Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1962, p. 2

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sentinel lookout the good old days reaching the people an incident involving some canadian american and russian newspapers indicates that although communities publicly sneer at advertising as a nonessential impotent de vtce of decadent capitalism they privately feel that it is a useful and potent instrument for reaching the public the soviets invested 32 500 to get the full text of premier khrushchev s recent peace congress speech published m seven english language newspapers the soviet embassy in ottawa placed the advertisement in three canadian papers at regular advertising rates the winnipeg free press the montreal star and the ottawa journal r s melone publisher of the winnipeg paper thought his readers should also have a canadian opinion on the issues discussed by mr khrushchev and such an article was written by bruce hutchison on further though it seemed to mr malone that russian newspaper readers deserved the opportunity to weigh both viewpoints and he cabled pravda russias national newspaper the name of which rn english would be truth an offer to buy space for publication of mr hutchisons article when pravda rather disdainfully replied down the line as the early days of september approach there may be countless small businessmen who will eye a new plan of the canadian banks with some misgiving we are told that the old fashioned overdraft will be viped out any businessmen w ii tell you that on overdraft permitted him to make a payment and have the bank honor it even though suf idem cash may not have actually existed m the account it was honored on the assump tion cash returns in the immediate future would cover it of course the bankers offer the alterna five that has always existed m obtaining loans by promissory note to cover the absence of sufficient cash to carry on a busi ness it is safe to predict that if the system of overdrafts is automat cally wiped out on september 1 there- w ii be a flood of n s f cheques we can only hope the bankers w ii use discretion in the el m net on of over drafts a system that hes existed for countless years in canadian banks it does seem th banks are mtrodix ng a number of changes probably partially be cause of the increased volume and increased costs banks are now ask ng that ell cheques be printed with code line across the bot torn that wilt permit electronic sorting the process named magnetic ink character re cognition produces a i ne of pecul er look by sttter taylor that it did not carry advertising and would not consider breaking its rule the same offer was cabled to vechernaya moskva a daily that does accept advertisement after some delay the cabled reply was that the news paper prints only advertisements of interest in moscow and that the free press adver tisement would be out of place when the russian advertisement was offered the washington paper philip graham president wrote the soviet embassy that he would publish the khrushchev speech m the news columns if one of the official russian newspapers would do the same with the text of president kennedys disarmament speech before the united nations general assembly last september by august 1 there was no reply to the july 18 letter of mr graham the freedom with which the advertise ment was published in canada and the unit ed states and the rejection to similar counter offers received from the russian press indi cates one of the basic differences between the countries it indicates too that even the russians realize newspapers are one of the best ways to gel a message across to the public mg figures printed with a special ink con taming iron oxide this line is magnetized in the sorting machine and the cheques are sorted into one of several pockets the business man who uses printed cheques is expected to pay the cost of this new encoding system which is naturally more expensive than the previous printed cheques it was not long ago either that the banks discontinued supplying the special water marked bank paper for the printing of cheques the cost of paper and the cost of the new electronic encoding have been add ed to the cost of using printed cheques there is no visible out to all these things that are increasing the complexity of operat ng bus ness but undoubtedly in creasing costs will always find their way to the consumer since profits in most small busi nesses seem already to have been depleted lo a minimum level editorial briefs if i had the choice to give you worldly goods or character i would give you char acter w th character you will get worldly ooods because character s loyalty honesty b i ty sportsmanship and i hope a sense o humor from the w ii of john b kelly sr the acton free press published by4b mils frtnttac end pubuahtag co lid founded tn 1875 and published everv thursday at 59 willow si acton ontario member of the audit bureau tf circulation the cwna and the ontarioqucbcr dtvroon of the cwna advertising rates on request subscriptions payable in advance 1300 m canadaff00 in england and other commonwealth countries 5j00 m the united states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authonred as second class mail post office department ottawa the only paper ever pubhsbed fan acton jm g a dills editorfrhoitef b david r dills managing editor si ness ar4d editorial office phone 8532010 back in 1942 taken from the lwu of the free press thursday august 20 1942 two dnys niter ll wis sioltn i laic tnutkl uu ovsntd h c v font wan revuvutd in ciodukh a 21 vcaridd soldlei william rhode ahseni without k m from cumrt boulm was nmsttd and thargtd wilh thy ihtft ul iiil two pi isuik rs w ho e si ajx d rum mil ion ml by in iking i rape mil ul loin blankils luvi iklii uiughl in muni mil iiul in being hi id lur millun pulm i ik men weie pukid up bv mom iiul dciniives when aitempiing u lllttl j ixliultllltf siutiun firviumrtlitilv dtslroud tin big bum on lit i aim ul c imp dav iiiglu thi ml in hay nop i eutiple uf loads ul giain loin calves and a bull win nlso des 4rotd as vmii us harness ind other equipment usuajlv kipt in the barn ihi nanus hi up ilu k tut miks muiul and m my from at ton ilmvi to l hv mi ik cause ot l ik hu is unknown and tvhe i hist dixiovuid mi stun saw thi building on ha horn ins hulioom window i oi tunitih ilu link lui vlii h vv is mowing w is in i till u ii nt direilion i i hum olhu build mgs dim igt s din nit i twouir iiudtni u tin mrim ul mill and mini sts on siiiuidv morning bin ilu owm t j lui umt tlu dnvu floutm shiilu appeared in magisliale s mini and pud i 10 tim l mi u hid dirntul the uim in tn drive his i u whui slit didti t hivi i linnsi mil ik i diivmg txpu unit hmmd chit i hitiop in vistigilul ind 1 tid iht i h u j i i inplnvtts its iiul i inuliis of at ion milium shop uiuud i punk situuliv tiki noon n film mills p ii k dining ihi il ttinoon t pit st m il ion was in uk b iht employus it mwlvwiils mi and mrs ken film ruts ind olhtr tonusts tun lit 1 i pnoi io in mmv iblt pit n u lumh vviuh ioiulikkd iht onl ng lisi tvming while itp urs wue bung m idt lo i iiiuk on ilu arm of huh mi ft him lillh lint g isolnit in iht mithint in sinm wn becime igniltd usull ing in in explosion ctusing lilt itutk lo nki liu 1 ink mir ann ihrtt t uold daughter of iht homi wis in the inuk and before she was result d shi sul find mnnv strums hums on hu arms kgs ind body mtdit il it rtentlon was given and ik w is taken to hospital in spite of tht excellent job ihil atlun ladies an doing knit ting aril its for tht armed fore es thir red cross is j looking foi more volunteers plenly ol wool is iv a liable back in 1912 taken from the issue of ihe irea press thursday august 19 1912 tin wiitkinin ate now pn pin my lor tin itimival ul i he old h aim posl olflie lo the ikw silt mxi to haill s hiovt mm a eoiipk nt ltd have been till oil the west side ul il whue ii was mil hid lu iht nihil bitlldinu posimiislii matthtus intuids ail ding ih ml a lumdiid utu boxes su tin iiioiuniiklatlon will ht moie eommodiuus limn ihioii litis buil liny will prohahlv ik iii iim loi i bun l a vim and a hall until tin ikw it tit i ul building is lompltltil a iik il iiiiomohilisi who has iihhoitd ilioiisaiuls of miks this si tsoii savs thai sum the im pi mum ills tlktttd in tonnte lion willi i hi louutv good roads ssli in at ion has he t it r ap piouhts in nil diititious than inv dthei limn oi ui lit has dil mii ihiough skip w j ciould and his leant nuns huu hvnds cluk mi kinnon iiul a j liliman have bun doing some tine buwling iht pisl utik i isi wtdiusdiv ilu s iku utl i im in siou ul sf2 ind i miui look i stun point in u in out ilu iiiiguowii k mi i iiiilht iiulph will usii tin at lun k mi mu ii is ilu ii pi ol iht plius lo in uk up uioth it win low ml winning the im pli tht si im lolln opu hoi in i mil v hid in imh in isstd look wstiidn mni runt whin mi l in in gui down in iht diieh op posiu i ilduell s i m p it ni t u t shop ii look sun d nun uu n houi uith lu i uks to itt tht hilk i buk on ilk i oul ij nil i ik wu sptll lisi unk w is wikiunul b tin lirtnus mil iv mum tiputls tin u on nop is ihiiviiifc iik i mill pirt ol the old aim sti nig house whiih is being moved to i igin st is sul si intl nit mill st it hit c i r ii leks win it ll his hull toi i tvitk mliiluiiu with li ifhe it h is bun i tie il ih mm lor ihe be hi i iii su tin lugt quuili ties ol in i nam turning inio l mn ind tin sriidtu iniounls of nitoxit hing liquor willi im dtnms crtwsons cur ins utitls tin loss ol his u mi ol horsi- list wtik this is tin l unt ol u ir i good it un is ntid id fui imustnig j imts suniirulk ind thorn is decnng witt t leh iwirded a i oil trail foi i lining iht mail lo ra ruril ire is the thunh soft hall league is still lit nltd b tht prtsbvtenan lidin with ihi baptists and ang hiutis in seeond pi ne four gam is bi inn i the mtlhodisls ii nl the p uk with onlv iwo wins sfa uid sfuce news i district georgetown a fourvearold hov wis pulled from the cadil rtter hv publie stlnxil siudtnt mil i usilmg tttnager htrt las utek the otingsttr wis ippirtnilv plivrng in shallow water when hi was pulled into tht mini sire im b iht tumnl when his iwo rtstutrs hipptnul ilong tht boy was thnshitit the waler in a losing battle lo keep his he id tbove the surfnt burlington tin towns volutitm fin department last week oltd noneonhdente in ihur chitl rit 1 sinn tht ote eouneils ha polite ind hghl eommtiee his intl in i ilostd discus sum in nn altimpt lo dttinnint iht sinim of thi rouble this vote bv tht lirimin is iht i ittsl dinlnpnuni in voluntitr dipitlmml un ris tlnl ditts bilk lo ihe im ilj im hum ul biulmglon nelson town ship and aldttshot strfftsvuif an oiithre a of siwir lollapsis ins the residents of iht rinniiw huhls hoiisint tlivtlopmint somtwh il upstt lawns and dnviwns have hut i bi loin up in 10 tises ihus far and there is a possibility the sewer stslun ihioughoul tin mine subdimsion will have to be lorn up the pipi lollapse cpidimn is attnbuttd lo suit londitions inst ilhiiiin or diltttiw pipmt in olhtr words no unt knows tht real e nisi oakviilr counul hsl wttk ipproved in extension of t former tnfalgar bv i iw to ihis luvvn pn milint ih il thi likks uf an old and unusid rtfrigu iturs or ici boxes rnusi k rimovtil for the pruketion of ehildien brampton the siist mm on tool from this timn jim irons qualified last week fur iht canadi in ti im h ilu loinmt bn tivh empire gums whui in i in iht st ml liift mih ivr nin hv a canadian ll u is ilu i imtsi mik run h ilu flisln mikr in his brilliant eight e u e iittr mil ton a niti lint of i mv ism t- ummilki numhiis dii sum kadtrs and iapi un- lhi vviik will di lit mine ihi file of millun s eummunilv swimming pixl tin fund i iinpnn liounil to i virtu 1 si indstill ifur in mill i km si win h s iw i un i miv t ilku ihuiil 40000 ul the stisooo th met tint will ik id whuhir n uvi tht morttv haek or go ihnd with i inmtuui n i i hi p l itilf mil ikl i work on fauliius v tohv j otituafty well known as horse breeder rw lowrie came from wales a retired farmer who was widi k known robert william lowrit died m ihe oueen ehubtih hosp ital toronto on august i atttr 24 cars m atton ht moved yun vears ago lo r r i streets ilk to be with hi- daughlcr mrs c w mcdonald he farmed al lot 12 esqutmng and lot i erin hf h line tor 1 tars mr lownc was bom in 1866 ai cadaion near cardiff in souih wales and went to sehool tn wales and england in 1804 in wales he and elizabeth yoraih were mamtd and lhc tame to canada in 1912 triage brothers fte sisters a son and a daughier predeceased him as well as their daughier btttv mrs mcdonald ihcv and a daughter kathleen mrs p n johns and son stuart whi pridi i ihii ihur f nhu judged clydesdales h w ix kunh in inxiui in xpo i parti ul irk h kkev ik wax n i i i- i lodge of hurs v xpeuti il s cbdtmlilo knh hen ind in suilh walts he was m u in ihi w rk of si albin x chunh ml ilurmt lh su md w rll wlr wix joxeh vonnielid with tht xilvagt inre thi funtnl x augiixt 8 in st a bin chunh was tundtiel td h ihi r d h w xt asxi td h tht ru dr d k ptme the prexbv tt mn minister in strei sillt imerment was in famutt ntnettrv atton the pallscirex win harding pnie w o moffit t m watson r l davidon atton n hew son malion and j a mt donald cooksulk a lieniiiuloiin eliiiiige has laktn pi ut in siiiiiinti livlnu in i ik uiiaduin kinull town during ih cum 20 or 30 ycoi and lookliijj uik i in not ai all sure ll hem u ihungi loi the lullti i wax lliinklng about this lo- nlghl its ik in oiu ol ihost oh luxhluntd ltd iiul summit ilus tlml stem vi sunt nowu limfm silling in ihi quid tool kllthin wilh nothing to dis mail mt but the moiro slum ining ugulnm iik eivcn duoi 1 gol remlnlstlng uhoul mun men batk in ihe iwcniie when i wui u inikleluiid 6fl pounds of bone und inustk in ihow days kids dldn i eomt running lu ihth molhtrs eighl limes u day whining gee whut ii we do mom there s no inn ouisldt how about laklnu us fot u swim cun i have a dime loi a tlulw qutui why don i we have ii tullugt hki olhtt people when ate vu going lo get i bo it and so on jink ihe eonlijiv moibus ill those divs pi utli illv hid to i ill tht polm lu lot he tht it yuungslus su iiul tiny euold diat lliun in mil fttd lliuu llirit i inns a il iv lor kids in ihost tutus iheie simply win noi enough horns in the day ind nighi ilw ys fill ln lu eulv for a sm ill bov m thusi d iys thin wut ihoul 480 tisuniiing limits to do on i miinmir d iv ihue were no iig tniail swim ming elisses no oigimed little ii igues no urgimed anyihing rvtiytlimt w is hi jiii dully disot ginied yuu sni kind i mi mil pi inutbiitlu suidwith in tin tuul hughi ul iht moining and look olf iiinmng m iybt yuu weni up tn iht im gruunds md pi iytd bast hill ill morning thi red be iboul 12 kids on t uh side md ivtry piteh tvuy tlust plav w is arguid vioknih wilh i lot ol pushing in ihi i lie st md fiene rtparkt iikt oh vtah you it nuts st who miyhc you took i swing around bv lht sandpit enwkd into lht tanfully conitnltd eage with ihe boys and lay around smoking monkey tohatiu in loikt wmwmfht ilil hydro commission summer meet brief even though summer is shll with us atlon hydro cummis sion was rumndtd of tail when il was teamed a mohile tleetrn walu healing display was av aihhle lor lht atlun till tin i rum ontario hvdro cummis siontrs vvtrt infurmtd ol ihis during ihur shorlesi mttting ol the year thursday august 9 the mtcung lasitd unt hum tht eummission agreed if a tk hnquinl ind dispultd anounl is nul stilled immtdialily a solitilur would bt tngatd ind toui i at i ion i iken members siniek i hippur note in tht bntf agmdi whin lht rttuved free pisses to ihe cnf seiruary in isurtr mis and ny urquh in notid ont ino hvd nt had ipprovid a imliu i ipital exptndilurt amounting to ii sin for si iransformtrs this menas ts thi propositi i ipit il ixpimli lure budget lo ji9 iss f ih e ll appronl wis uim or nkiv woik and panning lo be ilotit hv atlon body shop un ihe di ptrtmmts volkswtgui uxul hv tilt meter re nil r it i tust 1 ji20so 5y bill smiley tiixi md jiloitlng a hoi libit lalt loi i hi giinu in tlu my lllth k muybi you usl tut on lop ol a mom wall in the nun ihrw lug lleoiitt und siting who itiuld spit ihe lutihrsl maylx youd lay on a wooden bildgi and llsh ilu hum ptthiitf oil like ptluls uh yuu wall hid ilu dark wulu he low nuk mini lluting with ilu mil ol a 1 1 out h lull behind a lug oi maybe you kwuni in ihe rivci utilil your itp were blue und your eye bloodshot ihen lay baking in the un mlndlcfc tul litwing iht pondimuk dunte ol thi greul while iiimuluus tlouds maybe you had a ited find then i be a niund up ol beer bot iks and suaji irun ami tdd llrts thist wen sold and the pml lis in visit d in wientis and pop ihtn yuu d stud lht btsl snakh tt uf lht gang lo swipe i hiituh ol ban m is oil tin oillside sijiuj it ilu liuil si uk ihtn youd ill go homi and sit il yuu iiivu isk id oi il vou slok ll my luol you eould gel iw iy wilh uid miylk i hindliil ul ilu uld nuns fiipt lohmtti linn uutl all a tut to iht t ivt md fitivi in uriv ol i mid 111 it would make one ol tmpiioi nuos le isls look iikt i sund i sihuol pie nil afitr suppu rtw iklighis httkoned you eould eliuih inio ihi lite house met kuk liltlt gills in ilu 1 ut whin liit v 1 1 nt lo lunh it you lould enjoy picnic supper with mrs hassard mst thurstl iy our tirlouls ol lilits it m knn hunh purmv id to coronation pirk on thi h ms f i ike onl inn neir oik v ik to i ti iv 1 pi nit dfnner with mis f j hissard alur linnet ihi pirk thv wmt t su ht r rnw ipnirmni mix h tx- irtf x tut dhr tknhhit lrx lwt wmt w th hit t meet hu a t n i und water diviner finds tv stream an on ihoxpen dun instration il how lo divine a we i viax givin thinntl su oiurs salurdiv al xx oelosk when mr j spnwl was interviewed on county time she hid tuxt been asktd thurs da if she would appear is j guesi this is her fourth appearame on television due lo her unusual latent an umanni ability to delect underground streams her suttess ix widely known here she used a nd which dipped vcrv not itabh oyer a source of water mrs sprowl also tells how deep the well should be drilled play ron simp run and rtd hglii in ilu giiliuirig dusk yu tould limiiii yiflt big sis tu uid lur by irunds as liny potfi i tin ii uh un slnrpst r pimllit wu lu ml v m ruuih ti whisik ui pit king yuooo iiikh lulling tin kru of pirt mg day i wry in iihu hid hu spinal tall md wt kntw our own i torn blxks iwuy and evuy i tlhu had tin s niu iiininunl loi kids who i iiktl rr iesp ritl i lit any tlip on tin jupx wi tame burnt i vlitll but prumplly all iiul his bun ehangid kids in ill ovei ih mutiv now oi s ti m tn i i tunings lluy y wliitdltd tliit lolksm lu i ikmg llltltl i tin tin vi in oi ilu v n slti ping in sir mgt bids il x inn b iy x i ill lg wluli tliii piunix x und kn km b e k ih u n mil lu oi ih pta iili souk tit millilltd with v iii stilt 111 i tn i i i klvixoii s i walilung i it un ol un l i isi wmttrx ptogi mis whil in iht soli waim uutdouih ilu buds md the tins uid tin in n mourn ihe days wh n ilu ipniy voltes ul thildiui il pi iv pi tvild i toiiii lupuinl lo tin mill ilv i i i velvil summit tuning wwtt rztrss fx r unreal professional directory and travellers guide mrdicai funi ral diri ctors drwgc kenney flbwfeu physiuan and surgtun offict in symon blotk 41a mill sr i atlon jbfkoftftusikf orfue phone 8s52i11 jjbl 9amm residence us church s e phone 85w350 night or do p 8svi664 brut r shuemokct mgr physiuan and surgeon corner of willuw and rivtr sts entrance river si alton onl phrne 81141141 dr robert d buckner physiuan and surgeon 39 wcllinglon si at ion onl on vacatiom call dr brcwsler 877 2 3 op dr t b moore physiuan and surgeon 2 mun street norlh coimr mun md mill slieet aelon oniaiio phone oiiiu 8s32180 res 8s3oms dpntal dr h leib dental surgeon olfue corner mill and fruit nik struts of fue hours by appomlmint tiliphom rsiflftlo e l buchnerro leinst luntael lenses htanng aids 6 john st s acton in atton wednesdays only 2 00 pm 6 ih pin lor appointment phune 8s 1041 11 no uiswei phone witeiluu 742 8867 traveljers guide gray coach lines coachfs leave actov d ivlighl saving lime east bound 613 am daily exiept sun and ilol 8 ss j m im am 208 p m s os p m 6 13 p m 8 31 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 am 12 57 pm 2 57 pm 5 27 pm 7 27 pm v 12 p in 1 1 12 p m 1 02 a m i n sat sun and hoi dr a j buchanan dtnnl surgeon offuc sa mill street offitr hours 9im i fi p m closed wednisdav afternoon ttlephonc 8sl i7s0 legal c f leatherland oc barrister and soliuior n tarv publit off e ii iurx 10 am 12 pm 1pm s p m siurlayx by appointment only ph nc off ssllllo res bsji74s alton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public orfue hours in acton monday friday evenings 6 pan 9 pan saturday i pm 5 pjn 23 paislev st guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9 aan 12 ajn daily 9 ua s pan canadian national railways i ivlight saving tune tasi bound 6 s6 a m tu toronto daily ex itpt sit md sun 7 38 a m to t rint ll it ixitpt sun 942 i m to toionlo daily ixicpi sun 7 17 pm tu toronto daily tsttpl sim 8 01 ptn lo tor m t i sunday only 10 20 pm lu tn i inly board at uorgi town only wist bound r0 i m tu s rallord dailv ex iepi sun v06 am lo siratfurd da iv bond it norgt lovtn only 621pm itsualford daily exttpl st md sun 7 16 pm to slrat f tr 1 sui 1 iy only 717 pm to strati id da iv txupl sun p m t i stra lend daily ex pi si for lunhir informalmn call y ur l al agent ssi 24 so appwaisinfa and insur f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone m34720 appraiser and laiurmnra over so yean in aito chntonucto david w gohn 0 c 25 mill st e phone 8s3h7i entrance on willow st office hours mon wed frii pjn f6 tu thun j

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