Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 1

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watch for tents midway in preparation for actons 49th fall fair bshty eighth yeifno 12 acton ontarlft thursday september 13lh 1962 fourteen pagesseven cent i su cement steps and a retaining wail for a planter strip have been added at the community centre this week gravel has been laid and levelled abound the centre for a parking area and a fence installed from the arena to the park gates to keep cars off the grass pictured above is jack drysdale as he edges the new step the building is being used by the fair board vjpr hall exhrbits this friday and saturday the former red born usedjor poultry exhibits has undergone a facelifting with new siding and targe doors installed council determines new duties forjclerk town superintendent clarification of the responsibil- hies of the town superintendent and the clerk were outlined in a report of the administration committee which was accepted by council tuesday evening with an increase of 200 per year retro active to january 1 1962 super intendent duby will have full authority to duil with ihc work staff he may hire and fin men ipf the town staff and can engage temporary help in consultation with ihe clerk under the new set up the work will be laid out and sche duled by the clerk the supenn icndcnl will be responsible fur the carrying uul of the work and will attend one council commit tee meeting per month no in crease in ihe size of the pcrtnan ent wotk lotee miv he made wilhuul councils approval the tnuvor suul thev both know txaellv win i iheit duties arc und when ihtv m rt and for the period i january 1 1963 1 to lstra had transferred all february 1 1962 the men had during october and november io been granted the increase effee wou navc lo appear in oakvillc ramifications of ihc transfer were outlined the elerk explained that all policemen lay charges and would have to appear in oakvillc the situation could arise through remands where all pohee would be absent from aelon at the same lime february the starling rate is now 125 per hour with a high of si 40 the resignation of councillor frank prouse who is moving to saull sic mane was accepted ertectivc september 30 the clerk was instructed to follow the auth onzed procedure lo fill the vac ancy under the municipal act tht scat is lo be offered to the next highest candidate at the last municipal election interim report the interim auditors repori lor the period januirv 1 lo june 30 was rceeived it will he studied bv ihe finance committee who will report to the next council meeting the report shows a defi eti tn ihe waler department of 1 7s030 and in the sewer depart 864 18 14 000 had an bud pitied lo coer these stop it will be ixttu for both of deliuts and tht auditor pointtd them when the superintendent is oll lna lhe jgrjqo on stw n awav the elerk will either do tht pllirs mcurrcd in the first six job himseir tir dclc someone mun will not recur in lhe last else to do it si mofl wages increased countil decided to send a dtle- the wages ol tht town work i gale lo lhe attorney generals men were increased relroactivelv olliee when ihcv learned the mag review budgets plan season for community centre program still serving m a dual rule as was decided to have caretaker parks boaicl and communis rov amolt paini the board- centre committee members dur around the arena in his spare ing a brie i meeting wedntsclav time evening discussed budgets and board members were elated to plans tor the opening ol thclleirn that receipts ai the park communis centre season gate this summer totalled si 145 jim casburn newlv engaged re- of this amount local residents attufr direoor arnvft unditv vonmbttted 106 1n seasons to begin his duties in acton ekcts board members intend to meet with the new dtrceior io discuss the coming season s pnigram equipping of an office in the communrt ccnire will tx also he arranged secrttars joe hurst staled tht bank balance or the pirks board at the end or august was 45z25 and the commumt centre sim 08 he pointed out several accounts were still out standing and it is hoped bers can avoid a deficit for the war electric time clock ac ion arena will have clcvtiic lime clock installed this season eouhcsv of james ledger members are seeking fur ther sponsors for advertising space on the scon board adjoin ing the timer the commumtv centre build ing is undergoing a face lifting prior te the fall fair this week end and shrubs will be planted budget in the from section bv john rol of caroline nurseries as his ton- public address system mbution toward the centre gr- skaters amoving the facilities vcl has been spread for parking at the arena ibis car will be areas and fence installed to pre- able to waltz to recorded music vent cars parking on the grass providing the board can obtain members expressed their sattsfac reasonable pnecs from suppliers tion with the results of the sum- and installers for a completed mer work done bv the caretaker new public address system it and improvements in the park spotlight swings to 49th fair predict generally fair weather aelon s spotlight swings lo the 49ih fall fair this friday and saturday with officials making hst minute preparations for the arrival of exhibits and a larger than usual crowd weather officials al malton pre diet generally fair weather eon milling hot and humid witii chance ol a light shower late i ndiy or early saturday an estimated 6000 in prize money will be shared by over 300 exhibitors largest crowd ever is expected a long and lively parade of floats convertibles and marching child rcn will set lhe pace for saturday aflernoon s many events at acton s first fair back in 1913 there was si 000 up for prizes 4 000 people attended last year there were 6500 at the fur and acton agricultural soc lely hopes for even more this friday and saturday king shows which has contrac led tor the midway is expected to arrive today thursday ex citing rides and good game con cessions are promised limehouse wa the aetun wi and aeon junior farmers will all have food booths start judging tomorrow morning friday from 9 to 11 jo am the hall and poultry and pet building will be open for the placing of exhibits friday afternoon will be tense there when the judging starts judges include mrs c graham of woodbndge borne- crafts mrs r fowke guelph canned goods j a francis hal for night class registration night for aelon night school brought over 100 to the high school friday cvec ning to sigri up and pay tuliort for 28 courses offered by tues day evening when the night school committee met there were 115 applications in and commit tee mcmbei s were hoping for more the earlier dales and different system of registration might have confused some prospective stu dents they felt so a registration booth will be set up al the fall fair saturday aflernoon for addi tional registrations more apphca additional cost to lht lown wl ol rcx in all lhe would be incurred bee iuse the masses olfcrtd as none so far polke would use their personal hiul ovcr 15 applications cars to travel to oakvillc for or the hundred who registered which thev would lie reimbursed fnt 40 ttinu r o lown and for appearing tht would re cun hillsbur and rockwood xtra davs holiday for jm p imuilarlv georgetown which a replacement constable w lhe continued on page euihl i ln year is no mghl school tons agricultural rcpresenlnivt and aelon citizens bind will grain roots vegetables and law play fruit george musselle of lake saturday at noun is tht dcid view greenhouses pi inls anil line tor entries and judging of flowers a waldie millon pout livestock starts half an hour la try and pet slock ter the public school work w is bend leads parade judged previously but will he the colorful parade will start placed for exhibit it 1 u clock led bv acton citizen by 730 the hall and poultry bind the floats will make a fu building will be upen lo the pub- parade through town slarting u lie and the midway will be in full fellows st bv lenms club swing paul barber of george i h ou se but the youngsters lown will be playing the organ with decorated bicycles tricycles and doll buggies- will join them al knox presbyterian church by wednesday there were 11 floats entered in the parade there ii be five convertibles car rying ladles president mrs wil red waldie and president nino braida his honor judge george elhul and his worship mayor johnny gov citizen of the year miss madeleine gibbons the reeves of esquesing township nassagaweya township erin township and eramosa township staff photo id barn at aelon park underwent a facelifting this week as the acton agricultural society has new doors and asphalt siding put on the large doors at the east end of the building will be closed and the two swinging doors being installed will take their place workmen shown above are jack dennis and j m mcgladrey fowl will be exhibited here dur ing the fall fair this weekend affi2tt waalww labor dispute szu 5jlifliamm0kikmbmm set meeting with conciliation officer acton hydro commissions dur i ing a brief meeting thursday was advised bv the onl trio labor relations board to discuss ilnit union problems with a concilia lion oflicer dunnt i special meet mg sel for tutsd ty mormn in acton commissiontrs vvtrt informed by letter the hoards decision lo reler lhe current tunti ict dis pute with loeal 17w united lice tneal workers of amcnc i to the minister of labor was taken be fore acton commission made a declaration under section 89 ex empting it from provisions ol the labor act chairman gorelon be m m with the pressed his opinion the issue h nc commissi on whether the commission pai mieni water henteis will be prom in h it aclun fair this weekend agree bylaw valid union not certified negotiations between the ac ion hydro lice trie commission mil i ik ll 1766 ol the internal on il bmlheihood ol llccli eal w tikus re ichcd mother si ifcc when thev met with i eoncili ition utficcr on tucsdav of this week tile union hid represented lht aelon emplovexs and had i c l let t he bam lining agreement public utilities m ihe hvdio de cilchcd lr m a public u hvdro i leeti uitin i ih i in commisioti in iplv lot rcceiiil idt mi is llii hi c lining lecnt commission fcxempi 11ns vear the hvdio r coinmissk n pissed i hv i iw t invoke sciii n 89 ol the om in i i kir relations act lndci tht bv law lht eommissi in is e e m pled i rum t he pruv isioiis e the ael the until itioi offu so yiats mamild aar and mrs eugene braida received a large number of relatives friends d ncghbors sunday a special mass waj sung sdiurday morning pn st joseph s church ajter which the tad es of the church served an anm- vecsary dinner many tetters of conqralulations and gtfts were received by the well known couple was dealing with i certified uni or whelher ihc commissions ic hon was valid under section 89 negotiations wilh two cm plovces of ihe commission win belong lo the loeal union wen at a standstill on bargaining lor a new contract in lhe opinion ot the commissioners it was impos siblc for them to bargain with the union certified under the slalc of the former puc as it no longer existed refuse settlements 1 ahoi rdmons bind two lakcvtctv resident wtin ihc lintin and mmmis- consider a 61 7s hvdro account lmiiv and vinous ispt an insult to their inttgntv dceid ed not lo settle out ol court when acton hvdni elci inc commis sion billed them tor meters op crating on flat rale without lhe commission being notified following lenglhv correspond enee and investigation the e tin mission approved an estrt e ipi tal expenditure imejunlin io 1 s00 fir new batteries it ntiniki r one substation to ompli ti ihe changeover progrun jokc svee j ener com pan v origin ill icndu 1 cd for the riroiect and at thai lime considered the present ser re of baitcncs adequate later h was determined ihe prtscnt hi i tcnes were obsolete the onginil pli contraet for the ehincovcr estimaled at jmb3 the added c marquee to display water healers in support of their recent sales t unpaign eleetrte blankets will ils i be available to ratepayers puieh isinc an eleclne dryer through lhe hydro plan the hi inkcis are given away free of ehiry wiihih purchase of a diver liom participating mer chants dui iii7 hdn superinlcndent doue masons report il was learn cd tht meter installed at the pumping station at beardmorc and company was found official iv lo be lauliv the meter has been under discussion for some time and had been tested lo deter mine us accuracy commissioner ray arbie re quested preparation of a sthem atic plan showing all hvdro lines ihtoughout lown and their tapae hv it wis agreed lo investigate this sutgcstion the life membes and dairy prin cess marilyn hunter the parade route is from fel lows st along ar st up mam sl to knox ave to the park ad mission is free for all in the par ade the floats and childrens ent ries will be judged along ihe parade route judge george eliott of milton at two oclock will tay the words which formally open this years edition of the fair actons 49th director don brown will wax the aftemono program the cra cker contest will be one of the highlights children are advis ed to start ipaclising there are pizes for the couple married the longest and attending from the greatest distance they are to re port to the secretarytreasurer harness races wild west pony race potato race there s just loo much lo mention slated r saturday afternoon valuable draw at four o clock therell be a parade of pnzewinning animals draws sponsored by the acton fair ladies board will be made for an occasional chair a coffee table and transistor radio more draws sponsored by the ladies auxiliary of the north halton as sociation for retarded children will be made for a leather hand bag a garden chair a childs tri cycle and a satinbound eelanese blanket a special draw lo locale the fortunate holder of the lucky ad mission ticket to the saturday show will be held at 5 oclock first prize is 50 second 25 third 15 and fourth 10 at nine o clock in the commun ity centre in the park the fair winds up with a dance ai sut tons melody men will be play ing modern and old time num bers special judge among the nettkuown live stock jud a alla borer dundas horses mrs edna ar row maple jumpers mrs c synnott hamilton light horses frank errfco toronto ponies thomas henderson guelph mar ket cattle and aberdeen angus prof w o kennedy o ac continued on page two two years in army david grahame lieut iodemembers behave like kids lakeside chapter i o d e mem bers wearing assorted youthful styles were amused by a child rens parly al iheir meeting in lhe legion hall tuesday child hood pictures were displayed for a very ainusmc qui big hair bows shorl skirts with scratchy crinolines mil trucks that hud been worn years ago brought laughter one member was wrapped in a blanket wearing a baby bonnet and waving a bot tle ol milk the november 24 hiair was pi inned with mis george som cm he and mrs stan matthews in charge of the penny sale mrs j jotquc and mrs rac west in charge of knitting mrs george musselle and mrs anne talbot m chirge of baking mrs j in glis and mrs w middlclon in charge of candy initmrs frank vaowvck in charge of aprons mrs dorvin frtzcll will buy i doll for the baaar draw and a child s c ird table and chairs may be added to the draw if enough iga tapes arc collect ed a list was made ol i o d e en tries for lhe fall fair entnes are ith after only two years m the canadian armv 20yearold dav id grahame aelon has nscn frn buek private to second i jj h of mra heuunam he received his earn- jay evening reli ion txi ccn the 1 w 1 wef d suisse d it v as lb it i ik hv m pssn cs valid h in lumniis ion s e xempt und lion si lhe in miss ii n i pin es m iv n w ncpu lite nt lipl mill nt maintain position chiirr 1 in torelilli be ills n 111 ion n0 tht si 1 til ih ll t ni r pi v md is ided mil it i mm i n povi ion me i mam nde lion ol r a the tonight mrs rudolph spiclvogcl repori cd s6 new canadians had irceiv cmin ion three weeks ago s the voung olficer enlisted h million and was first stationed hrcitizcnshi7 papers attnc 1 c imp borden before being junc c when r cnapter t sent to calgarv where he was rotm served rcfreshmcnu laitoneu wiin the lord strath- on i ii irse regiment to take an n flieer uh t course l his lrulualion exercises ook p ice it imp borden while with i hi sth canadian hussars in i v i her he will be posted to pet i iwaw i ik recent l bet ami en- c teed ind will mam pnor to his posting he is ihe son of mr and mrs john d grahame 247 mason it boulevard and has one vounger hrothir phillip al home and one sister carol mrs hume start hall rfc rninhiljil today thuraday on the baflaoafad ccnmmwuj hall project and guelph ha wmd taanjimt lo the alte to begin e d hepn mmidiil iv wilh llu cm ens hut it w i ihe cmplovus i n noi to begin now but georgetown he is home every wis kr their position before weekend from camp borden vis- penditure is suhiect to approval makinc ihe dc ismn whelher uing his famtlv and grandmo- of ihc ontario hsdro ihcv would di so iher mrs cecil maplesdcn aliboogh the cxpedod an nwam of 1mm bae att been raised by pobmc ennvan to dat prndq w b wav be aobacriotkni wfll eao dont miss acton fair and fair week specials in acton stores

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