sftt ft ehlyelghth yrno 17 acton ontario thursday october llh 1962 twelve pagaisaven cants keshoetsooa h wrther helps motor began to hum and mm parted to now wednes- day afternoon at acton com- ttamptty centra aa ice making qtdptnent wu turned on to atth production of artificial ice at the arena weather per- mtttnrf the plant will continue to mm uatfl the te tn the pipe reaches is degrees then flooding for a smooth lee surface wffl take place following a few minor set backs when machinery was checked and corrected recrea tion director jim casburn press ed the switch to put gears in motion for the ice making pro- peas- details checked prior to this the sand floor was levelled pipes checked or replaced and last minute de- tabs toticed after as soon as the lee is made the winter program at the arena is under way mr casburn has his fingers crossed that the weather will remain cool in order to con tinue with an early start for a full winters program the arena director is not atone in his hopeful wishing gfockey and skating enthusiasts are looking forward to getting the jump on old man winter m order to don skates and take to the ice esquesing twp population up the township of esquesing has 6514 people esquesing assessor art benton reported at council monday evening this is an in crease of 310 over last year and is slightly higher than usual the total assessment for esquesing this year is b 981 492 an increase of 692 626 over 1961 of the total assessment 4621 per cent was farm 3675 was resi dcntlal and 1704 was industrial and commercial as of monday night there were 30 assessment appeals more than uusal but less than expected mr bontonsaid the numerous appeals arc due to 44 change in assessment proce dure thls the assessor was required to use a department of municipal affairs as a guide while in past years the county system was used 1 55 register tuesday for figure skating tuesday evening 55 skaters registered for ihc newly form cd figure skating club undlr the administration or the recreation director jim cnshurn many others have indicated their interest skating professional andrew drenters will teach the young skaters and guelph professional ross smith will be available to sive private lessons only the re creation director jim casburn re ported scvernl phone calls from people wishing to torn and by the end of the week he expects an increased number ready to begin high school cheerleaders were out tn full force tuesday afternoon to encourage the sen lor gndders during their game with waterloooxford in sp te of the 60 0 loss suffered by the home team the girls kept up a constant support pictured above are gail gilmore nancy reid janet ftognvaldson vicky newton carolynne w lliamson and mary gnschow town s nominations set for nov 22 council approves 63 opp contract municipal nominations were set for thursday november 22 at the robert little school auditor ium when acton council approv ed the necessary by law tuesday evening an election is scheduled for tuesday december 4 during nomination night candi dates will be named for the posi lions of mayor reeve deputy reeve six councillors public school board and hydro commis sion in the event an election is necessary the by law established pulling places and named the de puty returning officers the following arc the polling booths and names of d r 0 s ward one subdivision one united church mrs vera lnglis ward one subdivision two y m ca mrs nan hurst ward two town hall mrs harriet helwig ward three luxton memorial hall mrs mac dumnrsh ward four vm c a mrs annie anderson cterk j mcgcachic will be returning officer council also approved a by law to sign a contract with the ont ano police commissioner for a one year contract to have the on ano provincial police continue policing acton this action was taken when members decided the cost of adopting a town lorce would be prohibitive the cost to the town under new provisions laid down by the police commission will be 2300 higher than last year under terms of the new contract the cost of a corporal will be 16 000 and con stables will be 15 400 per year no increase in cruiser costs of nine cents per mile will take phec the expected cost to the town for 1963 is 22200 last year opp protection was esti mated at 19 900 winter on way council discusses snow plowing equipment a casual question posed by mayor john h goy 1 hate to mention this but is our snow plowing equipment in shape with about five feet of snow around us it s a bad lime for it not to be sent shivers through council members tucsdav night until they learned everything was shipshape the question was posed dur committee of the whole business were being discussed clerk jack mcgcachic also in formed members snow rcmoscd from the streets would te dump ed on town propcrtv near the pre sent dump site sand will be stockpiled immediate and sail to be mixed with sand ordered trom a new company this ycav how arc we fixed for snow fences was the next question popped tn the mavor mr mc gcaebie stated this was a qucs lion for the sewer and water committee to decide the answer brought a quiek whai from the chairman of ihc road tec the clerk asked if the sewer and water torn mulct intended lo operate the south spring this ear if so wc will need an additional 1000 feet of fence lor the lane he said it the spring is not be ing operated it would not mccjirigwjillc scycxal items ox iieccssarylo purchase any addi lional snow fence the sewer and water commiitte will make a decision following a meeting wilh ontario water resources commission and bcardmorc and company next week only one tree planted by town workmen this sear under a co op measure bv homeowners and council each paid 250 had lo be returned lo ilic nursery for rcplaccmtnl councillor hamilton peal in reporting on the tree planting program told his col leagues the tree would be rcplac ed he also said 30 trees had been planted last week halloween coming the mavor who is noted for his humorous descriptions en quired who is responsible for ihc berlin wall halloween nitht b ihe wall he referred to the sandbagged area dcsignal ing a one way s on ea avenue ndoimng no7 highway his question was quickly an swered when the clerk replied it hmton ucw held their fell presbyterial ral y in acton united church tuesday when united church women from north hatton county arteided pictured above are some of me women in charge of the day long program seated left is mrs h r force president of the acton u cw and right mrs percy chalmers president of the hamilton conference u c w standing back row left to right are mrs f w harbottle president of st paul s u c w m iton mrs f w hayward north hatton area vicepresident of the presbytenal u cw from lowvihe and mrs k mcmillan leadership and development chairmah of the haltoo presbytenal from bur was the department of highway s responsibility but they had asked cooperation of town council in having police protection there on hallowc en mr goy informed council he had noticed some of the sandbags missing already and it isn t hal lowcen yet it is not the work of youngsters the bags arc loo heavy lo lilt it is good sued chunks of boys he said co igreed the problem at calamity corner would be eh m mated when ihe permanent ec ment island is installed schedule rates finalized for arena winter program four pnspeetic members for established at 70 per diy lee actuns hrsi ittrtalion commit j lime on wednesday will be taken tee were isilors thursday even i up as follows 530 pm to 8 pm int of i isi wick when parks tneounty hockey leagues 8 pm board held their weekly session to 10 pm public skating and 10 to discuss arena activities for the pm until ii pm rural hockey ti nine s im n c until will name thursday s arena schedule will a leeie ill jn t jmmitlcc at a later be presehool figure skaters from date ind me mwhile proposed 2j0 pm until 3 30 pin hotki members will mend parks board practice 5 30 pm unlil 6j0 pm meetings u f imilianj them and figure skating trom 7 pm selves with routine until 10 p m still open are times wei mtd to irk meeting were from 10 pm until midnight mrs helen otterhn i len lovcll fridays schedule allows for ci iudt c xtk and duuc widths hotkey practice and games from rclui u puks bund members at 5 45pm until 815 pm followed tending weie tht tlmrmin c w bv intermediate hocac from 9 mikmnc mav r john ii go pm until 11 pm saturday will mrs gcorgt fiver c tiff bradlcviste an allday program art the and nino braid i also present arena with hockey practice bc- was ihe retreat ion director jim j ginning at 7 am until 10 casburn visitors welcome lacking followed by children s skating un til 12 noon in the afternoon ac ion legion minor sports hockey the ckine reldr lollowmg place from i pm until resign lion of the former rf whkh b ilars joe t hurst the board f b will take place from 8 pm until 10 pm still open arc limes from 5 pm to 8 p m rates set for hockcv time at the arena are as follows minor srw rts schools pec wee and ban lam hoekcv 15 per hour jus emit and midget hoekcv 7 50 per hour and lhilof town rentals 17 per hour members learned that ncwls en- ubicet for discus gapcd arrna wur arthur bard named mr casburn lo record the minutes until a new secretary was appointed in welcoming the proposed new members mr ms kenie told the four thev would be working with parks board iwhiih i nin a dual rule un til appointment t i a recreation tummiii c it besomt aequainl cd with routine tbe m on sion dunng the jnciting was j cur his duties mon- arem tn i me schedule and rales j unc ihc supervision of the and the sit p board members recreation director accounts to- and recreation director spent con- tailing 186 16 lor ihc cumrnuniu siderahle time reinwing the pro- ccnlrc and 1936 for the parks posexl program beture giving their board were apprmed for pay- nod of approval msa a were con- the schedule this vear will ak ir for sponsoring merchants l w f r two new programs lipire desiring to advertise on billboards kit m ind vtkinctttrs hocko 3l nc arc school l r kiddies igc six and seven t dale registration for r if i j prvsowol imrrrcdmtcbjd sen- rund tor llxlldns tor skating classes stands at 75 for canada s centennial each wiih docs set at 6 10 and 12 member of the i ode- is asked respectivclv ro p l toward education for in order to accommodate -curl- a canadian indian until the fund crs this sear monday and tues- reaches 100000 the fund will da were set aside for this pur- be known as ihe ioxje chair pose rates for the curlers were 1 fund for special education clerk j mcgeachle informed council that the assessor is busy taking the census and to date wards one two and three have been completed indicating popu lation increase of 84 ward four is half completed he also pointed oul that 19 appeals have been registered against assessments ot this num ber 13 are residential five com mercial and one industrial the clerk informed the members nu dale has been set for ihe hear ing warehouse appeal mr mcgcachic enquired if council desired lo take action against an assessment appeal lodged by the brewers warehouse corporation which is seeking a 35 per cent assessment for business tax instead of the present 75 per cent the clerk stated the corpora lion is appealing the business as sessment throughout the county he told members the lower pop tion of the county had not indi cated their intentions of fighting the appeal and stressed 1ho im portance of acton milton and georgetown upholding the pre sent assessment council agreed to seek support from the assessment commirtee of county council in opposing the appeal un behalf of ihe three towns vandalism poses big problem as council hears complaints broken or bent street signs scratched vehicles children pluy ing on ihe street and general van d ilism puzled acton council tuesd iv evening when several disturbing incidents weie aired road chairman les duby re ported he had complaints from several residents of vandalism un or near their property included in the lisl of complaints were street signs pulled up and laid un the ground new cars being scratched while parked on the streets aerials broken oil cars children playing on uic roads ind apples d carrots being stolen from gardens mr duby slalcd one resident on the crescent had requested a street sign be cemented in as the sign was always turned around backwards by children new park ing signs posted on mill street barely had time lo settle when they had been torn out the coun cillor claimed when he cited sev eral cases noted by himself he also said drivers had complained ol their cars being scratched with some sharp object while parked on the street recommends girts instead another complaint regarding vandalism entailed a few bigger boys who raided a residents gar den and stole carrots and apples this brought a rueful chuckle from some members who recall cd doing the same thing in their younger vcars one member phi losophized they will stop when they get old enough lo recognize girls there s nu kick in stealing apples when you get to know girls mr duby cited another case of small children playing un main street who ran out on the road carrying a bed spring in front of approaching motorists he staled parents were sitting on the poich at the time and didn t stop them councillors icrccd vindalism was quite u problem and until a bylaw forced parents lo he re sponsible fur dnmuge the trouble would not be stemmed clerk mtgcaehie said he had recently heard unofficially that town engineers and the owrc were having a hassle over stcrl otfulrcu v tffl citizen paves way for youths arrest an alert citizen who became suspicious when he noticed three youths parked near sheds at the cnr slation saturday afternoon paved the way to ihe recovery of a new lire rim and other car accessories which had been stolen from thompson motors earlier the same morning a new model truck delivered to thompson s via transport had been unloaded and left on the ramp outside the garage around 230 a m saturday a new spare tire and rim were removed and accessories from a customers ear waiting for service when the garage opened were taken recovers articles when police were notified con stable mcrvin harness invest ligat ed and recovered ihc stolen goods the youths were taken lo the police office where a 17 year old acton youth admitted ihc theft he was charged by police and appeared in court monday morn ing where he was remanded in custody pending the magistrates decision next week ifzlng the new reservoirs not yet put in use he understood the ontario water resources coin- mission hud instructed the engin eers to use 50 part per million of water of chlorine for initial steri lization or the reservoirs and en gineers objected the clerk staled the two newly- constructed reservoirs had been scrubbed down and sterilized by workmen and he was of the opin ion the storage tanks were 1he cleanest in ontario council discussed the results ir the heavily chlorinated water was pumped through the town system or drained down ditches into fields it was noted the heavy chlorination would take some time to reduce if turned into ihe present water system chlorina tion at the churchill spring had beep at the rate of four parts per million of water and several residents had complained might mil cattle one councillor thought the wat er pumped down the ditch into fields might kill cattle or if the water seeped into springs it could kill fish in streams or hamper production in industry as council was not too certain of ihe exact amount of chlorine stipulated by the owrc and possible me thods of disposing of the water after the tanks had been sterilzed the clerk was instructed to make further enquiries council slated their objection against running the heavily chlorinated water through the town system victorian order possibilities of establishing a- vfcionan order of nurses branch in north halton including tents tive costs were discussed follow ing information received front the continued en pagt tight all woht folksi how much am i bid was the continuous plea of auctioneer frank patch saturday a during the ballmafad community auction proceeds from th auction boosted the common fry hall building fund by an additional 400 as district resident gathtrad to make their purchases articles were donated for me auction and mr petdi gave ms time free to aid the building comm