Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1962, p. 1

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zht ktln sfit tt eightyeighth yurno 11 acton ontario thursday september 6lh 1962 ton pogosseven cenj esquesing accepts 71465 bid for offices lowest of seven a 171 465 tender of j b mack enzie and son georgetown for the construction of esquesing townships planned new munici pal hall was accepted tuesday evening by members of the town ship council it was originally felt the pro posed building could be erected for about 160000 and the town ship had applied for omb per mission for a 60000 debenture iisuc the ontano municipal board had to be reapproached last week when the mackenzie tender was the lowest or seven received and permission was granted this week to up the value of the debenture tooooo the building will be erected on the seventh line just north of the check line maple ave about a mile north of the pre sent township headquarters transfer eight pupils to robert little school transfer of eight grade 8 stu dents residing in warren grove from the m z bennett public school to the robert little public school was decided on at the pub lic school board meeting tucs day night with the transfer there will be one grade 8 class at the m z bennett school and two classes at the robert little school the principals explained that this would result in a more satisfactory timetable arrange ment and would provide mure favorable conditions for the child rcn principal g mckcnie of the robert little school reported a s first day enrolment of 515 pupils with 64 in kindergarten and in average of 32 in each of the other classes at the m z bcnnfft school principal e smith report ed 421 enrolled with the five jun tor grades averaging 3738 pupils to a class inside repairs to the school rcrtf discussed and the properly committee recommended the jan itors proceed with the work mr william chisholm was scl ecled as replacement crossing i guard on main street at ihe school lane he will replace mr ford who supervised the cross ing last year c a martin warden george leslie esquesing reeve a recommendation by pnnupil mckcnzic that the trees being removed on the school grounds bo replaced with new frees met with the boards approval hi was instructed to prepare a su vey of the types of trees now in school grounds and recommend the types of new trees to be planted dutch elm disease has infected the large elms on the grounds and the trees are now being removed new trees will be planted at both schools the financial statement ol 116545 was approved for pav mcnl and the secretary report d receipt of 140 noti resident lees nassagavvcya township grade 8 students will use the facilities at the robert little school for the teaching uf home economies ind shop last year both grades 7 and 8 pupils took these subjects in acton the board approved the adopt ion uf the bank of nova scotia thrift plan in the schools undci this program the pupils will re eeivc training in banking proee i urcs and will be able to make de posits in their accounts through the schools onle each month thi bank started the program in 195s and it was in operation in ovci 400 schools last year i warden reeve c a martin warden martin elected tuesday reeve c a murlin of milton was chosen warden ol h ilion county for the balinec of 1962 tuesday afternoon at a special meeting of halton county cuun cil elcehun ol a new rtuikn was necessary following the sudden death uf warden willi id bud reeve uf esquesing lyvvnship on august 24 councillors tucsdiv uoniinilcd esquesing keee gun gc lislic he wis named iuu illei the reeves death reeve mulin ind oakville reee f ales phillips for the post but rene leslie de clined he noted the township was starling a building ptogruti and said he would n i in the time to devote to euuntv business that the olllcc demanded reeves martin and phillips both agreed that reeve leslie was en titled lu the wdidens eh in loi the balance of the year but since he declined both agreed lo tel their names stand counullots held i votcand ricvc maitin won out jj accepting he chin ihe w ir dens town and the eh un ol flee ihe new wirdcii slid ill ink you ill for the oppoi luiiity of be continued on piy sis george leslie esquesing reeve depulv reeve icorjti 1 eslu wis li mid reeve ut lsqucsmu township by lellovv iiuinullois us week lollovving ihe sudden dmh l reeve will ml bud coilllellloi cicuigc leslie wis moved up lit the pus lion ol ikpuh reeve mil bob uwson u blew it mown dele ited in i isi dcccmbci s iiiumupal dee li n w is idded lu the eouiiul to till the v namv ciniiicil bv milium cxpieyed lllili deep sviup itbv lu the reeves wik nul i uiiilv and llieir ippiiu hi m loi uk tinsel lish uul mill ittiij seiviee whieh mi bml tiu the niimiupilllv iluutlj his 16 vi us on lulincil 1 his week it i nutting tues d i evening eouiiiilliii gcuile tunic w is elmscii lu mi mr birds v li iikv un the 16 mile reck coilseiv ilion aullluiitv chuks culls w is lemunciatcd 170 loi eiebol the iss ihree ind me h ill inonlh old chickens kill ed list week bv i due cuuiuil ins triced lu ptv lull the 1 i vv i ilk llliei tlislikl liieli school bonds with the b 1 due ille i i ims lie eulleeled m rntdoilohu esquesing reeve george leslie no water pipes for arena sprinkler a maze of pipes valves and controls has been installed at the community centre building and next week specialists from grin ell sprinkler company hupe lo test ihe new dry pipe sprinkler system the sprinkler system has been installed in an effort to reduce insurance costs on the building over 95 per cent of the instal latiun has been completed george irlclnnfs gordon burtl nd riv bovtc are completing last minute installations be i ore testing ihe lines the new svslem through out the entire building has taken about one month to complete the dry pipe svstcm was chos en un account of the cold lem pcrature in winter to piewnl wa ler in the lines from freezing ac cording to the installers 40- pounds of air pressure is con t dined in the pipes irom the main shut off valve in the event lire breaks out in the ice section nd the temperature reaches 212 dicjccs the sprinkler head will break allowing the ur lo rush out and trip the al irm which in turn rclc ises vvalci it the point ol tire to ix set the il irm the wa ter is shut olf and air pumped back into the lines again plan extensive program 196263 ymca season an extensive program to include men women and eluldieii has been set up lur the ymca this sevson and applie itiotis an d leadv heme received b scircl ary sid saitz a nuttihet ut new etuolilleilts have been made util this week and members vvhu umed last ycir still retain then mem tut ship cards until i he end of the month the sceretarv has been as- main n paving started again nu sthtner hid godson paving companv stai led their pav mi pruicct on main street north when thev welc lotxed lo stop afkr onlv oiu shurt stnkh of pavement had ken laid llv phalt pi ml bruke down swamped with requests for pro grams and new equipment has been purchased new clavses added this year in elude a mixed group for bovs and girls which include small gimes junior chess and table tennis and men s gymnastics vol levbill btsketball as well as wo men s gymnastics and badminton the secretary is hoping to ob tain a regular friday evening swim class al the guclph y each week failing this it is believed periodic swim sessions can be staced al the guclph pool walls and floors have been re painted estra supervision obrain- ed the doors open fur the sea sun and the secretory waits tag erlv tor additional enrolments any takers wedntsd iv woikmcn resumed their iob uul signs w unim mo- loilsts in posted ilunj the route as tiaflie doiljes heivv equip ment rep ills lie isu ik i life made tu the cinbine un the wesi side of ihe hlixk hum john street io elcjn stroil swbhi it u t ees for 62 fall fair bv i week fiom tomorrow- all will k in rndiness for acn slmvve isc ol agriculture ihe i ill i ur a work hex is planned tot mondav to readv ihe hall and loi widnesdiv to erect snow ten ees uul build rings r l dntdson is in eh irlc ol the hilt the i idles wurk will ih shown in ihe in un ludiluiiuiu i i ik uimnuiiliu eeiuix and in i ik luce loom djwnsluis cum nuuiil ishihils ill outside this ve u will include a hvdro displav in i um i i i ik lust time servian irei sum mis c swaekhamer will li iw tin ufttee in the com ntunilv icntti i ntius are com he in u idih she sivs happih bent fcver llu liieisi irtav ol exhibits to fair specials actons merchants arc contri butlng to the gay carnival at mospherc of fair week next week by offering specials in stores and businesses through out town over 40 businessmen are cooperating in offering hese specials c bright red and white posters and in free press advertising shoppers and fair visitors who watch for these posters will find them signs or savings for weekend shopping ads telling of the good buys will be in next week s free press as well as on the color ful window penants tight girls now richard cheers burst out at the fred spear farm home it r r 2 ac on as eight young girls w uicd anxiouslv for word irom guclph general hospital al last ihcv h ut a babv brother mr ind mi s spttir weic dihchkd lo h ie i son as their ninth child rtehiid was burn august ih lis great lo hive i hrolhu the guls eiil inned thiv in trudv 14 gavje ii c mlvn 11 brcndi 10 n imv nine ixhbv eight melodv sis ind vleki loin mr ind mis spi ir win imt ned in julv 1946 she is i ik i i in n lircnit andeison ol a t n she came lur is i btbv from h imillon ind liter bet m u nage mo veil to b ilhn if id record enrolment stuns trustees remedy crowding wednesday buklti llsiussili iii mj i uesil iv al stew pi unts lined o li ml ptohltuis wuii a lluce man clelel iluiti inn in alk i n ilie pi in hit the bond unufe i kiiclnv line- sisluie ol joe bheilcl biuie bv uultliic i ik dim feclovvu ve 11111 ol lsquis niekson and boh cuiiihiilji im sihool bus vvllteh p isses the i uni lid vviilii tin lies noivil uc i lesidenls isked the homes hu lid iiumbi i s icivid to iiiwded londil i ii ihoaid in consider providing ti in hue the li msp n lilion loninut n bus i lit eom spoil hum foi 19 pupils in then i ice investiyik ind pinvide ihe lonilitions mil lis i uea ihe pupils lie pnsinllv i dike iliun willi in insvvei bv ihe lelec uion being li inspdiliil h the p irents lend ol i ik vveik mi sherel spnkcsnun fu j t v ihe t lold the mcinbirs he s hid clinked the dist mec llnl iv his kirn io norval school il one ind eight tenth miles he staled ap piuieipil a ibbons ol hi sliwaillown sihool mf rmed tin bond ills five loom sehihil hill lirsl d iv iiinlnienl ol 20s pupil- i spieled elirolmeill hid belli at 168 pupils the pnuupal told the board some pupils win with uut si i hue iieoiuiiiuil itiun and hid to sii un ihe llooi alln i uview of tin mill ilion bund munhiis lgricd ti li ins ler one buslo id i i thi i line lit use sehuul wednisd iv inlnulilv p il ents ol i ik ih mci boh m isl i in in ol fsquesiiil bus gimp mv vv is ijislrueletl lo i inlinui his iieiilu mil mini ilk iupils li skw iillown ind ibui in ike i ille 1 1 ip 1 1 low lin bus difficulties iruslies mis rohul sii ne ind m ii spn thil llu u il p nulls h 1 1 phim d i ludilli ihildun 1v ne the distance is loo ejeat for chil drcn in vv tfk ind parents had diivcn the ehildien other years since 1 ixes hive bicn luhil up uul up and up we think it s tunc transput t ilion wis piovid ed he emphasized he pi uv tiled hurrying to work clocked at 100 mph cloekid liavelline k 100 mies pu huih in aelon vuulh told pi- 1 live const ible mervin h irncss ik p wis huirvint l ic t lo vvoik on n mm hi was ehisut hum aelon m lo spivside be oil ikint ippie ided it ihe 1 i im house sihool iii unstiik hun ml nil he hid visited ihe nil i omul llic pump skipped din ifle i t uiive i s it ion with the ciimikci ik vv is ill fuimid i ik vv ilu supplv inuld li illv il tin pie nl i ol i l vv ik app ne n i k woikiiun lie usi i 1 itli supplv nil it w is ik i in d tin v ihi mi k pump vv is nunc i inipt nil hh mlllllkls vvui ol llu upin in whin llu loot to tin hoik i mm his i inik inst ilkil ind the un alvt i will hi idle 111 111 i i wis illild iii h i pi mtllll ii us i i ihe bus h ilktluk w old bi i d ihe snee ik il lu thc iii i 11 ir adai is it vv i itmctuv bill on m un when the dnvu i iikd 1 mm lun llu olluit si i on in isl ihk ptiisuid ilu speed m im in done llujiwiv 2s t sii l upoikd to ilv hid bin fisid ipplv will like 1 now lis im i lenv m 18 mill ii mollis ilk tlu linnhi ke id x i il i hi nul is lid i illu i uul ixvs mil litis 14 ind wide i will lumped nv lutiioiil will it 1316 enroll tuesday to start fall term ih lu vdl an to ring utki m uftrv when th robert lit binniti pubhi mm imp i un u ihi robert link uesdiv w s s pupik i inmuud rii call il binni i h k vrdni- ii ii icht ut ihe praih on i- living in wamn i h itlemled ihe m ihiol opining dav wen j to the robcrtmaitllc the ir ut ih ski of i i made to t bulh sim at hay beginners at the robert little school kindergarten tuesday set out a table with tiny dishes during the first morning toys galre were available for the youngsters who took to their first day at school like veteran pupils pictured above are kim mclntyre cindy fryer donna darby and teacher mrs o mccaw the former orga knudsen who taught here last year vhok tvw untoroetn changes wre m idi on kedncsdav al both i m v without anj mlcr jujhmm if tavifh svhen sonic pupi wcic translcrrcd lo other r mm tn their parent school hvh sihtmil mmlmnil is vtl and is ipcikj to increase no sentnis problems aro despite ihe tut ihe lab in the stone sehihil is not vel fmlshed ttx mtire mjff wa on hand with a ncav sceretarv mrs c e snow of ballmafad suir itkrto down the hatch goes water and sewer cha rmao bert wood diameter of 83 feet and a depth of 15 feel on the tour and during the coirnc i s nspection tour of the new water reservoirs seen in the picture are mayor john goy recve jack hatgravc tuesday evening entrance o each of the 500 000 gallon re deputy reeve bill denny councillors les duby and frank toth mforced concrete tanks is through the manholes and down the clerk jack mcgeachie and assessor bill jlrskine steel ladders the two anks now neanng completion have a

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