Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 13, 1962, p. 9

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fair display the good old days sckfm u sfuce fair week in acton its fair week in acton and with some fair weather the annual fall fair will be a woihwhile event it will be the 49th aclon fair and direc tos and officials are looking forward to a siaqi setting event for the fiftieth anniver sary next year in the meantime they have in o i up some additions to the program and planned this years program to attract thous anu to the fair grounds on friday and sat urcfy children will be getting their thrill out of farly glimpses of the midway arriving wliiie the older citizens will be keenly wat chtng weather and anticipating meetings with friends who find the aclon fair a good place to meet those who may have lefl aclon merchants are this year adding to the anticipation and gay atmosphere that a fall fair carr produce in a town they have ar ranged to offer some very good genuine bargains to shoppers who look forward to a weekend of shopping in acton stores it all adds to the attractiveness of fair week in aclon and fair week in aclon must more and more attract the support not ust of the rural community but also the ur ban community it stands as a common base on which all can and should contribute to a successful fall fair there have been suggestions from time o time thai small fairs are dying out if they did it wouuld be a sad loss going to the fair may not have all the sparkle for the adulls that it has for the children but it would be unfortunate if the porcnlal apathy robbed the younger children of the tin ill the arnvinq midway or the first truck loads of cattle can produce photo by either taylor bui really a town gets oul of a fair ex actly what it puts mlo it we can well re member ihe enlhusiasm the pervaded at our place and it was directly communicated by the enthusiasm of the adults if adults dont participate the whole family loses an intan gible by product of a fall fair while the fall fair this year is the 49th the aclual agricultural exhibitions go back beyond lhal to the esquesing agricultural society in those days the event was olter nated bciween georgetown and acton that finally proved unworkable in 1913 and ihe acton fair was born there has been a great change in agrtcul ture from the days when the fairs were held in a shed ai the corner of bower ave al elgin st wilh cattle being exhibited next lo the storey glove factory the event is now staged in a more spacious prospect park the exhibits have grown the variety has expanded and com petitive interest is equal adon fair is an agncullural show wm dow it has undergone difficulties in its growth through bad weaiher but it has con tinued and grown li is worthy of lis place in community activities and makes an im porlant conlnbuhon to the blending of the agricultural industrial influences prevalent in the area today many people over the years have con tnbuled lo the continuing growth and change thai has been reflected in aclon fall fair this year we look forward to acton fair lo renew acquaintances with thobe who re tttn and to see the district dyncuhu il pro duct on display oh yes we re look rig for ward to tht midway loo sec you ai the fair back in 1942 taken from the iuuc of the free press thursday sept 17 1942 one hundred year ago 10 people met in the home of sam uel wordcn on the firth line in esquesing township and discuss ed the problem uf organizing a baptist church in the acton dis- tnel rev john oakley was call ed as the first pastor late in 1852 and ihe congregation met in homeii and school houses last sunday ihe bapist church mark cd its centenary in a tine and cosy edifice erected m 1902 con gregdliuns packed it lo the doors rev john oslrom the pitsent pastor welcomed the visitors anmveisuty speaker was prof r j mtcratktn ol mtmaslcr utn versilv the women s association ul churchill met al ihe home ol mrs brooks wilh mrs freeman m chaigc the group has decided to hac no more lunches lor my meetings tor the duration of the war in the list of those missing following ihe dieppe raid which has heen released this week was another n hive born sun of aclon lieul robert siewart son of mrs and the late w h stewart he received his education at ac ton milton and ihe university ol toronto mr stewart was taken prisoner returned to toronto af ter ihe war and was in aclon last week with pictuies taken at ihe 20th annivcisary obsciv inccs al dieppe which he and his wite al tended this summei wirsgnm rcililics e mic lo another aclon home when mr and mis e w anderson willow s iccuvcd word that their son sl1 fdward allison anderson vv ho was pi eviously reported missing is now believed killed in ailion over enemy teirilory the word comes ihrough the red cross in geneva july sales in aclon for war sav ings certificates were down with good crops and employment at an all high peak il docs nol seem lhal swings should drop we know the dcduclions from pav envelopes are monotonous so is being overseas for three ycais al the same rate of pav s ime old uniforms and equip ment 2400000 tiflc bullets a year are being iccovcred from the slag or worthless ret use at kirkland l ike mines ricclncal power tomes on ihe icstruted list september 20 the ntsv roof over tht turling rink section of the arena has ban completed george somervillc has sold ad dilional acres of land lo beard more co for filler beds six weeks not too long there seems lo be considerable talk ust now of another federal election and of course a provincial election cant be too far off in halton one ol the big tiics ibout cluthons these days is the length ol campaign that leaders and parties stem to feel should be reduced the six weels stt lor the national campaign and required by ihe siaiutes that establish the election staging machinery don t seem lo us lo be a bii too long in canada it seems lo take s x weeks to get the citi ens uilt rested enough lo parte pate the lad that the national leaders bus tie and bustle back and forth across ihe country seems to po nt to o deg ee of con fusion just why they can i start at one end of the country and travel to th other always been a goes on to us naii rally every riding wants the it uler t me a id ai tendon and undoubtedly tins nu s be j v i ed up on the bass of political need we ve editorially expressed our svnia the ac ton free press piibllhd b the win imnllng and publishing xi hd 1 nuui in is s ml mini h d wuv iivuimiiv u willow st i ion out munbu ol th win bun iu nl t iiiuliluns tin tw uul ilu out invou ke division f ilu c advulisinc nkv n tiipusi siihstiiniions navahu in i l inn s oil in in i 1 u w in incjimi and nib i t nmnionvm ilih t unir n- imul in the ttinetl mite- ind otlur 1 i icji nnlris simile copies 7e auihonmt is second 1 i mail post otlict dipaitnunl qttaw i the nnl paper ever published in aclon jbffc dills lditoi nichnl ffllp n std r dills manujiic ldit 1 1 business and tditorial office phone 853 2010 back in 1912 taken from the issue of ihe free press thursday sept 12 1912 the corner site is nearly eear ed ready for the posl office and customs house the tender of contractor j b matkenzie for the erection of ihe new hydro elcelne transform r station on willow si was aectpi ed last week it will be re uly when the transmission line leach es at ion from guelph there was quite a luioie hi 1 quarter of an hour in ihe mints lers section of willow s when little gertrude draper he 18 monih old daughter of ihe metli odist parsonage suddenly diiip peartd wilh great anxictv ihe paients and neighbors st 11 1 d the corporation pond uljatent lo ihe property was niiurillv thought of finally she vv is lound in mi fyank gunblcs garden then followed ihanklu aioicings and ncighboily tongi 1 lulations a vvtll attended nice tin ot v 1 ious members of ihe dillucnl tongttgalions was held to con sidci mailers relative it ihe lot eign population in town pi ins will be devised foi holding sti vices lor them and lo undciliki suth woik in then bchall as in iy be deemed advisable 1 1 aquired eonsidciable t iu and respect for the sabbilh on the part of the many laimcrs to resist the temptation to haul in grain lasl sunday alternoon ifici some of 11 had the fusi oppulu nity ol 1 lew d tys diymg in 1 monih this especially when ihe skies were so ihicalcniiil ol 1 1111 again filiylour children in toronto hive died ol whooping cough m ihe 1 1st month as an outcome ol ihe hume enquiry the boaid ot ti ide in great brilam his issued revise 1 rules for incieasing ihe silcly ol lives at sea lilcboat aeconimodi hon lor all on board is required last friday while mr thomas fbbige was delivciing well lilc he fell from his tiuek anil sus lamed fractured ribs ind p un ful bruises being 111 rilllct pooi health ihis icudcnl has been seveicly lell the high price of meat his dn ven m inv people lo a hull ind vegetable die i evcilons new cement hiidte is completed ind open lor ti iffie the attendance it toronlo fx hibilion was within 40 000 ol the million mark this year iheic were three million il is bcliccd wild e il was eaughl in nassagawtva and solv es ihe mvslery of the killing ol some pigs this week my wife and i had an anniveisaiy no vvc didn 1 cele- 01 ale it we just had it there are no celebrations when these mile stones loom up oul of the domes tic fog we merely observe thlin wilh a mixture of wonder awe and incredulity sixlctnveats uf wedded bliss hah sixteen yeats ul shanng bed and boaid wilh a strange woman i d never even laid eyes on until i was 25 as the kids say how ei iy can you lu lulo each life some rain must fall as ihe old song puis il but it duln i lotceast 1 full scale slotm ii was inning hud the d iv we were man ltd and us been thuntlciiiig and lightning thy for the leaders a six week tan iji can be gruelling un ier the bcsl of c n jm stances bui surely a so week campa gn is no loo long at lite local level if 1 pa iy s cnier lg a new candidate m a r d ng i ke hahon s x weeks is lar too short a 1 nt for them lo bitome know 1 if a t mil trie is a s n nj enilxr natur illy the six weeks r i y seem 100 long the s 1 wces th uyh is a reas viable lompronse between the two otrmes ar i lust because a few reporter gel 1 m f of i 1 ng national leaders or the s week- s excuse to shorten ihe elect on ca npa an the people ol canada need the s 1 wetks lie cause a good many don t g ve h e t thought to national affa rs al any ot or t me a menial itvew of nat o lal aftis o ro nctal affa rj takes the prodci iq i cfdites fcim evhjjy pol 1 cal hue a i x weeks s none loo long a t me in wl ch 10 conduct at mental rev cw news district rorgctown town authlor wdttr pope his httn isketl lo itorgtnic iht municipal ofhtes bttoit ihe end ol this veir it 1 kt ol 1200 councillors ttel it is imptialivc lo hive 1 top notch nicani111011 lo bandit municipal busintss iuriin11ion rittntk mavor owen mullm lskid tiliuis i sullisi ptoeils to touncil and vviitt in with mv tiiiicisin ul the timii ivn sinei ins 111 nl his heen piellv heivv sucslmns hue nuliukd ihe ue imitit million tint huinldints ind iibsiimlinns he 1111 uj hum 1 he likeliniil and eiilieisins h ivc unik 111 1i1011i ihe inoposed truss low 11 hi i thiough i lie hvdio iihlolvviv brampton tin towns oldesi resident ilulked up iiihiiki v 11 hsi week vvlun mis hannah coiis eclchi hid hi 1 umlh bulh t il i lot ll tesl home he i ivtipc tor ithlfeevllv is lo live model klv oakvii11 out ol l ik m mv n u idnnt lis win e ills oik villi bin ri 11 dmiml 1 dtt nil w linihnovcs s is u ming this vi ir is i i il olluit ol ilu piellie cuisl eonini uul iu umied ihe vv is 1 tukl 11 l ik ifct ul 26 port c ke 11 1 an ipplie 11011 bv lisln ah in to is ihlisli iiitv am i m 1 iih 1 sialnin in port titdii ins hm itlusul bv th itmd it bmuli 1st miriints boib ihe br impmn ind oikvill h si in opposed ilk ipphe ihon iht bond mlid ilu ut 1 lb stin n pi op sd in siive uiiuld not in ifik 1 pi nidi sulliuui 11 vuuii wilh nit it qui 1 ul ulvir iisiiil i torn mi iinpohl 111 ion nti mm ion loinuils plu to utn cnr project to begin laying track soon ii mis 1 1 iisiiiriiun ind rail v iv ilivis mnliihk hi sust on 1 11 s hijiiu ik ptott 1111 lor 1 1 i n n in mis toronin i ttn nil piok 1 ii incudes a 34- ii u 1 0- nu mil i 2ftvua ui 1 issiti ui in v ml slaud oi 1 impliimn bv iaiu 1 in ilu 1st tlk huulumin 4v ulnv iv ind the niknibini bridge tpiiihiij tul knssline irallu m 1 axis li ivi bun mpliitd j ilin l cann protci dn 1 idin o vinous mx lions ol ifu unsslim trom millon lu bivvkvv 1 irnl from olnwptr ini iinplih rv o tohcr 1 tr 1 k i ivinc ik ws will begin lav irv litij m ihi miimn between kiiipilnvmi met millnnand hal isiinl opirations will be carried out mniurnnth work on a set 1f v ird near milton will begin in midseptember consult nhli installation of signals has been made at george town and this work is continu- ihle is lo be lud this i 1 ilu mill hi suhdivisi 11 bet then and jcutetown 1000 attend sale of work over 1000 persons jitm k i iht annual sjk it work p in u i bv ihe geoililown rts and cutis ssocialionalurdav the evint vthuh displitt t h u ik nl somi 24 ik il mis wis held at ihe t irm ot mr 1 ui mrs wan hiu js sui roid bclwccn ihe first ami sci ond lines in the township nt n issagaweva mrs leslie clarke 41 m on st s george town president of the caorgetow n arts and cralis as sociation said that most of the oiu hunt ihoiil our m 1111 ile thoueh wi si 11 ted oil on i ik iilju loot and we vc ncvci been in slcp since yis iv c vviie will orginled linuieiillv seeuie ind cmolional l inituie none ol ihis iusiuiil mlo 1 bislv illeonsuiered pool iv m itched union that we see so of le n among the young people today lvtiylhing wis well pi in ntd ind taitlullv prtputd btlorc ut leaped into tin ttjtksmd we wtic just slatting lourth vtar ol tollegt i s nil itts gtl inn 1 ltd she sud all tight we dug up a mimslct uul 1 livv inoiirneis ind phghl ed the good old nilli wc then pimped into 1 hoi rowed e it uul look oil foi 1 honeymoon in 1 hollowed tottije wheie wi lived on love md bunowcd money and whin we lelunicd thctc vv is none of this business ol moving in with ihe i oiks no d by bill smiley rented a smart liille aparimtnt whtre my bride and i wqre gt mg lo live just like real tnorri ed people the neighborhood wus a lilllc on the shabby side just a block from iht red light district but it wus only 10 a week i made sure we arrived after dark and she didn t even notice the pool room next dour n i wish i could say thai i ear ntd her over ihe thresh hold i d planned lo but i toutdn 1 find ihe key and ihtre followed our first fight one of those bntl and bitter altercations that have been so frequent in ihe subsequent 16 years as i have looked for various keys in fronl of various doors all over ihe touniry ptihnps this undent look ihe kctn edge off htr thrill at tnlcr mg our first homt al any ratt wlitn the crumby old landlady linally lei us in the bride didn t st ind ihtre and squeal with de ilht as i d expected she took one swift glance around threw me the lirsl of several thousand murder ous looks jnd bursl into teais i didn i understand her then ind lvc been irying smie th it september day 16 yeat s igo with no mort success that was 1 perfectly good room wilh a pullout bed a iwonng gas burner and a hathroum just up on ihe next floor and down iht corridor a little way and i ve been spoiling lhat girl ever since wc ve been thiough a lot toc nt it thu in rviitdcd chile the demand lot the bible rises di un uie illy dining periods ol lull in il unrest the annual ic port ol the ho ud of managers ol the amciiean bible society published recently revealed ontt again it is important lo note the islomshmg increase in scppluit tiitulalion in utas ol polilitil tension ind rivolutton tht icpoit si lies cuha and confco he casts in point in the lot me 1 distn but 1011 mete ised durmi 1961 lioin 611991 to 906 660 se uplines md 111 cnneii i he ix vv is in men ise ol over 7s 000 sciipluies the bible elculv blinds gods ptnvct lo men v ho lie seeking hetdoin i mm oppns sinn win tht 1 it bt politic d ot spttlud in 100 ccunlrleu dniiiu 1961 iht socitlv distn bund met 24ooooo0 copies of sitiptuits in ovu 100 inuiiliits on si lonlinmts 1 1 vv is 1 in i u es 111 mi il total sinee iht soeicu vv is inunded file 2 lllembus 1 the inlled bible sikieliis ii which the c in idi in bibli soiulv bcloiils help id to brine 1 limit 1 distribution ul moii 1i1 in nvo million lopus in linn lounttiis md moti th m 1 milh 11 in tvvooihtis tluv wm liiibi 2 791 2s7 jipui 2 s0 10s aieiitiiii 2041180 bi iil 1 s9s 112 uul k011 1 019647 suggested readings suruliv milk is m7 m n liv muk 16 1 20 tllesdiv ro nuns i i v wtdmsdiv rom in 2 1 29 hun t iv r 111111s s 21 i ml iv rom ins 6 121 sil md it k mi ins 7 12s thcr in the ensuing yearn better and worse richer and poorer sitkntss and health children and mortgages and vouve only to lakt u look at us lo know whii one has thrived un it i vt lost quilt a bii of mv hair a good many ot my teeth most of mv illusions md all ihe arguments all i ve pick cd up is a sin ill pol a heap of obhg ilions nut 1 hunled look the old i atlv hasn t lost a thing she siill his the slim figure ihe fine dirk cyts tht dark hair iht whilt ktlh and all tht resi ot her good looks and sht s pitked up iwo thild rtn a omt thtquing ittounl ind 1 111 iddcmng ur of infalli bihlv it isn 1 ian howcvu lhal s tlic vvuy things have gone ind i in nnl eomplain mg as the old pioverh ins 11 a m in works i rom sun lo sun but 1 woman sils around wilehing television no 1 don 1 uhcet lo hiving vvorktd mv head lo the bone for iht lasl 16 vt us to kttp her and tut chikliin in siylc i vc written all lhal olf is experience whal gels nu is nol the p 1st but the intuit the knowledge lhal i will hive lo live until dcaih do us put with a woman who is nol only hetlci looking ind mil ulcr than i am but knows it professional directory and travellers guide m 1 1 i 1 funeral directors dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon olfitt in symon block 43a mill si e allon oriki phone 8532111 rtsidcntc iis chunli si l phont 8531664 n da garrett physician and surgeon cuuitr ol willow and rivtr sis enlrame riser si auun on i phom 853034 1 dr robert d buckner physician and surgeon 39 wellington si aelon on i on vacation call dr brcwslcr 877 2553 urban board tours acton sewage plant ihe ilon vvatcrvvoiks ind si vv ici svsum vveic loured wid ms i t ivenin ol list weik hv mmiheis ot itu oith h ilion i i hin bxrd ml duhv uul j i k uimlxil tepiesenlin the loivn s n ik tlpartnunl ind luiinulli i- rut whhi ind les duhv upti silulllc ihi hukll londlleled thi etoup fiom tlu s t ihl n nil spun in ibi si uul pipe in i hi i nuii v li ii mil ihe iu w k uv ir l chotihill ind ilu s iv i tie ittiunt plant i ii vviiij the l mi cerrv vkfi n pi 1 lull f ilu i 1 ii a s m in n l retarded th i i ell a ltlissul thi hi nit tlu r ud iiiinth petitioned out ui iminiun ilnus now sup- is tn ip t 1 irdnt ihildnn s sjihis t ippsil in thi govern nuni ur higher grants for retard ui h drill mr addison submit ud i brut pointing out thu pub- lu miiiii mudinis pi r i hivhu dr t b moore physician and suigeon 2 mam street north cut in r main and mill stint acton ontario phone ollice 832180 res 8svoi35 dental or h leib denial surgeon ollice turner mill and i icdeiiek strcels 01 hit houis by appoiniiiieiit teilt photic ssvoftlu oil dr a j buchanan dental suigeon 5a mill sliitt c hours 9am lo 6 p m std wtdnesday allemooii telephone 8531750 legal c f leatherland qc barnsltr and viheitor nldr public ollice houis 10 am 12 pin i p in ipm saturdavs bv appointment onh phone olliec h53lw res 8sv1745 items dtsplacd at ihe shuwing wen solil mrs chrkc sud thi event will be held agiin next ear a lota lion has not ct been selected a braida ba bartisnr solicitor molar public ollice hour in avion m on das fridav evenings tpiti 9pm saturday ipm 5 pm 21 paisley si guelph ontario phone ta 42242 office hours in guelph saturday 9am 12 am daily 9 ajn s pjn phone 8530350 night or day bruce c shocmakei mr optical and hearing aids e l buchnerro optometrist tonlacl lenses hearing aius 6 john st s at ton in atloti wednesdays only 200 pm 600 pm lor appointment phone 85v1041 ii no answci prune waterloo 7428867 traveiurs guide gray coach lines coaches lfavf acton daylight n ivmg htiic lisj bound 6 1 a m dnlv except sun nnd hot 8 sb mi ii am 2 08 pm 5 08 pin fi 21 pm 811 pm 1008 pm sun and hoi westbound 10 27 i m 12 s7 pm 2 57 piu s27 pm 7 27 pm 9 12 pm ii 12 pm 102 am fn sal sun and hul canadian national railways lieilhi smug i ime i istbound fi s6 im in totonlo daily cx upi sit md sun 7 18 im in i noiiln diik cwepi sun 9 42 i in lo toturiio l nly evept sun 7 17 pin lo i rmitii daily inipl sun hoi pin lo toron i suiidiv nnlv 10 20 pm lo i r nl i dnlv bond it george wisibouml 8111 i m to sn ul nd lolv ex upi son sik m to snatlord iliilv binnl t k itpii iwn onlv ft 21 pin lo sir ill j il ok except su md sun 7 16 pin to strat r id sumlv nlv 7 17 pm to su itloid iliu mipt sun pvj un tu sit itlrd daily ex cept si i ii limhu ml rm in n call voui lot i iteit 8sl24st appraising and ins ra f l wrighr 20 wilbur st ai ion ontario phone 85h1720 appiaiser and inturanra over si cars in avto chiropractor david w gohn dc 25 mill st f phone mi7i entrance on ttillow st office hours mon wed fn i pm to 5 pm 7 pm o 9 pm tucs thurs 10 a m to 12 pm ipm to 6 pjn

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