago brian b irbcau wrote and pass ed nine papers with three firsts and an average of 68 6 per cent j he will be attending trinity col lege at the university of toronto i c irolvn cook wrote and pas id nine subccts with two first md in average of 68 3 per eent she will go in training as a nurse in toronto lesley ann duhy passed in 10 subjects with an average ol 615 pcr cent she had studied ger man by herself she will be ai tending lakeshore teaehers col lege denis gibbons wrote eight papers and also wrote trade 3 last ear wimii ridlcv his now enmplel ed his grade 11 mrs vmin cilkn vvh uuu english composilii n took ilk department of tducation eoi rcxpondcncc eoiirse seek final approval of plans for southern esquesmg school fsquesing township school ar bv law was forw irdcd to it ballinafad drive short by 5000 in e little over two weeks 22 canvassers in the ballinafad area have raised 5000 for the construction of their new com munity hall the 21000 hall campaign is augmented by donations from esqueslng and erin townships the bahtnafad womens instl tute and grants from the pro vincial government totalling 11000 the public subscription cam paign must raise 10000 lo complete the project mrs c e snow serving as chairman of the campaign re ported the canvassers were get ling good reception and were working hard to meet the ob jective the tender for the building has been let subject to suc cessful completion of the fund raising wtrk will begin when the objective is assured town hires first recreation director jim casburn to start midseptember 1 board is eurixntl ing linil apptov il ol pi ins in i spiiilu ill nx for construction ol i mvv priivicw si loom sclim on i ju seventh line at five sk1erunl tin bind puuhised the eight lire siu i loin ci nidi puke ii last month at i remit nuctm nt csqucsing township couneil two k tdines wen eiun the bv livv lor the boirowine of ji20000 ilitks septmibei l i lonstniil the new sehool tin is hoped lor inn municipal 1 ippmv il a will ins k i n the pr pertv md pro il ot tin pi ins sought irom tin dep u lduealion and the rite iinur bill p i snxims ii oni hkii bir d unit ol lush in eightyearold hit hit md run motorist slruik town in eijhl vearold clarksun h iv vlond iv eveninj as the oulh w ilked dung 21 side road two i miles west ot hujhwav 25 nuilh hilton op reported mi h ii i g irdon frier ol sunning dik ril cjirksop was knoeked into tlu diteh and his coat wis i un when the cir struek him hoi hi w is urnniurcd the driver it the i ir is still being sought the seareh for a reertation direelor iren i manager has end ed tuesday evening council ae eepted the rccoirimcndalion ol the parks bo u d and eng iged jim cashum of searbotough he will begin his duties here sept ember 17 parks bond ehaitman g w mekenzie and board member cliff biadley inloimed council tuesday out or the 12 applienuls lor the position mi casbuin was lound to have the highest uuali ttcalions the new dim lot will have i starling salary ol 5 000 per v- r with a flat i ile of 20 per month ear allowance plus in addition al ear allowance of 10 eenls per mile lor oulol town business trips when he his completed three mote yens sum met tl un mg to gun his class a direetoi s ccjlijicijc consideration will be given for tn ineiease al present he holds aw interim a eerlili eate government grinls will re duee the unounl ol salaiy paid by the down by 1 500 new program duiing the brief diseussmn pi i or to engaging mi cisbuin lus qualifications vveie outlined may oi john guy slated this is i brand new piogi un ac ion is ad opting and we e innol alloid to have inlhing but the best this man has the qualifications parks board member chit bradley lold eounell alter all l he interviews with applicants all memheis agieed we were lot lunate in having mi casbuin ap ply with sueh qualihe hions mi casburn who inoloted to ac tun duiing the alternoon wis conducted on a lour of the town i by mi me kenie he was in trodueed lo council following the diseussiun he thanked mi ml kenie and the patks boaid for their hospiiulitv and lold eoun eil he was quite impressed with aeton there is a real challenge here and i am more lhan pleased lo give it a try he slated experience his experience dales back 10 years when he began on a part lime basts as a gvm insiruetoi eoaeh manager oflici il and as sislanl in all sports five vcirs afco he began full time emplo men l in scarboioiigh as assistant supervisor of recre ilion he ins completed a llnee e ir in service recre it ion course al the unixcrsitv of western ont ino this summei course is cosponsor ed bv ihe communilv prog r i ins branch of the depiriment ol education he dso holds i relrt geraliun ccrlihcilc from the ie pariment ot labor mr casburn is no newconier lo the held ol sporls he plaved semi pro baseball in the united st ties i ir biitmioii md wish irilion loi three ve us sun n oh a hotkev in toronto t ist ball wili the be lehes league as well is liamlhill in ihe toronto semoi ic lilies five children ilk new dticilul is lit mud wilh live ehildieli mil his bun issisi mi in chtiye ol tin rtete ilion pt 011 un in his aiei in jim casburn si u hoi iiieli put ol his pine un llleie included silpeivisioii ol playiiouiids yeuioiind coiiimu t ilv cenlic icltvilics swiiiiiiung tenuis 1 iwn bowling lo tt ball biseball ind lot md outdoor ho- ckc mil luiosse is well is lend ing issisi m i t in my inilivid ual ore un itions along with his vle pit iliiiie 13 douehs ii joimic 9 roininy 7 mil siiiniic 2 mr cisburn is looking lorw ml lo inoviiil lo aeton pnoi lo the beginning ol school this i ill new assessor bill frskine started duties here monday bill erskme aeton sessor hopes ihe 13lh is a luekv day fur him he begun his duties in ihe munieipal office monday augusl 13 he wis engaged by council fol lowing recommendation of i he administration committee mr erskine is a mimed mm with one boy married formerly of toronto he and his wtfl char lott i are hoping to move here next week he was horn neai maikdak and was educ iled it bolh public and high school there and later attended royal busi ness college 10 years experience the new assessor has 10 veais experience in ihe field and work ed in 1952 53 with ihe depirtrneiit ol municipal affairs when metro politan toronto was reassessed since lliat lime until coming to town he worked wilh ihe metro politan toronto was re issesscd merit in york district township md llohreoke office open arms mi liskine was welcomed wilh open arms lo the town olfiee by the clerk administrator ind his slaff they have been burdened with exira work in the assessing department since ihe lesignition 1 the funnci issessor john la douceur who took a position in ottawa i the new assessor is looking lot ward to the lime when the iren i opens and he can enjoy watch ing his lavonte game hockey bill frskinf fair prize list is hot off press the 88picc f ill lur pne lists e line oil the press i ins week and will he promptly drsliihulcd a hriglil yellow md grei n cover tilialds ihe p iges ol intoiitt ition ihout chsis mil prizes wilhin the lilt will be f i id iv md sal uidiy scplimbei 14 md 15 nino br ud i is president and mrs irene sh ickh mier secretary treasure i gibraltar school closes doors replaced by modern structure by mrs a w benton note owing lo the lack of records the following article is understandably incomplete our informalun has been ob tained from facts told by par en is long ago gone lo their children who have attended s s no 9 and from a few re cent records still here our thanks goes to mr harry r brown mr w bowman mr c cross and any others who have helped in any way dnp beginning in september i were used about 1890 the upper 1962 lrev fell into disuse and miss as wis usual in carlv dis belli ciidim i uighl fio or more when loresls were dense in ihis pnptk m 10 glades in ihe lower irea ihe first s s no 9 sehool i room w is ftuilt ol logs about ib45 and n lll seemed lo he pul on situ iled on lot 18 concession djl number ol pupils i leaeher flic ii1l pi iii ihlllclll mild he lane ftom the t igc belonging lo roger vrneenl allerw trds it was moved l 1 i me house on ihe east side ol the iillh line ind occupied bv ihi robert sc jtt latnrly it was mov ed lo churchill later for a resr llenee and later used as a hog ould huidle pioviilinji the room ivould se it llicnt the pi ivground moved lo was botieved urn sin ill so in 1953 st side ol ipproxim iilh in nr wis pur iased irom mcwlon ruddcfl in ls54 when noiuhers had iched 4s he sec tnd room was ipene i great iredit is due ihe been oibi i tut i sumin s h uei no 1 ml i j es its identi k new m inn six r i un cl i o ill s ll is h 11 ihlllt 111 i ill vi mil rs expiiiid to si i northitii patl oi tlii thu 117 pen bv ihi ind w i igo khamcr family board ol misties and lorn down only a few irs e spec i ill v mr md mrs fred j britoks who ne i ihi rr lime ind labor m icnov timg the new lower room or the i w is built on ihe present loom hei iboul 1862 ind the second vv ilei in was completed in 1875 tor km md t i ber of vcars bolh rooms i cenmn dw vs been i proh- v vi us tlievld lave five expect numerous water breaks to erupt as water pressure increases next month niniiit ms vv hii in iks erupt imm viim w i i i in oldci rvsid ninl si ti n v the ikw tisuvoii m inn rlmll is put un ii m sep her nu tnk is ii v um v i comludctl tiusil is walct prvssuh ii lite in mis t expexted lo un nasi io uk pounds in some ui is eouipinel with pitstnt pnssuu ol ippiosi matelv 15 pou i is l un i i dexidcil o publish i m ip oui lining the towns pnssuu swim so honuimnris ui iv iv ikii t wjlll bn ikv 111 ii develip sewn tnd wiui iboiniin j bcrl vwh ispusse- his l um fur i hi unit p iuai huh pus urr innxise ml iskul ink i for pe nnission lo ml mi h n owtkrs ot indk hid in i ise h susbesusd iik mi tit i iki niijhi make pnlimmitx iiistveti n t i the homenw ih is w hi nt i k mik cet lo trouble with ihe it pus tnt swum the engines r s ml the urge might ee trom 25 ot w pounds over the ptxsenr p w sure renvvrkeil the ehairmin ctcril administrator juk mi geachie aid homcowmrs emikl purchase a pressure rxhet vjim to offmrt the increased pressure on the line and sugprstcd ihat ettv home in the older part of town could casih be affected un less new lines had been inulkd hi the last few xcars it was reported bv the sewer aod water chairman that a rebef i 111 ikine ill t tmilt ir wilh s svstem iv ulabl homeowners il the it ukqi ol thu i the limit i ipfhoid gkt ii tn t niiu 1 1 loi i i ink prims i vv i n i n r ot in nn use well esiitiuieil ii iinehhith ki 4 ind iwo mijhr k nin i ihe town m biiiti id he ihs xpiv- llt spiinlme 5i6s0o0 lor the mi von u ilklxas w ilel ivs u md rxihaps 5ixw to i v ii iean 1 sav turn il cm and trs it and it it dwsni work turn it olt agairr he stated in conelu s on mr dw advised ihe pressun rebel wstctn cxm i rolled b the n vvti not be eonsieleted al pres- enl but urged couneil lo publish the map for ihe public want sidewalks a petuion from residents tn the guelph and main strwt north area asked council s e-t- sidcration for sidewalks and the problem was turned over to the cj mill lommittie i i mvi i iml ri xiuiietiil ii u it tin work is uiulitiikcii lv tlii i wi iniki i k il impioveii in i iih h itii i wiui illiete 1 vi ukl h issisi i 1 ik it poin n l i hi i 111 tile ihsell i ol w ii ks sup enniendeni all duhv tin ivm niks hoi nl iv un il ju hull id the ektk ii n inu one ot ihi wolk si itl lo nvetsei ill w k it in iddilionil t num i ui m i 10 per wixk ih ti n w i ikm iltet tin ekik khci 1 enuniil hi is suhnt il back lo hospu i it in tun 1 t ex mi inilion iuuni his hi lid in r complete j mi met i i hi vvj uiki k iv i ii an i x piis exiiiuniti n b i xv i si i the ilul uln s ii w is i i slixk d i pi piri i mlo i i the foiuiili n t ii ic ht n u mnnllei il et x i 1 i i pv of a draft bx i iw pupnxd hv iti depiumvii tse jritibs law o lined ihi done md mil 1 t sueh i unimiiii cniiiiil icieeil ti inmnvirile i pinitph s i mp ih tl ho ks xx oil f tv kipt b the oimmiiux wilh siminp power given i k r tw i mull hers and cheques pax lbk be handed to ihe clerk tor his mal signature and mailing after appnml inim ihi on tano municipal board vvis out lined council gave the third and final reading to a bxmaw amend- tbe t i ih jpuiiti minj b law out huildnils uil i kltj- tlum fin thiil don wi sori cuuim co- idiu mm tor halion mulual fin nd i iuihii acriiil to have he insor in i ifint check fin insuran p irks lo see if the new liie ladios installed in hoiks vine included il w is i uniif dunne ihi nn in i h k polie l re port ih it w pr ise ut iris bid hexn listed and ui ol this number vi convictions upheld wiih ute dismissal and iw i withdrawals resulting tnim ih r ut ir uinlril sxsum coun ii is ijux1 ihe new radir svs um wi dome i likkj ob and t lin hul iveii hcisx dunne ihe i speeders beware 1 i mt i l e intnil speeding i n vi i n stixit oith louneil on in it px i mission imm ihe i c in v it ha oa tor a surxev in this irei prexious pcrmismon is ihlish a designaicd speed i mil in ihe burehifl rend north in i hut hexn riecrttxi from the t wnship t lsqucsmg i mnnbeis present for the tues- dtx ivxning sevston included j mjvot john cms recxe jack har i im eoiineillonv lcs dub j bei sxh1 hamijion peal frank pnose md frank toth absent bee ulse of holtdlvs wctc dcdulv reeve william denm and council lor george barbcau st jom ambulance bltlgade handed out certificates to 11 successful grddutes in the first aid and home nursing courses during graduation thursday night august 9 at the united church some of the children presently enrolled in courses were m attendance along with parents and friends children receiv ing certificates and others on the course as well as leaders are shown above front row kneeling kft to right are raeleen hotchen superintendent robert s hart and barbara nfcolalt second row left to right joarme heatfey brenda henry terry gordon bob hart it brenda fryer sharon dowltng and helen harris back row ma e heffeman oarlene johnston anne fryer sandra hargrave lynda- reinert and treasurer mrs g hargrave

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