Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1962, p. 8

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the good old days a wise investment education is the knowledge of how to use the whole of oneself h w beecher once said such an admonition can apply to people of any age and any group it is an admonition that might well form the basic reason for the annual night school classes in adult education acton is fortunate that willing workes maintain the interest and enthusiasm to ai- range night school classes m a variety of sun jects most interesting to the local citizens the night school classes in acton coh- tinue to find interest among sufficient people to permit their continuation over in george town the classes were disbanded when inter est fell below the requirements there is nothing to equal the thrill of newly acquired skills and the pride of ac comphshment that making new items can produce in earlier times adult educational programs were primarily designed as a con tinuation of earlier formal training today of course the field has been broadened to in- preserving the past asuggestion that the canada council pro vide funds to microfilm the back files of al weekly newspapers m canada was made a the recent winnipeg convention of the cana dian weekly newspapers association the idea has merit nowhere has the his tory of canada been written in greater de tail than in the pages of the weekly news papers of the country early papers followed development from east to west and the loss of some of those early issues could put irre placeable gaps m the historical fabric of the country from our own point of view we have no objection to preserving the files of this news paper they take up considerable space bul their value far exceeds the value of spae they provide us with historical facts that ca i be gleaned from no other source the point that concerns us the most s the danger of loss or damage to the files that editorial brie fs dont keep forever on the public road going only where oihers have gone leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods you will be certain to find some things you have never seen before of coune it wilt be a little think but do not ignore it follow it up explore all around it one ds covery will lead to another and before vcci know it you will have something wcrtl thinking about to occupy your mmd all realty big discoveries are the results of thought alexander graham bell she was qossiping on rhe telephone when she heard the qarbage man outside photo by kathr taylor elude an everincreasing variety of subjects this enrichment of the adult education pro gram is designed to assist everyone reyaid less of any previous formal training new crafts and new skills that are learn ed by dozens each year at the acton night school open up whole new avenues of in terests this is vital as the trend of modern living leads to greater leisure through auto mation and demand the one nighl a week on which dozens of people from acton and district seek now skills is a good investment of their time and of the facilities that the district high school provides it is encouraging that the modern school building can be used for adult educa tion as well as the normal day classes those who are interested would be wise to study the classes offered and participate in those in which they have an mteresf a broader knowledge and newlyacquired skil will never burden those who invest in this adult program of education would make them worthless age naturally tends to deteriorate the papers and copies of 75 or more years ago cannot be expected to retain forever their original flexibility we are fortunate in having files that go back to the beginning of this paper they ai a treasure of information about the town the area and indeed the county if they are ever lost through fire or natural deterioration it wjll be a sad result microfilming the past issues is not cheap when it is considered that there are perhaps 50 000 pages to be recorded the magnitude df the task is brought more sharply in focus perhaps the canada council might in its wisdom microfilm the oldest papers first and continue that at least the files of greatest age could be preserved it will be too late to preserve the files after the damage and loss has taken its continuing toll and immediate action should certanly be considered dashing to the back door hair in curlers cream all over her face wrinkled bathrobe she asked am i too late for the garbage takng one quick glance the garbage man replied no ma am ust jump right in bank robbers must be a frustrated lot so often all they get is cash which m these credtconscious days is awtutty hard to pass unless and until the evolutionists pro duce incontrovertible evidence to the con- ttary most of us will continue to believe man descended from man the acton free press published by the dills printing and publishing co ltd founded tn 1875 and published everv thursday at 59 willow st alton ontario member of the audit bureau of circulation the cwna and the ontanoquebcr dmeion of the cwna advertising rate on request subscriptions paable in advance woo m canada 400 in england and other commonwealth countries 500 in the united states and other foreign countries single copies 7c authorized as soeond class mail post office department ottawa the only paper ever pubusned in acton pa g a dills editorinchief a david r dills managing editor business and editorial office phone 8532010 back in 1942 tftkao from th law of tn frh pro thursday stpt ii ih2 acton public school reopened on tuesday morning and while all the teachers were on hund fill enrolment wo not made on the first day yesterday 313 pup- lis were enrolled the dim of be ginners numbered 42 manufacture of ontario moioi vehicle license plates has been ur dcred stopped by the federal sleel controller in the interests ill conserving steel lor war induv i riyv as a consequence will 400000 plates uf steel already manufactured ui guclph kelunn a lory un needed hnhincc will have a plate made il some othei material the home of mi and mrs tain enjin leifchmun alton was the scene of a pretty military wed ding saturduy ailcmoon whim airwoman hael geitrude drew was united in marriage to cor poral allan d lelshman ol die cinadun denial corp another at ton industry has found need loi expansion and last week ground was broken for a new addition at the plant ol baxter laboratories un willow street it will be n single storey addition of cement block brampton police were able lo locate a pocket case containing registration card car permits etc which ex reeve amos mason had taken from his pocket while hi tending brampton fair on mon day it was of real value lo mi mason bul useless lo anyone else and naturally i he owner was pleased lo gel k back on saturday afternoon al four oclock a very prelty wedding wav solcmnircd in knox picsby- lenaii church when wilma ruth hansen was united in marriage with mr clarence mccheync coles both of acton the regular monthly meeting of the lakeside chapter iodc was held nl the home ol mrs dan tavlor on wednesday even ing the tegent mrs m m tench presided al the close of the business session a misccl lineous kitchen shower was ten dered one of the members mrs chailes heaid a recent buck a daintv lunch was served powerful new locomotives of the 6200 class have been added to the cnr run throughout can ada and the first was seen mov ing through acton ihe first of the week large loads of mum tions and other war supplies are being iransponed wilfred coles is in charge of the kitchen staff at the blue springs scout camp while 32 pairol leaders are taking a sum mer course back in 1912 takan from th taut t iht prta praat thunday sept 3 1912 sunday evening utter church reginald mull u young bngllih man was having u quiet urol i when he met with un accident of it serious and puinful nature when at the corner uf guclph and church streets he met a companion and stopped lo have a chal he leaned against the el ti irk light post una unthinking ly grasped the chain used to uiise and lower the lamp immediately he received a cur- iciil of the street circuit and was nimble to loosen his grasp of the ilium after a vnln attempt lo releusc hitn he compunlon run in die power house and had elcc irielun snoddy swlleh off the el ee trie powci this ol course re leased him but he kit he effects fur several days apparently the giound he wits s landing on was dump from the reccni rain word was received i his week tluil an erin township resident shot and killed a black snake on ins larm the snake was re ported elghi feet in length and measured as big around as n mans leg it wjs us heavy as any man could lifl there were iwo l i hem bul the other gut away the music ol the school bell could be heard throughout town last tuesday after a silence dur ing ihe summer holiduys child rot returning lo school were all diessed up in their finery for the first day t klyn an australian and d d jacko an italian both cm- ployed al ihe aclon tanning company woiks escaped certain death while visiting in guelph last weekend apparently ihe two men had been visiting 1 1 lends in guelph and were out lor a walk during the afternoon in a rainstorm when ihcy reach nl allens bridge the westbound nam fiom toronto was neanng the crossing and the warning bell was ringing an evewitness of the scene re ported the two men holding um hicllas walked directly into the baggage cai after ihe engine and tender had passed in iront of them mr klyn received a bro ken dw and his leelh were knock ed out when a piece of splinter fiom the baggage car struck and lodged in his aw mr jacko was dazed by ihe blow and wandered around for some time before be mg found bolh were fortunate ihcy were not killed an ottawa man who shot him self while passing through acton on the morning train one day last week was removed in bramp ton and taken to the funeral parlors for positive identification and instructions for burial sf d suu thu is the finest lime of the year for canadians collcclvcly ond individually we una aa hap py ai hogs when wc clumber out of the scramble or summer and into the sweetness of september who wouldnt be a school teacher during the first week of september those long bor ing monotonous two months of holidays are finally ended thank goodness and there you ore as dellghied as daniel in ihe lions den ui chuckling with good spirit as you face 30 lo 40 kids who are jut bustling with health und hcl icrv and who are all ready willing and able lo turn you lulu one big quivering iwlich in a mailer of weeks who wouldnt be a former when september rolls around tallle so fui l hey cun scarcely walk golden gruln up to your navel nothing to do bul jog around to full fairs not a worry in ihe world except that the bot- lom might fall out uf ihe eallle market the day you ship or a hailstorm will arrive the day be fore ihe combine does who wouldnt be a resort op erator in september your pests of guests all vanished with labor day nothing lo do but sit around and count the profits and plan the trip to the coast or count the 10 long months before therell be any mure money coming in and plan a trip to town to sec the bank manager and mukc a pay ment prir tttti ubeir t w news r district burlington an obstruction in the towns waterworks in take somewhere out under the lake is costing burlington 4000000 gallons of water a day in lost pumping capacity the puc says an investigation which will likely involve ihe use of divers was ordered georgetown joe gibbons who had served 13 years in the office of assessment commissioner tendered his resignation lo the georgetown council monday night mr gibbons told friends that il is his intention to contesi the mayoralty next december oakville the town administrator kenneth nccdham leaves on monday on a inp lhat will take him lo britain west ger many and slockholm sweden on his first trip to europe mr need ham will have a chance to see how municipal affairs arc conducted in a number of cities overseas he will be one of a party of 90 organized jointlv bv ihe institute of local government of queens universitv kingston and ihe onlario municipal association streetsville toronto township clerks deparlmcnt al most has to operate a travel bureau lo make arrangcmenis for and keep track of conveniionmg members of ihe council members of the council are on a convention jaunt o the hotel general brock in niagara falls this week councillor rov mcmillan is atlendtng the soil conservation convention in washington dc on labor day deputv reeve c m murray leaves by air for england sweden and germany where ho will spend three weeks and study european methods ol government and administration in ociober councillors go lu the canadian good roads convention in quebec city brampton deputv reeve am horn wilson read a finance committee report which recommended a sue on marv st for bramp- lon s luiurjc eilv hall architect c tonks lantalitngk dangled the idea ol a scenic riverside duvt before l he councillors the develop ment would nol onlv provide traffic access lo the new site but give bramplon a parkconcept roadwav in the heart of town milton use of ihe martin st high school as a municipal centre got short consideration b millon council mondav and was piompih dropped alter almost evctvom suggcsied it might be a good idea but nol cconomieilk feasible ffluimuv who wouldnt he a weekly edi tor is september downs anew just back from the annual con vent ion where you dined and wined ond whined with the bci of l hem peeling like a skeleton ond confronted wllh a mass or editorials and six obituaries lu write raihcr surprised that your own isnt one uf i hem name one lady who would nol he a mother in ihe first few days of good old scplcm her gone are the dreary day ol summer when there vev nulhlng to do hut he around in your lawn chair trying to gel tanned arrived arc the glad some days when life begins al 7 30 und ihe hours inslcod of dragging are filled with happy little tasks right through until you careen into bed al mid night yes indeed it s a happv hap py lime for one and all and ust lo add a little cxlia fillip to your oy there is ihe knowledge dial winter is coming and your relatives dont visit you much in winict then theres the anticipation of a few weeks of natures hnest effort in the weather de partmenl during the weeks ahead a chance for a lust fling at the trout without having to clamber over an as sorimcnt of tourists to get near u stream the joyous rcallza tioii lhat the women have ab andoned the golf links and the fairways echo only to the read of strong silent male golfers veins throbbing in their fore engagement guests newcomers in news best wishes to newly engaged folks miss julie mather and mr jack walson who lives in bramp ton no dale has yel been set for their wedding mrs mitchell is with her daughter miss dons mitchell wcsion mrs mills spent a few days in toronto last week congratulations to mr and mrs glen scolt whose second son arrived at guelph general hospital on wednesday new neighbors wc welcome mr and mrs mat thew donaghy and two small children to our neighborhood theyhave purchased the former vandevwoerd home on the fourth line v wc extend sympathy to the sons of mrnrvilliam gordon for merly of limehouse who passed away at the hulton centennial manor last week at the age of 89 visitors mr and mrs james hobson of detroit and mr and mrs thomp son of chicago with the patter sons on wednesday and jimmic hutchinson of weston during the past week mr peter zadic of pembroke formerly of guclph with the sim mons a week ago and mr jerry jamison of chicago last weekend mrs peter buma of bowman- villc with her mother mrs jans- sen last week huhoh cemtys war on weeds by v e mcarthur weed inspector weed prevention in lawns the old proverb an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure can be applied to weed in- festations in lawns resident who are establishing new lawns mav um this ounce of prevent ion atjutle or no extra cost simplv bv doing a borough ob of seeding the net result will be a thicker and healthier grass turf which presents stiff competition to intruding weed seeds accord ing to horticulturists of the ont ario department of agncultup- il is a good idea to follow nai ure s plan and sow new lawns m the late summer or earls fall wh well during this period- heat is not so intense and there are fewer weeds what is more the cooler weather encourages good rooting sow in the earh fall so that the grass is well es- tablivhed before winter sets in well nhited plants will suffer less from drought and heat next sum mer start early stirt vour final seedbed prepa ration about 10 davs before the chosen sowing date stir the soil ovcasionallv to destroy the weeds that have started roll and rake- the drca to produce a tine lev seedbed on large areas try dragging a plank back and forth lo produce the same level effect at seeding time most of the soil should be as fine as sifted ashes do not skimp on seed and be sure n is free of weed seeds a seeding rate of three to five pound per 1 000 square feet is best when kentucky blue grass forms a high percentage of the mixture sow half the seed over the entire area then seed the rest ai right angles to the first two place high h physics ham in the top 20 per cent in only ano in the canadian association of physicists prize examination came elizabeth force and brian barbcau of acton high school the winner of 250 and top plac was david milne of the univer sitv of toronto schools just two students from each high school in ontario could par tictpate and 400 entries were re ceived the exam was written in may in the schools and forward ed to the cap professor harold tull of west em universitv made the prcum mar survey and chose the set 100 papers which were sent to cjiarksm canmchael assistant professor of physics at imperial college london england the ex act marks were not issued but the two acton students were in formed thc fell in the top 20 per cent in ontario their tea cher was bill coats twit 3bjmnsbtt3wffi to insure an even job it is best to sow when there is little wind rate one way after seeding rake the soil lightly to cover the seed to a depth of w to m inch rake in one direction to prevent collec tion of the seed in ridges a light covering of screened topsoil may be applied as an alternative rolling to firm the soil around the seed will encourage uniform germination be sure that he roller is drv or else some seed mat be picked up and wasted roll again after the grass germi nates and after the first cutting watering use a fine spray be careful not to wash away sred keep the area amformh moist but not saturated heads at i hey flghl naughty words there is tin- ineffable joy or knowing ihui ihe- children ore buck under the benevolent wings of ihe educational and social svs- teinn l rut i lor the next 10 month they ii he- completely and huppllyikcupied wllh homework cubs bruwnies suiuluy school parlies mutie lessons nul what- luve vou and ilial ou wont have lo lake iikiii or a blasted swim oi puilli oi sntiielhing cv cry unit vou show voursclf aimuid the i audio hi there s a certain sadnr in llu knowledge lhat summer is ovei hut lhat lasis only a day or so any red blooded canadian knows deip in his hoois dial slimmer is not teal bul nicrelv a suite or mind lhal il has no more suh- sianee no more slaying power in llus true norlb strong und i rev than a plcasum tlrciim summer is mncllv for women children and lounsts for men its fust a matter of running in circles for a0 days und gelling nol only hot hut nowhere come september llie uvcrauc cana dian male comes into his own he breaihes a sigh of relief gels that well worn shoulder lo lhat familiar wheel and begins to en joy life instead of merely plung ing about like a dart in a wind storm as he does in july and augusl professional directory and travellers guide iiiiii wiiwwaaiwssswwiiwii wiiniiiiiiitiiissiannaiinwi n u miliaria medical funeral directors drwgc kenney physician and surgeon office in symon blink 43a mill st t acton office phone 8532111 residence 115 church si e phone 8531664 dr d a garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sts entrance river st aclon ont phone 85w34i dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington st acton ont on vacation call dr brewster 8772553 dr t b moore physician and surgeon 2 main street north comer main and mill street acton ont ano phone office 8532180 res 85m135 dental dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office hours by appointment telephone 8534610 dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office 5a mill street office hours 9 ajn to 6 p m closed wednesday afternoon telephone 8531750 legal c f leatherland q c barrister and solicitor notary public office hours 10 ajn 12 pm 1 pjn 5 pm saturdays by appointment only phone office 8531330 res 8531745 acton a braida ba barrister solicitor notary public s office hours in acton monday friday evenings 6 pjn 9 pnv saturday 1 pjn 5pjn 28 paisley st guelph ontario pbone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9 am 12 un daily 9 an 5 pjn phone 8534350 night or day bruce e shoemaker mgr optical and hearing aids e l buchner rq optometrist contact lenses hearing aias 6 john st s acton in acton wednesdays only 240 pjn 6jj0 p m for appointment phone 8531041 if no answer phone waterloo 7424867 travhibtf owdf gray coach lines coaches leave acton daylight saving time eastbound 6j3 ajn daily except sun and hoi 858 aan iij3 am 248 pan 54s pjn 6j3 pjn 833 pjn 1048 pjn sun and hoi westbound 1027 ajn 1237 pan 257 pjn 527 pjo 727 pm 912 pjn 1132 pjn 102 am fn sat sun and hoi canadian national railways davlight saving time eastbound 6 56 am to toronto daily ex cept sal and sun iii im to toronto dailv except sun 942 am to toronto dadv escept sun 7 17 p m 10 toronto daily except sub 841 p m to toron to sunday onlv 1020 pjn to toronto dailv board at george town onl westbound 841 am to stratford daily e cept sun 94b a m to stratford daifv board at georgetown ooh 623 pjn to stratford daily except sat and sun 7 16 p m to strat ford sundav onlv 7j7 pm to stratford dailv except sun 1259 am to stratford daily ex cept sat for further information cafl vour itxal agent 8532450 appraising and insurance as f l wright 20 wilbur sl acton ontario phone 8534720 appraiser and lacunae over 50 yean in acta david w gohn d c 25 mill sl e phone 8531171 entrance on willow st office hours mon wed fri 1 pjn to 5 pjn 7 pm to 9 pjn toes thurs 10 a m to 12 pjn i pjn to 6 pjn saturday 10 un to i pjn

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